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Submitted by: Hajra Ubaid

Submitted to: Ma’am Ambreen

Registration Number: 51988
Assignment # 1
Course name: Managerial roles in organization
Q # 1: Difference between Effectiveness and efficiency?

Effectiveness is the capability of an individual to produce required results and outcomes.

 It emphasizes on accomplishing the objective.

 It means doing the right things.
 Effectiveness only has to do with the results not the resources used during the process.
 Effectiveness has long run perspective. It is used to achieve sustainable growth and long
term profits.

Efficiency means the methods an individual takes in order to complete the tasks.

 It emphasizes on optimized outcome with least utilization of time and energy.

 It means doing things in right manner.
 Efficiency is primarily concerned about the utilization of time, energy and resources, not
necessarily about the results.
 Efficiency has short run perspective. It is used to accomplish short term objectives.

There are two managers and their teams contending on a task for a customer.

One manager is extremely efficient and pushes his group to finish the proposition rapidly as they
would prefer not to keep the customer hold back. Their thought is acceptable and from the rapid
market research they had the option to arrange, they accept that it will be a solid match for the

The other manager's group takes an extra week to finish their proposition, yet during that week
they directed extra market research and found a novel distinction in this particular customers
advertise needs.

In spite of the fact that the customer acknowledges the efficient and convenient work of the first
manager, she goes with the second manager's proposition since it was successful in meeting their
market needs.
Q # 2: How goals are different then objectives? Differentiate goals and objectives.

Goals are the long term targets that an organization wants to accomplish as a whole or as a team.
Goals are basically the general purpose and intentions of an organization to achieve but they are
difficult to measure. Setting goals is the salient step of business planning.

 Goals are long term targets

 Goals are generic in nature
 Goals are difficult to measure
 Goals are the end result an individual or an organization wants.

ABC organization has a goal to increase the revenues by 20% by 2025


Objectives are the quantifiable steps and specific actions an organization must take in order to
accomplish their goals. Objectives are the short term targets that an organization must achieve to
reach the goal.

 Objectives are specific and precise

 Objectives are specific in nature
 Objectives are easy to measure
 Objectives are the means to an end result

In order to achieve the goal some objectives have to make. Like

 The organization can increase the production.

 They can hire new employees
 They can cut costs

How Goals are different from objectives?

The main difference between objectives and goals is that objectives are precise actions or
measurable steps individuals and groups take to move closer to the goal. They are specific targets
that typically have a time-bound schedule or timeline for completion.

Setting goals without assigning measurable objectives will likely lead to goals, which never get
accomplish. Creating objectives without a broad goal or target lacks meaning. Goals can seem
impossible or overwhelming without breaking them down into measurable tasks with objectives.
Q # 3: Explain how managers differ from non-managerial employees.
Managers are the employee of the organization who handles the management and helps in
administering the subordinates under him.

Managers are responsible for the allocation of resources, and to allocate duties to employees
under him.
Managers are responsible for the productivity of others

Non-managerial Employees:
Non-managerial employees are those who are only responsible for their task and they are
accountable and answerable to the managers.
Non-managerial employees are only responsible for their assigned tasks.

How managers differ from non-managerial employees?

 Managers have more responsibility as compared to the non-managerial employees.

 Manager is accountable for his subordinate’s actions.
 Manager is responsible for achieving the company’s growth.
 Absence of non-managerial employee will not affect the functioning of an organization as
compared to the absence of a manager.

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