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University of Jordan

Department of Electrical Engineering

Spring 2020 EE 720 HW set III May 2, 2020

Student Name:________________________________ Student ID:__________________

1- A signal consisting of tones 3.5, and 7 kHz is sampled at 8 kHz. The sampled signal is
then bandlimited to 4 kHz. What tones are present in the resultant bandlimited signal?

2- A 16-bit uniformly quantized PCM system is designed to encode a signal whose range is
-1 to +1 volt.

a. What is the step size in mV?

b. What is the maximum value of quantizing noise magnitude that can occur on a
sample value?
c. What is the peak signal to rms noise ratio?
d. What is the signal power to quantizing noise power ratio in dB when a sine wave
of 300 mV rms is input to the quantizer?

3- A 20 kHz program signal is to be encoded into PCM using a uniform quantizer. What is
the minimum transmission bit rate required if the peak-signal-to-rms-quantizing-noise
ratio of the decoded signal is to be at least 38dB?

4- An 8-bit PCM system has a malfunction which permanently sets the least significant bit
to zero. By how many dB’s is the performance of the system degraded?

5- A 64 kb/s PCM signal is to be transmitted using a polar baseband signal with a raised
cosine spectrum with β = r/4. What is the highest frequency present in the transmitted

6- For the signal in problem 5 above, what value of ρ = Er /η is required for the received
signal to have an error rate of 10-5? In this case, what is the received signal power when η
= 10-10?

7- A signal is uniformly distributed between ±5 volts. This signal is quantized with a 10-bit
quantizer whose range is ± L volts. Find the signal to quantizing noise power ratio when
a. L = 5
b. L = 6
c. L = 3
Consider the quantizer overload to be part of the quantizing noise.

8- What is the resulting signal to quantizing noise power ratio when a sine wave is
quantized with an 11-level quantizer?

9- In a repeatered line problem, a signal x(t) goes through a total distance of 20 miles.
Suppose that this distance is covered by 4 repeaters. Each span with a length of 4 miles
sustains a loss of 5 dB/mi.

a. The noise added on each span of this repeatered line may be modeled as white
Gaussian distance with density η = 10-7 mW/Hz. Find the repeater output power P
(each repeater & modulator) and the transmission bandwidth BT required if x(t) is
a 4 kHz speech signal and the output signal to noise ratio is required to be 30 dB.
Assume a peak factor for speech of 20 dB. Find P and W for the following
i. SSB (or baseband)
ii. AM
iii. FM with D=5
iv. FM with D=10
v. PCM with a uniform quantizer
vi. PCM with a μ-law companded quantizer (μ 255)
vii. FM with D=5 and with preemphasis
b. In modern telecommunications systems the S/N requirement is 33 dB over an
input signal dynamic range of about 35 dB.
Repeat part (a) above for these requirements. Put your answers for (a) and (b) above
in a table. This repeatered line is noise limited. In many situations repeatered lines of
this type would be cross-talk limited. For the PCM systems assume that a S/N in the
transmission band of 20dB is required. This gives virtually no errors!

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