(Nintendo Magazine 1999) - Pokemon Master Guide PDF

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ea ey | OFFICIAL MAGAZINE ag eee rd. ea i = en paral nae alia) pe otra : Pa iia \ ae ALL YOU NEED TO BE A POKEMON PRO From the experts at seca Oy | lease = 4 yes : See ea oh oe Viridian City He Pte te et ey ore Pewter City page 28 Cinnabar Island... page 84 ale Hee Steel ara) eeu eee es . aie gee Cur Peres Cerulean City ... page 36 Victory Road eee ces ere reer a eee tM eed SS. Anne ........ page 44 Power Plant pages Catching Pokémon page 9 Rock Tunnel ...... page SO Cu a eT CULL mee kT 7 Sr) coy es ee ts eee eee td eae td Sree gee to) See) @ Awesome Pokémon toys to buy Enter our awesome compos @ Best Poké stuff in the UK Canta ure) stuff on Planet Nintendo. Feast your eyes on the best Pokémon stuff in the shops. hs (= Pokémon Master Guide PPT Cts Cg Stanaletaam ember tect Ces ener To be a Pokémon Master yo need to complete the adventure, beat all your mals eee etd rere en cece teams Coenen ate et ee ee ete ee ee ear Cees Be) ‘This guide has been written by the experts at Nintendo Offidal Magazine and it contains all the vital nfo youl evr need 24 how to finish the game train powerful squad of Pokémon al 150 cea ‘oul fied advanced tips that you cant get anywhere ese, vital infoon every cretureand tons of Pot trivia to share with yer mates Take a deep breath, sam Pokemon into yer Game Boy and fei up. Tiss gonna be one amazing ride WT asz-16 ‘beat e Ete Fourtobea Pokémon Master. A Wel show you whee catch omall atte Professor Oaks the game's Pokémon expert and he'salwayson hand to give you useful tips ‘The Pokémon Prof can be contacted through the PCs youl find in every city, or by returning to Palle Tove fora vist Hell even rate your Pokedex for you during the game and ave you his opinion on your ‘rowing Fokeimon colection Look out for his tips throughout this Pokémon MasterGuide,and make sure yoy | == Isten this words of mscom. ‘Listen tote Po. besa Po genial ”, Ar Make sure you read the Trainer's Guide which came free in the box with your copy of Pokémon. teas pete tes i eateaeecstae Ere eee This guide contains ADVANCED tip for becoming the mest Cee ee et ee eo Sere ete ea ett en Cee eter Red \s Blue Pokémon Red and Blue are virtually the same, but there area few thi The big difference ne biggest ffrenc is that the Red and Blu carts feature a slightly Afferent selection of Pokémon for yout catch, No version hasan advantage over the other sof youle a Red owner don't worrycas your Bue mates wont get stronger Pokémon. Yeu acter wid Vupiein Pokemen Bue your. you wanna cate wid Acaine ul be best buying Pokemon Red Each version of Pokémon features 11 unique monsters, EB beasties who can’t be Caught on the other cart. igs you should know about the version you don’t have. Hands off! You may not be abe to catch certain Pokémon in your version ofthe game, bout youl stil get to meet min Trainer fights. ‘Check out thelist below for more details. t's worth notin that you wil [NEVER meet Seyther or Electabuzz in Pokemon Ble. and that Pnsit ans Magmar dort appear in Pokémon Red. You! have o trade if you wanna POKEMON BLUE TRAINER FIGHTS ONLY @ ARCANINE @ GROWLITHE = ODDISH | @ GLOOM @ VILEPLUME lm MANKEY @ PRIMEAPE @ EKANS ™@ ARBOK SANDSHREW SANDSLASH VULPIX NINETALES BELLSPROUT ‘WEEPINBELL VICTREEBEL a ed ‘When hunting fr pocket éweling beasties, you aso find that certain species appear more in the diferent versions of Pokémon, In the Re version, male Nidorans are found all ver the pace wile ‘more female Nidorans can be found in Pokémon Blue In Pokémon Red youl be pestered by loadsa Weedles and Kakunas, but youl find more Caterpes and Metapodsin Blue Leoking fora female idoran? ts ‘uch esi in the le version. ‘Another diterence between, Red and Bue that some Pokémon appear in diferent places Youll find loads of Krabbys and Kinglesin Seafoam islands in Pokémon Blue wile Horseas and Seadras there in the Red veri Use the guldeto find Thee are oasa Kings in Pokémon Biv. where your fave beasts ive Choosing your Pokémon reais) eur Pree ern ericson eeu acs Sere erro ny Pee eee Ce Seen Although all the starting Pokémon are equally co Bulbasaur is the Nintendo Official Magazine choice! What's 50 good about Bulbasaur? I Bulbasaur’s Levels rise quicker than the ther two, meaning that becomes a ack fighter and learns new sl quicker. A Bulbssaurs amack ae strong against the fist wo Gym Leaders. Whar’ bod about Bulbasaur? Little Bulbasaur can only leam one ofthe he Hidden Mochines thats HM O1,Cut Squire nd Charmander can actully learn two so they're dead useful fr taking you through the whole Pokémon adventure EIU TAIL Before facing the very first Pokémon Leader, Brock in Petr Cty, make sure Bulbasaur Knows the Vie Whip mov. Il turn Brock’ eck Pakdiman ito rubble! choice. His Levels rise slower than the others, sa he learns new skills much slower. What’ s0 good about Charmander? As a Fie Pokémon Chaimander can ean the mast powerful movesin the game. 1 Charmander can lam two of he five Hidden Machines HM 01 Cutand HR 04 Suength. Hel take you trough thewhoke game What's bad about Charmander? Fiery Charmander is totally bbish against the fist two Gym Leaders Brock in Pewter Cy and Misty In Cerulean Gty This hot headed Pokémon will ned backup fom the other eeatures you catch PL a you want this ac lookin Fite Pokémon, team him up with 2 Pikachu to make a fearsome Squad. When he evolves into Charizard he's virtually unctoppabe, choice, and he'll learn some of the most powerful moves in the game. What's good about Squirtle” I Hes effective against Gourd Pokimon 0-watch him stompal over Brock’ squad. I He can eam two of the five Hidden ‘Machines Look forward to HM 03, Sur and HW 04 Stenath, two vital moves Whatsbad about Squirt? Butly Dragon Fokérmon can beat your mate ‘Squirtle with eve the fend! This can bea ‘malor problem when you face Pokémon ‘Maste Lance, leader ofthe Ete Fourand one ofthe adventure’ final hurdles. Reus ‘When you beat Misty nthe Cerulean Cty ay ‘ive Squirtle herTM11, Bubble Beam. tsa [powerful attack which canbe used to defeat ‘Certain Pokémon with ane svipe (Mintondo) 9 Fighting and emcias Fighting and catching wild Pokémon are the most important parts of the game. Here’s how to be the best. Fighting Pokémon Hots Sy Listers enon ttre nc er Cee oer ea vs j NORMAL WATER ELECTRIC GRASS Ice POISON GROUND FLYING PSYCHIC Bus ROCK GHosT DRAGON Je veall got our fave Pakémon who we ike tous, but building teams is ital you want to win the game. You coud spend weeks geting a Lv 50 Pikachu bu, this fla faints Building strong teams is one ofthe game's biggest challenges and, as always with Pokémon, there srt a fool proof way t9 do so. ut Professor Oak’ got some useful hints to make you the bes ‘A tou wants strong Pokémon te. nota winpy one ke tit ‘There’s no such thing as the perfect Pokémon squad, but here are a few things you should bear in mind. ‘One ofthe best things about Pokémon is that you ‘an save the game anytime you ike. ‘Save your game a often as possible Remember, your whole Pokemon squad fants, you'l lose half the money you've eared. Once again the good Profs got some valuable hints thal save you time, money and sleepless nights Cast your eyes downwards, If you want to become a Pokémon Master, learning to use the save function ‘operly is one of your most portant tasks. CED Pokémon Master Guide Training ond Evolving Poyoa 4 wanna catch all 180 Pokémon, you're going to have to and evolve some of the rarest creatures, Evolution by Level Up Inala massive 36 Pokemon evole into thee second or thir forms ‘through fighting battles ad Leveling Up. This can take alot of tine f yout a fan of a certain rype of Pokitron keep'em in our squad and evolve them using Trainer bates. youte not so keen ona particu beast us stoe‘em in your Cand tayo catch thet evolved form ater n the game. Rate Cand wil ase a Pokémorts Level but dost ust on your Fave beast. Thee fighting stats arent boosted as much using Candy Evolution by Trading “Gravee, Kadabra, Machoke and Nauaterevlve when you trae’ witha imate atthe Cable Clb, Youll have to rise Geode, Abr, Machop and Gasty int thes second forms, but you only need to tradeem for evluton to happen, fest of al. this method doesnt stop them laring new sil. fac mes the Evolution by Stones Seventeen Pokéman evohe when you use an Elemental tone. evolving ar moves that they'd get throu ese 17 Pokemon in your squad rain ‘em up fist and use the Stone when they ve learned al thelr best moves. aod Elemental Stones ate great forgetting the creatures you need to complete your Pokédex, but they can stop your Pokémon becoming super powerful ‘All Pokemon have a'matunty leveWhen Pokémon reach this evel they won'leam any more special moves. For example you havea Ly 29 Pikachu ill lear three new moves. However you use a Thunder Stone and evole it into Raich it wil ever learn those thee moves What you should do is wait Pikachu cose then turn tint Raihu Here ar the other Plémon who fal vitim to doggy maturity levels, so’ cael when using Stones on these cuys its matury level —Lv 43 in ha Thunder Stone. (CLEFAIRY EXEGGCUTE GLOOM GROWLITHE JIGGLYPUFF NIDORINA NIDORINO PIKACHU POLIWHIRL SHELLDER STARYU VULPIX WEEPINBELL #1 hater evolves into Cloyster i learn Spike Cannon intend of ce Beam at Lv 50, but it wort lam anyother moves, You should wait "i Shelder gets to Lv 50 before evolving it * if xeggcute is eveved inte Exeggutor itl learn Stomp instead of Leech Sedat Level 28, but I not lean anyother moves aftr that. Some don’t evolve... eve See ce ¥- the adventure dungeons (Mewewo and ~~ Legendary Bird) n wade 3 sessions Uy, Me Mime and so on) and in special areas such 25 Safar Zone (Scythe, Pinsit (XD Pokémon Master Guide Bt at ee a friends to battle and trade. But if you and emma together, you'll all be Pokémon Masters in no time... Multiplayer Pokémon es several ways th ip y Aefore you and your mates begin the game, make See eee Pacer Avene ETT (GF Lee Pia CT you want Golem, Alakazam, ART ICUNS Schamp and Gengarin your we: Pokédex, yout have link up with TOISE your mates to get’em. abe, nother they pete ents Pir a tT en ee Mu oe Bet er eee rune aed Led Pokemon World It’s easy to totall lost when in you're wandering world of Pokémon. If you're lookin’ for a sciaaick pactaith ia ov next mission, use this map and hit the r ed — a a — Bd Pokémon Master Guide Pallet Tow: Your amazing quest begins ii in Ash’s home village, Pallet Town. sat you've gotta find Professor Oak first... E Professor Oak’s Lab Now the adventure really begins, when Oak hands Aah his very {first Pokémon There are three beasts to choose from. ‘Oak willaso give Ash a Pokedex but this must be ‘exchanged for Pace from the Poke Martin Viidian City Dont forget to come back and gett ‘After you've chosen your fst Pokémon, its Garys turn. And he always takes ‘one which has an advantage over yours! Dorit woryifyoulose ths eal bate um toheal your wounds and ‘make sure it doesnt happen again! spealhere bt tumor te 0 ge yer & frsaingPton Desay mee As nun. hen seutaeroneniw mene ator = a Bhne'emnesiet Ate see si E] Gary’s House ‘Your bitter Pokémon vast home a the moment but his itl sisters. And she seems ‘ohare a big crush on you! Sa ‘After Oak’ given you a Pokédex, dort a “forget to come back here 0 get the Town Map from Gary i Without the maps s |B impossible to find your vey around the game. oes Sou hink ye hardenosh = to acid Pokemon alone? Wel try ok oats ee leaving the Town empty handed. eee ® Ifyou de, roessr Oak il Somme Bp eee ee Back is ia for some vita Hine Nero te Ginter) CEES Want to get hold of a fishing Rod? Cast your eyes overp42_+») Catch ‘em all! Keep flicking through this guide and you'll find all the info you need on each and every Pokémon, Here's how to use the cards and get the best outta the information on each one. Happy hunting! fics Pokédex The Aiguresshow at The Pokémon pe fentylorthe—whatLersexch Some have wo Types, Pokemon Pekemn isms moves. suchas Bubasat. Oak’s F.A.Q a Time for your first Pokémon masterclass with =a” bd Professor Oak himself. This Pokémon expert will ccmwnnast raipapranaip © <2 } tell you everything you need to know... You cant Theres only one inthe whole game, and you sho for catching Mewtwo You can sh for Poinags in the Vidi Cy pond you want a How the Pokemon Tek these owes cos pate cdvarad (ews andtheerel you yplse orate) you ca chek your eee cay ned berks Feteoveito thePohémoninyaut Pokédex dings cen noterbeat —verionofhegame. fearsome 1m There ate NO wild Rapidashes. None! You must ind a Pony in Pokémon House on Cinnabar island and raise itto Lv 40. ‘A strange seed was planted on Bulbssaur's back at birth, The seed sprout and grows vith this Pokiman 1 You must have the correct Badge to use an HM in the fed 1M Generally speaking, they shouldbe between Ly $0 and Lv 60. However they shoul ao be efecive against the Ete Fours Pokemon so cary afew Revives incase they take a Ko, its harmless! Tain this teller aT ens ay 2 eventually it evolve ito the and|arger, the creature appears to lose the fearsome Gyarados. f ably to stand onits indies the best way to 1 Use Vitamins when you ke but to gerthe ul eect, follow this met ae Te 'sPohérton with higher Level gains more Status points E flat BET, from Vitamins. For example, ky 10 Pikachu might only gain Gon | Tye | ‘ome Status pont foreach Vita, wea Lv 100 Pikachu might get an Ses onee See e ‘tia AO Stats points! Try to use Vitamins on Pokémon you've wained ‘cateh ‘fa s you an. Inf3c you should store Vitamins on PC then choose who needs them most before batting the Ete Four (=D Pokémon Master Guide Route 1 Be brave, young Pokémon Trainer. You’re only moments away from battling your first wild Pokémon. E] It’s good to talk Uke any good RPG talking 0 peopl in Pokémon soften «rewarding experience. lo ae ‘you useful cues, but this Go Betas Po sccecet uy on Route + wil hand {ote Potion for your "rouble. Cheers fel! pee tee panne ‘anhop ea oer the hedges edges. This can make yourJourey mach aucker, ‘but make sure that you dont and in 9 {assy area when your Pokémon are weak. Coq, aad O Keep off the grass That lil’ cutie Pikachu's got loads _ ° of Pokémon stories and trivia. <>. @ @ he wants to share with you. Tool forhis Poké Facts scattered throughthe % Ganon aa soa ere rently 20 Gntenda) md Using Pokémon Elemental Stones Elemental Stones can be found as you explore the world of Pokémon, or bought in Celadon City. loon Stones cant be bought, but checkout our ist betow to ind seberethete Elemental gems are hide. sing Elemental Stones on certain Pokémon will make them evolve to another bess. Much ike this.in fact ori EVOLVED POKEMON POKEMON POKEMON in upper comer of Mt ? son st Pimacnu RAICHU |W indsserent of eom Rockets : Ha. cebdon chy re BA) ssc ste? s) WP | eed Cut | eo iron Manon Seach ever 0CTEON | poe: 3s you ret Manson. ENte Noon. Before fs, walk down tunnel to ight Search wall a AES The plant bloors when tis absorbing solar ‘ner, prompting the Venusaur to keep moving in search of sunlight. hot paces, When trans seam isaid to sprout fom the tp of ts tll ‘When Charmeleon sings ts burning tal itelevates the temperature around tte unbearably high levels, ‘harzard pit fire that ot enous to melt boulder Its often nm t cause {ores fires unintentionally, CED Pokémon Master Guide Poe ag Derr are bee too Viridian City If you’re up for the gym battle, don’t get too excited. No one’s home and the door’: 2 locked tight. ‘When armed with loadsa lovely Poké Balls take a quick rip down Route 22 for ‘eatures such asRattata,Pidgey, ‘Ndoran (Mate) anc ideran (Female). ‘The Nidorans arent too fot but Rattatas become excllent fighters ifyou ‘rain‘em wel while Pidgeys can be taught to Fy later inthe game. If you go too far down Route 22 youll run int Gary. He's been collecting Pokémon and iitchy fora duel, Hehas aLv9 Pidgey and his starting Pokémon at Lv Fight'im, but only if you have two Pokémon above v9 ‘The gyms sed andi sty that way ‘til you've completed most ofthe game! Pokémon Leader #8 is away on ‘business, and he wort open this ee G1 Poké Centre feeb ‘Get used to these peaceful places. Youre ‘gonna spend lt of time here ‘os the ‘tiendly Centre staff heal your wounded Pokémon fr fee. You can also use the PCt store tems and Pokemon, and contact Professor gag pe tox ocean players link up here, too POLIWAG _ | GOLDEEN E] Poké Mart Your fist shopping trp. But this Mare’ slight) diferent ‘os t's Post Office, too. Talk tothe clerk and hell give you a Parel for Professor Oak Now go back — to allt Town t get ye Pokédex. Poké Mart price list Poke Bal antidote Paralye Hel Burn Heal Paton eT meer - nee en erent he ‘Ae atch Poliweg and Goldeen witha fishing Rod. & 22 Gated) Ifyou wanna see who owns the Gym, sneak apeek at p89 Meowth’s cheats Don’t be fooled by this goofy looking Pokémon. ‘Watch the TV series and you'll see that he's a member of Team Rocket and bad to the bone! ‘Meoweh’ trie to sneak some cheats inte Pokémon, but nat all fem work. Don't say we told you about them. you're trying to fill yer Pokédex, this cheat could really spoil your fun. f you don't care, read the cheat using a mirror. SSooonooan as z i tio one knows this cheat’ for real butit seems tohelp samatimes Try it for yourset. When using Poke Bal to atch ‘monster pres @ and when ‘the Bal closes around your prey. Ieshould stay shut! For Ura Balls, ress © and EY when the Pokémon is trapped inside, hopefully fra safe catch, We've ha lads of eters about super secret Pokémon called Missingno. Wel he doesnt exist! Missingno, a Lv 80 Pokémon with a weid selection of sis isa glitch inthe game which appears if you do strange things But beware! Missingno can wipe your Pokédex and saved game sof you do stumble across him, DONT SAVE YOUR GAME! ‘Another game glitch. you want to keep your Pokédex and saved gare Intact, don't even think about trying it) Go to old man in Vian City who blocked your route at the tart of the game Talk to him,say that yout notin a hurry. ‘When he frshed, Fly to Cinnabar island and Sur up and down shore on ight hand side of sland, Keep surfing and youll meet Pokeman whote Levels are ove 10. you eteh’em thee Levels wl crop right aways forge =) Pokémon Master Guide ‘after bth its back swells and and hardens Into a shell Squirtle powerfully sprays fom from ts mouth. 7 ‘Often hides ia water stalk unwary prey When swimming fast ltmaves ts Bag Big Blasi isa brutal Pokémon who has pressurised watrjetson is shel used for igh speed tackles. on a Ee evel | Anock | Type) t ‘Gaterpes short feet are tipped with tcky suction pads that enable tte tieessly cmd Route 2 There ain’t really that much to see on Route 2. Until your Pokémon learn the Cut move, that is... Tents ade Hs Me Mime for BLS —anatistryousonttaveene mae KDE ‘noteafhseatonandetum * (e when you've otthisPokmon, Gar & frniaraamensnd, Es : [1 HM 05, Flash = ee Cut your way through the % g Dashes thsi, Toko the people ai ae Ba youve gotat east 10 Pokemon, they'll give you $ LI east, light up the darkest som ingen You nee. : your very fist tt Route 2, the ny thing f =) pp. teablsheadsraight forthe gatehouse athe ca fee Pokemon sad sul heaed and that ave pleny ofits cen eas. ‘When the sil Cutis yours you car-chop, coum tbebistestotina rszeatoroqic: «| Wy MOON STONE EB] HP UP ‘ute back to Fale Town, Make sure your Pokémon are fighting fit. You’re about to face your first Trainers, who'll pounce on you the moment you appear. Go get ‘em, Pokémaniac... will challenge you with thet Weedles,Caterpies and takunas. ‘Their Pokémon range between Lv 6 and Lv 9,50 use Fre and Flight J atacis forthe best resus Remember that you can Run fiom these duel and tha a Trainers tame Pokémon wil be more powerful than wild beasts inthe aea, The Legenda Pokémon Bi ‘There are three Legendary Birds in Pokémon, and you only get one chance to catch each of ‘em. Don't stent anyone who says you need a Master Bal: You don't You an always catcher with Uta Ballsif you're careful. There isnt foo-proaf way to catch any ofthese Pokémon, but here axe afew bins which helped us ‘i y Pe 97 und on vietory Road, J” sizing Motresis one of the best re Pokémon in corre moves ihe wakes up send “im back to sleep again ie. When he's weak wear the sleeping bid down with Mn, Youll find this awesome Electric Pokémon nea the end of the ower Plant and hes definitly the hardest tpeatch Use the same sategy 25 Molues.. putin to Stee, it him hard, wearim down and put him back tosleep again Whereas Moles takes around theee Utra Balls catch Zapdos an take upto 10! he entire game, so make ute you catch him, Le the others then wear him do i bt of energy The biggest danger is getting kled im to slep ti thecets only by Artcuno$ ce Beam but ifyou manage to keep him asleen one, tre Ball should do the tick =X Pokémon Master Guide Ea a) This useless Pokémen|s vulnerable to attack while ts outer shells soft exposing its weak and tender body itewings at highspeed releasing highly toxic dust into the ait Weedles are often found infrests, eating delicious leaves. Ithas a sharp venomous singer on ts nea. Level | Attack Type. ‘Almest totaly incapable of movi. this Pokemon can only harden its shell te protect sel from predators Pewter Cit Get ready for your first boss batt en out, or you won’t be able to continue your adventure. E] Museum of Science {costs 50 credits to get in and you dont get anything useful but Pokémaniacs won't want to miss the ‘Museum of Sconce in Pewner Cty. You get to se the skeletons of an ‘Aerodactyl and a Kabutops Perhaps youll meet these Pokemon later in the game... ranuinaoese [2] Cut to the chase means ses fearsome creatures When you return to Pewter ity tov 14,and theyre La with the Ct abit, make sure you ‘ra as rok heck out the Museum of Scenes Spend time boosting seeret research ab, your Pokémon Levels in Here youl be given Olé Amber, Viridian Fvest and which contains 2 fossilised hnaling your wound in Pokémon. Wonder if thers any ea this handy i Centre. way to bring it back o ite...? ee ‘make the game easier oul have to wait and see! E] Poké Mart 2=iidi : 1g en on te ; malts acre meant eee re cash to splash, Peseta ant Ta a escrarepril psn iene are ‘your squad In the thick of battle 3 mite a = cw rie pete ITEM RUN] tobattion sr. Trainer a emit LW 11 (uhich is dead strong against Pikachu) an a Sandshvew, aso powerful atLy 11,Once he's been defeated go back to Poké Cente tobe healed before the fearsome Bock bate es CSS Need the wicked Cut ability? Check out where to find it on p44 Ba tee Bedi fies at super high speeds and attacks using the large wenomous stingers nits forelegs and tal [bevel ‘Attock Type . #016 PIDGEY z Pidgesare a common ightia he ret | a and woods They fla the wing at round level tock op Blinding snd BROCK wants [Level | Attack | Type | ight : Forget all the weedy wild Pokémon you fought on the way to this Pokémon Leader battle... Brock’s warriors are made from solid stone! Pidgeottis very protective ofits sprawling tersitory. This hing Pokemon wil rely peckat any intruder When hurting Pidget skims the surface of seater at high sped to pck off unary prey, Your Pokémon mises 23 tums then his il with (EX Pokémon Master Guide Coe You'll be in the mood for fightin’ after Brock, so get ready for more Trainer battles. There ae eight Trainers on Route 3 Look aut for more Bug Catchers, along with Youngsters and Lasses with new Pokémen. Allther Pokémon are between Lv9 and Ly 14, $0 head back to Pewter ‘ity and heal your creatures after every second bate. .oney using foadsa Potions. Youll nea the money brand new creatures in Mt. Moon, BOGUS BONUS CaS TL DU ea Dec uc ee NS sie Time to come face to face with Team Rocket, the bad guys and Pokémon kidnappers. What are they up to in this dungeon...? th Pokémon Trainers Rockets, and each of of them sup ri ‘On the Fist Floor expe ngstrs, Bug Catchers and Lass, on regenerating ‘whose Pokémon have grown to between Lv 10 and Ly 14, The Second Basement features ve Team Racket members, who have Norma, Ground and Poisonous Pokémon between Lv 13 and Lv 16. fossils. em fattata bites anything when it attacks: Sima and very quick tsa common sight inmany place. ‘Spearow eats bugs in grassy areas Spearow hast apts short wings at igh speeds to stay aeborme for along time, ‘With its huge and magnificent wings, Fearow can stay aloft without ever Having to land forrest eT Ci Sees Another long road, but this one isn’t cowney with feisty Trainers. Time to catch a unique Pokémon, though GED Pokémon Master Guide Ekans moves silently and steathily through the grassand eatsthe eggs birds suchas Pidgey and Spearow whole Tevel | Attack ap Time for another question and answer session with Professor Oak. This guy's a Pokémon genius, Pree ‘0 listen to his words of advice... ‘ts rumoured thatthe fetodous warning raringson Bok sabe cif frm need . Pr Level Attack Type |i = I Sere tug sb can heey = fealnghimsl& good Pokamon ra touselsBuertee= he cn send se Seon to seep AND mae ts Canfsed hich ops hm eso A himself. Once you've worn Snorax’s energy down using Butetre’s Tackle |— you'll need to use 2 Great Ballo get him. IPP Up boosts the Power Points ofan ability ae increase varies. the ability has a LOW maximum Pt wort increase Td, ‘uch However ifthe sl boasts a HIGH max Ri increase loads ye) For example. se three PP Upson Tacle and is max wil ie from 35 Whenseveoftheseyelon Pokémon @ OT 1056 but ifyou use it on Hyper Beams maximum will ow 08 gather tel eect coud buld and cause from 5 You an only use three PP Uns per sil vious lightning storms, \ bevel __Acwera._| _ Tope ‘4 I You can get Chanseys inthe Safar Zone and in — = the Unknown Dungeon Theyre hard to catch ee _ inthe Safari Zone‘cs they keep : eo | PT BD running away, and you need to Fy ed = Gs loadsa Uta Balls to nab iin =| the Dungeon. Howeves the ea eS ; Ghansey inthe Safari Zone are bbemer‘os you can catch them ata eaten: tow Level then tran'em up youre ana 7. Tre ones you fnd inthe Dungeon cere are at high Levels. and wonttlearn the - SD best hin moves. 026 RA § ; Raids long spiky tal servesasa groundto ==) , protects remit own high voltage » {Like all Pokémon inthe Zone eee Kangasthan can be paint ath es A However if you throw four o five x Level | Attack | Type tats then 3 Saf Bl, you = co ~ should gether easiy | ae i q | ie means that the Pokémon ey SS 0 in question can only be evolved e from another creature, or thatthe . beastie can only be found in the other version ofthe game, Lid ocledlbalel aed Gaae'a Le Sn Sd ‘Trader ives in Cerulean ity but this guy definitely got ‘screw loose somewhere! ‘He wants to svop his ae Aya fora Polivhil When you've gota Rod. make sure you come back withthe goods E] Bike shop ae ae eit tis a ie oe page a nei for push bie? Sut mate anor ofthis pace, ‘hough Pethops oem soul wi # help you aford this speedy vehicle. ma 8 a) Gotta [KRABBY |GOLDEEN | PSYDUCK @ Loads | © Loads © Loads [@ 36 Gilead) 2rulean City Don’t be in a hurry to leave this city... there are a few jobs waiting to be completed. ‘New in this shop is Repel, a special spray hich i bep pesky Pokan t bey iS Mien your sq was, rsh ‘Make sure to buy 3 couple of doses, 5 and hep ‘en handy oremegences er peer ‘visit this burgled house, a policeman 20. won't let you into the back yard. “Tower nen ore tng Sen 8. com yavsSoeemcenlen 7 Goya toonnal te Homes Jaleo ah fot oer ‘TM.28, Dig. It's @ very useful move. ©] The Unknown Dungeon maa aoe a ‘the northwest side of town. B Serres mc ee coe i et teed Pokémon Leader, Misty loves to train Water Pokémon, and her pad looks more like swimming pool than a hal, Don't even think about trying to sneak past her Tiainer mates, When they ee you,theyl paddie ervard fora scrap You'll need a voucher to get a bicycle. Start your search on p42 Wistys another Pokémon Leader from the game whe jens Ash Ketchum in ‘the TV seriesto prove what a powerful Trainer shes, Butshe ants friendly in the Game Soy adventure, so youll have to ‘hor her vious Pokémon squad no merty i Ui) Misty’s wet Pokémon are all water dwellers, and they can give Fire beasts such as Charmander and Growlithe a real soaking. Misty’s squad Electric and Grass Pokémon such as Pikachu and Bulbasau/vysau are best wth Pres as backup. you dort have these uy. make sure your squad are well over Lv 25 and you shoul be fine. Misty’s prizes Pokémon toLy 30 obey you, use HM O1,Cut inthe il This powerful attacks be be anideal choke 1ught ro Water Pokémon, Squirtle would ‘GEEXD Pokémon Master Guide ‘Sandshrew burrows deep underground ia ‘arid locatons far rom wate and ony ‘emerges to hunt for fod, Sandslash curs up into shay ball when ‘threatened. can rll wile curled up to hunt for food and water Level | Attack /Although small the Female Nideran's venomous barbs render his Pokimon dangerous. The female hat smaller horns. Pokémon Master Guide | Routes 24/25 You’re on your way to meet Bill in the Sea a Cottage, but you've got a real battle on your hands. Before you begin your batl Bi you've gotta fight Gary once more This time your ria’ got four Pokémon, including his starting monster at Lv 17, Pidgeotto, an Abra Lv 15 and a Ly 15 Rata. ‘et ready forthe fight of your fe... 17 Trainers in row! Make sure you ave some Potions myer oct. Bridge battle Hiker hill The bridges guarded byfve Righter the Rocket bridge ‘Trainers and 2 Rocket The Rocket youll met loadsa of Hikers These has arock‘ad Lv 18 Mankey soit guys have Ground and Rock J] 2ac0didea to get your squad Pokémon such as Ong Machop J icaled at a Poké Centre before you and Geaduse between Ly 13 and tacklehim.Youllgeta valuable Ly 17. Try to use Squires Bubble Nugget i you beat al Beam or Iyysaurs Vine Whip, Cea Route 5 Back to Cerulean City, exit through the back of the burgled house. Head south and you're on your way. ao D1 Daycare Centre [_Cantbe bothered taining up all the veird Meant! . oepafnsaed prerevhrn demand ‘The roads may be blocked, bu there are ferent ey a ae 90 llp you. fora ome leavant henieh oe dara Cre Be Goto the hols: tohtond above the is _and, when you come back, they'll charge you: wes ‘gatehouse atthe bottom of Route 5 Ths 8 100 credits fr every Level sed. ‘unl aes you fom Routes ote 6, and the tunnels monster fee! Lk et ae EI Thirsty guys You'e very dose to some major cles but rtd pe aerial Caen a ey youcartget through cs thegateheepen, MOSEL hen pints 2ethist and grumpy. pre ota orem Wen yive found a dink go and cheer Leeper eee Bact a al Peet ‘em up with some ie cold por Then youll ‘be able to ass the gates.no problem. Unt then youll need to use other routes. mend) (EPIESSJ Looking for adrink for the thirsty guards? Takeatriptops6 _) Don’t forget to search the grass for new Pokémon... etal ‘This fed ie choca with Bug Catchers and Junior Trainer, al with views Pokémon up ther sleeves between Ly 1éand Lv 20. ‘Although most of these guys should be no problem, beware the Lv 20 Butere. I's got seep spells so stock upon Awakening potions (EID Pokémon Master Guide The Widoqueen’s hard sales provide strong protection andituses ts hefty bulk to The male Nidoran stiffens its east sense danger The larger itshorns,the more powerful its secreted venom, Nidorinasan agoresive Pokémon that is (quick to attadc The horn on its head secretes 2 powertul venom The massive Nidoking uses its tain battle to smash, constrict, then break ts preys bones. uw Vermilion Cit’ y Welcome to the shores of Vermilion City, home of o the Pokémon Fan Club. Pay ‘em a visi — LL Snaonnararmsansazeany, G Fishing Guru a es age fe ¢ Ludi tis guy wil help you out. tS only an Olé Rod which wont ‘atch anything powerful but this ‘guys two brothers wl give you better ke ater inthe game. Poké Tip barrios fad Poke Ball ‘Super Potion ; r a cool surprise. a) ogee Fan Club ‘You're nt the only Pok¢manic around, you ‘know. These crazy guyshave even started ‘their own fan dt ‘Chatto the Fan Club President and hel ‘ive you a Bike Voucher. Tai this fot a speedy bike in Cerulean Gy k makes ‘getting around much quicker and easier. ss (© Get ready for one ofthe game's best deals... a super rare arfetchié fora common ‘Spearow. Result! Youre ureto have 2 Spearow g BR by now sojust get the Fateh’. You can Ed -€ get another Spearow easly if you want one, E] Bush blocker Togetto the Vermilion City gym, you have to se the Cut ability to chop down a bush. Youcan get the Cut sil fom the Captain ofthe 5S. Anne, so tum the page for vital tips on geting there The Cut ski will be sed many other times in the gare C) Gym fight Before you can fac the Pokémon Leader, you've gotta fight his minions and get a code {ounlock the door. To.nlock the door keep searching the ‘ans ‘ti you find astch The nent switchs _alwaysin the can directly BESIDEt The Pokemon here are between Ly 20 and Lv 23. cates [3 Awakening 2 PasyzHeal | “Repel E] Poké Centre : oS A You might ca Raby BAe wth a ing Ra 42 G mierda) CUETTEDTISS Still lookin’ for the Cut move? Well, take a quick trip to pa ) ‘GED Pokémon Master Guide ‘The Clefain/s cate, magical appeal brings It ‘many admirers. The Cefairy israre and found ‘nly in certain areas Lt Surge has devoted his life to asin Elecee Pokémon, and he wants to ‘ry your monster squad, the fiend! His minions wil have unleashed 2 Lv 20 Voltor a Ly 20 Magnemite and a Lv 23 Pikachu so youll have had plenty of lect practic {tthe time of birth, Vulpx has jst one tal, However the tallspis fom the tp asit grows older. Ninetales is very mart and very vengetl Grabbing one ofthe Ninetales many tals ul result in 21,000 year curse, Only Ground Pokémon ace ‘specially good at whipping Electric beasts. Teach your Dig abt from Cerulean City oa Ground Pokémon and watch them walkall over Surge’ army, Lt. Surge’s prizes Poktmeon can use Fly slim and out of bate boosts Pokdmen Spee. This attacks for Electric Pokemon. tts soone0%e powerful it can parlyse some foes. Nintendo) 43 There are loadsa people on this ship. Some but most of ‘em are cruisin’ for a Poké bruisin’ corral Just before you meet the Captain of the 55.Anne, Gary pops up with 2 ‘brand new selection of Pokemon. This time his starting Pokémon i Lv 2 backed-up by aLv 19 Pidgeotto, a Lv 16 Raticate and a Kadabra at Lv 18. There ae loadsa tough Trainers onthe SS. Anne ranging fram Gentemsen to Lases and from Fishermen t Salles. J TheitPohéman squads range from Ly 17 to Ly 23,the Z-) Fshermen and Sailors preferring to unleash Water Pokémon. uu Bae Ng Whenits huge eyesight up, the its enemies to seep The Wigalytuf's body is soft and rubbery. When angry, It will suck nat and inate elf tan enormous ste, ft, whose name mean reimet style Pokemon ‘But why were they named ater these hua ois name sound ike atch ‘em Get? Asin Forms colonies in perpetually dark places nd uses ultrasonic waves to identify and ia the city names ~ Cerulean, Vermilion and so on = are colours 0 Give yourself pat on the back f you knew But ther ats taken fom Genghis han. Mongol warlord whos At ‘Once Gobat tks, It wo’ stop dainng ‘energy trom the hapless victim, even ft too heany toy Maybe thats why they have the words fable (tor) and fy Dp {I= Pokémon Master Guide igayputt sings a mysterious, sothing melody that ls us ek Routell & SSSSSSSES, take a roundabout route via the Diglt' Cave, The cave connects Route 11 with Route 2 coming out nea Viridian Forest. From here, go north to Pewter Ciy then east 10 Cerulean The eld in Route 11 features 10 Trainers induding Youngsters,Gamblers | Cityand Route Simple! and Engineers. And they ll want tserap yal When nthe tunnel search had for Diglets The competition ranges between Lv 18 and Lv 21, withthe Engineers and espedally Dugtros,Oustros are song preferring to use Elecvic Pokémon. No surprise there! against Ghosts when they learn the ig meve. Youeantgetto Lavender Town this ‘way cos your route’ blocked by sleeping Snorlax What slob! However.fyou have 30 diferent Pokémon, vst (Oaks Ade inthe gatehouse forthe Reminder which can locate iden goodies. ] Pokémon Trader ‘This busy gatehouse is also home te another Pokémon Trader, whe wants twofferyoua deal. its not one ofthe game's best though. wes Hed sick of training his Nidoina and = he wants to trade it for» Nidorno You can fyou wanna 46 Gama Frond ek ee ee With Cut, chop your way from Cerulean City to Route 9. Now you’re heading for the Rock Tunnel. “Another area packed with Trainers, so be prepared to backtrack toa Poké Centre when your squad’ weak. ‘There are three groups fae, the worst being Junior Trainers with {Lv 18 to Lv 23 Pokémon. There's even a Charmander and a Meowth! Oak’s F.A.Q We hope you're paying attention to what Prof Oak hhas to say in these F.A.Qs. Only wise Trainers will I Although you should reall save t Master Ball for Mewes ill possible to catch his genetically fngineered beast with Ultra Balls The main problem is that Mevrtwo can heal himself at Wil so youll need te have alot of strong ‘moves to keep him asleep while you wear Hisenergy down Youllaboneedto Chick large number of Ura Bal ‘atch him, 50 make sure you have a lage supply in your backpack Good luck hope you catch ‘im I You must win the correct Badge from 2 Pokémon Leader before certain Leves of Pokemon will do what you say For ‘erample. Meuawo won't obey you" you beat Giovanni and get the Earth Badge, which makes all Pokeron,no matter what Level you wiling slaves. 1 Abra appears quite near the begining ofthe gare, if were you, Fe forget about him for the moment and wat’ youve got some Uta Balls One of these should nab im before he can get away. Otherwise se a powerful Pokemon to paralyse Abra totally before he legs it 1m Fortunately Drain tend wo stick around for much onger than other Pokémon in the Safa Zone. Bur they arertt any easier to catch! Just keep throwing Safar Ball and eventually a Dratini wl be all yours Theyre dead coo. 1 No The bike costs risiculous ‘one millon credits and you can ‘only cary & maximum of $89,999, Use the Bike Voucher instead ba a ey The larger Vileplume’s petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. ts big head heavy and hard to holdup, Paras burrows to suck ree roots. The ‘shrooms on its back grow by drawing ‘trent rom the bug hast. Nee a Rock Tunnel Make sure you have HM OS, Flash, before you enter “i tunnel. It’s too dark to see without it! The YELLOW leters on the ‘maps above show how the maps and youdh 50 Cima Pinte I ey BA ‘Ahost parasite palin which the parasite ‘mushroom has taken over the hest bug. Prefers very damp places. If you're a serious Pokémon collector, you're gonna have to fish for rare creatures who live in the water. Different Rods will etch you different Pokémon, though and these ‘shy types are found in diferent parts ofthe game. Each Rod has diferent powers so read these ps careful to get the best from your fishing tips. ThisRod wil only | Caches Goldeen, | Willcatchallwater ‘atch lowly Magiarp | Magharpand Polwags| dweling Pokémon Cant find your fave ater Pokémon? Well cast yer eyes downward fora ful guide You land em ai note Seeing aa wings are colour coded to indicate the an & Cas "aay Uae, HELOER source PoUwraR. Digestive about three feet underground, a = oy ma where they fed on plant roots. They moor eR raee Bees | E aa nie Lavender Town Lavender Town is home to Pokémon Tower, a sacred place where dead creatures are laid to rest. But it’s haunted. hn IADANASARARAND. ARAnAAS ©] The Name Rater ae youeerchnged the ame ot —— = a Pokémon, then regretted your bad Se econ Leth yh aime Tisai ote slows you eal RASA: "SAARI you lke, and hell even tall yout your monster’ name is any good ‘or nott When you want a break : == . from fightin: spend time here. EI Mr Fuji’s House 11 Pokémon Tower = sii iets ‘oucango to th Tower an tie you & uous suggest that es ‘ke bat without o5ph Scope you ee 8 Bote S ectsonmiteeinteenon “wont able to catch any Pokémon. Toe but yous better forget ‘When you've got the Scope. flick to e a vi about it for the moment as you ‘thetips for Pokémon Tower which you onithaye Sip Scopein yer ‘can find on page 62.There are a few 2 Be backpack Just press on, ee | who'll come in usefutfater on. i ST Sale E Poet ernst 5 eet lee ean yes El Poké Mart sazanz S03 een “This shop is ti first place where youcan - ‘buy Revive one ofthe most useful items whole game. (ORIGINAL FOXTIRE | ORICNAL ARIA ‘SRIGNAL PARASYTE ORIGINAL: ARIA | ORIGINAL DIGDA ‘ORIGINAL ORPHON Super Repel se Hey, you lookin’ for a Silph Scope? Start your search on p&@ Cea eed 1. Head along this route for yet another underground path, this time to Route 7 and Celadon City. PED i Route 8 brings you fae to fae with nine Trainers, thelr strong Pokémon between Lv 72 and Lv 26 ‘And they'e bad uns! Look out for Plzonous and Electric Pokémon including Kofings and Muks: BOGUS BONUS Find Mew (EI=D Pokémon Master Guide Bai Ateam of Diglett triplets, Dugtrio an trigger huge earthquakes by burrowing 60, miles underground. Not much to see, except a patch of grass which hides many rare Pokémon... ‘Although Prsans ur has many admirers this Pokemon is tough to aise asa pet because ofits Fickle meanness, ‘While fling its enemies with ts vacant lack, this wily Pokémon uses its aychokinetic powers i) 55 Leite Celadon City So much to see, so much to do! You've got a huge shop to explore, and Team Rocker: 's HQ to find. Poros ae) Second Floor al Fitth Dre hit Rooftop ja Pop yu buy drink rom the vending ‘machines you find. ‘Givea drink o one ofthe thirsty ‘guards and they'll et you pass! It {makes getting around the word of Pokemon much easier, ‘Talk tothe people of Celadon Cty and you'l find that they allobsessed with gambling at ‘Game Comer. ‘The guy inthis diner wil give you a Coin Parse, essential fyou ‘want 9 play the slots and win codles of cash. You can then use the Coins to buy rare Pokémon! GED Pokémon Master Guide [The Coin Excha bai healt nge ene Rei uetceee pepe eo ace = oo —— Ts aeons = ‘you can find certain Pokémon in z a “Noms Pee = rave Porygon. = er beater tas Cs edad sper prreen re Widorina 1200_|Porygon Geeky 500 | Sethe | Coin Exchange, TMs, Both Versions : _ = ‘Always furiousand tenacious ta boot, 3 M123, Dragon Rage | 3 TW S0,Substiute | 77 Primeape wont abandon a chase unt it 15, Hyper Beam | 5500 ena ‘alkto the people and sme wil give f you ree coins. Ifyou press tile walking youl find secret cons, to, But dott worry about gaming ust yet Goand talk tothe Rocker a back of store beside the poster to got access toTeam Rockets HO.Tips or this ‘section canbe found on page 60. Gym fight! | Be aos te eb? Etkals gym isa. grassy area, and you won't be able to challenge her unless you Cut down the ite saplings. ‘er Tiainer mates arent much of a challenge. especialy if youve been eeping your Pokémon Levels high And you have havert you...) When her mates are down, time face the wrath of Erika! Gitends) 51 HH yeu/ve managed to stomp all ove Erk’ grassy mates, you should have no problem beating the fourth Pokémon Leader, Eka’ cool cos she uses a Tangel, a ave Pokémon that you won't be able to catch til much late inthe game. 2 |e Oak’s F.A.Q What? You've got more questions for the Poké Professorl? Roll up for another masterclass to help you become a Pokémon Master. ERIKA want gouge to fight? I Mew DOES exist but you won't find | aa | him in your version of Pokémon. n the a 3 Japanese Pocket Monsters game, J youre given Mew when you collet al Erika’ a nature lover, and Moomieucirtntocs ss ( she's surrounded herself by [iuuuunnuamua ‘musthave Mew downloaded onto your \ beautiful plants... and fearsome Grass Pokémon! ee 1 Well your mate fool! here ave hundreds of rumours about getting Mew in Pokémon, but none of them work None! 1 You need all the Hlvs except for Fy i you want to complete the 7 the TMs but they al contain make the game mich ease bes. 1H No! There’ only one Zapdos Articuno, Mltes and Mewtwo. "Most Pokémon can hold their own agains Erika team, but avoid wsing Water Electric and Ground types If your squads wel rained Erika wil [fal before you in seconds. Erika’s prizes Ups Pokémon Attack strength all Pokémon to LvS0 obey you: Steals energy from enemy Pokéman, gives it to you! eee Once you’ve beaten the Rocket at the back of Game Corner, press @ at the poster he was guarding. Pull that lever and we’re off to explore Team Rocket’s HQ. There are 17 Rockets inthis secret base, along withthe big boss, Giovanni Most Rockets have Pokémon between L 17 and Ly 23 Make sure to take your favoutte beast 60 IID Pokémon Master Guide ‘APokémon thathas been admived since the Moving tiles ‘You! soon find tiles which pin beginning of time forts beauty. Arcanine you rom ane area ofa oom to runsagilly aif on wings. ‘anther tisn'thard but ifyoute ‘stuck, we the maps. The arowed squares show which way youll be spun. while the chequered thes wil stop you ‘moving. f you plan your moves ‘aretulyt wort take you long to Solve thet pure, Tote he Rech: boss, ovo yu ned thet When ou tear Hake staase then Wrethrd Benen “ake stairs) in Thea semen the fight eam Rocket menbet tape commer cf fourtnSaserent Tali for Key nen You hve ake fom ist. Boerner Fourth Sonement tnd Goons tie Boss Rocket Giovani up fora scrap. He's gota Lv 25 Oni, Ly 24 Ayhorn and a Lv25 Kangaskhan, Its best to use Water oF Grass Pokémon, When you beat i, hel give you 8 Soh Poli is capable of living nor out of water When out of water the Poli Seats to hep its ody slimy. ee Level | _ Attack Type ane ESCAPE ROPE NUGGET eee Soe RARE CANDY eterna SUPER POTION Bor ioremtntt as HYPER POTION |eateraiaees They wart Pade) IRON MOON STONE @ TM 07, HORN DRILL @ TM 10, DOUBLE EDGE @ TMO02,RAZORWIND Bf HP UP axes ee ee (intend) 61 ee Pokemon Tower Now you've got the Silph Scope, get on the road back to Lavender Town and the SRDOKY Pokémon Tower. 2 toppled witha strong Dig attack f ey use Confuse Ray, keep switching Pokémon to shake this ev spel Pokémon Towers split over seven floes, wit wid chest okimon and Ghoneers totale at every tr. The YELLOW letters on the map show 233 how the floors connect fyou cme up sua youll arrive at Tis dungeon's Dretty easy to find your way around Be Isatough bate togetthroush a, Pokémon Tower but you can heal your Gary getting relly powerful now But, if youre been taining your Pokemon property, ell bea walkover wounds befere facing the final fight. TekoiGumechasente OGG 7 tO. cure to create hesling pad on the eH Fifth Floor Just walk into it for power 2 aa 8 make every member of your Pokémon squad fighting fit again eas Lik oth dla od ‘Using its ability to read minds, the Abra Eee ‘dents impending danger an lepors sd) wate Level |__Attock [Tyre [ra Bye Pia Smal Saffron City -town boy, Ash Ketchum, is about to visit the biggest city in the whole Pokémon world. ‘Thisis where al Saffron’ problems (Gaeee OSS) started, and youve gotta smash the cc Sees] Rockets el plans, Fr It fn hard to get inside Siph Co. ‘but turn the page fo tips on racking this dungeon. When youre ready to ‘go nsie, heal your Pokemon fs. El Poké Mart ith ip Co. and two gyms to tackle, youre gonna need some goodies to kep your Pokémon fighting ft. If youte inthe money teat your ‘squad 02 couple of Revives It give ‘em some backup inthe next few battles Full Heals willbe useful too. ane But the evil Team Rocket has got there first... Poké Centre EI] Mr. Psychic = “ ‘This guy thinks he can read your mind. Hes a cle natr alight bt generous one. age Pay along with crny aka youl be sjvena fee TM TH25. (ts brand new bit called Psyche E] Copycat os This i cate just repeats everything you say, Suewmantonas | So Syne or a? ‘When you give her the doll, youl receive n [5] Fighting Dojo ‘Saffron Cy has two gyms. This one J Features ony Fighting Pokémon and thei Durty einer. Fight your way through the blackbelts ‘0 face thelr leaden who has aLv37 Hitmontee anda Ly 37 Himonchan Ifyou have Psychic Pokémon, theyre super effective. When you win, choose between itmonlee and Hitmonchan, © Gym warping The gym doesn’t have doors. Instead, you must make your way to Sabrina bbyusing war tiles. ‘Step on the fist ile you see then use the ane cltectly above you in next room, Use the tien the ower-eft corner of next room. Use teleporter in top ight of neat room. then lower-left again,» Now you should be facetoface with Sabrina Re-race your steps and leave your squad needs to be healed, Peete eo etter os GY Gintends) EIT Do you want a Poké Doll for the lif’ copycat? Theyre on pS6 win protect her 3m of Paychicand seis Dig you've taught this move toa powerul Pokémon itcan offen wipe out Ghosts with one vious swipe EID Pokémon Master Guide baa a ty The Machoke' muscular body iso powerful thatit must wera powersave bet to regulate itsmotions. punches that can send ts victim ae Ghost and Psychic Pokémon are Sabrina’s faves. Sabrina’s squad pbeill Seen Type | Fores b = ‘See e Catch @ © a ae Sabrina tip * Fighting attacks, so try to concentrate on Electric moves. Her Psychic J Pokémon are weaker, though, and vulnerable to Bug and Ghost attacks Sabrina’s prizes Al Pokémon up toLv bey you without que ComGiehtm alt From Fighting D Do; vill Damage 5 your sis Pokmon’ Epeenc evel Belisproutisa carnivorous Pokemon that traps and cats bugs. uses its oat fot to Type See Cates | Vitreebel = Coo Type See ‘catch Gavan ° e eS Silph Co.’s been invaded by the evil Team Rocket, who want steal the secret of the Master Ball. Time to clear out the trash once and for all... 66 Teotacools dit get in shallow ses, ‘Chamsy angles who hook Tentacools by ‘ATentacrues tentaes are usualy kept short buton hunts theyre extended to rsnare and immobile prey. ound in felds and mountains, people often ep over Ceodudes, Ca ek building ranging from Poison Pokémon used creatures Scientist se nd get much stronger from thee your squad... just dont fait LESSEE Say Sigh Co. isp avr 1 oor with the biggest sang of Rockets youl eversee. The YELLOW letters onthe map show how the — floors connect ye te (B) on Tid loo, youl area (onthe Ninth Foot is 0 detlostsokepan eve onthe ars. LG It’s good to talk ‘The employees of Sip o.are scared to deathof ‘the Rockets andar hing all over te ulling. Make sure you tak tall fem, Many have: ‘alle items which theyre jut itching to give ‘away Youre ona mission to save them al ‘take advantage ofthe tems they give you. e's back with Lv 37 Pidgeot Growithe 38 Alakazam Ly 35, Exeggcate 35 and his original Pokémon at L 40. When e's gone, speak ta Siph employee nearby to get Pokemon Lapras. ‘Fight all the Rockets you like for experience, but head straight for the Fit Foorifyou wanna meet the bot ig of Govan The Gr Keyser a topes al the econ doors Now heal fr Tid Floor stepontie then te @rorech the boxe hale Now Bie go bg fish on you hands Nidorin Ly 37 Kangaskhan tv 35, Rhyhorn Ly 37 and Nidoqueen Ly 1, ‘When you win,youte given a Master Ball. the onl one inthe game. Save this trap for your battle with Mewtwo... a (GEE Pokémon Master Guide Ra ER EY Rls down slopes te move. The Gravee ols cover any obstace without sowing of changing its cretion. Ponytas hooves ar ten times stronger than diamonds apd ican trample anything ‘ampletely fat i no time Professor Oak just loves answering Pokémon questions. Here we go again... = Bt] 1 No. no, NO! Cheating sb ant can lead to your saved Pokémon game being wiped. But f ou w > ‘ery competitive this Pokémon wil chase fron ofa taue in any ayn. Get a ishing Rod out. anything that moves fastin the hope of hey presto you should enter bate with ald Water Pokemon. it acing Fe Rapes rei doesnt work fist time try agin Level | Attack Tit em back with a powerful 05 Some ofthe hardest IHN, you can. you want a catchem al up with ‘amate atthe Cable Cub and get trading GEE Pokémon Master Guide Route 12 Time to take a quick trip to the docks south of Lavender Town. Without the _ Surf abi ‘ou’ll have to fight some bur! y ishermen. ‘With the Poké Flute in hand, you can Sow wake the slepy Sorin. He oes ike being disturbed though! When hes awake hel stack you, 50 ‘get ready with some Ute and Super Balto catch this are Pokémon, v= Remember the Fishing Guru who gave you the Old Red? Wel his brothers Set-up house on Route 12 Usten to his wise, fishy words and soullbe given the Super Red. Now you cn ish fr bigger Pokéevon in lakes rivers ponds... even ays! TENTACOOL KRABBY, MAGIKARP, GOLDEEN (© Lands [© Loads | Cah TeviacsKabl Nagar and Glieen witha fitog Roa W (e i TM 16, PAY DAY Hi IRON * Sm 10 Gintends) ROT VETSIET] To wake that slob, Snorlax, you'll need a Poke Flute. Check p62 This maze like highway is jacked with Trainers, so ight some vicious battles. [tse rman power Bepeslng ath he Fght J Pons marhgtighetnete3o coat Be teers sin tate angen ene ote 0g paience isa tteyucan overt tone ye Parone Slowpoke Is incredbly iow and dopey. Intakes ive seconds for Sowpoke to fel pain hen under attack, The Shellder thats latched on tthe ‘lowe alli said to feed onthe hosts leftover scraps. Disgusting ‘Uses ant gray fo sty suspendedin ppears Formed by several Magnemites ving {together They frequently appear when sunspots flare up. )W okéman Master Guide| Rout W/1S More opportunities to battle Trainers and capture the wild, evolved forms of some of your fave Pokémon. GED Pokémon Master Guide Dodrio uses its three brains to execute Complex plans. ile two heads sleep, one ba ea The potncing horn ona Seels heads very hard and sued for bashing through thick ‘ce, And for battering other Pokémon Lia lhe sf doash il Rua eR ALL Stop! If you haven’t gota Route 17 is a hill, and you'll Bicycle, go back and get find it hard to stop. Watch one. If you do, crack on... for Bikers and Cue Balls. Ki Ghadkitom ‘After walking through the peaceful gatehouse, you'll meet a gang of burly Bikers and cheeky Cue Balls They're not so tough, though, thelr Polsonous and Nocmal/Fighting Pokémon ranging between Lv 26 and Lv 33.Piece of cake eh? ‘Make sure yu'e strong. You travel down this il 900000 fast t's Impossible to avoid duels wth rival Trainers. The Bikers tend to use poisonous Pokémon such as Grimer Weszing| and Koffing while the Cue Balls prefer to use Fighting types. After sprin inging ov over the ledge, ee be able to ride towards Fuchsia City. at ey Dirty ld Mak they covered witha fithy, vile sludge, ts 0 toric even ts footprints xt enacol, rab Magihar and Golden with hing Rod Fuchsia City Seaside city, Fuchsia, is home to the Pokémon Safari Zone, where you'll catch the rarest creatures... G] Fishing Guru #3 ‘The Super Rods bri, but you could use 3 ‘medium strength Rod to catch some ofthe stranger Water Pokémon. ‘The third Fishing Guru here wall ve youa ‘Good Rod Go and iyi you ih catch ‘something inceresting Infact, youTl have to ‘seal thee ofthe fishing Rods you fin to ad © catch al the water dweling beasties. enter ny acetates emer) petrenaheinnan #| Ce eee ‘Toget ta Pokémon Leader, Koga you've gotta feel your way around the invisible walls inhis gym. Look carefully... The Invisible walls appearas dotted lines there aren't any ‘9p nines made by the gym Aoorboards, ou can walk that ‘way. Koga’ inion ace psychic || tugolers who con call back Pokémon. and animal Tamer. ‘Ya ind tis shop on your way tothe Safa Zone but you wont need any extra Ait torthislcation, Instead make sure you vit his shop Just before you leave Fuchsia buy supplies forthe ong and dangerous journey to Seafoam islands. @ eee ola eet ened Sets Exar ya acetic tet tata MAGIKARP, KRABBY, GOLDEEN, SEAKING © Leeds EJ Game Warden’s House Noone can understand this ld cadger ‘cos Sees Bo (BE gag Macmeenceee oO Return his Gold Teeth and the Warden will sceimecaee nis oe es c eg ee Pee ian ecco 76 Gina) CETTE suppose you want the Warden's Gold Teeth, ch? Look at p78 =D Pokémon Master Guide When atacke, Cloyster aunchesitshomns J oan’ brainy Pokémon Leder and he uses Poizonous and Psychic in ery quick volley. The Cloyster innards Pokeman to try and outsmart you. have never been sen, to get past his wggler mates onthe way here, you nfs tm Go get, ASH z Tie i ee00 8 — Sa. Je bs KOGA want to fight? Poisonous and Psychic Pokémon are very hard creatures to heat. This'll be a tough battle, Koga’s squad Because of Haunter ability tosip through block wal itis said to be fom ‘Under full moon this wicked Pekémon kes Koga tip teimkatethe shadows ofpeple anctaugh —/ Seen oe nace Most Pokemon are good against Koga’ squad but Pison and Psychic tacks can drain your energy quickly Make sue your Pokémon have strong offensive attacks, and have afew Full Heals your pocket. Koga’s prizes falses you Pokémon defence allows you to Sutf wate to South Poisons foe, damage ets worse each tun nn oe Led This area is packed with some of the rarest Pokémon in the game. But catching ‘em ain’t no walk in the park... 719 Gintends (EEX Pokémon Master Guide bat ‘Asthe On grows. the stone portions of ts body harden to become similar to dlamand When Hypnolodks eyeswithanenemy, A itusesa min of Psychic moves such as i a Hypnesis and Confsion, oo Level | Attack ‘Type a as ck Routes 19/20 With Lapras in your squad and the Surf ability under your helt, it’s time to glide across the peaceful waters to Seafoam Island. Sorry, did we say ‘peaceful’...? Islands To getto Cinnabar sland, youll need to “Tips for getting through this tough ‘dungeon can be found overeat Eventually yout arrive atthe let Oak’s F.A.Q After reading all these F.A.Qs, you're hound to be a Pokémon genius, just like Professor Oak himself. Give yourself a pat on the bac I You shouldbe on the lookout for ‘Ghost Pokemon such as Gast and Hunter Ghost Pokémon can evade antacs better than any other Pokémon, and they also have great atacks which can dain your ‘opponent’ eneray wth ase Get aSiph Scope, head for Pokémon Tower and nab yourself a Ghost. That should help you pur el your mates next time! '& Dont wory.f you stop a Pokémon evolving, it try todo it again when tases another Level Gaim down! Tauresisa very tough Pokemon to Catch, but tis possible Throwing Bat and Rocks is much too risky tos Taurosis textemely race, ever moe so than Cchansey. My advice? Just keep chucking Safar Balls and hope forthe best Unfortunately, there arent any f00! proof ways catch this Pokémon bull BL Allthe slot machines have diffrent odds. and they ‘ange every ime you vst Playa machine four imes and fithitst90¢ YY snoule win quite soon, 'M Both Scythe ound in Pokemon Red only and Pinsic (unique to the Blue version) ate dificult to catch and youl VP) be ripping your hair out as they keen JP running aay. found that throwing 3 Rock followed quicly by a Setar Ball is the best way to catch both these beauties, EXD Pokémon Master Guide #099 KINGLER Ringler large picer has 1000 HP of rushing power However itshuge size oltorbs ae usualy found in powerplants. Easlly mistaken fora Fokdbal they have Electrode stores electicenergy under very high pressure and often explodes with ite ‘orno provocation. (Level | Attock Type Exeggcate soften mistaken for eo. When sisturbed they quickly gather Seafoam Island Stuck in the middle of Route 20, Seatoam Island is home to Articuno, a legendary flying Pokémon which lives in the deepest, darkest dungeon. Go get ‘im! SeeeErre Erect The Sesfoam land are spread overfive tees witha geet eton of wild ater Pokemon tate. The YELLOW letes onthe map show how the floors connect. you cimb down ner onthe Fist lon youl aie at Din rs Basement. Use your Strength As ou exer the caves make sue ou push ALL the boulders you sewing Strength inte theblacpits. The st lowing rie below and you need oboe to each the nt, ‘When the en's locked cross ah sie ofthe Third semen an cnt he ladder marca Keep ging to ex QED Pokémon Master Guide Tesch this Legendary Bik > the Tid Gatementand ol beth boulders int both oes inthe lower comer Now faker marked ® to nest eve ou, Serna eon a lean paddle nor yu pot ee Articuno, Now try and catch I, 82 Glintenda) ‘Want some tips on nabbing the Legendary Birds? Hints on p27 (== Pokémon Master Guide Tecate te Coban peer romove ‘full helmet, no one has ever seen this oi Foktmons el. 7 Tavel_|__Attck The bone it holds st ey weapon. Thevnoraltewsthebonebke CS [53 Ze Level | Attock Type When ns hore the Hitmonleds legs runs smoothly with extra ong loping ses. ee ee Cinnabar Isla Found just to the west of Seafoam Island, Cinnabar is a tiny level, but with loads to do. Remember the OieAnberand 2 44 Fosilyoupihed 7 peace? Wal sive ‘hem othe sce in his ab ‘Come backlater and youl fin hat thebofs ave revived ancent Pokémon which you can ad instarly toyourFokedex Wed | El] Pokémon Traders 9 = ‘The lab on Cinnabar Island is also a hang-out for Traders. f you've. BS gota alc you can trade it for an Electrode. You canals get a Tange for your enonat or sop Ponta fora See House first Tps for this dungeon can be found over the page. ere eet Fire Pokémon. OF you cn Use the cen aula machinesto get rough easly, bere cane E] Poké Centre ie 84 Gitend) CUES] Looking for the secret key to Blaine’s Gym? it’s hidden on p66 Hott ine fan of Fre Pokémon, anh wants teat ss brave enough to soak Baines squad in no time a al er 20 aS BLAINE wants to fight? I Fire Pokémon are Blaine’s fave, and they're all dead powerful. This won't be pretty... | Blaine’s squad cu Ss Biaine’s prizes Boosts your Pokémon special sls, Damages opponent, and might even sot them on fel White apparently doing nothing, the Hitmoncran fires punches in lightning fast valleys that are impossible tase, Ttstongue can be extended ikea chameleons and leaves tingling Senetion when itis, Because stores several kinds of toc ‘gates nits body, the Kffing is prone to ‘Where tw kinds of poson gases meet, to Kofings an fuse into 3 Weazing over pe es Pokemon House To get into Blaine’s gym, you need to find the secret key. Just beware Poison ‘n’ Fire Pokémon... and burglars! ed The Scientists and Burglarsin the House are an exellent worm up for the fiery Pokémon Leader, Blaine /und/Rock Pokémon to defet these goons. you problems laine wil be a pushover Soe es een aes E pe mecieeomern ot fe ee A seoret switoh? Pokémon Master Guide With ninja tke aglty and speed the Seyther Can create theilasion that there are more than one of fighting #125 ELECTABUZZ Eectabuzzs are normally found in power plants. They can wander away and cause major blackouts inci Level | _Attuck | ‘Type #126 MAGMAR ‘Magmar’body always burns with an ‘orange glow that enables ito hide perfectly amongst flames. Level | Attack Type The end is nigh! Luckily, you can do some shopping before you have to face the Elite Four. Wek val iy iit Chilly Loreli uses Ice Pokémon, so be wary of their freezing moves. Some have Water powers, too, so be prepared. LORELEI wants to fight? (=D Pokémon Master Guide ee rene see ‘falls to cus its haplss strong pincers, the Pine wil ‘around and toss hard Bruno's beety squad is dead high on power, but you can easily outsmart this dumb bunch with a well rounded Pokémon team. a 22O00 #128 TAUROS BRUNO wants to fight? Inthe distant past Magikarp were Somewhat stronger han today’s tremely good agaist Fighters whe ‘As you'll remember from Pokémon Tower, it’s no Lance heads up the Elite Four, and he’s incredibly fun fightin’ Ghost Pokémon. Unluckily, Agatha's powerful, However, all his beasts canbe easily Caught them all and she’s not afraid to use ‘em! tackled if you have a well rounded team. CS LANCE wants to fight? AGATHA wants to fight? (IED Pokémon Master Guide noiqmend gningioh ‘nol gniyelq 2st amit zidt bns ,losd 2'9H nomado4 srit no zbneqsb beupe zi .2q991 .omag oii to trste ort te szoria a Ditt capable of copying a Pokémon’ ic code to transform sel instanty oon? $272 ebeupe 2*y169 cay Power Plant Once you've got the Surf ability, head back to Route 9 and paddle along the river to reach the Power Plant. ‘There$no way to tel what youre approaching so just make sure you Le peered Seta ear pe sundachuncesfeacingtinnis | HTM 33, REFLECT ore io pel tee ae ae ITM 2S, THUNDER 98 (iead) Ifyou're looking for tips on catching Zapdos, take a trip to p27 EXD Pokémon Master Guide The Jolteon accumulates negative onsin the atmosphere te last out 1,000 vot lightning bots. Level | _ Attack Making Money Money is important in Pokémon, especially when you've finished the game and you wanna buy a ‘super rare Porygon at the Coin Exchange. Hera few way to make 3 gic buck in the wonder wridof Pokamen,Ue‘em all and ge shopping for Pokemon goodies Bar et] ‘When storing thermal energy ints Body the Freon temperaturecanseartowallover_{ e 160 degrees. He's hat stuf = ‘Attack =e i sine | 1 | More of your questions answered ‘A Pokémon that cansss entirely of computer programming ode Capable of moving ‘realy in cyberspace Nie Wak to the a ‘Ahough long extn in rae cases the Cmanyte Pokemon an be genetically resurrected from fos Level |_ Attack Type) @ OntheSS Anne, check the ubbish cans inthe itchen feat the et of Victory Road ayo Route 1, atthe ight always use the ath hides. 39 LR ou Unknown Dung Go back to Route 24, north of Cerulean City. Surf into the water and paddle south until you reach a cave. ‘The Unknown Dungeon spread over three {ors with sore ofthe mest powerful Foktmon you've eveseen The YELLOW eters on the map show how thefloorsconnec. you cme ade on the Fist Foor yeu ave t @)on the Second Foor Simple a that ay. G) Rare creatures The Unknown Dungeon’ 2 dangerous place, but tsa paradise for Trainers trying to complete their Pokédex. “Make sure you have a solid team of Pokemon ane loadsa Poké Bals to throw. Happy bunting! Using maps flow adders in @ ond at eto ‘ bottom-right corner. cg if you've sil got the Master Ball simply chuck te and atch your pie.f you dorit youre in fora Jong alficul battle 100 (intend) Forgot where you got the super cool Master Ball? It was on Pokémon Master Guide . #139 OMASTAR rasta isa preistorc Pokémon that ded out when is heay shellmade t impossible to atch fast moving prey. ‘APokemen that was resurrected froma fos found in what was once the ocean for eons ago The Kabutop sleek shape is perfect for swimming. It sashes prey with its erodacy ira ferocious, prehistoric Pokemon tht goes forthe enemy throat with es sake fangs 101 (EID Pokémon Master Guide Pokemon Skills Lis A-Z Absorb oa ‘Acid Acid Armour Agility Amnesia Aurora Beam Burrage Barrier Bide Bind Bite Blizzard Body Siam Bone Club Bonemerang Bubble Bubblebeom camp Comet Punch GD | contesery Confusion Constrck Conversion counter Crabhommer cut Defense Cu Eee oes Disable Dizzy Punch Double-Edge Double Kick Double Sip Double Team bragon Rage Dream Eater | pi Peok Earthquake Egg Bomb Ember ne of your most important tasks when training a Pokémon squad is to make sure your Pe Rn eke eee ur ere aes ec} moves, go for offensive rather than defensive skills, and check this listing for more details. PUES pay Player absorbs energy from enemy, equal to half attack damage Normal attack, 10% chance of lowering opponent's defence Boosts your Pokémon's defence to double what it was before Boosts your Pokémon's speed to twice what it was before Boosts your Pokémon's special abilities to twice what they were before | Can freeze enemy, 10% chance of dropping foe's attack rating Your Pokémon attacks at least twice, perhaps five times in @ row Boosts your Pokémon's defence to double what it was before Lose 2-3 turns, then hit back with twice the damage you took Attack up to five times, without your enemy fighting bock 10% chance you'll scare enemy, making them too frightened to fight | 30% chance you'll freeze the enemy Pokémon, stopping attacks 30% chance you'll paralyse your foe, stopping ‘em fighting back 10% chance you'll scare enemy. making them frightened to tight ‘Your Pokémon will attack twice in a row without interruption 10% chance that you'll lower the enemy Pokémon’s speed rating 10% chance that you'll lower the enemy Pokémon's speed rating Altiack 2-5 times in a row, the enemy Pokémon con't fight back Your Pokémon will attack 2-5 times in a row. foe doesn't fight back ‘Attack confuses the enemy. They don’t fight, may harm themselves Normal attack, 10% chance of confusing the enemy Pokémon Normal attack, but with 10% chance of lowering foe's speed Your Pokémon’s Type becomes same as the enemy creature Pokémon does double damage received on next turn. Physical attacks only Doesn't always work, but can give you a critical hit. Try it Normal attack, used in field to cut down bushes to new areas Will boost your Pokémon’s defensive powers when used in battle Pokémon digs hole. jumps out and attacks on next turn ‘Stops your enemy using one of their special skills on you |___ Normal attack which can send weak Pokémon to meet their maker! Your Pokémon takes 1/4 damage received by your enemy Your Pokémon will attack its enemy TWICE in a raw. Cooooce! Your Pokémon will slap its enemy dead hard 2-5 times in a row This skill makes it more likely that your Pokémon will escape damage This'ilinfict at least a whoppin’ 40 points of damage on yer foe |__ Ityour enemy's asleep, you to steal their energy with this move! ‘A normal attack which weak Pokémon hate —————— This normal attack has no effect on Flying Pokémon such as Pidgey A normal attack. often used by Exeggcute and Exeggutor ‘Another normal attack, with 10% chance of burning enemy Pokémon Gross Poison Poison Psychic Psychic lee Normal Psychic Normal Normal Normal Ice Normal Ground Ground Water ‘Water Water Normal Ghost Normal Normal | Normat Fighting | Water Normal Norma Ground Normal Normal Normal Fighting Normal Normal Dragon Psychic Fiying Ground Normal Fire 20 30 40 30 20 20 20 30 10 20 25 15 20 10 30 20 10 1s 10 25 35 30 20 10 30 40 10 20 10 15 30 10 15 10 15 20 10 10 2s Ver lary, the lobby Snorax just ets and sleeps Rts rotund bulk bulls, it Becomes steadily more lth ‘tegendary Bir Pokémon that sald to appear a doomed people who are lostinicy mountains (evel | Atteck #145 ZAPDOS ‘Legendary Bird Pokémon that ssa to appeer fom loods while dropping enormous Hightning bots ‘Moles is knawm a5 the Legendary Bird of fie Every flap ofits wings reatesa dazling flash of bright flames f ‘Attack ‘C= Pokémon Master Guide C ia) 103 Explosion Fire Blast Fire Punch Fire Spin Fissure Flamethrower Flash Fly Focus Energy Fury Attack IID Pokémon Master Guide Pokemon Skills list Pt | If successful, will destroy the enemy Pokémon in one blast Normal attack, but with 20% chance of burning your enemy Normal attack, with 10% chance of burning enemy Pokémon Allows you to attack 2-5 times in a row, enemy can't fight back tit works, enemy faints in one hit. Don't try against Flying Pokémon 10% chance of burning your enemy. normal attack Drops enemy's accuracy, lights up dark dungeons when exploring Pokémon flies. attacks in next round, Used to fly between towns in main game Takes time to work but, if it does, your enemy faints straight away ‘Your Pokémon gets the chance to attack 2-5 times in a row Harden Haze Head Butt High Jump Kick Horn Attack Horn Drill Hydro Pump Hyper Beam Hyper Fang Hypnosis ce Beam Ice Punch Jump Kick Korate Chop rn Guillotine cus Fury Swipes Your Pokémon attacks 2-5 times in a row. enemy can’t defend Glare Doesn't always work, but it can totally paralyse your enemies: Grow! ‘When successful, this move makes your enemy's attack drop x Growth Boosts your Pokémon special moves for next round success Doesn't always hit home but, when it does, enemy faints instantly Normal attack, often used by Pidgeys near beginning of game Boosts your Pokémon's defence during long battles Your enemy isn't sure if you're a friend or foe! Now smack ‘im! 30% chance that your enemy will become too scared to fight back you miss. 1/8 of attack damage for enemy Pokémon hits you! Normal attack, often used by the six versions of Nidoran this move works, your enemy will be defeated automatically ‘Another normal attack, but very powerful in the right hands Vicious. inflicts a heap of damage, but then you miss a go 10% chance of scaring enemy. A powerful attack for strong Pokémon Can put your enemy to sleep, making them much easier to catch Although a normal attack, has 10% chance of freezing yer foe Like Ice Beam, it's normal but with 10% chance of freezing foe if you miss, you take 1/8 of damage that would've hit enemy When successful inflicts a critical hit on your sorry enemy Kinesis Ifit hits home, your enemy's accuracy will drop dramatically Leech Lite This sneaky attack drains your enemy's energy, gives it to you Leech Seed Your Pokémon absorbs enemy eneray for rest of the battle Leer This common attack drains your enemy Pokémon’s defence Lick This ghoulish skill has a 30% chance of paralysing your foe Light Sereen A useful skill which halves damage you receive from special attacks Lovely Kiss Sounds wimpy, but can send the rival Pokémon to sleep Low Kick 30% chance that enemy Pokémon will be too scared to fight Meditate A useful move which is used to boost your Pokémon’s attack (EID Pokémon Master Guide Long considered a mythical Pokémon until mca wos rae wa ied Tring unternater b)Normat 147 5 ; fire ™38 5 Fre = 5 Fire 18 Ground T™27 5 Fire 5 Normal wm os 20 CT) Fiving HM 02 5 Ansa Polime har ees Normal = 30 sec ee =) Normal s 20 Normal = Normal S Normal Fs 40 Normal = 40 Normal = 5 Fying 2 3 Nort = 30 kee = 30 Normal 5 Fighting = 20 Gee Dagee se a mon spelen st Nonwal = 2s ‘match that of humans. Normal | _‘TMQ7. Woter = 5 Level Normat | THs 5 Normat 8 Psychic = 20 kee ma 10 lee . 5 Fighting = 2s Et co es Normal = 2s Psychic = 5 Ta aoe vias RES | IBemtatatetyease ericgee open ed KA eginceig Bug 2 5 _— 7 7 level | AMeck | Type Normal z 20 Ghost = 30 Psychic = 30 Normal = 0 Fighting = Psychic 105 E= Pokémon Master Guide Pokemon Skills list Ps aa Mega Drain You absorb energy from enemy, equal to 1/2 the attack damage j |@itese Kick Another normal attack. powerful in the right Pokémon hands it Mega Punch Yet again, « normal attack which is devastating when used right Metronome When used, you Pokémon wil strike with @ random attack Mimic Allows your beastie to use moves held by enemy Pokémon Minimize | _ Makes your Pokémon tiny allowing them to avoid attack SP Mirror Move Your creature will use the same attack os the enemy Pokémon | Mist Defends against attacks which are used to lower your abilities | ont snaae See your enemys Level? That's how mich damage hey atl Pay Bay After the battle ends, collect coins which scattered on ground ~/) Peck A normal attack. good when given to a powerful Fying Pokémon Petal Dance You become contused ater second/thied powerful attack Pin Missile Your Pokémon attacks the enemy 2-3 times in succession Poison Gas When it works. your enemy gets poisoned, losing loadsa eneray Poison Sting 20% chance that the enemy Pokémon wil become poisoned Polsonpowder Doesn't always work, but can seriously poison your enemy Pound Normal attack. Again, is best used by high level Pokémon Psybeam | 10% chance that your enemy will become confused in battle Psychic | Normal attack. 10 per cent chance of reducing enemy's special skills Psywave Damage done to enemy is1.S times your Pokémon’s Experience Level Quick attack Your Pokérrion will attack first without any problems Rave While Your energy drops, your attack increases, Ends with battle Razor Leot Doesn't always work, but can give your enemy o critical hit Razor Wind Pokémon stores power in first turn then turns strong attack on enemy Recover ‘When used, your Pokémon recovers hal ofits maximum energy Reflect ‘When victim of physical attack, this move reduces damage by V2 Rest You get oll your eneray back, but you'l miss two turns Roar Will instantly end o battle with wild Pokémon. Doesn't work on Trainers ( Rock Slide Another normal attack, best given to heavy hitters like Golem Rock Throw Normal attack, often used to great effect by Geodude and Graveler Rolling Kick 30% chance you'l scare your enemy, stopping them fighting back Sand Attack This attack can be used to lower the enemy Pokémon’s accuracy Scratch Another normal atteck, often used in early stages of the game Screech Williower your enemy's defences loads. New get stuck int Seismic Toss The Level of your Pokémon is same is damage inticted on enemy Self Destruct Your Pokémon faints, but it inflicts tons of damage on your sorry foe Sharpen Wil boost your Pokémon attack strength during tough botties Sing A very useful move which can send enemy Pokémon to sleep Skull Bash Your creature ducks in first turn, then hits back in second Sky Attock Your Pokémon tokes rn to build power, then performs power attack Slam Yet another normal attack Slash When it works, Slash can inflict @ critical hit on enemy Pokémon (=I Pokémon Master Guide | a ) Pokémon A-Z Lookin’ for a Pokémon info card in this Master Guide? Well, this is where you'll find ‘em... Led bea Grass m2 10 = Normal TH 0s 5 ‘Aerosoew_| Norm T™ot 20 ikaron | 06S Normal ™ 35 wo ‘Arbok | oza Normot ™a 10 wane | 058 | ot | Gamy Soe a a ‘Articuno 144 Gengor Flying - 20 = ice = 30 ceeeie | ; loom | Ghost = 15 tictase | 009 ota ae 1 = ‘Bulbosour | 001 Goldeen | aN mis 20 oineree | 012 | Colt Flying s 5 ai ae Grass = ce al Sle cm - a Goape | 010 Ceara Poison = 40 Chonsey | 13 | a7 comer Poison - 3s cee cae | Poison = 35 Chammonder | 004 | 21 | Gyroens | Norma! z 5 ee P| Psychic e 20 reser [008 | e285 33 ee — a cee 036 | 4d | aime | 083 Psychic ™ 46 1S Clefairy: 035 a Hitmonchon | 107 Glyter | oni | 77 Wimoniee Normal 30 caniaese | OU a Ft “’ = {iseai [ee | Normat ™ 20 20 ean = — . - Drees | 887 | 7 Normal mH 02 10 Doe [050 | st Normal = 20 one pe | a? Psychic 20 Doms | oes | 73 Jiggtvputt 033 | 4s. oe ae vod Dodo Joss | 73 Jolteon | 135 a9 Normal 2 20 oan [oon | 2 foe Rock ™ 4! 0 Mbslissatcnl Rock Z a Drogante Fighting = Prati rato ——— med rebtops Normal = reco Normal = 30 = ature Normal =z 40 Fighting T™19 20 Renee Norma 736 s tom Normal - 30 Becton Normal = 6 Bectrode, | Normal Tm 40 15 Exeaeate Flying m3 5 : -— " - Beaguto Tont0s | Normat 20 ettung =D Pokémon Master Guide Pokemon Skills list aa Another sleep attack, good for tough battles and collecting Sleep Powder Siudge This atack has © 40% chonce of poisoning your enemy smog When it works your enemy wl be poiioned for whole battle *\, Smokescreen It it hits home, this attack will lower your enemy's accuracy ») sottboited You can get back 1/2 of your maximum energy in battle 7 solarbeam Tis stores solar power in ist turn, unleashes power in second Sonic Boom Without fi, wil infict 20 Hit Points of damage on your opponent Spike Connon Allows your Pokémon to attack 2-5 times in 0 row | splash Magikorp use this. Tey ust splash about, without doing damage! | Spore Another useful attack which can send your enemies to sleep Stomp 30% chance of scaring enemy Pokémon, topping them from attacking strengin Normal attack used to mave boulders in the main game String Shot When this home, this attock lowers your enemys speed Struggle When your PPs are gone, use this. Youll take 1/4 of damage cone Stun Spore i successful Pokémon being ottacked will become paralysed | Submission You hit opponent har, but you take 1/4 of that pan. Ouch! | Substitute Pokémen clones, takes 1/4 of your energy, attacks enemy for you | Super Fang Itcan reduce your enemy's energy by half. Raticate likes this! | Supersonic ifit works, this attack wl confuse your hapless opponent | Sur Normal attack, ls sed to swim across the woters of Pokémon Swit This attack will ALWAYS hithome! Teach toa strong Reichu Swords Dance Useful skill wich con be usee te boost your Pokémon attack strength Tackle One of the very first normal attacks you'll ever get to use | Toit whip This drains your enemy's defensive stats. Now you can batter ‘em Toke Down Your Pokémon takes damage equal to 1/4 what opponent gets | Teleport Teleports you outta battle. Doesn't work in Trainer battles Thrash Inflicts good damage but, on turn 2 or 3, you get confused Thunder Normal Electric attack, but with 10% chance of paralysing enemy Thunder Wave IFit works, Thunder Wave will paralyse your enemy Thunderbolt Another normal attack which can paralyse your hapless foe Thunder Punch 10% chance of paralysing your enemy with this move Thundershock |__ Much the same as above. Normal. but 10% chance of paralysing foe Toxic Each tur in battle, the damage done by poison increases Transform Your Pokémon changes instantly into the enemy creature. Bizarre Tri Attack Normal attack. only effective if your Pakémon’s at a very high level Twineedle ‘Your Pokémon attacks twice in a row, chance you'll poison enemy Vice Grip Normal attack. can spread damage over several turns Vine Whip If Bulbasaur uses this on Brock’s Pokémon, they'll crumble away Woter Gun. Normal attack, fearsome in the hands of o high level Wartortle Waterfall Normal attack, fearsome in the hands of a high level Blastotse Whirlwind Stops battle instantly, but doesn’t work in Trainer duels Wing Attack Normal attack, only effective when used by strong Flying Pokémon Withdraw Pokémon with shells crav inside to increase their defence Allows your Pokémon to attack 2-5 times in a row Gross Poison Poison Normal Normal Grass Normal Normat Normal Grass Normai Normal Bug Normal Grass Fighting Normal Normal Normal Water Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Psychic Normal Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Poison Normal Normal Bug ™at TM 22 15 20 20 20 10 20 20 5 40 15 20 15 40 30 25 10 10 20 15 20 30 35 30 20 20 20 10 20 15 15 30 10 10 10 CEE Pokémon Master Guide ee) Hochame Mochoke Machop Mopikarp Heowth Metopod Mewtwo Matires Me Hime Mu Nidoking | O34 Nidoqueen_| 031 nicoran (Female) Nigoran (aie) ‘iorine Winetales ‘Oden ‘Omanyte ‘Omastor Porasect ed 55 Raich | 026 | 35 Ropdosh | 078 | 68 Ravicate | 020 | 33 Rawat | 019 Rrydon | ie | 87 Riyhorn a7 Sonanew | oa] sent [12] sie Sea seal Toa ‘Slowpoke ‘Snoriax | saa Siam Storyu Tongelo Touros Tentocoo! | a7 | 67 Tentocwel | 073 | 67 | voporean | 134 | 97 veromon | O49 | st Vecieebel Viepiune Voitors Wariorte Weedie Weepinbel Weng | 10 “Wisairuit | 040 | Zopdos Zubat

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