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What is your start up idea?

The Startup idea is an upgraded version of E Waste Management.This Gap was filled as there is no
proper regulation for E Waste management in several countries.For ex;There are 50 states in the US
and there are regulations for this aspect only in 15 states.Thus,There is a greater amount of negligence
in various couries,So us being a socially responsible venture,we have added a multiple business
channels to our company such as Practo which added multiple activites in its SAAS solutions such as
Entry software for clinics,doctor consultancy services and delivery of medicines stc.Here in our startup
idea, we combine the stakeholders of companies of Take back policies of E Waste,We Partner with E
Waste management companies and also involve in taking return of e-products such as mobilephones,tv
etc for a price in market value of exchange from the people with both cash and credits(such as Points)
These exchanged E waste will be later used by the companies for segregation and selling them
separately into spare parts after refurbishment which will yield in more profits and could also be an
advantage for the companies which could further help in manufacturing of e products of other models.
So in this case we act as a refurbisher and a compatible spare part company through our purchase of
subsidary brands or by selling the parts after refurbishing back to the companies or end customers.
In the other case,we also act as an E-Waste supplier to several e -waste manufacturing companies in
strategic alliances with them or to the companies with Take back policies.So,in such cases we have the
technology of efficient and effective machinery which is capable of segregating the e waste into the
nature and type of it,for example the machinery is capable of segregating the type of ewaste such as
monitor ewaste,tv ewaste etc and sell them to take back companies.In case of further difficulty in the
above mentioned case our partnership with e waste management companies,will be procuring the e
waste and converting into other constituents such as lead,silver etc. {There are plants doing this in
Bangalore}So,as we perform a diversified horizontally integrated activity,this gives a major advantage
for the company for wide revenue generation and which may even lead to further diversification into a
complete spare part manufacturer in future .This plays a major role in reducing e waste as this idea
could be exported to the foreign countries in relation to the type of the variant the product is .For ex
Redmi k20 and redmi 9i are the variants with same hardware units,so in such cases this gives a huge
market for the company by exploiting our technology of refurbishment.So,this also gives the company
a diversified revenue in terms of compatible supplier of spare parts,a strategic partner for e waste
management companies and also earning reveue from take back companies.This Idea operates by
SAAS software Model by developing an app for the people who are willing to exchange their product
for exchange rates,with pickup options available.It will be sent to the warehouses, which in-turn will
be sent to our refurbishing units. If it is an e waste the it will be moved from the warehouse to our e
waste segregation factory setup in partnership with e waste management companies .This Project is to
be introduced in top urban cities such as Mumbai ,Chennai,Delhi,Kolkatta as it helps in reducing costs
as the availability for warehouses,infrastructure,subsidies,Take Back Companies and the market for
compartible goods are found in these cities. The exchange refurbishing division will be extended to tier
2 cities also with the help of our partners who collect them,such as Delhivery and bring them to the

The Business Model:

Bricks and clicks” :
This model is suitable as there is a process for e waste management for our company online and offline
as the customers are provided with the process of producing the ewaste both offline and online methods
We also Follow the SAAS,PAAS and IAAS Business Model:
As we run through our SAAS business model for being in contact with the customers and the same
process id considered for interaction with the e waste management companies and take back companies
along with IAAS and PAAS services we also provide software services which are capable along
with our machinery,in segregating the nature and type of the ewaste.It is also a PAAS service as it
provides a platform for the customers to exchange their goods for consideration.As the organisation is
divisionally structured,it aids in development of diversified business model implementation.

Lean Startup:
1.Developing an MVP:
Developing a minimum viable product within a segmented boundary(such as a specific city)as a
prototype to aid in learning as quickly as possible.This will make us failing fast and also failing cheap
in comparison to our eagle-eye business model.
2.Recruiting the First users apart from the innovators in the prototype
3.A/B testing. As we perform a diversified activity,it helps us in multidimensional planning and
implementing it in the prototype
4.As stated in the question,We would prefer making a Business Model canvas for the prototype over a
meticulous business plan which we think will be able to cover all the corners of this business model in
5.Analysing the PMF,as the company thinks this from the global persective,it is necessary to be tested
in reference to the above.
6.Hypothesise: We are considering the prototype to be performed by determine the riskiest falsifiable
hypothesis about the business model.
7.BPR:We have an idea of a prolonged prototype say if a prototype if for a month we would like to
make it 1.5 months which will aid us in Business process reengineering.

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