ASTM Clasif

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Each ASTM Standard has a unique ser~aldes~gnat~on.

It IS compr~sedof a caprtal letter lndlcatlng general

class~flcat~on (A, ferrous metals, B, nonferrous metals; C, cementlt~ous,ceramlc, concrete, and masonry
materials; D, m~scellaneousmaterials; E, m~scellaneoussubjects; F, materlals for speclflc applcat~ons,G,
corrosion, deter~orat~on, and degradat~onof materials; ES, emergency standards; P, proposals; PS, provlslonal
standards), a serial number (one to four dlglts), a dash, and the year of Issue.
In each serlal des~gnat~on, the number followlng the dash lndlcates the year of or~grnaladopt~onas standard
or, In the case of revlslon, the year of last revlslon. Thus, standards adopted or rev~seddurlng the year 1995
have as thelr flnal number, 95. A letter followlng thls number lndlcates more than one revlslon durlng that year,
that IS 95a lndlcates the second revlslon In 1995, 95b the third revlslon, etc. Standards that have been
reapproved w~thoutchange are lndlcated by the year of last reapproval In parentheses as part of the
des~gnat~on number, for example, (1995). A superscript epsllon lndlcates an editorla1 change slnce the last
revlslon or reapproval; t l for the flrst change, €2 for the second, etc.
If a standard IS written In acceptable metrlc un~tsand has a companion standard wrltten In ~nch-poundunlts
(or other units), the metrlc standard IS ldent~f~ed by a letter M after the serial number; )his standard contalns
"hard metric" unlts.
If a standard IS wrltten in rnch-pound un~ts(or other unlts) and acceptable metrlc un~ts,the document IS
Identifled by a dual alphanumeric des~gnatlon.
When reference IS made to a standard, the complete des~gnat~on should be given. Best practlce is to state
the desrgnation and title.
The boldface number(s) followlng the title refer to the volume(s) of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards in
whlch the standard appears.
Thls 1st lncludes only those standards whlch appear In the 1995 edit~onof each volume of the Annual Book
of ASTM Standards New and rev~sedstandards that were approved after the closlng date for the volume are
ava~lableas separate repr~ntsand w~llbe l~stedIn next year's edlt~on
Each ASTM standard IS available as a separate reprlnt from ASTM. Prlce and order information are available
from ASTM Customer Service, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, 610-832-9585

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