Spatial Resolution Evaluation of A Microwave System For Breast Cancer Screening

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Spatial Resolution Evaluation of a Microwave

System for Breast Cancer Screening

Daniel Tajik*1 , Jessica Trac1 , Natalia K. Nikolova1 ,
1 Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, *

Abstract—The ability of microwave breast imaging to achieve specific spatial resolution. Theoretically, the spatial resolution
sub-centimeter spatial resolution has been proven before in is known to be limited by the wavelength of the radiation (i.e.
simulation and simple experimental studies. However, detecting diffraction limit) [5]. However, in practice, the background
sub-centimeter tumours depends not only on the theoretical
spatial resolution limit, but also on the level of background clutter clutter and noise caused by system-specific implementations
and measurement uncertainty. Therefore, estimating the actual degrade the actual spatial resolution. In order to verify that the
limit of the smallest detectable object in a specific measurement data acquired by the experimental setup have adequate signal-
setup is critical before the setup can be deployed in a clinical to-noise ratio (SNR) for image reconstruction, the acquisition
scenario. Here, we present a method of such evaluation on itself must be evaluated.
a planar microwave imaging setup for breast cancer imaging.
The method utilizes the measurement of a small scattering In this work, an experimental method is proposed to eval-
probe of known size and permittivity in a uniform embedding uate the ability of a microwave imaging system to resolve
medium. The contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of the generated point cancerous targets of 1 cm3 and to quantify the actual res-
spread function can then be evaluated to determine the system- olution limits. Similar to quality assurance methods used in
specific spatial resolution. The effectiveness of this approach is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [6], this approach utilizes
demonstrated in an experimental study of a compressed-breast
phantom. This method can be applied to evaluate the limit of the measurement of a small scattering probe of a permittivity
the size of detectable objects for other acquisitions systems, e.g. close to that of cancerous tissue embedded in a uniform
hemispherical or cylindrical antenna configurations. background medium similar to averaged breast tissue. This
Index Terms—microwave imaging, breast cancer, calibration, measurement, in combination with a measurement of the back-
CNR, SNR, point spread function, PSF. ground medium, generates a point spread function (PSF). The
contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), a measure similar to SNR, is
then calculated from the PSF data sets. The size of the tumour
simulant alongside the CNR evaluation can then determine
Biennual breast cancer screening for at-risk age groups is the resolving ability of the imaging setup. An experimental
commonly recommended [1], [2]. The goal of such regular study is performed using a breast phantom measured with a
screening is to identify tumours at an early stage of growth plannar scanner. Validation of the data quality is carried out
when they are easily removed and have less chance of re- by forming images using a direct inversion imaging algorithm
currence. Unfortunately, the common modality used is X-ray known as quantitative microwave holography (QMH) [7], [8].
mammography, which itself is carcinogenic. It is therefore Data with poor CNR are excluded from the reconstruction
evident that a new methodology for early stage breast cancer process, improving the final image quality.
detection would be beneficial.
Microwave imaging is one possibility for breast cancer II. Q UANTITATIVE M ICROWAVE H OLOGRAPHY AND THE
screening. For the purposes of breast cancer screening, it P OINT S PREAD F UNCTION
is expected to be able to detect tumours of volumes ap- Quantitative microwave holography (QMH) has been previ-
proximately 1 cm3 [3], [4]. A wide variety of technologies ously derived and experimentally demonstrated [7]–[9]. Here,
have been developed, with acquisition surfaces including pla- only a brief overview is provided. QMH utilizes the S-
nar, cylindrical, and hemispherical [3]. Critically, microwave parameter measurement of three separate objects to perform
imaging systems are nonionizing, low-cost, and compact, image reconstruction. The first is the measurement of the ref-
making it a practical modality for large-scale breast cancer erence object (RO) which is the uniform embedding medium
screening programs. Unfortunately, the challenges surrounding in the absence of scatterers. The second is the measurement of
microwave image reconstruction remain significant. While a point spread function (PSF), where a small scattering probe
many simulation studies have been performed over the past of known size and permittivity is embedded. Finally, there is
several decades, expensive computational cost and difficulties the measurement of the object under test (OUT).
transitioning into experimental studies hinder the development The QMH forward model in terms of scattering parameters
of clinically viable methods [3]. is [5], [8]:
One major challenge in developing microwave imaging
technology is the lack of methods for the evaluating of the ZZZ
quality of the acquisition setup, and in particular, the system-
Sik (r; f ) ≈ ρ(r0 )Sik (r − r0xy , r00 ; f )dv 0 , (1)
where Sik (r; f ) is the scattered field response of the OUT
acquired with the receiving antenna i and the transmitting
antenna k, Sik (r; f ) is the scattered field of the PSF, ρ(r0 ) is
the reflectivity function which is the object of reconstruction,
r = (x, y, z̄) is the location of the receiving antenna on the
acquisition plane where z̄ is a fixed value, f is the frequency,
r0xy = (x0 , y 0 , 0) is a location within the imaged volume V
at the z = 0 plane, and r00 = (0, 0, 0) is the center of the
imaged volume. This is also the location of the scattering
probe within the imaged volume when the PSF Sik (r; f ) is Fig. 1. The magnitude of a representative PSF 2-D data set. The three zones
acquired. As is evident from (1), the forward model of QMH used in the contrast-to-noise evaluation are the signal region, the background
region, and the exclusion zone region.
is a 2D convolution in the lateral directions x and y of the PSF
measurement and the reflectivity function.
Only two data sets are apparent in the forward model, As shown in [11], the forward model in (1) is most accurate
namely, the scattered response of the OUT and that of the PSF. when
However, it is important to acknowledge that the scattered-
field response of either data set cannot be directly measured. r,OUT (r0 ) ≈ r,sp (r00 ), (3)
Instead, the scattered response is derived from the measured
total-field response (e.g OUT, PSF) as well as the incident or,
field response (e.g. RO). Consider Born’s approximation in S- |r,OUT (r0 )|, |r,sp (r00 )|  |r,b |. (4)
parameter form, which assumes that the total-field response In the case of breast cancer imaging and detection, the
is a superposition of the incident-field and the scattered-field permittivity of the scattering probe (sp) should be selected
responses [8], [10]: to be close to that of cancerous tissue. This suggests a high
permittivity scattering probe, where r ranges from 50 to 70
tot,OBJ inc sc,OBJ
Sik (r; f ) ≈ Sik (r; f ) + Sik (r; f ). (2) [12].
The size of the scattering probe should be selected to be
Here, OBJ can be substituted for either PSF or OUT, and
inc near the desired resolution of the imaging setup. Far-field
Sik (r; f ) is the measurement of the RO. Note that the RO
approximations suggest a resolution limit of [5]:
measurement is performed at every spatial position; this has
the benefit of de-embedding a laterally nonuniform back- λmin
∆ζmax = , ζ ≡ x, y (5)
ground measurement from both the PSF and OUT measure- 4 sin αmax
ments. Once the data sets are acquired, (1) can be inverted where λmin is the shortest wavelength of the radiation in the
in the Fourier domain and the reflectivity function ρ can be background medium, and αmax is the largest angle of arrival
reconstructed quantitatively as shown in [8]. (also known as viewing angle) at which the signal scattered
However, before inversion, the data can be analyzed to by the target can be received [5], [7]. For simplicity, the
ensure that the signals from scatterers embedded in the chosen typical spatial resolution limit is estimated to be λ2min . The
background medium are sufficiently strong to rise above the scattering probe size should be selected to be close to this
level of noise and measurement uncertainties. The sources of expected spatial resolution limit or the one desired in the
noise and measurement uncertainties vary widely depending specific application, e.g. 1 cm3 in breast cancer screening.
on the measurement setup and the calibration procedures. Finally, the selection of the background permittivity is a
Here, we only emphasize that in microwave imaging of the key factor. Equation (4) suggests a background permittivity
breast the measurement uncertainties associated with position- significantly higher than that of the OUT and the scattering
ing errors and system calibration are dominant compared to probe. Unfortunately, this can be challenging when paired
electronic noise. Here, a benefit of measuring the PSF directly with the high loss associated with commonly used embedding
instead of using far-field approximations or simulations be- materials such as water and ultrasound gel (see Table 1).
comes apparent. The PSF measurement captures the behaviour Thus, a trade-off is necessary in order to guarantee the highest
of the acquisition setup, avoiding modelling errors. Thus, the quality PSF data while maximizing the fidelity of the final
PSF measurement can have a second use; namely, establishing reconstructed image.
the potential of the data acquisition system to provide high-
quality data to the image reconstruction algorithm wherein IV. P OINT S PREAD F UNCTION E VALUATION
scattering signals from inclusions as small as the desired To evaluate the quality of the acquired S-parameter data,
spatial resolution rise above measurement uncertainties. the SNR of the PSF measurement can be used. The PSF data
sets are independent of any subsequent OUT measurements
III. P OINT S PREAD F UNCTION D ESIGN and are thus suitable for system performance evaluation before
There are several factors in selecting the PSF scattering deployment in a specific scenario. Also, the measured object
probe. The first one is the permittivity of the scattering probe. (the scattering probe in a uniform background medium) is
simple enough to allow for identifying the spatial and fre-
quency behaviour of the measurement uncertainties and the
background clutter.
Image SNR is typically defined as [5]:
average(Sik (As ))
SN R = , As ∈ D, Ab ∈ D (6)
std(Sik (Ab ))
where Sik is the measured complex-valued S-parameter, As is
a region within the acquisition plane D that contains signal
from a scattering object, Ab is a region within D that contains (a) (b)
only the background response where no scattering from a
Fig. 2. Photos of the compressed breast phantom: a) layer 2 from the bottom
target is present, and std denotes standard deviation. As shown of the phantom, containing two blueberries, and b) layer 4 of the phantom,
in [13], the average and standard deviations are calculated to containing two blueberries and mozzarella cheese.
generate real valued numbers:

1 X N
average(D) = di , (7)


! 12 N
1 X ¯2 1 X
std(D) = |di − d| , d¯ = di . (8)
N − 1 i=1 N i=1
Another approach is to analyse the contrast-to-noise ratio
(CNR) [13]. CNR is very similar to SNR, except for the fact
that the average of the background is subtracted from the Fig. 3. Photo of the five layer breast phantom, containing two layers with
average of the signal: tumour and fibroglandular simulants. The phantom is encased in plastic wrap
to protect it from the embedding medium.
sc,P SF sc,P SF
average(Sik (As )) − average(Sik (Ab ))
CN R = sc,P SF
std(Sik (Ab )) are custom manufactured to have permittivity that emulates
(9) averaged scattered fibroglandular breast tissue. In two of the
As ∈ D, Ab ∈ D. (10) five carbon rubber sheets, a section is removed and different
In the context of evaluating the PSF data set, CNR provides tissue-mimicking materials are inserted. In layer 2 (second
a more meaningful value. The scattered field data set Sik sc,P SF layer from the bottom), two blueberries are placed in the
already has the background incident field (Sik RO
) subtracted right side of the phantom. In layer 4 (fourth layer from
from the raw PSF data Sik tot,P SF
. Subtracting the averaged the bottom), two blueberries are placed inside a section of
noise signal further removes the baseline signal from the mozzarella cheese. While the selection of these materials
data set, providing a value that can be compared across all may seem strange, they accurately mimick the permittivities
frequencies. of targeted tissues. The blueberry permittivity matches very
The region As containing the ‘signal’ is selected at the well with cancerous tissue, whereas the mozzarella cheese
location of the scattering probe (see Fig. 1). A region around permittivity closely resembles that of fibroglandular tissue
the probe can be defined by all voxel locations containing (see Table 1) [12]. These tissue components are surrounded
signal within 3 dB of the maximum signal magnitude at the by a mixture of peanut butter and jam (PBJ) [8], which is
scattering probe location. The background response area Ab designed to closely match the permittivity of the carbon-rubber
is chosen to be as large as possible while also excluding sheets. This ‘filling’ medium removes air gaps between tissue
the diffraction (ripple-like) responses created by the scattering
probe. Thus, a third region, which can be referred to as
an exclusion zone Ae , is defined to describe regions with TABLE I
inseparable signal and noise components. 3 GH Z TO 8 GH Z

V. E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION Material (Structure) 0 00

To test the CNR evaluation of our planar scanning acqui- Thick Carbon-rubber Sheet (Averaged Breast Tissue) 10.91 2.84
sition setup and identify the system-specific spatial resolution PBJ (Embedding Medium) 10.41 5.07
limit, a compressed breast phantom measurement is prepared, Blueberry (Cancerous Tissue) 55.27 16.63
similar to the experiment demonstrated in [8]. A 5.5 cm Mozarrella Cheese (Fibroglandular Tissue) 23.83 11.27
thick tissue phantom is constructed of five 1.1 cm carbon Scattering Probe (PSF) 50.00 0.05
rubber sheets (see Fig. 2 and 3). The carbon rubber sheets Ultrasound Gel 72.70 21.87
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Photos of: a) the acquisition setup, and b) the Plexiglas tray. A platform Fig. 5. Reconstruction of the real part of the permittivity of the tissue
raster scans along x and y while being interrogated by a stationary transmitting phantom: a) reconstruction using data across all frequencies and b) using
TEM horn antenna and a stationary receiving bowtie antenna array. The tray data at frequencies where the CNR of the PSF is higher than 3 dB.
holding the OBJ is placed on the wooden mounts. The walls of the tray are
covered by microwave absorbers to reduce the impact of exterior interference
with the scan. The tray in the photo is filled with only PBJ in preparation for
the RO measurement.

components. Once the layers of the phantom are stacked,

they are taped together and placed into a Plexiglas tray filed
with PBJ. The tray PBJ acts as a lossy embedding medium,
avoiding the high contrast interface which would have existed
if the phantom were placed in air [8]. Once the phantom is
inserted into the tray, a lid is placed on the top of the tray.
Microwave absorbers are placed around the tray to further
reduce reflections caused by the Plexiglas tray. See Fig. 4a for
the acquisition setup, and Fig. 4b for the tray when prepared Fig. 6. Graph depicting the CNR of one set of measumrents (S51 ) as well
as the 3 dB threshold cutoff. The CNR evaluation was generated with the
for the RO measurement. algorithm reported in [16] and can be found in [17].
The PSF measurement is performed with a cylindrical
ceramic scattering probe of 1 cm diameter and 1 cm height.
The permittivity is selected to be close to the permittivity of is connected to the transmitting antenna. This power level may
the blueberry (see Table 1). The scattering probe is embedded seem too high to ensure compliance with specfic absorption
in a set of uniform thick carbon-rubber sheets identical to rate (SAR) limits, but it is selected with the assumption of
those used in the tissue phantom, which itself is embedded in an implementation through an electronically switched system
a set of high-loss microwave absorbers. The scattering probe where the illumination time is much shorter. Further detail can
is placed in the center of the imaged volume, aligned with the be found in [8]. The tray is placed on a scanning platform,
3rd layer of the tissue phantom. and moves in 3 mm increments across a 144 mm by 144 mm
In this experiment, the OUT and the PSF are measured acquisition plane along x and y. A frequency range from 3
in two separate background mediums. In order to accurately GHz to 8 GHz is measured in 100 MHz increments.
extract the scattered field responses, two RO measurements
are performed: a) a measurement of the tray with only PBJ
present, and b) a measurement of the tray with only the high- The reconstruction of the real part of the permittivity using
loss microwave absorbers and the homogeneous carbon-rubber data across every frequency measurement can be seen in
sheets (no scattering probe). Each of these measurements is
subtracted from the respective total-field measurement of the
OUT and PSF.
The acquisition setup consists of a transmitting TEM horn
antenna [14], and a 9-element receiving bowtie array [15]. The
antennas scan planes on both sides of the phantom, which
are at a 2 mm stand-off distance from the phantom surface.
Only the 5 co-pole bowtie antennas are used (1 aligned with
the TEM horn’s boresight, and 4 off-center). The remaining
4 cross-pole antenna are connected to 50-ohm loads. Each
antenna is connected through an R3970 Advantest 16 port RF (a) (b)
switch and to an R3770 Advantest vector network analyzer Fig. 7. Magnitudes of the scattered field responses of a PSF measurement at:
(VNA). A total of five tranmission S-parameters (S21 ,S31 ,S41 , a) 4.3 GHz and b) 4.6 GHz. The signal in a) is much lower than the signal
S51 , S61 ) are acquired. An RF-LAMBDA 8-W power amplifier in b), leading to the poor CNR as shown in Fig. 6.
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Future work aims to explore other possibilities in evaluating
system quality through measurements. MRI quality assurance
approaches utilize calibration phantoms which contain a num-
ber of different inclusions to evaluate a large number of met-
rics. A similar approach can be implemented for microwave
imaging technology, allowing for system-specific evaluation
high-contrast resolution, low-contrast detection, signal unifor-
mity, and many more.

We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

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pp. 1599–1614, Oct. 2015.

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