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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
US Postal Paid
Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 59, No.04 January 23, 2011

The Class of ‘91 Adam Faughn
Joe Adams
They are celebrating 20-year class reunions enough now!). 773-2331
this year. They are the now-almost-forty-
somethings who graduated in 1991. But, Johny Baker
The numbers are staggering, but the shame
where is the rest of their class? is worse. Abortion is a blight on our nation 758-7654
and it is an abomination in the sight of God. Ralph Brewer
You see, the class of 1991 is the class that January 22 marks yet another “anniversary”
was born in the year of the Roe v. Wade 871-4849
of the decision that forever changed our
decision of the United States Supreme nation. We must not let it be just another
Court. It has been estimated by some, that Wayne Davidson
year that passes, though. If we 758-2705
as many as 30% of that are going to stand for greater
Worship With Us class is dead, and that things in 2011, then we must do Earl Flynn
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM around 15-20% of those something. 889-1659
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM who would have been in
that class never made it to I hope to start our momentum Ted Fox
their high school gradua- this morning with a heartfelt 754-7607
You’re Truth vs. My Truth Adam Faughn tion. I wonder how many sermon that has been painful to
never were born. write. Thinking about abortion Steve Ledbetter
We live in a world that is defined by what is known 889-8614
as “postmodernism.” While there are varying con- and the lives that are never
1. There is absolute truth. Jesus stated about the In fact, we are left, in many given a chance hurts me deeply. But we
clusions from this mindset, one of the most com- Word of God, “Your word is truth” (John 17:17). cases, with nothing more than statistics to
mon is that those who hold to postmodernism state must remember that all life is in the image Jim Schroeder
Paul wrote of some who “exchanged the truth determine how many students would be in of God and is, therefore, sacred.
that there is no such thing as “absolute truth.” about God for a lie” (Romans 1:25). North is graduating classes if so many were not 754-8990
north. Two added to two equals four. And God’s aborted before they ever got a chance to go Let’s not sit back and let lives be taken
Another basic tenet of postmodernism is that what Cliff Wilson
Word is truth. It is unchanging and unalterable. to school, or, for that matter, take their first away. Let’s learn from God’s Word about
one believes is not “right” or “wrong,” but simply is We must stand on it as the truth. 889-6477
breath. We are left to wonder which of the sacredness of life, and then let’s get
“okay,” so long as it makes one feel okay. In fact, 2. We can make choices, but they have conse-
one of the more common statements we hear is those babies might now be the one who about the business of doing greater things;
quences. God created us with the ability to choose could have been on a team that could have
that “you have your truth and I have mine.” Or, to to follow Him or not to follow Him. We may not just for our nation, but for the lives that
say it another way, “That’s just the way you believe. cured cancer, or which could have been don't have a chance without our work. Pulpit Minister
choose any sinful behavior, attitude, or lifestyle we the next great American singer, or which
I’ll believe what I want.” want, but, we must remember that there are con- Adam Faughn
might have even been President of the
sequences to our actions. God’s way, being truth, United States (since they would be old 973-4483
This last statement shows what is at the real heart also gives the sobering truth that sinners will be
of postmodern thinking. It is based upon nothing punished eternally if they do not repent. Outreach Minister
more than selfishness. “I’ll believe what I want.” If
we can remove the idea of absolute truth, then peo- Sunday Sermon Preview Harry Middleton
Christians, it is time that we stand on the truth, and 292-3164
ple are “free” to believe whatever they choose. show the world the eternal principles of truth found in
AM: The Greatness of Life (Adam Faughn)
the pages of the Bible. Youth Minister
What is a Biblical response to this mindset? We
cannot just say, “I don’t like it.” We need to have a PM: (Harry Middleton) JD Buckner
Bible-centered answer to prove this mindset is (731) 336-4768
wrong, and to combat it. Here are two things to
keep in mind.
Sick List Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’s Jargon
Tommy Goddard suffered a stroke and is at home recov- Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) THE FACE IN THE WINDOW Hello everyone,
ering. Opening Prayer: Ralph Brewer
A jostling crowd of shoppers was busy grabbing We had a great time this past weekend at Evangel-
JD Roberson, father of Richard Roberson, is at Centen- Read Scripture: Mark Pugh ism University. There were over a 1000 students in
late in the day bargains. A small girl in tattered clothes
nial. Closing Prayer: Bob Butler attendance. The classes were wonderful and the
made her way through the crowd. Her name was
Sermon: Adam Faughn Nelly. You will find such a girl in your city or town if speakers were stupendous. We had a safe trip
Sympathy you will look around. and everyone was spiritually uplifted.
Song Leader: Scotty Studer
We express our sympathy to Barbara Cornell and her fam- Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Nelly was also shopping----window shopping. She
ily on the passing of her sister, Margie Boles. Her funeral had no money and she was hungry. Twinkling lights, Our tooth paste collection is going great. We have
was on Monday in Gainesboro. Adam Wilson 1 the colorful candles, the dazzling decorations and dis- another week to make our 200 tube goal. Thanks
Robert Cannon 2 plays in the shop windows fascinated Nelly. As she to everyone who has already donated.
Thank You Paul Woods 3 passed the bakery with the cakes and pastries, she felt
Philip Denny 4 even more hungry. She paused . . . then moved a step Don’t forget the Youth Rally is Saturday, January
I cannot thank you enough for all who helped take care closer to press her little snub nose against the window 29th. We will plan on leaving the building around
of my George. Thank you for your prayers and words of Sonny Gossett 5
as she gazed at the “goodies.” It lasted only a 8:15AM. Taft Ayers will be speaking that day.
encouragement. Someone was always available to run Hollis Flatt 6
while. The manager saw the face in the window----the
errands or take us to the doctor. Others came at night to Gavin Hammers 7 pale face pinched with hunger----so Nelly was told A new sign up sheet for devotionals has been put
put George to bed. We received many cards, visits, deli- Fred Kennel 8 gruffly: “You there, be off!” upstairs. Please sign up if you can.
cious food, flowers and calls. The funeral service was Nelly did not need a second bidding. She was Thanks, JD
Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391)
beautiful and many from Lebanon Road attended. Thank frightened. She hurried through the crowd until she
you. God Bless You, Willie Lance Opening Prayer: JD Buckner
reached the attic where she lived with her aged
Closing Prayer: Cary Clay
grandma. Grandma was asleep. Sleep was the only Tooth paste
Time Saver Supper Read Scripture: Daniel Skelton thing they did not have to buy. This was the slumber
Sermon: Harry Middleton that helped them forget misfortune----being hungry, no We need to collect tooth PASTE
Wednesday, January 26th
Song Leader: Adam Faughn clothes, no place of their own. Nelly also soon found
5:30-6:30 to send overseas.
Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) refuge in sleep.
Baked Ziti, Salad, Bread, Dessert and Drink Is there such a Nelly in your neighborhood with The Youth Group will be packing the
$4 Per person/$15 Family Max Sammie Hunter 1
whom you can share the joys and blessings with which tooth PASTE in
RSVP on your attendance card today. Jim Schroeder 2 God has blessed you so richly? All you have to do is
Also note if you are available to bring a dessert. look around. Healing Hands boxes
Wednesday, January 26th (Contact: Tim 883-4343 ) (Author unknown to me!) on January 29th .
Young at Heart Game Day Read Scripture: Greg Holland
You may drop them off in the box in the
Opening Prayer: Joe Adams
Thursday, January 27th Visitation team #2 and letter writers foyer or downstairs.
Speaker: JD Buckner
In the Fellowship Hall will meet tonight.
11:30—Lunch / Finger foods Song Leader: Scotty Studer
12:15—Games Begin
Bring some finger foods and enjoy lunch or show up
Harry Middleton - Ralph Brewer
Mark Your Calendar... The Ministry for Single Christians
just in time to play games.  Today: Sycamores services at 2:00 led by Joe It's a busy week, so the hope is you can find an
Nursery Attendants Adams, Lynn Wright and Sonny Gossett activity you will enjoy.
Bulletin Board Bash Rachel LeSuer Saturday, January 22, 6:00 pm
 Today: VBS Planning committee and interested BBQ Ribs Dinner at Fellowship Hall
teachers are asked to meet at 5:15
Monday, January 31st The Record The BBQ ribs are provided, but other dishes are
 January 26: Time Saver Supper
6:00-9:00 PM Sunday Morning Worship 284 +7 EU needed. Call (973-1828) or e-mail
If you can cut or staple or tape, then you can  January 27: Young at Heart Game Day ( to coordinate what you
Sunday Evening Worship: 226
help us ! would like to bring.
Sunday Bible Study: 233  January 29: Youth Rally at Bethel Church of
Come spruce up the hallways and classrooms! Christ The Green Hill congregation will be invited to par-
Wednesday Night: cancelled ticipate in the Saturday’s activities. Hope to see
Ideas and supplies will be provided OR bring your  January 31: Bulletin Board Bash
own! Snacks too! Contribution: $9,920.00 you!

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