Activities Worksheets Quarter 2 Week 1 5 Leuteboro NHS

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Simile, Metaphor

and Personification

Read and analyze the following information inside the boxes and answer the
activities that follow

Both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison that compare words in a sentence.
They can be used to make sentences more interesting.
A simile is a word that compares words in a sentence. You can usually tell if a
simile is present in a sentence when you see the words as or like.
Examples: Don ate his salad like a vacuum cleaner.
His arms were weak and felt like noodles.
The thunder was as loud as fireworks.

A metaphor compares words in a sentence; however, instead of saying that one

thing is like something else, a metaphor actually makes one thing become
something very different by renaming it. A metaphor can sometimes use words
like is, are, or was (and other words) to signal that a metaphor is present.
However, a metaphor never uses the words like or as to compare.
Examples: The smoke was cotton balls billowing from the chimney.
You are my hero.
The sun was a furnace.

Activity A.
Directions: Below are sentences that contain similes and metaphors. Underline the
two words in each sentence that are being compared.
1. The cat’s fur was a blanket of warmth.
2. The lamp was a beacon of sunshine.
3. The fireworks were a lantern in the sky.
4. John slept like a log.
5. Mary was as sweet as pie.
6. George is lightning as he runs the race.
7. Gwen sings like an expert.
8. Mark’s voice is velvet.
9. Cindy is a fish when she swims.
10. Tom is like a computer when he does his math.

Activity B.
Directions: Write on the lines below whether each sentence above is a simile or a
metaphor. Write S for simile or M for metaphor.
1.____ 6.____
2.____ 7.____
3.____ 8.____
4.____ 9.____
5.____ 10.____

Activity C.
Directions: . Below are several sentences. If a metaphor is present, write a simile to
take its place. If a simile is present, write a metaphor to take its place. It is fine to
slightly modify your sentences in your answers.

1. Mike is a chef when he’s in the kitchen.

2. Barbara is as hungry as a horse.
3. The car was a jet when it passed by us.
4. Kenny played the violin like an expert.
5. The music was as soothing as rain.
6. The grass is a green carpet for the golfers.
7. The inside of the car was a refrigerator.
8. Beth became the dance as the music played.
9. His stomach was a bottomless pit.
10. The tide is as high as the mountain.

Personification is the act of giving non-living things human characteristics.
A comparison in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it
were human qualities, abilities, feelings, and reaction.
Lightning danced across the sky.
The wind howled in the night.
My alarm clock yells at me to get out of the bed.

Activity A.
Directions: . Underline all words and phrases in the paragraph that show
Our house is an old friend of ours. Although he creeks and groans with every
gust of wind, he never fails to protect us from the elements. He wraps his arms of bricks
and mortar around us and keeps us safe. He’s always been a good friend to us and we
would never leave him.

Activity B.
Directions: . Finish the sentences below with examples of personification. Remember
to choose a word that would normally be a characteristic or an action of a human. The
first one has been done for you.

1. The snow whispered as it fell to the ground.

2. The baseball bat __________________ as Casey hit the ball.

3. The printer __________________ out the copies that I printed.

4. The cup _____________________ an entire jar of tea.

5. The floor ______________________ as the elephant walked across it.

6. The car __________________ as the key was turned.

7. The alarm clock _____________________that it was time to get up.

8. The stars ______________________ at us from the night sky.

9. The chocolate cake was __________________ my name.

10. The old refrigerator _____________________ a sad tune as it ran.

Activity C.
Directions: Write a sentence that shows personification for each item listed below.
1. lightning
2. car
3. stars

4. wind
Activity D.
Directions: Write on each line whether the sentence contains a simile, metaphor, or
1. _______________ He is like a rocket on his bike.
2. _______________ The fire roared to life.
3. _______________ The leaves fell like rain.
4. _______________ The glasses danced on the shelf during the earthquake.
5. _______________ The clock is the keeper of time.
6. _______________ The water called invitingly to the hot children.
7. _______________ The rusty door hinge screamed every time the door opened.
8. _______________ The wind was like a piercing arrow.
9. _______________ The stage was the canvas upon which the play was painted.
10. _______________ The train screamed down the tracks.
11. _______________ Music is the salve that soothes us.
12. _______________ The swing rocked like a baby learning to walk.
13. _______________ Fruit is fuel for a healthy body.
14. _______________ The fresh apple was crispy like a new dollar bill.
15. _______________ Water is the hammer that erodes the rocks.

.Narrating and Arranging
Ideas through Picture

Narrate events chronologically/ arrange ideas logically through the

given pictures

Activity A.
Directions: Number the sentences from I to 3 to show what happens first, next, and
Directions: Look at each group of pictures. Put them in order to tell a story. Circle the
word first, next, or last to show the right order.
Activity C.
Directions: Number the sentences from I to 3 to show what happens first, next, and
Activity D.
Directions: Use numbers (1-5) to put the sentences in order.

A Fishing Trip
Maria was going fishing with her brother. Mother gave them a big lunch because
they would be gone all day. First, they put their things in the car. Then they went to the
lake. Maria caught three fish. She showed them to her mother when she got home.
Mother cooked all of Maria's fish for dinner.

_________Maria caught three fish.

_________First, they put their things in the car.
_________Mother cooked all of Maria's fish for dinner.
_________Maria was going fishing with her brother.
_________Then they went to the lake.
Activity D.
Directions: Show the order of the story by writing the numbers 1-6 in the correct boxes
inside each picture. Then write the corresponding sentence for each picture in order to
narrate the story. Write them in paragraph form on the space provided below. Make
your own story.






Activity E.
Directions: Show the order of the story by writing the numbers 1-4 in the correct boxes
inside each picture. Then write the corresponding sentence for each picture in order to
narrate the story. Write them in paragraph form on the space provided below. Make
your own story.







Summary, Precis and

Read and analyze the following information inside the boxes and answer the
activities that follow.

A summary is a shortened version or a gist. Remember the following:

 Base your summary on the original piece.

 Keep your summary short.
 Use your own wording.
 Refer to the central and main ideas of the original piece.
 Read with who, what, when, where, why and how questions in mind.
 Avoid putting in your opinion the issue or topic discussed in the original piece.

Source: Writing a Summary homepage.smc,edu/reading_lab/

How To Summarize

1. Read the text.

2. Don’t let big words scare you.
3. Ask, “What was this text about?”

Your Answer

1. Should be a complete sentence or two

2. Should cover main point and key ideas
3. Should be in your own words
4. Shouldn’t just be a word or two

When one hears the term “reality” applied to a television show, one might expect that
the events occurred naturally or, at the least, were not scripted, but this is not always the
case.  Many reality shows occur in unreal environments, like rented mansions occupied by film
crews.  These living environments do not reflect what most people understand to be
“reality.”  Worse, there have been accusations that events not captured on film were later
restaged by producers.  Worse still, some involved in the production of “reality” television claim
that the participants were urged to act out story lines premeditated by producers.  With such
accusations floating around, it’s no wonder many people take reality TV to be about as real as he

This passage is about how supposed reality shows are actually fake because of unreal
locations, scripts, and fake scenes.
+ Covers the main idea
+ Covers all key ideas
+ Is in the author’s own words
+ Does not include opinions or background information
Activity A

I. Directions: Arrange the following information logically to summarize the paragraph. Write
your answer on the space provided below.

You and Your Voice

The timbre of your voice is the quality which makes it distinguishable from the voice of
others. Your voice is a reflection of your in most self- your dreams remembered and forgotten,
your hopes and fears as well as it physical looks and traits. At the same time your voice reacts
chameleon like to the people whom you associate—your companions in work and play. Your
voice also varies with the state of your mind and body. Your voice is the sum of your tempered
by the conditions that affect you for the moment.,(Your voice and your Speech)

1. Your voice may change depending on your thoughts and emotion.

2. Your voice is the mirror of your dreams, hopes and fears.
3. Your voice can tell others who you are.
4. The quality of your voice will be your identity.


II. Direction: Answer the questions in complete sentences to develop a summary of the text.

This is Peru

The magnificent Andes stretch across the country is like curved spine. Mule paths wind
through the green lush mountains. Vast Incan ruins stand brilliant against the still blue sky. This
is Peru.

1. What do you think is the selection all about?

2. Which features are discussed in the selection?

Activity B

I. Directions: Read each passage and write a summary.

1. Ninjas used many different tools and weapons to get the job done: throwing stars, bows,
acid-spurting tubes to name a few, but the favorite weapon of most ninjas was probably the
katana. The katana is a long, curved sword with a single blade and a long grip to accommodate
two hands. This sword was often carried in a sheath or scabbard on the ninja’s back. Though
the sword was primarily used for fighting and killing, the scabbard served a number of purposes
too. The ninja could remove the sword, angle the scabbard against a wall, and use it to climb to
a higher place. Or, while stealthy negotiating their way through a dark place (such as an
enemy’s residence at night), ninjas may have used the scabbard as a walking stick, feeling or
probing their way around objects so as not to knock into anything and alert the enemy. Perhaps
the ninja’s most sinister use of the scabbard was to put a mixture of red pepper, dirt, and iron
shavings at the top of the scabbard, so that when the ninja drew his sword, his opponent would
be blinded. I wonder what a ninja could have done with a Swiss Army knife.

Summarize the passage in your own words:


2. It is estimated that over twenty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the US each year.
Brach’s, the top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times if each
piece were laid end to end. That’s a lot of candy corn, but that’s nothing compared to the
production of Tootsie Rolls. Over 64 million Tootsie Rolls are produced every day! But even
Tootsie Rolls have got nothing on the candy industry’s staple product: chocolate. Confectioners
manufacture over twenty billion pounds of chocolate in the United States each year. Now that’s
a mouthful!

Summarize the passage in your own words:


3. Screech! When a driver pushes on the brake pedal, it initiates a process that causes the
vehicle to stop in motion. We literally trust braking systems with our lives every time we get into
a vehicle or cross at a busy intersection. How does this life-critical process work? It begins when
the pedal is pushed. At this moment brake fluid is released into the braking mechanisms. As the
fluid collects, this creates a leverage, which causes a friction to be applied. This friction will
create a force that will cause the wheels to stop and allow you to reach your destination safely.
Beep! Beep!

Summarize the passage in your own words:

4. There are many types of lethal venom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier
than the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Male platypus carry a
venom cocktail in their ankle spurs. This venom incapacitates victims with excruciating pain.
Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception. That means that the
platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular movements of its prey.
Electroreception is a sixth sense different from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling.
Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live
young. What an odd creature indeed.

Summarize the passage in your own words:


5. Yellowstone National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is located in
the state of Montana. The Continental Divide of North America runs diagonally through the
southwestern part of the park. The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau, which is an average
elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level. This plateau is bounded on nearly all sides by mountain
ranges. There are 290 waterfalls that are at least fifteen feet in the park, the highest being the
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, which falls 308 feet.

Summarize the passage in your own words:


 Précis

A précis is a shortening of a text in your own words or of a written work. You are to
describe as accurately and briefly as possible the substance or main ideas contained in a text.
To write an effective précis, read the passage several times for a full understanding.
Note key points. It may, in fact, be helpful to underline these words. Do not use abbreviations
or contractions. When writing about the history, use the past tense.
Finally check your précis against the original to be sure that it retains the order,
proportions and relationships of the original

Sample précis

Teaching is the noblest of all the professions. A teacher has a sacred duty to perform.
It is he who rests the responsibility of molding the character of young children. Apart from
developing their intellect, he can inculcate in them qualities of good citizenship, remaining
neat and clean, talking decently and sitting properly. These virtues are not easy to be imbibed.
Only he who himself leads a life of simplicity, purity and rigid discipline can successfully
cultivate these habits in his pupils.

Besides a teacher always remain young. He may grow old in age, but not in spite.
Perpetual contact with budding youths keeps him happy and cheerful. There are moments
when domestic worries weigh heavily on his mind, but the delightful company of innocent
children makes him overcome his transient moods of despair.


Teaching is the noblest profession. A teacher himself leading a simple, pure and
disciplined life can mold the character of the young children and make them neat and good
mannered citizens. Besides he remains very young forgetting his own domestic worries in the
constant company of the young.
Activity A.

I. Direction: Read and analyze the excerpt/passage. Write a two-three (3-5) sentence précis by answering
the questions that follow.

And what is your attitude towards your fellow beings? Do you realize that regardless of their sex,
race, nationality, religious belief, political affiliations, educational attainments, and social and economic
status, they are neither better or worse than you? Do you realize that even the humblest and the most
illiterate among them are just as essential to the smooth running of the body politics as you or anybody
else as long as they perform their self-appointed tasks to the best of their respective abilities and as long
as these tasks are useful to others as well as to themselves? Do you realize that without them you
yourself would not be able to do your work with any degree of efficiency, much less live in contentment
and happiness? And do you realize that, therefore, every one of them is as worthy of your consideration
and of the consideration and respect of the rest of the society as even the most exalted among its member?

Excerpt from the essay Values by I.V. Mallari

1. What is the main idea of the excerpt?

2. What should be our attitude towards others?
3. How can we strengthen and refine our sense of values?
4. How can we appreciate beauty in others?
5. How does your sense of values affect your personality?




Activity B.

I. Direction: Read and analyze the excerpt/passage. Write a two-three (2-3) sentence précis.

A. Trust is the relationship. If there’s no trust, then there is no relationship. If we have issues, we
must look internally and solve them via introspection and self-awareness. Trust always starts with your
view and your ability to hold yourself up when the situation wants you to drown. Do not allow insecurity,
fear or the past to block your ability to trust now. Trust cannot afford to waste any more time doing that.
Trust is the ticket to freedom that you need.

Excerpt from the book “Dear soul; Love After Pain”





B. Isn’t friendship strange? The notion that two or more people can find each other happy, to offer
comfort and support in ways that our blood relations never could. That a love could be forged between
two people and that love exists not to perpetuate the population of humankind, but rather to allow us to
bond with another person who completes some part of us that we have lost along the way.





C. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughter of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You
may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their
bodies but not their souls for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not in
your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes nor
backward nor tarries with yesterday.

On Children—from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran



 Paraphrasing means restating someone else’s ideas in your own
words. It is done to make ideas easier to understand. Typically a
paraphrase is the same length as the original. Also a paraphrase is not
an evaluation nor an analysis of the original but simply a rephrasing.

Guidelines for Correct Paraphrasing

Before writing a paraphrase, make sure you have read the original text
several times and you have completely understood it.
Set the original aside then
Restate it in your own words.
Avoid using the original phrasing. Use some synonyms to express the
same idea.
Read the text carefully to distinguish main idea and supporting ideas.
Use the dictionary to unlock unfamiliar words
Rewrite the main idea and supporting ideas in your own words.
Follow the order of the ideas the way they appear in the original.
Restate complex ideas into ideas easy to understand.
Divide longer statements or stanzas into shorter ones.
Check if the paraphrase written is the same as the ideas in the original
but stated in your own words.
Activity A

I. Direction: Paraphrase the following paragraph. Number 1 is done for you.

David was good swimmer. He could swim faster than any of us. His strokes were good. He said he
had learned them in a summer camp in Laguna. He had a good teacher, he said imagine having
formal lessons in swimming! No wonder David was good.

David, with his skillful strokes, was a good swimmer for he could swim faster than any of them. He
said that he learned the skills from good teacher when he had summer camp and formal lessons in

David’s mother was very kind—very much like our own mothers. We thought Pampango mothers
must be different. But she was not. She was very fond of David. She said she was glad he had
found new playmates. She wanted David to be happy. She thanked us for being nice to him. And
we felt rather guilty of the way we had treated David at the beginning of the school year.


Then it turned out that David had been to many places. Because of his father’s job, the family had
to move about. David had lived in Bacolod, Zamboanga, Aparri, and many other places we had
only read about in our geography books. Goodness! We had thought that those name only stood
for little marks on the map. Now we learned from David that they were actual towns with houses,
and people and trees and schools and churches.

Activity B.
Direction: Paraphrase the following excerpt. Number 1 is done for you.

Original Paraphrase
My friends are my best buddies, The speaker in the poem considers his
They never desert me nor despise me friends as his best companions. His friends
They help me through difficulties neither leave his nor hate his. They help
and shape my personality to be the best I him solve his problems and influence him
can be to develop his character to be the best.

Original Paraphrase
I was angry with a friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end
I was angry with my foe:
Best I can be.

Original Paraphrase
“My life is very monotonous,” the fox said
“I hunt chicken, men hunt me.
All the chicken are just a like and all men
are just alike”
--The Little Prince—

Activity C.
Direction: Paraphrase the poem “It Is Not Growing Like a Tree” by Ben Jonson
by Ben Jonson

It is not growing like a tree

In bulk, doth make men better be;
Or standing long a oak, three hundred year,
To fall a log at last, dry, bald and sere:

A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May
Although it fall and die that night
It was the plant and flower of light.
In small proportions we just beauties see,
And in short measures life may perfect be.











Transcode Information
from Linear to Non-Linear
Texts and Vice-Versa

Transcode information from linear to linear texts and vice versa.

Activity A.

Directions : Analyze the diagram of the skeleton of the frog. Write true if the statements below
are correct and false if not on the space provided before the number.


humerus Collarbones
Shoulder blade
Tail pillar
Bones of foot

Ankle bones

____1. The frog has a collarbone.

____2. The frog’s arm bones are the humerus and the vertebrae.

____3. The femur connects the knee to the ankle bones.

____4. The tail pillar is longer than the radio-ulna.

____5. The frog’s breastbone is smaller than its skull.

____6. The frog has only one foot bone.

____7. The frog has two femurs.

____8. The frog has two ankle bones on each foot

Activity B.
 A pictograph is a graphic system of presenting statistical data by pictorial forms

Direction: Study the given symbols carefully. Then create pictograph of COVID 19 report/
update as of April 29, 2020.

Deaths Thousand

Confirmed Cases

Active Cases ones

The COVID19 is a pandemic that affected many countries. In the

Philippines it has taken its toll and has recorded the latest data as of April
29, 2020.
Confirmed Cases- 8,212
Active Cases- 6,631

Data Source-www.covid

Activity C.

Charts and cycles are graphic aids that give information through
pictures and drawing.

Direction: Transcode/ discuss the steps given for proper hand washing using the verbs
in the complete sentences.
Getting the Main Idea

Identifying the main idea in a reading text is an essential reading skill. It is the first
step on the path of reading comprehension. Think about it, if a student can read all the words
but can’t understand what the author is trying to say, then the meaning of the words has been

This is Good to Know!

. The main idea may be clearly stated as a sentence. It represents the essential point
that the author is trying to convey. The main idea is usually reinforced by a series of other
points or details which support the premise of the main idea. These are called
supporting ideas and may also be stated or implied.

Main idea tells the Details explain and

Details are facts,
reader what the text is describe the main idea.
statements and
examples. about

How to identify the main idea?

1. Read the whole text.

2. Ask, “What is the author trying to say?”

3. Pay extra attention to the first and last sentence.


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the surface of the moon,
but they were not the last. That was Gene Cernan, the last man to step off the lunar surface. In
total there have been twelve men who have walked on the moon, all of whom had done so
between 1969 and 1972, which is the most recent non-Michael Jackson moon walking.

How to understand main idea?

1. You must comprehend the text.
2. You have to focus on the biggest idea

This paragraph is about moon walkers.

Armstrong and Aldrin Cernan was the
First Men on the Moon Last Man on the Moon
12 Men Have Walked
On the Moon


Paragraph 1

A penny for your thoughts? If it's a 1943 copper penny, it could be worth as much as fifty
thousand dollars. In 1943, most pennies were made out of steel since copper was needed for
World War II, so the 1943 copper penny is ultra-rare. Another rarity is the 1955 double die
penny. These pennies were mistakenly double stamped, so they have overlapping dates and
letters. If it's uncirculated, it'd easily fetch $25,000 at an auction. Now that's a pretty penny.
1.The main idea of the paragraph is _______

2. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?

a. How to make Money by Collecting Coins
b. The Role of Pennies During World War II
c. Two Rare and Valuable pennes
d. How Pennies are stamped

Paragraph 2

Before you put on that skeleton costume and rove door-to-door pandering for candy,
take a minute to reflect on this tradition. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient
Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and
marked the end of summer to the Celts. They celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made
of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive
celebration grew to be the candy fueled costume ball that we know today.
1.The main idea of the paragraph is _______

2. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?

a. The History of Halloween Costumes

b. Ancient Celtic Festivals
c.Celtic Holidays
d. The Origins of Hallowee

Activity A.
Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself, "What is the author doing in this paragraph?"
Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an appropriate title for the passage
based on the main idea of the passage.

1. When one hears the term "reality" applied to a show, one might expect that the events
portrayed occurred naturally or, at the least, were not scripted. This is not always the case.
Many reality shows occur in unreal environments, like rented mansions occupied by film crews.
Such living environments do not reflect what most people understand to be "reality." Worse,
there have been accusations that events not captured on film were later restaged by producers.
Worse still, some involved in the production of "reality" television claim that the participants were
urged to act out story lines premeditated by producers. With such accusations floating around,
it's no wonder many people take reality TV to be about as real as the sitcom.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

An appropriate title:

2. It is estimated that over twenty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the US each year.
Brach’s, the top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times if each
piece were laid end to end. That’s a lot of candy corn, but that’s nothing compared to the
production of Tootsie Rolls. Over 64 million Tootsie Rolls are produced every day! But even
Tootsie Rolls have got nothing on the candy industry’s staple product: chocolate. Confectioners
manufacture over twenty billion pounds of chocolate in the United States each year. Now that’s
a mouthful!

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

An appropriate title:
3. Screech! When a driver pushes on the brake pedal, it initiates a process that causes the
vehicle to stop in motion. We literally trust braking systems with our lives every time we get into
a vehicle or cross at a busy intersection. How does this life-critical process work? It begins when
the pedal is pushed. At this moment brake fluid is released into the braking mechanisms. As the
fluid collects, this creates a leverage, which causes a friction to be applied. This friction will
create a force that will cause the wheels to stop and allow you to reach your destination safely.
Beep! Beep!

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

An appropriate title:

4. There are many types of lethal venom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier
than the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Male platypus carry a
venom cocktail in their ankle spurs. This venom incapacitates victims with excruciating pain.
Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal that uses electroreception. That means that the
platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity produced by the muscular movements of its prey.
Electroreception is a sixth sense different from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling.
Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live
young. What an odd creature indeed.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

An appropriate title:
5. Yellowstone National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is located in
the state of Montana. The Continental Divide of North America runs diagonally through the
southwestern part of the park. The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau, which is an average
elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level. This plateau is bounded on nearly all sides by mountain
ranges. There are 290 waterfalls that are at least fifteen feet in the park, the highest being the
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, which falls 308 feet.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

An appropriate title: __________________________________________________________

Retrieved from
Retrieved from

Activity B.
Gifts for the City
Shirley Mary deLeonhirley Mary deLeon

Directions: The grid below contains words included in the poem Gifts for the City. Find words
from the grid and match them with their meanings in the gift box. Clues are given through the
italicized and highlighted letters.


1. to get rid of
2. particlesGifts
of soilfor
floating in rivers
the City
3. a wide street
Shirley Mary deLeonhirley Mary deLeon
4. load
5. extend across
Along the wide span
6. work notof spherespecial skill
Roads that 7.
into smoke and fog
Names of leaders
8. scopehave laid their mark
and range
From Garcia, Quirino
9. use and Quezon
of symbols to communicate
10. to begin again
I walked slowly along the avenues
Thinking of thoughts to help this city, too
From menial tasks to heavy burdens be
Source: English
I thought 7 Learner’s
of sharing Material
my gifts to see

Follow traffic rules in signage on the streets, please

Dispose garbage made of paper, plastic and silts
Reading the poem
Remember to clear the air of smog
By planting green and shrubs
Directions: Read the poem “Gifts for the City” by Shirley Mary deLeon and answer the questions
below. Gifts as simple as flower I can give
Simple thoughts to renew each life with a kiss
A person, a student or a citizen
There are gifts we can give and share
1. What is the main idea of the poem? Point out the details used by the speaker to show the
main idea of the poem.

2. What gifts does the speaker want to give to the city?

3. What does the speaker encourage others to do?

4. As a student, how will you encourage others to do their share in making your city/town a
better place?

5. As an individual, what is the essence of gift giving?

Phrases, Clauses and

Read and analyze the following information inside the boxes and answer the
activities that follow.

This is Good to Know!

Phrase is a group of two or more words that expresses a single idea but do
not form a complete sentence



at the end of the road

in a few minutes

 Prespositional Phrase includes the prepositional together with its object.

along the avenues (along is the preposition and
avenues is the object)
from the poem’s cover (from is the preposition and
cover is the object of prepostion
Other Examples:
a. The girl from the boarding house left the purse in the laboratory.
b. These stories in the book were translated by my teacher.
c. They were looking for a boy with eye glasses.
d. That picture behind my table used to hang in the principal’s office.
e. Upon my arrival, I was brought into the library.

Activity A.
Directions: Read the article and recognize the prepositional phrases. Copy each. Then answer
the question below using phrases.

Maps are drawing of geographical areas with basic details about the
areas. The legend tells the meaning of the symbols used on the map and the
scale in the measurement used.

a. What do maps include?


b. Why are maps important?


c. How do we locate places in maps?

Clause- a group of words
with subject and verb Activity A.
which may stand alone or Pair off the appropriate clauses to form meaningful
may not stand alone sentences. Write your sentences on the space provided below.
Two types of Clause Column A
Column B
1. Main clause-
complete thought; Stay home That will
can stand alone reduce the widespread of COVID19
2. Subordinate
clause- Which affected many nations Look up to
dependent on God Saves lives
other clause for its
Physical distancing is a remedy COVID 19 is a
complete thought.

The virus spread fast when there are social gatherings





Activity B.
Using the items in activity A categorize the clauses by grouping them as to main or

Main Clause Subordinate Clause

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________
Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a
subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command,
and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.


1. Declarative sentences 2. Exclamatorysentences

-make statements - make statements with emotions
-end with periods - end with exclamation marks

Examples: Examples:
 I am hungry.  I can’t find the keys!
 He writes the script.  I am so excited!

3. Interogativesentences 4. Imperativesentences
- ask questions - give commands
-end with question marks -make requests
- end with periods or exclamation
Examples: marks
 Who am I?
 Where are you? Examples:
 Eat your foods.
 Please, get my wallet.

Let us practice!

Directions: Identify and label each sentence as declarative, exclamatory, interogative, and

Examples: You are my inspiration. Declarative

Why are angry? Interogative
Take your medicine. Imperative
Mrs. Diona’s class is the best! Exclamatory

1. Mrs. Gomez went to the mall.

2. Close the door now.
3. Stop, take your hands off of me!
4. Most workers found the better jobs after the factory had closed.
5. is everybody present?

Activity A. Labeling
Directions: Read each sentence and label the kind of sentence it is.

Example: How are you today?

Answer: Interogative sentence

1. I am so excited to see you!

2. Do your homework after dinner.

3. My favorite team won the game.

4. Please take out the trash.

5. What do you like to eat?

6. No way! I am not going to let you get a tattoo.

7. Get up out of the bed immediately.

8. May I have a pen?

9. She loves watching Korean dramas.

10. Pass your activity sheets now.

Activity B. Writing Sentences

Directions: Write five sentences of each kind of sentence.

. Declarative (makes a statement)


Interogative (asks a question)


Imperative (gives a command)


Exclamatory (expresses strong feeling)


Answer the activities below. Be guided with the meaning and types of Analogy
inside the box.

Example: dog is to cat as man is to woman becomes dog : cat :: man : woman

Types of Analogies
1. Antonymspairs that show an opposite relationship
Example: night : day :: happy : sad
2. Synonyms  pairs that show a similar relationship or have the same meaning
Example: smart: intelligent:: conceal:hide
3. Cause and Effectinvolves a noun or verb that leads to the other word
Example : rain: flood:: typhoon:destruction
4. Part to Whole pairs that show the first word as part of the second word
Example:monitor: computer:: finger : hand
5. LocationWhere something can be found
Example:stove: kitchen:: bed : bedroom
6.Action and Objectin these items, the object always receives the action
Example:boil: egg:: throw : ball
7.Performer and Actionin these items, a person i doing something
Example:author : write:: chef : cook
8.Performer and Objecta person is working with a tangible object
Example:cashier : cash:: plumber : pipe
9. Functionhow something works
Example:knife : cut:: pen : write
10. Degreehow much of something
Example:chuckle: laugh:: whimper : cry
11. Characteristics Qualitydescribes something
Example:puppies : furry :: fish : slippery
12. Classificationputs something in a category
Example: ballet : dance :: frog : amphibian

Some important things to remember when you think about analogies :
Parts of Speech if the words in the first pair express a “noun : adjective,” or
“verb : noun,” or adjective : adjective” relationship (for instance), the second pair
should show the same relationship between parts of speech.
Word Order if the first pair expresses a “tool user : tool” relationship (for instance),
the second pair must express the same relationship in the same order.
Exactness  Sometimes two or more of the given choices would make fairly good
sense in the blank. When this happens, you should choose the word or pair of
words, which most exactly suits the relationship you are expressing.
Let us practice!
Complete the analogy
1. Antonyms
boy: girl ::man:______
a. mother b. teacher c. woman d. aunt
2. Performer and Object
carpenter: hammer::photographer:______
a. picture b. film . camera d. flash
3. Part to Whole
lumber: house ::rubber:______
a. hammer b. gum c. tree d. tire
4. Degree
run : sprint :: pretty :_____
a.nice b.mean c.ugly d.gorgeous

Activity A. Completing Analogies

Directions: Look at the first two words in the analogy. Then, choose a word to complete
the second part of the analogy in the same way.

1. sleep: bed :: sit :____

a. dresser b. closet c. chair d. desk
2. rock: hard :: feather:___
a. flat b. limp c. light d. soft
3. bowl: soft :: plate: ____
a. sandwich b. banana c. ice cream d. peanut butter
4. text : words :: music:____
a. song b. notes c. ipod d. radio
5. snip: scissors :: fasten :____
a. clips b. wall c. hair d. pen
6. tissue : nose :: towel :____
a. fingernail b. face c. foot d. body
7. vase: flowers :: sink :____
a. box b. cupboard c.dishes d. food
8. desk: work :: sofa:____
a. leisure b. play c.sleep
9. little : small ::large :____
a. halt b. huge c.narrow d. quick
10. moon : night :: sun:____
a. bright d.rain

Activity B. What’s the Relationship

Directions: Identify the relationship that describes each analogy. Choose your answer
from the choices below.
1. wing : bird :: tire : cars
2. hit : tennis ball :: stop : red light
3. space suit : astronaut :: violin : orchestra
4. novel : fiction :: history : nonfiction
5. interior : superior :: poor : outstanding
6. gas : gas station :: food : restaurant
7. precise: exact :: progress :: advancement
8. river : Mississippi :: religion : Baptist
9. carpenter : hammer :: doctor : stethoscope
10. teacher : teach :: students : learn

Part to whole Characteristics Synonyms Function

Action and object Antonyms Performer and Object Degree
Performer and object Location Classification

Activity C. Creating Analogies

Directions: Determine the relationship between the first set of words. Then, fill in the blank with
a set of words that have the same relationship.

1. knife : cut :: _________________________

2. up : down :: _________________________

3.milk : cow :: _________________________

4. stove : kitchen :: _____________________

5.toe: foot :: __________________________

6.week : day :: ________________________

7.sun :hot :: __________________________

8.banana : fruit :: _____________________

9. teacher:student :: ____________________

10.magic : tricks :: ______________________


Retrieved from

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Literal and Figurative


Study the meaning of Literal and Figurative language inside the

box. Then answer the activities below.

This is Good to Know!

Literal language has basic meaning or no other meaning.
Examples: Eddie and Delia fight all the time. (very direct—they always fight)
Eddie and Delia are siblings. (direct—Eddie is Delia’s brother)
Figuratve language has hidden or underlying meaning.
Examples: Eddie and Delia are words apart. (sort of indirect—there is a gap between
There is a bad blood between Eddie and Delia. (indirect-negatuve
between them)

Let’s Practice!
Directions: Categorize statements from the story “The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz”.
Write LIT for Literal and FIG for figurative.

Statement Literal Figurative

1. Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Berto’s adopted dog. LIT
2. Centipedes often scare people because of how they
3. Delia’s resentment towards Eddie could be traced back
from their mother’s death.
4. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side—something
which should be plucked.
5. Eddie’s feelings toward his sister could be compared to
that of an overheated kettle.
6. Eddie’s sister was stunned when she saw the centipede.
7. Even as a young boy, Eddie already had the instincts of
a hunter.
8. For most of the story, Eddie and Delia were like oil and

Activity A. FIGure the LIT

Direction: Identify by putting check mark, if the statement is under literal or figurative

Literal Figurative
Language Language

1. My mother gave me a tongue lashing when she found

out I lost the camera.

2. I have a ton of essay to write before the week end.

3. The varsity player is so tall that his head could almost

touch the ceiling.

4. The guidance counselor was determined to get to the

bottom of the problem.

5. My father cried tears of joy when he saw the baby.

6.Our classmate snorted like a pig when I told her the

7. Her mother’s cooking always works like a charm on her


8. His friend is good in cracking jokes.

9. The cheeks of the baby are pinkish.

10. We seldom fight like cats and dogs with my cousins.

Activity B.

Directions: Identify the sentence as literal or figurative. If the figurative underline the
figurative language and explain what the author is suggesting, implying or meaning. The
number 1 was done for you.

Sentence Literal or Figurative Language

Figurative: the writer is so hungry

1. I’m hungry, I could eat a horse.
they could eat large amount of food.

2. She is as fast as a cheetah!

3. That dog is a clown; it makes us laugh all the


4. He was late to dinner.

5. I stayed up late last night, I’m so tired!

6. They are busy as bees.

7. The sky is pale blue with few clouds.

8. The field is calm and quiet.

9. The sky is full of dancing stars.

10. The dawn crept across the sky in pink


Source: https//

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