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We see a person trying too hard to open a Jar Lid , but he can’t . Fed up with the attempt, he just
goes to kitchen and grabs a single bread slice and starts eating, we see Jam Bottle in the kitchen.
Once he reaches the hall the Jar Lid is open. He looks around in panic with the half bread and then
He just takes a gulp with fear and with the half slice bread in his mouth . He then recollects that he
forgot applying jam over the bread slice and goes to kitchen with the half bread in his mouth and
he searches the jam bottle, but he can’t and once he reaches the Hall .he find s the jam bottle over
the table. He starts sweating. He applies the jam to the bread and starts eating; he feels thirsty and
then puts back the half eaten bread on the table itself and goes to kitchen and drinks the water.
Once he reaches the hall he doesn’t find the bread.

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