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Classified abstracts 145-155

wave moving in the direction of plasma drift in crossed electric and on simultaneous measurement of emission and absorption in the
magnetic fields. Azimuthal modes with m= 1, 2, 3 are observed. The infrared region of the spectrum by the ionized gas. Results of experi-
dependence of the critical magnetic field for the onset of oscillations mental investigations of ionization and recombination processes in
on discharge parameters is measured. The regions of discharge para- xenon at pressure of 3 torr and temperature of 8200 to 9200°K are
meters for the existence of different mode oscillations are determined. given.
The data on behaviour of the frequency and amplitude of oscillations N A Generalov et al, Zh Eksper Tear Fiz, 58 (6), June 1970, 1928-l 937
with changing discharge conditions and also the effect of the latter on (in Russian).
plasma parameters are obtained. 18
V G Naumovets et al, Ukruin Fiz Zh, 15 (3), 1970, 377-390 (in 152. Nature of ionization in a photoresonant caesium plasma. (USSR)
Nature of ionization in a photoresonant caesium plasma is studied in
18 the pressure range of 10e2 to 10-l torr. Molecular and atomic
145. Investigation of optical inhomogeneities of the active substance in caesium ions are detected in the plasma by the mass spectrometer
a CF,I photodissociation laser. (USSR) technique. Properties of the plasma electron gas are determined.
Effects connected with photodissociation of CF,I in the pressure N D Morgulis and A M Przhonskiy, Zh Eksper Teor Fiz, 58 (6), June
range from 15 to 120 torr are investigated. It is found that in CF,I 1970, 1873-1878 (in Russian).
contaminated with dissociation products, a shock wave appears due
to evaporation of molecular iodine adsorbed on chamber walls on I8
irradiation by a laser light. 153. Polarization selectivity of external two-quantum photoeffect in
I M Belousova et al, Zh Eksper Tear Fiz, 58 (5), Mqv 1970, 1481-1486 metals. (USSR)
(in Russian). It is shown that polarization selectivity of the external two-quantum
photoeffect from metallic surfaces is characterized by a pronounced
146. On the mechanism of formation of a hot electron component in the optimum orientation of electric field intensity vector with a con-
interaction between an electron beam and plasma. (USSR) siderable increase of photocurrent.
Results of experimental investigation of oscillation spectra excited by P P Barashev, Fiz Tverd Tela, 12 (7), Jury 1970, 1973-1976 (in Russian).
an electron beam in a plasma under conditions, when a hot electron 18
component appears, are presented. A mechanism of the hot electron 154. External photoeffect of LiF and MgFz films in the spectral region
component formation based on scattering of beam electrons by of 15 to 220 nm. (USSR)
electrostatic oscillations, capture of part of electrons in negative Spectral distribution of the quantum yield from LiF and MgFz films
traps and their subsequent heating during resonance interaction with was investigated in the broad spectral region of 15 to 220 nm. Samples
waves, is given. were prepared by evaporation of dielectric films on metallic plates in
A N Karkhov, Zh Eksper Tear Fiz, 59 (2), Aug 1970, 356-365 (in vacuum at pressure of 1 x 10d5 torr. MgF, layers were prepared also
Russian). by evaporation on heated substrates to 250-300°C. Measurements of
18 quantum yield were carried out by monochromators. An open
147. Ionization collisions and charge exchange of Li+, Liz+ and Li3+ photoelectron multiplier and cathodoluminescence transducer were
ions in gases (0.2-2 MeV). (USSR) used as detectors. In the long wavelength region, where the layers are
The effective cross sections for formation of slow positive ions and optically transparent, photoemission is determined by lattice defects
free electrons during ionization of Hz, N,, He, Ar and Kr gases by in the layer originating from stoichiometric disturbances, incurred
lithium ions with energy of 0.2 to 2 MeV are measured. The experi- during the various technology operations, and substrate photo-
mental apparatus for the study of collision phenomena is described. emission passing through the layers. In the region of absorption by
L I Pivovar et al, Zh Eksper Teor Fiz, 59 (7), June 1970, 19-28 (in the layers, where photon energy is greater than the forbidden energy
Russian). band, a series of maxima is observed due to transitions from the
18 valence and deep bands to the conduction band and electron plasma
148. Formation of highly excited 30-180 keV helium atoms during oscillation excitation. At photon energy greater than 35 eV, Auger
charge exchange and their ionization in a strong electric field. (USSR) electrons are observed. In this region of photon energy, electron-
Formation of highly excited helium atoms during charge exchange of electron scattering is found to play a role in photoemission. It is con-
30 to 180 keV He+ ions on neon, sodium or magnesium atoms is cluded that decisions on the mechanism of photoemission at high
investigated. Some features of highly excited helium atom ionization photon energies can only be made after investigation of the energy
by a strong electric field are discussed. histribution of photoelecirons.
R N Ilin et al, Zh Eksper Teor Fiz, 59 (I), July 1970, 103-109 (in V A Blank and 0 M Sorokin, Fiz Tverd Tela, 12 (7), July 1970, 193 I -
Russian). 1936 (in Russian).
18 I8
149. On control of chemical reactions by resonance photo-action on 155. CsF, Cs as a low work function layer on the GaAs photocathode.
molecules. (USSR) (Germany)
The possibility of carrying out chemical reaction in rarefied gases by Adsorbed films of CsF covered with a monolayer of Cs on GaAs
application of resonance infrared laser radiation is considered. The reduce the work function to a value of I eV. CsF layers were prepared
action of coherent radiation results in weakening of the chosen bond by vacuum evaporation of CsF from a platinum or tantalum sleeve
and a sharp increase in the reaction rate. with holes. Cs was applied by means of a cesium chromate-silicon
N D Artamonova et al. Zh Ekmer Teor Fiz. 58 (6). June 1970. 2195- source or a Cs-AlzOs-Pt ion gun. The dependence of the quantum
2201 (in Russian). yield on photon energy shows that the threshold is at 1.0 eV with a
18 break in the curve at 1.4 eV. The lower value is attributed to the
150. Excitation of Lee line during stripping of fast negative hydrogen threshold for emission from surface states, while the break point
ions in inert gases. (USSR) gives the onset of valence band photoemission. The Fermi level posi-
Processes of fast negative ion stripping during their passage through tion is less than 0.4 eV above the valence band edge at the surface.
the gas target at low pressure are investigated. The intensity of the For CsF, Cs on p-type GaAs the optimum electron escape prob-
Lyman a-line, emitted in collisions between fast hydrogen negative ability is 0.5 for cleaved crystals in ultrahigh vacuum in the doping
ions with energy of 5 to 40 keV and inert gases at pressure from range between 1.3 x lo’* and 5.1 x lOlo cme3. For mixed crystals of
I x 10m4 to 6 x lo-* torr, is measured. Ga0.851n0.,PAs the threshold photoemission was reduced to 1.1 eV.
A L Orbeli et al, Zh Eksper Teor Fiz, 58 (6), June 1970, 1938-1942 (in High quantum efficiencies are obtained. The Ga,.&,.,,As vacuum
Russian). cleaved crystal covered with CsF, Cs gave white light sensitivity of
18 443 ~~A/lrn with an escape probability of 0.435 and a diffusion length
151. Method of infrared diagnostics of plasma and its application for of I.1 x 10m5cm. Also GaAs epitaxial layers bombarded with argon
investigation of ionization and recombination of xenon behind the front ions, and heated, can be favourably activated by CsF, Cs layers. It is
of shock wave. (USSR) shown that a very thin CsF, Cs layer on GaAs is thermally stable and
A method for determination of electron temperature and concentra- increases the potentialities of the GaAs photocathode.
tion profiles behind the front of a shock wave is described. It is based S Garbe, Phvs Stat Sol (a), 2 (3), July 1970,497-501.


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