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PETROLEUM SOCIETY OF CIM THIS IS A PREPRINT - SUBJECT TO CORRECTION NEW GENERATION OF FRAC FLUIDS by J. L. White and R. B. Rosene Doweil Division of The Dow Chemical Company Tulsa, Oklahoma and A. R. Hendrickson Dowell Division Calgary, Alterta, Canada Publication Rights Reserved This paper is to be presented at the 24th Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM in Edmonton, May 8-12, 1973. Discussion of this paper is invited. Such dis- cussion may be presented at hie 24th Annual Meeting and will be considered for
publication in CIM journals if filed in writing with the Technical Program Chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. INTRODUCTION Since the advent of hydraulic fracturing as a Well Stimulation tool, a variety of fluids and treatment methods have been proposed and used to improve well productivity. Fluids used in this process over the years include: water, lease oil, refined oil, water-oil emulsions, acid-oil emulsions, gelled aii, gelled water, and gelled acid. A recent development has been the introduction of thick fluids with low pipe friction for hydraulic fracturing.
The use oF thick Fluids can increase fracture conductivity by creating wider fractures, carrying larger and higher concentrations of propping agent and improving prop distribution. In many cases the increased fracture conductivity will result in greater production increases. This paper describes the new very-thick frac fluids and low-damage fluids to improve well pro- ductivity. Early attempts to increase fracture conductivity with thick Fluid were only moderately successful. Acid-in-oil emulsions were used ex- tensively in the 1950'sl. These emulsions had excellent sand carrying
ability, tut pipe frictional pressures developed during injection frequently pre- vented proper application for maximum productivity increase. The cost oF the acid-oil-emulsions was also a deterrent to widespread use as the size of treatments increased. Later, Kristianovich renewed I the interest in use of thick fluids to improve the fracturing process. The first successful applica- tion of thick frac fluids was the heavy, refined oil-water dispersions developed by Esso Production Research". These fluids fulfilled the requirements of highly-viscous fluids and established new frac- turing
technology. Increased Friction pressures generated by this type fluid are overcome by special treciting technique in which a water ring is em- played between the thick oil and the pipe wall. Al- though this type of fracturing fluid is still used in treating specific formations, handling difficulties have reduced its overall appeal. The recently developed thick fluids described herein exhibit low friction pressure down tubular goods in addition to high viscosity in the fracture. These fluids generally provide relatively low for- mation damage and fracture conductivity damage. These
an important factor in providing increased productivity where formation sensitivity or detri- mental saturation changes are prevalent. The pro- perties, application, and design of four now aqueous frac fluids and two new oil-based systems are des- cribed. These fluids are more expensive than con- ventional Fluids, therefore proper application is required. PURPOSE OF NEW FLUIDS Well conditions which may indicate the need for I



J. L. White 3nd R. 8. Rosene
Darnell DivisLon of The Dow Chemical Company
Tulsa, Oklahoma

A. R. Hendrickson
Dowell Division
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Publication Rights Reserved

This paper is to be presented at the 24th Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum
Society of CUt in Edmonton, Hay 8-12, 1973. Discussion of this paper is inVited. Such dis-
cussion may be presented at the 24~h Annual Meeting and will be considered for publication in
ell{ journals if filed in writing 1,'ith the Technical Program Chairman prior to the conclusion
of the meeting. '.,

IrJTRODUCTION the interest in use of thick fluids to improve the

fracturing process. The f~rst successful appl~ca­
Since the advent of hydraulic fracturing as a tion of thick frac fluids was the heavy, refined
well stimulation tool, a variety of fluids and ~Ll-wate£ dispersions developed by Esso Production
treatment methods have been proposed and used to Research~_ These fluids Fulfilled the requirements
~mprove well productivity. Fluids used in th~s of highly-vLscous fluids and established new Frac-
process over the years include: water, lease oil, tur~ng technology. Increased friction pressures
refined oil, water-oil emulsions, acid-oil emulsions, generated by this type fluid are overcome by special
gelled oil, gelled water J and gelled acid. treat~ng techniques in which a water ring is em-
ployed between the thick oil and the pipe wall. Al-
A recent development has been the introduction though this type of fracturing fluid is still used
of thick fluids with low pipe friction for hydraulic in treating speciFic formations, handling difficul-
fracturing. The use of thick fluids can increase ties have reduced its overall appeal.
Fracture conductivity by creating wider fractures,
carrying larger and higher concentrations of propp~ng The recently developed thick fluids described
agent and improving prop distr~but~on. In many cases here~n exhibit low friction pressure down tubular
the increased Fracture conductivity will result ~n goods ~n add~tion to high viscosity in the fracture.
greater production increases. These Fluids generally provide relatively low for-
mation damage and Fracture conductivity damage_
This paper describes the new very-thick frac These are an important factor in providing increased
fluids and low-damage Fluids to improve well pro- productivity where formation sensitivity or detri-
ductivity_ Early attempts to increase fracture mental saturation changes are prevalent. The pro-
conductivity with thick fluid were only moderately perties, application, and design of four new aqueous
successful. Acid-in-oil emulsions were used ex- frac fluids and two new oil-based systems are des-
tensively in the 1950 l s 1 . These emulsions had cribed. These fluids are more expensive than con-
excellent sand carrying ability, but pipe frict~onal ventional fluids, therefore proper application is
pressures developed during injection Frequently pre- required.
vented proper application for maximum productivity
increase_ The cost of the ac~d-oil-emuls~ons was PURPOSE OF WEW FLUIDS
also a deterrent to widespread use as the size of
treatments ~ncreased. Later, Kristianovich 2 renewed Well conditions which may indicate the need for
thL! highly VlSCOUS f lUld~ ::J.l e high overburden pres- would hoJve :.:! far art!.lter cfrl,,~t 0'1 fl J,_LUII' II11dLh
sures, low reC;t)['VOlr pressul e, soFt focmat1.ons, than ,:m incrca~e lr, lnjEction I -lto_· tlOl1l LO Lu .'U
hl.yh p(lrme~bi 1, t.y, high temperature, r3pid decline barrels pel' mlnur;e. FurLtJt:lmu[C:, lnCI-'~~I·.111 r lll-
1.n production, rate !lmlt~t~on5 which prevent opti- Jection [;:J,te'... qui~l:. ofr..ul l:"" noL rI..!J.,d_Jll' lIdl' LIlli I,
mum des.!gn witli convention:::t.L fluids, or- inten· to 8COnOml.CS ;:lila m[<ch,_,r,l(ll 'lIcL1 L.!rn.cLILlun rill
whEre control lIf frac heigh-_ is needed. new thiCK frJcturlnlj,:,,Jrr 'JLL~.lLly 1.11,_[1'"
ed v~·~cosity. !UthoufJh tne '·'pl·l:_'~llln dLJnv, 1 Illl
Th.: key dl' factor -:0 determine the effect of I',Jewton1.Cin fluld.:., if. :Jt:!rvc-, to Llemoll,tr"L,· Lill'
these rilctor:: _-, fractuie clJnductivity under eXlstl.nlJ effect of vl~co~ily. AcLulllv. 1 r.lLLulV WJJLh
fr~ctur~ closu:'e pressure. High overburden pre~sures calcuL:Jtion::. berOlne qUiLl..! ':'Ophl'.tu.JLLI1 \Ll[II'II 11'1
p~rticularly ~_th low reser~oir pressure, give high r'Jewtonidn flul.lJ~c. fl·...ICtUl·C t,L·om.~tL.", _'I,d :"11"
fracturt cLosu:'e pressurE~ llJhich m;jY cEsult In low chang.!ny Lor,U1.r;lOnS of veloclty .101U P[,__ UI" 11'-'
fr:Jcturl2 condu,;tlvlty, The proper cholce of pcop- conslderl2d. I~ c.Jn be :...hown, howel/l.'I, LII IL Ltll'
pdr.t ;:lnd gre::l1:..!r fracture wi.dth may be necessary at thick.. non-r~cwtonian Ilulds HE' much InIH t' vi I I' lI'llI
these high fr3:ture closure pressures (3bove 4000 i.n cont~nuE'd anL more f<.Jpid ulllJth ul..!./L'Lapnu,·.L LI1 ,I.
psi). Ulith so,'t Formabon:.i, prop embedment may re- the rJewto!l.!.,]n flul.lJ~. ~lJo. I t . ! tl~[Ju[LlnL LII lillI.,
duce fr;-lcture :onductivLty. As will become eVldent th<lt the cerm "'~i~cosit)" i~ Int: Lni'IO}LI'J'. wlwr, 'J d·l..!
in the tollowllg discus0ion. high psrmeab1.1lty for- to de::cr.!be non-f·Jewtonl.l'l rloJid.:; !JI11 .. ~~ Ll1l.' 1 nr,-
m3~1.0nG m:J, re~uir~ greater Fracture conduct1.Vlty fO L d1.t~ons Und8l' J t I'. :r1o':'_I~urLl.j ,II [' ~.L.lLI"J. rh..
optlmurn ctimul ~tion. The 1m!) vlsc:ositjl of conllen- rheolot~y of the~e r lu'...~l·. 'I'll] UE dl~',U' ,1'U 111 mU[1
bon..'!l i lU1.ds It high tempel'atures may prevenL deLall later in Lhc plp~l.
obr;::ll.nlng fracture width fOi' optimum fr3ctuce con-
ductlVlly. A ~apid p~oduct_on decline, WherE lower The Cre;:ltlcn 01 Wille fr-.!, ture:.... perlll[ L!... Llll' U··,'
reservOLr presoure is not r~sponsible, may indlcate or large prop m:::: tGr 1.,,113. He['leo -19.11.n, Vl:"'LU~ltv
Fr-;Jctun, closu~e 3:2. a possi:JlE result of prop em- becomes .!mport~"t sJ.nce lt p[otllde~ 'Jo'JU prop ~u:·­
bedment or h1.Qn closure pre,sures. The lmportance pGnSlOn and prop transpor-t Chd[dctori.~L.!1 ~ Lu til'
of frG.LI,L:re cO'-lduclivity w.3rrants ;] furthec d.!s- fracturr: fluid. The thick fluil..l.s Jrl~ '-,lpdUlc ul
cuss ion of thi3 key factor. tr<lnsport~nCJ hL~lh Lonceni:.r-Jtlon~ of LlrfJr' [JLUP'~ LllLu
::J frd~t!:,rG to 8:; t;lbll ... h oJ hl.'Jhly [Jerme.lblc: pLOp
r!'IPCTUR[ FLOW :APACITY pad< '.J, Tht~"=' s~me choJ rd'~ LF.:r 15 t lC;' r)n<.1ulu Llll'
th~ck f lU.ld~ to car ry the prop to .J fj[edl •.:r IIL',_
Fracture flow capaCity, or conductLv~ty, ~s tolnc.e lnto the r8'....!o.r\,oir th'HI lS pos·dbl .. wlLlI mUll'
defined LIS the Pl"lJ(jUCt of e~fecli'Je Fr<::lcturo conventional flll~d~.
pcrme3blJity d,d fracture width_ (For this dls-
cuss lon, ~ f1.l!ed rra~ture l8 ~5sumed ~ft~r- f~actu['e LJAmAG[
closure h~ti tJ<en place, The l8rm effeclive fractur-e
permeabll.!ty i3 u~ed here sin~e Lher8 L5 some belief Potenti:J.1 t.I:::Hn~gc Lo the tormdtll)n ur t[',1l LULL'
lhOit an open o1re21 rnay EXlst HI the fr01ctwre :Jbove conductlV.lty LS ~nc!.C-1ted in ulell.'J ShOW1.I1IJ :-,lOIli Ol
th12 prop p:Jck :Jr- through channels. If this i~ the poor return of froc Flulds, ,I lower 1)r-oducLiviLy
Cd.,e, then the permeabllity of the f[actlJre m.Jy be ~ncrease th~.lll e,p.::ctcd or ~nfon:.,istel1t il'olpon'::'t"
greater I.lnn the pnrmeability of the prop pac" from WE: L1 to IUle'll in i:.he .3clm~ ~rr~Lt, Thu~l-' [J [aulum:.
ltself. Also, 3 p~rt~al mo,olayer does not apply to may re.sult when encounter-Lng form.Jtiuns cont,IHllIh)
this dl':;l.ussion.) Thus. frJctun.' conductlvLty Ill.;.!l welter .sensitive ClLY~ or formations extremely
increase Ill~th increas~ng fracture wLdth for a f.!lled sensitive to saturation changes of welter (oil lIIell:J)
fracture at closure. Till:" impol'Lmce of Lh.!s in- or oil or w3ter (9'2.S wells). In the.::.e r.;o.l~U~,
creased conductulity on productivity inCl-e:.1Se becomes careful selection of frac fluid lS r'Jquil'Cd Lo
apparent whe~ fold8 of ~ncrcase are plotted aE 3 minimize decrea5es in produclivity. Th~ new gcnul-
function of ccnductiv~ty incr'~21se and perlt~tr<:ltlon ;::.:, ation of frac fluids W<lS ueslgned to mlnimi~8
~n Fig. _0 Ulr,ere condur.tiuity r::JtlO:"" <:lLfl low, 3S on potential damage 4,5, Two new systems hdVU bel2n
the left of tre curve, no amount of penetratlon w~ll d8veloped to be u.sed where sLLtur3~.ion chQnf]cs or
aFfect ~ large pcoduc~1.vity increase. At higher formation sensitivlty are a major problem. Un~ i'~
conductlvity ratios, as on the r.!ght, sm~ll incre~ses 3. gelled oil? fluid which has. beE:n very effGctiv8 1.n
in p8nEtr8t~o" brlng about large lncr-eases Ln pro- oil wells as discussed later. A second syst8m,
ductivity. The effect of increased frac width Lhen prlmarily for gas wells, is unique 9 . Liquefieu
L5 to pr-o'Jide conductlvlty ratios that will permit us gases are mixed in such a .ratio th3t they rE:mLlin ,I
to take ,ldvantage IJf increo::sed penetration. liquld and behave as liquids as long as they Llrc
under adequate pressure and below Lile cr i tic.ll
From s. f.. ~:ristL..,novichrs2 work, the following temperature for the mixture (e.g., during the
8.<pres2.!on C.Jr be der-ived fo[ fr3ctur8 width from fracturing treatment). The fluid is designed '....0
sLmdard slot oc fracture f 10111 equ3tions: that after the job its critical tempelLttur~ l~
Exceedfld in the reservoir as the liquid he~lts up,
This allows the li quid to revor t to .1 g..l~ wflidl
results in e.tremely rapid clean-up ~nd no rcsluu Il
liquefied gases arc left in thl" fOrm.':ltll::.rl.


The f~ctors 01 interest here are injection rate, q, SE:L'sral cr!.tE:ri<l are common to ;:lll the new
and fructure Ilu~d viscos~t.Y7A_ It is apparent fluids. In add~tion to the main advantaCJes of hllJh
th;:lt an lncre.clse of \/isCOSJ.ty from 10 to 100 cps vlscosity, low pipe Friction and low u::::unclgL. luw

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