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Input signals of fault locators

1. Pre-fault,fault,and post-fault data:

The three following time interval can be distinguished:

 Pre-fault interval: from the beginning of registration up to the detecting of the fault
 Fault interval: lasting from the fault incipience to the fault clearance
 Post-fault interval: lasting from the clearance of the detected fault to the end time interval

This is a simple example of a phase to ground fault

Read about all kinds of faults taught by dr.Noureddine (last year) ; as I remember there were 5 types of

They’ve used the post-fault quantities as an input signal of the fault-locator and pre-fault was avoided
(less accuracy)

2. Use of different input signals for fault location:

Many algo are developed in the fault locator field where the majority of them are impedance principle
based where making use of current and voltage signals. through the availability of these signals , algo’s
are categorized as the following:

 One-end algorithm:

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