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Anul I

- Grid Systems in Graphic Design, autor: Josef Muller-Brockmann,

editor: Arthur Niggli;
- Typography: Formation +Transformation, autor: Willi Kunz, editor:
Arthur Niggli;
- Typography: Macro and Microaesthetics, autor: Willi Kunz, editor:
Arthur Niggli.

Anul II

- Achille Castiglioni: Complete Works (Electa Architecture), autor:

Sergio Polano, editura Phaidon Press;
- Lighting design basics, autor: Mark Karlen, editura Paperback, 5 apr
- Letterhead & Logo Design 4 Publisher, editura Rockport Publishers;
192 pagini;
- LogoLounge: 2,000 international identities by leading designers,
autor: De Bill Gardner,Catharine Fishel, editor: Rockport, 191

Anul III

- Design pentru lumea reală, autor: Victor Papanek, editor: Tehnică,

Bucuresti 1977, 279 pagini.
- Design for Environmental Sustainability, autor: Carlo Vezzoli, Ezio
Manzini, editor Zanichelli editor SpA, 303 pagini.
- Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to
Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make
Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design,
- "Extra-ordinary" ergonomics: how to accommodate small and big
persons, the disabled and elderly, expectant mothers, and children,
autor: Karl H. E. Kroemer editor: cooperation with the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society, 303 pagini.
- Letterhead & Logo Design 4 Publisher, editura Rockport Publishers;
192 pagini.
- LogoLounge: 2,000 international identities by leading designers,
autor: De Bill Gardner,Catharine Fishel, editor: Rockport, 191
- Graphic Design for the 21st Century - 100 of the World's Best
Graphic Designers, editor: Taschen, 637 pagini.
- Materials and Design The Art and Science of Material Selection in
Product Design, autori: Mike Ashby, Kara Johnson, editor:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 336 pagini.
- Emotional Design Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, autor:
Donald A. Norman, editor Basic Books, 257 pagini.
- Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of
visual relationships, autor: Gail Greet Hannah, editor Princeton
Architectural Press, 152 pagini.
- Design secrets: products (50 real-life projects uncovered), autor:
Industrial Designers Society of America, editor: Rockport, 208
- Design secrets: products 2 (50 real-life projects uncovered), autor:
Cheryl Dangel Cullen, Lynn Haller, editor: Rockport, 208 pagini.

Anul IV

- Design pentru lumea reală, autor: Victor Papanek, editor: Tehnică,

Bucuresti 1977, 279 pagini.
- Design for Environmental Sustainability, autor: Carlo Vezzoli, Ezio
Manzini, editor Zanichelli editor SpA, 303 pagini.
- "Extra-ordinary" ergonomics: how to accommodate small and big
persons, the disabled and elderly, expectant mothers, and children,
autor: Karl H. E. Kroemer editor: cooperation with the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society, 303 pagini.
- Letterhead & Logo Design 4 Publisher, editura Rockport Publishers;
192 pagini.
- LogoLounge: 2,000 international identities by leading designers,
autor: De Bill Gardner,Catharine Fishel, editor: Rockport, 191
- Graphic Design for the 21st Century - 100 of the World's Best
Graphic Designers, editor: Taschen, 637 pagini.
- Materials and Design The Art and Science of Material Selection in
Product Design, autori: Mike Ashby, Kara Johnson, editor:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 336 pagini.
- Emotional Design Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, autor:
Donald A. Norman, editor Basic Books, 257 pagini.
- Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of
visual relationships, autor: Gail Greet Hannah, editor Princeton
Architectural Press, 152 pagini.
- Design secrets: products (50 real-life projects uncovered), autor:
Industrial Designers Society of America, editor: Rockport, 208
- Design secrets: products 2 (50 real-life projects uncovered), autor:
Cheryl Dangel Cullen, Lynn Haller, editor: Rockport, 208 pagini.

Anul V

- Design pentru lumea reală, autor: Victor Papanek, editor: Tehnică,

Bucuresti 1977, 279 pagini;

- Design Meets Disability, autor Graham Pullin, editor Massachusetts

Institute of Technology 2009;

- "Extra-ordinary" ergonomics: how to accommodate small and big

persons, the disabled and elderly, expectant mothers, and children,
autor: Karl H. E. Kroemer editor: Cooperation with the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society, 303 pagini.

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