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Name: Garry Carl Carillo

Course: BROAD 1B

I was moved by this film.

To be honest, I didn’t expect
that the reality of life will
appear to this film. A normal
teenager can also be an
agent for a change. A circle
of friends in the different
dramas and track in life
which portray what is really
the struggles encountered
most of the college students.
The use of their time can
also make the scenarios
effective. What I love the
most about is when the
leading actors and actresses
make the best version of
their selves. We cannot deny
the fact that in this cruel
world, it’s hard to find true meaning of friendship. Friends Is your justification whenever you’re
down. Friends is like a mobile phone that you can’t live without.
Moreover, there is no problem regarding on the skills of the actors In terms of acting. I just
notice that their dialogues are inline to the taste of the mass. They sited some situations that
youth today should have the awarness of what is really happening In the society. However, In the
scene of when the teen named Nica try to abort her child is somehow questionable because there
is no manpower even that helps in that situation. They don not justify the said case. The last
scene (wedding scene) where I was touch by their acting skills. If I could given an opportunity to
evaluate the film, I will give them 9/10. There is no problem in when it comes to their
cinematography but I worried also to their lines because it was so vulgar. What the most
important is they successfully shared their purpose. I learned a lot In this film actually that’s why
after watching this film I do self-debriefing. Thanks to the director of “PEERSONA”.
This film in not typical to the way that it
combine the definition of friendship and
family. I was amaze to the whole script of
this film. It’s cinematic and quite relevant to
all. It emphasized the importance of having a
complete family. Also focus on the
depression whenever you lost someone in
your life. The time frame was understandable
and procedural. It tells that family is the
foundation of society. The love for the family
is the most expensive thing that you can have.

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