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Highly Contagious!!!

“A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.”

Among the greatest killers in mankind are diseases, especially the contagious one. When
you hear that a disease is air borne, fear spreads everywhere. Medical science even
encourages quarantine for the sick especially the infectious ones. That is, separating the
people with the diseases in a concentrated area in other to prevent its spread to the whole
populace. More to be feared recently are viral diseases because there is no known cure for
them. There had been times when total destruction of the carriers of a certain disease is
even suggested because of the potency and its inability to be controlled.

We sometimes take it for granted that diseases kill much more than we can ever imagine,
even the known sickness kills with high mortality. It is said even now that malaria parasite is
one of the major causes of mortality in Africa. That is why Pharmacologist and Pharmacist
will forever have relevance in our present world as we know it. Once there is news of an
outbreak of a disease, it sets panic in the air because it can wipe out a whole nation if it is
not controlled, it can even wipe out the whole world if left alone.

Our base scripture shows to us the correlation between your disposition and your health.
This indeed is a scientific fact worthy of note. It said in the scripture that a cheerful
disposition is good for your health. Or as the KJV puts it, “A merry hearth doeth good like a
medicine....” From the foregoing, your heart is the first determinant either you are sick or
healthy. It can also be inferred that a man without a constant cheerful disposition is indeed
a sick man that does not know it yet. Scientifically, it has been proven that when you feel
“blue” (not happy), your immune system is not working optimally, your defence mechanism
which God put in your body at such time are becoming docile. Should you for whatever
reason be attacked by any ailment, chances are that you will break down. What got you
down is not the disease in itself but your bad melancholy mood.

Most of the time, our moods determine the impact of diseases in our body. A cheerful
disposition puts the immune system on active alert; hence, should there be an attack the
immune system would have done most of the fight to reduce to the barest minimum the
impact of the diseases in your system. What I am saying in effect is that it is not the disease
that impacts upon us but most of the time it is our mood. That is why sometimes, the least
of ailment can kill one person while another survives the most devastating ailment you can
ever imagine.

By hypothesis therefore (there is no scientific proof, it is just my suggestion), I think the AIDS
virus main job is to keep your heart very bitter until all the immune system goes comatose
and you become defenceless and as such death is inevitable. I say this because the main
thing HIV does is to ingest into the system the virus which breaks down the immune system
gradually until it ultimately becomes full blown AIDS. I dare say that a man with HIV who
refuses to become gloomy may never develop full blown AIDS. And the one with full blown
AIDS if he will reconnect with his source of joy (God) will surely get his immunity back,
because a merry heart is medicine. (Let’s commit it to medical research)

Now, when I talk about cheerful disposition and being merry, it must be understood that I
am talking about the only true source of joy; God! The Bible say it is in His presence that
fullness of joy abides (Ps16:11), it also said His joy is our strength (Neh8:10). So we can
suppose that when you are in constant fellowship with God, you will forever be joyful and
you will be strengthened. Now tell me which devil can mess with our God? Joy is the
antidote to diseases and sickness; it is your greatest immunity against the attack of the evil
one. Hallelujah!!!

So, no matter what the situation of life might bring you, don’t you ever allow the devil to
steal your “joy”. If he can’t steal your joy, he can’t snatch you away from God’s presence, if
he can’t snatch you away from God’s presence, he can’t take away your strength, if he can’t
take away your strength, he can’t defeat you, if he can’t defeat you, he can’t take what the
Lord has promised you. A joyful man is a permanent winner. How so? As long as you remain
joyful, having a merry heart, the devil is confused, he is defeated and he does not have a
hold on you. That is why we believers defeat him both dead and alive. As the Apostle Paul
said, “For me to die is gain to live is Christ”. Isn’t that wonderful?

Did you know that victory is viral and joy is like cold epidemic? Now am confusing you!!!
What I am saying is that like the most dangerous epidemics, victory and joy also are
contagious. If you are a man of faith, victory and joy are things that can never be deficient in
your life. The Bible says, “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”
Another scripture says, “Thanks be to God which gives us the victory through Jesus Christ”.
Our faith that overcomes the world is the one that believes in the promises of God, the one
that holds on to His word, so our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ guarantees our victory and
joy. A man of faith is a man of joy because he is ever gladdened by the victory that Jesus had
obtained for him.

Having established the contaminated effects of joy and victory, it goes without reason that it
is important to get around all the time other positive people of faith on regular basis. A
research has found out that we can catch each other’s good or bad emotions just like flu. At
the Harvard University, over five thousand people were studied for twenty years. It was
found from the research that people pass on their good mood to others they don’t even
know. And those good feelings can last for as long as a year. It was also found that
unhappiness can be passed on too, but that sort of infection seems to be shorter than happy
From this research we can conclude that if we don’t guard our minds and be careful about
what we allow into our brains, we can be talked into all sorts of maladies and mayhem. Be
careful: you can be talked into living a defeated life. As the Bible says, “Be careful what you
hear.” We can also conclude that even when situations are not palatable, who you hang
around matters a lot. They go a long way to determine if you will remain in that situation or
get out of it. They determine also how soon you get out of it.

Little wonder the scripture says, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God.” In
the same way will fear come by hearing the word of the devil. One encouraging factor of
this research is that negativism does not have as much staying power as the positive. So
even bad news can easily be gotten rid of by constantly surrounding yourself with the word
of joy and victory. God in His wisdom having known this truth before the foundation of the
earth said we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves, Jesus said in this world we will
have tribulations but we should be of joy because He had conquered the world. He
conquered the world with His truth. In spite of the many bad news, we can still remain
joyful and victorious as long as we keep ourselves in the love of God by remaining in
fellowship with Him. As long as we worship, as long as we read our Bible and other Christian
literatures, pray and as long as we don’t consider going to church as a waste of time. The
Bible calls the word of God good news. As long as we don’t allow the world news to fill us,
but rather the good news of God, we remain victorious and joyful because the contagious
effect of the good news robs off on us. As long as we continue to spread this news we
become carrier of this joy and we can change the world. Our joy even has a far more
reaching effect than the lies of the devil. I dare you to be the joyfully contagious person in
your home, work place, shop, on the road and wherever you go. Let your joy even affect
those who do not know you, so that when they see you from afar, they are already glad
because they know you bring with you the highly contagious glad tidings of victory and joy.
Start now!!!!

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