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section is not listed in Loud Cloud?

a) Main Forum b) Question to Instructor Forum c)

Assignment Forum d) Individual Forum 15. Where are the weekly topic learning objectives
found? a) On the Calendar b) In the Syllabus c) In the Main Forum d) Under the Tasks Tab 16.
Where is the syllabus found in Loud Cloud? a) Under the Calendar tab b) Under the Resources
tab c) In the Main Forum d) Under the Tasks Tab GC UNV503 Week 2 APA Activities Assignment
Read “Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes” by Nagel,
Blignaut, and Cronje which is located in the e-Library Resource section of the

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Topic 1 materials. After reading the Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje article, write a 250-500-word
summary of it. Refer to the guidelines for writing an effective summary presented in the
Lecture 2 as a guide. Be sure to include a discussion of the research problem, questions,
method, findings, and implications discussed by the authors. Prepare this assignment according
to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the
Student Success Center. GC UNV503 Week 3 Annotated Reference List Assignment Details: For
this assignment you will create an annotated reference list using the

template provided. Choose a topic within your field of study and conduct research using the
GCU eLibrary to find three scholarly articles that could be used to support that topic. Review
the Module 3 Lecture for a description of what is considered a scholarly article. Prepare this
assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Annotated Reference List Example Article 1
Article 2 Article 3 Title/Author(s) Racism and Religion: The Contrasting Views of Benjamin Mays,
Malcom X and Martin Luther King, Jr. by Hatch, Roger D. Persistent GCU Library Link
=rlh&AN=4975124&site=ehost-live&scope=site 50 Word Paraphrased Abstract This article
covers the views of Benjamin Mays, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. on

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three key questions: 1) What is the nature of racism? 2) What is a vision of a just society? and 3)
What are the means to enact the vision? Benjamin Mays addresses the pervasiveness of racism
and calls for realizing the ideals of the American dream. Malcolm X addresses the role of White
people in racism and calls for separation and judgment on racism. Martin Luther King, Jr.
addresses the multiple dimensions that racism affects, citing economics and the violation of
rights that occurs when something is justified economically. His vision of a just society is
integration and a higher set of values. The means to enact this vision are nonviolence and
persuasion. Why do you consider this article to be scholarly?Be sure to identify the source of
their authority within your explanation. This source is from a scholarly journal and the author
cited credible sources throughout the article. How did

you find the sources? For example, what key words did you use? How did you narrow your
results, etc.) Clicked on the link above to the library home page. Selected “Find Journal
Articles.” Clicked on “Christian Studies” under “Find Databases by Subject.” Selected “ATLA
Religion Database with ATLASerials.” Also selected “Religion and Philosophy Collection.” Used
keywords “Martin Luther King AND (worldview OR religion* OR belief*).” How is this source
relevant to your research paper? Describes how Martin Luther King, Jr. viewed racism, a just
society, and the means for creating a just society. APA 6th Edition Reference and Citation
Hatch, R. D. (1979). Racism and religion: The contrasting views of Benjamin Mays, Malcolm X,
and Martin Luther King, Jr. Journal of Religious Thought, 36(2), 26-36. GC UNV503 Week 3
Turnitin Questions Assignment Details: Complete the Turnitin worksheet. Turnitin

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Questions Write a 100 – 150 word response to each of the questions below. 1. List and describe
two benefits of checking your turnitin score before submitting your assignment. 2. A student
receives a 35% similarity rate on their turnitin score. What does this mean and what should that
student do before they submit their assignment? GC UNV503 Week 4 Academic Skills Survey
Assignment Details: Successful graduate students know their strengths academically. Now that
you have almost completed this course, it is important for you to evaluate your skill level. 1.
Complete the “Academic Skills Survey” to evaluate your skill level as a graduate student. 2.
Complete the assignment according to the instructions in the survey. UNV 503: Academic Skills
Survey Now that you are in a graduate program here at GCU, knowing how you study and
prepare for class is important because the online classroom

setting is so different than the traditional campus classroom setting. Knowing personal
strengths $135.00 Total : General General Questions – Online class help--

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GC ACC370 Full Course Question GC ACC370 week 1 discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 Explore the
FASB Codification section related to intangible assets (§350). Explain how specific intangibles
might be treated within a particular industry, and justify why this methodology is appropriate.
Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the methods as explained by
your classmates. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid
academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 2 discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 Explore the FASB
Codification website using the login information provided in the course syllabus. Explain one
piece of new information that you learned by exploring the FASB Codification (cite the
Codification section so that your classmates can find the same information), and post one new
question that you have since exploring this site. Participate in follow-up

discussion by answering questions posed by your classmates. Your initial post should be 250-
500, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 3 discussion 1 Max
Points: 20.0 Select a publicly traded company and access its most recent financial statements
from its annual report. Include the name of the company in your subject line, and do not
choose a company about which one of your classmates has already posted. Examine the
balance sheet and income statement for that company, and identify the items that deviate
from the typical formats of the classified balance sheet and multi-step income statement that
we have examined in class. Find justification in the FASB Codification that supports or
contradicts the financial statement presentation, and cite the Codification section so that your
classmates can find this information. If there are any items that you see on the

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financial statements that you do not understand, identify those for your classmates and
instructor to provide guidance on. Participate in follow-up discussion by asking questions about
the financial statements that your classmates posted on, or responding to questions that they
pose. Your initial post should be 250-500, and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills.
GC ACC370 week 4 discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 Assess your personal financial goals and
determine how the time value of money might help you to devise a plan for achieving those
goals (for example, save for a house, save for retirement, pay off student loans, etc.). Describe
your goal, and explain the methodology used to quantify your plan for achieving that goal.
Using time value of money concepts, determine how much money you need to save, invest, or
pay in order to achieve that goal. Post your results in the

discussion forum. Choose one of your classmates’ posts and revise his or her goals to reflect
your own, and reperform calculations to determine how much you would need to save, invest,
or pay in order to meet your goals. Your initial post should be 250-500, and should demonstrate
solid academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 5 discussion 1 Find an article regarding the
misappropriation of cash. In 250-300 words, summarize the article that you found and post that
summary in the discussion forum. Post the article name in the subject line and do not post on
an article that another classmate has already posted. Participate in follow-up discussion by
choosing one of the articles that your classmates’ posted on and providing additional
comments about the findings of that article. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and
should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 6

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discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 Explore the FASB Codification section related to inventory (§330).
Explain how inventory might be treated within a particular industry, and justify why this
methodology is appropriate. Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or defending the
methods as explained by your classmates. Your initial post should be 250-500 words and should
demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 7 discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 The
accountant uses significant judgment in the valuation of assets. How does the accountant use
estimates and judgment in the valuation of property, plant, and equipment? Is it ethical for an
accountant to use estimates and varying methodology to achieve desired corporate results?
Participate in follow-up discussion by challenging or confirming your classmates’ positions.
Support your challenges with external references. Your

initial post should be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GC
ACC370 week 8 discussion 1 Max Points: 20.0 Explore the FASB Codification section related to
intangible assets (§350). Explain how specific intangibles might be treated within a particular
industry, and justify why this methodology is appropriate. Participate in follow-up discussion by
challenging or defending the methods as explained by your classmates. Your initial post should
be 250-500 words and should demonstrate solid academic writing skills. GC ACC370 week 1
assignmentDetails: Complete the following exercises and/or problems in the textbook.
Concepts for Analysis 1-3 Exercise 2-1 Exercise 2-2 Exercise 2-3 Exercise 2-4 Exercise 2-5
Exercise 2-6 Exercise 2-7 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW1. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end

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of the topic. GC ACC370 week 2 assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or
problems in the textbook. Exercise 3-1 Exercise 3-2 Exercise 3-6 Exercise 3-12 Problem 3-4
Problem 3-9 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW2. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the
topic. GC ACC370 week 3 assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or
problems in the textbook. Exercise 4-13 Exercise 4-16 Problem 4-1 Exercise 5-12 Exercise 5-16
Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW3. Submit the
assignment to the instructor by the end of the topic. GC ACC370 week 4 assignment Details:
Complete the following exercises and/or problems in the textbook. Exercise 6-4 Exercise 6-7
Exercise 6-12 Problem 6-7 Problem 6-10 Problem 6-14 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name
your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW4. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the
topic. GC ACC370 week 5 assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or
problems in the textbook. Exercise 7-16 Exercise 7-23 Exercise 7-25 Problem 7-3 Problem 7-9
Problem 7-10 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW5. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the
topic. GC ACC370 week 6 assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or
problems in the textbook. Exercise 8-3 Problem 8-6 Problem 8-8 Exercise 9-3 Exercise 9-17
Problem 9-7 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW6. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the
topic. GC ACC370 week 8 assignment Details: Complete the following exercises and/or
problems in the textbook. Exercise 13-6 Exercise 13-8 Exercise 13-11

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Problem 13-9 Problem 14-2 Problem 14-9 Prepare your assignment in Excel. Name your file
LastnameFirstinitial.ACC370.HW8. Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of the
topic. $145.00 Total : Accounting –

KAPLAN MT445 Full Course Question KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 1 DISCUSSION Topic 1 Introductions
Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to
other people’s opinions and comments. Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself and
to learn something about each other. Be sure to include the following information: Your name.
Why you are taking this course? Any prior knowledge you may have about this topic. Your
current and/or future educational goals. How you think this course will help you. Click on the
Respond button on the lower-left hand portion of this page to answer these questions on the
Discussion Board. Take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide your
feedback. Topic 2We use economic concepts on a daily basis without even knowing it! When
you decide whether or not to eat lunch at a restaurant or make a sandwich at home,

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you are making a decision based on the costs and benefits of those options. Economists use
these same basic tools to examine economic issues. Think about one choice you made in the
past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as
tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis. Think about one choice you made in the
past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as
tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis. Discussion Checklist: 1. How does the
concept of “tradeoff” relate to “opportunity costs?” 2. What is the difference between
monetary and non-monetary opportunity costs? 3. Why are opportunity costs based on a
person’s tastes and preferences? Topic 3 Comparative advantage dictates which good or service
a particular region specializes in and exports to other regions. List one good or service

that your home region specializes in and where it exports this good. Why is your region
particularly good at the production of that good or service? KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 2 DISCUSSION
Topic 1 You have learned that changes in price or other factors such as income or number of
sellers will impact the demand and supply sides of the market. Recall that changes in current
price are illustrated by movement along the curve and cause changes in either “quantity
demanded” or “quantity supplied.” Other factors will cause either the demand or supply curve
to shift and are referred to as changes in “demand” or changes in “supply.” Choose one of the
followingand determine whether there is correct usage of the terms “demand,” “quantity
demanded,” “supply” and “quantity supplied.” Why or why not? a. The price of Burger King’s
Whopper hamburger declines causing the demand for Whoppers to shift to the right.

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b. Because of a shortage of potatoes, the supply of French fries decreases. c. Wage labor in the
peanut butter industry increases causing the quantity demanded for jelly to decrease. d. In the
six months following Hurricane Katrina, the quantity supplied of oil in the Gulf of Mexico
declined by 25 %. It is a snowy winter and snow shovel prices have increased. Suppliers increase
supply to take advantage of these higher prices. Topic 2 Higher education has become
increasingly expensive. And although the rate of increase has declined, education now costs
much more than it did. One of the ways the government controls prices is by setting a floor or a
ceiling on the market. Explain what might happen in the market for higher education if the
government placed a price ceiling on the cost of one undergraduate credit hour? Consider the
following: 1. Does it matter whether or not the ceiling is

set above or below the equilibrium price? 2. Who might benefit from this price restriction? 3.
Who might be harmed from this price restriction? Explain your answers using economic theory.
KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 3 DISCUSSION Topic 1 When a government wants to increase tax revenue,
they will often increase the sales tax on gasoline. Using price elasticity of demand, explain why
the tax would be placed on gasoline rather than, say, yachts. What might be the long run effect
of raising the price of gas? In other words, who is harmed by the tax? Who benefits from such a
tax? Are low-income households disproportionately harmed as compared to high-income
households? Why or why not? Topic 2 Your decision to pursue a higher-level degree is based on
investment in human capital. What are the marginal costs and benefits of pursuing additional
education and the inherent risks associated with this decision?

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KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 4 DISCUSSION Topic 1 You have learned a good deal about production
costs and profit in this unit. You have also learned that accountants and economists calculate
profit differently. Discuss the difference between how accountants and economists calculate
profit giving example of costs each might use in this calculation. Will accounting profit and
economic profit always be different? When might accounting profit and economic profit be the
same? Topic 2 Many suppliers experience economies of scale as output expands, which implies
that long-run average costs are falling. At very high levels of production, however, many firms
are likely to experience diseconomies of scale. Why do firms experience diseconomies of scale
as they increase production volume? How might firms “avoid” experiencing diseconomies of
scale and what does the long-run average cost curve look like when

diseconomies of scale exist? KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 5 DISCUSSION Topic 1 Describe an industry
that would meet the conditions of a perfectly competitive industry: 1. There are many buyers
and sellers so neither side of the market has market power. 2. The product provided to the
market is identical across suppliers. 3. There are no barriers to entry. How do individual firms in
a perfectly competitive industry respond to an increase in the market demand for the product?
Would advertising by individual firms in this type of market provide any benefits? Topic 2 In
order to maximize profits, monopolies produce where: MARGINAL REVENUE = MARGINAL COST
. How does this compare to the profit maximization condition for perfectly competitive
markets, and how do these differences contribute to deadweight loss in a monopoly market?
Can you think of reasons why a monopoly might decide on their own to

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increase production and lower prices to earn an acceptable profit rather than maximize profits?
KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 6 DISCUSSION Topic 1 There are many dairy farmers in the world and also
many Starbucks coffeehouses. Why does a Starbucks coffeehouse face a downward-sloping
demand curve while a dairy farmer has a horizontal demand curve? What other suppliers might
face a downward-sloping demand curve and what implications does this have for their
advertising budget as compared to suppliers with horizontal demand curves? Topic 2 How do
barriers to entry impact the level of competition in a market? What might happen to market
price as greater barriers to entry come into existence? Not all barriers to entry are created
through market conditions. Barriers to entry, such as patents, licenses, or international trade
restrictions, may be government imposed. How do government-imposed barriers such

as patents impact consumers and suppliers in these markets? KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 7
DISCUSSIONTopic 1 The national income accounts measure productivity, spending, and income;
but these accounts were not designed to measure economic welfare. Discuss aspects of
economic welfare ignored in GDP. HINT: Do a “Google” search on the Genuine Progress
Indicator and compare this with GDP in terms of measuring economic welfare. Topic 2 What
factors might contribute to a low growth rates in a country? Why do some poor countries, such
as Botswana, experience higher growth rates than others when all face the same challenges
such as the HIV epidemic? Compare growth rates across countries by visiting The World Bank
website ( How does GDP growth (GDP growth (annual %))
compare across developed countries such as the U.S. and poorer countries such as Nigeria. Why

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growth rates of developed nations be lower than those of poorer countries? Source: The World
Bank. Retrieved from KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 8 DISCUSSION
Topic 1 Discuss the differences between unemployment and underemployment and give
examples of each. Which do you think is a more serious “problem” for the economy? How
might underemployment be addressed through government policy? Topic 2 In this unit, you
discussed some of the problems associated with inflation. List one of these problems and
describe a situation in which you encountered this problem. KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 9
DISCUSSION Topic 1 In 2008, Federal Reserve Bank Chairman, Ben Bernanke, and U.S. Treasury
Secretary, Henry Paulson, responded to the financial crisis by intervening in financial markets in
unprecedented ways. Do you think this intervention was necessary? What are the
consequences of this

intervention? What might have happened if they had not intervened? Topic 2 There is always
debate regarding the structure of the current income tax system in the U.S. Many opponents of
the current system argue that under its current structure, many wealthy households are able to
avoid taxes and for most households, the tax system is simply too complicated and confusing.
One solution that has been proposed is the “flat tax.” What are the benefits and detriments of
replacing the current income tax system with a flat tax system? Who benefits and who might be
harmed? What implications does the flat tax system have for tax preparation companies such
as H&R Block? KAPLAN MT445 UNIT 10 DISCUSSION Topic 1 Globalization is becoming very
important in economic discussions. While some politicians favor protectionist policies because
they feel these policies protect domestic producers, others claim

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free trade increases economic activity and has advantages for the country as a whole. Describe
a recent foreign purchase. Do you think it is better to source from overseas or should tariffs be
in place to protect American industries? Why or why not? Topic 2 The Economist regularly
publishes the Big Mac index to examine the validity of purchasing power parity. If purchasing
power parity holds, a consumer should be able to take the same amount of money required to
buy a Big Mac in the U.S. and buy a Big Mac in any other country. What are the reasons

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