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“Blind Indoor Navigation Using Ultrasonic Sensor”

Submitted to:
Prof. Anand Kumar S

Submitted by:
Ch. Akhil Chowdary 19BCE2390
Prince Kumar 19BCI0002
Shashank Thyagi 18BCI0231
Aryan V Kulshreshtha 18BCI0235

S no. Topic Page no.

1. Introduction 2

2. Sub points 3 to 6

3. Block diagram 7

4. Circuit design and 7,8

5. Software design 8 to 11

6. Screen 11,12
shot and
7. Future 12,13
scope and


World Health Organization (WHO) has released the statistics in 2014 that shows 10% of
the world’s population have a disability, with 80% of them located in developing
countries. This global data on visual impairments shows the people with visual
impairment globally is around 285 million which 39 million are fully blind and 246
million are having low vision problem. This total figure does not reflect to the real
number of a people with disabilities in this world since the visually impaired people are
cannot independently travel by themselves. Many technologies have been developed to
assist blind users with different navigation needs. This includes avoiding obstacles like
laser canes and other handheld devices that transmit laser or ultrasound beams to detect
objects ahead of the user and give audio or vibration feedback that varies according to
how close the objects are. In this paper represents the main objective of the system is to
provide, in real-time, useful navigation information that enables a user to make
appropriate and timely decisions on which route to follow in an indoor space. Two main
aspects should be addressed by this system to provide navigation support:
(1) Detection of the position and movement intentions of a user.
(2) Positioning of all the objects or possible obstacles into the environment.

In order to deal with these issues, the solution uses the interaction among several
components as a platform to capture and process the user and environment information,
and to generate and deliver navigation messages to users while they are moving in an
indoor area. The motivation of this project was to develop a portable navigation aid for
blind pedestrians. The most widely used primary mobility aid today is the long cane.
This has several limitations such as arrange limited to the length of the cane, typically
one pace a head of the user, difficulties detecting over hanging obstacles, and difficulties
storing in public places.


Navigation in indoor environments is highly challenging for visually impaired persons.

Conventionally, they use white cane or guide dog for traveling to desired destination.
Several solutions have been proposed to deal with this challenge. Although, some of
them have shown to be useful in real scenarios, they involve an important deployment
effort or use artifacts that are not natural for blind users.


According to W.H.O., 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide: 39 million
are blind and 246 have a problem of low vision. About 90% of the world's visually
impaired live in developing countries. As an engineer it is our responsibility to develop
technology for bringing comfort to these people. Thus, as a start, the goal of our project
is to develop a device which the blind can use to navigate independently. We also set our
goal to make this technology accurate, comfortable, easy to implement and affordable.


• There are two buzzers and one LED on the breadboard which alarm the user and the
people around him/her

• The ultrasonic sensor, placed on the breadboard detects obstruction that comes along
the way of the user.

• Different amplitudes of sounds are generated based on the distance between the stick
and the obstruction.
• The sound generated increases in amplitude as the distance between the obstruction
and the stick decreases

• If distance is less than or equal 40cm only one buzzer will generate sound.

• If distance is less than or equal to 20cm, both the buzzers will generate sound.

• If distance is less than or equal to 10cm (emergency condition), the LED will light,
alerting people around the user. The sound amplitude will remain same.


• Breadboard

• Battery

• Ultrasonic sensor


• Buzzer/Alarm

• Arduino


There are 38 million blind people and 242 million with low vision which accounts to 280
million visually impaired people worldwide. There are many obstacles along path to
avoid these traditionally followed techniques are mainly on Global Positioning System
(GPS) alone, to navigate around. These solutions based on GPS are always not reliable
because of their low accuracy. All these navigational system devices give instructions to
blind on how to navigate, in which case the user still have to think and move around that
is not autonomous. None these devices physically help to the blind around. The basic
properties and limitations of existing devices are discussed.

• Ultrasonic blind walking stick:

The system is intended to provide artificial vision and obstacle detection around the
blind person. The system uses ultrasonic sensor to detect the presence of object. It also
has a moisture sensor to detect the presence of water. The microcontroller used is a small
computer on a single integrated circuit. When the system detects an object, the signal is
transferred to the micro controller which notifies the user through a buzzer.

• Advanced cane for visually impaired:

The guide cane is used to assist the blind person both indoors and outdoors. It has
an obstacle detection system along with a GPS navigation system. The GPS
navigation system is preprogrammed to help the user navigate to their desired
location. A raspberry pi is used to store the obstacle detection programs and GPS
navigation programs. The user is given audio feedbacks for navigation and
obstacle detection.

• Smart Ultrasonic stick for blind:

A study was made in the system to help blind people use the pulse echo technique
in order to provide a warning sound when detecting the obstacles. By means of
calculating the difference between the signal's transmit time and signal's receiving
time we can predict the distance between the user and the obstacles. This system is
very useful in detecting the obstacles with a detection range up to 3 meters and a
detection angle 0 to 45 degree. However, this system consumes more power to
operate because of the transmitter and receiver circuits. So, this system needs to be
redesigned to operate with less power consumption and thereby increase its

• Voice aided electronic stick:

Alejandro R. Garcia Ramirez and Renato Fonseca Livramento da Silvaetal (2012)

together have designed an electronic long cane to serve as an aid to the blind and
visually impaired. They have implemented the cane by an ergonomic design and
an embedded electronic system. The system was designed using haptic sensors
that are used to detect obstacles above the waistline. So, every time it detects an
obstacle, the electronic stick vibrates or makes a sound. But this system is held
back as it can detect obstacles only above the waistline

• Walking system with image matching:

Kenta Yamamoto, Katsuya Suganuma, Daisuke Sugimori, Masaki Murotani have come
up with a system which is a walking support system for the visually challenged. It has 3
components, the first is used to find the best path to reach the destination making use of
algorithms, the second component is to aid the user to navigate to the destination, and the
third component is route maintenance and route recovery making use of camera based
solutions to prevent route deviation. While the system proposes an optimal navigation
method, it is not autonomous.

All these systems mentioned above are used for object detection and identification but
they are not autonomous because we can’t relay GPS because it not effective in rural
areas where there no proper signals and it can’t give exact indication and who are
wearing it face lot of problems. These GPS based equipment is very costly and it can’t
affordable by the all 280 million people only 20percent of the people will be able to buy.



• There are two buzzers and one LED on the
breadboard which alarm the user and the people
around him/her
• The ultrasonic sensor, placed on the breadboard detects
obstruction that comes along the way of the user.
• Different amplitudes of sounds are generated based
on the distance between the stick and the obstruction.
• The sound generated increases in amplitude as the
distance between the obstruction and the stick decreases
• If distance is less than or equal 40cm only one buzzer will generate
• If distance is less than or equal to 20cm, both the buzzers
willgenerate sound.
• If distance is less than or equal to 10cm
(emergency condition), the LED will light, alerting
people around the user. The sound amplitude will
remain same.


* make a smart stick that helps the Blind

*/ #define trigPin 9

#define echoPin8

#define Buzzer1 5//active

#define Buzzer2 7//passive

#define Led1 6//Vibration

int sound = 250;

void setup() {

Serial.begin (9600);

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(trigPin, INPUT);

pinMode(Buzzer1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(Buzzer2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(Led1, OUTPUT);

void loop() {


long duration, distance;

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin,HIGH);

distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

digitalWrite(Buzzer1, LOW);

digitalWrite(Buzzer2, LOW);

digitalWrite(Led1, LOW);

if (distance<40) {

digitalWrite(Led1, HIGH);


if (distance<20)

digitalWrite(Led1, HIGH);


digitalWrite(Buzzer1, HIGH);


if (distance<10)

digitalWrite(Led1, HIGH);


digitalWrite(Buzzer1, HIGH);


if (distance<10)

digitalWrite(Led1, HIGH);


digitalWrite(Buzzer1, HIGH);


digitalWrite(Buzzer2, HIGH);




• When an obstacle is in the range of 1.4 m of the

sensor, located on the walking stick, the Arduino will
play the buzzer with different sounds based on the
distance between the sensor and the obstacle. This will
alert the person using the stick. Obstacle detection is
one of the major concerns for a fully or a partially blind
• Presented here is a smart stick using Arduino Uno.
The stick uses Ultrasonic sensors for obstacle
detection. The main aim of this project is to detect
nearby obstacle and notify the user of the direction of
that obstacle, thereby enabling the user to determine
the corrective direction to head.

• The proposed system has been developed and its main goal is the
increase the capability of blind individuals. The technique used here
is well known name in imaging industries, where they reduce errors
by using more advance sensors.
• A person would be able to detect each and every obstacle and using
sensor, person would be able to find out who is exactly and who is


1. Implementation of Bluetooth module to locate the stick

anywhere in the person's vicinity.
2. Improvement in the precision of the sensors.
3. Adding multiple ultrasonic sensor’s so that obstruction in any
random direction can be detected.



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