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Committe: Security Council 

Topic: Non-nuclear proliferation in the Islamic Republic Of Iran 

Country: france 

Delegates: Viannaly Cedeno & Emely Hernandez 

“Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction […] constitutes a threat to international peace a

nd security”.[ CITATION fra101 \l 7178 ]  Nuclear proliferation is the spread of nuclear

weapons, fissionable material, and weapons

applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as

"Nuclear Weapon States" by the NPT, or the Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Proliferation has been op

posed by many nations with and without nuclear weapons,as governments fear that more countrie

s with nuclear weapons will increase the possibility of nuclear

warfare (up to and including the so-called "countervalue" targeting of civilians with nuclear weap

ons), de-stabilize international or regional relations, or infringe upon the national sovereignty of s

tates[ CITATION wik \l 7178 ]. having established the NPT base definition, the non

nuclear proliferation treaty entered in form on march 1970 Its 190 states-parties are classified in

two categories: nuclear-weapon states (NWS)—consisting of the United States, Russia, China,

France, and the United Kingdom—and non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS). Under the treaty, the

five NWS commit to pursue general and complete disarmament, while the NNWS agree to forgo

developing or acquiring nuclear weapons. Taking this into account some of the problems that are

being faced rigth now is that iran’s president Hassan Rouhani said on may 8, 2019,  “increased

uranium enrichment will begin in 60 days (from the date this was stated) if world powers don't

shield it from U.S. sanctions, under the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement. The move is a

signal to the world that Tehran is losing patience with U.S. efforts to punish Iran economically.” 

President Hassan Rouhani also announced that Tehran will start keeping larger amounts of

enriched uranium and heavy water, instead of selling the excess to other countries, as the deal

requires. And he also said that if the other countries in the accord haven't figured out how to

shield Iran's oil and banking industries from U.S. sanctions, Iran will begin enriching uranium to

higher levels, ending a commitment made under the deal.[ CITATION lau19 \l 7178 ] The return

of U.S. sanctions has been damaging to Iran's economy. In addition to the statement made

previously, we can further argue that.. The news comes exactly one year after President Trump

pulled the U.S. out of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, calling it "a horrible one-

sided deal."[ CITATION lau19 \l 7178 ]

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and as a nuclear-weapon state

as defined in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), France has a

special responsibility for maintaining and strengthening international peace and security.

[ CITATION fra13 \l 7178 ]France is committed to implementing its obligations under the

Treaty and the commitments made by previous Review Conferences, including those of 1995 and

2000. It has therefore chosen to convince by setting an example and to support ambitious

initiatives in all Treaty areas.[ CITATION fra10 \l 7178 ]. France, which supports the role of the

United Nations Security Council in maintaining international peace and security, is using all the

means at its disposal to assist in resolving the proliferation crises currently facing the

international nuclear non-proliferation regime in the Islamic Republic of Iran[ CITATION

uno10 \l 7178 ].France is convinced of the need for the international standards to be effectively

implemented by all and prioritises stepping up concrete action to prevent and stop proliferation.

This means better export controls, protecting the most sensitive scientific and technical assets,

stopping proliferation trafficking, criminalising proliferation activities and suppressing their

financing. France actively participates in the many international anti-proliferation initiatives: -

Promotion of the enforcement of UN Security Council Resolution 1540, which calls upon all the

States to step up their national measures to combat proliferation;-The Proliferation Security

Initiative (PSI), designed to intercept consignments associated with weapons of mass destruction

acquisition programmes; - The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT),

consisting essentially of regular exercises to test international co-ordination in the event of a

terrorist attack; - The G8 Global Partnership against the spread of WMDs, launched in 2002, to

reduce the threat from non-conventional arsenals remaining in the former USSR; - Work by the

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to suppress proliferation financing.[ CITATION fra10 \l

7178 ]. in addition to this France also forms part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

(JCPOA) Since its initiation of nuclear talks with Iran in 2003, France has engaged in several

rounds of multilateral diplomacy with Tehran over its nuclear program, including P5+1 talks with

Iran that resulted in the 2015 JCPOA.[ CITATION fra101 \l 7178 ]

To summarize as a final analysis the france delegation came up with solutions...

Determination of the consequences of a State’s non-compliance with its non-proliferation

obligations under the Treaty, and of withdrawal from the Treaty, including suspension of nuclear

cooperation and transfers; Promotion of the universalization of the Treaty; • Universalization and

strengthening of the IAEA safeguards system, in particular through the universal adoption of the

additional protocol Improvement of nuclear security and of physical protection of nuclear

material and the minimization, wherever technically and economically feasible, of the use of

highly enriched uranium in peaceful nuclear activities, with a view to preventing illicit trafficking

and nuclear terrorism; • Strengthening of export controls, including of sensitive nuclear material

and technology, and development of technical cooperation and assistance activities to this end;


france diplomatie. (february de 2013). Obtenido de


france. (14 de abril de 2010). Obtenido de https://documents-dds-

france. (4 de mayo de 2010). Obtenido de

kennedy, laurel wamsley and merrit. (8 de mayo de 2019). Obtenido de

nuclear-deal-a-year-after-u-s-lef (14 de abril de 2010). Obtenido de https://documents-dds-

wikipedia. (s.f.). Obtenido de


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