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Oskaloosa Proficiency Scale Template

7th Grade Social Studies

Proficiency Scale Score Descriptors

4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
“Advanced” “Meets Expectations” “Progressing” “Beginning”
ADV 3.5 MET 2.5 PG 1.5 BG
The student demonstrates In addition to The student meets the No major The student is progressing Partial The student is beginning to
excellence in the grade-level score 3.0 expectations of the target errors or toward the target grade-level success at demonstrate a limited
performance, omissions 2.0 content
standard by transferring partial grade-level standard. regarding standard by demonstrating but major understanding of the simpler
learning to more complex success at 2.0 content an understanding of simpler errors and and target content, details,
content including deeper 4.0. and partial content, details, vocabulary, omissions at vocabulary, concepts,
success of the 3.0
conceptual understanding the 3.0 concepts, procedures, content. procedures, processes, and
and applications that go content. processes, and skills. skills.
beyond the expectations of
the standard.

Course or Subject and Grade Level:

7th Grade Social Studies

Parent Standard: ​Sources of Information (​Inquiry)

Gathering and Evaluating Primary and Secondary Sources.
7th Grade Social Studies priority Standard 2: Gathering and Evaluating Evidence.
SS.7.3. Gather relevant information from primary and secondary sources using the origin, authority, structure, and context of the sources to guide
the selection.
SS.7.4. With guided practice, evaluate the credibility of primary and secondary sources by determining their relevance and intended use.
SS.7.5. With guided practice, identify evidence that draws information from multiple perspectives and sources to support claims, noting evidentiary

Proficiency Scale
Advanced The student will/I can: Sample Item:
(ADV) ● Independently evaluate the credibility and relevance of primary
4.0 and secondary sources.
● Independently identify evidence from multiple perspectives and
sources to support claims.
● identify evidence that draws information from multiple
perspectives and sources to support claims, noting evidentiary

3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, partial success at 4.0.

Meets The student will/I can: Sample Item(s):
Expectation - gather relevant information from primary and secondary
s sources using the origin, authority, structure, and context of ● Graphic organizer displaying origin, authority,
MET the sources to guide the selection. structure, and context
3.0 ● Analysis of Credible and sources that are not
- with guided practice, evaluate the credibility of primary and credible.
secondary sources by determining their relevance and ● Focus on the importance of relevance and
intended use. intended use in gathering data.
● Focus on multiple perspectives and how they
- with guided practice, identify evidence that draws improve claims.
information from multiple perspectives and sources to ● Reflect on arguments pointing out the
support claims, noting evidentiary limitations. limitations.

2.5 No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial

success of the 3.0 content.
Progressing The student will/I can: Sample Item(s):
(PG) - Vocabulary: relevant sources, credibility, perspective,
2.0 evidentiary limitations ● Multiple choice and matching quizzes will
- Concepts: assess knowledge of basic vocabulary and
- difference between primary and secondary sources. concepts.
- how credibility impacts the sources value. ● Graphic organizer displaying the differences
- how relevance impacts the value of sources. between primary and secondary sources.
- what are multiple perspectives
- noting limits to evidence. Supporting Vocab- ​origin, authority, structure,
Foundational Skills:
- Sources are important
- Evidence can be obtained through sources
- Identifying different perspectives
1.5 Partial success at 2.0 content but major errors and omissions at
the 3.0 score content.
Beginning Partial success at 2.0 score content and/or 3.0 score content but with
(Beg) major errors and/or omissions at both scores’ content.

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