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Tutorial J5

Aim: To learn about basic JavaScript and using functions and conditional statements

Name: ____________Tan Wan Sean___________________ Date:


1. Draw a flow chart for a JavaScript program to check a person’s username and password:


Insert Username
and password

Use javascript program

to check whether the
username and password No
are correct

Open a text editor of your choice, such as Notepad (on Windows) or TextEdit (on a Mac). Create
an HTML page leaving space between <body> and </body> tags. Between the <body> and
</body> tags add the <script> and </script> tags.

2. Here is the code to check the user’s username. Try it out:

3. Now amend the code above to also check for password. Can your program check for both
username and password? Try using the && operator.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

var userID
var password
var ReturnValue

userID = prompt('Enter user Id',' ');

password = prompt('Please enter your password:','');

if (userID == 'ScoobyDoo' && password =='blackpink')

alert('Valid Logon');
alert('Invalid Logon');


4. Amend the code above to use a function to validate the username and password.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>

var userID
var password
var ReturnValue

userID = prompt('Enter user Id',' ');

password = prompt('Please enter your password:','');
if (userID == 'ScoobyDoo'&& password =='blackpink')

function validate()
alert('Valid Logon');
alert('Invalid Logon');


5. Using switch statements. Try out the code below to understand the use of switch:

6. Now let’s say we want to improve the earlier program by giving the following messages:
Case 1: Valid logon (username and password correct)
Case 2: Invalid logon - Username correct, password wrong
Case 3: Invalid logon - Username wrong, password correct
Case 4: Invalid logon - Both username and password wrong

Using the following switch statements improve your program to display the messages.

switch (valid)
case 1:
alert('Valid Logon')
case 2:
alert('Valid User ID. Invalid Password.')
case 3:
alert('Invalid user ID. Valid Password.')
case 4:
alert('Invalid User ID and Password')

7. Complete the code above and test it out.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>


var userID
var password
var ReturnValue

userID = prompt('Enter user Id',' ')

password = prompt('Enter password:','')

switch (true)
case(userID == 'ScoobyDoo' && password == 'blackpink'): alert("Valid Logon")
case(userID == 'ScoobyDoo' && password!== 'blackpink'): alert("Valid User ID.Invalid Password")
case(userID !== 'ScoobyDoo' && password == 'blackpink'): alert("Invalid Use ID")
case(userID !== 'ScoobyDoo' && password !== 'blackpink'): alert("Invalid User ID and password")

4. JavaScript Demystified, Chapter 5 by Jim Keogh

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