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Classified abstracts 156-162

18 from solid surfaces. A summary of the electron theory of solids and

156. Investigation of exe-electron emission from clean semiconductor chemisorption is given. The theory of positive ion emission by surface
surfaces. (Germany) ionization from uniform surfaces is presented as well as thermo-
The basic condition for obtaining exoelectron emission is the insu- dynamic and statistical derivations of the fundamental formulae of
lating character of the emitting substance. Exoelectron emission of a surface ionization. Surface ionization, evaporation and desorption of
clean silicon surface is investigated. Silicon single crystals were ions in strong electric fields are considered. Great attention is devoted
chemically etched and brought into the ultrahigh vacuum tank. The to the theory of surface ionization with positive ion formation on
time between etching and evacuating of the tank was long enough to metals with nonuniform surface. Various experimental methods for
permit the growth of an oxide layer. The exoemission glow curve studying the fundamental parameters of surface ionization of atoms
spectra of such a surface showed the usual peaks known from measure- on metals under stationary conditions are described. Other topics
ments on SiO, layers. The energy of the exciting electrons was 1500 include: vacuum conditions for surface ionization investigation;
eV. After this test, the surfaces of oxidized Si slices were exposed to methods for velocity distribution measurement of emitted ions;
argon ion bombardment. The pressure during etching was ? x 10-4, surface ionization with positive ion formation on semiconductors;
before ion etching 9 x 10-O. and after etching 8 x 10mgtorr. The etch- transient processes in surface ionization; surface ionization with
ing rate amounted to 76 8, per minute. Thk discharge voltage was negative ion formation; surface ionization of many-atom particles;
1 kV and discharge current 3 x 10m5A, at a crystal temperature of ion emission from the emitter material; application of surface
700% for a time of 5 minutes. Excitation of the surface after ion ionization in physical and chemical research; ion, atom, and molecu-
etching by electron bombardment and stimulation by heating showed lar beam sources; ion propulsion systems; halide leak detectors; and
that no exoelectron emission appears. By means of this ionic etching thermionic energy converters. The role of surface ionization in the
the thin oxide layers were removed and the surface consists of semi- flicker noise of electron tubes and in the initiation of vacuum break-
conducting material only. It was confirmed that no exoelectron emis- down is discussed.
sion appears from clean semiconductor surfaces. E Ya Zandberg and N I Ionov, bookpubld by Nauky, Moscow 1969,432
J Drenckhan et al, P& SW Sol (a), 2 (3), July 1970, K201. p (in Russian).
157. Conditions for plasma formation from solid target due to mono-
pulse laser radiation. (USSR) II. Vacuum apparatus and auxiliaries
At sufficiently high energy density and power of laser radiation inci-
dent on a solid surface in vacuum, a plasma torch is formed. The 21. PUMPS AND PUMP FLUIDS
laser energy flow is determined for the appearance of radiation 21 : 33
corresponding to temperatures of 4000 to 5000°K for some metals. 161. Utilization of zeolite pumps in field emission microscopy. (USSR)
At this temperature an ionized vapour is formed at the target surface, To attain ultrahigh vacuum in field emission microscopes, mercury
the characteristic dimension of which is greater than the Debye radius. diffusion or ion-getter pumps are usually used. It is known that with
It is found that the value of the threshold energy density for plasma pumping by mercury diffusion pumps even to pressures of 10ds torr,
formation is characteristic of the target material and it does not the residual gas still contains surface active gases such as carbon
depend on the residual gas pressure in the range 5 x IO-’ to l0-a torr. oxides. The application of a zeolite pump in the field emission micro-
S I Andreev et al, Z/I T&h Fiz, 40 (7), July 1970, 1436-1440 (in scope is described. Zeolite grains are placed between the glass wall
Russ&L and the nickel mesh. The field emission microscope vessel has a
18 volume of 0.3 liter. The system was preliminary pumped by a fore-
158. Investigation of the energy spectra of inelastically reflected and vacuum pump with heating to 200°C. Afterwards, the system was
Auger electrons from sinale crystal targets. (USSR) pumped by a mercury high vacuum pump and heated up to 450°C for
The energy spectra of el&ro&, emitted due to the Auger process and 12 hours. After sealing of the system, a pressure of lo-’ torr is
also reflected with characteristic energy losses, give information on reached. The residual gas contained mainly nitrogen, as determined
the nature of electron interaction with solids. Energy spectra of the by an omega&on residual gas analyzer connected to the system. After
Auger electrons are very sensitive to surface contamination and can filling the zeolite trap with liquid nitrogen, the total pressure was
be utilized for checking surface purity. But the number of Auger lowered to 10-O torr. Helium formed the main constituent of residual
electrons and electrons inelastically reflected with characteristic gas. At total pressure of 10eOtorr, the volt-ampere characteristics and
energy losses is small with respect to the total current of secondary field emission image of the tungsten point were recorded. Repeated
electrons. To increase the sensitivity of electron energy spectrum measurement after 3 hour intervals at 10-O torr showed no changes. It
analysis, the derivative of the energy distribution curve or the second is demonstrated that application of the zeolite pump decreased the
derivative of the secondary electron current in a retarding region are pumping time compared to other methods of pumping and that an
used. A method using the second derivative of the retarding field inert residual gas composition was obtained in the field emission
curve, based on the measurement of the second harmonic frequency microscope.
component of the current in the target circuit, is presented. The com- V A Kuznetsov, Prib Tekh Eksper, Nr 4, Jury-Aug 1970, 200-201 (in
plete instrument contains a sweep circuit, current amplifier, amplifier Russian).
tuned to the second harmonic frequency and a phase detector. L1
Examples of energy spectra of Auger electrons from the thermally 162. Decreasing hydrocarbon migration in an ultrahigh vacuum system
cleaned surface of silicon single crystals are presented. Auger transi- with the aid of passive gas. (USSR)
tions at 10 and 93 eV were found in agreement with x-ray absorption For high gas loads, diffusion pumps are used in demountable high
data for silicon. It is shown that this method can be also applied to vacuum systems. Liquid nitrogen is usually poured into the trap and
the analysis of electrons reflected with characteristic energy losses. the trap is warmed up under low residual gas pressure. At the end of
A R Shulman et al, Fiz Tverd Telu, 12 (6), June 1970, 1866-1868 (in the working cycle, low pressure is usually maintained in the high
Russian). vacuum part of the vacuum system. It is shown that intensive migra-
18 tion of hydrocarbons, and contamination of inner surface of the
159. Investigation of interaction processes between electrons and vacuum system, take place under these conditions. For repeated
mercury atoms in a gas filled device. (USSR) working cycles, prolonged pumping is required and the inner surface
The dependence of effective cross sections, for elastic and inelastic of the vacuum system remains contaminated by hydrocarbons. At
collisions of electrons with mercury atoms, on electron energy in the pressures corresponding to viscous flow and higher, the hydrocarbon
interval from 4 to 120 eV is investigated using the method of single migration is considerably decreased in the vacuum system due to a
collisions. The effective cross sections for mercury atom excitation are decrease of the hydrocarbon molecule diffusion coefficient with
also determined. An experimental apparatus containing an oxide increasing gas pressure. A method based on use of a passive gas, for
cathode as an electron source is described. The pressure of mercury example dry nitrogen from a Dewar vessel, is presented for suppres-
was varied from lo-$ to 6 x 10-Otorr. sion of hydrocarbon migration. During preliminary pumping of the
I A Nikitina, Priborostroenie, 13 (I), 1970,9-12 (in Russian). system, up to cold trap filling and diffusion pump start-up, hydro-
18 carbon vapour migration is prevented by a passive gas flow through
160. Surface ionization. (USSR) an admission valve into the vacuum system. At the end of the working
Surface ionization is concerned with the thermal emission of ions cycle, the vacuum system is again filled with passive gas to atmospheric


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