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Carolina Tituaña

Reading Notes
Fruits, Not Roots
In the article "Fruits, Not Roots" he talks about how many environmental
organizations have changed their ideologies and become complicit in environmental
pollution. The author talks about the measures taken at first like the ideals. Those
measures that prevented pollution and gave heavy fines. In the beginning, the
environmentalists maintained themselves through the demands they made to the
polluting companies. Currently the role of conservationists in preventing and
reclaiming pollution has changed. Currently these companies are based on
donations, many of which are made by oil companies, car companies and other
highly polluting companies.
This has meant that instead of proposing impartial measures that seek
environmental care, they have been directed to "win-win" measures.
In these measures, it has been sought instead of preventing the pollution change by
other less effective actions. For example: instead of reducing the production of cars,
we have sought to create much more expensive ecological models.
Other measures that make conservationism a profitable business without principles
The kioto protocol that allows to sell emission permits in order to be able to
contaminate as much as possible.
Another interesting example is the sale of carbon permits that pay for the
conservation of areas. In this respect mega-diverse countries have sold their
territories in these carbon permits with the intention of "conserving" them, however,
they have caused Indigenas to have their human rights taken away from them and
their routine activities prevented. They are prohibited from hunting, gathering and
having freedom over their territory. The Indigenas have been cast as the villains
whose livelihood activities are seen as extremely damaging. While paradoxically the
oil companies do not have rigorous controls being the ones that pollute the most.
This has generated many companies to create products that destroy unintentional
gases, but while they produce other gases
Changes in conservation foundations have led people to believe that protecting the
environment is about consuming products labeled "ecological", when the real way to
make a change is to change the way we move, eat and eat. we dress

No conservationist group campaigns on the modification of cities in order that the
distances that a person has to move each day diminish. In addition, very little is
heard about the impact of food on pollution. For example, very few people
understand how a diet that reduces the consumption of meat can be very beneficial
for the planet. Nor is there talk of the impact of fashionable trends in the production
of greenhouse gases.
eople feel happy consuming water in "green" plastics and buying products labeled
"green" or buying a hybrid car. When these "solutions" are only distractors of the real
Many people are unaware of the impact of air travel or the toxic and polluting that
becomes a cell phone chip or computer, because thanks to advertising is blamed for
pollution to ordinary citizens while companies polluters take no action.
I think that environmentalism has become a profitable and distorted business. An
interesting example are the transgenic ones that many ecological groups have tried
to demonize and promote "organic products". When the reality is that organic
products generate much more pollution than transgenic. In this way, currently to
believe in what an environmental group says, you need to investigate about the
companies that sponsor them.

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