An Electroanalytical Investigation On The Redox Properties of Lacidipine Supporting Its Anti-Oxidant Effect

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Bioelectrochemistry 51 Ž2000.


An electroanalytical investigation on the redox properties of lacidipine

supporting its anti-oxidant effect
Rosanna Toniolo a , Francesca Di Narda a , Gino Bontempelli a,) , Fulvio Ursini b
Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology, UniÕersity of Udine, Õia Cotonificio 108, 33100 Udine, Italy
Department of Biological Chemistry, UniÕersity of PadoÕa, Õia G. Colombo 3, 35121 Padua, Italy
Received 4 October 1999; received in revised form 14 March 2000; accepted 20 March 2000


The redox properties of lacidipine ŽPyH 2 ., one of the most pharmacologically active N-unsubstituted 1,4-dihydropyridines, have been
studied by cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis in acetonitrile, an aprotic solvent that is, at best, a mimic of the
lipofilic layer of biological membranes. PyH 2 undergoes a two-electron oxidation process involving two consecutive one-electron
releases, the latter requiring potentials much less positive than the former. The overall process occurs through a primary one-electron step
accompanied by a fast proton release, with the formation of a neutral radical ŽPyH P., which undergoes a further and quite easier
one-electron step, thus providing the main ultimate product ŽPyHq. consisting in the protonated form of the parent pyridine derivative.
This appears relevant for the anti-oxidant effect since the radical intermediate is much more prone to be oxidized than to be reduced, thus
preventing the propagation of the oxidative chain reaction. The mentioned release of protons in the primary electrode step causes the
overall process to be complicated by a parassite side reaction involving the coupling between one of the electrode products ŽHq. and the
starting species. The protonation of PyH 2 subtracts part of the original species from the electrode process because the parent cationic
species ŽPyHq 3 is no longer electroactive. This parassite reaction occurs rather slowly in the timescale of electroanalytical measurements
Žthe relevant kinetic constant has been estimated to be 6.4 l moly1 sy1 ., thus markedly affecting the process only in the presence of
relatively high PyH 2 concentrations and progressively decreasing with the starting PyH 2 concentration. All the products formed in the
oxidation process ŽPyHq, Hq and PyHq 3 have been identified by voltammetric evidences based on deep investigations on their cathodic
behaviour. The advantageous anti-oxidant properties displayed by PyH 2 with respect to those exhibited by phenolic anti-oxidants such as
vitamin E are also discussed. q 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lacidipine, anti-oxidant properties; Lacidipine, electroanalysis; Lacidipine, redox properties; 1,4-Dihydropyridine, anti-oxidant properties;
1,4-Dihydropyridine, electroanalysis; 1,4-Dihydropyridine, redox properties

1. Introduction accepted theory of atherogenesis, oxidized low density

lipoprotein sparks the cascade of events, ultimately leading
The most known pharmacological effect of 1,4-dihydro- to plaque formation w5x and several aspects of atherogene-
pyridines ŽDHPs. Ca2q channel modulators is their high sis Že.g., secretion of cytokines, proliferation, migration
affinity interaction with a-1 subunit of the voltage depen- and margination of specific cell w6–8x. can be mimicked
dent L-type Ca2q channels, which supports their use in by an overwhelming of cellular pro-oxidant reactions vs.
treatment of hypertension w1x. Moreover, in several models an anti-oxidant defence, usually referred to as ‘‘oxidative
of atherosclerosis, all phases of the experimental disease stress’’. Eventually, epidemiological and experimental
appear to be influenced by DHPs w2,3x, which directly studies support the concept that anti-oxidants protect
prevent the atherosclerotic plaque development, indepen- against spontaneous and experimental disease w9,10x. In
dently of lowering blood pressure w4x. In this connection, it addition, it has been suggested recently that redox reac-
must be emphasized that, according to the most widely tions Žsuch as those produced by an oxidative stress.
behind the regulation of intracellular calcium homeostasis
Corresponding author. Tel.: q39-0432-558842; fax: q39-0432-
are also deeply involved in cell signaling pathways and
558803. control of gene expression w11,12x. Thus, the protective
E-mail address: ŽG. Bontempelli.. effect of DPHs might be the consequence of their involve-

0302-4598r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 2 - 4 5 9 8 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 7 3 - 8
194 R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200

ment in the complex network of cellular events, including results, yielding a number of electrons involved per mol of
redox reactions, encompassing calcium fluxes. The basic oxidized DHP ranging from about 1.3 to 1.8, three alterna-
structure of DHPs actually suggests that these molecules tive possibilities have been considered, all of them not
can undergo redox processes, the possible physiological supported by experimental evidences: Ži. simultaneous oc-
relevance of which was the aim of experiments specifically currence of a two-electron and a single-electron process
addressed to measure their anti-oxidant capacity and to w18x; Žii. occurrence of a two-electron process accompa-
evaluate the effect of DHPs on oxidative reactions promot- nied by a side reaction consisting in the dimerization of the
ing a transmembrane calcium flux w13,14x. radicals obtained by deprotonation of the cation radicals
The specific anti-oxidant capacity of lacidipine ŽPyH 2 ; formed in the primary anodic step w17x; Žiii. occurrence of
among other DHPs. has been analyzed using a kinetic a two-electron process accompanied by a side reaction
procedure, which showed that it can undergo redox pro- consisting of the protonation of the starting species, which
cesses compatible with an anti-oxidant effect, although the is thus partially consumed w15,18x. In particular, in this last
rate constant for the interaction with peroxil radicals is hypothesis, a more-or-less quick decomposition of proto-
three orders of magnitude lower than that of vitamin E nated DHPs is advanced w15x.
derivative w13x. It must also be emphasized that, despite the rather
The calcium influx in smooth muscle cells induced by abundant work in the field, some other important aspects
hydrogen peroxide was prevented by both dihydropy- concerning the nature and molar ratio of the oxidation
ridines and typical anti-oxidants w14x. The calcium home- products, as well as their acid–base properties, have not
ostasis impairment was sustained after the removal of the been thoroughly clarified. Since these aspects might be
oxidant and was repaired only by disulfide reducing agents, significant to account for the mentioned protective effect
thus suggesting that hydrogen peroxide produces the oxi- of DHPs, we have carried out a detailed electroanalytical
dation of thiols in the membrane Žpossibly in the voltage study on the anodic behaviour of PyH 2 in acetonitrile, i.e.
dependent channel., which is prevented by both anti-oxi- in a non-aqueous medium that is, at best, a mimic of the
dants and calcium channel blockers. Remarkably, the most cellular-membrane environment.
active for this effect among DHPs and typical anti-oxi- In particular, special attention has been directed to the
dants such as vitamin E is the N-unsubstituted DHP named protonation of the reactant Žoccurring in a timescale quite
PyH 2 . different from that for the decay of the primary electrogen-
Taken together, these evidence highlights the relevance erated cation radical. in view of the possible implications
of redox transitions of DHPs as a possible molecular of the resulting protonated species on the biological activ-
element of the pharmacological effect. Thus, in this study, ity of PyH 2 . This paper reports the results obtained, which
the specific issue of the redox behaviour of PyH 2 and the integrate the information gained as yet on DHPs, thus
underlying thermodynamic constraints has been addressed giving further insight on their anti-oxidant properties.
using an electroanalytical approach. Electroanalytical
methods are, in fact, particularly well suited for tackling
problems relative to redox processes, in that they are able 2. Experimental
to provide straightforward information not only on the
electron transfers involved, but also on possible coupled 2.1. Chemicals
chemical reactions.
Investigations dealing with the electrochemical oxida- All the chemicals used were of reagent-grade quality
tion of some DHPs have previously been performed in and they were employed without further purification, un-
both non-aqueous w15–19x and aqueous w15,20–22x media. less otherwise stated. Reagent-grade acetonitrile was puri-
In water containing solvents, DHPs are reported to un- fied further by the standard procedure reported in the
dergo a simple two-electron anodic process affording the literature w23x and was stored over 0.4-nm molecular sieves
corresponding pyridine derivative and the concomitant re- under a nitrogen atmosphere.
lease of protons, but deep insight on the mechanism in- The supporting electrolyte, tetrabutylammonium per-
volved is precluded just by the marked nucleophilic char- chlorate ŽTBAP., was recrystallized from methanol and
acter displayed by H 2 O molecules. More detailed mecha- dried under vacuum at 508C.
nistic information has been obtained in non-aqueous sol- Pure PyH 2 Žsee Fig. 1. and the parent pyridine species
vents, even though Žespecially when dihidropyridine nu- ŽPy in Fig. 1. were synthesized and generously supplied by
cleotides have been considered w15,17,19x. major attention Glaxo ŽVerona, Italy., while the related tetrahydropyridine
has been almost always focused on the kinetics of deproto- ŽPyH 4 in Fig. 1. was a commercial product ŽAldrich.. The
nation of the cation radical formed as the primary oxida- corresponding protonated cations ŽPyHq q q
3 , PyH and PyH 5 ,
tion product. Conversely, some features of the overall respectively; see Fig. 1 were directly generated in aceto-
oxidation process have led to different interpretations, so nitrile by electrochemical oxidation of pure hydrogen gas
that they have remained without reliable explanation as continuously bubbled through the solvent containing the
yet. Thus, to account for controlled potential coulometric supporting electrolyte and appropriate amounts of the men-
R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200 195

The voltammetric unit consisted of an EG & G PARC

model 273 potentiostat driven by an EG & G PARC model
270 software installed on an IBM 486 computer. In the
coulometric and preparative experiments, an AMEL mod.
552 potentiostat was used and the associated coulometer
was an AMEL integrator mod. 731. Unless stated other-
wise, all tests were carried out at 20 " 0.18C on 30-ml
aliquots of oxygen-free acetonitrile solutions containing
the desired species. Typically, voltammetric tests were run
at a scan rate of 0.1 V sy1 .

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Electrochemical oxidation of PyH2

The cyclic voltammetric picture typically recorded at a

Pt electrode on PyH 2 solutions in acetonitrile containing
0.1 M TBAP as the supporting electrolyte is reported in
Fig. 2a. A single well-defined anodic peak Ža. at ca. 1.2 V
was observed, with which no cathodic peak located in the
same potential region was associated even at quite fast

Fig. 1. Formulae of PyH 2 and its derivatives employed in this investiga-


tioned basic species. Stock solutions of free protons in

acetonitrile were prepared by the same electrochemical
approach, following the procedure reported elsewhere w24x.
In all cases, the resulting proton content was carefully
controlled by coulometric measurements.
Hydrogen and nitrogen Žwhich was used to remove
dissolved oxygen from the working solutions. were previ-
ously passed through sulphuric acid to remove traces of
water and then equilibrated to the vapour pressure of the

2.2. Apparatus and procedure

Voltammetric, coulometric and preparative experiments

were conducted at 208C in an H-shaped three-electrode
cell with cathodic and anodic compartments separated by a
sintered glass disc. In voltammetric tests, the working
electrode was a platinum disc with an apparent geometric
area of 2.8 = 10y3 cm2 , mirror-polished with graded alu-
mina powder prior to each set of experiments. On the
contrary, a platinum gauze was used as the working elec-
trode in coulometric and preparative tests. In all cases, the
counter electrode was a platinum sheet, while the reference
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammetric curves recorded at a scan rate of 0.1 V sy1
electrode was an aqueous AgrAgCl,Cly Žsat. connected to with a platinum electrode in a CH 3 CN solution containing 0.1 M TBAP
the cell by a salt bridge containing the medium employed and 10y3 M PyH 2 : Ža. before electrolysis; Žb. after exhaustive electroly-
also in the test solution. sis at 1.35 V.
196 R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200

scan rates Žup to 10 V sy1 ., thus indicating that the

primary oxidation product undergoes a rapid decay. On the
contrary, two cathodic peaks at least Žc 1 and c 2 . located at
ca. 0.1 and y0.3 V, respectively, could be detected in the
reverse scan by suitable widening of the range of the
potential scan. When the Pt working electrode was re-
placed by a glassy carbon electrode, peaks Žc 1 . and Žc 2 .
were markedly shifted towards cathodic potentials and
concomitantly merged, thus suggesting that they were due
to protonated species produced in the anodic process. In
fact, it is well known that the reduction of both free and
bonded protons is affected by an overvoltage, which is
fairly slight at Pt surfaces, but becomes remarkable at
glassy carbon electrodes.
The involvement of acid species as the oxidation prod-
ucts is also suggested by the changes caused in peak Ža. by
the addition of small amounts of basic organic solvents Žin
a molar ratio of 20:1 with respect to the PyH 2 content.
such as dimethylsulphoxide ŽDMSO. and pyridine, i.e. two
species unable to interfere directly with the PyH 2 anodic
process since their oxidation occurs beyond 1.6 V under
Fig. 3. Comparison between the experimental trend of n app vs. the
the experimental conditions adopted, as preliminarily logarithm of PyH 2 concentration Žfull points. and the corresponding
checked by us. In fact, when voltammograms were run on theoretical working curve derived for g s1034 Ždashed line..
PyH 2 solutions in CH 3 CN added with DMSO, the anodic
peak Ža. increased of about 20–25% and was concomi-
tantly shifted towards less positive potentials Žof about 0.1 curves calculated for different values of the parameter
V.. As a matter of fact, this last result does not only g s krp, where p s mArV Ž m s mass transfer coeffi-
substantiate the formation of indefinite protonated species cient; A s electrode area; V s total solution volume.. A
as the oxidation products but it is also, in particular, satisfactory fit was obtained for g s 1034 l moly1 Žsee
strongly suggestive of the protonation by hydrogen ions, dashed line in Fig. 3., which allowed a value of ca. 6.4 l
released just in the anodic reaction, of an aliquot of the moly1 sy1 to be found for k, by using a value of
starting PyH 2 , which is thus subtracted from the electrode 6.2 = 10y3 sy1 for p. This last quantity was estimated as
process because the corresponding cationic species PyHq 3 the slope of the linear plot of the logarithm of the current
is no longer electroactive. decaying exponentially with time during a controlled po-
Controlled potential coulometric experiments carried tential electrolysis w27x carried out in a solution containing
out at 1.35 V Žoxidation of PyH 2 at peak ‘‘a’’. showed PyH 2 concentrated enough Ž5 = 10y3 M. so as to make
that the apparent number of electrons involved Ž n app . the current–time profile closely similar to that typical for a
ranged from about 1.1 to 1.8, depending on the PyH 2 simple one-electron charge transfer process, because the
initial concentration, the revolution rate and the ratio be- coupling chemical reaction occurred nearly completely at
tween the working electrode area and the sample volume. least in the early part of the electrolysis. Of course, this
In particular, by keeping constant these two last experi- electrolysis was conducted with the same electrode area
mental parameters, its value decreased with increasing and under the same stirring and volume conditions adopted
PyH 2 concentrations Žin the range 3 = 10y4 –5 = 10y3 M. in the electrolysis tests whose results are collected in Fig.
as shown in Fig. 3, thus confirming the mentioned occur- 3.
rence of a coupling reaction between one of the electrode Cyclic voltammetric tests carried out on PyH 2 solutions
products and the starting species w25x. at the end of these electrolyses showed the presence of
The couples of values reported in this figure rise in four peaks Žc 1 and c 2 already mentioned above; c 3 at ca.
evidence that the reaction rate constant is too small to be y0.8 V and c 4 at ca.y 1.2 V. as reported in Fig. 2b, and
conveniently determined by voltammetric measurements. pointed out that peak Ža. was restored to some extent in the
Consequently, the rate constant k characterizing this cou- reverse scan only after traversing peak Žc 2 ..
pling reaction was estimated by resorting to the working When the mentioned controlled potential electrolyses
curves reported in the literature for this type of electro- were repeated in the presence of either DMSO or pyridine,
chemical process when studied by controlled potential added to acetonitrile solutions in a molar ratio of 20:1 with
electrolysis experiments w26x. With this purpose, the exper- respect to PyH 2 , an n app value equal to 2.0 could be
imental dependence of n app on the logarithm of the PyH 2 obtained, but information concerning the oxidation prod-
concentration was compared with the theoretical working ucts were precluded since the reduction of protonated
R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200 197

DMSO and pyridine occurs at potentials intermediate be- The presence in the solutions of free protons at the end
tween peaks Žc 1 . and Žc 2 . w24x, thus preventing their of PyH 2 oxidations is not in contrast with the reaction
observation. pathway above, since the parassite side reaction Ž4. occurs
Such an increase of the n app value observed in the so slowly as to prevent a fraction of the hydrogen ions
presence of the employed basic species substantiates the released in the fast chemical step Ž2. from reacting with
hypothesis above that a fraction of the initial PyH 2 species the electroactive PyH 2 itself, this last species being more
undergoes the uptake of protons released in the anodic rapidly subtracted by the fast electrode reaction Ž1.. On the
reaction, thus becoming no longer electroactive. other hand, the slow occurrence of chemical step Ž4. was
The whole of these evidences could be accounted for by also substantiated by suitable experiments performed on
advancing, fairly in agreement with previous reports on purpose, based on the direct reaction of PyH 2 with electro-
DHPs w15,18x, the following reaction pathway for the generated hydrogen ions. In fact, when diluted enough
overall electrochemical oxidation process : PyH 2 solutions were reacted with an equimolar amount of
™ PyH q e Ž E .
PyH 2 Pq y o
Ž 1. protons, the corresponding anodic peak Ža. did not disap-

PyH ™ PyH q H
2 1
pear suddenly Žprotonated PyH 2 being no longer electroac-
Pq P q
Ž fast. Ž 2.
PyH ™ PyH q e
2 tive in the accessible anodic potential range., but lowered
P q y
Ž E -E . o o
Ž 3. progressively and a completely similar behaviour was con-

PyH q H ™ PyH
2 1
q q
comitantly displayed by peak Žc 1 .. In particular, a half-life
Ž parassite side reaction. Ž 4.
2PyH ™ PyH q PyH q 2e
2 3 Ž t 1r2 s 1rk Ž C0 . PyH . of about 10.2 min was inferred from

q q
y these experiments for 3 = 10y4 M starting solutions of
PyH 2 , in fairly good agreement with the value of the
Ž overall electrochemical reaction. Ž 5. kinetic constant k estimated above.
The fast occurrence of chemical decay Ž2. was inferred The lowering of peak Ža. observed after addition of
from the absence of a backward cathodic peak at potentials protons was accompanied by the appearance and concomi-
reasonably close to anodic peak Ža., as already reported tant increase of peaks Žc 2 ., Žc 3 . and Žc 4 . irrespective of the
above, while chemical step Ž4. is advanced as the parassite initial PyH 2 concentration, thus pointing out that they are
coupling reaction whose fairly small rate constant was due to the protonated lacidipine ŽPyHq 3 formed as one of
estimated above. Finally, the easier occurrence of the the products of the overall electrochemical oxidation pro-
second electrode step Ž3. with respect to the first Ž1. is cess Ž5.. However, peak Žc 2 . was apparently due not only
inferred from the good agreement of the experimental to PyHq 3 , but also to the reduction of the other oxidation
voltammetric response with that expected for a two-elec- product PyHq. This was checked by comparison with the
tron ECE process characterized by E1o y E2o G 180 mV cathodic peak displayed by authentic samples of this
w27,28x. cationic species prepared from acetonitrile solutions of the
In order to gain further information that would enable parent pyridine species Py in which equimolar amounts of
this reaction pathway to be substantiated, a careful investi- protons were electrogenerated. Such an apparent overlap-
gation was also carried out on the reduction peaks associ- ping is not surprising since PyHq 3 and PyH
are expected
ated to the oxidation process. The relevant results are to be both fairly weak acids characterized in acetonitrile by
reported in Section 4. comparable strength. Consequently, with the aim of gain-
ing further insight on the overall reduction occurring at
Žc 2 ., the cathodic process proper for both PyHq and PyHq 3
4. Reduction peaks was investigated in detail by resorting to solutions contain-
ing separately authentic samples of each of these oxidation
By comparison with the voltammetric picture displayed products.
by electrogenerated free hydrogen ions, the first cathodic Cyclic voltammograms run on PyHq solutions showed
peak Žc 1 . was attributed to the reduction of free protons. that this species was only responsible for peak Žc 2 ., with
The relative height of this peak was not the same in all which an anodic peak was associated in the reverse scan,
experiments, but depended on the initial concentration of as shown in Fig. 4a. This return peak gave rise apparently
PyH 2 . In particular, peak Žc 1 . was comparatively higher with peak Žc 2 . to a cathodic–anodic system involving a
after electrolysis of the most diluted PyH 2 solutions Ž3 = reversible enough charge transfer since it was character-
10y4 M. and lowered progressively with increasing start- ized by acceptably narrow peak separation Epa y Epc and
ing concentrations of PyH 2 . This observation was con- peak width Ep r2 y E p Žabout 140 mV.. Moreover, peak
firmed by the results obtained in controlled potential ex- potentials were scarcely affected by the potential sweep
haustive reductions carried out at potentials corresponding rate.
to peak Žc 1 .. They pointed out in fact that the number of Such a fairly reversible behaviour is strongly suggestive
mol of electrons per mol of PyH 2 initially present de- of the occurrence at the cathodic peak of a simple charge
creased from 0.8 to 0.1 as the concentration of the starting transfer involving merely the reduction to free hydrogen of
species was increased from 3 = 10y4 to 5 = 10y3 M. the protons trapped by the basic Py species Žand of the
198 R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200

A satisfactory coincidence of peaks Žc 3 . and Žc 4 . was

found with those displayed by the parent protonated tetra-
hydropyridine PyHq 5 , so as to enable these peaks to be
attributed to this reduced species. As a matter of fact, this
comparison was made by using the protonated form of
commercially available tetrahydropyridine not bearing the
substituents in positions 2, 3, 5 and 6 Žsee Fig. 1., owing to
the unavailability of the substituted compound. However,
we feel that this comparison is reliable since the effect of
the specific alkyl substituents on peak potentials is ex-
pected to be nearly negligible.
The whole of these findings indicated unambiguously
on one hand that the reduction of the acid PyHq 3 leads to
the parent base PyH 2 , but on the other hand that this
reaction does not occur through the simple cathodic con-
version to free hydrogen of protons bound to PyH 2 . Con-
versely, the data presented so far can be rationalized by
admitting that the cathodic process involving PyHq 3 leads
to the partial hydrogenation of its organic ring at the
expense of protons released from other PyHq 3 moieties,
according to the following reaction Žnote that PyH 4 turned
out to be a stronger base than PyH 2 . :

3 q 2e
™ PyH q 2PyHq
5 2 Ž 7.

A rather similar reaction pathway for the reduction of

PyHq 3 was advanced previously even though it was based
on relatively poor experimental evidences w18x.
Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammetric curves recorded at a scan rate of 0.1 V sy1 A confirmation for the occurrence of reaction Ž7. was
with a platinum electrode in 0.1 M TBAP acetonitrile solutions contain-
gained by controlled potential electrolysis carried out on
ing: Ža. 10y3 M PyHq; Žb. 10y3 M PyH 3q.
PyHq 3 solutions at potentials corresponding to peak c 2 .
Ž .
Only about 0.66 mol of electrons per mol of starting PyHq 3
opposite oxidation in the backward peak., in agreement were, in fact, required and voltammetric tests performed
with the following equilibrium: on the electrolyzed solutions rose in evidence peaks Žc 3 .
PyHqq ey ° Py q 1r2H 2 Ž 6.
and Žc 4 ., together with peak Ža., this last with a height
equal to about 2r3 of that measured for the starting PyH 2
The occurrence of this process was confirmed by con- before the electrogeneration of equimolar amounts of pro-
trolled potential electrolysis experiments which showed tons. When these electrolyses were repeated in the pres-
that one mol of electrons per mol of PyHq was required in ence of electrogenerated free protons, again directly at
the reduction process and that the electrolyzed solutions potentials corresponding to Žc 2 ., a progressive increase of
displayed a ill-defined anodic wave at about 1.7 V, par- peaks Žc 3 . and Žc 4 . with the excess of protons, accompa-
tially mingled with the solvent discharge Žsee Fig. 4a., also nied by a concomitant progressive decrease of peak Ža.,
exhibited by solutions of authentic Py samples. Moreover, was observed in the electrolyzed solutions. Attempts of
the starting voltammetric picture proper for PyHq was gaining quantitative information from these experiments
completely restored by electrogenerating again protons in failed due to their poor reproducibility. This fact can be
these electrolyzed solutions in a molar ratio 1:1 in respect conceivably accounted for by considering that the poten-
to the initial concentration of PyHq. tials at which free protons are reduced is less negative Žof
As to PyHq 3 , which was prepared directly in acetonitrile about 0.4 V. than that required to reduce PyHq 3 , so that
from equimolar amounts of PyH 2 and electrogenerated they are reduced at the working potential much more
protons, its voltammetric profile showed the cathodic peak rapidly than PyHq 3 . Consequently, an appreciable fraction
Žc 2 . accompanied by peaks Žc 3 . and Žc 4 ., as already of free protons are expected to be wasted in their direct
mentioned above Žsee Fig. 4b.. Peak Žc 2 . for PyHq 3, reduction to hydrogen gas, instead of supporting the hydro-
however, exhibited a markedly irreversible bahaviour in genation of the DHP ring.
that it was not associated with an anodic peak located at All these statements are also in full agreement with the
quite close potential values, but only with the anodic peak results obtained by direct electroreduction at Žc 2 . of the
Ža. proper for the oxidation of PyH 2 . solutions obtained at the end of exhaustive electrooxida-
R. Toniolo et al.r Bioelectrochemistry 51 (2000) 193–200 199

tion of PyH 2 . In fact, these electroreductions required has to be discharged by further anti-oxidants characterized
about 1.7 mol of electrons per mol of starting PyH 2 when by lower oxidation potentials Že.g., the ascorbate ion,
performed on solutions resulting from electrochemical oxi- whose parent radical terminates the chain reaction by
dation of the most diluted PyH 2 samples Ž3 = 10y4 M.. dismutation w30x..
At the same time, very low amounts of PyHq 5
Žpeaks c 3 The oxidation of PyH 2 Žas well as conceivably of other
and c 4 . and only traces of PyH 2 Žpeak a. were found at the similar DHP’s. promoted by a strong oxidant, instead,
end of these electrolyses. This was because the electrooxi- leads to the formation of a radical species ŽPyH P., which is
dation products prevailing in these diluted PyH 2 solutions easily removed by further oxidation, being even a better
are Hq and PyHq Žnearly 2 mol per mol of starting PyH 2 , one-electron donor than the original precursor. Moreover,
on the whole, see reaction pathways 1–3. while only very the PyH 2 oxidation products ŽPyHq, Hq and PyHq 3
. are
moderate amounts of PyHq 3 are formed see above , thus
Ž . almost unable to promote in turn the oxidation of some
accounting for the number of electrons involved approach- species present in a biological system, they being all
ing a value of two. protonated species, i.e. effectively inactivated towards oxi-
Conversely, when these electroreductions, following dation. In addition, just their protonation, implying a high
electrooxidations, were performed on solutions containing solubility in water, could make possible their easy removal
increasing concentrations of PyH 2 , the number of elec- through the usual elimination mechanisms activated by
trons required decreased progressively attaining a value of biological systems.
about 0.8 for the most concentrated PyH 2 solutions inves- Finally, it is worth to note that the inactivation of PyH 2
tigated Ž5 = 10y3 M.. In particular, the electroreduced towards oxidation, caused by its protonation, could be
solutions obtained in this last case displayed the presence pharmacologically relevant since the compound is some-
of quite high amounts of both PyHq 5 peaks c 3 and c 4 and
Ž . how protected when in the water phase, i.e. in the biologi-
PyH 2 Žpeak a, whose height was about 30% of that cal liquids acting as carriers towards cellular membranes
exhibited by the starting PyH 2 .. This result confirms once where the drug is designed to display its anti-oxidant
again the occurrence of reaction Ž7. because the electrooxi- activity. Conversely, it becomes fully active only in the
dation of concentrated PyH 2 is expected to lead to large deeper lipofilic layer of membranes, where it concentrates
amounts of PyHq 3
Žabout 45% of the starting PyH 2 , see in the deprotonated form thanks to the high partitioning
reaction pathways 1–4. accompanied by PyHq Žabout coefficient w1x. On the other hand, this inactivation by
55%. and small amounts of free Hq. Consequently, the protonation could also account for the unexpectedly low
protons required to enable reductive hydrogenations of the rate constant found in water for the reaction of PyH 2 with
DHP ring at peak Žc 2 . must be supplied extensively by the peroxy radicals w13x.
electroactive PyHq 3 itself, thus leading to a marked de-
crease of the electrons spent in the overall reduction
process. Acknowledgements

The authors are indebted to Glaxo ŽVerona, Italy. for

5. Conclusions financial support and supply of some chemicals. Also the
financial aid from the Italian National Research Council
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