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If you are history buff, or just love adventure, odds are, seeing the ancient civilizations

and their ruins is on your bucket list.  These can be moving pieces of art, or actual
structures that served a purpose when in use around the world in their day.  While ruins
still exist in many of these locations, none of the biggest structures are to the quality they
were in their hay-day. So, artists Evgeny Kazantsev digitally recreated the magic of the
ancient world so that we could all see what they would look like in modern day

 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

There is debate over whether or not the hanging gardens actually ever existed, as the
only evidence of is existence is in ancient writings.  The history of the gardens is that it
was created by Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, Queen Amytis in hopes that it would ease
her homesickness of her homeland in Medes.  Whether or not they actually did exist, it
would be an incredible sight to see.
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
This statue used to sit at 42 feet tall and was crafted beautifully out of precious stones,
ebony and gold.  It has awed many the spectator in its day, including Aemilius Paulus, a
Roman general.  This statue, depicting the Greek god, lived in the Temple of Zeus in
Olympia.  When the temple burned down in 475 AD, the statue was destroyed.  It was
rumoured that looking into the eyes of this beautiful statue was like looking into the eyes
of Zeus himself, and your life would be changed forever.
The Parthenon
This majestic structure was created for the goddess, Athena.  Though there are still
remains of the creation today, much of its beauty has been lost over the years since its
creation.  Situated in Athens, Greece, it is intriguing to look at the digital recreation and
see the modern metropolis in the distance.
The Colossus of Rhodes
Standing at 98 feet tall, this statue was meant to symbolize freedom and was depicting
Helios, the Greek god of the sun.  50 years after its creation, it was destroyed in an
earthquake, but interested spectators would continue to come and look at its ruins even
years later.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
150 feet tall, this mausoleum held the remains of Mausolus and his family and today you
can see the remains of its majestic and horrific beauty in modern day Turkey.
The Sphinx
Though we all know the famous Sphinx and how its missing nose makes it so famous
and modern at the same time, this recreation shows all of its natural beauty.
The Temple of Artemis
This beautiful temple was created for the Greek goddess, Artemis and is in what we
know as Turkey today.  Though ruins are still visible today, this photo shows it original
Mountain City of Petra
Beautiful in a natural kind of way, this mountain city in Souther Jordan shows how nature
can be manipulated to house humans in a natural way.  This beautiful city can still be
seen today, but with much less detail.
Taqi ad-Din Observatory
This astronomical observatory only lived for three years, as it was created in a time when
many were opposed to the idea of astronomy.  This tower is considered the largest every
observatory created in the Islamic culture.
The Tower of Babel
It’s hard to argue that this tower is anything but inspiring.  It was originally referred to as
the structure that “reached towards the heavens.”.  Put side by side with modern
buildings, we can see the large difference between modern and old life.

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