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respond to this disaster. Choose a potential infectious disease outbreak and discuss how a CHN
can help to prevent or respond to an outbreak. How well is your community prepared for a
potential outbreak or disaster? Federal Emergency Management Agency. (). Ready: Prepare.
Plan. Stay Informed. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site.. Federal Emergency Management Agency. (). Pandemic. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Week 6
discussion Environmental Health Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
MyEnvironment site at (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site. and enter your city and state, ZIP code, or location into the location box.
Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be

impacting the health of its citizens. Identify something new you learned about your
environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement: “I didn’t know
_____.“ How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?
Optional: For more environmental health information, you can also visit the following websites.
Environmental health tracking: (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site. Air quality: (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site. Toxic release inventory:
inventory-tri-program (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Week 7 discussion The
Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic, and there probably are
many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this

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discussion, let’s start by focus on understanding the basics of the Healthcare Marketplace so
that we can provide accurate information to our patients and communities. Please explore the
healthcare marketplace website at (Links to an external site.)Links
to an external site.. Choose the Get Answers tab toward the top of the page. Review several of
the topics in this tab and share two things that you learned about how the marketplace works.
How does this information apply to those in your community? As a healthcare provider, has this
raised any ethical questions or concerns for you? Week 8 discussion Future Directions Reflect
on what you have learned in this course. What future concerns are likely to impact public
health? How do you see global health concerns impacting your community? How can you apply
what you have learned in this course to your current

practice? Week 2 Milestone 1 Community Windshield Survey Purpose The purpose of this
assignment is to complete a direct observational assessment of a community in your area. This
windshield survey will be the initial step in uncovering a community health problem in your
area and identifying community dynamics. This problem will be further assessed in the
following two assignments. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the
following course outcome. CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates,
and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health
risks. (PO 4) Due Date Submit your completed windshield survey form by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday
of Week 2. Points: 150 points Directions the Community Windshield Survey form (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site.. Type your name and answers directly onto

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this Word document. Your form does not need to follow APA formatting; however, you are
expected to use a professional writing style with complete sentences, accurate grammar, and
correct spelling. If references are used, they must be cited in the text and the complete
reference should be included in the reference box in APA format. References are optional.
Watch Caring for Populations project overview and Milestone 1 tutorial (click this link or copy
and paste it into your browser):
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (transcript (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site.) Save the form by clicking Save as and adding your last name to the file name;
for example, NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith. Submit the completed form by Sunday,
11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2. Length: The completed form should

be three to four pages in length (not including any optional references). Guidelines Below are
the requirements needed for successful completion of the Windshield Survey Form.
Introduction to the Community: Identify the community you will be using for this assignment
with the city and state and provide a brief, one paragraph description of the community. Your
community should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting. The
community must include a residential area and be broad enough to answer the survey
questions. You do not need to include demographic data. Windshield Survey: Assess your
community by doing a windshield survey. Information about the components of a windshield
survey is located in your textbook, Nies & McEwen () on page 98 (Box 6-2). Drive through the
area and report your observations by describing each of the following six areas using a

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majority of the questions from each category of Box 6-2 as your guide (one to two in depth
paragraphs for each category). Be sure to include what you observed related to each of these
categories, and also include any significant items that are missing in your community because
this may be equally important in identifying a community health problem. Community vitality
Indicators of social and economic conditions Health resources Environmental conditions related
to health Social functioning Attitude toward healthcare Note: It is helpful to conduct this
assessment at least two different times: during the day or evening, on a weekday and/or on the
weekend. If possible, plan on asking someone to drive during your survey so that you can take
notes. Vulnerable population: Identify an aggregate or vulnerable population in your
community based on your observations. What did you observe about this

population? See Units five (5) and six (6) in Nies and McEwen () for examples of vulnerable
populations and aggregates. Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings. Describe several
potential community health problems for the vulnerable population that you identified.
References: The purpose of this assignment is to document your observations of your
community. Outside sources are not required. However, if sources are used, these sources
must be cited within the form (Author, year) and listed in the reference section in APA format
(see APA resources for help with formatting). Best Practices in Completing the Form The
following are best practices in preparing this project. Make sure all elements of the form are
included. Review directions and grading rubric below thoroughly. Cite any outside references as
above (these are optional). Use a professional writing style with complete

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sentences. Proofread prior to final submission. Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to
final submission. Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy. Week 4 Milestone 2
Vulnerable Population Assessment Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and assess
an aggregate or vulnerable population in your community. You will also describe one
community health problem that impacts this group. This problem must be one that a
community health nurse could positively impact. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the
student to meet the following course outcomes: CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals,
families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify
population health risks. (PO 4) CO6: Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to
address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (

PO 2) Due Date Submit the paper by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday by the end of Week 4. Points: 225
points Rubric Click to view and the NR443 Milestone 2: Caring for Vulnerable Populations Rubric
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Directions Watch the Milestone 2 tutorial at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title
page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper.
Please use the categories described below as the first level headings on your paper (note: the
introduction does not carry a heading of “introduction,” instead the title of the paper is
repeated and centered at the top of the second page in plain text). APA formatting helps you to
format your paper in a professional manner and
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provides consistent methods for citing your sources within the paper and providing the
complete reference on the reference page. See the APA resources for assistance with APA
formatting. There is an APA template that you can use to type on and this will help with APA
formatting. The SSPRNBSN Student Success Strategies resource has a module on writing
scholarly papers and APA formatting. You may access SSPRNBSN by finding its tile in your
dashboard, or clicking on the link in your course list. Based on your community assessment,
including your windshield survey and the assessment information from your discussions,
identify one aggregate or vulnerable population in your community that faces a community
health problem. See units five (5) and six (6) in Nies and McEwen () for examples of vulnerable
populations and aggregates. Your community must be the area where you live or work.

Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s
attention. Provide a brief description of your community including the city name and state and
key features. Briefly introduce one aggregate or vulnerable population that you identified in
your assessment. Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper
should relate to assessing this vulnerable population in your community. Note: the introduction
does not carry a heading of “introduction,” instead; the title of the paper is repeated and
centered at the top of the second page in plain text. Vulnera $140.00 Total : Nursing – Online
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discuss why Blue Ocean organizations successfully create sustainable competitive advantage
Question Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: •
Learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. • This assignment requires
that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-
text citation from each source be included. Directions: Write a paper of 1,500-1,750 words in
which you discuss why Blue Ocean organizations successfully create sustainable competitive
advantage when other organizations fail. In your paper, include the following: 1. A description
of the duality of challenges and opportunities. 2. A discussion of how organizations leverage
opportunities for innovation. 3. A discussion of the values and ethics Blue Ocean organizations
consider and harness to create sustainable

competitive advantage $24.00 Total : General General Questions –

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Strayer BUS505 Full Course Question Strayer BUS505 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 1
Discussion 1“Winning New Business”Please respond to the following: Analyze the list of
common proposal mistakes discussed in Chapter 1 and determine which types of mistakes are
probably the most commonly made. Explain your rationale. Then, discuss how you as a
manager would work to ensure those who work with you are mindful of the common mistakes.
Review the 10 characteristics of winning bids listed in Figure 1-1 and propose at least one more
that would further describe a winning bid. Explain your rationale. Week 1 Discussion
2“Anatomy of a Government RFP”Please respond to the following: Analyze the elements of a
RFP and determine which section is the most difficult to correctly complete. Explain your
rationale. Recommend at least two tips or practices that can be employed to simplify the
process. Assume

you have been hired by the federal government to redesign the RFP format that is referenced in
Figure 2.1 in Chapter 2 of the textbook. Explain what changes you would make and why. Strayer
BUS505 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 2 Discussion 1“Federal Government Source
Selection”Please respond to the following: Assume you own a small company that makes
widgets. Carefully review the federal government acquisition process and determine how you
would best position yourself long before you place your first government bid. Discuss the
benefits of your preparations. Analyze the elements of both the technical evaluation and the
past performance evaluation. Next, determine which is the most difficult to evaluate from the
federal government perspective and how you (as a business owner) could make the evaluation
process easier. Then, directly respond to the assessment of a fellow learner and evaluate

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his or her post (on-ground students will discuss the positions). Week 2 Discussion 2“Strategic
Business Planning”Please respond to the following: Assume you own a company that
manufactures a specific product of your choice. Create a one-paragraph mission statement that
addresses the what, who, how, and why of your company. Then, discuss how each component
is addressed in your mission statement. Based on the same company you described above,
create a strategic business model that incorporates the four major elements of strategic
business modeling discussed in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Strayer BUS505 Week 3 Discussion 1
& 2 Week 3 Discussion 1“Long Term Positioning”Please respond to the following: Analyze the
elements of collecting market information and determine which would provide the most
valuable information to a company seeking business with the federal government. Explain your
rationale. Review the eight types of information the author recommends go into a bid proposal
library, as discussed in Osborne’s “Long Term Positioning,” and recommend at least one
additional type of information that could / should be included. Provide your rationale. Review
the various improper practices and conflicts discussed in Chapter 5, and make at least one
recommendation for preventing them or stopping them before they become a significant issue.
Explain your rationale. Week 3 Discussion 2“Sealed Bidding”Please respond to the following:
Describe the purpose, general requirements, and awarding of the contract in a sealed- bidding
process. From the e-Activity, provide at least two examples where sealed bidding had a positive
effect on the contract selection process. Discuss two of the problems that might be
encountered by an agency in producing a sealed bid, and how apparent and

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obvious mistakes can be addressed. From the e-Activity, provide at least two examples to
support your response. Strayer BUS505 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 4 Discussion 1“Pre-
Proposal Phase Activities”Please respond to the following: Evaluate the overall phase of pre-
proposal activities based on the best practices identified in Chapter 7 and make at least one
recommendation for improving the phase. Provide specific examples that illustrate how your
recommendation would help. Determine and discuss the worst possible mistake a proposal
team could make during the pre-proposal phase. Explain your rationale. Identify a strategy that
prevents this mistake. Week 4 Discussion 2“Bid Strategy”Please respond to the following:
Analyze customer assessments, program requirements, and competitive assessments, and
determine which of the three would be the most difficult to collect information for and

why. From the e-Activity, make at least one recommendation to address the difficulty you have
identified. Analyze the specific bid strategies section of the text and compare what the author
says to what you discovered in the e-Activity. Strayer BUS505 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 5
Discussion 1“Building and Organizing the Capture Team”Please respond to the following:
Analyze the roles and responsibilities of capture team members and determine which two roles
could be combined into a single role. Explain your rationale. Analyze the required qualifications
of capture team leaders and determine which leadership role best suits you (where you would
be the most successful). Explain your rationale. Week 5 Discussion 2“Contractor
Qualifications”Please respond to the following: Assume you were preparing to be a contractor.
Identify what you would begin to work on first to sure up your

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qualifications. As part of this process, analyze the three types of materials used to assess
contractor qualifications and determine which types would yield the most viable information.
Explain your rationale. Develop a one-paragraph scenario that exemplifies behavior discerning
debarment or suspension. Provide specific examples to support your reasoning. Discuss the
necessity of such communications. Strayer BUS505 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 6 Discussion
1“Analyzing Customer Requirements”Please respond to the following: Based on the e-Activity,
describe how you could leverage the ambiguous language you found in the RFP. Provide
specific examples to support your response. Analyze each of the key proposal preparation
documents discussed in Osborne’s “Developing a Proposal Preparation Plan” and recommend
at least one additional document that would help you analyze customer requirements.

Week 6 Discussion 2“Developing a Proposal Plan”Please respond to the following: The author
states that a proposal outline that deviates from the order of instructions in Section L will
almost guarantee a losing proposal. Discuss possible strategies for not following the
instructions in Section L that might still result in winning the proposal. Analyze the contents and
intent of the author guide outlined in Chapter 10 of the textbook. Determine the section with
which you believe most proposal teams would have the most difficulty. Explain your rationale.
Strayer BUS505 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 7 Discussion 1“Preparing the Winning Cost
Volume”Please respond to the following: Evaluate the list of common cost proposal mistakes
described in Chapter 14 of the textbook. Select three from the list and determine the most
likely cause of each mistake. Suggest a recommended action that either

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the federal government or the offerer could take to avoid the mistake in the future. Determine
which of the following would be more difficult to execute correctly across the greatest number
of projects: preparing cost estimates or preparing the cost volume. Explain your rationale.
Week 7 Discussion 2“Types of Contracts”Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity,
identify a contract offering that you believe is beneficial to the government. Describe the type
of contract based on what is described in Chapter 16 of the textbook and explain why you
believe the government has benefitted from the contract. From the e-Activity, identify a
contract offering that you believe is beneficial to the offerer. Describe the type of contract
based on what is described in Chapter 16 of the textbook and explain why you believe the
offerer has benefitted from the contract. Strayer BUS505 Week 8

Discussion 1 & 2 Week 8 Discussion 1“Writing the Winning Proposal”Please respond to the
following: Drawing upon your experience writing papers for this class, discuss three additional
tips for writing the first draft of a proposal. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Evaluate all the elements of writing the proposal outlined in Chapter 12 of the textbook and
determine the three most critical elements that are more important than all the others. Explain
your rationale. Week 8 Discussion 2“Tips for Effective Proposal Writing”Please respond to the
following: Discuss the degree to which the proposals you found in the e-Activity followed the
tips for effective proposal writing found in Chapter 13 of Osborne. Cite where you obtained the
proposals. Then, discuss the main area where deviation was present and speculate as to why.
Using the criteria presented in Chapter 13 of the

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textbook for writing effective proposals, rewrite at least one section of a proposal that you
identified through the e-Activity and explain why you made those changes. Strayer BUS505
Week 9 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 9 Discussion 1“Proposal Reviews”Please respond to the
following: Evaluate the list of common cost proposal mistakes based on the recommendations
in Chapter 15 of the textbook. Select three from the list, and determine the most likely cause of
each. Then, recommend a strategy that either the federal government or offerer could take to
avoid the mistake in the future. Determine which proposal review would be the most effective
in gaining a competitive advantage based on the reviews in Chapter 15 and explain why. Create
a new review that’s not part of the review process listed in Chapter 15 and describe how the
review adds value to the process. Week 9 Discussion 2“Proposal

Production and Improper Business Practice”Please respond to the following: Analyze the
different types of revisions discussed in Osborne’s “Proposal Reviews” and recommend a
completely different review process that would be just as effective or better. Explain your
rationale. Analyze the statutes (laws) designed to curtail improper practices and conflicts and
make at least one recommendation to improve the current system. Explain your rationale.
Strayer BUS505 Week 10 Discussion 1 & 2 Week 10 Discussion 1“Post-Proposal Submittal
Phase”Please respond to the following: Review the steps involved in the final proposal
production phase that are described in Chapter 18 of the textbook and make at least one
recommendation for improving the process. Explain your rationale. Then, evaluate the
recommendation of one fellow learner (on-ground students will discuss the recommendations
in class).

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Discuss how a successful debriefing could benefit a company in future proposals. Include the
areas of importance to discover in debriefing and what information is available to those who
were not awarded the contract. Week 10 Discussion 2“Contract Award and
Performance”Please respond to the following: Review the procuring agency, Government
Accountability Office (GAO), and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims forums presented in Chapter
33. Then, describe an actual case where a protestor is arguing using one of the forums. Devise a
strategy for significantly limiting the number of post-proposal inquiries you might receive.
Provide specific examples to support your response. Strayer BUS505 Week 11 Discussion 1 & 2
dq 1 Week 11 Discussion 1 “Looking Back”Please respond to the following: Thinking back on
everything you have learned in this course, what single lesson learned was the most

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