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1000 Important English Vocabulary Words Based on The Hindu News Paper
1). Ambivalent (Adjective) Synonyms: chance, happy chance, accident, happy
Meaning: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas accident, fluke
about something or someone. Usage: Technical innovation may be the result of pure
Synonyms: equivocal, uncertain, unsure, doubtful, serendipity.
indecisive, inconclusive, irresolute
Usage: Some loved her, some hated her, few were 9). Quaint (Adjective)
ambivalent about her. Meaning: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
Synonyms: picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive,
2). Forsake (Verb) pleasantly old-fashioned
Meaning: abandon or leave. Usage: Narrow streets lead to a quaint bridge over the
Synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from, river.
leave behind
Usage: She forsook her child, giving him up for 10). Truculent (Adjective)
adoption. Meaning: eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively
3). Impudent (Adjective) Synonyms: defiant, aggressive, antagonistic,
Meaning: not showing due respect for another person; belligerent, pugnacious, bellicose
impertinent. Usage: The truculent attitude of farmers to cheaper
Synonyms: impertinent, insolent, cheeky, audacious, imports.
Usage: He could have strangled this impudent upstart. 11). Intractable (adjective)
Meaning: hard to control or deal with.
4). Inept (Adjective) Synonyms: unmanageable, uncontrollable,
Meaning: having or showing no skill; clumsy. ungovernable, out of control.
Synonyms: incompetent, unskillful, unskilled, Usage: Their problems have become more acute and
inexpert, amateurish intractable.
Usage: My attempts at baking were inept but I fumbled
on. 12). Delineate (Verb)
Meaning: describe or portray (something) precisely.
5). Novice (Verb) Synonyms: describe, set forth, set out, present, outline,
Meaning: a person new to and inexperienced in a job depict, portray.
or situation. Usage: The law should delineate and prohibit
Synonyms: beginner, learner, inexperienced person behaviour which is socially abhorrent.
Usage: He was a complete novice in foreign affairs.
13). Ascetic (adjective)
6). Salient (Adjective) Meaning: characterized by severe self-discipline and
Meaning: most noticeable or important. abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for
Synonyms: important, main, principal, major, chief, religious reasons.
primary, notable Synonyms: austere, self-denying, abstinent,
Usage: The salient points stuck out clearly in her mind. abstemious.
Usage: An ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual
7). Umbrage (Noun) labour.
Meaning: offence or annoyance.
Synonyms: take offence, be offended, take exception, 14). Daunt (verb)
bridle, take something personally Meaning: make (someone) feel intimidated or
Usage: She took umbrage at his remarks. apprehensive.
Synonyms: intimidate, abash, take aback, shake, ruffle,
8). Serendipity (Noun) throw.
Meaning: the occurrence and development of events Usage: Some people are daunted by technology.
by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
15). Idyllic (adjective)
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Meaning: like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or 23). Sodden (adjective)
picturesque. Meaning: saturated with liquid, especially water;
Synonyms: perfect, ideal, idealized, wonderful, soaked through.
blissful. Synonyms: soaking, soaking wet, soaked, soaked
Usage: An attractive hotel in an idyllic setting. through, wet through
Usage: His clothes were sodden.
16). Burgeon (verb)
Meaning: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. 24). Perfidious (adjective)
Synonyms: grow rapidly, increase Meaning: deceitful and untrustworthy
rapidly/exponentially, expand. Synonyms: treacherous, duplicitous, deceitful,
Usage: Tourism has burgeoned over the last ten years. disloyal, faithless
Usage: It is highly risk to hire a perfidious labour.
17). Anomalous (adjective)
Meaning: deviating from what is standard, normal, or 25). Conundrum (noun)
expected. Meaning: a confusing and difficult problem or
Synonyms: abnormal, atypical, non-typical, irregular. question.
Usage: Nuclear weapons testing may have been Synonyms: problem, difficult question, vexed
responsible for the anomalous weather conditions. question, difficulty
Usage: One of the most difficult conundrums for the
18). Friable (adjective) experts.
Meaning: easily crumbled.
Synonyms: crumbly, easily crumbled, powdery, dusty. 26). Denouement (noun)
Usage: The soil was friable between her fingers. Meaning: The final part of a play, film, or narrative in
which the strands of the plot are drawn together and
19). Protean (adjective) matters are explained or resolved
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or Synonyms: final scene, final act, last act
easily. Usage: The film's denouement was unsatisfying and
Synonyms: ever-changing, variable, changeable, ambiguous.
mutable, kaleidoscopic.
Usage: The diverse and protean nature of mental 27). Stolid (adjective)
disorders. Meaning: calm, dependable, and showing little
emotion or animation
20). Recondite (adjective) Synonyms: impassive, phlegmatic, unemotional, calm
Meaning: (of a subject or knowledge) little known; Usage: A stolid, slow-speaking man.
Synonyms: obscure, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, little 28). Dissemble (verb)
known. Meaning: conceal or disguise one's true feelings or
Usage: The book is full of recondite information. beliefs
Synonyms: dissimulate, pretend, deceive, feign, act
21). Boisterous (adjective) Usage: An honest, sincere person with no need to
Meaning: noisy, energetic, and cheerful dissemble.
Synonyms: lively, active, animated, exuberant,
spirited, bouncy, frisky 29). Dilatory (adjective)
Usage: A group of boisterous lads. Meaning: slow to act
Synonyms: slow, unhurried, tardy, unpunctual, lax,
22). Inveigle (verb) slack
Meaning: persuade (someone) to do something by Usage: They were dilatory in providing the researchers
means of deception or flattery with information.
Synonyms: cajole, wheedle, coax, persuade, convince,
talk 30). Garner (Verb)
Usage: He was attempting to inveigle them into doing Meaning: gather or collect (something, especially
his will. information or approval)
Synonyms: accumulate, amass, assemble; store
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Usage: The police struggled to garner sufficient Meaning: modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of
evidence. self-confidence
Synonyms: shyness, bashfulness, unassertiveness,
31). Contentious (adjective) modesty, modestness
Meaning: causing or likely to cause an argument; Usage: He regretted his diffidence and awkwardness in
controversial. large groups.
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable, and
disputed 39). Fulminate (verb)
Usage: The contentious issue of abortion. Meaning: express vehement protest
Synonyms: protest, rail, rage, rant, thunder, storm,
32). Antipathy (noun) declaim, inveigh
Meaning: a deep-seated feeling of aversion. Usage: Ministers and preachers fulminated against the
Synonyms: hostility, antagonism, animosity, aversion, new curriculum.
Usage: His fundamental antipathy to capitalism. 40). Assay (noun)
Meaning: the testing of a metal or ore to determine its
33). Countenance (noun) ingredients and quality
Meaning: a person's face or facial expression Synonyms: evaluation, assessment, analysis,
Synonyms: face, features, physiognomy, profile; facial examination, test
expression Usage: New plate was taxed when it was brought for
Usage: His impenetrable eyes and inscrutable assay.
countenance give little away.
41). Turbid (adjective)
34). Dogmatic (adjective) Meaning: (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with
Meaning: inclined to lay down principles as suspended matter
undeniably true Synonyms: murky, muddy, thick; opaque, cloudy
Synonyms: opinionated, peremptory, assertive, Usage: The turbid waters of the river.
imperative, insistent
Usage: She was not tempted to be dogmatic about what 42). Erudite (adjective)
she believed. Meaning: having or showing great knowledge or
35). Apropos (adjective) Synonyms: learned, scholarly, well educated,
Meaning: very appropriate to a particular situation knowledgeable
Synonyms: appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apposite, Usage: He was so erudite that only men who were his
apt equals in scholarship could understand him.
Usage: The song feels apropos to a midnight jaunt.
43). Saturnine (adjective)
36). Raffish (adjective) Meaning: (of a person or their manner) gloomy.
Meaning: unconventional and slightly disreputable, Synonyms: sombre, melancholy, melancholic, moody,
especially in an attractive way miserable
Synonyms: rakish, jaunty, dapper, dashing, sporty, Usage: He was a rather saturnine individual who never
flashy; unconventional spoke an unnecessary word.
Usage: His cosmopolitan, raffish air.
44). Abeyance (noun)
37). Vituperate (verb) Meaning: a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Meaning: blame or insult (someone) in strong or Synonyms: suspension, a state of suspension, a state of
violent language dormancy, a state of latency, a state of uncertainty
Synonyms: revile, rail against, inveigh against, Usage: The project was left in abeyance for the time
fulminate against being.
Usage: He vituperated against all presidents with equal
gusto. 45). Diaphanous (adjective)
Meaning: (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and
38). Diffidence (noun) translucent.
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Synonyms: sheer, fine, ultra-fine, delicate, light, Synonyms: diverse, many, numerous, various, varied
lightweight, thin Usage: The multifarious local and ethnic traditions that
Usage: She wore a diaphanous dress of pale gold. are found in the USA.

46). Epitome (noun) 54). Torpor (noun)

Meaning: a person or thing that is a perfect example of Meaning: A state of physical or mental inactivity;
a particular quality or type. lethargy.
Synonyms: personification, embodiment, incarnation, Synonyms: lethargy, torpidity, sluggishness, inertia,
paragon; essence inertness, inactivity
Usage: She looked the epitome of elegance and good Usage: He spent most of the journey in a state of
taste. torpor.

47). Castigate (verb) 55). Audacious (adjective)

Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely. Meaning: Showing a willingness to take surprisingly
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, bold risks.
chide, upbraid, reprove Synonyms: bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave,
Usage: He was castigated for not setting a good unafraid
example. Usage: The audience were left gasping at his audacious
48). Apprehension (noun)
Meaning: anxiety or fear that something bad or 56). Tenacity (noun)
unpleasant will happen. Meaning: The quality or fact of being able to grip
Synonyms: alarm, worry, uneasiness, unease, something firmly; grip.
nervousness, Synonyms: persistence, pertinacity, determination,
Usage: He had been filled with apprehension at having perseverance, doggedness
to report his failure. Usage: The tenacity with which he stuck to his story.

49). Approbation (noun) 57). Apostate (noun)

Meaning: approval or praise. Meaning: A person who renounces a religious or
Synonyms: acceptance, assent, endorsement, political belief or principle.
encouragement Synonyms: dissenter, heretic, nonconformist; defector,
Usage: He yearned for popular approbation. deserter
Usage: After 50 years as an apostate, he returned to the
50). Refractory (adjective) faith.
Meaning: stubborn or unmanageable.
Synonyms: obstinate, mulish, bull-headed, intractable 58). Discomfit (verb)
Usage: The refractory students spend a great deal of Meaning: Make (someone) feel uneasy or
time in the detention room. embarrassed.
Synonyms: embarrass, make uncomfortable, make
51). Pique (noun) uneasy, abash
Meaning: A feeling of irritation or resentment resulting Usage: He was not noticeably discomfited by her tone.
from a slight, especially to one's pride.
Synonyms: irritation, annoyance, resentment, anger, 59). Laconic (adjective)
displeasure Meaning: (of a person, speech, or style of writing)
Usage: He left in a fit of pique. using very few words.
Synonyms: brief, concise, terse, succinct, short,
52). Turgid (adjective) economical, elliptical
Meaning: Swollen and distended or congested. Usage: His laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in
Synonyms: swollen, congested; in spate, in flood the topic.
Usage: A turgid and fast-moving river.
60). Ossify (verb)
53). Multifarious (adjective) Meaning: Turn into bone or bony tissue.
Meaning: Having many varied parts or aspects.
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Synonyms: turn into bone, become bony, harden, Meaning: a long, angry speech of criticism or
solidify, stiffen accusation.
Usage: These cartilages may ossify. Synonyms: Diatribe, invective, polemic, attack.
Usage: She rounded on Nathan with a devastating
61). Accretion (noun) tirade.
Meaning: growth or increase by the gradual
accumulation of additional layers or matter. 69). Yoke (noun)
Synonyms: Accumulation, collecting, gathering, Meaning: a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the
amassing, cumulation. necks of two animals and attached to the plough or cart
Usage: The accretion of sediments in coastal that they are to pull.
mangroves. Synonyms: Harness, collar, tackle, tack.
Usage: The horses were loosened from the yoke.
62). Acumen (noun)
Meaning: the ability to make good judgements and 70). Umbrage (noun)
take quick decisions. Meaning: offence or annoyance.
Synonyms: Astuteness, awareness, acuity, sharpness. Synonyms: take offence, be offended, take exception,
Usage: A gullible young man with little or no business bridle.
acumen. Usage: She took umbrage at his remarks.

63). Ephemeral (adjective) 71). Abysmal (adjective)

Meaning: lasting for a very short time. Meaning: extremely bad; appalling
Synonyms: Transitory, transient, fleeting, passing. Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful
Usage: Fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly Usage: some of the teaching was abysmal.
drive out the old.
72). Tawdry (adjective)
64). Garrulous (adjective) Meaning: showy but cheap and of poor quality
Meaning: excessively talkative, especially on trivial Synonyms: gaudy, flashy, showy, garish, loud;
matters. tasteless
Synonyms: Talkative, voluble, chatty. Usage: she had cheap, tawdry rings on her fingers.
Usage: A garrulous old man who chattered like a
magpie. 73). Dross (noun)
Meaning: something regarded as worthless; rubbish.
65). Fetter (noun) Synonyms: rubbish, junk, debris, chaff, draff, detritus
Meaning: a chain or manacle used to restrain a Usage: sometimes it's possible to find a little gem
prisoner, typically placed around the ankles. amongst the mass-produced dross.
Synonyms: shackles, manacles, handcuffs, irons, leg
irons, chains. 74). Ardour (noun)
Usage: He lay bound with fetters of iron. Meaning: great enthusiasm or passion.
Synonyms: passion, avidity, fervour, zeal,
66). Inure (verb) wholeheartedness, eagerness
Meaning: accustom (someone) to something, Usage: she was unaccustomed to being kissed with
especially something unpleasant. such ardour.
Synonyms: Harden, toughen, season, temper.
Usage: These children have been inured to violence. 75). Insouciant (adjective)
Meaning: showing a casual lack of concern
67). Pejorative (Adjective) Synonyms: nonchalant, untroubled, unworried,
Meaning: expressing contempt or disapproval. unruffled, unconcerned
Synonyms: Disparaging, derogatory, denigratory. Usage: he had an insouciant attitude to their money
Usage: Permissiveness is used almost universally as a problems.
pejorative term.
76). Dulcet (adjective)
68). Tirade (noun) Meaning: (especially of sound) sweet and soothing
(often used ironically).
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Synonyms: sweet, sweet-sounding, mellifluous, 84). Libertine (noun)
euphonious, soothing, mellow Meaning: a person, especially a man, who freely
Usage: record the dulcet tones of your family and indulges in sensual pleasures
friends. without regard to moral principles.
Synonyms: philanderer, ladies' man, playboy, rake
77). Desiccate (Verb) Usage: His image as an unbridled libertine is a total
Meaning: remove the moisture from (something), myth.
typically in order to preserve it.
Synonyms: dried, dried up, dry, dehydrated, powdered
Usage: We can use the desiccated coconut for cooking.

78). Pellucid (adjective) 85). Tractable (adjective)

Meaning: translucently clear. Meaning: (of a person) easy to control or influence.
Synonyms: translucent, transparent, clear, crystal clear, Synonyms: controllable, manageable, malleable,
crystalline governable, yielding,
Usage: mountains reflected in the pellucid waters. Usage: She has always been tractable and obedient,
even as a child.
79). Pariah (noun)
Meaning: an outcast. 86). Sedulous (adjective)
Synonyms: outcast, persona non grata, leper, reject, Meaning: (of a person or action) showing dedication
untouchable and diligence.
Usage: they were treated as social pariahs. Synonyms: diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough,
80). Taciturn (adjective) Usage: He watched himself with the most sedulous
Meaning: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative care.
in speech; saying little.
Synonyms: untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent, 87). Intrepid (adjective)
unforthcoming, quiet Meaning: fearless; adventurous (often used for
Usage: after such gatherings she would be taciturn and rhetorical or humorous effect).
morose. Synonyms: fearless, unafraid, undaunted, dauntless,
81). Perfunctory (adjective) Usage: The intrepid band braved a precipitous
Meaning: (of an action) carried out without real mountain track.
interest, feeling, or effort.
Synonyms: cursory, desultory; quick, brief, hasty, 88). Morose (adjective)
hurried, rapid Meaning: sullen and ill-tempered.
Usage: The guards gave a perfunctory look up and Synonyms: sullen, sulky, gloomy, bad-tempered, ill-
down the carriage. tempered
Usage: She was morose and silent when she got home.
82). Transient (adjective)
Meaning: lasting only for a short time; impermanent. 89). Demur (verb)
Synonyms: transitory, temporary, short-lived, short- Meaning: raise objections or show reluctance.
term, ephemeral Synonyms: raise objections, object, take exception,
Usage: A transient post-war baby boom. take issue
Usage: Normally she would have accepted the
83). Reprobate (noun) challenge, but she demurred.
Meaning: an unprincipled person.
Synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, 90). Equipoise (noun)
villain, wretch Meaning: balance of forces or interests.
Usage: He had to present himself as more of a lovable Synonyms: equilibrium, balance, evenness, symmetry,
reprobate than a spirit of parity
Corruption. Usage: This wine represents a marvellous equipoise of
power and elegance.
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91). Garrulity (Noun) Usage: She was assiduous in pointing out every
Meaning: excessive talkativeness, especially on trivial feature.
Synonyms: talkativeness, garrulousness, loquacity, 99). Lassitude (Noun)
loquaciousness, volubility, verbosity, Meaning: a state of physical or mental weariness; lack
Usage: They were irritated by his ungovernable of energy
garrulity. Synonyms: lethargy, listlessness, weariness, languor,
sluggishness, enervation
92). Arrant (Adjective) Usage: She was overcome by lassitude and retired to
Meaning: complete, utter bed.
Synonyms: downright, thoroughgoing, absolute,
complete, thorough
Usage: What he is talking is arrant nonsense! 100). Sycophant (Noun)
Meaning: a person who acts obsequiously towards
93). Consequential (Adjective) someone important in order to gain advantage.
Meaning: following as a result or effect. Synonyms: toady, creep, crawler, fawner, flatterer,
Synonyms: resulting, resultant, ensuing, consequent; flunkey, truckler
following Usage: He was surrounded by flatterers and
Usage: A loss of confidence and a consequential sycophants.
withdrawal of funds.
101). Infant (Noun)
94). Attenuate (Verb) Meaning: a very young child or baby.
Meaning: reduce the force, effect, or value of. Synonyms: Baby, newborn, young child, little child
Synonyms: weakened, reduced, lessened, decreased, Usage: Their first year at infant school.
diminished, impaired
Usage: Her intolerance was attenuated by an 102). Mortality (Noun)
unexpected liberalism. Meaning: the state of being subject to death.
Synonyms: Impermanence, temporality, transience,
95). Precarious (Adjective) perishability
Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain Usage: the work is increasingly haunted by thoughts of
Synonyms: uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, mortality.
Usage: He made a precarious living as a painter. 103). Hapless (Adjective)
Meaning: unfortunate
96). Enervate (Verb) Synonyms: unlucky, luckless, out of luck, cursed,
Meaning: make (someone) feel drained of energy or doomed
vitality. Usage: The hapless victims of the disaster.
Synonyms: exhaust, tire, fatigue, weary, wear out,
devitalize 104). Persuade (Verb)
Usage: The scorching sun enervated her. Meaning: induce (someone) to do something through
reasoning or argument.
97). Equivocate (Verb) Synonyms: talk someone into, coax, convince, make,
Meaning: use ambiguous language so as to conceal the get, induce, coerce, prompt
truth or avoid committing oneself. Usage: it wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the
Synonyms: prevaricate, be evasive, be non-committal, right thing.
be vague, be ambiguous
Usage: The government have equivocated too often in 105). Deserters (Noun)
the past. Meaning: a member of the armed forces who deserts.
Synonyms: Runaway, renegade, fugitive, escapee
98). Assiduous (Adjective) Usage: deserters from the army.
Meaning: showing great care and perseverance.
Synonyms: diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough, 106). Tenure (Noun)
sedulous, attentive Meaning: the holding of an office.
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Synonyms: incumbency, term of office, term, period of Meaning: not showing due respect for another person;
office, time impertinent.
Usage: his tenure of the premiership would be Synonyms: impertinent, insolent, cheeky, audacious,
threatened. brazen
Usage: He could have strangled this impudent upstart.
107). Bureaucracy (Noun)
Meaning: excessively complicated administrative 114). Inept (Adjective)
procedure. Meaning: having or showing no skill; clumsy.
Synonyms: red tape, rules and regulations, protocol , Synonyms: incompetent, unskilful, unskilled, inexpert,
officialdom amateurish
Usage: the unnecessary bureaucracy in local Usage: My attempts at baking were inept but I fumbled
government. on.

108). Entangle (Verb) 115). Novice (Verb)

Meaning: cause to become twisted together with or Meaning: a person new to and inexperienced in a job
caught in. or situation.
Synonyms: Intertwine, entwine, tangle, intertwist, Synonyms: beginner, learner, inexperienced person
twist, ravel, Usage: He was a complete novice in foreign affairs.
Usage: Fish attempt to swim through the mesh and
become entangled. 116). Salient (Adjective)
Meaning: most noticeable or important.
109). Legitimate (Adjective) Synonyms: important, main, principal, major, chief,
Meaning: able to be defended with logic or primary, notable
justification; valid. Usage: The salient points stuck out clearly in her mind.
Synonyms: valid, sound, admissible, acceptable, well
founded 117). Umbrage (Noun)
Usage: these are legitimate grounds for unease. Meaning: offence or annoyance.
Synonyms: take offence, be offended, take exception,
bridle, take something personally
110). Echelons (Noun) Usage: She took umbrage at his remarks.
Meaning: a level or rank in an organization, a
profession, or society. 118). Serendipity (Noun)
Synonyms: Level, rank, grade, step, rung, tier, plane, Meaning: the occurrence and development of events
order, division by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Usage: the upper echelons of the business world. Synonyms: chance, happy chance, accident, happy
accident, fluke
111). Ambivalent (Adjective) Usage: Technical innovation may be the result of pure
Meaning: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas serendipity.
about something or someone.
Synonyms: equivocal, uncertain, unsure, doubtful, 119). Quaint (Adjective)
indecisive, inconclusive, irresolute Meaning: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
Usage: Some loved her, some hated her, few were Synonyms: picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive,
ambivalent about her. pleasantly old-fashioned
Usage: Narrow streets lead to a quaint bridge over the
112). Forsake (Verb) river.
Meaning: abandon or leave.
Synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, quit, depart from,
leave behind 120). Truculent (Adjective)
Usage: She forsook her child, giving him up for Meaning: eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively
adoption. defiant.
Synonyms: defiant, aggressive, antagonistic,
113). Impudent (Adjective) belligerent, pugnacious, bellicose

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Usage: The truculent attitude of farmers to cheaper Definition: a person who rises in opposition or armed
imports. resistance against an established government or leader.
Meaning: revolutionary, insurgent, mutineer agitator
121). Persuade (verb) Usage: The rebels took control of the capital.
Definition: induce (someone) to do something through
reasoning or argument. 129). Substantial (adjective)
Meaning: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, Definition: of considerable importance, size, or worth.
convince, make, get, press someone into Meaning: considerable, real, material, weighty, soild,
Usage: He tried to persuade her to come with him. sizeable
Usage: Substantial progress had been made.
122). Traverse (Verb)
Definition: travel across or through 130). Utterly (adverb)
Meaning: travel over/across, cross, journey Definition: completely and without qualification;
over/across, make one's way across absolutely.
Usage: He traversed the deserts of Persia and Meaning: completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, fully
Baluchistan. Usage: He looked utterly ridiculous.

123). Indulge (Verb) 131). Congenial

Definition: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. Meaning: (of a person) pleasing or liked on account of
Meaning: wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, having qualities or interests that are similar to one's
yield to, abandon oneself to own.
Usage: We indulged in a cream tea. Synonyms: like-minded, compatible, kindred, well
suited, easy to get along with
124). Sway (verb) Usage: I was working with a bunch of very congenial
Definition: move or cause to move slowly or people.
rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to
side. 132). Strident
Meaning: swing, shake, oscillate, rock, undulate, move Meaning: (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating.
from side to side Synonyms: harsh, raucous, rough, grating, rasping,
Usage: The curtains were swaying in the breeze. jarring, loud
Usage: A strident voice interrupted the consultation.
125). Deteriorated (Verb)
Definition: become progressively worse. 133). Confluence
Meaning: worsen, get worse, decline, be in decline, Meaning: the junction of two rivers, especially rivers
degenerate, decay of approximately equal width.
Usage: His condition has deteriorated in the intensive Synonyms: convergence, meeting, junction, joining,
care unit. conflux, watersmeet
Usage: The confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss.
126). Ramification (Noun)
Definition: a complex or unwelcome consequence of 134). Lavish
an action or event. Meaning: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
Meaning: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, Synonyms: sumptuous, luxurious, luxuriant, lush,
effect, upshot, issue gorgeous, costly
Usage: Any change is bound to have legal Usage: He held lavish dinner parties at his home.
135). Insolent
127). Heap (verb) Meaning: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
Definition: put (objects or a loose substance) in a heap. Synonyms: impertinent, impudent, cheeky, ill-
Meaning: Pile up, pile, stack up, stack, make a pile of, mannered
make a stack of Usage: She hated the insolent tone of his voice.
Usage: She heaped logs on the fire.
136). Vagrant
128). Rebel (noun)
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Meaning: a person without a settled home or regular Usage: Ersatz emotion
work who wanders from place to place and lives by
begging. 144). Espionage
Synonyms: tramp, drifter, down-and-out, derelict, Meaning: the practice of spying or of using spies,
beggar, itinerant, wanderer typically by governments to obtain political and
Usage: The old car was a welcome shelter for the military information.
occasional vagrant. Synonyms: spying, undercover work, cloak-and-
dagger activities, surveillance, reconnaissance
137). Gregarious Usage: The camouflage and secrecy of espionage
Meaning: (of a person) fond of company; sociable.
Synonyms: sociable, social, company-loving, 145). Restive
companionable, convivial Meaning: (of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or
Usage: He was a popular and gregarious man. submissive, especially because of boredom or
138). Enigma Synonyms: restless, fidgety, edgy, on edge, tense,
Meaning: a person or thing that is mysterious or uneasy
difficult to understand. Usage: The crowd had been waiting for hours and
Synonyms: mystery, puzzle, riddle, conundrum, many were becoming restive.
paradox, problem,
Usage: How it works is a complete enigma to me. 146). Accolade
Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special
139). Assuage honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.
Meaning: make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense. Synonyms: honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift,
Synonyms: Relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, mitigate, title
dampen Usage: The hotel has won numerous accolades
Usage: The letter assuaged the fears of most members.
147). Harbinger
140). Sanguine Meaning: a person or thing that announces or signals
Meaning: optimistic or positive, especially in an the approach of another.
apparently bad or difficult situation. Synonyms: sign, indicator, signal,
Synonyms: optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, Usage: Witch hazels are the harbingers of spring.
Usage: He is sanguine about prospects for the global 148). Restraint
economy. Meaning: unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate
behaviour; self-control.
141). Apocryphal Synonyms: self-control, self-restraint, self-discipline,
Meaning: (of a story or statement) of doubtful control
authenticity, although widely circulated as being true. Usage: The customary restraint of the British police
Synonyms: fictitious, made-up, untrue, fabricated,
false, 149). Trepidation
Usage: An apocryphal story about a former president Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something
that may happen
142). Adage Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness,
Meaning: a proverb or short statement expressing a Usage: He sat in the waiting room, full of trepidation
general truth.
Synonyms: saying, maxim, axiom, proverb, slogan 150). Imperturbable
Usage: It is vital for every pilot to remember the old Meaning: unable to be upset or excited; calm.
adage ‘safety first Synonyms: self-possessed, composed, collected, calm,
cool, calm
143). Ersatz Usage: My father was a solid, imperturbable man
Meaning: (of a product) made or used as a substitute,
typically an inferior one, for something else. 151). Inevitable
Synonyms: artificial, substitute, imitation, fake, false Definition: certain to happen; unavoidable.
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Meaning: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to happen, Definition: lacking in vitality, force, or conviction;
sure to happen, unpreventable, uninspired or uninspiring
Usage: His resignation was inevitable. Meaning: uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull,
humdrum, colourless,
152). Unassailable Usage: No excuses were made for the team's lacklustre
Definition: unable to be attacked, questioned, or performance.
Meaning: impregnable, invulnerable, impenetrable, 160). Menace
inviolable Definition: a person or thing that is likely to cause
Usage: The world's most unassailable fortress. harm; a threat or danger.
Meaning: danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat; jeopardy
153). Queer Usage: A new initiative aimed at beating the menace of
Definition: strange; odd. drugs.
Meaning: odd, strange, unusual, funny, peculiar,
curious, bizarre 161). Dampen
Usage: It seemed queer to see the windows all dark. Meaning: Humidify, moisten, wet
Definition: Make slightly wet.
154). Preponderance Usage: The fine rain dampened her face.
Definition: the quality or fact of being greater in
number, quantity, or importance. 162). Vest
Meaning: prevalence, predominance, dominance Meaning: invest in, grant to, give to
Usage: The preponderance of women among older Definition: confer or bestow (power, authority,
people. property, etc.) on someone.
Usage: Executive power is vested in the President
155). Redundant
Definition: not or no longer needed or useful; 163). Illicit
superfluous. Meaning: illegal, unlawful, banned
Meaning: unnecessary, not required, inessential, Definition: forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
unessential Usage: Police were searching for the illicit drugs in the
Usage: An appropriate use for a redundant church. room.

156). Consensus 164). glimpse

Definition: a general agreement. Meaning: brief look, glance
Meaning: agreement, harmony, concord, like- Definition: a momentary or partial view.
mindedness, concurrence, consent Usage: She caught a glimpse of the ocean
Usage: There is a growing consensus that the current
regime has failed. 165). Delineation
Meaning: Presentation, description
157). Debacle Definition: the action of describing or portraying
Definition: a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco. something precisely.
Meaning: failure, catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, Usage: The artist's exquisite delineation of costume and
mess, wreck, ruin; downfall, jewellery
Usage: The only man to reach double figures in the
second-innings debacle. 166). Intermittent
Meaning: broken, irregular, discontinuous
158). Beleaguer Definition: occurring at irregular intervals; not
Definition: lay siege to. continuous or steady.
Meaning: besieged, under siege, blockaded, Usage: They heard intermittent bursts of gunfire
surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack
Usage: He led a relief force to the aid of the 167). Transgression
beleaguered city. Meaning: offence, crime, sin, wrong
Definition: an act that goes against a law, rule, or code
159). Lacklustre of conduct; an offence.
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Usage: They were granted full amnesty for their Definition: the holding or expression of opinions at
transgressions . variance with those commonly or officially held.
Usage: there was no dissent from this view
168). Sovereignty
Meaning: Power, dominion, supermacy 176). Relevance
Definition: Supreme power or authority. Meaning: applicability, application, appositeness,
Usage: Full West German sovereignty was achieved in bearing, concernment, germaneness, materiality,
1955. pertinence, pertinency, relevancy
Definition: the quality or state of being closely
169). Blatant connected or appropriate.
Meaning: flagrant, glaring, obvious Usage: This film has contemporary relevance
Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and
unashamedly. 177). Critique
Usage: She forced herself to resist his blatant charm Meaning: Analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal,
170). Periphery Definition: a detailed analysis and assessment of
Meaning: edge, margin, boundary something, especially a literary, philosophical, or
Definition: the outer limits or edge of an area or object. political theory
Usage: New buildings on the periphery of the hospital Usage: A critique of Marxist historicism
178). Gestures
171). Derelict Meaning: Signal, signaling, sign, signing, motion,
Meaning: Unsafe, dangerous, hazardous, perilous, wave, ondication
insecure Definition: a movement of part of the body, especially
Definition: in a very poor condition as a result of a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
disuse and neglect Usage: he threw out both hands in a gesture of
Usage: A derelict Georgian mansion surrender

172). Fascinating 179). Audacity

Meaning: Engrossing, captivating, absorbing, Meaning: Boldness, daring, bravery, courage, pluck,
interesting, enchanting, beguiling, enthralling, riveting insolence
Definition: extremely interesting Definition: a willingness to take bold risks.
Usage: A fascinating book Usage: he whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan

173). Invoked 180). Exemplify

Meaning: Pray to, call on, appeal to, plead with, Meaning: typify, epitomize, symbolize, be a typical
Supplicate, solicit example of
Definition: call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a Definition: illustrate or clarify by giving an example.
witness, or for inspiration Usage: he exemplified his point with an anecdote
Usage: the antiquated defence of insanity is rarely
invoked in England 181). Assent
Meaning: Agree to, accept, approve, consent to
174). Gadfly Definition: express approval or agreement
Meaning: as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly Usage: the Prime Minister assented to the change
Definition: a person who annoys others especially with
constant criticism 182). Accord
Usage: loud sports commentator who was a tactless Meaning: Give, grant, tender, present, award, hand,
gadfly during post-game interviews with the losing yield
team Definition: give or grant someone (power, status, or
175). Dissent Usage: the powers accorded to the head of state
Meaning: Disagreement, lack of agreement, difference
of opinion, argument, dispute 183). Porch
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Meaning: vestibule, foyer, hall, entry, lobby, portal several companies, squadrons, or batteries and often
Definition: a covered shelter projecting in front of the into two battalions
entrance of a building Usage: the Royal Highland Regiment
Usage: the north porch of Hereford Cathedral
192). Infiltrate
184). Fiesta Meaning: penetrate, invade, intrude on, permeate, enter
Meaning: Festival, carnival, holiday, party Definition: enter or gain access to (an organization,
Definition: an event marked by festivities or place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in
celebration order to acquire secret information..
Usage: the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta Usage: the organization has been infiltrated by
185). Fusion
Meaning: Blend, combination, amalgamation, joining, 193). Interrogation
bonding Meaning: questioning, vross-questioning, carechism,
Definition: the process or result of joining two or more quizzing
things together to form a single entity. Definition: the action of interrogating or the process of
Usage: the election results produced pressure for fusion being interrogated.
of the parties Usage: would he keep his mouth shut under
interrogation ?
186). Traverse
Meaning: cross, negotiate, travel over/across 194). Adjunct
Definition: travel across or through. Meaning: Supplement, addition, complement, extra
Usage: he traversed the forest Definition: a thing added to something else as a
supplementary rather than an essential part.
187). Genesis Usage: computer technology is an adjunct to learning
Meaning: origin, source, root, beginning, start, outset
Definition: the origin or mode of formation of 195). Armada
something Meaning: fleet, flotilla, navy, squadron
Usage: this tale had its genesis in fireside stories Definition: a fleet of warships.
Usage: an armada of forty-five warships
188). Civic
Meaning: Municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan 196). Canon
Definition: relating to a city or town, especially its Meaning: principle, rule, law, tenet, formula
administration; municipal. Definition: a general law, rule, principle, or criterion
Usage: a meeting of civic and business leaders by which something is judged.
Usage: the appointment violated the canons of fair play
189). Cooper and equal opportunity
Meaning: Make, repair, barrel
Definition: a maker or repairer of casks and barrels. 197). Vulnerable
Usage: my father coopered casks and barrels for the Meaning: at risk, in peril, in danger, unsafe,
ships unprotected
Definition: exposed to the possibility of being attacked
190). Rover or harmed, either physically or emotionally
Meaning: wanderer, traveler, drifter, brid of passage Usage: we were in a vulnerable position
Definition: a person who spends their time wandering.
Usage: they became rovers who departed further and 198). Thrall
further from civilization Meaning: power, control, grip, grasp, yoke
Definition: the state of being in someone's power, or of
191). Regiment having great power over someone.
Meaning: Unit, outfit, force Usage: she was in thrall to her abusive husband
Definition: a permanent unit of an army typically
commanded by a lieutenant colonel and divided into 199). Trammel
Meaning: restraint, curb, check, impediment, barrier
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Definition: restrictions or impediments to freedom of Usage: she propped her chin in the palm of her right
action. hand
Usage: we will forge our own future, free from the
trammels of materialism 208). Assiduous
Meaning: diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough,
200). Revere sedulous, attentive
Meaning: respect, admire, prize, treasure, value Definition: showing great care and perseverance.
Definition: feel deep respect or admiration for Usage: She was assiduous in pointing out every feature
(something) .
Usage: Cezanne's still lifes were revered by his 209). Episodic
contemporaries Meaning: intermittent, irregular, sporadic, periodic,
201). Robust Definition: occurring occasionally and at irregular
Meaning: durable, resilient, tough, hard-wearing, long- intervals.
lasting, well made, Usage: volcanic activity is highly episodic in nature
Definition: (of an object) sturdy in construction
Usage: a robust metal cabinet 210). Impervious
Meaning: impermeable, impenetrable, waterproof
202). Perhaps Definition: not allowing fluid to pass through.
Meaning: maybe, possibly, conceivably, feasibly Usage: an impervious layer of basaltic clay
Definition: used to express uncertainty or possibility.
Usage: perhaps I should have been frank with him 211). Capricious
Meaning: fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable,
203). Towering unstable, mercurial, erratic
Meaning: high, tall, lofty, sky-high, steep Definition: given to sudden and unaccountable changes
Definition: extremely tall, especially in comparison of mood or behaviour..
with the surroundings. Usage: A capricious and often brutal administration
Usage: Hari looked up at the towering buildings
212). Empirical
204). Progenitor Meaning: seen, factual, actual, real, verifable, first-
Meaning: ancestor, forefather, forebear, parant hand
Definition: a person who originates a cultural or Definition: based on, concerned with, or verifiable by
intellectual movement. observation or experience rather than theory or pure
Usage: his children were the progenitors of many of logic.
Scotland's noble families Usage: They provided considerable empirical evidence
to support their argument
205). Dynamism
Meaning: activity , progress 213). Esoteric
Definition: the quality of being characterized by Meaning: abstruse, obscure, arcane, cryptic, difficult,
vigorous activity and progress. puzzling
Usage: the dynamism and strength of the economy Definition: intended for or likely to be understood by
only a small number of people with a specialized
206). Asymmetric knowledge or interest.
Meaning: lopsided, unsymmetrical, crooked Usage: Esoteric philosophical debates
Definition: having parts which fail to correspond to
one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking 214). Inevitable
symmetry. Meaning: unavoidable, certain, sure, fated, inexorable
Usage: the church has an asymmetrical plan with an Definition: certain to happen; unavoidable.
aisle only on one side Usage: war was inevitable

207). Prop 215). Ostentatious

Meaning: buttress, support, brace, underpin, reinforce Meaning: showy, loud, fancy, ornate, affected, actorly,
Definition: support or keep in position kitsch
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Definition: characterized by pretentious or showy Usage: The woman in charge was a martinet who
display; designed to impress. treated all those beneath her like children
Usage: A simple design that is glamorous without
being ostentatious 224). Unlawful
Meaning: illegal, illicit, illegitimate, against the law
216). Poignant Definition: not conforming to, permitted by, or
Meaning: moving, sad, touching, tearful, pitiful, tragic recognized by law or rules.
Definition: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. Usage: The use of unlawful violence
Usage: A poignant reminder of the passing of time
225). Bequest
217). Sarcastic Meaning: legacy, inheritance, endowment, estate,
Meaning: Sardonic, ironic, satirical heritage, bestowal, donation
Definition: marked by or given to using irony in order Definition: the action of bequeathing something.
to mock or convey contempt Usage: A painting acquired by bequest
Usage: Making sarcastic comments
226). Gullible
218). Vain Meaning: credulous, trustful, naïve, innocent, ignorant,
Meaning: conceited, egoistic, egocentric, self-loving simple, unguared
Definition: having or showing an excessively high Definition: easily persuaded to believe something;
opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth. credulous
Usage: Their flattery made him vain Usage: an attempt to persuade a gullible public to
spend their money
219). Trauma
Meaning: Injury, damage, hurt, wound, sore, cut, 227). Deceptive
lesion Meaning: misleading, illusory, illusive, ambiguous,
Definition: physical injury. delusive,
Usage: Rupture of the diaphragm caused by blunt Definition: giving an appearance or impression
trauma different from the true one; misleading
Usage: He put the question with deceptive casualness
220). Aloof
Meaning: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote, 228). Elusive
stuffy Meaning: difficult to catch/find, difficult to track down
Definition: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and Definition: difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
distant. Usage: Success will become ever more elusive
Usage: They were courteous but faintly aloof
229). Tyranny
221). Indefatigable Meaning: despotism, absolutism, autocracy,
Meaning: tireless, untiring, unwearied, unflagging dictatorship
Definition: (of a person or their efforts) persisting Definition: cruel and oppressive government or rule.
tirelessly. Usage: Refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression
Usage: An indefatigable defender of human rights
230). Rebate
222). Dilatory Meaning: refund, repayment, partial refund
Meaning: slow, unhurried, tardy, lax, slack, idle, lazy Definition: a partial refund to someone who has paid
Definition: slow to act. too much for tax, rent, or a utility.
Usage: He had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor Usage: The scheme eases the move to the council tax
by giving rebates in the first year
223). Martinet
Meaning: disciplinarian, taskmaster, tyrant, drill 231). Adhesion
sergeant Meaning: sticking, adherence, gluing, fixing, union,
Definition: a person who demands complete festening
obedience; a strict disciplinarian. Definition: the action or process of adhering to a
surface or object.
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Usage: The adhesion of the gum strip to the paper Usage: The new law is expected to diminish the
government's chances
232). Virtuoso
Meaning: genius, expert, master, artist, doyen 240). Mirth
Definition: a person highly skilled in music or another Meaning: merriment, high spirits, cheer, gaiety, fun,
artistic pursuit jollity, joy
Usage: A celebrated clarinet virtuoso Definition: amusement, especially as expressed in
233). Waif Usage: his six-foot frame shook with mirth
Meaning: ragamuffin, guttersnipe
Definition: a homeless, neglected, or abandoned 241). Corporeal
person, especially a child. Meaning: bodily, fleshly, carnal, human, mortal,
Usage: she is foster-mother to various waifs and strays earthly
Definition: relating to a person's body, especially as
234). Ulterior opposed to their spirit.
Meaning: Secondary, underlying, undisclosed, Usage: He was frank about his corporeal appetites
unexpressed, unapparent, hidden, covert
Definition: existing beyond what is obvious or 242). Epigram
admitted; intentionally hidden. Meaning: quip, witticism, gem, jest, pun, sally
Usage: could there be an ulterior motive behind his Definition: a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea
request? in a clever and amusing way
Usage: a Wildean epigram
235). Telltale
Meaning: revealing, revelatory, meaningful, 243). Laudable
significant, meaning Meaning: admirable, worthy, deserving, noteworthy,
Definition: revealing, indicating, or betraying reputable, sterling
something. Definition: (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise
Usage: The telltale bulge of a concealed weapon and commendation.
Usage: laudable though the aim might be, the results
236). Stupor have been criticized
Meaning: daze, state of senselessness
Definition: a state of near-unconsciousness or 244). Reluctant
insensibility Meaning: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic,
Usage: A drunken stupor grudging, resisting
Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
237). Rescind Usage: She seemed reluctant to answer
Meaning: revoke, repeal, cancel, overtrun, annul,
withdraw 245). Plebiscite
Definition: revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or Meaning: Vote, ballot, referendum,
agreement). Definition: the direct vote of all the members of an
Usage: the government eventually rescinded the electorate on an important public question such as a
directive change in the constitution.
Usage: the administration will hold a plebiscite for the
238). Acrimony approval of constitutional reforms
Meaning: rancor, ill feeling, bad blood, animosity,
bitterness 246). Amateur
Definition: bitterness or ill feeling. Meaning: non-professional, layman, layperson
Usage: the AGM dissolved into acrimony Definition: a person who engages in a pursuit,
especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.
239). Diminish Usage: it takes five years for a top amateur to become a
Meaning: decrease, decline, reduce, lessen real Tour de France rider
Definition: make or become less.
247). Exorcise
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Meaning: drive out, cast out, expel
Definition: rid (a person or place) of a supposed evil 255). Covet
spirit. Meaning: desire, crave, have one’s heart set on
Usage: infants were exorcised prior to baptism Definition: yearn to possess (something, especially
something belonging to another).
248). Antagonist Usage: I covet one of their smart bags
Meaning: adversary, opponent, enemy, foe, rival,
competitor 256). Inadvertently
Definition: a person who actively opposes or is hostile Meaning: Accidentally, by accident, unwittingly
to someone or something; an adversary. Definition: without intention; accidentally.
Usage: the woman was forcing her antagonist's face Usage: His name had been inadvertently omitted from
into the mud the list

249). Aberration 257). Misconstrue

Meaning: anomaly, deviation, abnormality, variation, Meaning: misunderstand, misinterpret, misconceive,
quirk miss, confuse, confound
Definition: a departure from what is normal, usual, or Definition: interpret (a person's words or actions)
expected, typically an unwelcome one. wrongly.
Usage: they described the outbreak of violence in the Usage: my advice was deliberately misconstrued
area as an aberration
258). Nonchalant
250). Brusque Meaning: Feeling, relaxed, calm
Meaning: curt, abrupt, blunt, short, terse, brisk, crisp Definition: (of a person or manner) feeling or
Definition: abrupt or offhand in speech or manner appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying
Usage: She could be brusque and impatient anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.
Usage: She gave a nonchalant shrug
251). Quirky
Meaning: eccentric, odd, outlandish, offbeat, zany, 259). Nexus
weird Meaning: Connection, focal point
Definition: having or characterized by peculiar or Definition: a connection or series of connections
unexpected traits or aspects. linking two or more things.
Usage: Her sense of humour was decidedly quirky Usage: The nexus between industry and political
252). Reconnaissance
Meaning: survey, exploration, observation, probe, scan 260). Arson
Definition: military observation of a region to locate an Meaning: incendiarism, pyromania, fire-raising,
enemy or ascertain strategic features firebombing
Usage: An excellent aircraft for low-level Definition: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire
reconnaissance to property
Usage: Police are treating the fire as arson
253). Humdrum
Meaning: Dull, boring, tedious, monotomous, banal, 261). Bankrupt
ordinary, everyday Meaning: Insolvent, without, denuded of, vacant of
Definition: lacking excitement or variety; boringly Definition: completely lacking in a particular good
monotonous. quality.
Usage: humdrum routine work Usage: His father went bankrupt and the family had to
sell their home
254). Revamp
Meaning: renovate, redecorate, refurbish, recondition, 262). Abundant
rehabilitate, rebuild, overhaul Meaning: Plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, rich,
Definition: give new and improved form, structure, or lavish, liberal, bountiful, bumber
appearance to. Definition: existing or available in large quantities;
Usage: An attempt to revamp the museum's image plentiful
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Usage: there was abundant evidence to support the 271). Abhorrent
theory Meaning: detestable, hateful, loathsome, execrable
Definition: inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
263). Acquittal Usage: Racism was abhorrent to us all
Meaning: Absolution, clearing, exoneration,
exculpation, 272). Renounce
Definition: a judgement or verdict that a person is not Meaning: reject, repudiate, abandon, resign
guilty of the crime with which they have been charged. Definition: formally declare one's abandonment of (a
Usage: the trial resulted in an acquittal claim, right, or possession)
Usage: Isabella offered to renounce her son's claim to
264). Rudimentary the French Crown
Meaning: Basic, elementary, introductory, early,
primary, initial, first 273). Bizarre
Definition: involving or limited to basic principles. Meaning: Strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious,
Usage: He received a rudimentary education offbeat, outlandish, queer
Definition: very strange or unusual.
265). Scruple Usage: a bizarre situation
Meaning: hesitation, compunction,
reservation,thoughtd 274). Scurrilous
Definition: a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard Meaning: abusive, vituperative, derogatory, pejorative,
to the morality or propriety of a course of action. libelous
Usage: I had no scruples about eavesdropping Definition: making or spreading scandalous claims
about someone with the intention of damaging their
266). Specious reputation.
Meaning: misleading, deceptive, false, unsound Usage: A scurrilous attack on his integrity
Definition: superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
Usage: A specious argument 275). Calumny
Meaning: slander, libel, character assassination,
267). Tenacious calumniation
Meaning: firm, tight, fast, clinging, good Definition: the making of false and defamatory
Definition: tending to keep a firm hold of something; statements about someone in order to damage their
clinging or adhering closely. reputation; slander.
Usage: A tenacious grip Usage: A bitter struggle marked by calumny and
268). Unutterable
Meaning: indescribable, beyond words, unthinkable, 276). Abundant
inconceivable Meaning: plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, rich,
Definition: too great or awful to describe. liberal, opulent
Usage: Moments of unutterable grief Definition: existing or available in large quantities;
269). Dissentient Usage: There was abundant evidence to support the
Meaning: dissenting, differing, discordant, negative theory
Definition: in opposition to a majority or official
opinion. 277). Applaud
Usage: dissentient voices were castigated as ‘hopeless Meaning: clap, cheer, whistle, praise, commend, salute
bureaucrats Definition: show approval or praise by clapping.
Usage: The crowd whistled and applauded
270). Cynicism
Meaning: scepticism, doubt, mistrust, distrust 278). Exonerate
Definition: an inclination to believe that people are Meaning: absolve, clear, acquit, discharge , release,
motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism relive, free
Usage: public cynicism about politics Definition: (of an official body) absolve (someone)
from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
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Usage: an inquiry exonerated those involved
287). Sensual
279). Meritorious Meaning: physical, carnal, bodily, animal
Meaning: praiseworthy, admirable, estimable, Definition: of or arousing gratification of the senses
creditable, excellent and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
Definition: deserving reward or praise. Usage: The production of the ballet is sensual and
Usage: A medal for meritorious conduct passionate

280). Reproach 288). Undulate

Meaning: rebuke, reproof, reproval, admonition, Meaning: rise and fall, surge, wave, billow, roll, swell,
scolding ripple
Definition: the expression of disapproval or Definition: move with a smooth wave-like motion.
disappointment Usage: Her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of
Usage: He gave her a look of reproach the music

281). Reticence 289). Wary

Meaning: reserve, restraint, inhibition, shyness, Meaning: cautious, careful, chary, alert, prudent
modesty Definition: feeling or showing caution about possible
Definition: the quality of being reticent; reserve. dangers or problems.
Usage: The traditional emotional reticence of the Usage: Dogs which have been mistreated often remain
British very wary of strangers

282). Ruse 290). Trite

Meaning: Ploy, stratagem, tactic, move, device, Meaning: hackneyed, banal, vapid, ordinary,
scheme, trick predictabe
Definition: an action intended to deceive someone; a Definition: (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or
trick freshness; dull on account of overuse
Usage: Emma tried to think of a ruse to get Paul out of Usage: This point may now seem obvious and trite
the house
291). Dilatory
283). Preempt Meaning: Slow, unhurried, tardy, lax, sluggish, idle,
Meaning: Foretall, prevent, secure indolent
Definition: take action in order to prevent (an Definition: slow to act.
anticipated event) happening; forestall Usage: He had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor
Usage: The government pre-empted a coup attempt
292). Cardinal
284). Rancour Meaning: Fundamental, basic, main, chief, primary,
Meaning: bitterness, spite, hate, ill will, vitriol prime, first
Definition: bitterness or resentfulness, especially when Definition: of the greatest importance; fundamental..
long standing. Usage: Two cardinal points must be borne in mind
Usage: He spoke without rancour
293). Braggart
285). Recluse Meaning: Brag, show-off, trumpeter, poser, egotist
Meaning: hermit, ascetic Definition: a person who boasts about their
Definition: a person who lives a solitary life and tends achievements or possessions
to avoid other people. Usage: braggart men
Usage: She has turned into a virtual recluse
294). Assuage
286). Remorse Meaning: Relieve, ease, alleviate, smother, lessen,
Meaning: contrition, repentance, guilt, sorrow, lower
compunction Definition: make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
Definition: deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed. Usage: The letter assuaged the fears of most members
Usage: They were filled with remorse and shame
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295). Penury Definition: equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the
Meaning: extreme/dire poverty, pennilessness, same as
impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence Usage: The resignations were tantamount to an
Definition: the state of being very poor; extreme admission of guilt
Usage: He couldn't face another year of penury 304). Proximity
Meaning: Closeness, nearness, presence, propinquity
296). Tenuous Definition: a nearness in space, time, or relationship
Meaning: Slight, flimsy, weak, fragile, shaky Usage: Do not operate microphones in close proximity
Definition: very weak or slight to television sets
Usage: The tenuous link between interest rates and
investment 305). Fulsome
Meaning: ample, profuse, generous, liberal, lavish
297). Turbid Definition: complimentary or flattering to an excessive
Meaning: murky, muddy, thick, degree
Definition: (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with Usage: The press are embarrassingly fulsome in their
suspended matter. appreciation
Usage: The turbid estuary
306). Extol
298). Verbose Meaning: praise enthusiastically, go into raptures
Meaning: wordy, garrulous, talkative, voluble, effusive about/over, wax lyrical about, sing the praises of, praise
Definition: (using or expressed in more words than are to the skies, heap praise on,
needed. Definition: praise enthusiastically
Usage: Much academic language is obscure and Usage: He extolled the virtues of the Russian peoples
307). Insipid
299). Venerate Meaning: tasteless, unflavoured, bland, weak, thin
Meaning: revere, respect, worship, hallow, deify Definition: lacking flavour; weak or tasteless
Definition: regard with great respect; revere Usage: Mugs of insipid coffee
Usage: Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint
308). Incisive
300). Viscous Meaning: Penetrating, acute, sharp, keen, canny,
Meaning: Sticky, gummy, tacky, syrupy clever, smart, quick
Definition: having a thick, sticky consistency between Definition: (of a person or mental process) intelligently
solid and liquid; having a high viscosity analytical and clear-thinking.
Usage: Viscous lava Usage: She was an incisive critic

301). Abeyance 309). Idolatry

Meaning: Suspension, remission, reserve, suspense Meaning: idolization, idolizing, fetishization, worship,
Definition: a state of temporary disuse or suspension. worshipping, adulation, adoration, adoring, reverence,
Usage: Matters were held in abeyance pending further glorification
enquiries Definition: extreme admiration, love, or reverence for
something or someone..
302). Vacillate Usage: We must not allow our idolatry of art to
Meaning: dither, teeter, temporize, hesitate, fluctuate obscure issues of political significance
Definition: waver between different opinions or
actions; be indecisive. 310). Disdain
Usage: I vacillated between teaching and journalism Meaning: scorn, deride, slight, undervalue,
Definition: consider to be unworthy of one's
303). Tantamount consideration..
Meaning: equivalent to, equal to, amounting to, as Usage: He disdained his patients as an inferior rabble
good as, more or less, synonymous with, virtually the
same as, much the same as 311). Accolade
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Meaning: Honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, Meaning: untalkative, reticent, quiet, mute, dumb,
title inarticulate
Definition: an award or privilege granted as a special Definition: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative
honour or as an acknowledgement of merit. in speech; saying little.
Usage: The hotel has won numerous accolades Usage: After such gatherings she would be taciturn
and morose
312). Acrid
Meaning: pungent, bitter, sharp, sour, tart, harsh, acid, 320). Witticism
acidic Meaning: Joke, quip, witty remark, flash of wit, jest,
Definition: unpleasantly bitter or pungent. pun, pleasantry
Usage: Acrid smoke Definition: a witty remark.
Usage: Maurice roared with laughter at his own
313). Adjunct witticisms
Meaning: Supplement, addition, accompaniment,
complement, additive, accessory 321). Abdicate
Definition: a thing added to something else as a Meaning: resign, retire, quit, stand down
supplementary rather than an essential part. Definition: (of a monarch) renounce one's throne.
Usage: Computer technology is an adjunct to learning Usage: in 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German
314). Bolster
Meaning: pillow, cushion, support, pad, rest 322). Atrophy
Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under Meaning: waste, become emaciate, wither, shrivel, wilt
other pillows for support Definition: (of body tissue or an organ) waste away,
Usage: the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or
confidence become vestigial during evolution
Usage: The calf muscles will atrophy
315). Orator
Meaning: Speaker, lecturer, declaimer 323). Axiom
Definition: a public speaker, especially one who is Meaning: Accepted truth, general truth, dictum,
eloquent or skilled. truism, principle
Usage: A theatrically effective orator Definition: a statement or proposition which is
regarded as being established, accepted, or self-
316). Pacifist evidently true.
Meaning: Objector, pacifier, concientious Usage: The axiom that sport builds character
Definition: a person who believes that war and
violence are unjustifiable 324). Burnish
Usage: she was a committed pacifist all her life Meaning: Shine, brighten, smooth,glaze
Definition: polish (something, especially metal) by
317). Savour rubbing..
Meaning: Suggest, smack of, have a suggestion of Usage: Highly burnished armour
Definition: have a suggestion or trace of (a quality or
attribute, typically one considered bad). 325). Cataclysm
Usage: Their genuflections savoured of superstition Meaning: disaster, calamity, tragedy, art of God, crisis
and popery Definition: a sudden violent political or social
318). Surfeit Usage: The cataclysm of the First World War
Meaning: Excess, surplus, abundance, oversupply,
avalanche, deluge 326). Converge
Definition: an excessive amount of something. Meaning: Meet, intersect, cross, connect, link up,
Usage: A surfeit of food and drink coincide
Definition: (of lines) tend to meet at a point..
319). Taciturn Usage: a pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the
equator but converge toward the poles
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327). Delineate 335). Loquacious

Meaning: describe, set forth, set out, present, outline, Meaning: Talkative, voluble, wordy, rambling
depict, portray, represent Definition: tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
Definition: describe or portray (something) precisely.. Usage: Never loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost
Usage: The law should delineate and prohibit for words
behaviour which is socially abhorrent
336). Mortify
328). Devious Meaning: embarrass, shame, abash, appal, crush
Meaning: underhand, deceitful, dishonest, dubious, Definition: cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed
dirty or ashamed.
Definition: Showing a skilful use of underhand tactics Usage: She was mortified to see her wrinkles in the
to achieve goals. mirror
Usage: he's as devious as a politician needs to be
337). Perdition
329). Enervate Meaning: damnation, eternal punishment
Meaning: exhaust, tire, weary, devitalize, drain, sap, Definition: (in Christian theology) a state of eternal
weaken, enfeeble punishment and damnation into which a sinful and
Definition: make (someone) feel drained of energy or unrepentant person passes after death.
vitality. Usage: She used her last banknote to buy herself a
Usage: Enervating heat square meal before perdition

330). Esoteric 338). Penance

Meaning: abstruse, obscure, arcane, cryptic, Delphic Meaning: atonement, expiation, self-mortification,
Definition: intended for or likely to be understood by penalty
only a small number of people with a specialized Definition: punishment inflicted on oneself as an
knowledge or interest outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing.
Usage: Esoteric philosophical debates Usage: He had done public penance for those hasty
331). Innate
Meaning: inborn, natural, inbred, inherent, intrinsic, 339). Vicissitude
intuitive, untaught Meaning: Change, alteration, transformation, shift,
Definition: inborn; natural. switch, turn
Usage: Her innate capacity for organization Definition: a change of circumstances or fortune,
typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
332). Austere Usage: Her husband's sharp vicissitudes of fortune
Meaning: Severe, harsh, stiff, reserved, remote, serious
Definition: severe or strict in manner or attitude 340). Punctilious
Usage: he was an austere man, with a rigidly Meaning: meticulous, careful, diligent, attentive,
puritanical outlook studious, rigorous
Definition: showing great attention to detail or correct
333). Onerous behaviour..
Meaning: burdensome, heavy, awkward, oppressive Usage: He was punctilious in providing every amenity
Definition: (of a task or responsibility) involving a for his guests
great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.
Usage: He found his duties increasingly onerous 341). Terrestrial
Meaning: Earthy, worldly, mundane, earthbound
334). Wanton Definition: on or relating to the earth..
Meaning: deliberate, willful, malicious, spiteful, Usage: Increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt
vicious, evil terrestrial ecosystems
Definition: (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and
unprovoked. 342). Laggard
Usage: Sheer wanton vandalism Meaning: layabout, lagger, slug, snail, idler, lounger
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Definition: a person who makes slow progress and
falls behind others 351). Perturb
Usage: Staff were under enormous pressure and there Meaning: worry, upset, disturb, trouble
was no time for laggards Definition: make (someone) anxious or unsettled.
Usage: They were perturbed by her capricious
343). Aghast behaviour
Meaning: horrified, appalled, in shock, wide-eyed,
shell-shocked, dismayed 352). Imbibe
Definition: filled with horror or shock. Meaning: drink, consume, sup, sip, quaff, swallow,
Usage: She winced, aghast at his cruelty down, guzzle, swill, lap
Definition: drink (alcohol).
344). Pristine Usage: They were imbibing far too many pitchers of
Meaning: immaculate, fresh, new, clean, virgin, pure beer
Definition: in its original condition; unspoilt.
Usage: Pristine copies of an early magazine 353). Perjury
Meaning: lying under oath, violation of an oath, giving
345). Altercation false evidence/testimony, bearing false
Meaning: Argument, quarrel, fight, dissension, quarrel witness/testimony
Definition: a noisy argument or disagreement, Definition: the offence of wilfully telling an untruth or
especially in public. making a misrepresentation under oath.
Usage: I had an altercation with the ticket collector Usage: He claimed two witnesses at his trial had
committed perjury
346). Opulent
Meaning: Luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, grand, 354). Vanquish
magnificent, rich, lush Meaning: conquer, trounce, annihiliate, worst,
Definition: ostentatiously costly and luxurious.. overcome, overwhelm,
Usage: The opulent comfort of a limousine Definition: defeat thoroughly.
Usage: he successfully vanquished his rival
347). Eulogize
Meaning: praise enthusiastically, go into raptures 355). Sombre
about/over, wax lyrical about, acclaim, extol Meaning: dark, dark-coloured, dull, drab, dingy, shady
Definition: praise highly in speech or writing. Definition: dark or dull in colour or tone.
Usage: He was eulogized as a rock star Usage: The night skies were sombre and starless

348). Astute 356). Sojourn

Meaning: shrewd, sharp, bright, brilliant, smart, canny, Meaning: Stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence
wise, incisive Definition: a temporary stay.
Definition: having or showing an ability to accurately Usage: Her sojourn in Rome
assess situations or people and turn this to one's
advantage. 357). Insouciant
Usage: An astute businessman Meaning: nonchalant, untroubled, unworried,
unruffled, calm, breezy
349). Sombre Definition: showing a casual lack of concern.
Meaning: dark, dark-coloured, dull, drab,shady Usage: An insouciant shrug
Definition: dark or dull in colour or tone.
Usage: The night skies were sombre and starless. 358). Labyrinth
Meaning: Maze, warren, network, web, coil,
350). Errant entanglement
Meaning: guilty, culpable, aberrant, deviant, lawless Definition: a complicated irregular network of
Definition: erring or straying from the accepted course passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's
or standards. way; a maze.
Usage: An errant husband coming back from a night on Usage: You lose yourself in a labyrinth of little streets
the tiles
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359). Modicum Meaning: intense, ardent, fervent, zealous, fiery,
Meaning: little bit, small amount, praticle, degree, heated, eager, animated, spirited
speck, fragment, scrap, crumb Definition: having, showing, or caused by strong
Definition: a small quantity of a particular thing, feelings or beliefs.
especially something desirable or valuable. Usage: Passionate pleas for help
Usage: His statement had a modicum of truth.
367). Infuriate
360). Sonorous Meaning: enrage, incense, anger, inflame, send into a
Meaning: resonant, rich, full, booming, vibrant, deep, rage
clear Definition: make (someone) extremely angry and
Definition: (of a person's voice or other sound) impatient.
imposingly deep and full. Usage: I was infuriated by your article
Usage: He read aloud with a sonorous and musical
voice 368). Brood
Meaning: offspring, young, progeny, spawn
361). Monotonous Definition: a family of birds or other young animals
Meaning: tedious, dull, unexciting, tiresome, unvaried, produced at one hatching or birth
prosaic, dreary, colourless Usage: A brood of chicks
Definition: dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in
variety and interest.. 369). Panacea
Usage: The statistics that he quotes with monotonous Meaning: universal cure, cure-all, wonder drug, magic
regularity formula, magic bullet
Definition: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or
362). Annihilate diseases.
Meaning: destroy, obliterate, liquidate, eradicate, Usage: The panacea for all corporate ills.
extinguish, exttinguish
Definition: destroy utterly; obliterate.. 370). Reproachful
Usage: A simple bomb of this type could annihilate Meaning: disapproving, reproving, critical, censorious,
them all admonitory
Definition: expressing disapproval or disappointment.
363). Expurgate Usage: She gave him a reproachful look
Meaning: censor, bowdlerize, blue-pencil, redact, cut,
edit 371). Jubilant
Definition: remove matter thought to be objectionable Meaning: Overjoyed, exultant, joyful, rejoicing,
or unsuitable from (a text or account). gleeful, euphoric, ecstatic, transported
Usage: An expurgated English translation Definition: feeling or expressing great happiness and
364). Insanity Usage: a large number of jubilant fans ran on to the
Meaning: mental illness, lunacy, instability, madness, pitch
loss of reason
Definition: the state of being seriously mentally ill; 372). Comprehend
madness.. Meaning: understand, grasp, take in, see, apprehend,
Usage: He suffered from bouts of insanity follow, make sense of, fathom, make out
Definition: grasp mentally; understand.
365). Indignation Usage: he couldn't comprehend her reasons for
Meaning: resentment, affront, anger, distress, marrying Lovat
unhappiness, hurt, pain, upset, pique, spleen
Definition: anger or annoyance provoked by what is 373). Moratorium
perceived as unfair treatment. Meaning: embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, stay,
Usage: The letter filled Lucy with indignation stoppage, halt
Definition: a temporary prohibition of an activity
366). Passionate Usage: a moratorium on the use of drift nets

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374). Feud Definition: induce (someone) to do something through
Meaning: quarrel, fight, argue, bicker, squabble, reasoning or argument.
dispute, clash Usage: It wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the
Definition: be engaged in a prolonged and bitter right thing
quarrel or dispute.
Usage: Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades 382). Fluff
Meaning: Fuzz, lint, dust
375). Deafen Definition: soft fibres from fabrics such as wool or
Meaning: Make deaf, make temporarily deaf, cotton which accumulate in small light clumps.
Definition: cause (someone) to lose the power of Usage: he brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff
hearing permanently or temporarily.
Usage: We were deafened by the explosion 383). Hail
Meaning: Sleet, precipitation, beat, rain, fall, drop
376). Fortune Definition: pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers
Meaning: chance, accident, coincidence, destiny, from cumulonimbus clouds
foruity Usage: rain and hail bounced on the tiled roof
Definition: chance or luck as an arbitrary force
affecting human affairs. 384). Allude
Usage: some malicious act of fortune keeps them Meaning: refer to, suggest, hint at, imply, mention,
separate touch on, cite
Definition: suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint
377). Envy at.
Meaning: Jealousy, desire, enciousness Usage: She had a way of alluding to Jean but never
Definition: a feeling of discontented or resentful saying her name
longing aroused by someone else's possessions,
qualities, or luck. 385). Defy
Usage: She felt a twinge of envy for the people on Meaning: disobey, refuse to obey, flout, disregard,
board ignore
Definition: openly resist or refuse to obey.
378). Flaunt Usage: a woman who defies convention
Meaning: parade, exhibit, show off, draw attention to
Definition: display (something) ostentatiously, 386). Elude
especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to Meaning: evade, avoid, get away from, dodge, flee,
show defiance escape(from)
Usage: newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their Definition: escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or
prosperity pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
Usage: he tried to elude the security men by sneaking
379). Jibe through a back door
Meaning: taunt, sneer, jeer, insult, barb
Definition: an insulting or mocking remark; a taunt. 387). Ambivalent
Usage: a jibe at his old rivals. Meaning: Equivocal, uncertain, unsure, doubtful,
indecisive, irresolute, unresolved, mixed
380). Grisly Definition: having mixed feelings or contradictory
Meaning: gruesome, horrid, fearful, hideous, macabre, ideas about something or someone.
dire, awful Usage: some loved her, some hated her, few were
Definition: causing horror or disgust. ambivalent about her
Usage: The town was shaken by a series of grisly
crimes 388). Anecdote
Meaning: Story, tale, narrative, sketch
381). Persuade Definition: a short amusing or interesting story about a
Meaning: Coax, sway, prompt, inveigle, entice, tempt, real incident or person
make, get Usage: He told anecdotes about his job

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389). Demur Usage: She was encumbered by her heavy skirts
Meaning: object, protest, take issue, take
exception,cavil 397). Calamitous
Definition: raise objections or show reluctance. Meaning: disastrous, woeful, dire, tragic, fatal, direful
Usage: normally she would have accepted the Definition: involving calamity; catastrophic or
challenge, but she demurred. disastrous
Usage: Such calamitous events as fires, hurricanes, and
390). Discreet floods
Meaning: careful, circumspect, cautious, wary, chary,
guarded, close-mouthed 398). Slothful
Definition: careful and prudent in one's speech or Meaning: Lazy, idle, indolent, work-shy, inactive,
actions, especially in order to keep something inert, sluggish, dull, heavy
confidential or to avoid embarrassment. Definition: lazy.
Usage: We made some discreet inquiries Usage: Fatigue made him slothful

391). Revive 399). Catharsis

Meaning: resuscitate, bring back from the edge of Meaning: purgation, relief, exorcism, release, purging
death Definition: the process of releasing, and thereby
Definition: restore to life or consciousness. providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
Usage: both men collapsed, but were revived Usage: Music is a means of catharsis for them.

392). Eerie 400). Revile

Meaning: uncanny, sinister, ghostly, unnatural, Meaning: criticize, censure, attack, lambaste, brand,
strange, odd, queer, unreal denounce
Definition: strange and frightening. Definition: criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting
Usage: An eerie green glow in the sky manner.
Usage: He was now reviled by the party that he had
393). Confront helped to lead.
Meaning: trouble, bother, burden, distress, vex, irritate,
worry, face 401). Contours
Definition: (of a problem or difficulty) present itself to Meaning: outline , shape, form
(someone) so that action must be taken. Definition: an outline representing or bounding the
Usage: The new government was confronted with shape or form of something.
many profound difficulties. Usage: She traced the contours of his face with her
394). Subside
Meaning: calm, lull, fade, wane, ebb, still, cease, 402). Anarchy
terminate Meaning: rebellion, disorder, misrule, chaos, tumult,
Definition: become less intense, violent, or severe. nihilism, mobocracy
Usage: I'll wait a few minutes until the storm subsides Definition: a state of disorder due to absence or non-
recognition of authority or other controlling systems
395). Defendant Usage: He must ensure public order in a country
Meaning: accused, prisoner at the bar threatened with anarchy
Definition: an individual, company, or institution sued
or accused in a court of law.. 403). Convalesce
Usage: The defendant tried to claim that it was self- Meaning: recuperate, get better, recover, get well
defence Definition: recover one's health and strength over a
period of time after an illness or medical treatment.
396). Encumbered Usage: He spent eight months convalescing after the
Meaning: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, check, stroke.
cramp, limit, slow
Definition: restrict or impede (someone or something) 404). Fragile
in such a way that free action or movement is difficult. Meaning: breakable, brittle, frangible, flimsy, fine
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Definition: (of an object) easily broken or damaged. Usage: He was familiar with the nuances of the local
Usage: Fragile items such as glass and china dialect

405). Dissuade 413). Accord

Meaning: discourage, deter, prevent, divert, sidetrack Meaning: give, grant, tender, award, hand, yield
Definition: persuade (someone) not to take a particular Definition: give or grant someone (power, status, or
course of action. recognition)
Usage: His friends tried to dissuade him from flying Usage: The powers accorded to the head of state.

406). Lurking 414). Titter

Meaning: skulk, loiter, hide, take cover Meaning: giggle, snigger, tee-hee
Definition: be or remain hidden so as to wait in Definition: give a short, half-suppressed laugh; giggle
ambush for someone or something Usage: Her stutter caused the children to titter
Usage: A ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness
415). Cabal
407). Besmirch Meaning: clique, faction, group, set, band, camp
Meaning: sully, tarnish, blacken, stain, taint, smear, Definition: a secret political clique or faction.
spoil, ruin Usage: A cabal of dissidents
Definition: damage (someone's reputation).
Usage: He had besmirched the good name of his family 416). Pious
Meaning: devout, dedicated, reverent, holy, godly,
408). Neophyte faithful, dutiful, righteous
Meaning: beginner, learner, novice, newcomer, tyro, Definition: devoutly religious
fledgling Usage: A deeply pious woman
Definition: a person who is new to a subject or activity
Usage: Four-day cooking classes are offered to 417). Grotesque
neophytes and experts Meaning: Malformed, deformed, distorted, twisted
Definition: comically or repulsively ugly or distorted..
409). Austere Usage: A figure wearing a grotesque mask
Meaning: severe, stern, strict, formal, stiff, dour, grim,
cold 418). Entrench
Definition: severe or strict in manner or attitude. Meaning: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root,
Usage: He was an austere man, with a rigidly install
puritanical outlook. Definition: establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so
firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
410). Onus Usage: Ageism is entrenched in our society
Meaning: burden, responsibility, liability, obligation,
duty, weight, load, charge, mantal 419). Obscure
Definition: something that is one's duty or Meaning: unclear, unknown, hidden, doubtful,
responsibility. indeterminate
Usage: The onus is on you to show that you have Definition: not discovered or known about; uncertain.
suffered loss Usage: His origins and parentage are obscure.

411). Intrigue 420). Harangue

Meaning: Interest, be of interest to, fascinate, attract, Meaning: tirade, lecture, homily, rant, fulmination,
draw, lure, tempt broadside
Definition: arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate. Definition: a lengthy and aggressive speech.
Usage: I was intrigued by your question Usage: They were subjected to a ten-minute harangue
by two border guards
412). Nuance
Meaning: shade, gradation, degree, variation 421). Perennial
Definition: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, Meaning: everlasting, perpetual, eternal, unending,
expression, or sound never-ending, abiding, lasting,
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Definition: lasting or existing for a long or apparently Usage: He acknowledged their presence with a
infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. condescending sneer.
Usage: His perennial distrust of the media
430). Pariah
422). Abnegation Meaning: outcast, leper, reject, untouchable,
Meaning: rejection, refusal, abandonment, abdication, undesirable
surrender, disavowal Definition: an outcast.
Definition: the action of renouncing or rejecting Usage: They were treated as social pariahs.
Usage: Abnegation of political power 431). Desist
Meaning: abstain, refrain, forbear, hold back, keep
423). Mortal Definition: stop doing something; cease or abstain.
Meaning: deadly, physical, bodily, fleshly, corporal, Usage: Each pledged to desist from acts of sabotage
earthly, fatal, killing
Definition: (of a living human being, often in contrast 432). Inscribe
to a divine being) subject to death. Meaning: crave, write, etch, cut, score, incise
Usage: All men are mortal. Definition: write or carve (words or symbols) on
something, especially as a formal or permanent record.
424). Somnolent Usage: His name was inscribed on the new silver
Meaning: sleepy, drowsy, tired, heavy –eyed, groggy trophy
Definition: sleepy; drowsy
Usage: a somnolent summer day 433). Succumb
Meaning: yield, give in, give way, submit, surrender,
425). Amicable capitulate, cave in
Meaning: friendly, cordial, civil, easy, easy-going Definition: fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some
Definition: characterized by friendliness and absence other negative force.
of discord. Usage: We cannot merely give up and succumb to
Usage: An amicable settlement of the dispute despair.

426). Befuddled 434). Mendacious

Meaning: confused, muddled, addled, dizzy, foggy, Meaning: lying, untruthful, dishonest, false, double-
fuzzy dealing, two-faced, perfidious
Definition: cause to become unable to think clearly Definition: not telling the truth; lying
Usage: even in my befuddled state I could see that they Usage: mendacious propaganda
meant trouble
435). Querulous
427). Callow Meaning: petulant, testy, touchy, waspish, prickly,
Meaning: immature, naïve, green, untried crusty, cross, crabby
Definition: (of a young person) inexperienced and Definition: complaining in a rather petulant or whining
immature. manner..
Usage: Earnest and callow undergraduates Usage: She became querulous and demanding

428). Foment 436). Chaos

Meaning: instigate, incite, provoke, excite, prompt, Meaning: disorder, disarray, confusion, bedlam,
start, kindle furore, babel
Definition: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or Definition: complete disorder and confusion
violent sentiment or course of action) Usage: Snow caused chaos in the region
Usage: They accused him of fomenting political unrest
437). Alienated
429). Sneer Meaning: estrange, turn away, isolate, detach, distance
Meaning: smirk, snicker, snigger Definition: make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Definition: a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, Usage: An urban environment which would alienate its
or tone inhabitants
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Definition: an official order that has the force of law.
438). Convalesce Usage: The decree guaranteed freedom of assembly
Meaning: recuperate, get better, recover, get well
Definition: recover one's health and strength over a 446). Introspection
period of time after an illness or medical treatment. Meaning: brooding, heart-searching, self-absorption
Usage: He spent eight months convalescing after the Definition: the examination or observation of one's
stroke own mental and emotional processes.
Usage: Quiet introspection can be extremely valuable
439). Besmirch
Meaning: sully, tarnish, blacken, stain, taint, smear, 447). Peculiar
spoil, ruin Meaning: strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, weird
Definition: damage (someone's reputation). Definition: different to what is normal or expected;
Usage: He had besmirched the good name of his strange.
family. Usage: He gave her some very peculiar looks

440). Disgust 448). Denial

Meaning: revulsion, repugnance, aversion, distaste, Meaning: contradiction, rebuttal, repudiation
loathing Definition: the action of denying something.
Definition: a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval Usage: She shook her head in denial
aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.
Usage: The sight filled her with disgust. 449). Probed
Meaning: examine, feel, prod, poke, check
441). Discrimination Definition: explore or examine (something), especially
Meaning: prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, with the hands or an instrument.
partisanship, Usage: Hands probed his body from top to bottom.
Definition: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of
different categories of people, especially on the grounds 450). Engulf
of race, age, or sex. Meaning: flood, deluge, immerse, swamp, inundate
Usage: Victims of racial discrimination. Definition: (of a natural force) sweep over (something)
so as to surround or cover it completely.
442). Consciousness Usage: The cafe was engulfed in flames
Meaning: awareness, alertness, sentience,
responsiveness, wwakefulness 451). Gallant
Definition: the state of being aware of and responsive Meaning: brave, courageous, valiant, bold, plucky,
to one's surroundings. daring, fearless
Usage: She failed to regain consciousness and died Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) brave;
two days later heroic.
Usage: She had made gallant efforts to pull herself
443). Exaggerate together
Meaning: overstate, overstress, overvalue,
overestimate, magnify 452). Hoax
Definition: represent (something) as being larger, Meaning: practical, joke, joke, jest, prank, trick, jape
better, or worse than it really is. Definition: a humorous or malicious deception.
Usage: She was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains. Usage: The evidence had been planted as part of an
elaborate hoax
444). Debilitate
Meaning: weakening, enervative, tiring, exhausting, 453). Haggle
devitalizing, draining Meaning: barter, bargain, negotiate, quibble, wrangle
Definition: make (someone) very weak and infirm Definition: dispute or bargain persistently, especially
Usage: He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset over the cost of something.
Usage: The two sides are haggling over television
445). Decree rights.
Meaning: order, edict, command, mandate, precept
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454). Glut 462). Hostility
Meaning: appoint, induct, install, invest, anoint, Meaning: antagonism, bitterness, malevolence, malice,
consecrate rancor, venom, anger, hatred
Definition: An excessively abundant supply of Definition: hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or
something opposition.
Usage: there is a glut of cars on the market Usage: Their hostility to all outsiders

455). Firmament 463). Vacillate

Meaning: the sky, heaven, the blue, Meaning: dither, teeter, temporize, hesitate, fluctuate,
Definition: the heavens or sky. Definition: waver between different opinions or
Usage: Thunder shakes the firmament actions; be indecisive.
Usage: I vacillated between teaching and journalism.
456). Intrusive
Meaning: intruding, invasive, obtrusive, interrupting, 464). Ordained
trespassing, unwanted Meaning: appoint, induct, install, invest, anoint,
Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through consecrate
being unwelcome or uninvited Definition: make (someone) a priest or minister; confer
Usage: That was an intrusive question holy orders on
Usage: He was ordained a minister before entering
457). Temporize Parliament
Meaning: equivocate, stall, delay, prevaricate, hesitate
Definition: avoid making a decision or committing 465). Provision
oneself in order to gain time. Meaning: supply, delivery, furnishing, allocation,
Usage: The opportunity was missed because the queen distribution, presentation
still temporized Definition: The action of providing or supplying
something for use.
458). Lampoon Usage: New contracts for the provision of services
Meaning: saririze, mock, ridicule, rag, tease
Definition: publicly criticize (someone or something) 466). Stipulation
by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm. Meaning: condition, precondition, provision,
Usage: The actor was lampooned by the press prerequisite, specification
Definition: a condition or requirement that is specified
459). Grapple or demanded as part of an agreement
Meaning: wrestle, struggle, tussle Usage: They donated their collection of prints with the
Definition: engage in a close fight or struggle without stipulation that they never be publicly exhibited
weapons; wrestle.
Usage: passers-by grappled with the man after the 467). Mausoleum
knife attack. Meaning: tomb, sepulcher, crypt, vault, catacomb
Definition: a stately or impressive building housing a
460). Dawdle tomb or group of tombs
Meaning: linger, dally, idle, waste time Usage: The cathedral was built in 1517 as a royal
Definition: waste time; be slow. mausoleum
Usage: she mustn't dawdle—she had to make the call
now. 468). Entrench
Meaning: establish, settle, lodge, set, root, install,
461). Rampage plant, embed, anchor, seat
Meaning: riot, tear, run amok, storm, charge Definition: establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so
Definition: (especially of a large group of people) firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable Usage: Ageism is entrenched in our society
Usage: Several thousand demonstrators rampaged 469). Deception
through the city Meaning: deceit, duplicity, fraud, guile, pretence,
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Definition: the action of deceiving someone. Definition: weaken or damage (something, especially a
Usage: Obtaining property by deception. faculty or function)
Usage: a noisy job could permanently impair their
470). Astounding hearing
Meaning: amazing, astonishing, shocking, surprising,
stunning 478). Astounding
Definition: surprisingly impressive or notable Meaning: amazing, astonishing, shocking, surprising,
Usage: The summit offers astounding views. striking
Definition: surprisingly impressive or notable.
471). Trepidation Usage: The summit offers astounding views
Meaning: fear, apprehension, dread, agitation, dismay ,
alarm 479). Contemplate
Definition: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something Meaning: look at, view, regard, examine, inspect,
that may happen. observe, survey, study
Usage: The men set off in fear and trepidation Definition: look thoughtfully for a long time at.
Usage: He contemplated his image in the mirrors.
472). Certainty
Meaning: Confidence, certitude, fact, truth, validity 480). Stupefy
Definition: firm conviction that something is the case. Meaning: stun, daze, knock out, benumb, numb
Usage: She knew with absolute certainty that they Definition: make (someone) unable to think or feel
were dead properly
Usage: The offence of administering drugs to a woman
473). Scandalising with intent to stupefy her.
Meaning: shock, appal, outrage, revolt, repel, sicken
Definition: shock or horrify (someone) by a real or 481). Erratic
imagined violation of propriety or morality. Meaning: unpredictable, variable, inconstant,
Usage: Their lack of manners scandalized their hosts. uncertain, unstable,
Definition: not even or regular in pattern or movement;
474). Stringent unpredictable.
Meaning: Strict, firm, rigid, severe, harsh, tight, Usage: Her breathing was erratic
exacting, demanding, stiff
Definition: (of regulations, requirements, or 482). Prominent
conditions) strict, precise, and exacting Meaning: important, well known, leading, eminent,
Usage: stringent guidelines on air pollution pre-eminent, noted, public, foremost, famed, big, top,
great, chief, main
475). Strained Definition: important; famous.
Meaning: austere, abstinent, Spartan, monastic, simple Usage: She was a prominent member of the city
Definition: characterized by severe self-discipline and council
abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for
religious reasons 483). Instincts
Usage: an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual Meaning: inclination, drive, compulsion, need
labour Definition: a natural or intuitive way of acting or
476). Entrench Usage: They retain their old authoritarian instincts.
Meaning: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, set, root,
install, plant 484). Prerequisites
Definition: establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so Meaning: precondition, condition, essential,
firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely requirement, imperative, basic
Usage: Ageism is entrenched in our society Definition: a thing that is required as a prior condition
for something else to happen or exist
477). Impair Usage: sponsorship is not a prerequisite for any of our
Meaning: damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, courses
lessen, blunt, impede, disable
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485). Strained Meaning: Underneath, below, further down, lower
Meaning: drawn, careworn, worn, pinched, tried, down
weary Definition: having, revealing, or involving a great deal
Definition: truthful and straightforward; frank of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and
Usage: Jean's pale, strained face culture.
Usage: a chic, sophisticated woman.
486). Spout
Meaning: nozzle, lip, rose 494). Arbitrations
Definition: a tube or lip projecting from a container, Meaning: adjudication, meditation, negotiation,
through which liquid can be poured. intervention, interposition
Usage: A teapot with a chipped spout Definition: The use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute
Usage: Tayside Regional Council called for arbitration
487). Disown to settle the dispute
Meaning: reject, cast off, cast aside, abandon,
repudiate, renounce, deny 495). Candid
Definition: refuse to acknowledge or maintain any Meaning: frank, outspoken, forthright, open, honest,
connection with. truthful, direct, bluff
Usage: Lovell's rich family had disowned him because Definition: truthful and straightforward; frank
of his marriage Usage: His responses were remarkably candid

488). Speculation 496). Bicker

Meaning: conjecture, supposition, guesswork Meaning: Squabble, argue
Definition: the forming of a theory or conjecture Definition: argue about petty and trivial matters.
without firm evidence. Usage: couples who bicker over who gets what from
Usage: There has been widespread speculation that he the divorce
plans to quit
497). Fluctuate
489). Fragile Meaning: vary, differ, shift, change, alter, waver,
Meaning: breakable, brittle, frangible, flimsy, delicate, swing, alternate
fine Definition: rise and fall irregularly in number or
Definition: (of an object) easily broken or damaged. amount.
Usage: Fragile items such as glass and china. Usage: Trade with other countries tends to fluctuate
from year to year
490). Articulate
Meaning: fluent, eloquent, effective, persuasive, lucid, 498). Cogent
vocal Meaning: convincing, compelling, strong, forceful,
Definition: having or showing the ability to speak powerful, potent, weighty
fluently and coherently Definition: (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and
Usage: She was not very articulate. convincing.
Usage: They put forward cogent arguments for British
491). Legitimate membership
Meaning: legal, lawful, authorized, permitted,
permissible, allowable 499). Narrative
Definition: conforming to the law or to rules. Meaning: account, story, tale, history, description,
Usage: His claims to legitimate authority record, portrayal, report, rehearsal, recital
Definition: a spoken or written account of connected
492). Snazzy events; a story.
Meaning: stylish, smart, attractive, lovely, gorgeous, Usage: A gripping narrative.
Definition: stylish and attractive. 500). Plagues
Usage: snazzy little silk dresses Meaning: afflict, bedevil, torture, torment, trouble,
beset, dog
493). Sophisticated Definition: cause continual trouble or distress to
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Usage: He has been plagued by ill health. Meaning: Out of date, outdated, outmoded, old-
501). Proclaim Definition: no longer produced or used; out of date
Meaning: Indicate, show, signify, reveal, manifest, Usage: The disposal of old and obsolete machinery
betray, demonstrate
Definition: his high, intelligent forehead proclaimed a 509). Integrate
strength of mind that was almost tangible. Meaning: combine, amalgamate, mix, intermix, join,
Usage: indicate clearly fuse, blend
Definition: combine (one thing) with another to form a
502). Debtor whole
Meaning: borrower, mortgagor, Usage: Transport planning should be integrated with
Definition: a person, country, or organization that owes energy policy.
Usage: Generally, debtors must negotiate with each 510). Alleviate
creditor separately Meaning: Reduce, ease, relive, dull, lessen, quiet,
blunt, moderate
503). Hypocrisy Definition: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem)
Meaning: cant, humbug, pretence, posturing, empty less severe.
talk, pietism Usage: He couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it.
Definition: the practice of claiming to have higher
standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. 511). Affirm
Usage: his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life. Meaning: Declare, state, aver, proclaim, pronounce,
attest, swear, avow, vow, guarantee, promise, certify
504). Influx Definition: state emphatically or publicly.
Meaning: inundation, inrush, rush, stream, flood, Usage: He affirmed the country's commitment to peace
Definition: an arrival or entry of large numbers of 512). Travesty
people or things Meaning: misrepresentation, distortion, corruption,
Usage: A massive influx of tourists poor imitation, parody
Definition: a false, absurd, or distorted representation
505). Imperative of something.
Meaning: vital, crucial, critical, essential, exigent, Usage: The absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of
pressing, urgent justice
Definition: of vital importance; crucial
Usage: immediate action was imperative. 513). Reparation
Meaning: amends, restitution, redress, compensation,
506). Compensate repayment, atonement.
Meaning: Recompense, repay, pay back, recoup, Definition: the action of making amends for a wrong
requite one has done, by providing payment or other assistance
Definition: give (someone) something, typically to those who have been wronged.
money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury Usage: The courts required a convicted offender to
incurred; recompense. make financial reparation to his victim.
Usage: Payments were made to farmers to compensate
them for cuts in subsidies 514). Dissent
Meaning: disagreement, argument, dispute, demur
507). Diligence Definition: the holding or expression of opinions at
Meaning: assiduity, rigour, heedfulness, carefulness, variance with those commonly or officially held.
studiousness Usage: There was no dissent from this view
Definition: careful and persistent work or effort.
Usage: Few party members challenge his diligence as 515). Oppress
an MP Meaning: persecute, abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, suppress,
repress, subject
508). Obsolete
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Definition: keep (someone) in subjection and hardship, Definition: produce a pleasing visual combination.
especially by the unjust exercise of authority Usage: Steeply pitched roofs which harmonize with the
Usage: A system which oppressed working people. form of the main roof.

516). Cacophonous 524). Prolong

Meaning: loud, noisy, ear-splitting, blaring, booming, Meaning: Lengthen, make longer, extend, elongate
deafening, Definition: extend the duration of
Definition: involving or producing a harsh, discordant Usage: An idea which prolonged the life of the engine
mixture of sounds. by many years
Usage: The cacophonous sound of slot machines
525). Hatch
517). Glimpse Meaning: devise, conceive, concoct, brew, invent,
Meaning: brief look, quick look plan, design, formulate
Definition: a momentary or partial view Definition: conspire to devise (a plot or plan)
Usage: She caught a glimpse of the ocean Usage: The little plot that you and Sylvia hatched up
last night
518). Integrity
Meaning: honest, probity, rectitude, honour, ethics, 526). Pioneer
sincerity, truthfulness, virtue, decency Meaning: Settler, colonist, explorer, trailblazer
Definition: the quality of being honest and having Definition: a person who is among the first to explore
strong moral principles. or settle a new country or area.
Usage: A gentleman of complete integrity. Usage: The pioneers of the Wild West

519). Intolerance 527). Prone

Meaning: bigotry, dogmatism, illiberality, Meaning: Susceptible, vulnerable, liable, given,
parochialism, insularity disposed
Definition: unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or Definition: likely or liable to suffer from, do, or
behaviour that differ from one's own experience something unpleasant or regrettable.
Usage: A struggle against religious intolerance. Usage: Farmed fish are prone to disease

520). Elusive 528). Implications

Meaning: Difficult to catch/find, difficult to track Meaning: Suggestions, inference, innuendo, hint,
down intimation
Definition: difficult to find, catch, or achieve. Definition: the conclusion that can be drawn from
Usage: Success will become ever more elusive. something although it is not explicitly stated
Usage: The implication is that no one person at the
521). Deem bank is responsible
Meaning: regard as, consider, judge, adjudge, rate, fin,
count, esteem, reckon, account 529). Utopian
Definition: regard or consider in a specified way. Meaning: unworldly, non-material, immaterial
Usage: The event was deemed a great success Definition: modelled on or aiming for a state in which
everything is perfect; idealistic.
522). Taboo Usage: It is based on a utopian ideology.
Meaning: Prohibition, proscription, veto, ban,
restriction 530). Spur
Definition: a social or religious custom prohibiting or Meaning: stimulus, incentive, encouragement,
restricting a particular practice or forbidding stimulant, inducement, prompt
association with a particular person, place, or thing Definition: a thing that prompts or encourages
Usage: many taboos have developed around physical someone; an incentive
exposure Usage: Wars act as a spur to practical invention.

523). Harmonize 531). Legitimate

Meaning: Coordinate, match, blend, mix, balance
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Meaning: legal, lawful, licit, authorized, valid, upright, 539). Stern
allowable Meaning: serious, unsmiling, stony, flinty, steely,
Definition: conforming to the law or to rules. disapproving, sober
Usage: His claims to legitimate authority Definition: (of a person or their manner) serious and
unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and
532). Fiction exercise of discipline.
Meaning: Novels, stories, narration, story telling Usage: A smile transformed his stern face.
Definition: literature in the form of prose, especially
novels, that describes imaginary events and people. 540). Guts
Usage: they were supposed to be keeping up the Meaning: instinctive, intuitive, impulsive, natural,
fiction that they were happily married basic, emotinal
Definition: used in reference to a feeling or reaction
533). Abide based on an instinctive emotional response rather than
Meaning: obey, observe, follow, keep to, conform to, considered thought
accept, accede to Usage: I had a gut feeling that something was wrong.
Definition: accept or act in accordance with (a rule,
decision, or recommendation). 541). Blatant
Usage: I said I would abide by their decision. Meaning: Flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised,
overt, open, manifest
534). Espionage Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and
Meaning: Spying, undercover work, intelligence, unashamedly.
cyber-espionage, counter-espionage Usage: Blatant lies.
Definition: the practice of spying or of using spies,
typically by governments to obtain political and 542). Exorbitant
military information Meaning: extortionate, excessive, sky-high, inordinate,
Usage: The camouflage and secrecy of espionage huge, enormous
Definition: (of a price or amount charged)
535). Manslaughter unreasonably high..
Meaning: Killing, murder, slaying Usage: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone
Definition: the crime of killing a human being without calls
malice aforethought, or in circumstances not amounting
to murder 543). Frivolous
Usage: The defendant was convicted of manslaughter Meaning: flippant, glib, waggish, joking, jokey, non-
536). Bankrupt Definition: not having any serious purpose or value.
Meaning: insolvent, without, bare of, denuded of Usage: Frivolous ribbons and lacy frills.
Definition: (of a person or organization) declared in
law as unable to pay their debts. 544). Unprecedented
Usage: His father went bankrupt and the family had to Meaning: unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched,
sell their home unrivalled, without equal
Definition: never done or known before
537). Prevalent Usage: The government took the unprecedented step of
Meaning: widespread, frequent, usual, common, releasing confidential correspondence
general, universal
Definition: widespread in a particular area or at a 545). Dread
particular time. Meaning: fear, be afraid of, worry about
Usage: The social ills prevalent in society today Definition: anticipate with great apprehension or fear
Usage: Jane was dreading the party.
538). Eradicating
Meaning: eliminate, do away with, remove, suppress 546). Disparate
Definition: destroy completely; put an end to Meaning: contrasting, different, differing, unlike,
Usage: This disease has been eradicated from the world dissimilar,

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Definition: essentially different in kind; not able to be Definition: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility
compared. or a desirable future event.
Usage: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought Usage: The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement
across frontiers.
547). Accentuate
Meaning: point up, heighten, stress, spotlight, 555). Conventional
foreground, frature Meaning: normal, standard, regular, ordinary
Definition: make more noticeable or prominent.. Definition: based on or in accordance with what is
Usage: His jacket unfortunately accentuated his generally done or believed.
paunch Usage: A conventional morality had dictated
548). Exacerbate
Meaning: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame 556). Rupture
Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative Meaning: break, fracture, crack
feeling) worse. Definition: (especially of a pipe or container, or bodily
Usage: Rising inflation was exacerbated by the part such as an organ or membrane) break or burst
collapse of oil prices. suddenly.
Usage: If the main artery ruptures he could die.
549). Credence
Meaning: acceptance, belief, faith, trust, confidence, 557). Bumpy
reliance, traction Meaning: uneven, rough, irregular
Definition: belief in or acceptance of something as true Definition: (of a surface) uneven, with many patches
Usage: Psychoanalysis finds little credence among raised above the rest.
laymen. Usage: The car jolted on the bumpy road.

550). Suffice 558). Emanate

Meaning: be enough, be sufficient, do, serve, Meaning: emerge, flow, pour
Definition: be enough or adequate. Definition: (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or
Usage: A quick look should suffice. spread out from (a source).
Usage: Policy statements which emanate from
551). Intrusive government departments.
Meaning: obtrusive, unwanted, interrupting,
unwelcome 559). Consent
Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through Meaning: agreement, assent, accord
being unwelcome or uninvited. Definition: permission for something to happen or
Usage: That was an intrusive question agreement to do something.
Usage: No change may be made without the consent of
552). Hesitation all the partners.
Meaning: pausing, delay, waiting
Definition: the action of pausing before saying or 560). Ostensible
doing something. Meaning: apparent, seeming, outward, surface
Usage: She answered without hesitation. Definition: stated or appearing to be true, but not
necessarily so.
553). Consequence Usage: The real dispute which lay behind the
Meaning: result, upshot, outcome ostensible complaint.
Definition: a result or effect, typically one that is
unwelcome or unpleasant. 561). Bolster
Usage: Inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in Meaning: Pillow, cushion, pad, support
the money supply. Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under
other pillows for support.
554). Envisage Usage: Most of them were sitting on the floor which
Meaning: predict, forecast, foretell, expect was strewn with cushions, bolsters, and rugs.

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562). Hover Meaning: disguise, hide, conceal, mask, screen
Meaning: be suspended, be poised, hang, float Definition: hide or disguise the presence of (a person,
Definition: remain in one place in the air. animal, or object) by means of camouflage.
Usage: Army helicopters hovered overhead. Usage: The caravan was camouflaged with netting and
branches from trees.
563). Embark
Meaning: board ship, go on board, 570). Surmise
Definition: go on board a ship or aircraft. Meaning: guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer
Usage: He embarked for India in 1817. Definition: suppose that something is true without
having evidence to confirm it.
564). Recession Usage: He surmised that something must be wrong.
Meaning: economic decline, downturn, depression
Definition: a period of temporary economic decline 571). Troupe
during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, Meaning: group, company, band, ensemble, set, cast
generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive Definition: a group of dancers, actors, or other
quarters. entertainers who tour to different venues.
Usage: the country is in the depths of a recession. Usage: A dance troupe.

565). Metaphor 572). Avaricious

Meaning: figure of speech, image, trope, figurative Meaning: grasping, acquisitive, covetous, greedy,
expression rapacious, mercenary
Definition: a figure of speech in which a word or Definition: having or showing an extreme greed for
phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not wealth or material gain.
literally applicable. Usage: An avaricious, manipulative woman
Usage: When we speak of gene maps and gene
mapping, we use a cartographic metaphor. 573). Disconcert
Meaning: unsettle, nonplus, discomfit, confuse,
566). Pacifism perplex, ruffle, shake, worry.
Meaning: peacemaking, conscientious objection(s), Definition: disturb the composure of; unsettle.
passive resistance, love of peace Usage: The abrupt change of subject disconcerted her.
Definition: the belief that war and violence are
unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by 574). Harangue
peaceful means. Meaning: tirade, lecture, diatribe, homily, polemic,
Usage: there remains a powerful undercurrent of rant, fulmination, broadside, invective
pacifism. Definition: a lengthy and aggressive speech
Usage: They were subjected to a ten-minute harangue
567). Nuance by two border guards
Meaning: fine distinction, shade, shading, gradation,
variation 575). Unsceupulous
Definition: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, Meaning: unprincipled, immoral, amoral, dishonest,
expression, or sound. cunning, furtive, sly, bad, evil, wicked
Usage: He was familiar with the nuances of the local Definition: having or showing no moral principles; not
dialect. honest or fair.
Usage: Unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to
568). Unrelenting harass existing tenants.
Meaning: implacable, inflexible, uncompromising,
unyielding 576). Preachy
Definition: not yielding in strength, severity, or Meaning: moralistic, didactic, dogmatic
determination. Definition: having or showing a tendency to give
Usage: He was an unrelenting opponent of the Jacobite moral advice in a tedious or self-righteous way.
cause. Usage: His patriotic pictures had a preachy tone

569). Camouflage 577). Unabashed

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Meaning: unashamed, shameless, brazen, confident, Definition: nothing other than; unmitigated (used for
immodest, unshrinking, fearless emphasis)
Definition: not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed Usage: she giggled with sheer delight
Usage: He was unabashed by the furore his words
provoked 585). Plague
Meaning: afflict, bedevil, torment, trouble, beset, dog,
578). Melodramatic curse
Meaning: histrionic, extravagant, overdone, overripe, Definition: cause continual trouble or distress to
overemotional, sentimental Usage: He has been plagued by ill health
Definition: characteristic of melodrama, especially in
being exaggerated or overemotional. 586). Archive
Usage: He flung the door open with a melodramatic Meaning: file, log, catalogue, pigeonhole
flourish. Definition: place or store (something) in an archive.
Usage: The entire directory will be archived
579). Mimic
Meaning: imitate, copy, mock, parody, lampoon, 587). Liberate
caricature Meaning: set free, free, release, let out, let go,
Definition: imitate (someone or their actions or words), discharge, deliver
especially in order to entertain or ridicule Definition: set (someone) free from imprisonment,
Usage: He mimicked Super Star Rajini voice. slavery, or oppression.
Usage: The serfs had been liberated
580). Protagonist
Meaning: supporter, adherent, backer, proponent, 588). Retreat
advocate, promoter, exponent, prime mover Meaning: withdraw, retire, draw back, pull back, pull
Definition: an advocate or champion of a particular out, fall back, give way
cause or idea. Definition: (of an army) withdraw from enemy forces
Usage: He's a strenuous protagonist of the new as a result of their superior power or after a defeat
agricultural policy. Usage: The French retreated in disarray

581). Jargon 589). Combat

Meaning: Slang, cant, idiom, argot, patter Meaning: battle, fighting, action, conflict, war, warfare
Definition: special words or expressions used by a Definition: fighting between armed forces.
profession or group that are difficult for others to Usage: Five Hurricanes were shot down in combat.
Usage: legal jargon 590). Retract
Meaning: Pull in, draw in, pull back, sheathe, put away
582). Evocative Definition: draw or be drawn back or back in
Meaning: Reminiscent, suggestive, redolent Usage: She retracted her hand as if she'd been burn.
Definition: bringing strong images, memories, or
feelings to mind 591). ENDURANCE
Usage: Powerfully evocative lyrics Meaning: tolerance, bearing, sufferance
Definition: the ability to endure an unpleasant or
583). Beneath difficult process or situation without giving way.
Meaning: Underneath, below, further down, lower Usage: She was close to the limit of her endurance.
Definition: extending or directly underneath 592). ANXIETY
something. Meaning: worry, concern, apprehension
Usage: A house built on stilts to allow air to circulate Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
beneath. about something with an uncertain outcome.
Usage: His anxiety grew as his messages were all left
584). Sheer unanswered
Meaning: utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect,
patent 593). SECRETIVE
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Meaning: uncommunicative, secret, silent Usage: The creditor to whom the land is pledged
Definition: (of a person or an organization) inclined to
conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose 602). Tumultuous
information. Meaning: loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear-
Usage: She was very secretive about her past. splitting, noisy, vociferous
Definition: making an uproar or loud, confused noise.
594). INTRUSIVE Usage: Tumultuous applause
Meaning: invasive, obtrusive, unwanted
Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through 603). Coalition
being unwelcome or uninvited. Meaning: alliance, union, partnership, affiliation, bloc,
Usage: That was an intrusive question. caucus.
Definition: a temporary alliance for combined action,
595). IMPRESARIO especially of political parties forming a government.
Meaning: organizer, manager, producer Usage: A coalition between Liberals and
Definition: a person who organizes and often finances Conservatives.
concerts, plays, or operas.
Usage: A theatrical impresario. 604). Inhibit
Meaning: impede, hinder, hamper, discourage,
596). BLATANT obstruct, slow, retard
Meaning: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised Definition: hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or
Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and process)
unashamedly. Usage: Cold inhibits plant growth
Usage: A blatant lie.
605). Squirm
597). SACROSANCT Meaning: wriggle, wiggle, writhe, twist, slide, slither,
Meaning: sacred, respected, inviolate turn, shift, fidget
Definition: (especially of a principle, place, or routine) Definition: wriggle or twist the body from side to side,
regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort
with. Usage: He looked uncomfortable and squirmed in his
Usage: The individual's right to work has been upheld chair.
as sacrosanct.
606). Allegedly
598). PERCOLATE Meaning: reportedly, supposedly, reputedly,
Meaning: filter, drain, drip ostensibly, apparently, presumedly
Definition: (of a liquid or gas) filter gradually through Definition: used to convey that something is claimed to
a porous surface or substance. be the case or have taken place, although there is no
Usage: The water percolating through the soil may proof
leach out minerals. Usage: He was allegedly a leading participant in the
coup attempt
Meaning: surround, encircle, enclose, ring, envelop; 607). Creep
Definition: surround; enclose. Meaning: crawl, squirm, wriggle, writhe, worm, inch,
Usage: The stone circle was environed by an expanse edge
of peat soil Definition: move slowly and carefully in order to avoid
being heard or noticed
600). USHER Usage: He crept downstairs, hardly making any noise
Meaning: escort, accompany, help, assist
Definition: show or guide (someone) somewhere. 608). Gimmick
Usage: He ushered him to a window seat. Meaning: stunt, contrivance, scheme, trick, dodge,
ploy, stratagem
601). Pledge Definition: a trick or device intended to attract
Meaning: Mortgage, guarantee, pawn attention, publicity, or trade.
Definition: give as security on a loan.
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Usage: It is not so much a programme to improve
services as a gimmick to gain votes. 616). Maverick
Meaning: individualist, nonconformist, free spirit,
609). Provocative eccentric, outerside
Meaning: annoying, irritating, infuriating, provoking, Definition: an unorthodox or independent-minded
maddening, goading person.
Definition: causing anger or another strong reaction, Usage: He's the maverick of the senate
especially deliberately
Usage: A provocative article. 617). Verdict
Meaning: judgement, adjudication, decision, finding,
610). Orthodoxy ruling, resolution, decree, order
Meaning: doctrine, belief, creed, dogma, credo, theory, Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or
view, idea, practice criminal case or an inquest
Definition: authorized or generally accepted theory, Usage: The jury returned a verdict of not guilty
doctrine, or practice.
Usage: Monetarist orthodoxy. 618). Embroil
Meaning: Involve, entangle, ensnare, enmesh, catch
611). Tendentious up, mix up, bog down, mire
Meaning: partisan, expressing, intending Definition: involve (someone) deeply in an argument,
Definition: expressing or intending to promote a conflict, or difficult situation.
particular cause or point of view, especially a Usage: The organization is currently embroiled in
controversial one. running battles with pressure groups.
Usage: A tendentious reading of history
619). Reckless
612). Credence Meaning: rash, careless, thoughtless, incautions,
Meaning: acceptance, belief, faith, trust, confidence, heedless, unheeding, inattentive, precipitate
reliance, traction Definition: heedless of danger or the consequences of
Definition: belief in or acceptance of something as one's actions; rash or impetuous
true. Usage: You mustn't be so reckless".
Usage: Psychoanalysis finds little credence among
laymen 620). Legislative
Meaning: law-making, judicial, juridical,
613). Reluctant administrative
Meaning: unwilling, disinclined, grudging, resistant, Definition: having the power to make laws..
opposed, antipathetic. Usage: The country's supreme legislative body.
Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined..
Usage: She seemed reluctant to answer. 621). Scepticism
Meaning: Doubt, doubtfulness, Dubiousness, lack of
614). Disingenuous conviction
Meaning: dishonest, deceitful, underhand, Definition: a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of
underhanded, duplicitous, lying, false something.
Definition: not candid or sincere, typically by Usage: These claims were treated with scepticism.
pretending that one knows less about something than
one really does. 622). Contingent
Usage: This journalist was being somewhat Meaning: Chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible,
disingenuous as well as cynical unforeseen, unpredictable
Definition: subject to chance.
615). Ascribing Usage: The contingent nature of the job.
Meaning: attribute, assign, put down, set down,
accredit, credit 623). Culmination
Definition: regard something as being due to (a cause). Meaning: Climax, pinnacle, peak, high point, Height,
Usage: He ascribed Jane's short temper to her upset crest, zenith
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Definition: the highest or climactic point of something, Meaning: Speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up,
especially as attained after a long time. quicken
Usage: The deal marked the culmination of years of Definition: make (an action or process) happen sooner
negotiation. or be accomplished more quickly.
Usage: He promised to expedite economic reforms.
624). Surrogate
Meaning: substitute, proxy, replacement 632). Conscience
Definition: a substitute, especially a person deputizing Meaning: moral sense, sense of right, still small voice
for another in a specific role or office. Definition: a person's moral sense of right and wrong,
Usage: Wives of MPs are looked on as surrogates for viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.
their husbands while the latter are at Westminster. Usage: He had a guilty conscience about his desires

625). Enumerate 633). Contravene

Meaning: List, itemize, catalogue, set out, set forth, Meaning: Break, breach, violate.
give Definition: offend against the prohibition or order of (a
Definition: mention (a number of things) one by one. law, treaty, or code of conduct).
Usage: There is not space to enumerate all his works. Usage: He contravened the Official Secrets Act.

626). Altruistic 634). Sanctum

Meaning: Unselfish, selfless, self-denying Meaning: Holy place, shrine, altar, refuge, foxhole,
Definition: showing a disinterested and selfless hiding place
concern for the well-being of others; unselfish. Definition: a sacred place, especially a shrine within a
Usage: It was an entirely altruistic act. temple or church
Usage: An icon installed within the sanctum of the
627). Maverick temple
Meaning: Individualist, nonconformist, free spirit,
eccentric, outsider, trendsetter 635). Whopping
Definition: an unorthodox or independent-minded Meaning: Huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very
person. big, very large
Usage: he's the maverick of the senate. Definition: very large
Usage: A whopping $74 million loss.
628). Promulgate
Meaning: make public, publicize, announce, proclaim, 636). Assassination
circulate Meaning: Murder, killing, political execution,
Definition: promote or make widely known (an idea or slaughter, butchery, extermination, termination
cause). Definition: the action of assassinating someone
Usage: These objectives have to be promulgated within Usage: The assassination of President Kennedy
the organization .
637). Foil
629). pecuniary Meaning: thwart, oppose, baulk, disappoint, impede,
Meaning: financial, money, monetary, fiscal, capital, obstruct
ccommercial Definition: prevent (something considered wrong or
Definition: relating to or consisting of money. undesirable) from succeeding.
Usage: He admitted obtaining a pecuniary advantage Usage: A brave policewoman foiled the armed robbery
by deception.
638). Motley
630). Ponderous Meaning: Mixed, diverse, assorted, sundry, varied,
Meaning: clumsy, slow, heavy, awkward, graceless disparate
Definition: slow and clumsy because of great weight. Definition: incongruously varied in appearance or
Usage: A swarthy, ponderous giant of a man. character; disparate.
Usage: A motley crew of discontents and zealots.
631). Expedite
639). Facetious
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Meaning: Flippant, flip, glib, joking, jocular, playful, Meaning: a form of sexual desire in which gratification
impish is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object,
Definition: treating serious issues with deliberately item of clothing, part of the body, etc..
inappropriate humour; flippant Usage: A man with a fetish for surgical masks
Usage: A facetious remark.
647). Blatant
640). Murky Synonyms: flagrant, manifest, unmistakable, open,
Meaning: dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull, dim, cloudy obvious
Definition: dark and gloomy, especially due to thick Meaning: (of bad behaviour) done openly and
mist. unashamedly
Usage: The sky was murky and a thin drizzle was Usage: Blatant lies
648). Sacrosanct
641). Lynch Synonyms: sacred, hallowed, inviolable, inviolate,
Synonyms: hang, hang by the neck untouchable
Meaning: (of a group of people) kill (someone) for an Meaning: (especially of a principle, place, or routine)
alleged offence without a legal trial, especially by regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered
hanging. with
Usage: Her father had been lynched by whites. Usage: The individual's right to work has been upheld
as sacrosanct
642). Arid
Synonyms: dry, dried up, waterless, as dry as a bone, 649). Martyr
thirsty, Dull Synonyms: suffer from, be a constant sufferer from,
Meaning: lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning.. have chronic
Usage: His arid years in suburbia Meaning: a person who displays or exaggerates their
discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy
643). Impresario Usage: She wanted to play the martyr
Synonyms: Organizer, manager, producer, stage
manager 650). Swoop
Meaning: a person who organizes and often finances Synonyms: dive, descend, drop, plunge, pitch
concerts, plays, or operas Meaning: (especially of a bird) move rapidly
Usage: Amit Shah plays impresario to this knee-jerk downwards through the air.
nationalism. Usage: The barn owl can swoop down on a mouse in
total darkness
644). Gravitas
Synonyms: dignity, seriousness, solemnity, gravity, 651). Flare
loftiness, grandeur Meaning: Blaze, flash, flame, burn up
Meaning: dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of Definition: burn or shine with a sudden intensity.
manner.. Usage: The bonfire crackled and flared up
Usage: A post for which he has the expertise and the
gravitas 652). Trigger
Meaning: Activate, set off, set going, trip
645). Manace Definition: cause (a device) to function.
Synonyms: Danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat Usage: Burglars fled empty-handed after triggering the
Meaning: a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; alarm
a threat or danger.
Usage: A new initiative aimed at beating the menace of 653). Evacuate
drugs Meaning: remove, clear, move out, shift, take away,
expel, evict.
646). Fetish Definition: remove (someone) from a place of danger
Synonyms: fixation, obsession, compulsion, mania to a safer place.
Usage: Several families were evacuated from their
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Usage: A match flared as he lit a cigarette.
654). Advocacy
Meaning: support for, argument for, arguing for, 672). Triggered
calling for, pushing for Meaning: activate, set off, set going, trip
Definition: public support for or recommendation of a Definition: cause (a device) to function.
particular cause or policy Usage: Burglars fled empty-handed after triggering the
Usage: His outspoken advocacy of the agreement has alarm.
won no friends
673). Advocacy
655). Allegation Meaning: support for, argument for, arguing for,
Meaning: claim, assertion, declaration, witness, calling for
evidence, hint, intimation Definition: public support for or recommendation of a
Definition: a claim or assertion that someone has done particular cause or policy.
something illegal or wrong, typically one made without Usage: His outspoken advocacy of the agreement has
proof. won no friends.
Usage: He made allegations of corruption against the
administration 674). Allegation
Meaning: claim, assertion, declaration, statement
656). Agitation Definition: a claim or assertion that someone has done
Meaning: anxiety, perturbation, distress, concern, something illegal or wrong, typically one made without
alarm, worry proof.
Definition: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement. Usage: He made allegations of corruption against the
Usage: She was wringing her hands in agitation administration.

657). Eradicate 675). Agitation

Meaning: get rid of, eliminate, do away with , remove, Meaning: anxiety, perturbation, distress, concern
suppress Definition: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
Definition: destroy completely; put an end to Usage: She was wringing her hands in agitation.
Usage: This disease has been eradicated from the
world 676). Eradicate
Meaning: get rid of, eliminate, do away with, remove
658). Turmoil Definition: destroy completely; put an end to.
Meaning: confusion, tumult, disorder, commotion, Usage: This disease has been eradicated from the
unrest, trouble, upset world.
Definition: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or
uncertainty. 677). Turmoil
Usage: The country was in turmoil. Meaning: confusion, disorder, disturbance
Definition: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or
659). Assent uncertainty.
Meaning: agree to, approve, bless Usage: A time of great political turmoil.
Definition: express approval or agreement
Usage: The Prime Minister assented to the change. 678). Fumigate
Meaning: disinfect, purify, sterilize
670). Assist Definition: disinfect or purify (an area) with the fumes
Meaning: help, aid, abet, give assistance of certain chemicals.
Definition: help (someone), typically by doing a share Usage: We got sulphur candles to fumigate the house.
of the work.
Usage: A senior academic would assist him in his 679). Veer
work. Meaning: career, swing, wheel, twist
Definition: change direction suddenly.
671). Flared Usage: An oil tanker that had veered off course.
Meaning: Blaze, flash, flame
Definition: burn or shine with a sudden intensity. 680). Valiant
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Meaning: brave, courageous, fearless
Definition: possessing or showing courage or 689). Scarce
determination. Meaning: short, in short supply, scant
Usage: She made a valiant effort to hold her anger in Definition: (especially of food, money, or some other
check. resource) insufficient for the demand.
Usage: as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were
681). Posterity developed.
Meaning: future generations, succeeding generations
Definition: all future generations of people. 690). Perpetual
Usage: the names of those who died are recorded for Meaning: everlasting, never-ending, eternal,
posterity on a framed scroll. permanent
Definition: never ending or changing.
682). Relinquish Usage: the population lived in a perpetual state of fear.
Meaning: renounce, give up, part with turn over
Definition: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up. 691). Shrewd
Usage: he relinquished his managerial role to become Meaning: astute, sharp, acute, intelligent
chief executive. Definition: having or showing sharp powers of
judgement; astute.
683). Persuade Usage: She was shrewd enough to guess the motive
Meaning: convince, talk someone into, induce behind his gesture.
Definition: induce (someone) to do something through
reasoning or argument. 692). Subvert
Usage: it wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the Meaning: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, overtum
right thing. Definition: undermine the power and authority of (an
established system or institution).
684). Ancestry Usage: An attempt to subvert democratic government
Meaning: forebears, forefathers, parentage
Definition: one's family or ethnic descent. 693). Emergence
Usage: he was proud of his Irish ancestry. Meaning: disclosure, exposure, publication
Definition: the process of becoming visible after being
685). Propulsion concealed.
Meaning: thrust, motive force, impluse Usage: I misjudged the timing of my emergence.
Definition: the action of driving or pushing forwards.
Usage: they dive and use their wings for propulsion 694). Muster
under water. Meaning: assemble, bring together, mobilize
Definition: assemble (troops), especially for inspection
686). Ephemeral or in preparation for battle.
Meaning: transient, fleeting, passing Usage: They had mustered 50,000 troops.
Definition: lasting for a very short time.
Usage: fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly 695). Ordeal
drive out the old. Meaning: trail, tribulation, test.
Definition: a very unpleasant and prolonged
687). Dissuade experience.
Meaning: discourage, deter, prevent, disincline Usage: The ordeal of having to give evidence.
Definition: persuade (someone) not to take a particular
course of action. 696). Infallible
Usage: his friends tried to dissuade him from flying. Meaning: error free, flawless, perfect
Definition: incapable of making mistakes or being
688). Persist wrong.
Meaning: persevere, continue, carry on Usage: She had an infallible sense of timing.
Definition: continue in an opinion or course of action
in spite of difficulty or opposition. 697). Assiduous
Usage: the minority of drivers who persist in drinking. Meaning: careful, diligent, attentive
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Definition: showing great care and perseverance. Usage: The ambulance arrived outside, siren blaring.
Usage: She was assiduous in pointing out every
feature. 705). Tinkle
Meaning: ring, jingle, jangle, chime, peal, ding, ping
698). Shoddy Definition: make or cause to make a light, clear ringing
Meaning: Poor Quality, inferior, rubbishy sound.
Definition: badly made or done. Usage: Cool water tinkled in the stone fountains.
Usage: We're not paying good money for shoddy
goods. 706). trumpet
Meaning: proclaim, announce, declare, broadcast,
699). Inducement blazon
Meaning: incentive, attraction, encouragement, Definition: proclaim widely or loudly.
temptation Usage: The press trumpeted another defeat for the
Definition: a thing that persuades or leads someone to government.
do something.
Usage: Companies were prepared to build only in 707). Percussion
return for massive inducements Meaning: crash, bang, smash, clash, bump, thump
Definition: the striking of one solid object with or
700). Contemptuous against another with some degree of force.
Meaning: scornful, disdainful, disrespectful, insulting, Usage: the clattering percussion of objects striking the
insolent walls and the shutters.
Definition: showing contempt; scornful.
Usage: She was intolerant and contemptuous of the 708). Wade
majority of the human race. Meaning: paddle, wallow, dabble, slop, plod
Definition: walk with effort through water or another
701). Provincial liquid or viscous substance.
Meaning: small-town, non-metropolitan, non-urban, Usage: He waded out to the boat.
back woods, backwater
Definition: of or concerning a province of a country or 709). Impeccable
empire of or concerning a province of a country or Meaning: flawless, faultless, unblemished, spotless,
empire. perfect, exemplary
Usage: Provincial elections. Definition: in accordance with the highest standards;
702). Rebuke Usage: He had impeccable manners.
Meaning: reprimand, reproach, scold, admonish, chide,
upbraid, criticize 710). Perplex
Definition: express sharp disapproval or criticism of Meaning: puzzle, baffle, mystify, worry, befuddle,
(someone) because of their behaviour or actions addle, fog, throw
express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) Definition: make (someone) feel completely baffled
because of their behaviour or actions. Usage: She was perplexed by her husband's moodiness.
Usage: she had rebuked him for drinking too much.
711). Inadvertent
703). Lambasted Meaning: unintentional, unintended, accidental,
Meaning: criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, unpremeditated
condemn Definition: not resulting from or achieved through
Definition: criticize (someone or something) harshly. deliberate planning.
Usage: They lambasted the report as a gross distortion Usage: An inadvertent administrative error occurred
of the truth. that resulted in an over payment.

704). Blare 712). Exonerate

Meaning: Blast, sound loudly, toot, honk, shriek, Meaning: absolve, clear, acquit,
screech Definition: (of an official body) absolve (someone)
Definition: make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound. from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
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Usage: The inquiry exonerated Lewis and his
company. 721). Rehabilitate
Synonyms: reintegrate, readapt, retrain
713). Hostile Meaning: restore (someone) to health or normal life by
Meaning: antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational, training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or
belligerent illness.
Definition: showing or feeling opposition or dislike; Usage : helping to rehabilitate former criminals
Usage: He wrote a ferociously hostile attack. 722). Asylums
Synonyms: mental hospital, mental institution,
714). Stimulus psychiatric hospital
Meaning: Spur, encouragement, boost, prompt Meaning: an institution for the care of people who are
Definition: a thing that arouses activity or energy in mentally ill.
someone or something; a spur or incentive. Usage : he'd been committed to an asylum
Usage: If the tax were abolished, it would act as a
stimulus to exports. 723). Prevarication
Synonyms: dishonesty, distortion, lie, equivocation
715). Constrain Meaning: a person dishonest to his organization
Meaning: compel, force, drive, oblige Usage : My hesitation and prevarication had apparently
Definition: compel or force (someone) to follow a not inspired my interlocutor with confidence in me.
particular course of action.
Usage: Children are constrained to work in the way the 724). Exacerbating
book dictates. Synonyms: aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame,
716). Receptive Meaning: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative
Meaning: Open-mined, responsive, flexible feeling) worse.
Definition: willing to consider or accept new Usage : Rising inflation was exacerbated by the
suggestions and ideas. collapse of oil prices
Usage: A receptive audience.
725). Indecorously
717). Lethargy Synonyms: improper, unseemly, unbecoming,
Meaning: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, undignified, immodest, indecent, immoral
Definition: a lack of energy and enthusiasm. Meaning: not in keeping with good taste and propriety;
Usage: There was an air of lethargy about him. improper
Usage : a pub crawl with sundry indecorous adventures
718). Debilitate
Meaning: weakening, enfeebling, enervating, 726). Assertion
enervative Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement, claim,
Definition: make (someone) very weak and infirm. submission, swearing
Usage: He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset Meaning: a confident and forceful statement of fact or
. belief
Usage : His assertion that his father had deserted the
719). Aggregate family
Definition: a material or structure formed from a mass 727). Incongruity
of fragments or particles loosely compacted together. Synonyms: inappropriateness, dissonance, difference,
Usage: The specimen is an aggregate of rock and inconsistency, lack of harmony
mineral fragments. Meaning: the state of being incongruous;
720). Tumultuous Usage : the incongruity of his fleshy face and skinny
Meaning: loud, thunderous, ear-shattering body disturbed her the incongruity of his fleshy face
Definition: making an uproar or loud, confused noise. and skinny body disturbed her
Usage: He left the stage to tumultuous applause.
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728). Adjudication Synonyms: judgment, adjudication, decision, finding
Synonyms: arbitration, refereeing, umpiring Meaning: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or
Meaning: The action or process of adjudicating criminal case or an inquest.
Usage : The matter may have to go to court for Usage: The coroner recorded a verdict of death by
adjudication misadventure

729). Pervasive 737). Erstwhile

Synonyms: prevalent, penetrating, extensive, general, Synonyms: old, past, one-time
common, universal, rife Meaning: former
Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome influence or Usage: Written in memory of the composer's erstwhile
physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or teacher
a group of people.
Usage : ageism is pervasive and entrenched in our 738). Conspiracy
society Synonyms: plot, scheme, plan
Meaning: a secret plan by a group to do something
730). Vacillate unlawful or harmful.
Synonyms: dither, teeter, waver, hesitate, oscillate, Usage: The company was involved in a conspiracy
fluctuate with bookmakers to manipulate starting prices
Meaning: waver between different opinions or actions; 739). Coterie
be indecisive. Synonyms: set, circle, crowd
Usage : I vacillated between teaching and journalism Meaning: a small group of people with shared interests
or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other
731). Pivotal people.
Synonyms: central, crucial, vital Usage: All prime ministers develop a small coterie of
Meaning: of crucial importance in relation to the kindred spirits
development or success of something else.
Usage: Japan's pivotal role in the world economy 740). Pervasive
Synonyms: prevalent, penetrating, extensive
732). Afloat Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome influence or
Synonyms: floating, drifting, non-submerged physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or
Meaning: floating in water; not sinking. a group of people.
Usage: A swimmer fighting to stay afloat Usage: Ageism is pervasive and entrenched in our
733). Sabotage
Synonyms: wreck, damage 741). Commemorative
Meaning: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct Meaning: Memorial, remembrance, celebratory,
(something), especially for political or military celebrative
advantage. Definition: acting as a memorial of an event or person.
Usage: Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged Usage: Minister of State ManojSinha today released a
by rebel forces . commemorative postage stamp on Tourism in India on
the occasion of 70th Independence day
734). Contingent
Synonyms: chance, accidental, possible 742). Disaster
Meaning: subject to chance. Meaning: catastrophe, tragedy, act of god, calamity
Usage: The contingent nature of the job Definition: a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe
that causes great damage or loss of life.
735). Nullify Usage: US President Barack Obama issued a disaster
Synonyms: annul, void, invalidate declaration for flood-devastated Louisiana
Meaning: make legally null and void; invalidate.
Usage: Judges were unwilling to nullify government 743). Ravage
decisions Meaning: ruin, destroy, raze, damage, lay waste, wipe
736). Verdict Definition: cause severe and extensive damage to.
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Usage: The hurricane ravaged southern Florida. Meaning: idealistic, unbusinesslike, romatic,
extravagant, visionary, unworldly
744). Swell Definition: extremely idealistic; unrealistic and
Meaning: Expand, bulge, distend, inflate, balloon, impractical
bloat, grow, increase, rise Usage: A vast and perhaps quixotic project.
Definition: become or make greater in intensity,
number, amount, or volume 752). Brazen
Usage: The flooding submerged large parts of the Meaning: bold, shameless, forward, unashamed,
region on Sunday, three days after water-swelled unabashed, unblushing
streams and rivers began rising Definition: bold and without shame.
Usage: He went about his illegal business with a brazen
745). Interim assurance
Meaning: meantime, meanwhile, interval, interlude
Definition: the intervening time 753). Ingenious
Usage: In the interim I'll just keep my fingers crossed. Meaning: inventive, creative, imaginative, original,
innovative, resourceful, inspired
746). Curtain Definition: (of a person) clever, original, and inventive.
Meaning: hanging, screen, blind, window hanging Usage: He was ingenious enough to overcome the
Definition: a screen of heavy cloth or other material limited budget
that can be raised or lowered at the front of a stage
Usage: She drew the curtains and lit the fire 754). Naive
Meaning: innocent, artless, guileless, trustful,
747). Boast unaffacted, fond, wide-eyed, simple
Meaning: Brag, crow, swagger, swank, own, enjoy, Definition: (of a person) natural and unaffected;
have innocent
Definition: talk with excessive pride and self- Usage: Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled
satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or
abilities 755). Suave
Usage: She boasted about her many conquests Meaning: charming, sophisticated, debonair, urbane,
polished, dignified, gentlemanly, gallant
748). Intercept Definition: (especially of a man) charming, confident,
Meaning: Stop, head off, cut off and elegant.
Definition: obstruct (someone or something) so as to Usage: All the waiters were suave and deferential
prevent them from continuing to a destination.
Usage: Intelligence agencies intercepted a series of 756). Epicure
telephone calls. Meaning: gourmet, gourmand,
749). Pave connoisseur,gastronome
Meaning: Cover, surface, floor, top, finish Definition: a person who takes particular pleasure in
Definition: cover (a piece of ground) with flat stones or fine food and drink
bricks; lay paving over Usage: They see themselves as epicures—delighting in
Usage: China Satellite will pave the way to a hack- food that is properly prepared
proof communication system.
757). Magnanimous
750). Feasibility Meaning: generous, charitable, benevolent, open-
Meaning: Practicability, practicality, workability, handed, bountiful, liberal, princely, kind, kindly
viability Definition: generous or forgiving, especially towards a
Definition: the state or degree of being easily or rival or less powerful person
conveniently done. Usage: She should be magnanimous in victory
Usage: The feasibility of screening athletes for cardiac
disease. 758). Paragon
Meaning: Model, good example, apotheosis, exemplar,
751). Quixotic paradigm, acme, shining example

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Definition: a person or thing viewed as a model of Usage: Her intolerance was attenuated by an
excellence unexpected liberalism
Usage: Your cook is a paragon.
767). Vindictive
759). Aesthetic Meaning: Vengeful, out for revenge, revengeful,
Meaning: Connoisseur, genteel avenging, unforgiving, implacable, bitter
Definition: concerned with beauty or the appreciation Definition: having or showing a strong or unreasoning
of beauty desire for revenge
Usage: The pictures give great aesthetic pleasure. Usage: The criticism was both vindictive and
760). Gregarious
Meaning: sociable, social, companionable, clubbable, 768). Discomfit
convivial Meaning: embarrass, discomfort, unsettle, unnerve,
Definition: (of a person) fond of company; sociable upset, disturb, perturb, distress
Usage: He was a popular and gregarious man. Definition: make (someone) feel uneasy or
761). Abandon Usage: He was not noticeably discomfited by her tone.
Meaning: Desert, Leave, cast aside, 769). Accusation
Definition: cease to support or look after (someone); Meaning: allegation, charge, claim, asseveration,
desert. blame, criticism, complaint
Usage: Her natural mother had abandoned her at an Definition: a charge or claim that someone has done
early age. something illegal or wrong
Usage: accusations of bribery.
762). Patronage
Meaning: Sponsorship, backing, funding, promotion, 770). Indict
support, guaranty, protection Meaning: Charge with, arraign for, take to court for,
Definition: the support given by a patron. put on trial for
Usage: The arts could no longer depend on private Definition: formally accuse of or charge with a crime.
patronage Usage: His former manager was indicted for fraud.

763). Traverse 771). cacophony

Meaning: cross, negotiate, cross, pass over. Meaning: din, racket, noise, discord, dissonance,
Definition: travel across or through. jarring, grating, rasping
Usage: He traversed the forest Definition: A harsh discordant mixture of sounds
Usage: A cacophony of deafening alarm bells.
764). Recuperate
Meaning: get better, recover, convalesce, get back to 772). Brink
normal Meaning: edge, verge, margin, rim, lip
Definition: recover from illness or exertion Definition: the extreme edge of land before a steep
Usage: She has been recuperating from a knee injury. slope or a body or water.
Usage: The brink of the cliffs
765). Alms
Meaning: charity, bounty, subsidy, largesse, 773). Conscious
endowment Meaning: aware, awake, compos mentis, alert,
Definition: (in historical contexts) money or food responsive, reactive, feeling, sentient
given to poor people Definition: aware of and responding to one's
Usage: The riders stopped to distribute alms. surroundings.
Usage: Although I was in pain, I was conscious

766). Attenuate 774). Induct

Meaning: diminished, impaired, reduced, decreased Meaning: admit to, allow into, introduce to, install in,
Definition: reduce the force, effect, or value of Definition: admit (someone) formally to a post or
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Usage: Arrangements for inducting new members to an Usage: The children were traumatized by separation
organization from their families

775). Perceive 783). Atrocity

Meaning: discern, recognize, tell, grasp, understand, Meaning: iniquity, violation, crime, wrong, offence,
deduce, conclude, sence, divine, intuit affront, scandal, injustice.
Definition: become aware or conscious of (something); Definition: an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically
come to realize or understand one involving physical violence or injury.
Usage: His mouth fell open as he perceived the truth Usage: A textbook which detailed war atrocities

776). Emphasis 784). incalculable

Meaning: Prominence, importance, significance Meaning: inestimable, untold, immeasurable,
Definition: special importance, value, or prominence uncountable, indeterminable, incomputable
given to something Definition: too great to be calculated or estimated
Usage: They placed great emphasis on the individual's Usage: An archive of incalculable value.
785). Myopic
777). Evident Meaning: unimaginative, uncreative, narrow-minded,
Meaning: Obvious, apparent, noticeable, conspicuous, short-term, small-mind
perceptible. Definition: lacking foresight or intellectual insight
Definition: clearly seen or understood; obvious Usage: The government still has a myopic attitude to
Usage: She ate the biscuits with evident enjoyment public spending.

778). Impatient 786). Pertinent

Meaning: Irritate, annoyed, angry, testy, tetchy, Meaning: Relevant, apposite, appropriate, suitable,
snappy, cross, crabby, moody fitting, fit, apt, apropos
Definition: having or showing a tendency to be quickly Definition: relevant or applicable to a particular matter;
irritated or provoked apposite
Usage: An impatient motorist blaring his horn. Usage: She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions

779). Sonnet 787). Unsavoury

Meaning: ballad, lyric Meaning: unpalatable, unappetizing, unpleasant,
Definition: a poem of fourteen lines using any of a disagreeable, uninviting, unattractive
number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically Definition: disagreeable to taste, smell, or look at
having ten syllables per line Usage: They looked at the scanty, unsavoury portions
Usage: compose sonnets. of food doled out to them

780). Mediocre 788). Perspective

Meaning: ordinary, common, commonplace, average Meaning: Outlook, view, viewpoint, point of view,
Definition: of only average quality; not very good standpoint, position, stand, attitude
Usage: He is an enthusiastic if mediocre painter. Definition: a particular attitude towards or way of
regarding something; a point of view.
781). Despicable Usage: Most guidebook history is written from the
Meaning: Contemptible, loathsome, hateful, editor's perspective.
detestable, reprehensible, awful, heinous
Definition: deserving hatred and contempt. 789). Rapture
Usage: A despicable crime. Meaning: ecstasy, bliss, euphoria, exaltation, joy,
transport, rhapsody, delight, pleasure
782). Traumatize Definition: a feeling of intense pleasure or joy
Meaning: distrub, shock, bother, hurt, mortify, pain, Usage: Leonora listened with rapture.
Definition: subject to lasting shock as a result of a 790). Curse
disturbing experience or physical injury. Meaning: Execrate, imprecate, hoodoo
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Definition: invoke or use a curse against. Usage: It wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the
Usage: It often seemed as if the family had been right thing.
798). Persona
791). Hinge Meaning: image, face, public face, character,
Meaning: depend, hang, rest, turn, pivot, centre, be personality, identity, self
conditional Definition: the aspect of someone's character that is
Definition: attach or join with or as if with a hinge presented to or perceived by others
Usage: The ironing board was set into the wall and Usage: Her public persona.
hinged at the bottom.
799). Astonish
792). Ballot Meaning: surprise, stagger, startle, stun, confound,
Meaning: Vote, poll, election, straw poll, plebiscite dumbfound
Definition: a system of voting secretly and in writing Definition: surprise or impress (someone) greatly.
on a particular issue. Usage: You never fail to astonish me.
Usage: A strike ballot
800). Vicious
793). Disenchant Meaning: brutal, savage, violent, dangerous, ruthless,
Meaning: disillusioned, disappointed, let down, fed up, heartless, callous, cruel
discontented Definition: deliberately cruel or violent
Definition: cause (someone) to be disappointed Usage: A vicious assault.
Usage: He may have been disenchanted by the loss of
his huge following 801). Adherent
Meaning: follower, supporter, defender, advocate,
794). Cohort disciple, votary, member, friend
Meaning: unit, outfit, force Definition: someone who supports a particular party,
Definition: an ancient Roman military unit, comprising person, or set of ideas
six centuries, equal to one tenth of a legion. Usage: He was a strong adherent of monetarism.
Usage: A cohort of civil servants patiently drafting
legislation 802). Bystander
Meaning: onlooker, watcher, looker-on, passer-by,
795). Presumption eyewitness
Meaning: brazenness, audacity, boldness, temerity, Definition: a person who is present at an event or
front, pertness, forwardness incident but does not take part.
Definition: behaviour perceived as arrogant, Usage: Water cannons were turned on marchers and
disrespectful, and transgressing the limits of what is innocent bystanders alike
permitted or appropriate
Usage: He lifted her off the ground, and she was 803). Diligence
enraged at his presumption. Meaning: assiduity, rigour, carefulness,
conscientiousness, intentness
796). Bigoted Definition: careful and persistent work or effort.
Meaning: prejudiced, biased, partial, one-sided, Usage: Few party members challenge his diligence as
dectarian, discriminatory an MP
Definition: obstinately or unreasonably attached to a
belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other 804). Eulogy
people's beliefs and practices. Meaning: accolade, panegyric, paean, encomium,
Usage: A bigoted group of reactionaries tribute, testimonial
Definition: a speech or piece of writing that praises
797). persuade someone or something highly, especially a tribute to
Meaning: prevail on, induce, win someone over, coax, someone who has just died.
convince, make get Usage: A eulogy to the Queen Mother.
Definition: induce (someone) to do something through
reasoning or argument. 805). Flaccid
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Meaning: soft, loose, flabby, yielding, slack, lax, Meaning: Heartless, unfeeling, uncaring, cold, hard,
toneless. cruel, harsh
Definition: soft and hanging loosely or limply, Definition: showing or having an insensitive and cruel
especially so as to look or feel unpleasant. disregard for others.
Usage: She took his flaccid hand in hers. Usage: His callous comments about the murder made
me shiver
806). Demise
Meaning: dying, death, passing, expiry, expiration, end 814). Slovenly
Definition: a person’s death Meaning: scruffy, untidy, messy, unkempt, slatternly,
Usage: Mr Grisenthwaite’s tragic demise. dishavelled, blowsy, down at heel
Definition: (especially of a person or their appearance)
807). Delusion untidy and dirty
Meaning: misapprehension, misconception, Usage: A fat, slovenly ex-rock star
misleading, mistake, deception, misbelief
Definition: the action of deluding or the state of being 815). Verbose
deluded. Meaning: wordy, loquacious, garrulous, talkative,
Usage: What a capacity television has for delusion. voluble, orotund, expansive, babbling, prating
Definition: using or expressed in more words than are
808). Arbitrary needed
Meaning: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, Usage: Much academic language is obscure and
erratic, unpredictable, wild, casual verbose.
Definition: based on random choice or personal whim
rather than any reason or system. 816). Mandate
Usage: An arbitrary decision. Meaning: instruction, directive, direction, decree,
command, order, injunction, edict, charge
809). Cynical Definition: an official order or commission to do
Meaning: misanthropic, pessimistic something.
Definition: believing that people are motivated purely Usage: A mandate to seek the release of political
by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or prisoners
Usage: He was brutally cynical and hardened to every 817). Smacks
sob story under the sun Meaning: slap, blow, spank, cuff, clout, thump, punch,
rap, swat, crack
810). Concise Definition: a sharp slap or blow, typically one given
Meaning: Succinct, short, brief, pithy, incisive, crisp. with the palm of the hand.
Definition: giving a lot of information clearly and in a Usage: She gave Mark a smack across the face.
few words; brief but comprehensive.
Usage: A concise account of the country’s history. 818). Relentless
Meaning: persistent, continuing, contant, continual,
811). Spawned non-stop, lasting, never-ending, steady
Meaning: releases, deposit egg, Definition: unceasingly intense
Definition: (of a fish, frog, mollusc, crustacean, etc.) Usage: The relentless heat of the desert.
release or deposit eggs
Usage: The fish spawn among fine-leaved plants. 819). Crucify
Meaning: condemn, attack, tear apart, arraign,
812). Casuistry denounce, pillory, malign, revile, vilify
Meaning: sophistry, sophism, chicanery, quibbling, Definition: criticize (someone) severely and
Definition: the use of clever but unsound reasoning, unrelentingly.
especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry. Usage: Our fans would crucify us if we lost.
Usage: The minister is engaging in nothing more or
less than casuistry 820). Stringent
Meaning: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh,
813). Callous tight, exacting, stiff
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Definition: (of regulations, requirements, or Definition: great sorrow or distress (often used
conditions) strict, precise, and exacting hyperbolically)
Usage: Stringent guidelines on air pollution. Usage: The Everton tale of woe continued.

821). Harness 829). Multitude

Meaning: hitch up, put something, saddle, yoke, Meaning: army, sea, abundance, profusion, host,
couple, horde, mass
Definition: put a harness on (a horse or other draught Definition: a large number of people or things.
animal) Usage: A multitude of medical conditions are due to
Usage: How to groom a horse and harness it. being overweight.

822). Burgeoning 830). Herald

Meaning: Expand, spring up, shoot up, mushroom, Meaning: single, indicate, announce, point to, spell,
boom, multiply, snowball presage, augur, portent, promis
Definition: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. Definition: be a sign that (something) is about to
Usage: Manufacturers are keen to cash in on the happen
burgeoning demand Usage: The speech heralded a change in policy.

823). Quest 831). Brevity

Meaning: Search, hunt, pursuit Meaning: Conciseness, concision, pith, briefness,
Definition: a long or arduous search for something. shortness, compression, crispness
Usage: The quest for a reliable vaccine has intensified Definition: concise and exact use of words in writing
or speech
824). Evolve Usage: The staff will edit manuscripts with a view to
Meaning: develop, progress, make progress, spread, brevity and clarity.
Definition: develop gradually 832). Feeble
Usage: The company has evolved into a major Meaning: Weak, weakly, puny, infirm, delicate, sickly,
chemical manufacturer ailing, failing, helpless, powerless
Definition: lacking physical strength, especially as a
825). Obsolete result of age or illness.
Meaning: Out of date, outdated, outmoded Usage: By now, he was too feeble to leave his room
Definition: no longer produced or used; out of date
Usage: The disposal of old and obsolete machinery. 833). Miserable
Meaning: Unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed,
826). Affluent downcast, downhearted, glum, gloomy, blue, forlorn
Meaning: wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, Definition: (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or
moneyed, comfortable uncomfortable
Definition: (especially of a group or area) having a Usage: Their happiness made Anne feel even more
great deal of money; wealthy. miserable
Usage: The affluent societies of the western world
834). Scanty
827). Relevant Meaning: meagre, scant, minimal, limited, modest,
Meaning: pertinent, applicable, apposite, material, restricted, sparse
apropos, to the point Definition: small or insufficient in quantity or amount.
Definition: closely connected or appropriate to the Usage: They paid whatever they could out of their
matter in hand. scanty wages to their families
Usage: What small companies need is relevant advice.
835). Brutal
828). Woe Meaning: savage, cruel, bloodthirsty, vicious, barbaric,
Meaning: misery, sorrow, distress, sadness, wicked, harsh
unhappiness, heartache Definition: savagely violent
Usage: A brutal murder.
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Usage: Synthetic rubber
836). Filthy
Meaning: dirty, mucky, grimy, muddy, murky, slimy, 844). Cohesive
unclean Meaning: adhesive, united
Definition: disgustingly dirty. Definition: characterized by or causing cohesion
Usage: A filthy hospital with no sanitation Usage: Each parish was formerly a cohesive unit

837). Combat 845). Wane

Meaning: battle, fighting, action, conflict, armed Meaning: disappear, decrease, diminish, dwindle
conflict, war, warfare Definition: (of the moon) have a progressively smaller
Definition: fighting between armed forces. part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears
Usage: Five Hurricanes were shot down in combat. to decrease in size
Usage: The moon is waning.
838). Obstinate
Meaning: Stubborn, headstrong, wilful, unyielding,
inflexible, dogged, inexorable 846). Foster
Definition: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion Meaning: Encourage, promote, further, stimulate,
or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade forward, cultivate
one to do so Definition: encourage the development of (something,
Usage: Her obstinate determination to pursue a career especially something desirable)..
in radio. Usage: The teacher's task is to foster learning

839). Eloquent 847). Swift

Meaning: persuasive, expressive, articulate, fluent Meaning: prompt, rapid, sudden, immediate, instant,
Definition: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. without delay
Usage: An eloquent speech. Definition: happening quickly or promptly
Usage: A remarkably swift recovery.
840). Impetuous
Meaning: impulsive, rash, hasty, reckless, heedless, 848). Formidable
foolhardy, injudicious, unthinking Meaning: intimidation, forbidding, redoubtable,
Definition: acting or done quickly and without thought daunting, alarming, frightening, brooding, awesome,
or care fearsome
Usage: She might live to rue this impetuous decision. Definition: inspiring fear or respect through being
impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable
841). Ballast Usage: A formidable opponent
Meaning: Heavy material, sand, iron
Definition: heavy material, such as gravel, sand, or 849). Emphatic
iron, placed in the bilge of a ship to ensure its stability Meaning: vehement, firm, forceful, forcible, energetic,
Usage: The hull had insufficient ballast. vigorous, ardent
Definition: expressing something forcibly and clearly.
842). Deceit Usage: The children were emphatic that they would
Meaning: deception, duplicity, fraud, craft, chicanery, like to repeat the experience.
guile, simulation, lying, bluff
Definition: the use of clever but unsound reasoning, 850). Drastic
especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry. Meaning: extreme, serious, forceful, dire, radical,
Usage: The minister is engaging in nothing more or substantial
less than casuistry Definition: likely to have a strong or far-reaching
effect; radical and extreme
843). Synthetic Usage: A drastic reduction of staffing levels.
Meaning: artificial, fake, false, faux, imitation, mock,
simulated, ersatz 851). Abstain
Definition: (of a substance) made by chemical Meaning: Not vote, decline/refuse to vote
synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product.
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Definition: formally decline to vote either for or Usage: The royal palace (some pedants would say the
against a proposal or motion ex-royal palace)
Usage: Forty-one voted with the Opposition, and some
sixty more abstained. 859). Engender
Meaning: Cause, create, generate, rouse, incite,
852). Adulterate provoke, kindle, trigger, effect
Meaning: Make impure, degrade, debase, spoil, taint, Definition: cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or
defile, foul, sully condition).
Definition: render (something) poorer in quality by Usage: The issue engendered continuing controversy.
adding another substance.
Usage: The brewer is said to adulterate his beer 860). Gullible
Meaning: credulous, trustful, naïve, innocent, unwary,
853). Laconic simple
Meaning: brief, terse, succinct, shot, economical, Definition: easily persuaded to believe something;
elliptical, crisp, pithy credulous
Definition: (of a substance) made by chemical Usage: An attempt to persuade a gullible public to
synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product. spend their money.
Usage: Synthetic rubber
861). Vacillate
854). Capricious Meaning: Dither, be indecisive, hesitate, oscillate,
Meaning: fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, waver, teeter, temporize
unstable, mercurial, volatile Definition: waver between different opinions or
Definition: given to sudden and unaccountable changes actions; be indecisive
of mood or behaviour Usage: I vacillated between teaching and journalism.
Usage: A capricious and often brutal administration
862). Mitigate
855). Laudable Meaning: reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten,
Meaning: estimable, of note, worthy, admirable, damp, dull, appease, soothe, still, quell, quiet,
commendable, deserving, reputable Definition: make (something bad) less severe, serious,
Definition: (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise or painful.
and commendation Usage: Drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this
Usage: Laudable though the aim might be, the results problem
have been criticized
863). Propriety
856). Corroborate Meaning: decorum, modesty, civility, courtesy,
Meaning: confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, validate, politeness
certify Definition: conformity to conventionally accepted
Definition: confirm or give support to (a statement, standards of behavior or morals.
theory, or finding). Usage: He always behaved with the utmost propriety
Usage: The witness had corroborated the boy's account
of the attack 864). Volatile
Meaning: tense, strained, fraught, uneasy, charged,
857). Desiccate explosive, turbulent
Meaning: dried, dried up, dry, powered Definition: liable to change rapidly and unpredictably,
Definition: remove the moisture from (something), especially for the worse
typically in order to preserve it Usage: The political situation was becoming more
Usage: Desiccated coconut. volatile

858). Pedant 865). Malleable

Meaning: purist, formalist, doctrinaire, dogmatist Meaning: pliable, ductile, soft, workable
Definition: a person who is excessively concerned with Definition: (of a metal or other material) able to be
minor details and rules or with displaying academic hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or
learning cracking.
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Usage: A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet Meaning: wise, clever, intelligent, knoledegeable,
866). Ostentation Definition: having or showing keen mental
Meaning: showiness, show, showing off, discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd
Definition: the pretentious or showy display of wealth Usage: They were sagacious enough to avoid any
and luxury, designed to impress outright confrontation
Usage: The office was spacious, but without any trace
of ostentation 874). Sabbatical
Meaning: furlough, leave of absence, recess, ime off,
867). Philanthropist break, holiday, liberty, vacation
Meaning: benefactor, donor, backer, helper, patron Definition: a period of paid leave granted to a
Definition: a person who seeks to promote the welfare university teacher for study or travel, traditionally one
of others, especially by the generous donation of money year for every seven years worked
to good causes Usage: She's away on sabbatical
Usage: The trust was founded by an American
philanthropist. 875). Seemly
Meaning: decorous, proper, becoming, fitting, suitable,
868). Enervate apt
Meaning: exhaust, tire, weary, drain, sap, weaken, Definition: conforming to accepted notions of
enfeeble, indisposed propriety or good taste; decorous
Definition: make (someone) feel drained of energy or Usage: I felt it was not seemly to observe too closely.
Usage: Enervating heat. 876). Shrew
Meaning: virago, dragon, vixen, cat, fishwife, witch,
869). Eulogy hellcat, she-devil
Meaning: Accolade, panegyric, paean, tribute Definition: a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive
Definition: a speech or piece of writing that praises woman.
someone or something highly, especially a tribute to Usage: The girls became shrews and harridans
someone who has just died
Usage: A eulogy to the Queen Mother. 877). Hegemony
Meaning: Leadership, dominance, dominion,
870). Garrulous supremacy, ascendancy, power, control, mastery
Meaning: talkative, voluble, long-winded, chatty, Definition: leadership or dominance, especially by one
expansive state or social group over others.
Definition: excessively talkative, especially on trivial Usage: Germany was united under Prussian hegemony
matters after 1871.
Usage: A garrulous cab driver.
878). Sadistic
871). Extirpate Meaning: callous, barbarous, bestial, vicious, brutal,
Meaning: Weed out, eradicate, stamp out, root out, cruel, savage, cold-blooded, inhuman, ruthless,
eliminate, suppress heartless
Definition: eradicate or destroy completely Definition: deriving pleasure from inflicting pain,
Usage: Timber wolves were extirpated from New suffering, or humiliation on others
England more than a century ago. Usage: She took a sadistic pleasure in tormenting him.

872). Mirth 879). Facile

Meaning: merriment, high spirits, levity, revelry, fun, Meaning: simplistic, superficial, over simple,
enjoyment, jollity schematic, black and white
Definition: amusement, especially as expressed in Definition: ignoring the true complexities of an issue;
laughter. superficial.
Usage: His six-foot frame shook with mirth Usage: Facile generalizations.

873). Sagacious 880). Quack

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Meaning: swindler, charlatan, rogue, villain, fraud, Usage: Children living in deplorable conditions.
Definition: a person who dishonestly claims to have 888). Contingent
special knowledge and skill in some field, typically Meaning: Chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible,
medicine. unforeseen
Usage: A quack doctor. Definition: subject to chance..
Usage: The contingent nature of the job.
881). Reckoning
Meaning: calculation, estimation, computation, 889). Barricade
working out, summation Meaning: Blockade, obstruct, closeup, bar, block off,
Definition: the action or process of calculating or fortify
estimating something. Definition: block or defend with a barricade.
Usage: The sixth, or by another reckoning eleventh, Usage: They barricaded the building and occupied it all
Earl of Mar. night.

882). Preacher 890). Reiterate

Meaning: Minister (of religion), parson, clergyman, Meaning: repeat, say again, retell, iterate, harp on,
clergywoman, apostle, missionary, gospeller dwell on
Definition: a person who preaches, especially a Definition: say something again or a number of times,
minister of religion. typically for emphasis or clarity.
Usage: To preach the Truth to the face of Falsehood! Usage: She reiterated that the government would
remain steadfast in its support.
883). acquisition
Meaning: purchase, accession, addition, asset, 891). Authentic
Definition: an asset or object bought or obtained, Meaning: Genuine, original, real, actual, pukka, bona
typically by a library or museum. fide, ture, veritable
Usage: The legacy will be used for new acquisitions Definition: of undisputed origin and not a copy;
884). Anxiety Usage: The letter is now accepted as an authentic
Meaning: worry, concern, apprehension, fear, tension, document.
Definition: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease 892). Predilection
about something with an uncertain outcome Meaning: Liking, fondness, preference, partially, taste,
Usage: He felt a surge of anxiety. penchant, weakness, leaning, bias, love
Definition: a preference or special liking for
885). Jeopardize something; a bias in favour of something.
Meaning: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk Usage: Your predilection for pretty girls.
Definition: put (someone or something) into a situation
in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure 893). Devout
Usage: A devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize Meaning: pious, religious, devoted, dedicated,
New York's position as a financial centre. reverent, believing, godly
Definition: having or showing deep religious feeling or
886). Oppressive commitment.
Meaning: Harsh, cruel, repressive, tyrannical, Usage: She was a devout Catholic
autocratic, dictational
Definition: inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment. 894). Inadvertently
Usage: An oppressive dictatorship. Meaning: accidentally, by accident, unwittingly
Definition: without intention; accidentally
887). Deplorable Usage: His name had been inadvertently omitted from
Meaning: disgraceful, shameful, unpardonable, the list.
Definition: deserving strong condemnation; completely 895). Lunacy
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Meaning: insanity, madness, mental illness, dementia,
mania, frenzy 903). Garner
Definition: the state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in Meaning: gather, collect , assemble
technical use). Definition: gather or collect (something, especially
Usage: It has been suggested that originality demands a information or approval).
degree of lunacy. Usage: The police struggled to garner sufficient
896). Reprimand
Meaning: rebuke, reproof, admonition, reproach, 904). Remorse
reproval, scolding Meaning: contrition, deep regret, repentance,
Definition: a formal expression of disapproval. penitence, guilt, feeling of guilt
Usage: The golfer received a reprimand for a breach of Definition: deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed
rules. Usage: They were filled with remorse and shame

897). Endeavour 905). Antsy

Meaning: try, attempt, venture, undertake, aspire, aim Meaning: Agitated, impatient, restless
Definition: try hard to do or achieve something. Definition: the state of being restless or anxious
Usage: He is endeavouring to help the Third World. Usage: Being a complete introvert, Henry is shy and
gets antsy when he has to speak to a girl.
898). Blunt
Meaning: Not sharp, unsharpened, dull, worn, edgeless
Definition: (of a cutting implement) not having a sharp 906). Audacity
edge or point. Meaning: daring, boldness, fearlessness, intrepidity,
Usage: A blunt knife. courage, heroism, pluck
Definition: a willingness to take bold risks.
899). Prerogative Usage: He whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan.
Meaning: entitlement, right, privilege, advantage, due,
birthright 907). Unceremonious
Definition: a right or privilege exclusive to a particular Meaning: abrupt, sudden, hasty, summary, rude,
individual or class. offhand
Usage: In some countries, higher education is Definition: having or showing a lack of courtesy;
predominantly the prerogative of the rich. rough or abrupt.
Usage: He was known for his strong views and
900). Sycophant unceremonious manners.
Meaning: toady, creep, crawler, fawner, flatterer,
flunkey, truckler, groveller, minion, 908). Complacent
Definition: a person who acts obsequiously towards Meaning: smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself,
someone important in order to gain advantage. proud of oneself
Usage: My sister is a shallow sycophant who will Definition: showing smug or uncritical satisfaction
flatter anyone for a free designer handbag. with oneself or one's achievements
Usage: You can't afford to be complacent about
901). Agile security.
Meaning: nimble, lithe, supple, light-footed, graceful
Definition: able to move quickly and easily. 909). Expedite
Usage: Ruth was as agile as a monkey. Meaning: Speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up,
quicken, rush
902). Bewilder Definition: make (an action or process) happen sooner
Meaning: Baffle, mystify, puzzle, confuse, confound, or be accomplished more quickly.
nonplus, Usage: He promised to expedite economic reforms.
Definition: cause (someone) to become perplexed and
confused. 910). Superficial
Usage: She was bewildered by his sudden change of Meaning: Surface, exterior, external, outer, outside,
mood outermost, slight
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Definition: existing or occurring at or on the surface. Meaning: Non-transparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred,
Usage: The building suffered only superficial damage. misty, dirty, dingy
Definition: not able to be seen through; not transparent
911). Anomaly Usage: Bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid
Meaning: Oddity, peculiarity, irregularity,
inconsistency, incongruity, quirk 919). Bolster
Definition: something that deviates from what is Meaning: Pillow, cushion, pad, support, rest
standard, normal, or expected Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under
Usage: There are a number of anomalies in the present other pillows for support
system Usage: The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster
912). Equivocal
Meaning: hazy, foggy, vague, indefinite, inexplicit, 920). Deride
nebulous, borderline Meaning: ridicule, mock, jeer at, scoff at, make fun of,
Definition: (of a person) using ambiguous or evasive pillory
language Definition: express contempt for; ridicule
Usage: The equivocal nature of her remarks Usage: The decision was derided by environmentalists

913). Lucid 921). Recede

Meaning: cogent, coherent, communicative, articulate, Meaning: retreat, go back, move back, move away
eloquent Definition: go or move back or further away from a
Definition: expressed clearly; easy to understand previous position
Usage: A lucid account Usage: The floodwaters had receded.

914). Precipitate 922). Critical

Meaning: bring about, cause, lead to, occasion, trigger, Meaning: censorious, condemnatory, scathing,
provoke, hasten criticizing, disapproving, negative
Definition: (cause (an event or situation, typically one Definition: expressing adverse or disapproving
that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, comments or judgements.
or prematurely Usage: I was very critical of the previous regime.
Usage: The incident precipitated a political crisis
923). Prominent
915). Assuage Meaning: Important, well known, leading, noted,
Meaning: relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe, calm, reduce, public, foremost, big, top, great, famed
lower, dilute Definition: important; famous.
Definition: make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense Usage: She was a prominent member of the city
Usage: The letter assuaged the fears of most members council.

916). Erudite 924). Gullible

Meaning: Learned, scholarly, well educated, well read, Meaning: credulous, innocent, simple, unsceptical,
civilized unworldly, ignorant
Definition: having or showing great knowledge or Definition: easily persuaded to believe something;
learning credulous.
Usage: Ken could turn any conversation into an erudite Usage: An attempt to persuade a gullible public to
discussion spend their money.

917). Antipathy 925). Forgoing

Meaning: hostility, antagonism, aversion, animus, Meaning: do without, go without, give up, surrender,
opposition, enmity, hate, loathing eschew
Definition: a deep-seated feeling of aversion Definition: go without (something desirable).
Usage: His fundamental antipathy to capitalism Usage: She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while
they could.
918). Opaque
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926). Gauge Definition: having or showing no moral principles; not
Meaning: measure, calculate, compute, work out, honest or fair
determine, ascertain Usage: Unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to
Definition: estimate or determine the amount, level, or harass existing tenants.
volume of.
Usage: Astronomers can gauge the star's intrinsic 934). Unpalatable
brightness. Meaning: disagreeable, unpleasant, displeasing,
unattractive, regrettable, unwelcome, nasty, horrible
927). Incipient Definition: difficult to put up with or accept
Meaning: developing, impending, growing, emerging, Usage: The unpalatable fact that many of the world's
emergent, dawning people are starving.
Definition: (of a person) developing into a specified
type or role. 935). Substantial
Usage: We seemed more like friends than incipient Meaning: Considerable, real, material, weighty, solid,
lovers. sizeable, meaningful, Major, marked, useful
Definition: of considerable importance, size, or worth.
928). Malevolent Usage: A substantial amount of cash.
Meaning: malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded,
baleful, bitter 936). Exacerbate
Definition: having or showing a wish to do evil to Meaning: Aggravate, make worse, worsen, inflame,
others. compound
Usage: The glint of dark, malevolent eyes. Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative
feeling) worse.
929). Proposition Usage: Rising inflation was exacerbated by the
Meaning: theory, hypothesis, thesis, argument, collapse of oil prices.
premise, postulation, theorem, concept, idea, statement
Definition: a statement or assertion that expresses a 937). Empirical
judgement or opinion. Meaning: Observed, seen, factual, actual, real, first-
Usage: The proposition that high taxation is hand
undesirable. Definition: based on, concerned with, or verifiable by
observation or experience rather than theory or pure
930). Soar logic.
Meaning: fly up, wing, wing its way Usage: They provided considerable empirical evidence
Definition: fly or rise high in the air. to support their argument.
Usage: The bird spread its wings and soared into the
air. 938). Rigour
Meaning: accuracy, correctness, exactitude, diligence,
931). Jubilation carefulness, exactness
Meaning: Exultation, Joy, elation, glee, triumph Definition: the quality of being extremely thorough
Definition: a feeling of great happiness and triumph. and careful.
Usage: Unbelievable scenes of jubilation. Usage: His analysis is lacking in rigour.

932). Plummet 939). Inexorable

Meaning: Plunge, fall headlong, hurtle, dive, drop, Meaning: relentless, unstoppable, inevitable,
crash, nosedive inescapable
Definition: fall or drop straight down at high speed. Definition: impossible to stop or prevent.
Usage: A climber was killed when he plummeted 300 Usage: The seemingly inexorable march of new
feet down an icy gully. technology.

933). Unscrupulous 940). Lackluster

Meaning: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, amoral, Meaning: Dry, flat, lifeless, tame, tired, colourless,
sly, bad, improper, wicked, sinful, dull

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Definition: lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; Definition: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem)
uninspired or uninspiring. less severe.
Usage: No excuses were made for the team's lackluster Usage: He couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it.
948). Tangible
941). Leniency Meaning: touchable, palpable, tactile, material,
Meaning: mercifulness, mercy, clemency, lenity, physical, real, substantial
forgiveness Definition: perceptible by touch.
Definition: The fact or quality of being more merciful Usage: the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment
or tolerant than expected; clemency. was almost tangible.
Usage: The court could show leniency.
949). Demonstrate
942). Reluctant Meaning: reveal, bespeak, indicate, signify, signal,
Meaning: Unwilling, disinclined, grudging, resisting, denote, show, display
opposed Definition: clearly show the existence or truth of
Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. (something) by giving proof or evidence.
Usage: She seemed reluctant to answer. Usage: Their shameful silence demonstrates their
943). Curb
Meaning: Restraint, restriction, check, brake, rein, 950). Narrate
control, limit Meaning: tell, relate, report, relay, retail, detail, unfold
Definition: a check or restraint on something. Definition: give a spoken or written account of.
Usage: Plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider Usage: The story is narrated by the heroine.
951). Recede
944). Frustrate Meaning: retreat, go back, move back, move away
Meaning: defeat, foil, block, stop, counter, spoil, Definition: go or move back or further away from a
check, dash, crush previous position
Definition: prevent (a plan or attempted action) from Usage: The floodwaters had receded.
progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled
Usage: The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad 952). Critical
weather. Meaning: censorious, condemnatory, scathing,
criticizing, disapproving, negative
945). Enact Definition: expressing adverse or disapproving
Meaning: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, comments or judgements.
sanction, authorize, accept Usage: I was very critical of the previous regime.
Definition: make (a bill or other proposal) law.
Usage: legislation was enacted to attract international 953). Prominent
companies. Meaning: Important, well known, leading, noted,
public, foremost, big, top, great, famed
946). Betray Definition: important; famous.
Meaning: break one's promise to, be disloyal to, be Usage: She was a prominent member of the city
unfaithful to, break faith with, play someone false, fail, council.
let down
Definition: expose (one's country, a group, or a person) 954). Gullible
to danger by treacherously giving information to an Meaning: credulous, innocent, simple, unsceptical,
enemy. unworldly, ignorant
Usage: A double agent who betrayed some 400 British Definition: easily persuaded to believe something;
and French agents to the Germans. credulous.
Usage: An attempt to persuade a gullible public to
947). Alleviate spend their money.
Meaning: Reduce, quiet, relieve, dilute, modify,
moderate 955). Forgoing
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Meaning: do without, go without, give up, surrender, Definition: bad-tempered, argumentative, and
eschew uncooperative.
Definition: go without (something desirable). Usage: He can be a cantankerous old fossil at times.
Usage: She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while
they could. 963). Obstacle
Meaning: Barrier, hurdle, stumbling block, bar, block,
956). Gauge problem, deterrent, handicap
Meaning: measure, calculate, compute, work out, Definition: a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or
determine, ascertain hinders progress.
Definition: estimate or determine the amount, level, or Usage: The major obstacle to achieving that goal is
volume of. money.
Usage: Astronomers can gauge the star's intrinsic
brightness. 964). Trite
Meaning: hackneyed, banal, cliched, vapid, ordinary
957). Incipient Definition: (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or
Meaning: developing, impending, growing, emerging, freshness; dull on account of overuse.
emergent, dawning Usage: This point may now seem obvious and trite.
Definition: (of a person) developing into a specified
type or role. 965). Derision
Usage: We seemed more like friends than incipient Meaning: Mockery, ridicule, jeering, sneers, scoffing
lovers. Definition: contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
Usage: My stories were greeted with derision and
958). Malevolent disbelief.
Meaning: malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded,
baleful, bitter 966). Meandering
Definition: having or showing a wish to do evil to Meaning: winding, windy, zigzag, turning, curving,
others. twisting, snaky
Usage: The glint of dark, malevolent eyes. Definition: following a winding course.
Usage: Meandering rivers flow at vastly different rates.
959). Proposition
Meaning: theory, hypothesis, thesis, argument, 967). Fervent
premise, postulation, theorem, concept, idea, statement Meaning: impassioned, intense, ardent, sincere,
Definition: a statement or assertion that expresses a feeling, heartfelt
judgement or opinion. Definition: having or displaying a passionate intensity.
Usage: The proposition that high taxation is Usage: A fervent supporter of the revolution.
968). Florid
960). Soar Meaning: ruby, red, rosy, red faced, pinkish
Meaning: fly up, wing, wing its way Definition: having a red or flushed complexion.
Definition: fly or rise high in the air. Usage: A stout man with a florid face.
Usage: The bird spread its wings and soared into the
air. 969). Unanimity
Meaning: agreement, accord, concord, unity, union,
961). Brutalize solidarity
Meaning: attack, abuse, assault, beat, thump, pummel, Definition: agreement by all people involved;
pound consensus.
Definition: treat (someone) in a savage and violent way Usage: There is almost complete unanimity on this
Usage: They brutalize and torture persons in their issue.
970). Vice
962). Cantankerous Meaning: immorality, wrong, badness, wickedness,
Meaning: irritable, cross, fraction, testy, touchy evil, impurity
Definition: immoral or wicked behaviour.
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Usage: An open sewer of vice and crime. Definition: a person who helps another commit a
971). Disputable Usage: An accomplice in the murder.
Meaning: debatable, open to debate, Open to
discussion, open to question, doubtful 979). Meticulous
Definition: not established as a fact, and so open to Meaning: careful, exacting, demanding, accurate,
question or debate. correct
Usage: whether it can be described as art criticism may Definition: showing great attention to detail; very
be disputable. careful and precise.
Usage: The designs are hand-glazed with meticulous
972). Reveal care.
Meaning: Open up, tell, bring out, disclose, release,
leak 980). Accord
Definition: make (previously unknown or secret Meaning: Give, grant, tender, award, present, hand,
information) known to others. yield
Usage: Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's Definition: give or grant someone (power, status, or
whereabouts. recognition).
Usage: The powers accorded to the head of state.
973). Deliberate
Meaning: Intentional, calculated, meant, prearranged, 981). Ascent
studied, done on purpose Meaning: climb, scaling, scramble, clamber
Definition: done consciously and intentionally. Definition: a climb or walk to the summit of a
Usage: A deliberate attempt to provoke conflict. mountain or hill.
Usage: The first ascent of the Matterhorn.
974). Stimulate
Meaning: Tonic, restorative, bracing, refreshing 982). Eulogy
Definition: raise levels of physiological or nervous Meaning: Accolade, paean, tribute, compliment,
activity in (the body or any biological system). commendation
Usage: The women are given fertility drugs to Definition: a speech or piece of writing that praises
stimulate their ovaries. someone or something highly, especially a tribute to
someone who has just died.
975). Perilous Usage: A eulogy to the Queen Mother.
Meaning: Dangerous, hazardous, fraught with danger
Definition: full of danger or risk. 983). Hyperbole
Usage: She a perilous journey south. Meaning: Overstatement, magnification, embroidery,
excess, overkill, overplaying
976). Jubilant Definition: exaggerated statements or claims not meant
Meaning: Overjoyed, exultant, joyful, gleeful, thrilled to be taken literally
Definition: feeling or expressing great happiness and Usage: He vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles.
Usage: A large number of jubilant fans ran on to the 984). Mammoth
pitch. Meaning: Huge, enormous, giant, massive, towering,
titanic, epic, massive, vast
977). Arraign Definition: huge
Meaning: Criticize, censure, attack, condemn, reprove, Usage: A mammoth corporation.
berate, find fault with
Definition: call or bring (someone) before a court to 985). Amalgamate
answer a criminal charge. Meaning: Combine, merge, unite, integrate, fuse,
Usage: Her sister was arraigned on charges of blend, mix, incorporate
attempted murder. Definition: combine or unite to form one organization
or structure.
978). Accomplice Usage: He amalgamated his company with another.
Meaning: Abettor, associate, collaborator
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986). Influx Definition: Generosity in bestowing money or gifts
Meaning: in rush, rush, stream, flood, ingress upon others
Definition: an arrival or entry of large numbers of Usage: Presumably public money is not dispensed with
people or things. such largesse to anyone else
Usage: A massive influx of tourists.
994). Flee
987). Impeccable Meaning: run, escape, take off
Meaning: flawless, spotless, stainless, perfect, ideal, Definition: Run away from a place or situation of
model danger
Definition: in accordance with the highest standards; Usage: To escape the fighting, his family fled from
faultless. their village
Usage: He had impeccable manners.
995). Outrage
988). Zenith Meaning: indignation, fury, anger
Meaning: Highest point, crowning point, height, top, Definition: An extremely strong reaction of anger,
peak, climax, maximum, flower shock, or indignation
Definition: the time at which something is most Usage: Her voice trembled with outrage
powerful or successful.
Usage: In 1977, punk was at its zenith. 996). Groom
Meaning: curry, brush, comb
989). Orderly Definition: Brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog,
Meaning: neat, trim, well kept, straight, tidy or other animal)
Definition: neatly and methodically arranged. Usage: The horses were groomed and taken to shows
Usage: An orderly arrangement of objects.
997). Litigation
990). Endorse Meaning: case, legal proceeding, legal dispute
Meaning: autograph, initial, superscribe, inscribe, Definition: The process of taking legal action
countersign Usage: The company wishes to avoid litigation
Definition: declare one's public approval or support of.
Usage: The report was endorsed by the college. 998). Trajectory
Meaning: course, route, path
991). Ailment Definition: The path followed by a projectile flying or
Meaning: illness, disease, sickness an object moving under the action of given forces
Definition: an illness, typically a minor one. Usage: The missile’s trajectory was preset
Usage: We spend more on almost any article of bodily
aliment than on our mental aliment. 999). Agitation
Meaning: anxiety, perturbation, disquiet, distress
992). Contaminated Definition: A state of anxiety or nervous excitement
Meaning: pollute, corrupt, infect Usage: She was wringing her hands in agitation
Definition: make (something) impure by exposure to or
addition of a poisonous or polluting substance. 1000). Premises
Usage: The site was found to be contaminated by Meaning: property, site, place
radioactivity Definition: A house or building, together with its land
and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered
993). Largesse in an official context
Meaning: liberality, bounty, generosity Usage: The company has moved to new premises

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