Citizenship Articles 8

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Citizenship Articles 8

By Jagadish

Companies have to shut down their current accounts savings accounts if their balance is deficit

Companies which have deficit budget where their bank accounts is minus have to leave the bank

Through deficit account artificial money is created through keeping accounts intact

This is nothing but other way of doing business of shadow banking creating inflation in the country

Creation of money artificially through deficit may incur prices of commodities zooming high

Once the money is created in the bank through deficit it doesn’t leave the job market

In place of creation of money, it gets distributed to other people's account instead of origination point

This can lead to mutually assured financial destruction through creating hyper inflation

China type of scenario where money should go out is relief but to create it every day through interest

This would lead to heavy burden on foreign exchange and interest rates if it is huge can even

Quadrapulate faster as money in huge deficit can run like compound interest destroying pension

The best way to defeat this artificial money is to let rbi issue notice to banks to delete the accounts

Of the companies which are creating this shadow banking money from the market

Shut down the companies in the industry and run the nation through fresh entrepreneurs

Thought of the day

Employment generation and giving higher salaries to employees is creating deficit money in work

Citizen can't remove a citizen from job but can put a request against each other

Under 360-degree feedback and potential appraisal a candidate is removed away not favorable

A citizen can remove citizen only when he is favorable for the development of another citizen as genuine

A citizen can't decide the fate of another citizen under hatred and remove him from the job

A citizen can remove a citizen from the job only on request made to the company head

Why request instead of full-fledged arsenal

A citizen has a family to look out for

A citizen who is removed is watched out by others

A citizen case is taken up by media

A citizen is a well-wisher of sustenance of jobs in the market

A citizen is a dark horse of the company and an asset with experience

When to remove a citizen from job

When he gets a job in the new role of another company

When he gets a pay raise in another job of another company and asks for same in the parent company

When financial year is about to be closed in and company needs to remove employees to save money

When there is pressure from company board of directors that cost of burden employee is huge a sustain

When there is tension in the branches regarding issues pertaining to religion

Thought of the day

Jobs to be kept intact and removed only when financial year is unsustainable for the company to bear


Salaries of politicians who run the nation should be on par with united nations politician's salary

Politicians are blamed for everything

Politicians are killed because they possess knowledge

Politicians enjoy and donate fruits of their labor to citizens

Politicians take the death under their belt

Politicians run the nation smoothly

Politicians are the ones to watch out for in economic development

Politicians are the ones who keep nation secure

Politicians are the one if provided protection of money nation is safe

Politicians work for national crisis and are blamers for its lackluster attitude

Politicians govern the administration and keep it intact

Politicians are the ones who take responsibility of grooming up other nations

Politicians are commonsense approach watched out as public representatives

Politicians are silent winner when nation prospers in their hands

Politicians are the ones who keep land , labor, capital, organizations intact

Politicians are the ones which CEOs are scared to see their revenues deplete

Politicians are the one who give relief to the nations representatives to function in old age also
Politicians are the ones who work round the clock to see illiteracy reduction

Politicians wage wars to keep nation freedom intact

Politicians are the voice of public in international and national debates

Politicians are the ones given responsibility to keep democracy and national integrity safe

Politicians are the ones who keep foreign power at bay and never mix it up to lose rights and duties

Thought of the day

Politicians that’s why are rich and would be as they protect the freedom and keep democracy intact


Politicians come under direction of united nations and hence do work of reports end in solutions

Politicians are not state representatives any more

Politicians behavior is checked out internationally

Politicians are not back benchers any longer

Politicians in any form are watched out for as it is global village background

Politicians are watchers of all nations as it affects their work

Politicians are always talked about hence never have privacy of their own

Politicians fights are also seen internationally as decisions made are diseased prone

Politicians failure is red mark on nation progress as citizens are located in every nation

Politicians decisions are watched out for as companies have branches

Politicians way of lifestyle is copy pasted by other nations as they are key players in their countries

Politicians who become popular are observed 24/7 as issues are transferable

Politicians now a days are not solos they are collaborators under the den of transnationalism
Politicians are threatened but are observed as case study hence chose words carefully

Politicians who earn huge income is international case study of wealth transfers and knowledge

Thought of the day

International politics is game plan of national politicians' entry with state politics as observation


Politicians life span is 10 years in power and then shifted to entrepreneurship for civilian's sake

Politicians should never be permanent

Politicians should come and go if they want their decisions to be intact

Politicians decisions are temporary just l9ike anybody in the world

Maximum life of politicians should be 2 sittings

Why :????

They have big fan following which makes them successful in entrepreneurship

They have huge amount of money in the form of sponsorship personnel

They have huge knowledge about the country

They have a huge knowledge of networking

They don’t differentiate between poor people and rich people so balanced viewpoint

They believe in balanced regional development of the nation and have similar agenda
When you inculcate this characteristic feature

You should enroll into business and groom up citizens

You should groom up students who come from different backgrounds

You should gradually look at development of states

You should represent the nation and give direction to public welfare schemes

Thought of the day

Holistic viewpoint of keeping everyone happy and safe and knowledgeable is political thought


Citizens if they have money under their belt and are lavish can avail benefits under contracts

Citizens who have money under their belt

Should avail contractual based lifestyle through institutional tie ups

Should assign for themselves agents under each head of extrovert behavior

Should assign subscription and gain away insight of world storyline

Should keep historians at close quarters to know tourism packages

Should possess knowledge of economy through companies' network

Should assign labor hours to self in internet to gain awareness

Should purchase apps and gain knowledge of world subjects

Should assign contracts of transportation instead of ownership

Should have a family doctor and assign knowledge of medicine through books
Should have service industry as assets to remove away finance from the bank account

Should have banking transactions done through net banking with correspondence with CEO

Should have networking with job market companies for relatives to be wealthy and rich

Should have police administration under Jeeves to know the state cultural festival plight

Thought of the day

Networking with institutions is a must knowledge under tourism of world as target public being asset


Citizens should have access to job portals and enquiry rights to know where the country is heading to

Internet with global village operating system is bread and butter to global citizens

Internet should never be restricted to but should be made available for world to relish employment

World portals should be used by media and highlighted from it in newspapers and magazines

Knowledge should be decentralized and made available through media and institutions

World should be one global village having knowledge of each other

Wisdom is if nation is dangerous people should have access to other countries without fear

Corrections in politics should be mandatory and be done through united nations

No country should become monopoly in warfare and food to be available to all through imports exports

Knowledge of one country should be utilized and to be made available to sustain even at times of war

Financial portals and all portals which are vital for sustenance of economy should be made free

Job portals should be made available to citizens of the country so that world is stable with families intact
Tourism should be available to citizens to explore and transport themselves with help of institutions

Number of portals increase and their sustenance through membership is way of life getting information

International institutions highlighting enrollment of jobs in favor of students is political trade relations

To keep jobs intact knowledge flowing in times of national international calamity is wisdom of nation

Right to information act is knowledge of public and should have access to other countries information

Citizens are moving away and relatives are stationed everywhere in earth knowledge should be free

Sponsorship is creating institutions getting job done with professionalism is countries revenue income

Thought of the day

Institutions and their profits to sustain is economic watch by politicians to keep wars away is wisdom


Citizens should never do copy paste of knowledge of others, they should depend upon original works

Having opinion on life events is appreciated

Having opinion on subjects and their development aspect is appreciated

Having opinion on economic stability and knowledge of it is appreciated

Having opinion on wisdom of elders flowing to next generation is appreciated

Having opinion is being alive is appreciated

How to have opinion on lifestyle of earth

Reading newspapers and magazines

Talking to friends, relatives on blogs created

Knowledge of society through publishing houses set up

Using resources of raw material to good use

Internet usage being made unlimited through increase in salaries

Making institutions liable to pay income tax for its employees

Politicians making facility of online storage for people to express their frustration and happiness

Thought of the day

Original works is opinion of public through books and knowledge gained by debating with media


Citizens have the right to do audit of any company which threatens the nations policy of rights duties

Which companies should audit be done?

Companies which threaten national security

Companies which usurp away income of the nation

Companies which deplete the natural resources of the nation

Companies which bring in intellectual capitalism to nation

Companies which give insight to national wealth

Companies which remove away knowledge of the country through brain drain
Companies which act as monopoly

Companies which act as right hand to national politics

Companies which remove away employment tension

Companies which act as body guard to politics development

Companies which shell down money to keep nation intact

Companies which act as food generator of the nation

Companies which have knack of picking up intellectual fresh faces

Companies which destroy the industry when they leave

Companies which public is found off creating mutually assured financial destruction

Thought of the day

Which industry is right hand of the nation which would when destroyed would dismantle economy?


Citizens have the right to evaluate the pricing strategy of an industry with the help of supreme court

If the prices of the commodities are huge citizens can reevaluate the price through petition

Hoarding who does is liable to increase the prices of the nation should be punished

It is commodities which are available in abundance generates entrepreneurship

If you cut short the supply of commodities you would end up in without jobs

Prices should be cheap and should never be costly else motivation to do entrepreneurship is lost

It is so because each commodity act likes finished product is actually a base of its own existence

Prices are made to rise and should increase only when it is negative demand
Negative demand means that the product that is being sold causes diseases or negative emotions

Nation is full of illiterates and when you increase the prices automatically jobs have to increase

To keep the nation intact prices should never increase

If prices increase and are made to rise to get the commodity people are forced to do multiple jobs

If this scenario is repetitive and jobs aren't available politicians are diplomatically having to die

It is politicians who have to control the rising prices and CEOs who have to give explanations

Creation of jobs is politicians work and if they are not doing their jobs properly

Prices of commodities should be kept less for jobs to create leisurely

Each company can create only selective number of products every year and not unlimited

Shop floor is restricted to limited supply per machine capability and it can never increase

Hence only option left for the nation for jobs to create is keep prices low for common man

Thought of the day

Knowledge of jobs is creation of jobs through entrepreneurship by keeping commodities abundance


Citizens have the right to call upon any company and to make it do business through constitution right

Those companies which want to leave the industry should be converted to public limited company

Companies formation is tough and to leave the industry is not practiced by the nation

If the CEO wants to remove the company and wind up the company because of losses to company

It should ask employees first whether he has the permission to terminate the company or not

If employees want the company to sustain CEO should never ever touch the concept of winding up
Methodology of getting back to profits is strategy of strategic department and if it is weak

It is not the mistake of employees; it just needs either restructuring or reengineering to get back

Hence first duty Is sustenance of the company employees for which public shares are to be issued

If public shares are not possible to generate then the company has to wind up in the industry

Joint stock company formation that’s why is normal procedure to adopt for those companies

Whose employees want to continue under attachment

Ceo has to vacate the seat of CEO and bring in fresh CEO to continue joint stock company requirements

With the help of employees, the company can be rejuvenating and losses can be compensated

Promoters of the company can relish profits only for brief period of 5 years

If promoters can keep business intact for more than 5 years it has to get converted to mid cap joint

For employee's sake and never ever shift back to private company once conversion is done to joint stock

Sustenance of jobs of the country is not unemployment,

it is working within success stories of companies which are prospering to continue to do so

Thought of the day

Joint stock company formation instead of private institutions is need of the hour so do conversion


The easiest way of citizens to come out of turmoil of company policies of nation is to do business

Entrepreneurship is independence

Entrepreneurship is bread and butter to self

Entrepreneurship is looking after family affairs

Entrepreneurship is making others dependent and giving them food

Entrepreneurship is knowledge of how to live and let live

Entrepreneurship is friendship with society

Entrepreneurship is compulsory

Entrepreneurship is bravery to leave safety net

Entrepreneurship is way of life

Entrepreneurship is state existence

Entrepreneurship is how to earn livelihood when all others are against you

Entrepreneurship is survival of fittest

Entrepreneurship is knowledge to family of how and why to live in society of evil practices

Entrepreneurship is cozy life of to survive in world of unemployment

Entrepreneurship is saving money for rainy day

Entrepreneurship is being rich and show way to students of how to do it

Entrepreneurship is biography of self and sacrifices made in life to get income

Entrepreneurship is knowledge to self to exist away from negative works

Thought of the day

Without entrepreneurship prove how you would live in world where every utility is costly to purchase


Citizens who write to be paid lump sum is much more happy state than being paid monthly cheques

Earning both ways is lifestyle of writers

Earning both ways is knowledge of being rich

Earning both ways is insight of being paid

Earning both ways is giving insight to company's capability

Earning both ways is knowledge to self to survive

Earning both ways is knowledge of company's wisdom

Why to pay and accept both ways of lifestyle applicable to citizens whatever be profession

Knowledge of company

Respect to self

Capability of industry to pay

Method of payment left to pull strategy

Wisdom of earning money thorough capacity to get paid

Every day is earning and every day is spending so get paid

Format of payment is not your decision, it is decision of giver

Why judge others, let them pay by judging you

Wise living is leave others to their own lifestyle

Being rich is having knowledge of both head and tails, why live only on heads ?

Getting paid and to receive leave it to the giver,

never decide your own fate, judge expenditure never income

Thought of the day

Decision to get paid is decision of others to pay, you should get paid out of respect not out of hatred

Citizens who kill girls during birth stage should be taught rich class way of lifestyle to stop atrocities

Big stalwarts' men are followers of girls

Girls who are big stalwarts are decision makers

Girls who are big stalwarts are reliever of tension of elders making decisions

Girls who are big stalwarts are strategic money decision makers

Girls who are big stalwarts are knowledge givers to men

Girls who are big stalwarts are bread earners of the family becoming CEOs

Girls who are big stalwarts are good at controlling diseases in the house

Girls who are big stalwarts are good at cleanliness next to godliness

Girls who are big stalwarts are good at giving helping hand to men in research

Girls who are big stalwarts are good at grooming up tourism packages budgeting intelligently

Girls who are big stalwarts are good at choosing service industry and food cuisine

Small stalwarts men are decision makers of the house leading girls

Girls who are small stalwarts are followers of men

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at managing house with lesser budget

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at taking care of parents

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at cooking

Girls who are small stalwarts are home makers taking care of children

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at giving tips to husband

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at taking care of husband while he is in bed with fractures

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at avoiding confrontation with husband giving them peace

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at moving places including villages and stick to husband

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at helping hand to men in learning new languages difficult times

Girls who are small stalwarts are good at never giving divorce and face hardships in crisis times
Thought of the day

Be it big stalwart or small stalwart girls are in both categories to give lending hand to boys


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