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1. El verbo TO BE tiene las siguientes formas en el tiempo pasado: WAS /woz/ - WERE /we:r/

I was /ai wóz/ (Yo era/estaba/fui/estuve)

We were /wi: wé:r/ (Nos. éramos/estábamos/fuimos/estuvimos)
You were /iú: wé:r/ (Tú eras/estabas/fuiste/estuviste)
You were /iú: wé:r/ (Uds. eran/estaban/fueron/estuvieron)
He was /hí: wóz/ (El era/estaba/fue/estuvo)
She was /shi: wóz/ (Ella era/estaba/fue/estuvo)
They were /!ei wé:r/ (Ellos/eran/estaban/fueron/estuvieron)
It was /it wóz/ (Era/estaba/fue/estuvo)
2. La forma negativa se expresa usando NOT después de WAS o WERE. Normalmente se usan las contracciones
WASN´T /wóznt/ o WEREN´T /wé:rent/.

Escuche, lea y aprenda:

I was not very busy last week. /ai woz nót véri bízi lá:st wí:k/ (Yo no estuve muy ocupado la semana pasada)
John wasn´t at home this morning. /dllón wóznt at hóum !is mórni#/ (John no estuvo en casa esta mañana)
We weren´t in New York last year. /wi wé:rent in niú: iórk lá:st íar/ (Nosotros no estuvimos en N.Y. el año pasado)
Mary wasn´t a good student at high school. /méri wóznt a gúd stiú:dent at hái skú:l/ (Mary no era una buena alumna en el liceo)
They weren´t very hardworking. /!ei wé:rnt véri há:rdwérki#/ (Ellos no eran muy trabajadores)

3. La forma interrogativa se expresa invirtiendo el orden de WAS / WERE con el sujeto

Escuche, lea y aprenda:

Were you in class this morning? /we:r iú: in klás !is mórnin/ (¿Estuviste en clase esta mañana?)
Was John sick yesterday? /woz dllón sík iésterdi/ (¿Estuvo John enfermo ayer?)
Was Mary a good student at school? /woz méri a gúd stiú:dent at skú:l/ (¿Era Mary una buena alumna en el colegio?)
Where were you at this time yesterday? /wéar wé:r iú at !is táim iésterdi/ (¿Dónde estabas a esta hora ayer?)
Why was Jim absent from work? /wái woz dllím æbsent from wé:rk/ (¿Por qué estuvo Jim ausente del trabajo?)


Ex. 1. Complete these sentences with the proper form of the verb TO BE, present or past:

1. John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago today.
2. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.
3. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.
4. Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?
5. The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.
6. John ______n´t in the office at ten this morning because he ______ at a meeting.
7. Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.

Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into a) Negative b) interrogative

1. The secretary was busy at midday. ___________________________________________________

2. They were good friends at school. ___________________________________________________
3. The weather was fine that day. ___________________________________________________
4. The men were tired after the long walk. ___________________________________________________
5. Mary was late for the train this morning. ___________________________________________________
6. Henry was at the movie at 7 P.M. ___________________________________________________

Ex. 3. Ask questions using wh-words like What?, Where?, When?,Why?, How?, How old, Who?

1. Tom was at home at midnight last night. ___________________________________________________

2. John was in the car at that moment. ___________________________________________________
3. Liz was in bed because she was sick. ___________________________________________________
4. The Smiths were in Chile in 1985. ___________________________________________________
5. George was a little better this morning. ___________________________________________________
6. Mr Clark was about 85 years old when he died. ___________________________________________________

A short course in english for adult students 19

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