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External Semester Examination Spring 2020

BS Biochemistry Semester: 2
Course Code: BCH-301 Max Marks 32 (20+12)
Course Title: Introductory Biochemistry Time Allowed: 30 mins
Credit Hrs 3(3-0) Objective Marks:12
Name of Student ______________________________________ Roll number_______________
Q No. 1 Choose the best answer for the following multiple choices. Cutting and overwriting is
not allowed
 Which one of the following statements about autoimmune diseases is true?
(a) Affect about 1 person in every 1000
(b) Are more common in women.
(c) end to begin in early childhood.
(d) Are an inevitable consequence of autoimmune responses.
Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) The thymus controls peripheral tolerance of T cells.
(b)  Self-reactive T cells are not found in healthy normal subjects.
(c) Naive T cells need more than one signal in order to become activated.
(d) B cell tolerance is more important than T-cell tolerance in the prevention of autoimmunity.
Which one of the following statements is FALSE? Tolerance can break down:
(a) Following administration of an immunological adjuvant.
(b) Following administration of IL-2 treatment.
(c) By a process of molecular mimicry.
(d) After surgical removal of the thymus in the first year of life in humans.
The cytotoxic T cells recognize antigen in association with_________.
(a) Class III MHC determinants
(b) Class II MHC determinants
(c) Class I MHC determinants
(d) Both Class I and II MHC determinants
Which of the following statements is true about TNF alpha?
(a) Evoke Th cells
(b) Induce TGF beta production
(c) Decrease vascular permeability
(d) Increases the expression of adhesion molecules
Which of the following cells is involved in cell-mediated immunity?
(a) Leukaemia
(b)  T cells
(c) Mast cells
(d) Thrombocytes
10) Interferons are
(a) Cytokine barriers
(b)  Physical barriers
(c)  Cellular barriers
(d) Physiological barriers
11 Monocytes differentiate into which kind of phagocytic cells?
(a) Neutrophil
(b) B cell
(c) Macrophage
(d) T cell
Which of the following statements is true about the Th-1 cells?
(a) They do not express CD4
(b)They do not produce TNF𝞬
(c)They do not activate macrophages
(d) They do not bind to soluble proteins
Which of the following statements is false about the receptors of Innate Immune system?
(a) They include MHC complexes
(b) They include scavenger receptors
(c) They recognize their molecular patterns
(d) They are included in the Toll family of receptors.
The stimulation of antigen-specific T-cells results in _________.
(a) Allergies
(b)Production of IL-3
(c) Cell division
(d) Cytotoxicity
The thymus independent type I antigen are _________.
(a) Viral nucleic acids
(b) Bacterial nucleic acids
(c) Small proteins of bacterial origin
(d) The polysaccharide of bacterial origin
Which one of these conditions is NOT associated with autoimmune diseases?
(a) FAS deficiency
(b) APECED (Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Candidiasis Ectodermal Dysplasia Disease
(c) IPEX, (Immune dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, X-linked)
(d) C6 deficiency

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