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Intern Report on

Satisfied employees will lead to satisfied


Submitted to: Submitted By:

Mr. Showvonick Datta Rafiul Karim

Lecturer ID. 10104080
BRAC Business School BRAC Business School

Letter of Transmittal

16th September, 2014

Mr. Showvonick Datta
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Subject: Submission of internship report on “Satisfied employees will lead to satisfied


Dear Sir,

I am happy to submit my intern report on “Satisfied employees will lead to satisfied customer”
which you have assigned me to do as a part of my BBA program requirement. I have tried my
best to gather all kinds of relevant information, which could give an overall idea on this topic. I
have worked 3 months with Bank Asia Limited and have observed their work. I tried to gather
information regarding report as much as possible. I hope that this report will meet the expected

I have enjoyed preparing the report very much and now I am submitting this internship report for
your kind consideration and thanking you for your constant assistance and guidance.

Sincerely yours,

Rafiul Karim
ID# 10104080
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Thank you.

Any prosperous conclusion requires support from various personnel and I was fortunate to have
that support, direction, and supervision in every aspect from my teacher and colleagues.

I like to express my deep sense of thankfulness to my honorable academic supervisor Mr.

Showvonick Datta Lecturer, BRAC Business School for his frank encouragement as well as
guidance in preparing this report.

Then, I express my sincere gratitude to the Branch Manager, Md. Mostafizur Rahman and the
Operation Manager of the branch, A.K.M. Mohsin Uddin who was my supervisor during my
internship period.

I would also like to thank the entire branch as well as my colleagues who have made these three
months of internship a memorable experience for me. Especial thanks to all the officers in the
foreign exchange department and general banking department who helped me in preparing my
internship report. It was my privilege and I am truly honored working in such a wonderful
branch with these wonderful colleagues.

Finally my sincere gratitude goes to my family, friends, and classmates who helped me whenever
I needed them.


Bank Asia is one of the leading banks of Bangladesh. They have a huge amount of customer base
and to satisfy this huge number of customers they have many efficient employees who work hard
to make all those employees satisfied. The bank knows that it’s very important to make the
employees satisfied as they are the person who faces the customers and give services to them.

This report is based on the basis that says satisfied employees can make the customers happy.
Employees are the assets of a bank. They represent the bank. Their service is what makes the
customers satisfied or unsatisfied.

In this survey I have seen that the sector in which employees are happy the customers are also
happy and in the sectors on which the employees are happy the customers are also unsatisfied. It
is because in those sectors the service is not as expected as the customers wanted.

It is clear from the outcome that the customer’s satisfaction depends on the satisfaction of the
employees and making them happy can make the customers satisfied.
Table of Content

Chapter Topic Name Page Number

1.1 Origin of the report 6
1.2 Objective of the report 6
1 1.3 Scope of the study 6
Introduction 1.4 Methodology 7
1.5 Limitation of the study 8
2.1 History of Bank Asia 10
2.2 Vision of Bank Asia Ltd. 11
2.3 Mission of Bank Asia Ltd. 11
2.4 Core Values of Bank Asia Ltd. 11
2 2.5 Objectives of Bank Asia 12
Overview of the bank 2.6 Hierarchy of Bank Asia 13
2.7Organogram of Bank Asia Limited, Uttara Branch 14
2.8 Salient features of Bank Asia 15

3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 General Banking 18
3 3.3 My Experience in General Banking 18
My Experience 3.4 Customer Service 19
3.5 Foreign Exchange Department 20
3.6 My Experience in Foreign Exchange Department 20

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Employee Satisfaction 23
Employee Satisfaction 4.3 Employee Satisfaction level 23
of Bank Asia 4.4 Facilities Provided To The Employees 24
4.5 Working Environment Of The Bank 24
4.6 Finding Of The Survey Of The Employee 24
4.7 Discussion of Employee Satisfaction Survey

5 38
5.1 Customer Satisfaction
5.2 Customer Satisfaction Level
Customer Satisfaction 5.3 Service Provided To Customers 38
of Bank Asia 5.4 Finding Of The Survey Of The Employee 39
5.5 Discussion Of Customer Satisfaction Survey 49

6 6.1 Conclusion 51
Conclusion and 6.2 Recommendation 51

Reference and Reference 54
questionnaire Appendix-I 55
Appendix-II 58



1.1Origin of the report:

The three months internship program is one of the most crucial parts of a BBA student. It carries
out a best learning way and to know about the organizational proceedings as well as cope up
with those working environment as manner of professional employees. These real time learning
makes the student professional, sincere, well communicator, punctual and also be a smart in
various aspect. In order to internship purpose I was appointed to Bank Asia ltd. Uttara branch in
Sector # 04 Uttara. I started my intern on 18th May 2014 and it was end in 18th August 2014. My
supervisor assigned me with an internship report that is on the “Satisfied employees will lead to
satisfied customer

1.2 Objectives of the report:

There are two types of objectives for this report described below:

 Main objective: The main objective of this report is to comprehend and scrutinize the
 Find out the employee satisfaction of Bank Asia
 Finding the Customer satisfaction level of the branch.
 Impact of employee’s service on the customer satisfaction.
 Specific objective:
 Knowing what makes employee happy.
 Tools that makes the employees unhappy or encouraged.
 Comparative advantage of Bank Asia.
 Efficiency of Bank Asia.

1.3 Scope of the study:

This report consist of the information that is based on the customers and the employees of the
foreign exchange department of Bank Asia. I was working in department as a result it was
available to me.

Some of the customers and employees were from the general banking department.

1.4 Methodology:

For preparing this report I have used mostly primary resources as I was an intern in Bank Asia
Uttara Branch. I used both primary and secondary data.

 Primary Data: Most of the information about the bank was collected from primary
source. As I was an intern in the bank I have collected these data through questionnaire
 Secondary Data: I also had to use secondary data as it was already available.

 1.4.1 Designing Instruments

To design customers and employees questionnaires, different items\statements are used with
some changes in language to fit the respondents. The questions are organized in a way so that the
respondents feel easy and comfortable to answer and express their opinions. The
items\statements are basically about the respondents’ positive and negative attitude towards the
satisfaction of the service and facility they are getting. The respondents have to choose and tick
an appropriate option from five options for each item\statement. For analysis, the responses are
converted into mathematical figures as follows:

Entirely disagree = 1, Disagree =2, Not sure = 3, Agree = 4, Entirely agree = 5

 1.4.2 Sampling of the Study

For study I had to go to customers and the employees of the bank to answer my survey questions.
It was not easy to collect all information as everyone is very busy.

Samples designated for the survey are shown below:

Table 1: Samples for the survey

Type Number

1.Customer questionnaire 20

2. Employee questionnaire 10

 1.4.3 Data Collection Procedure

To collect the data I went personally to the customers and the employees and asked them to help
me regarding this. Some customers were happy to help me and some did not. This was a difficult
task as everyone is in a hurry in the bank and the work load on the employees was high everyday
but after the closing of the banking period that means after 5 p.m. they were more relaxed but
tired in that time they helped me by answering my queries.

 1.4.4 Data Analysis

For this study, I have used mean score to analyze the collected data. The mean is the sum of all
scores of all subjects\respondents in a group divided by the number of subjects\respondents, [X =
∑X/n] (Seliger and Shohamy, 1989). The mean of each of the items\statements, therefore, is the
average score for each item\statement and it is the summation of all the scores divided by the
number of subjects\respondents. The average performances of a group on a given task are
determined by the mean and it helps the researcher to get information by shortening large
amounts of data. The mean provides the researcher how a group performed as a whole (Seliger
and Shohamy, 1989).

1.5 Limitations of the study

 Three months are not enough as I had tried to give my best effort to my learning purpose.
 Due to banking rush sometimes the concerned personnel were not able to provide enough
 The organization maintains some confidentiality about certain information as a result this
report may miss some important data and information.
 Many customers were not very much cooperative.

Chapter 02: Overview of the Bank


2.1 History of Bank Asia:

A group of successful entrepreneurs with recognized standing in the society launched Bank Asia.
It set milestone by acquiring the business operations of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Dhaka, first
in the banking history of Bangladesh. It again repeated the performance by acquiring the
Bangladesh operations of Muslim Commercial Bank Lydia Pakistani bank.

In the year 2003 the Bank again came to the limelight with oversubscription of the Initial Public
Offering of the shares of the Bank, which was a record (55 times) in our capital market's history
and its shares commands respectable premium. The asset and liability growth has been
remarkable. Bank Asia has been actively participating in the local money market as well as
foreign currency market without exposing the Bank to vulnerable positions. The Bank's
investment in Treasury Bills and other securities went up noticeably opening up opportunities for
enhancing income in the context of a regime of gradual interest rate decline.

Bank Asia is one of the leading private Banks in Bangladesh. Due to its recent success as a
successful bank, it is becoming one of the best in Bangladesh in private sectors. The exceptional
financial products with their eye-catching services are the key to success of Bank Asia. Currently
Bank Asia has been providing lots of services for their customers like Retail banking, corporate
banking, Islamic banking, SME banking, Mobile banking and other services. In retail banking
Bank Asia is providing lots of services which are very beneficial to people. Services like current
account helps people to open account any time and in any flexible locations along with the
facilities of ATM card, online banking and SMS banking. Services like DPS, which is very much
convenient for lots of individuals. Other benefits like Monthly Benefit Plus, Double Benefit Plus
and Triple Benefit Plus is convenient for a certain group of middle class people, who can afford
these types of services. In corporate banking services like Auto loans is very much helpful for
the customers. Corporate Banking also includes House Financing and Consumer Durable Loans.
Agriculture finance is also mentioned in retail banking.

Vision, Mission & Core Values

Bank Asia is a third generation public limited commercial bank. It received the Certificate of
Incorporation on September 28, 1999 and came to operation on November 27, 1999. Now after
15 faithful years of dedicated and reliable services, Bank Asia has created an envious position for

itself among the leading banks of the country with an Asset base of TK. 117 billion, Deposit of
TK 95 Billion and 70+ outlets all over the country. But most importantly, the Bank has an
unsurpassed legacy attached with its image.



2.2 Vision of Bank Asia

Bank Asia's vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new
millennium, reflecting the national dream. Their vision is to build a society where human dignity
and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty.

2.3 Mission of Bank Asia

 To assist in bringing high quality service to the customers and to participate in the growth
and expansion of national economy
 To set high standards of integrity and bring total satisfaction to the clients, shareholders
and employees
 To become the most sought after bank in the country, rendering technology driven
innovative services by the dedicated team of professionals

2.4 Core Values of Bank Asia

 Place customer interest and satisfaction as first priority and provide customized banking
products and services
 Value addition to the stakeholders through attaining excellence in banking operations
 Maintain high ethical standard and transparency in dealings
 Be a compliant institution through adhering to all regulatory requirements
 Contribute significantly for the betterment of the society
 Ensure higher degree of motivation and dignified working environment for our human
capital and respect optimal work-life balance
 Committed to protect the environment and go green

2.5 Objective of the Bank Asia Limited:

 Giving full attention to the customer

 Identifying customer actual needs
 Improving customer service quality
 Creating happy relationship with the customer
 Giving importance even to smallest query
 Attracting new worth through higher sales and profit
 Creating image through serve the best service & product
 Achieving corporate objective through joint effort.

2.6 Hierarchy of Bank Asia

President and Managing Director

Deputy Managing Director (DMD)

Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP)

Executive Vice President (EVP)

Senior Vice President (SVP)

Vice President (VP)

First Vise President (FVP)

Assistant Vice President (AVP)

First Assistant Vice President (FAVP)

Senior Executive Officer (SEO)

Executive Officer (EO)

Senior Officer (SO)

Management Trainee Officer (MTO)

Officer Junior Officer (JO)

Assistant Officer (AO)

Banking Officer (BO)

Trainee Officer (TO)


F. Ex. F. Ex.
F. Ex. F. Ex. F. Ex.
Officer Officer
Officer F. Ex. Officer Officer F. Ex.
Officer Officer
Syeda Ishrat
Shahjahan SohelRa Md.
2.7Organogram of Bank Asia Shaikh Fahmeda na Khan Golam Sanjida
Shahriar Jahan
(SEO) Rahman (SO) Sultana
Iqbal Chowdh
(EO) Kibria (JO)
(SO) ury (BO)

F. Ex.

Credit Credit Ahmad
Relations Relations
hip hip
officer officer

Shafiqul Sadia
Islam Afrin
(Officer) Monami


Cash In
Md. A.K.M. Charge
Mostafiz Mohsin Credit In- Credit
ur Uddin Charge Relations Credit Md.
Rahman hip Relation SajjadHoss
FVP & A.N.M. officer ain (SO)
SVP & Manager Amin Teller
Head of Operation Ullah Md.
Branch s (FAVP) Zahangir AfrozaP Mamunur
Alam arvin Rashid


Custome Ms. Nafisa

r service Akhter (JO)
General Clearing
r Service
Khatun Salahudd
In- Rahima
(JO) inSohel
Charge Aktar
lHaque O)
( SO)


 Only Bangladeshi Bank to acquire (Purchase) operations of 02 (two) foreign banks

 Bank of Nova Scotia of Canada
 Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan
 Majority stakeholder of ERA INFOTECH (A joint Venture IT Company)
 Centralized Trade Services Operation (Facilitates Export/ Import and Inward and
Outward Remittance foreign-AD Branches)
 Central Clearing Fully Automated
 Online Charges – Free

Chapter 3: My Experience

3.1 Introduction to the bank:

Bank Asia is one of the recognized private commercial bank in Bangladesh; in spite of existing
of numerous competitors it has been created a renowned image in the banking sector within a
short period of time. After getting my confirmation letter I joined Bank Asia on 18th May 2014.
First I went to the manager of Operations MR. A.K.M. Mohsin Uddin and Submit my
confirmation letter. Then he asked me to submit my joining letter which I had with me and I
submitted it to him. After that he introduced me with manager of the branch Mr. Mostafizur
Rahman who introduced me with the others in a morning prayer. In that prayer every employee
of the bank was there. Then Mr. Mohsin uddin asked me to work in the reception with Ms.
Nafisa Akhter. It was my first day at the office but she was very much friendly as a result within
a few minutes I was quite comfortable in that position thus my first day at work began.

From the beginning Bank Asia is strongly committed to provide better quality services to the
customer. Like most of the other bank it also has three departments at a time.

 General Banking
 Credit
 Foreign Exchange




3.2 General Banking:

General Banking is an operational function of the bank which consists of the management
of deposit, cash, clearing house, bills, account opening, security instruments handling,
customer services, locker facilities and other ancillary services of the bank besides Advance
and Foreign Trade.

Md. Monzorul Haque is the In-Charge of the General Banking Department of Bank Asia
Uttara Br. Under his supervision Halima Khatun and Rahima Akter works in customer
service. And Ms. Nafisa Akhter works as receptionist. Mr. Salahuddin Sohel works in
clearing who process checks that customers deposit with them. Those who works in the
customer service and the reception helps customers with opening accounts and helping
them by giving them the solutions of their several quarries regarding different offers and
their several inquiries.

Mr. Sajjad Hossain who is the cash in-charge also works under Md. Manzorul Haque. There
are three tellers in the bank Mamunur Rashid, Shirin Akhter and Faysal Ahmed.

3.3 My experience in General Banking:

As I started my first working experience in General banking department first I am going to

talk about general banking first. I worked there for only one week. Within that short time I
tried to learn as much as I can in that field. Though it was very short time my colleagues
helped me a lot in gathering information’s that I was in need of. They were always helping;
moreover I got the chance of working one more week in that department. I worked only in
the customer service of the general banking department. I helped to update the account
holders’ information’s. I also helped them to open accounts and provide them with the
information’s available to me regarding several services provided by our bank. The first
think I learn that in a bank whatever comes in and goes out are registered in registers so that
everything have a track. It is very important to keep the track of every document of a bank
as every document is very important to a bank as all the document of bank is very precious
to the bank. Second thing I learn what is required to open an account as every relation with
a bank starts with opening an account. Savings accounts are opened first. To open an
savings account a person have to submit A/C holder’s 2 passport size photo behind the

picture there should have the signature of the introducer’s. A form has to be submitted that
will be provided by the bank. First page of that form will also have to be signed by the
introducer. One passport size photo of the nominee’s and that photo should be signed by the
a/c holder. National ID card or passport photocopy of a/c holder and nominee. Moreover
employee ID card, student ID card, and visiting card. After fulfilling the form correctly the
form have to be submitted to the customer service officer. Then the officer will check if the
papers and photos are ok, if it’s ok then the account will be opened by the officer. That’s
how the relationship with the bank and an individual’s start’s. There are mainly four types
of account. 1. Savings account

2. Current account

3. Fixed Deposit (FDR)

4. Deposit plus Scheme (DPS)

Here savings account provides with small percentage of interest. Where current account
don’t have any interest. Fixed deposit have an interest for the money which is submitted to
the bank for a fixed period of time and for DPS there is interest and the account holder have
to submit money after a regular period.

3.4 Customer service:

Customer is the life of every business. A happy customer will bring some more customers
and it is a free and most effective advertisement of any organization. That’s why as a
comparatively new bank our bank tries to satisfy as more customer as we can. The main
purpose of the customer service is to give the most possible service to the customer. They
try to make the transactions easy to the customers. They help with every possible
information’s available to them. Every customer is different and they have different idea
about banking and the customer service officers have to deal with all of them.

To know about the recent transactions of the account, the interest, cheque books,
debit/credit card information customers have to just contact with the customer service
officers. They are very helping.

3.5 Foreign Exchange Department:

Foreign exchange means the exchange of currency in terms of goods from one country to another
country. This is the most well-known and well-organized uniform in world business. Foreign
exchange division includes the following departments:

1. Foreign trade department and

2. Foreign Remittance department

Foreign trade department:

Foreign Trade means exchange of foreign currency for the trade

Bank Department purpose between two countries. In other words, Foreign exchange deals
foreign financial transactions related to trade or business. Foreign Trade Department has two
sections. They are-

I. Import Section and

II. Export Section.

Foreign Remittance Department:

A transfer of money from a migrant worker to their families or other individuals in their home
countries. In many countries, remittance constitutes a significant portion of the GDP (up to a
third in some cases).This department helps the family members of those migrated workers to get
the money that are send to them.

3.6 My experience in Foreign Exchange Department:

One week after joining the bank I was send to the foreign exchange department from the general
banking department as there was in a need of an employee to help in their work as there as too
much pressure at that time. I was a bit nervous when I heard that I have to go there as it is
considered as the most important department of the bank but I was welcomed there very nicely
and I asked to work with Sanjida Sultana who was very much helping and I am really fortunate
to work with her as she was very nice in supervising me. The first thing she asked me to do is
filling the Import form (IMP) and told me that it is very important task as it will be submitted to

the Bangladesh bank knowing this I was a little bit nervous but she told me that she will recheck
it before submitting and I don’t have to fear that made me more comfortable. At that time the in-
charge of Foreign Exchange Department was in vacation and the Mr. Shahjahan Shaikh was then
supervising the department. He asked me to help him in updating the register of Letter of Credit
(L/C). Then I came to know about the L/C. After that slowly I came to know about the other
works of the import and export.

4: Employee Satisfaction of Bank Asia


4.1 Introduction:

The Project is on the impact of employee satisfaction on the customer satisfaction. The
employees and the customers of the bank helped me by answering the questionnaire I gave to
them. Using those questionnaire I prepared my report. From my findings of the survey I analyzed
the data and come to the decision at the end of that.

In this chapter I discussed about the findings of the employee satisfaction and n chapter five I
discussed about the findings of customer satisfaction survey of Bank Asia.

4.2 Employee Satisfaction:

Employee satisfaction or job satisfaction is quite simply how satisfied the employees are with the
job they are assigned to. Employees are the most important asset of a bank as they deal directly
with the customers. As Bank Asia thinks that employee satisfaction is very much important to
make their customers happy and increase the business. Different people have different need and
that’s why it’s not easy to satisfy every employee of a bank but the bank tries its level best to do

4.3 Employee Satisfaction Level:

To find out the employee satisfaction level of the Bank Asia Uttara Br. I made a survey question
through which I collected the information about the satisfactory level of the bank. As it is clear
that the bank is trying its level best to make all the employees happy. Within the first week of my
joining I got the news that thirteen employees of the branch got promotion and that’s huge for a
single branch. I thought everyone of the bank will be happy then I came to know that two of the
most efficient employee didn’t get promotion and that was a surprise for all that they deserve the
promotion more than others. Those who got promotion wanted to celebrate their promotion and
gave a party to a nearby restaurant and those two did not come to the party as they were hurt.
Then I thought this will be a great topic for my research. Then I start the survey for the employee
satisfaction. Then I went to know the policies that the bank follows to satisfy the employee and
the evaluation process of the bank but as it is top secret of the bank I didn’t get any news about
the evaluation process of the bank. I only came to know that a small interview is taken and then
the evaluation starts with that the manager also gives his remarks about the individual employee.

4.4 Facilities Provided To The Employees:

The employees get almost all the facilities that any other bank offers in our country. The
employees gets the bonus in the occasions, they get the vacations they deserve and more over
they can take loan against very less percentage of interest though it’s for those who are in higher
posts. The employee gets a car from the bank after he/she becomes the FAVP. Over all I have
seen that the bank is doing everything possible to make the employees happy.

4.5 Working Environment of the Bank:

Bank Asia is famous for its look from the beginning. It looks beautiful than most of the banks in
this country. The clean environment helps the employees to work comfortably. The employees
have a nice relationship with the manager and the sub-manager. Moreover all the department
heads are liked by their underlings. All of them have a friendly relationship among them as a
result the working environment is very much friendly. The messengers also maintain a nice
relationship among them. Though sometime some incident happens in the bank that may hamper
the environment and image of the bank; the bank takes immediate steps to correct it and return
the desired environment of the bank.

4.6 Findings of the Survey of the Employee Satisfaction:

Now I will discuss the employee satisfaction survey of the bank. The respondents had to tic the
appropriate option from the five options for each statement in the student questionnaire. I have
used quantitative method for analyzing the responses. This method employs the use of tested
scientific data in an accurate and comprehensive way. Everyone, from social scientists to natural
scientists, has the ability to form a connection from observations to discoveries. For analysis the
responses were converted into mathematical figures as follows:

Entirely disagree = 1

Disagree = 2

Not sure = 3

Agree = 4

Entirely agree = 5

 First question to the employees were about how much are they happy in the organization.
I wanted to know how much happy are they in the bank. None answered in the first point
that means none were unsatisfied, one answered in the second point that means that he is
not happy in the bank, three answered for the point three which means that they don’t
know the right answer of this or they are not willing to share their thought about this







Four of the employees answered his question in the fourth point which proves they are
satisfied but not very much and the last point were ticked by two employees that means
they are very happy to work in the bank.

 Second question was about the training they are provided in the bank. In this case the
answer were not very much different than the first one. Every organization tries to train
their employee properly so that they can give better service to the bank I the job they are







Here again none of the employees were unsatisfied with the training they were provided
in the bank as none of them marked the first point, three are unsatisfied with the
statement that they are happy with the training they have been provided by the bank for
the current job. One employee is not willing to share his opinion about this statement and
five are happy with the training they got for the job. Only one employee is very happy
with the training.

 Every organization trains their employees for the advancement of them. These training
not only enriches their knowledge but also makes them more effective and efficient. It is
very useful not only for the employees but also for the customers.






In this statement second and forth point I got most of the answer which means that of all
the employees’ one is very unhappy with the training for advancement and another one is
very happy.

Three are unsatisfied and three employees’ are satisfied with the training they are getting
for the advancement.

 Every organization should think about the welfare of the employees. It makes the
employees happy and that attracts the employees very much.






In this statement most of the employees gave tick mark in the fourth point and only three
employee gave tick mark in the last point. That means most of the employee agrees with
this statement.

This shows that the bank is very sincere about the welfare of the employees and the
employees have noticed that very well.

 Employee involvement can be very helpful for an industry. Every company tries to
motivate the employees towards the involvement of them in the decision making process.







None has ticked the first point of very unsatisfactory, two employees gave their answer in
the second point, three thinks that they don’t know or do not want to share their view
about this statement.

Four employee said that they are satisfied with the liberty they are enjoying and only one
employee is very happy with this statement.

 Cooperation is very important in any organization. Cooperation among the departments is

more important as this can bring a positive result for the organization. For a bank
cooperation among the departments are very crucial as every departments are related with
one another for the work.







Here we see that most of the employees are not happy with the inter-departmental
relationship. As one employee is very unsatisfied with this and five are unsatisfied with
this statement. Three employees are happy and only one employee is very happy.

We can see that most are unsatisfied with this statement.


 Employees in the department should have very god understanding of one another. They
should work like a team to achieve the goal they have targeted. It will be great if they
think alike and work to get a single goal.





In this statement most of the employees gave positive answer. Six of them gave ticked to
the number four and four gave tick to the number five and other three did not get any tick
that means that most of the employees thinks that they works good in their own
department as a team.

 When an employee likes his job it’s really difficult to take him away. Every organization
thinks these employees as their asset. They won’t leave the job and will serve the
organization for a long time.







One employee thinks that he does not like his job at all. Two thinks that they also does
not like their job. Six employees thinks that they like the job they are doing. One loves
his job very much.

Most of the employees love their job but some really does not like the job and that’s
really a great problem for the bank.

 Fairness of superiors is very important. Without this the employee will get demotivated
towards the work. Fairness will bring better result for the organization and the employees
will be happy to get fair treatment.





In this statement I got the most positive answers. Eight of the employees said that the
superiors are very fair and they are very much happy with that and two answered that
they are satisfied with the fairness of the immediate superior of them.

4.7 Discussion of Employee Satisfaction Survey:

This section discusses the results found in the survey of employee satisfaction

The interpretation key used for discussion of the results is:

Negative attitude = 1.00-2.25

Not satisfactory = 2.26-3.00

Satisfactory = 3.01-3.75

Very satisfactory = 3.76-5.00

Employee are very satisfied with the statement “Employee policies of the bank are administered
the same in all departments laterally.” As the mean is 4.6 that means there is very satisfaction
among the employees regarding this issue.

A statement also got very satisfactory level as the mean is 4.4. That means the statement (My
immediate superior deals with employees problems fairly.) got very positive point and the
superiors are very much liked by the employees and the superiors are like guardians t them.

In statement 13 (The communication I received from bank is timely) time mean is 3.7 that
means it is satisfactory in this case.

The statement 14 got a mean of 4.1 which means it got the very satisfactory level and the
employees are happy with the bank for maintaining the salary level in the industry.

2.8 mean gave the 15th statement a review of not satisfactory that means that the employees are
not very much helping with each other. The employee doesn’t have very good relation with other

Though the employees don’t believe the other department employees they maintain a well
balance relationship within themselves as a result the 16th statement got a mean of 4.4 which
means it is satisfactory. They think that they work well as a team and they are comfortable in
working in that team.

17th statement got the mean of 3.7 which is satisfactory. The statement is about the recognition
from the superior in the bank and the employees like their superiors as they are very much
concerned about them and values their performance.

The employees give the statement regarding the bank’s recognition about their performance a
mean of 4.0 which means it is very satisfactory that means most of the employees think that the
bank is fair with them.

18th statement is about the feeling of the employees about the commitment of product and
services of the top management. The mean is 4.0 that mean the employees are confident about
the top management of the bank.

19th statement is again about the faith among interring department and it also got a low mean that
is 2.7 which means it is not satisfactory.

The next statement got the mean of 3.8 which means that it is very satisfactory. The statement is
about the administration of bank employee policies are properly and equally in individuals

The 18th statement is about loving the job and the mean is 3.4 which means it’s satisfactory not
very satisfactory. It’s very important that the employees love their job. May be a job rotation
may give a solution to this problem. We will discuss it later.

Next statement is again abbot the superior and his fairness and again it got a high mean of 4.8
which means employees like the top management very much and very satisfied with them.

The next statement also got a high mean of 4.0 which means it is very satisfactory that means the
employees agrees with the statement about job rotation that they can have a better job within the
bank and can perform better and deserve that post.

From the outcomes of the survey it is clear that the employees are satisfied but there is some
problem among different departments. This problem should be solved as soon as possible.

5: Customer satisfaction of Bank Asia


5.1 customer satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction refers to the emotional response that people feel after making a purchase
from a company. The more positive the level of customer satisfaction, the more likely the
purchaser is to come back and buy again and to recommend that company to others who are
looking for what the seller has to offer. Word of mouth and referrals are often the most
promising ways for a business to grow. In this case it’s about the satisfaction of a customer after
receiving the service from the bank. Customers are the life of any business. It’s very important to
make them happy so that he comes back again and again.

5.2 Customer satisfaction level

To find out the customer satisfaction of Bank Asia I again took the chance of using the survey
question. Usually in bank there is always rush that’s why customers are not that much free to
answer my survey questions. It was harder than the employee satisfaction survey. I had to find as
more as customers who are free and willing to answer my queries. I somehow managed to collect
20 survey answers as the customers are busy and I have to do in the official hour the survey
questions were not that much long and I somehow managed to collect 20 fully answered survey.
Using this I will find out the customer satisfaction level of the bank and will suggest my

5.3 Service provided to the customers:

It is very important to satisfy a customer because for bank it is very important so maintain a good
relationship with them as a satisfied customer will come again and again and will also bring
some new customer for the bank. We know that bank lives on the money of the clients so if they
lose their customer it is like losing their business. Customer service is an important, but broad
concept in the banking industry. In essence, banks are service-based businesses, so most of their
activities involve elements of service. While they do sell banking and financial products, there is
often little tangible product variation among their offerings. Customer service managers
generally deal directly with service issues, but several other common banking jobs involve

Customer Service Product:

 Saving Account
 Current Account
 Deposit Pension Scheme
 Fixed Term Deposit
 Shanchay Plus
 Shanchaye Koti Poti
 Monthly Benefit Plus
 Double Benefit Plus
 Triple Benefit Plus

5.4 Findings of customer satisfaction:

Same as to the Employees’ satisfaction questionnaire survey, the respondents had to tick an
appropriate option for each statement from the five options. For analysis, the responses were
converted into mathematical figures as was done in analyzing the data collected from the
Employees’ satisfaction questionnaire survey –

Entirely disagree = 1

Disagree = 2

Not sure = 3

Agree = 4

Entirely agree = 5

The results of Employees’ satisfaction questionnaire survey are presented graphically


o Banks gives promises to the clients so that they deposit money to them. Many people
believes that the bank will manage to keep the promise with any cost. Many customer
becomes unhappy when they see otherwise and stop every relationship with the bank.
This is very harmful for a bank.

The bank has provided what they

promised to





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Most of the customers are not sure about the right answer to this statement that’s why
they gave an answer that says don’t know. Two of the customers are not satisfied with the
bank regarding keeping the promise. Seven of the customers are satisfied and three are
very satisfied with the bank.
Most of the customers didn’t answer this statement rightly and it is very important to
make them satisfied.

o Customers have some expectations from the bank. They thinks that they deserve some
service that the bank should give them at any cost. When they miss this treatment they
think that the bank is not giving them enough importance and they should leave for
another bank.

The last service I get was expected






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Thirteen of the customers are very satisfied with the service they enjoyed last time before
filling this survey. Four of the employees are satisfied with the service they enjoyed. One
don’t want to answer this question. Two of the employees are unsatisfied with the service
as it was not as good as they expected.

o Satisfied customers are the most valuable asset of a bank. They will also bring some new
customers and they will do this for free. This is the most effective and free advertisement
of a bank. A satisfied customer serves many useful activities for a bank.

I am satisfied with the services I am






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Two customers are very unsatisfied with the service they are getting. They thinks that the
bank is not giving them enough preference as before. They don’t even want to consider
that the client base of the bank is increasing in a daily basis and it is really difficult to
serve like before.

But nine of the customers thinks that its ok and they are satisfied with the service they are
getting from the bank. Two customers are very happy with the service they are getting
from the bank.

o Trained officers will give better service then the others. Customers like to work with the
trained employees as they are faster and error free in the service they are providing.

All the officers are well trained






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

One customer thinks that the employees are not trained and that’s why he is very

Three of them don’t like to share their thought regarding this statement. Fourteen of them
thinks that the employees are trained and they bare happy with the service of them.

Two of the customers are very satisfied that the employees are trained enough to do the
work in the expected time with less error.

o The department head is he who is the in-charge of all the activity of the department he is
assigned to. The department head should be knowledgeable so that he can serve better
and can lead the department with that knowledge.

The department head is very much

helping and knowledgeable.





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Most of the customers thinks that department heads are very much knowledgeable and
are satisfied with that. They think that they are helping and knowledgeable enough to do
the desirable work very swiftly.

Two of them are very much satisfied with the service they are getting and they thinks that
the helping mentality of the department heads are also very influencing to the other
officers of the bank.

o The department heads should response fast and accurately as they are the leader of that
department and other officers will also follow them. The clients wants an in-charge who
is fast and accurate to do their work nicely.

The head of the department responded

to my inquiries in a timely manner





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Most of the customers are happy with the response time of the department heads.

Eleven of them are very satisfied with the department heads regarding that. Six of them
are satisfied with the timely service of the department heads. Three of the customers are
not willing to share their thought about this statement.

o Any bank will try to be best in the eyes of their customers. For that the bank have to give
best service. It is not very easy to be the best in this industry as the bank have to satisfy
the customers with the service and the offers they have available in the bank.

This service is exactly what I can get

at best from any bank





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Three customers are very unsatisfied with the statement that this is the best available
service he can get on the other hand three customers are very satisfied with the statement
that the service this bank provides the best. Nine of the customers are happy with the
statement and five are unsatisfied with the statement that means they don’t agree with this

o To give better service a bank should have efficient officers and they must have to be
helping because sometimes some works in the banks are very confusing and without the
help of the employee it’s almost impossible to do the work. When work load increases in
the bank many employees thinks that it’s not very important to help the customers they
can do this simple tasks easily but all the customers are not same some needs helps even
for filling up the cheque.

All the employees are helping and






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nine of the customers thinks that the employees are helping and efficient and the service
is very satisfactory to them. Eight of them thinks that it’s satisfactory.

One of the customer is unsatisfied with the statement and two are very unsatisfied with
the statement.

o Customers have to communicate with the officers at the bank. Without communicate with
them a customer cannot get what they deserve. They have to depend on the officers for
the service they want to enjoy. Every customers tries to do his work as early as possible.
When the customer base increases of a bank and work load increases of the customers it
becomes very difficult for the employees to keep up with all of them in very short time
and that’s is when customers get unsatisfied.

It is very easy to communicate with the






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer of this statement is very versatile as nine of the customers are very satisfied, four of
them are satisfied.

One doesn’t want to share his view.

Two are unsatisfied with the service and four are very unsatisfied with the service.

o Working environment have a great effect on an employees work. In good working

environment employees have better chance to communicate with the customers more. It
makes the customers happy.

The environment of the bank is work






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

One of the customer is unsatisfied with working environment of the bank.

Two don’t want to share their view regarding this topic.

Thirteen customers are satisfied with the working environment as there is silence in the bank
and bank takes immediate action to solve any type of disputes in the bank. Only four of them
are very satisfied with the working environment of the bank.

5.5 Discussion of Employee Satisfaction Survey:

This section discusses the results found in the survey of customer satisfaction

Again like the interpretation key used for discussion of the results is:

Negative attitude = 1.00-2.25

Not satisfactory = 2.26-3.00

Satisfactory = 3.01-3.75

Very satisfactory = 3.76-5.00

11th statement talks about the employee’s carefulness towards the work. The mean is 4.2 that
means that most of the customers thinks that they are very sensitive and careful about their work
and that’s a good side as customers will like this very much that the employees are very serious
about their work.

The next statement is about the error of the employees and it got the only poor mean of the
survey that is only 2.4. That means customers do not agree with this statement. They think that
the employees have many error but in the last statement they said that the employees are very
careful towards their work that means that they wanted to say that the employee makes error but
that’s not very big that cannot make right.

The next statement talks about the longevity of the relationship of the bank and the customer. It
got a mean of 3.8 that means that the customers are willing to have a long relation with the bank
and that’s a very much expected news for the bank.

From this survey it is clear that the customers are satisfied with most of the service they are
getting. The problem we have seen in the employee satisfaction also effected the customer

6: Conclusion and Recommendation


6.1 Conclusion:

From this survey I have seen that both employee and the customers are in average are satisfied.
Employees reply was most of the time either satisfactory or very satisfactory on the other hand
the customer’s questionnaire survey shows almost same result that means satisfactory or very
satisfactory. Most of the employees are satisfied with the facilities they are getting from the bank
and their service is also better as a result we have seen that the customers are happy with the
service they are getting from the employees. So it can be said that the customers are happy when
the employee are happy that means that happy employee means happy customer.

The bank knows that a satisfied employee will give better service than an unsatisfied employee
who will like to leave the job at any moment. Bank is a service oriented sector and good service
is what maters mainly in that sector. The bank should try to make sure that the statement that got
unsatisfactory point should take care of and that might give a better customer satisfaction. We
know that customers have a high expectation from a bank and in this time of rising of many new
banks will increase that much more. New bank will try to attract customers through better service
and product offerings but existing bank has their own identification.

As this survey has proved that satisfied employees will make the customers happy with the
service they provide. Few changes can take the bank into a better position than it is now. In this
competitive market it is very important to make sure that the customers are happy and we know
that through making the employees happy this target can be achieved and there is very few
chance of turnover of employee when the employees are happy in the job. This is why bank
should try to make the employees happy for the sake of the business itself.

6.2 Recommendation:

The branch has been in the operation for last 6 (six) years without any downfall but during these
3 (three) months of my internship experience and from the outcome of the survey questionnaire I
felt some minor change might help the branch as well as the organization to perform more

 We have seen in the employee satisfaction survey that most of the time the employees
replied that they are satisfied or very satisfied but there are some issue of not satisfactory

answers. The employees think that they will do better in other post within the bank that
means that a job rotation may be a god solution for that.
 The main problem that caught my eye was the lacking of good relation among the
departments. The employee has good relationship among their own department but they
don’t have that with the employees of other departments. It should be solved immediately
as most of the work of bank is related with inter departmental works. If there is lack of
god relation among the department then it is harmful for the bank. In many case we have
seen that competitiveness has made a god result in the business but sometime it creates
havoc for the organization. My recommendation will be to make the relationship a god
one as it is related with the satisfaction of the customers.
 From the customers survey I have seen that they have a high expectation from the bank.
The bank has promised many things to them but now the service is not that fast as before.
Most of the customers think that the bank is not giving them the preference they got
before. It is happening because of the extension of the customer base. When the bank got
popular more and more clients came the bank as a result workload increased in the bank
but the employees didn’t increased as it should as a result the service got slow then it was
before. The solution of this problem is very easy increase of officers and messengers in
the bank so that the service remains fast enough to satisfy the need of the customers.

There is some other recommendation I would like to offer those are:

 The branch should start a token system customer service, so that the customers can be
served according to the token number.
 The software (staler) that is use to do daily works sometimes does not work properly.
As a result customer of any department of the branch is not served on time, the
organization need to improve its software system to have more customer satisfaction.
 The branch should have more staff in the credit department so that they monitor the
loans time to time and can recover the loans as bad/loss and sub-standard due/overdue
has increased a lot then the previous quarter.
 The organization is not into promotional activities. They need to do some
promotional activities so that people come to know about them. This will help to
increase their number of customers.

Chapter 7: Reference and questionnaire



To complete this report the useful secondary sources I have used are mentioned below



Annual reports

 Annual Report of Bank Asia Limited 2013

A circular from Bank Asia Limited Corporate Office, Circular No. 14 dated 23 rd September, 2012

Best, J. W., & Kahn, J. V. (1986). Research in Education. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of

India Pvt. Ltd, 5th edition.

Hansen, J.G., & Liu, J. (2005). Guiding Principles for Effective Peer Response. ELT Journal, 59

(1), 31-38. Retrieved from



Entirely disagree

Entirely agree

Mean Score

Not sure

No. Statements

1 I am proud to work for our bank 0 1 3 4 2

0 2 9 16 10 3.7

2 I am satisfied with the training provided 0 3 1 5 1

for my current job.
0 6 3 20 5 3.4

3 I am satisfied with the amount of 1 3 2 3 1

training offered for advancement.
1 9 6 12 5 3.3

4 Our bank is concerned with the long 0 0 0 7 3

term welfare of the employees.
0 0 0 28 15 4.3

5 I feel I can voice my opinion without 0 2 3 4 1

0 4 9 16 5 3.4

6 Employee policies of the bank are 0 1 0 1 8

administered the same in all
0 2 0 4 40 4.6
departments laterally.

7 My immediate superior deals with 0 0 0 6 4

employees problems fairly.
0 0 0 24 20 4.4

8 The communication I received from 0 1 3 4 2

bank is timely.
0 2 9 16 10 3.7

9 Our bank maintains salary levels that 0 0 0 9 1

compare well to other banks in this
0 0 0 36 5 4.1

10 I receive co-operation from all other 1 5 0 3 1

1 10 0 12 5 2.8

11 The employees in my department work 0 0 0 6 4

well in a team.
0 0 0 24 20 4.4

12 My Superior recognizes my 0 0 4 5 1
0 0 12 20 5 3.7

13 The bank recognizes the 0 0 2 6 2

accomplishment of employees.
0 0 6 24 10 4.0

14 I feel the top management is committed 0 0 3 4 3

to quality of the product and services.
0 0 9 16 15 4.0

15 The employees of other departments 1 3 4 2 0

are also concerned with quality product
1 6 12 8 0 2.7
and services.

16 Bank employee policies are properly 2 0 1 2 5

and equally administered in my
2 0 3 8 25 3.8

17 The bank has adequate safety & health 0 1 2 4 3

0 2 6 16 15 3.9

18 I like my job i.e. the work I do. 1 2 0 6 1


1 4 0 24 5 3.4

19 My immediate superior deals with all 0 0 0 2 8

employees fairly.
0 0 0 8 40 4.8

20 I feel there is adequate opportunity for 0 0 3 4 3

me to move to a better job within the
0 0 9 16 15 4.0


Entirely disagree

Entirely agree

Mean Score

Not sure


1 The bank has provided what they 0 2 8 7 3

promised to.
0 4 24 28 15 3.5

2 The last service I get was expected 0 2 1 4 13

0 4 3 16 65 4.4

3 I am satisfied with the services I am 2 7 0 9 2

2 14 0 36 10 3.1

4 All the officers are well trained 1 0 3 14 2

1 0 9 56 10 3.8

5 The department head is very much 0 0 1 17 2

helping and knowledgeable.
0 0 3 68 10 4.0

6 The head of the department 0 0 3 6 11

responded to my inquiries in a
timely manner. 0 0 9 24 55 4.4

7 This service is exactly what I can 3 5 0 9 3

get at best from any bank.
3 10 0 36 15 3.2

8 All the employees are helping and 2 1 0 8 9

2 2 0 32 45 4.0

9 It is very easy to communicate with 4 2 1 4 9

the officers.
4 4 3 16 45 3.6

10 The environment of the bank is 0 1 2 13 4

work friendly.
0 2 6 52 20 4.0

11 The officers are very careful and 0 0 1 14 5

sensitive about their work.
0 0 3 56 25 4.2

12 The officers are error free. 7 5 3 3 2

7 10 9 12 10 2.4

13 I would like to work with this bank 0 2 3 11 4

for long time.
0 4 9 44 20 3.8

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