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Episode 1:

On the day of his birthday, Abhay chases and nabs a criminal.. and parallelly his wife who was
on her way to meet Abhay at the police-station gets chased by a serial killer… She calls
Emergency call centre for help and speaks to Vani…but their phone gets disconnected… and
because Vani’s senior calls back on her phone.. the killer finds the location where she is hiding
and kills her…

Abhay was merrily drinking with his colleagues when he gets the news of his wife’s death.

Later in the court…it is revealed that Vani’s father, who was a constable in the force, was asked
to check the crime scene and was also murdered by the same killer… but the higher ups of the
police department… manipulate the case and showcase it as an accidental hit and run case…

As Abhay’s wife case is on… Vani comes to the court claims that the voice of the accused is not
same as the killer…. And accused gets acquitted. Abhay in rage believes that Vani has taken
money from the killer. This is the start of their hate relationship.

The show takes a leap of 3 years, Vani is back after studying in US, she is now a senior level
voice profiler. She wants to start “RAPID ACTION TEAM”… which will work on crime prevention
rather than the investigation post the crime.

After 3 years, we see Abhay as a hopeless man, he is not the same fun loving brave detective,
and rather he is a bitter, angry & demotivated one. He is furious to see Vani back. He even
misbehaves with her as well as other office colleagues, even tells her to go away.

Everyone is against Vani’s idea to set up the ‘rapid action team’ until a case comes where she is
in direct in touch with the victim girl. The girl who has called on the emergency helpline number
says that she has been abducted by a man who is going to kill her. She says that she met the
man through a dating site for sex in exchange of money. The girl demanded to see the money
first before going with him but he still made her follow him until girl got annoyed and turned to
leave. But he grabbed the girl and took her to an isolated spot. She is unable to provide the
exact location… Vani immediately sends Abhay and his team of detectives while she is still on
the call and trying to locate the exact location of the victim.

While we see her talking to the victim, there are intercuts of detectives trying to find her and
her hiding from the killer. Abhay and his team aren’t able to find her. Its then Vani’s special
hearing powers come into picture and she helps them detect the place. As detectives rush to
the place of crime, we see the criminal finds the victim and is about to kill her. Episode ends on
a cliff hanger and leaves the viewers wondering what would happen to the victim.

Episode 2:

The episode starts with Abhay saving the girl after a fight with the criminal. He is in such a rage
that he is about the kill the criminal…. And Vani who is on phone stops him. He wonders how
Vani was able to figure out the location of the criminal and he decides to talk to her about this.

On the other hand Vani starts hiring people for her team… Dilpreet the hacker joins her team
but the multilingual expert officer Payal refuses claiming that she is much more ambitious.

When asked Vani tells Abhay about her special hearing powers, his friend calls him and tells him
not to believe on her as she got the help from special analysis force. This leads to more anguish
and tension between Abhay and Vani as he completely refuses to believe her and calls her a liar
and refuses to work with her. But just then another call comes and to save a kid’s life. Abhay
has to go despite the fact that he doesn’t want to work with Vani.

This time there is a 7 year old kid hiding in washing machine whose foster mother is trying to
kill him. The boy is already been stabbed by her and she is looking for him in the whole house
and neighborhood.

She is talking to her continuously to keep him awake… he reveals that his mother first tried to
drown him in the bath tub and then stabbed him brutally. On the other side the woman is
afraid as kid is missing. She is finding him furiously. She has a knife in her hand and it seems
that she is blood hungry.

Again, we see detectives aren’t able to locate him but Vani due to her hearing and deducting
special powers figures out the location. As detectives are about to reach at the location, we see
the mother has found the kid and about to kill him. The episode ends on a cliff hanger…

Episode 3:

The episode starts with Abhay and his team navigating the 7 year old boy’s location but before
that the killer mother finds him and when she is about to kill him Vani tries to speak with her.
She figures out that the lady is suffering from borderline personality disorder. And this leads to
a breakdown of the lady and she gives up on killing her son but then an anonymous man (face
not visible) comes and takes the kid away.
Detectives reach the location but couldn’t aren’t able to find boy in the house. They suspect the
involvement of the lady’s husband and they rush to his office but Vani from the sound of
footsteps guesses that the man was old and was suffering from arthritis. Abhay meets an old
security guard who offers him spiked juice. Abhay goes with him to check the basement where
he gets dizzy and old man tries to kill him but then we realize that the Abhay never had the
juice that was offered to him by old man… It is revealed that the security guard in reality is killer
woman’s adoptive father. He abused her as well in the childhood that’s why she was suffering
from borderline personality disorder. The old man in disguise of a security guard uses her to
adopt and kill kids to claim their insurance money.

The master mind is apprehended.. but the child is still missing… Vani helps Abhay in finding the
kid. This is how Abhay realizes that Vani was telling truth about her special hearing powers.

Then he asks her about the night three years ago when his wife was killed, we go into the flash
back and see that his wife and her father were killed by same man. Vani claims that the
murderer is a rich & powerful man because even police wanted to get rid of the case. She also
reveals that there might have been a deal between the original killer and accused who was
acquitted to take the blame on himself..

Detective asks for proof. Just then they get a call saying “the accused” has been found
murdered in a warehouse.

Episode 4:

Vani goes through the post mortem of accused – Arvind.. and figures out that he was killed by
same weapon which was used to murder her father and Abhay’s wife.

On the other hand, drunk Abhay gets flashbacks of his wife’s death and he gets more
determined about catching the real killer no matter what… we establish Payal’s sister, Neha at
the same bar… she is working with her grandmother.

Payal is talking to her sister Neha on call, who is at the parking lot of a mall, She finds a purse
there and when she opens it, there was a pendrive and it claims to have her illicit videos. Just
then someone abducts her… Payal seeks Vani’s help…

The chase again starts. We see Neha, tied in a car’s trunk. She somehow picks up the call and
Vani figures out that it’s a sedan and there is a shovel in the trunk. She tells the same to Abhay
who is on the road chasing a truck, thinking Neha is in there.
Abhay somehow manages to stop the truck.. but the masked driver tries to escape and chasing
him leads to an accident where Abhay’s colleague Prakash gets injured.

Later they figure out that truck driver wasn’t the culprit.

On the other side, Vani suspects Neha’s boyfriend Rohan for the abduction and ventures out
alone to check if his car has a shovel.. and finally finds out that she was right. But he smartly
abducts her as well… Rapid Action team gets activated to find Vani’s whereabout.

We see Vani tied in gunny bag and Rohan and his partner are taking her in an isolated place…
we reveal Rohan’s sinister plan that that after burying Vani alive… he is going to rape Neha for a
live porn site… They dig a grave for Vani and throw her into it. While on the other hand Abhay
is on his way to save Vani. Will he be able to save her? Cliff Hanger.

Episode 5:

Abhay reaches on time and saves Vani but Rohan and his assistant manage to escape with

Abhay with the help of an assistant figures out that the criminal had police wireless radio in the
trunk and that they could hear everything the police is conversing. Abhay makes him do the
reverse so that they could know what criminals are talking. They are racing against time as
Rohan would be making a rape video with Neha by 10.00 pm.

Rohan is in business of making illicit videos and uploading it on his website and earn bitcoins
out of it. His assistant is helping him for that money.

While trying to make a rape video with Neha, their camera gets damaged so Rohan sends his
assistant to get another one from the car.

Through radio wireless, Abhay figures out that Rohan’s assistant was talking to his other boss
and there is tension and distrust between him and Rohan.

This leads to a fight between Rohan and his assistant and the assistant gets killed.

Payal tells Vani that that Rohan’s mother and their father had an affair and which broke both
homes. We get to know Rohan’s back story wherein he burnt his house in childhood where his
mother was sleeping… because he believed that his mother is an immoral woman… and…hence
he has an agenda against Neha as well….
Payal feels guilty for being unable to redict and protect her little sister despite being a police

Abhay & Vani get a clue from Payal that Rohan could been hiding at their abandoned and
dilapidated school…

They reach the school building. Vani is unable to hear anything due to wind this is why Abhay
goes to third floor to look while Vani is still at second floor. She manages to find Neha who is
kept in a cupboard by Rohan.

Rohan attacks Vani. And at the right moment, Abhay reaches there and saves Vani and Neha

Because of the victory and bravery in the solving the present case, Abhay old boss – Mr.
Adhikari offers Abhay his old position in the department back but here Abhay refuses his offer
saying that it’s more fun to work with “Rapid Action team”.

When the police is taking Rohan away, he says whispers the intimate details of Vani’s father’s
murder in Vani’s ears… Vani is completely taken back and wonders if he is the main killer…
Episode ends on a cliff hanger.

Episode 6:

The episode starts with Rohan telling Vani about how he witnessed her father’s murder but
chief Mr. Adhikari interrupts them and tells her that it’s not allowed to assault the accused.

Vani and Abhay follow the police jeep in which Rohan is taken to police station. But suddenly
the petrol leaks and the police jeep is forced to halt at a gas station and Rohan asks to go to
washroom, where he tries to escape. There a strange man already in there ( we again hint the
audience that probably he is the main killer)… He assaults Rohan and burns him alive and
escapes though the window. Mr Adhikari again tries to close the case as suicide as the
washroom was locked from inside… but Vani is bent over the fact that she heard that someone
in the washroom and it was a homicide. Mr. Adhikari shouts at her for being irrational. But then
Abhay and Vani connect the dots and figure out the killer must have escaped.. and they suspect
that Mr. Adhikari is also involved in this homicide to save the real killer… But they don’t have
any evidence for the same.

From further investigation, they figured out that a pimp (who runs a high profile club cum
brothel named fantasia) can tell them about the killer.. So they go to meet her… She after initial
reluctance, she tells them that the man is the CEO of a GP development trading company.
Payal joins Rapid Action team and she realizes that Dilpreet likes her but she doesn’t encourage

A new call comes - from a lady who is witnessing a tenant trying to kill an old landlady of their
building who suffers from dementia.

While the case seems easy when the police detains the tenant and save the old lady… a dead
body wrapped in plastic and hidden in a cupboard is discovered…The shock is that the old lady
& the dead body have the same face. The episode ends on a cliff hanger.

Episode 7:

The tenant complains to the police that the landlady is faking dementia… and had made his life
miserable so that he could vacate his place…

Abhay tries to figure that between the dead body and the old lady in front of him.. who is the
real owner/landlady of the place.. and discovers that the real one is dead. The old lady and her
autistic brother are taken under arrest.

Just then a guy named Tabloid (Abhay’s informer) calls Abhay and tells him that he has found
the man from GP company. Abhay leaves to meet Tabloid alone. We get to see his paternal
instincts when he is talking to his child and feeling sorry for not being able to join him for the
puppet show.

Vani interrogate the old lady and her brother… who reveals that the landlady was a friend…
One day her autistic brother came to her with blood on his hands… and dragged her to the
landlady’s place where she was already lying dead and people from a big real estate and builder
company who wanted to buy her building were there too. It is revealed that these people were
forcing the dead woman to sell her property to them but she didn’t agree as she wanted to
donate her property after her death.

They blackmailed the old woman and change her face through plastic surgery… and made these
sibling their slaves to vacate all the tenants… with the threat of killing them.

Vani asks her when was the last time these people visited them. She reveals that its was last
night and that they talking about a guy named tabloid and a mad dog…

Vani gets it that they were talking about Abhay. And parallelly we see how Tabloid leads Abhay
into a trap, where he is captured by the goons of the Guy (Mr. Parimal) who killed Rohan… Vani
activates the team to find Abhay.
Episode 8:

The episode starts with Abhay tied and captured by Killer at a butcher’s shop… He confesses to
Abhay that he killed his wife and Vani’s father…

Abhay smartly manages to untie himself and fights with everyone, but by the time the police
team reaches Mr. Parimal manages to escape.

In this episode, we see that there is another big Mafia for whom Mr. Parimal works… that is…
Viraaj…In the entire episode we play the confusion as to who is the main psychopath… is it
Parimal or Viraaj. While Abhay is confident that Parimal is the one since he confessed and all
the other evidences points towards him. But Vani tells Abhay that Mr. Parimal is again not the
real killer.. based on the voice the psychopath must be 30 but Mr. Parimal is an old man.

There is another distress call that comes from the landlady (established in the previous
episodes)…. And we see the masked psychopath again in action in his full brutality. The squad is
unable to save the landlady this time. Vani reveals to Abhay that killer is playing games with
them as the lady was murdered 30 mins prior to the call which came at the emergency unit..
She guesses that the voice of the landlady seeking help must have been recorded by the killer.

The finger prints on the landlady’s mobile matches to Mr. Parimal. While Vani changes her view
that the Parimal is the killer… Abhay points out that all of Parimal’s previous crimes and
statements from his henchmen doesn’t match the brutality in which the old woman was killed
and the way her body was displayed. Plus the excerpts from the bible written with her blood on
the crime scene and a broken mirror points out the main killer is someone else.

Episode 9

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