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precisely. C. Select a random sample of students and teachers. D. Select a random sample of
teachers. Question 10 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit of the ocean at
various depths: A. Ratio B. Interval C. Ordinal D. Nominal ashworth college MA260 online exam
2 Part 1 of 1 – 65.0/ 100.0 Points Question 1 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points A nurse measured the blood
pressure of each person who visited her clinic. Following is a relative-frequency histogram for
the systolic blood pressure readings for those people aged between 25 and 40. Use the
histogram to answer the question. The blood pressure readings were rounded up to the next
whole number. Approximately what percentage of the people aged 25–40 had a systolic blood
pressure reading greater than or equal to 130? A. 15% B. 28% C. 75% D. 90% Question 2 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points The data below represent the results of a poll in

which the following questions was asked: “To what degree are you satisfied with your current
health insurance?” Which pie chart below represents the given data set? Very 14.5% Somewhat
26.3% Not at all 36.8% No opinion 22.4% A. B. C. Both represent the data. D. Neither represent
the data. Question 3 of 20 5.0/ 5.0 Points The stacked bar chart below shows the percentages
of death due to cancer in four geographic regions of the U.S. that occurred in three ethnic
groups in 2003. In which geographic area did Hispanics account for their lowest percentage of
cancer deaths in 2003? A. Northeast B. Midwest C. South D. West Question 4 of 20 5.0/ 5.0
Points Which line chart below represents the data? A. B. C. D. None of the above Question 5 of
20 5.0/ 5.0 Points Find the original data from the stem-and-leaf plot. A. 95, 91, 99, 101, 111,
115 B. 91, 95, 91, 109, 119, 115 C. 95, 99, 101, 101, 115,

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115 D. 95, 99, 101, 109, 115, 115 Question 6 of 20 5.0/ 5.0 Points Identify the utility that
accounts for over half the total bill in two months. A. Water B. Electric C. Gas D. No single utility
accounts for more than half the total bill in two months Question 7 of 20 5.0/ 5.0 Points The
table shows the end–of–the–month checking account balance of a statistics teacher for the
months January 1999 through December 1999 as determined by the closing balance on the last
banking day of the month. The balance is rounded to the nearest dollar. A. B. C. D. None of the
above Question 8 of 20 5.0/ 5.0 Points The stacked bar chart below shows the percentages of
death due to cancer in four geographic regions of the U.S. that occurred in three ethnic groups
in 2003. In which geographic area did Hispanics account for their highest percentage of cancer
deaths in 2003? A. Northeast B. Midwest C. South D.

West Question 9 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points The histogram below shows the ages of the actors who
won the Academy Award for best actor from 1970 to 2006. How many of the award winners
were 50 years old or older at the time they won their Oscar? A. 6 B. 9 C. 15 D. 18 Question 10 of
20 5.0/ 5.0 Points The ages of employees of a company are summarized in the frequency table.
Which line chart below represents the data? A. B. C. D. None of the above ashworth college
MA260 online exam 2 Part 1 of 1 – 0.0/ 100.0 Points Question 1 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points The table
shows the end–of–the–month checking account balance of a statistics teacher for the months
January 1999 through December 1999 as determined by the closing balance on the last banking
day of the month. The balance is rounded to the nearest dollar. A. B. C. D. None of the above
Question 2 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points Alan tossed a die 50 times and

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obtained the results shown in the dot plot below. How many times did he roll an even number?
A. 17 B. 19 C. 25 D. 21 Question 3 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points Find the original data from the stem-
and-leaf plot. A. 95, 91, 99, 101, 111, 115 B. 91, 95, 91, 109, 119, 115 C. 95, 99, 101, 101, 115,
115 D. 95, 99, 101, 109, 115, 115 Question 4 of 20 0.0/ 5.0 Points The data below represent the
results of a poll in which the following questions was asked: “To what degree are you satisfied
with your current health insurance?” Which pie chart below represents the given data set? Very
14.5% Somewhat 26.3% Not at all 36.8% No opinion 22.4% $135.00 Total : General General
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Embry MGMT535 Full Course Question Embry MGMT535 Module 1.2 Discussion 1.2 – Module 1
Discussion: Introductions 1919 unread replies.6666 replies. Tell us about yourself by posting a
brief biography on the Discussion Board in the forum titled Module 1 Introductions. Outline
your educational goals, work experience, where you’re from or currently live, hobbies, and your
particular interest in taking this course. Attach a picture of yourself (if you wish) so the rest of
us will know whom we are addressing during class discussions. Read your classmate’s postings
and get to know the people you will be interacting with throughout the term. Embry MGMT535
Module 2.2 Discussion 2.2 – Discussion: Module 2 33 unread replies.100100 replies. Post your
response to the following in this Discussion and respond to at least two of your colleagues by
the end of the module week. Review information about

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uncertain reduction (Chap. 3 in the Dainton & Zelley textbook). Then refer to Table 3.3. Choose
any ONE of the axioms (list it so we know which one you are discussing) and explain how this
axiom played out in either assisting in enhancing a successful communication outcome – or
diminishing an unsuccessful communication outcome. Review the Discussion Board Online
Rubric for the grading criteria that will be used when evaluating your discussion participation.
Embry MGMT535 Module 3.2 Discussion 3.2 – Discussion: Module 3 66 unread replies.103103
replies. Post your response to the following in this Discussion and respond to at least two of
your colleagues by the end of the module week. Think about company rituals and
organizational cultural values (behavior/communication,etc.) that take place in your workplace.
(See table 4.1, in Clampitt textbook). Discuss any ONE that is indicative of

your company. Feel free to refer to Dr. Schein’s models for assistance (located at Module 3
“Supplemental Readings”). Review the Discussion Board Rubric for the grading criteria that will
be used when evaluating your discussion participation. Embry MGMT535 Module 3.4
Discussion Final Report Topic 3.4 – Discussion: Module 3 Final Report Topic 2727 unread
replies.5353 replies. Submit your report topic and chosen option by the end of the module
week. You are required to select your topic and the option you are following and what you plan
to write about. This information is to be posted in this discussion area. Following the suggested
timeline will ensure that you stay on track to complete your report on time. Now that you have
chosen a topic, you can begin conducting your preliminary research (e.g., identify key academic
journals, electronic data bases, and websites that will be fruitful

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for your research efforts). Keep in mind your Final Capstone Report is worth one-third of your
final grade in this course. Submit your chosen option and topic here. This is a non-graded
submission. Embry MGMT535 Module 4.2 Discussion 4.2 – Discussion: Module 4 99 unread
replies.103103 replies. Post your response to the following in the Discussion Board forum titled
Module 4 Discussion and respond to at least two of your colleagues by the end of the module
week. Review the Discussion Board Rubric for the grading criteria that will be used when
evaluating your discussion participation. Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has
escalated in the past 10 years with the advent of the Internet and now a plethora of social
networking opportunities. There are two sides to CMC: those who think it is connecting us all
the more and those who think it is creating isolation (e.g., it is diminishing

our social capital with regard to communication). What are your thoughts; does it divide or
combine…connect or separate? Embry MGMT535 Module 5.2 Discussion 5.2 – Discussion:
Module 5 7575 unread replies.105105 replies. Post your response to the following in the
Discussion Board forum titled Module 5 Discussion and respond to at least two of your
colleagues by the end of the module week. Review the Discussion Board Rubric for the grading
criteria that will be used when evaluating your discussion participation. As you know,
knowledge is power. We can obtain knowledge by doing our homework (e.g., our “research”).
For this forum, refer to the Pew Research Center website. The Pew Research Center is a
nonpartisan “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping
America and the world. It does so by conducting public opinion polling and social science
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by reporting news and analyzing news coverage; and by holding forums and briefings. It does
not take positions on policy issues. 1. Choose any ONE article from Pew. 2. Provide the title of
the article/report. 3. Provide a brief summary of what you learned. 4. And, then also explain
why this information is relevant, from a knowledge management standpoint (e.g., why is this
information important – to which audiences). Embry MGMT535 Module 6.2 Discussion 6.2 –
Discussion: Module 6 2121 unread replies.9393 replies. Post your response to the following in
the Discussion Board forum titled Module 6 Discussion and respond to at least two of your
colleagues by the end of the module week. Review the Discussion Board Rubric for the grading
criteria that will be used when evaluating your discussion participation. Think about a recent
situation that caused change in your life and you had to

communicate it to someone (moving, taking a new job, having a baby, buying a new car,
allowing your teen to drive with a permit, trying a new sport, etc.). From a communication
management perspective, what worked effectively – and what could you have done
differently? Why? Embry MGMT535 Module 7.2 Discussion 7.2 – Discussion: Module 7 11
unread reply.6868 replies. Post your response to the following in the Discussion Board forum
titled Module 7 Discussion and respond to at least two of your colleagues by the end of the
module week. Review the Discussion Board Rubric for the grading criteria that will be used
when evaluating your discussion participation. This week’s forum requires you to serve as a
facilitator about one of the theories being covered in Chapters 5 or 6 of the Dainton & Zelley
book. Choose any ONE theory – and – in your words – using your own examples, etc. – explain

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following: 1. What this theory is all about and 2. How we can apply it in our every day lives
(professionally, personally, etc.). 3. Compose two questions about this theory for your
colleagues to address. Please cite at least ONE outside source beyond the Clampitt or Zelley
book with this posting. Embry MGMT535 Module 8.2 Discussion 8.2 – Discussion: Module 8
1818 unread replies.9494 replies. Post your response to the following in this Discussion forum
and respond to at least two of your colleagues by the end of the module week. Review the
Discussion Board Rubric for the grading criteria that will be used when evaluating your
discussion participation. 1. Go to any online news outlet of your choice. Identify something
going on in the news that represents a public relations situation (either a problem or
opportunity) – OR inappropriate “communication management.” For example, perhaps the

story at hand is a result of miscommunication, lack of communication, communication to the

wrong audience, communication of an inappropriate message, etc. 2. Provide a short overview
of the story and provide your suggestions /recommendations for the company /organization,
celebrity represented in the news story. 3. Provide the online link so your colleagues can refer
to the story when responding to your post. 4. Embry MGMT535 Module 9.2 Discussion 9.3 –
Discussion: Module 9 88 unread replies.5555 replies. Post your response to the following in this
Discussion and respond to at least two of your colleagues by the end of the module week.
Reflection is a very important element of learning. So, please take a moment to reflect about
what you have learned during these past 9 weeks. Identify 1-2 topics, theories, concepts,
and/or principles that you have really enjoyed learning about. (Example:

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perhaps you were excited to read about a particular topic and felt compelled to research
beyond the required material in this course to learn more!) Provide some information about
what you learned in particular about each of these topics and how you can apply it to your
everyday life (work, home, etc.). This assignment is due during this module week. Review the
Discussion Board Rubric for the grading criteria that will be used when evaluating your
discussion participation. Embry MGMT535 Module 2.4 (Cognition & Intrapersonal
Communication Theory) First Writing Assignment Prepare and submit your first written
assignment by the end of the module week. Choose any ONE theory from either Chapter 3
(Cognition & Intrapersonal Communication Theory) or Chapter 4 (Interpersonal Communication
Theory) in the Dainton & Zelley book. Think about a situation that you can apply to explain this
theory and

how it can, did, or should be applied to the scenario at hand. Example: use the theory of
uncertainty reduction to explain how you would go about diminishing the stress for a colleague
about an uncomfortable situation at work. MGMT 535 Weekly Assignments/Short Reports (45%
of grade) Criteria: This course has a requirement of weekly short reports/assignments/case
studies that complement and reinforce topics covered in each module. The goal of these
assignments is to demonstrate your comprehension of key communication management
principles, concepts and theories and substantiate your understanding of the course materials.
The assignments consist of various ‘think piece’ short reports and article reviews that enable
you to use your critical thinking and analysis skills to apply what you are learning. These
assignments are not solely opinion papers – although your “angle” on the subject

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matter at hand is encouraged. Please support your suggestions and recommendations with
outside sources. (Note: Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for this particular
graduate level course.) Twosources are required for each assignment: • The course textbooks •
An outside ‘credible’ source. You are welcome to use materials posted in the weekly modules
and in the “Resources” area of this course as your 2nd source. Proper grammar is expected;
typos, grammatical errors and unorganized writing will diminish your score. Please proof, proof,
proof, and proof again! Due Date: • Papers are due by the end of the module week. • No
papers will be accepted after the last day of the Module week. You will receive a ‘zero’ if your
report is not received by the end of the week it is due. Details: • Microsoft Word is the
acceptable document format. • The length of each paper is 2-3 pages. •

Margins are set at one inch on all four sides. • Text is double-spaced using 12 pt., Times New
Roman font. • Nocover page is required. • Submit via the appropriate activity link in the course.
Please do NOT email assignments to your instructor (per the ERAU Worldwide Online
submission policy). Embry MGMT535 Module 3.3 (organizational culture can positively – and
negatively – influence) First Writing Assignment Prepare and submit your second writing
assignment by the end of the module week. Compare and contrast how a company’s
organizational culture can positively – and negatively – influence the internal environment
AND, as a result, discuss the positive and negative impact this culture can have on the
employees. Please use examples to demonstrate your points and follow the Assignment
Criteria. MGMT 535 Weekly Assignments/Short Reports (45% of grade) Criteria: This course has

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requirement of weekly short reports/assignments/case studies that complement and reinforce

topics covered in each module. The goal of these assignments is to demonstrate your
comprehension of key communication management principles, concepts and theories and
substantiate your understanding of the course materials. The assignments consist of various
‘think piece’ short reports and article reviews that enable you to use your critical thinking and
analysis skills to apply what you are learning. These assignments are not solely opinion papers –
although your “angle” on the subject matter at hand is encouraged. Please support your
suggestions and recommendations with outside sources. (Note: Wikipedia is not considered an
acceptable source for this particular graduate level course.) Twosources are required for each
assignment: • The course textbooks • An outside ‘credible’ source. You are

welcome to use materials posted in the weekly modules and in the “Resources” area of this
course as your 2nd source. Proper grammar is expected; typos, grammatical errors and
unorganized writing will diminish your score. Please proof, proof, proof, and proof again! Due
Date: • Papers are due by the end of the module week. • No papers will be accepted after the
last day of the Module week. You will receive a ‘zero’ if your report is not received by the end of
the week it is due. Details: • Microsoft Word is the acceptable document format. • The length
of each paper is 2-3 pages. • Margins are set at one inch on all four sides. • Text is double-
spaced using 12 pt., Times New Roman font. • Nocover page is required. • Submit via the
appropriate activity link in the course. Please do NOT email assignments to your instructor (per
the ERAU Worldwide Online submission policy). Embry MGMT535

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Module 4.3 (Social Media Benefits in Organizational Communication)Writing Assignment

Prepare and submit your third writing assignment by the end of the module week. Refer to the
website (Links to
an external site.). Choose any 2-3 categories and explain how these social media techniques can
benefit an organization from a communication management perspective. Please use examples
to substantiate your claims. Feel free to also propose creative ways a company can use these
techniques to enhance communication with key constituents. (You are welcome to list a
particular company for this assignment – if you find that to be easier). MGMT 535 Weekly
Assignments/Short Reports (45% of grade) Criteria: This course has a requirement of weekly
short reports/assignments/case studies that complement and reinforce topics covered

in each module. The goal of these assignments is to demonstrate your comprehension of key
communication management principles, concepts and theories and substantiate your
understanding of the course materials. The assignments consist of various ‘think piece’ short
reports and article reviews that enable you to use your critical thinking and analysis skills to
apply what you are learning. These assignments are not solely opinion papers – although your
“angle” on the subject matter at hand is encouraged. Please support your suggestions and
recommendations with outside sources. (Note: Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable
source for this particular graduate level course.) Twosources are required for each assignment:
• The course textbooks • An outside ‘credible’ source. You are welcome to use materials posted
in the weekly modules and in the “Resources” area of this course as your 2nd

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source. Proper grammar is expected; typos, grammatical errors and unorganized writing will
diminish your score. Please proof, proof, proof, and proof again! Due Date: • Papers are due by
the end of the module week. • No papers will be accepted after the last day of the Module
week. You will receive a ‘zero’ if your report is not received by the end of the week it is due.
Details: • Microsoft Word is the acceptable document format. • The length of each paper is 2-3
pages. • Margins are set at one inch on all four sides. • Text is double-spaced using 12 pt.,
Times New Roman font. • Nocover page is required. • Submit via the appropriate activity link in
the course. Please do NOT email assignments to your instructor (per the ERAU Worldwide
Online submission policy). Embry MGMT535 Module 5.3 (Management Article Review) Writing
Assignment Prepare and submit your fourth writing assignment by
the end of the module week. Choose any ONE article from an academic journal that you are
using as one of your sources for your Final Report. Provide a 2 page review of this article. Make
sure to address the “so what? Factor”. What did you learn from this article? Make sure to
include the full citation using correct APA style format. MGMT 535 Weekly Assignments/Short
Reports (45% of grade) Criteria: This course has a requirement of weekly short
reports/assignments/case studies that complement and reinforce topics covered in each
module. The goal of these assignments is to demonstrate your comprehension of key
communication management principles, concepts and theories and substant $135.00 Total :
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DeVry HIT120 Full Course Question DeVry HIT120 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 dq 1 Evolution of
Healthcare (graded) In this first thread, we will explore the healthcare system in the United
States (US). As you will learn by reading chapter 11 in Sayles’ textbook, healthcare services have
evolved over the years and the US has become one of the world leaders in healthcare
technologies. Yet, we face various challenges in terms of access, cost, and quality. Learning
about healthcare system in general is important for a health information professional for many
reasons: 1. We work in healthcare, so we need to know our work environment and adapt
accordingly; 2. Many HIT and coding practices vary depending on the type of healthcare setting;
3. Learning about the healthcare system helps you understand the big picture and the impact of
health information technology in patient care; 4. General knowledge

about healthcare systems along with HIT or coding specialization prepares you to move up the
ladder and advance your career. In starting this topic, identify and elaborate on some of the
healthcare challenges. In your responses, reflect on your textbook readings as well as any other
literature and your experiences. dq 2 Health Information Professionals (graded) This topic is
dedicated to discussing the role of health information professionals, medical coders, and billers.
What do you know about these professions? What education is required to work in these
professions? What certifications or credentials are required or preferred? What job skills are
required to accommodate the shift towards greater automation and the electronic medical
record environment? DeVry HIT120 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 dq 1 Forces Affecting Healthcare
(graded) United States healthcare delivery is affected by

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multiple forces, including legislation (particularly, healthcare-related laws), technology, medical

and biological advances, and professional associations. In this topic, we will discuss some of

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