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Marketplace Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need

to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. After you have

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completed your reading, respond to your Discussion topic in the Discussion Board. Then read
the responses of your fellow students and comment on their postings. For companies whose
operations span the globe, BPM can be a strong tool in implementing change or establishing
standards across all operations. These efforts are very challenging, however, since the scale is
so large and the project is so difficult to coordinate. For this Discussion, research and
summarize an article about a global company executing a BPM project either successfully or
unsuccessfully. Include the following elements: 1. Summarize the situation and the company. 2.
What were the motivations for the effort? How did the company expect the BPM project to
help with their global competitiveness? 3. What were some challenges they faced in this
project? 4. Were they successful? If they did well, what were the critical

success factors they were able to implement? If they failed, what were the risks they failed to
mitigate? kaplan MT400 unit 2 assignment Kaplan University School of Business MT 400 Unit 2
Assignment Unit 2 Assignment Unit 2 Assignment: Business Processes and Strategy–Process
Alignment About selecting your business process for use in the Assignments Your book
proposes a business process management (BPM) model that consists of 10 phases. As you learn
about each of these phases, you will be applying the concepts to a specific business process.
You will select the process you will use in this Assignment. You will prepare the foundation for
your project by identifying a real -world organization that would benefit from applying the
business process management (BPM) model in the workplace. You may select the organization
where you currently workORwhere you previously worked. If possible, you

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should strive to choose an organization and process that you have knowledge about. If you
select an organization that you do not have direct contact with, be sure you can gather
sufficient information (via the library, the Internet, or by interview) about the organization and
its operations. It is important to select a process that will provide a good basis for applying the
various phases that you will be learning. As you learn further topics and complete subsequent
Assignments, you will use this process to answer questions such as: • What are the
strategies/goals of your company and how does your selected process support/fit them? • Who
are the stakeholders in the process, what are their expectations, and what are the goals of the
process? • What are some specific metrics for measuring the performance of your process now
and later? What are some quick wins for your project? • What are
the risks for your project, ways to mitigate them, and the best leader type for this project? •
What is the best implementation strategy for your process, pilots, and contingency plans for
your project? In order to be able to answer these questions, you will need to select a business
process that has strategic significance in the organization, involves multiple people, and has
sufficient complexity to require measurement and planning. If you pick a process that is too
limited, not strategic, or too vague, you will not be able to analyze these elements later on. To
gain a better understanding of what is coming up, carefully read the 2-1/2 page summary of the
10 phases that starts on p. 106. This will give you an idea of what type of questions you will be
asking about the process you select. Instructions for Assignment 1 Kaplan University School of
Business MT 400 Unit 2 Assignment For

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this Assignment, write a paper that includes the following components (use the subheadings
below): Part 1: Information About the Organization You Selected Identify and provide details
regarding the organization for which you will be presenting information about the BPM model.
Basic information: Company name, location, size, and primary business area (What does the
business do?). Also, describe what connection you have to the organization, if any. If not,
explain how you will gather information about their operations. Implementation strategy: (Use
the model by Treacy and Wiersma in Chapter 13 and identify which one of the three strategic
options fits the company’s approach the best; explain how and why). Part 2: Information About
the Process you Selected Describe the specific business process that you have selected to
analyze in your Assignments. Clearly state: 1. The objective of the

process. 2. The scope: Where the process begins and ends. 3. A brief description of those
involved. Explain each item: ? Significance: Does this process have some strategic significance
or a significant impact on the operations of the organization? Would company executives care
about changes to the process? Explain your answers. ? Scope: Does this process have various
stakeholders, in addition to multiple people involved in its execution? List both the
stakeholders and the various people involved in carrying out the process. ? Clarity: Is it possible
to identify and list the steps in this process, from beginning to end? Briefly list at least five
steps, including who executes them. ? Outcomes: Are there specific goals and deliverables
associated with this process that can be listed and measured? Describe at least two. In order to
ensure the process you select is rich enough to support

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this project, your answer to the items in the preceding checklist must be “yes.” If you find that
you cannot answer the questions above, you will need to pick another process. Otherwise you
will have difficulty with subsequent Assignments. Part 3: Strategic Justification 1.Why should
the company undertake a BPM project on this process? (What Kaplan University School of
Business MT 400 Unit 2 Assignment are some triggers based on Table 4.1?) 2.How can this
business or organization benefit from a BPM effort? Part 4: Alignment of the Process to the
Company Strategy Based on the concepts in Chapter 13, assess the following elements: 1. How
well does the process you selected support strategic choice (based on #1–3 above)? Your
analysis should be specific to the selected business process and not a general discussion of the
business. 2. Where in Table 13.6 would this process fall with respect

to the BPM activity and approach? Explain. Grading note:In the grading rubric below, you will
see a section on analysis andcritical thinking. The points in this section will partly be based on
your ability to apply the concepts discussed in your Assignment to the specific circumstances
and details of the process/organization you selected. Writing in general terms, without applying
the concepts and analyzing your specific project, may get you points in the content section, but
you will lose points in the analysis section. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose
your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username-MT400 Assignment-
Unit#.docx (Example: TAllen-MT400 Assignment-Unit 2.docx). Submit your file by selecting the
Unit 2: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 2. kaplan MT400 unit 4 assignment Kaplan
University School of Business MT 400 Unit 4 Assignment

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Unit 4 Assignment Unit 4 Assignment: Stakeholders, Metrics, and Quick Wins In this
Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria detailed
below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the next
paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business processyou will use for these Assignments,
then begin by selecting one. Email your instructor and clearly describe the objective of this
process, the participants, and the strategic significance for the company. The business process
you select must have a clear beginning and an end, with identifiable, specific steps. Your
instructor will confirm that the process you selected is suitable or will ask you to select another
one. Part 1: The Stakeholders Answer the following questions: 1) Who are the stakeholders in
your selected business process, besides those that are

directly involved in the execution of it? List at least two people/groups and explain their
relationship/ connection to the process. Also describe what they expect from this project. 2)
What is this process intended to accomplish? What constitutes success? Focus on the selected
process, not the organization in general. Be specific about both of these elements (definition of
goals and success). $140.00 Total : General General Questions – Online class help-- Popular By tutorials GB550 Unit 2 Assignment l MATLAB in Statistics
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capella BUS4012 Full Course Question capella BUS4012 unit 1 discussion 1 After reading the
chapter on personal mastery (pages 33–60), thoughtfully write out your responses to the
questions on page 54 and on page 59. How does this kind of self-observation, which you may
consider an inquiry into authentic self-expression and values and self-limiting beliefs, help
enhance your or anyone’s capacity to lead? Read one other learner’s response. Post thoughtful,
insightful, and helpful comments to your colleague. Remember that this is someone else’s
internal terrain. Be gentle. Offer questions to support his or her growth rather than evaluations
or judgments. Discuss the value of this kind of reflection to the development of leadership. Post
in the discussion area. capella BUS4012 unit 2 discussion 1 Discuss how your request for an
interview went. Reflect on the process and how you could improve

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it. What worked and did not work in soliciting an interview? What are you learning about
contracting from the questions leaders asked you or from their responses to your request?
capella BUS4012 unit 3 discussion 1&2 db 1 After reading the chapter on interpersonal mastery
(pages 79–104), write your answers to the reflections on pages 95 and 103. What are you
learning about your tendency to open up or shut down communication and your personal
beliefs underlying these behaviors? What are your growth commitments? How might you use
these questions in your interviews? Read two learners’ posts. You do not have respond to those
learners’ reflections, though you may do so if you wish. db 2 After reading the chapter on being
mastery (pages 147–164) do the exercise on page 157 with an open mind. Then, write your
reaction to the exercise. What did you like about it? What made you uncomfortable? Why

might this exercise help you be a better leader? Respond to the questions on page 164
regarding what you have learned, your commitments, and your obstacles to being mastery.
How does our culture support or obstruct the pursuit and dialogue about the importance of
Being to being a leader? Why is it that this is such a difficult topic to discuss (and, at the same
time, why is it so essential)? Read two learners’ posts. You do not have to respond directly to
those learners, but do engage in a dialogue by making at least one additional post in this area
that addresses comfort level with this topic and what this tells us about our culture and the
implications for leaders. capella BUS4012 unit 4 discussion 1&2 db 1 After reading the chapter
on resilience (pages 127–146), write your responses to the reflections on pages 145–146. In
general, how do you assess your ability to maintain balance in

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your life? What commitments and actions are needed in this area? Relate a story from your
personal experience with a leader who lost balance. Did this leader experience health
problems? Did he or she affect the health of employees, friends, or family? What happened to
this leader’s sense of humor, relationships, or effectiveness? Why is this important area often
overlooked? What are the beliefs that drive us toward obsessive behavior? Read one other
learner’s balance reflection and offer insightful comments. Engage in a discussion about the
difficulty of maintaining balance in our culture and the implications for leaders vis-à-vis The
New Business Realities. Support your argument with examples from your personal experience
(for instance, e-mail might get you working 24/7). Post in the discussion area. db 2 Based on the
Web site about Servant Leadership, write several paragraphs

describing the aspects of a servant leader. Why does it appeal to you as an approach to
leadership? What concerns do you have? Why does servant leadership seem appropriate given
The Thinking Habits? Choose one of The Thinking Habits and elaborate. Read one other
learner’s response. Compile a combined list of servant leadership attributes and discuss how
these behaviors support The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination. Post in the
discussion area capella BUS4012 unit 5 discussion 1 db 1 Post your Personal Project Draft in this
discussion for peer feedback. Try to post your paper by Wednesday so that you have time to
integrate feedback into your final paper in Unit 6. Read two classmates’ Personal Project Drafts.
Make insightful, helpful, and thoughtful comments. Be sure to include what you liked best
about their papers and what suggestions you have to help them strengthen their

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final draft. capella BUS4012 unit 6 discussion 1&2 db 1 New Science Summary. Write about
your understanding of the assumptions of new science and their implications for leaders in the
21st Century. How are they supported by The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination
and The New Business Realities? Do you see any points of conflict? What examples of these
new science implications for leaders do you see in your working environment? How are your
leaders adapting to these new assumptions? How can this summary be part of the theoretical
base of your Group Project? How does it explain the need for the mastery competencies
suggested in Leadership From the Inside Out, that focuses on Purpose, Values, Interpersonal
Relationships, and Being vs. Doing etc.? Read at least one other learner’s summary. Offer
helpful, insightful comments, referencing The Thinking Habits and New Business

Realities. db 2 Using the Internet, newspapers, magazines, or television, point out two
examples of organizations operating on mechanistic assumptions and two examples of
organizations where leaders operate on new science assumptions. Read two other learners’
media searches and make helpful, insightful comments. capella BUS4012 unit 7 discussion 1&2
db 1 Using an Appreciative Inquiry, write about your responses to the four questions below.
Think about leaders who used participation to help a group see the potential and create that
reality. Although this is not an interview, how might you use this to support your work in the
group project? 1. Tell a story about a specific moment when you experienced a participative
leader who helped a group create and achieve something exceptional? Who was there? What
were you doing? What was happening? 2. Describe the things you most valued about: 1. the

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leader. 2. the nature of the work. 3. the organization’s culture or values. 3. What do you
consider the core factor that gives life to this leadership interaction? 4. Using what you have
described, what 3 wishes would you make to heighten the vitality and health of your own
leadership behavior in the future? Read at least one classmate’s Appreciative Inquiry. Comment
on what most impresses you and is most memorable for you. Look for repeating patterns that
may overlap more than one story about what gives life. How do these stories demonstrate or
refute the importance of a leader discussing, modeling, embodying values and direction, or
demonstrating how communities shape their reality? Describe the importance of participation
in ownership. db 2 The Ropes to Know and the Ropes to Skip Imagine it is your job to write a
leader guidebook for new supervisors in your current organization. Write

a list of 10 rules describing current practices and day-to-day behavior that the supervisors
should follow in order to be successful. Then, write an analysis of whether these practices
reflect Newtonian or New Science assumptions, giving examples and explanation for the
position you take. Read at least one classmate’s ropes to know and make helpful, insightful
comments about similarities to and differences with your own list. Also note whether these
guidelines reflect mechanistic or new science assumptions. capella BUS4012 unit 8 discussion
1&2 db 1 Tell a story about a time in your life where you encountered disruptive information
that resulted in innovation or growth. Describe the tension between ignoring, insulating, and
avoiding this new information, and how it gave way to opening, embracing, and integrating this
disturbance. What was the role of self referencing, remembering who you
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are, your values, aspirations, and gifts, to the eventual innovation or growth? Why is this an
important capability for leaders and why are you a better leader as a result of this experience?
Read at least one classmate’s story, maybe someone’s work you have not read before. Reflect
on something in his or her story that you find surprising and that you recognize within yourself.
db 2 Think of a technology that was once cutting edge but ceased to exist. Why did it die? Was
it insulated? Did it die because it presented a closed posture to new or disturbing information?
Perhaps it didn’t allow freedom to self–organize. Also, tell a story of a technology that has
survived due to the creativity of one or two individuals who adapted to their environment and
who had the freedom to be flexible and adapt to a new reality. What role did a leader have in
both of these situations? Read the Change or

Die entry of one other learner and write a scenario for the self-organizing story of how he or
she self–destructed due to closed leader behavior. Also, write a growth scenario for the
technology story that became obsolete, visualizing the leadership behavior that would
encourage this renewal phenomenon. How might your open or closed behavior to new data be
used to influence the possibilities of your group project? capella BUS4012 unit 9 discussion 1&2
db 1 Surprise is the only route to discovery. Given the new science, The New Business Realities,
and The Thinking Habits, write two paragraphs describing how a leader might include
stakeholders and followers in a dialogue of discovery that encourages empowerment and
autonomy of action and diversity while assuring alignment to values and mission. Read one
other learner’s surprise assignment and make insightful, helpful comments. Post to the

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discussion area. db 2 Using what you have learned from all members of your learning cluster,
synthesize some recommendations for leaders around these topics. This will provide a basis for
your group project recommendations. Discuss in what ways your learning cluster has operated
on new science assumptions and comment on behaviors that you would like to acquire that will
help you be successful in your group project. Post to the discussion area. capella BUS4012 unit
10 discussion 1 Reflections on team experience. Make your final comments and reflections on
what seemed to work and not work in how the group went about completing the group project.
What have you learned about successfully accomplishing a task with a group of virtual
colleagues? What leadership capabilities and roles were demonstrated? How did your group
incorporate new science assumptions in a way that helped you be more

successful? capella BUS4012 unit 1 assignment 1 Based on the London interview with Margaret
Wheatley, “The New Science of Leadership,” write 2–3 paragraphs describing Wheatley’s
theories and perspectives of leadership and organizations. What are the main points and
theories discussed in the interview? Can you give examples from your work life that reflect
Wheatley’s observations? How do these ideas support or compare with the New Business
Realities? Choose 1 Business Reality and elaborate. When complete, submit your paper in the
assignment area. capella BUS4012 unit 2 assignment 1 After reading the chapter on purpose
(pages 61–78 of Cashman), write your responses to the questions on pages 67 and 78 in the
text. What are you learning about what you value? What’s important and gives meaning to your
life and work? Why might this reflection be important to a leader’s development? How might

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this reflection, or the others you have done, be the basis of an interview with the leaders of
your choosing for your personal project? Submit this assignment in the assignment area.
capella BUS4012 unit 2 assignment 2 After reading the chapter on change (pages 105–126),
write your responses to the questions on pages 121 and 126. What are you learning about your
comfort or resistance to change and your tendency towards potential versus loss? How might
you use these questions in your interviews for your personal project? Why is it important for a
leader to understand their reaction to change? What is a leader’s role in influencing and
coaching other people through change? How might change mastery apply to interviewing
protocol and questions? Submit your assignment in the assignment area. capella BUS4012 unit
2 assignment 3 Contacting Leaders To Interview–Decide the level of leaders you

would like to interview (for example, individual contributors, middle managers, or top
managers). Also, in your learning group, choose an aspect of leadership from the Cashman text
topics (such as, personal mastery, purpose mastery, change mastery, interpersonal mastery,
being mastery, balance mastery, or action mastery). Each of you should request and schedule
45–minute interviews with two different leaders. Interview leaders at your learning group’s
chosen level, and center both interviews on your group’s chosen aspect of leadership. Note:
The interviews you conduct should be in person. You will be conducting your interviews in week
3 or 4 of the class and use them in your team project and your personal project. You may use
some of the questions developed in the reflection exercises in the text in the chapter on your
topic. Write up your interview focus. Your instructor will provide

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feedback on your interview focus. Include the following information: • State your intended
purpose for the interview. Provide an explanation of the topic and why you chose it. • What
level leadership are you interviewing? • Outline your schedule for both interview sessions,
include the names and titles of the leaders with date and time of interview. If you have not
been able to solidify your schedule, please include a report of your progress. • List the
interview questions you plan to use from your learning group’s chosen aspect of leadership. •

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