English Iii G47 - Our First Guide

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Topic Making future arrangements by the use of Present Continuous.

Grammar Present Continuous for future arrangements.

Time 2 weeks 8 hours

Teacher Diego F. González
Delivery date June 26th before 12:00 pm
Objective To express statements to talk about future arrangements using Present
Continuous tense.

Name: María de los Ángeles Monroy Galvis

Students: Here, you find a theoretical and practical guide about our first topic of the course: Present
Continuous for future arrangements. Please, read it carefully, explore the online resources
recommended, and develop the different activities considering all the tools provided by the teacher
and by yourselves. Remember, if you have any doubts, let your teacher know. Good luck!

Reflection: They are times in which people have to adapt to the new conditions of the world. In the
educational context, students and teachers should set a real commitment to this teaching and
learning process. It’s important to understand what is happening and to find different solutions and
alternatives that allow teachers and students to continue with their journey of formation. Between all
of us, we can hold on.



Reflect and answer the questions below.

-What time is represented in the sentence in green color? Present Continuous
-What does it represent the phrase in purple color? Time Expressions
-What time is represented in the whole question? Present Continuous for Future Arrangements
-What is the main usage of the time represented in the sentence in green color? Present Continuous

By: Diego F. González G.


Before focusing on our main topic, we need to remember and review all about Present Continuous
used to talk about things that are happening at the time (right now).


To set this tense we need two main characters: VERB TO BE and a MAIN VERB WITH ING

Look at the chart below with the grammar structure of Present Continuous

VerbMain verb with -ING
- I am eating a delicious tamal.
- My dad isn’t playing tejo at the time. Time expressions for this tense
- Are you doing this for love? Yes, I am/No, I am not. Right now: Ahora mismo
- My cousins are fighting in the street. Now: Ahora
- Where are you studying right now? I am studying at home. At the time: En el momento
- It is raining so hard. At this time: En este momento
- My girlfriend is dancing cumbia now.

 For more information, you can review the PDF file with the presentation about the topic provided by the
teacher Diego.
 You can also watch the class recording about this topic available on Drive. Check your e-mail.
 If you have troubles with these files, please, let your teacher know.

Look at the images below and state the question and the answer in relation to what they are doing.
E.g. 0.
0. Question: What are they doing?
Answer: They are watching a horror movie.

By: Diego F. González G.

1 5
2 3

1. Question: What is she doing?

Answer: She is eating a taco
2. Question: Why is he coughing?
Answer: He is sick probably
3. Question: What is he doing?
Answer: He fell to the floor because it was wet
4. Question: What is she doing?
Answer: She's probably singing
5. Question: What are they doing?
Answer: They are crowded in front of a church
Listen to the audio provided by the teacher (Audio 1 Guide 1 – available on Moodle, e-mail and
WhatsApp), and write all the possible sentences in Present Continuous that you can identify.

Hi guys, I am looking from de window right now I am looking at the street so I am describing the
different things that I can appreciating at the time a many’s in his dog

Complete the sentences with the proper conjugation of the verbs for setting the Present Continuous
in Simple tense.
E.g. Samuel is drawing (draw) at this time. He isn’t wasting (not/waste) his time.
1. Mateo is reading (read) a science-fiction book.
2. Yasuri and her friend aren’t staying aren´t staying (not/stay) at home during the quarantine.
3. It is snowing (snow) right now.
4. You aren´t talking (not/talk) to one of your friends, you are talking (talk) to your mom.
5. Richard and his family are preparing (prepare) a great party right now.

By: Diego F. González G.


You already know that Present Continuous tense in Simple tense is used to talk about things that are
happening right now. But, what would happen if I told you that THIS TENSE CAN ALSO BE USED TO
As you read, the Present Continuous tense can be used to talk about planned activities in the
An essential question:
How do I differentiate the Present Continuous for Future Arrangements and other verbs used to
talk about future activities?
For talking about future activities, you can use WILL, GOING TO and our famous PRESENT


Este verbo modal se usa para Esta forma verbal se usa para Este tiempo verbal se usa para
hablar del futuro. Se utiliza hablar del futuro. Se utiliza hablar del futuro. Se utiliza
generalmente para hablar de generalmente para hablar de generalmente para hablar de
cosas que pueden llegar a ser planes premeditados y actividades o acciones que se
ciertas o no (probabilidades) y actividades futuras pensadas van a llevar a cabo con el 100%
de decisiones espontáneas. con tiempo. de certeza, ya que todo está
completamente planeado para
Ex. Ex. Ex.
Abimael will travel to Italy in Abimael is going to travel to Abimael is travelling to Italy in
December. Italy in December. December.
Translation: Translation: Translation:
Abimael viajará a Italia en Abimael va a viajar a Italia en Abimael viajará a Italia en
diciembre. diciembre. diciembre.
Analysis: Analysis: Analysis:
1. Abimael viajará a Italia, pero Abimael viajará a Italia en Abimael viajará a Italia en
es incierto. Todo depende de la diciembre. Es un plan que ya diciembre. Él ya tiene los
normalidad que se vaya tiene en mente desde hace dos tiquetes, la reserva en el hotel
recuperando después de la meses. y todas las medidas de
pandemia. bioseguridad listas. Ya solo es
2. Abimael, de un momento a cuestión de arrancar.
otro tomó la decision de viajar
a Italia en diciembre,


By: Diego F. González G.

WILL AND GOING TO: Temas que veremos más adelante.

After understanding the different verb forms to express future statements, we come back to our
topic: Present Continuous for Future Arrangements.
An essential question 2:
How do I differentiate the Present Continuous in Simple tense and the Present Continuous for
Future Arrangements?
Look at the next examples
- Yulipza is visiting her boyfriend Corbin.
- Yulipza is visiting her boyfriend Corbin tomorrow.
 En el primer ejemplo, tenemos una oración en Presente Continuo que se da en el momento
que está sucediendo la acción. No tenemos información extra que nos permita inferir que se
está hablando de otro tiempo.
 En el Segundo ejemplo, tenemos una oración en Presente Continuo más una expresión de
tiempo (Time expressions/Time marks) que nos ayuda a inferior que NO se está hablando de
algo que está sucediendo en el momento, SINO DE ALGO QUE VA A SUCEDER EN EL FUTURO.
En conclusión, lo que nos ayuda a diferenciar el Presente Continuo Simple y el Presente Continuo
para hablar del Futuro, es el tiempo en el que se va a desarrollar la acción y el contexto del diálogo.

Some common Time Expressions for Present Continuous for Future Arrangements:

On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday…

Next week, Next month, Next year…
In August, In September, In December…
On Halloween, On Christmas, On my birthday…
On weekend, This weekend, Next weekend
After: After school, After quarantine, After this situation…

Nota: Pueden presentarse algunas situaciones en las cuales se hace uso del Presente Continuo para
hablar del Futuro sin necesidad de una Time Expression. Estas situaciones suelen presentarse en
diálogos orales y están relacionadas con el contexto donde surgen.
Ex: Diego y Marisela están caminando por el Maldonado. Diego mira una casa que está vacía y le dice
a Marisela: My sister is buying that house. En ese caso, sabemos que esa oración en Presente
Continuo se está utilizando para hablar del Futuro, ya que en ese momento la hermana de Diego no

By: Diego F. González G.

está ahí, físicamente, comprando la casa, sino que ya es un hecho que la va a comprar. Pues ya firmó
el contrato y está alistando el trasteo.

 For more information, you can review the PDF file with the presentation about the topic provided by the
teacher Diego.
 You can also watch the class recording about this topic available on Drive. Check your e-mail.
 If you have troubles with these files, please, let your teacher know.

Order the words below to state sentences with Present Continuous for Future Arrangements.
E.g. next week/my/getting married/not/godfather/is: My godfather is not getting married next week.
1. and/ Game of Thrones/my/me/watching/are/family: My family and me are watching Game of
2. her/ Micaela/ are/ best/ starting/ friend/ job/month/ and/ new/ a/ next: Micaela and her best
friend are starting a new job next month
3. Lorenzo/ the/ Friday/ participating/ not/ contest/ in/ is/ on: Lorenzo is not participating the
contest on Friday
4. are/ blue/ fixing/ my/ they/ car/ this/ weekend: They are fixing my blue car this weekend
5. ?/ tonight/ is/ sister/ doing/ your/ what: What is your sister doing tonight?
6. tejo/ you/ ?/ game/ going/ Monday/ are/ the/ on/ to: Are you going to the game tejo on Monday?
7. me/ are/ my/ class/ week/ having/ students/ and/ next: My students are having me class next
8. guarapo/ Benjamin/ after/ Rosa/ drinking/ quarantine/ are/ and: Rosa and Benjamin are drinking
guarapo after quarantine
Read the text below and develop the exercises.

What am I doing after this situation?

I don’t know. I have a lot of plans to do. I’m writing this text thinking in the past life before
all this, and reflecting on what comes after. Maybe, it’s time to consider some changes. I
have a clear goal: I am being a new person. After this, my family and me are sharing more
time together, because we are learning now the real importance of those people who are
with us in any time and any situation. If you are reading this text and you are reflecting on
this “strange times” that we don’t expect, it’s a great step to consider a change in your life.
Ok, I am sharing with you my future plans after this situation. I am visiting people who
have been away from me. For instance, my brother and his family. At the time, they are
By: Diego F. González G.
staying at home in Bogotá. They are not travelling until everything is better. Right now, I´m
feeling so sad because I miss them, especially, my nephews. Another interesting future
What grammar tenses do you identify in the text?
Present Simple, present continuous
According to the text, complete the chart below placing different sentences in relation to the items.
(Antes de completar el cuadro, tú puedes identificar con colores las distintas oraciones en el texto.
Por ejemplo, con color verde: oraciones en Presente Continuo Simple; con color morado: oraciones en
Presente Continuo Futuro; finalmente, con subrayado: las expresiones de tiempo).

Sentences with Present Continuous in Simple


Sentences with Present Continuous for Future


Time expressions for Present Continuous -

Simple tense

Time expressions for Present Continuous –

Future Arrangements.

Look through your window, and in an audio of 1:00 minute, record everything you are seeing at
the moment, using Present Continuous Simple sentences. Send the audio to the teacher by
whatsapp, e-mail or Moodle. (Mira por tu ventana, y en un audio de un minuto, graba todo lo que
estás viendo en ese momento, usando oraciones con Presente Continuo. Envía el audio al profesor
vía WhatsApp, e-mail o Moodle).

By: Diego F. González G.

Now, choose five sentences that you stated in your audio and write them down in the Present
Continuous Simple column. Then, in the second column, write the sentences again, but turning
them into sentences with Present Continuous for Future. (Ahora, escoge cinco oraciones de tu
grabación y escríbelas en la columna de Presente Continuo Simple. Después, en la segunda columna,
vuelve a escribir las oraciones, pero transformándolas en oraciones con Presente Simple para Futuro).


Now, a bird is singing on a cable A bird is singing on a cable tonight.
An angry mom is hitting her son An angry mom is hitting her son on Thursday.



Ask five friends or relatives: WHAT ARE THEY DOING AFTER THIS QUARANTINE? Register their
answers, in written form and using complete sentences, in the chart below.

E.g. Yasuri is having a party.

Person 0 She is not staying at home much time.
Name: Yasuri Escobar Yasuri and her family are going to the church.

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

By: Diego F. González G.

Make a list with the things that you are doing the next week. You must use Present Continuous for
Future Arrangements and Time Expressions.
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
 5.
 6.
 7.
 8.
 9.
 10.

Finally, go to Moodle and participate in the forum: What are you doing after quarantine? Write a
short text, like the reading below, sharing with us your plans after this quarantine. Remember,
using Present Continuous for Future Arrangements and Time Expressions.


Indicadores Grade (1.0 – 5.0) Comments

Participación en sesiones
virtuales, tutorías y otras
Compromiso e interés en el
proceso de apropiación de la
guía de trabajo.
Compromiso e interés en el
desarrollo de las actividades de
la guía de trabajo
Identifico y contextualizo lo
aprendido y trabajado en
relación con el tema: Present
Continuous for Future
Asumo un rol protagónico y
autónomo en mi proceso de
aprendizaje virtual, Haciendo
uso de las herramientas
brindas por el docente y de
aquellas determinadas por mí

By: Diego F. González G.


Final Self-Assessment grade:


Images used in this guide:

Present Continuous grammar chart. Taken from: 7ESL.com
Free images bank on Google.

By: Diego F. González G.

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