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My name is Ms. Song

Contact Info

Through Canvas
or email:

• Use the restroom and have materials

before the period begins.
Ask for help when needed.
Course Description
• Come to class organized, prepared, and Welcome to 8th Grade American History! During the year, we
ready to participate. will focus on major developments that took place throughout
the course of American history, including colonization, the fight
for independence, Reconstruction, and more!
• Limit distractions (cell phones,
unnecessary noises, etc.).
• Listen while others are speaking. SUPPLY LIST
• Respect virtual classroom etiquette and ü Holt, United States History: Independence to 1914
behavior. Textbook
ü School-issued laptop
BE RESPONSIBLE ü Canvas account
• Do your best.
• Participate.
• Complete and turn in work on time.

Grading Policy
• Demonstrate academic honesty.

• Grading will be based on total points.

• Student grades are based on points from quizzes/tests, homework, classwork, projects, and
• The points accumulate throughout each quarter to determine the final semester grade.
• The total number of points for each semester will vary depending on the amount of work completed.
• Students are encouraged to complete their assignments on time and study for quizzes/tests since the
total number of points will not be known until the end of each quarter.
• Grades will be posted no later than 10 school days after the assignment is submitted with exceptions for
tests and projects.
• YOU are responsible for your grade. If you have a question or notice something was posted incorrectly,
please notify me immediately so that we can take care of any errors!
Homework/Tests Projects
Homework is assigned every day you have class. It should Projects must be turned in on the date
take no more than 30 minutes to complete. If it is taking they are due and will not be accepted
you longer, please let me know so we can find a solution. late. If you are going to be absent on the
Late homework/classwork can earn a maximum of 70% due date, let me know in advance.
until the test date.
Plenty of lead-time is given. Be proactive!
Assessments are given at the end of each unit (approx.
every week to week and a half)

Note Taking
Absences Note taking is an important skill that
You have one day per excused absence to complete your must be developed. Students are
missing work expected to take notes on readings and
lectures. As a reward for developing this
Checking Canvas to know what you missed is your skill, students may use any personally
responsibility. handwritten notes on quizzes.

Photocopies, typed or computer

generated notes will not be allowed.
Taking notes is extra work that is
rewarded by being able to use them on
the quizzes.

Technology and Video Policy

Please respect our class time by using technology
appropriately. Academic Integrity
• Find a quiet place and check your surroundings
• Be prepared with computer charged and cameras on.
Copying the thoughts, ideas, or words of
Use headphones if you have them. another (ex: a friend or someone online)
• Wear appropriate clothing, sit up straight, and be in will NOT be tolerated. This includes
camera view. copying homework/sharing answers.
• Mute yourself until the teacher calls on you to speak.
• Chat responsibly – raise your hand to speak or type your Those that cheat or help someone else
question in the chat box. to cheat on an assignment will receive a
• Speak clearly, look up when speaking, stay on topic. “0” without an opportunity to make up
• Do not have your phone near you during class and make the assignment.
sure all computer tabs are closed except those I’ve
instructed to have open Parents may be contacted and
administrative action taken.
Assignments may use designated external sites (ex: Edpuzzle,
etc.) for research or study. Additionally, video clips from, National Geographic, Hollywood movies (PG-
13+) and other pre-screened sources may be used to Looking forward to
emphasize historical events.
this new school year
with you!

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