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Based from the different topics discussedin the class draw at leasr 2 reflections on ;
Reaching the target population of the non formal education.
According to Deped  45% of the total Philippine population did not complete
basic education. This population is considered the target groups of the alternative
learning system. In order to reach them the DepEd delivered programs through
Alternative Learning System. The ALS Programs are carried out by ALS Mobile
Teachers and District ALS Coordinators in the 17 regions of the country. Mobile
Teachers are “specialized” teachers who live among the people in remote barangays of
the country to conduct the BLP for illiterate out-of-school children, youth and adults who
are willing to learn basic literacy skills and proceed to Continuing Education program:
Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) for those who left formal school system or have no
access to schools.
In reaching the target population, most of the time, instead of the learners going
to the Community Learning Center, the learning facilitator brings the learning materials
to the learners to help them acquire basic and or functional literacy skills. The learning
facilitator goes to barangay with Functional Literacy Test and a set of learning materials
to conduct learning sessions until such time that the learners have become literate.
The effect of administration and supervision for a successful NFE program.
Provision of alternative schooling and school extensions has been implemented,
monitoring and supervision is part of the program and therefore proper monitoring and
supervision are vital to the effectiveness of the program. The following are effects of the
administration and supervision in the success of the NFE program.
It ensure schooling opportunity of a comparable quality education either through
formal primary schools or other alternative arrangements.
It track the progress of development activities during implementation and to be
on the guard for shortfalls and deviations and to take early corrective action.
It provide institutional leadership, and demand better performance from teachers
in the school since the supervision team examines the periodic outcome, oversights the
implementation of an activity and seeks to establish the extent to which input deliveries,
work schedules, work actions and targeted outputs are according to plans, so that
timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies that get detected.
It provide professional support to teachers as they help the teachers to develop
instructional materials and improve the quality of instruction.
9. You were invited to be one of the advocates in the recruitment of Aand E
learners who will be your targets What form of advocacy can you extend?
Learners from out-of-school children, youth and adults who are basically literate but who have
not completed the 10 years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution.
My advocacy most likely that I would extend is to conduct a review for these types of learners,
through this program, school dropouts are able to complete elementary and high school
education outside the formal school system.
8. If Education for all will be attained will there be a need for the continuity of the non
formal education? Defend your answer.
Yes The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides for the recognition and promotion of other forms
of education other than formal education. Article XIV, Section 2, Paragraph (1) declares that the
State shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of
education relevant to the needs of the people and society; and paragraph (4) concisely
encourages non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems as well as self-learning,
independent and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community
From this excerpt; non formal will still be needed as it clearly says that the non-formal education
maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the
needs of the people and society. The two program both formal and non-formal are working hand
on hand to achieve the goal of the state to provide the education relevant to the needs of the
people and society.
7. How comparable are the a and e passers to the formal education pupils who finished similar
grade level?
Completers of ALS who are passers of the A&E Test are given certificates bearing the
Department of Education (DepEd) seal, the ALS logo, the Schools Division Office’s logo, this
duly signed official document certifies their competencies as comparable graduates of the
formal education system.
6. Which is better adult education program or ALS ? Why?
For me ALS it has a wide scope of education from elementary to adult. It encompasses all walks
of learners, aside from the fact that ALS has many programs that caters to the specific needs of
the learners unlike in Adult Education it only focus on adults generally continuing education
programs for those older than standard high school or college age. Most common to an adult
who would like to earn a degree, become specialized in a particular technical or business skill in
order to advance their career, return to or begin a degree program, or simply take a class on a
topic they are interested in.

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