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Friday Flyer January 21, 2011

Tired of Winter Weather? Cheer Up: Spring is only 66 days away!

Highlights of Jan. 20 Special Board Meeting
The Board met in special open session to finalize the proposal and related statement for the Special Meeting of LMOA Members on
April 2. The special member meeting was called by the Board to give members the opportunity to vote whether to authorize use of
$700,000 from the Emergency Reserve Account (ERA) to pay for major repairs to the Main Lake and Tufton Lake dams. After much
discussion, both documents were approved as edited during the meeting, pending legal review. The statement, which will accompany
the proposal in the Notice of Special Member Meeting, will describe what will happen if the proposal is approved by members and if it is
not. The Board made it clear that regardless of the outcome of the vote, the repairs will be (must be) made. If the members do not
authorize use of ERA funds, the cost of repairs will be paid from various other accounts.
The Board also
• Denied a motion to cancel the April 2 special meeting and proceed to use money from other funds for the dam repairs.
• Amended a September 2010 motion that authorized purchase of a police vehicle to specify the vehicle is a 2010 vehicle, not a 2011 vehicle.
• Set the time and location of the April 2 Special Meeting of Members. The meeting will be called to order at 10AM in the Faulconer
Room and go immediately into recess for ballot voting until 1PM, when the meeting will be called back to order in the Terrace Room.
Clarification on member comments during special Board of Directors meetings: The Bylaws limit member comments during
special open session Board meetings specifically to the meeting topic. The same requirement holds true for Board work sessions.

The January Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thurs., Jan. 27. The meeting will be called to order at 6PM and
go immediately into executive session to discuss legal, contract and personnel matters. The meeting will reconvene in open session in
the Terrace Room at 7PM. There will be two opportunities for member comments -- see the agenda below. Speakers may sign up in
advance at the Administration Office, in the Terrace Room before the call to order on the evening of the meeting, or by contacting Meg
Gore at 589-8263, ext. 110, or The meeting will be broadcast live on cable channel 10(977), with replays for one
week. See “Channel 10 Presents” for the schedule. The meeting agenda will include:
REPORTS: Fluvanna Board of Supervisors (Supervisor Joe Chesser)
MEMBER COMMENT PERIOD #1 (5 minutes per member; total 30 minutes maximum on agenda items only)
BYLAW AND POLICY CHANGES - Second Reading: none
• Operations Building Basement Plan (LMPD Chief Tom Boisvert)
• Contracts for Main Lake dam repairs, Tufton Lake dam repairs and Main Lake low-level drain repairs (Linda Adams, Solicitations and
Contracts Administrator)
• Endowments, Bequests, Memorials and Gifts for the Golf Course (Rowland Carlson, Golf Committee Chair)
• Annual Meeting Date (Communications Manager Peggy Alexander)
• Water Safety Patrol – Flotilla 88 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (General Manager John Korhonen)
• Board and Committee Chairs February Meeting (President Scott Meiss)
• Committee Appointments
• Investment Committee Report (Chuck Johnson, Investment Committee Chair)
• Dam Project Status (General Manager Korhonen)
MEMBER COMMENT PERIOD #2 (any LMOA topic; 5 minutes per person)
• Amend Bylaws Article 4, Meetings of Members, to add §14.13, Members’ Privilege to Vote without Hindrance or Delay (Election
• Amend PM 16.08, Election Committee Charter, Attachment: Election Committee Rules and Procedures, to remove wording stricken
from the Bylaws in February 2010 (Election Committee)
• Amend PM 4.02Q, LMOA Investment Policy, to allow transactions in certain derivatives including sale of covered calls (C. Johnson)
• Amend PM 16.00, Committees, to limit committee chairs (President Meiss)
• Amend PM 16.04, Finance Committee Charter, related to service of chairs of other committees on the Finance Committee (President
Board and Committee Chairs Work Session, Tues., Feb. 1, at 7:30PM in the Terrace Room. Each committee chair will
make a brief report of current activities, the status of projects and plans for the future. Chairs who are unable to attend may delegate a
committee representative. Committee members and others who are interested in committee activities are welcome to attend. Time will
be allotted for member comments on the agenda topic only before the discussion begins.

Committee Members, Help Is Available: The 2011 Committee Orientation will be held at 6:30PM on Tues., Feb. 1, in the
Terrace Room, just prior to the Board and Committee Chairs Work Session. The goal of this learning opportunity is to help new and
veteran committee members learn how to perform effectively within LMOA. All committee members are encouraged to attend.
Presenters will be President Scott Meiss, General Manager John Korhonen and Communications Manager Peggy Alexander.

Do You Have Questions about What It Means to Be a Director? “This Week at the Lake,” the community news
and information program on LMOA cable channel 10(977), will present “What It Means to Be a Director,” beginning Feb. 3. President
Scott Meiss will lead an in-studio discussion with outgoing and former directors, who will share their experiences on the Board and talk
about the rewards of community service. President Meiss is asking members to submit questions for the panel to answer during the
broadcast. Send questions by Jan. 26 to or bring or send them to Peggy Alexander at the Administration
Office. The program will be broadcast live on channel 10(977) at 7PM on Thurs., Feb. 3, and repeated at 9AM and 7PM daily through
Wed. morning, Feb. 9.

Candidates Needed to Fill Three Vacancies on the Board: At least four candidates are needed to provide choices
for the member vote to fill the three vacant seats on the seven-member Board in June. If you are interested in helping make the big and
small decisions that determine the present and future of the community, please consider becoming a candidate. Candidates must
complete the LMOA petition process, which will begin as soon as the petition packets are available on February 2. For more
information about the petition process, the election or Board service, contact Communications Manager Peggy Alexander at 589-8263,
ext. 111, or

Ad Hoc Committee on Deer Contraception will meet on Wed., Jan. 26, at 6:30PM in the Terrace Room. All welcome.
Time will be allotted for member comments.

Volunteers Needed for Community Fishing Pier Construction: Efforts are underway to identify and organize
volunteers who want to participate in the construction of the Community Fishing Pier, scheduled to begin in March. Persons interested
in participating as construction team members, team leaders, overall project supervisor or performing various support functions are
encouraged to register now. Letters were mailed this week to those who have expressed their interest and provided contact information
in the past. If you are interested but didn’t receive a letter, go to and click on Volunteer
Questionnaire. Fill out the form and mail it to Bo’s Pier Group, 265 Turkeysag Trail, Suite 102, #130, Palmyra, VA 22963. Call (703)
582-4398 for additional information.

Environmental Control Citation Notice

y Outdated holiday decorations: The ECC advises that it will start writing citations on Feb. 1.
y Clogged ditches and culvert pipes: The ECC already is citing residents who have leaf and debris blocked ditches and culverts.
y For information, call the ECC office at (434) 591-0196.

Winter Golf Learning Opportunities

Winter Golf Seminars for men and women will be held on Tuesdays, Feb. 8, 15, 22 and March 1 in the Crofton Room at the
Pro Shop. Sessions run from 10 to 11:15AM. Topics will include rules of golf and basic instructional concepts. Sign up at
the Pro Shop.
The Indoor Practice Facility is up and running at the Marina. Thirty-minute indoor lessons are available by
appointment for just $10, including video analysis. Call the Pro Shop for your appointment – 589-3075.


Please note changes from previously announced schedule.
Programs air at 9AM and 7PM daily on cable channel 10(977)
y Through Wed., Jan. 26: LM Fire & Rescue President Len Bozza will talk about the important work of the volunteers, the current
fundraising campaign and more.
y Thurs. – Wed., Jan. 27 – Feb. 2: January 27 regular Board of Directors Meeting
[LMOA events & activities are printed in bold type.]
Fri., Jan. 21 through 9PM LM Free Swap, TR
Sat., Jan 22 8:30AM--1PM LM Free Swap, TR
Mon., Jan. 24 8AM Aerobics, TR
9AM Duplicate Bridge, FR
9:30AM Little Ones at the Lake, TR
1PM Mah Jongg for Fun, FR
6PM Brownie Troop 1100, TGR
6PM Girl Scout Troop 657, TR
7PM Chess Club, TBR
7:30PM Bass Club, FR
Tues., Jan. 25 8AM Environmental Control Committee, OB
8AM Aerobics, TR
9:30AM Basket Weaving, TR
1PM Canasta, FR
1PM Casual Bridge, FR
5:30PM Girl Scout Troop 2047, TR
7PM Pinochle, TGR
7PM Finance Committee, TBR
Wed., Jan. 26 7:30AM Rotary Club, AG
9AM Line Dancing, TR
9:30AM Ladies’ Bridge, FR
3PM Solicitation & Contract Review, TBR
6:30PM Rivanna Lions Club, FR
6:30PM Ad Hoc Committee: Deer Contraception, TR
7PM Crafting Group, TBR
7PM Newcomers & Old Friends Game Night, TGR
7:30PM Compliance Committee, OB
Thurs., Jan 27 8AM Aerobics, TR
10AM Ladies’ Duplicate Bridge, FR
12:15PM Mah Jongg, FR
1PM Piecemakers, TR
6PM Girl Scouts -- Juliettes, TGR
6PM Board Executive Session, TBR
7PM Board Open Session, TR
Fri., Jan. 28 8AM Aerobics, TR
9:30PM Once-a-Month Bridge, AG
1PM Hand and Foot, TR
AG – Ashlawn Grille; ATC – Ashlawn Tennis Courts; BBF – Bunker Ball Field; CBY – Clubhouse Back Yard; CH – Clubhouse; CR –
Crofton Room; OB – Operations Building; EN – Eagles Nest; FR – Faulconer Room; GC – Golf Course; P – Pool; PS – Pro Shop; TGR
– Terrace Game Room; TBR – Terrace Board Room; TR – Terrace Room; TL -- Tufton Lake


• LM FREE SWAP: Are you clearing out clutter, preparing for a move, have stuff that’s still usable, but not to you? The first LM Free
Swap of 2011 is being held on Jan. 21 and 22 in the Terrace Room. Friday hours: 9:30AM to 9PM. Sat hours: 8:30AM to 1PM. Bring
what you want to get rid of, take whatever you want or need. No money changes hands. For details, email
Next swap: March.
• FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES, The Barter Theatre players from Abington, VA, will present "The Ugly Duckling" at Carysbrook on Sun.,
Jan. 23, at 3PM. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children. Prior to the performance, at 1PM, the group will conduct an acting
workshop at the theater.
• LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS will meet Tues., Jan. 25, at the Library. Refreshments at 5:30PM, meeting at 6. Speaker: new
County Administrator Jay Scudder on his vision for Fluvanna, its fiscal situation and more. All welcome. For more information, call 591-
• MAH JONGG PLAYERS, order your new card now and help the LM Fire & Rescue at the same time. Orders are due by Jan. 31. Call
589-4727 for more information.
• LADIES’ 9-HOLE GOLF SIGN UP: It's time for 9-hole ladies to sign up for the coming season. Just call the Pro Shop at 589-3075, or
sign up in the ladies’ locker room by March 22. The first meeting will be a breakfast at the Eagles Nest on Tues., Apr. 5, at 9AM. New
members always welcome.
• GARDEN PLOTS AVAILABLE: The Fluvanna Community Garden at Pleasant Grove has plots available for 2011. If you like to
garden but don’t have the space or sunlight needed, this is a great alternative and an opportunity to meet other gardeners. Water
available onsite. Reservations and a fee are required. Call the Fluvanna Extension Office at 591-1950 for details.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Call (434) 589-8263, ext. 300.

PRO SHOP: Open 7AM to 5:30PM. Carts due 30 minutes before sunset. For tee time or in inclement weather, call (434) 589-3075. For
information go to the website at
EAGLES NEST: Opens 7:30AM to 2PM daily. Breakfast Buffet, Sat. and Sun. until 12N. Blue Plate specials Mon. – Fri. from 7:30 to
11AM. Chair lift available. To-go orders welcome -- call 589-3512. For information or to schedule a meeting or other event, ask for or
email Manager Jet Thompson at
ASHLAWN GRILLE: Open Tues. – Sat. 4:30-9PM, and for Sunday brunch from 10:30AM to 2PM in the Clubhouse. For information,
call (434) 591-1151.
MARINA: Open 10AM to 6PM, daily, selling plus grade gasoline for cars and boats, ice, bait, propane. For information, call (434) 589-
LEAF DISPOSAL SITE is open inside the fenced area at Tufton Lake for disposal of leaves, grass clippings and acorns. Please
remove leaves from bags and take the bags for reuse. No brush, trees, trash or other debris permitted. No commercial dumping.
HORSESHOES, Mon., Tues., Wed. at 1PM at Ashlawn Pits. All over 18 years welcome. For information call 589-4225.
ORGANIZED TENNIS: Ladies’ – 9AM, Mon. & Thurs.; men’s – 9AM, Tues., Wed., Fri.; and mixed doubles – 9AM, Sat.

The Friday Flyer is an official weekly publication of the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association. It communicates matters of
general interest and presents information on policies, procedures, activities and events. The editorial staff is responsible for content
based on guidelines set forth in policy. Deadline for submission of announcements and news is 5PM on Wednesday, unless otherwise
announced. Email announcements to or drop off at the Administration Office. Submission does not guarantee
publication. The printed Friday Flyer is available around the community, online at and on cable TV channel 14(978) for
your convenience. For more information, call (434) 589-8263, extension 111.

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