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Date: June 17, 2020

our contact details: Mr. KS Husain cell: +971 55 8847152, email:

Existing Website:

Currently hosted on: hostgator (hatchling plan)

Scope of work:

A. Development of website

We need our website to be designed professionally like:

1. To take care of Design taking inspiration from the above 2 website

2. Website should be fast loading
3. SEO compliant
4. Fully online market place
5. Backend should be user friendly to add items, manage inventory, order delivery etc etc
6. current website is developed in wordpress, woocommerce but the developer can develop the new website in
any software
7. We are based in Dubai but our target clients are in GCC and Africa region and shortly we will be expanding to
European region also

The developer of the above website can give price with following break-ups:
1. Designing of the website
2. Programming of the website front end and back end
3. SEO of the website
4. Server requirement
5. Any other cost associated with the website development

B. Development of the Mobile App

We do not have existing app for our company

We need app like
Ace hardware phillipine store
Ikea UAE

1. The mobile app we need should work together with the website above. Such as if the inventory or order is
placed in the website, it should reflect in the mobile app
2. The mobile app should be google play and IOS compliant
3. All the features of the website should also work in the mobile app

The developer of the above app can give price with following break-ups:
1. Designing of the app
2. Programming of the app front end and back end (if website is populated with info, app also should take it)
3. Server requirement
5. Any other cost associated with the app development

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