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Let us make pizza

Unit 4
Which Pizza would you prefer to eat?

1. He is dancing
2. They are baking
3. He is baking pizza.
4. They are cooking.
For Level 2 only
Read this dialogue 在餐厅订购食物
Waiter: Hello, Can I help you? 阅读这个对话
服务员:你好,我可以帮你 吗?
Eliera: Yes, I'd like to have some breakfast.
Waiter: Would you like some pancakes? 服务员:你想要一些煎 饼吗?
Eliera: Yes, I'd like some pancakes, please. 埃里埃拉:是的,我想要一些煎 饼。
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? 服务员:你想喝点什么 吗
Eliera: I'd like a cup of coffee. 埃里埃拉:我想要一杯咖啡。
For Level 2 only

1. 220 warm water 2. 350 grams bread flour 3.knead

2 teaspoons 1 teaspoon salt
active dry yeast

4. Coat with 1 teaspoon 5. Let rise 6. Flatten

olive oil
For Level 3 only
A: What's for lunch?

B: I don't know. What do you want to eat?

A: I was thinking of pizza.

B: That's what I ate yesterday.

A: What do you want to eat?

B: I wouldn't mind a burger.

A: I ate a burger just the other day.

B: We're going to have to compromise.

A: You could always get a burger, and I can get a pizza.

B: Sounds good to me.

A: Where can we go to get both?

B: We can get both at the cafeteria.

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