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,EE. 1.
Princcton Houss z7r High Hotboru, Io:soos YclY ?5.'U
Fffi.Y Tclcx: 26t867 Tclegrat*: A6dcp, Loiloa YCIY /EY
Y ?cl9honc: or-+o5 {32t
Plase d&cs aq rcPly b

":;*{ 55gt*r
Yoo rctaarc:

nff" Isfrh T*aeA SftctH

NatloaalLty Daro of Bt-rtb tqek
tr ra1-.

)a qord
Thia la to certify tbat the bearer of thie letter, na.oed
above, doee not rlquirc to obtai-u trrroieslcra of thc
Oepariocat of Eaployoeut e of the Eooe Office before
!eti',g eoplolment, e.'ither paid c r:npaidr la- the
Great Brilai.. (for vork l-a Northera Ircl'aail
Hialotry of dealth ssd Social Serricee for Nortbera
lrelaad aboultl be coneulted.) Ibe bearcr 1a frcet ao
' far as tbe Eooe ufflce le conce::aed, to set qp i-a
busiaeaa, subJect to a:ry statutory l-ava aad reguJationa
nhich herlaft oaY be i-atcrested'
ILla lettcr ehorld be retrined for Foductlon to the
Depgrtaeat of Eoployocat cr other authority lf requlr.ed.

for Under SccretanT ol Statc

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