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The male student, Fukai Nagamasa, ignores his studies for college
entrance exams in favor of following the path to chuunibyou. As he
fainted during night cramming session before the exams, he realized that
he was transported to a parallel world as a feudal lord in the Sengoku
Era. Not to mention that suddenly, he was marrying the sixth Demon
King, Oda Nobunaga’s little sister, the one who was purported to be an
unrivaled beauty?

「I’ve decided. I will develop both: this land and the beautiful princess!」

He decides to continue developing his cute, virgin bride night after night,
and to try to live an enjoyable life in a harsh world where magic and
demonic beasts exist.
There are countless men. Lots of which are powerful men. But right now none of these
men are facing each other. Furthermore, the one who is making them drop down their
heads is me. There must be people who have experienced this before, but I wonder
how many of them experienced this in Japan?

“Well then, let us begin this council!”

The old man closest to me who was bathing in sunlight exclaimed in a loud voice.

“First I would like to start off with a report on the collected taxes within our territory…
or so I would say…”

The old man threw a glance at me and laughed in a loud voice.

“Everyone! Tomorrow, at long last, we will be receiving the princess of the Oda family!
Let’s proceed with everything without delay, and together we will make sure
everything goes smoothly!”

The men responded with a loud “Yeah!”. I desperately tried to keep my mouth shut,
and when anyone asked me anything, I would only respond with a “Yeah, it’s okay.”

I truly can’t grasp the current situation unfolding in front of my eyes.

‘How did things end up like this?’

While covered in cold sweat, I continued gazing upon the unfolding talk and discussion
coming from the men.

I was studying for the long-awaited end of term exams in my room in the welfare
facilities dorms.1
That’s right; I was doing the so-called “last minute cramming” thing.

However, I had no motivation to do anything. I dropped my pencil and closed my Math

IIB textbook. I flipped the lights a bit and took out my history book.

Fukai Nagamasa, that’s my name. Both my parents parted from this world after I was
born, so I don’t have any real memories of them. I’m really grateful to them for not
giving me a weird name like “Mars” or “Universe.”

I hate the things they teach me at school. Or more precisely, I hate the teachers that
order you to remember stuff you might never need.

That’s why I’m not that excited about studying for the tests. I’d rather hear and learn
stuff that is directly connected with daily life. It seems I’m the only student that wishes
to learn stuff like that though.

In today’s education, it is probably wishful thinking, but if they can’t learn me, I could
at least try to teach myself. That’s why my favorite subject is history.

“History is just remembering stuff, right?”

I have a couple of classmates that make remarks like that, but it’s like those guys don’t
get it at all.

“History is not just about remembering stuff; it’s there to allow the people of this age
to find themselves.”

This is what many historians agreed upon.

“If you don’t find history for yourself it won’t show it’s essence to you.” When I was in
my darkest time of the so-called 8th-grade syndrome (which honestly I’m still stuck
in), I read a lot of history books from the library, and many historians said those same

Me of that time was still too young. Those with eight grade syndrome have a greater
desire for knowledge. To create the name of a dark god, or to find a cool way to talk,
those kids just keep absorbing various things just like how a dry sponge absorbs

What I desired was knowledge to live in that time. ‘This will be necessary once I own
my own country’ was the desire that came from my eighth-grader syndrome
delusions. What sort of politic actions did the politicians take in the past and how did
the people react to them? What sort of situations did the economy encounter and how
did people do their work? What kind of culture was there in the society back then and
how did the people live? I thought about using this knowledge as a reference later in
my life.

Then when I discovered history also had Economic history and Governmental history,
I lost interest in both political science and economics. The reason is that history is
built on facts and political science and economics are mostly built on theories. Which
makes history a lot more meaningful in my head.

To throw away the “conviction” of theories and instead pile up all the facts one by one
is a much more wonderful way to learn things.

As a result, I managed to learn a lot of accurate stuff, like how Japan and Western
Europe developed their economy and government in the past or what sort of
confrontation occurred between the government and its people.

My wristwatch was pointing out that it was 3 o’clock.

‘Crap, I need to get studying.’

It looks like I got too excited reading history books again. I picked up and opened the
Math IIB textbook that I threw aside a while ago.

‘Ugh… so tired.’

Before I realized it my watch was already pointing at 4:30. I was so sleepy that I
couldn’t go on anymore.

I resigned myself and set the alarm clock to 6 o’clock. I’ll take a nap. If I sleep for a bit,
I’ll feel refreshed.

‘If I wake up at six and study seriously for another hour then… ’

I slipped into my bed thinking and had all the intention of sleep but…

“Sir, it’s time to wake up.”


When I opened my eyes, I was laying in a futon inside a luxurious tatami-matted room,
and a young boy with a semi topknot like hairstyle was standing beside me trying to
wake me up. While being dumbfounded by the situation I was made to wear a pretty
thick kimono and hakama2 and to top it off they put an eboshi3 on my head. I was
unable to grasp the current situation.

“Sir Nagamasa, as for the arrival of the Shikida family to our lands, would it be alright
if we leave the plan as is?”

“Yes, leave it as it is.”

Even though I was panicking in the start, I slowly calmed down as I got a grasp of the
situation little by little. First of all, it looks like I’m recognized by the name of
“Nagamasa.” Plus if I take into account that everyone acts so humble in my presence
and that the masses of burly men are carrying their crops to what appears to be the
central building, I can conclude that I’m probably the boss of these lands. And then
there’s the “Oda Family” name.

‘Could this be… ’

I swallowed my saliva with a gulp.

“Give this year a name please.”


The great hall became deadly silent. What did they ask of me just now, I don’t understand.

“You can’t say something rude to the boss,” was the feeling that floated between the

“Lord Nagamasa, today is the 10th year of the Eiroku Era.”4

Exclaimed one of the men in the great hall. I directed my gaze to the man and nodded
with a “yes.” Just by heavily fixing my waist and moving my body a little I was somehow
able to create a sublime atmosphere.
“This year will be a turning point.”

When I heard the number 10, I immediately responded with what came to my head
first. Just by saying that a great “Ohhhh!” was heard from all around the great hall. You
people are way too simple.

“I am filled with vitality as you can see and the head of the Oda Family is also in his

After saying that, the old man closest to me gave me a meaningful look. I felt like the
old man wanted to say something so I gave him a nod to transmit a “Go on.”

“Certainly, Oda Nobunaga-sama is already 33 years old, and Nagamasa-sama reached

22 years already! Oh my, once again I want to congratulate you both! Even though we
find ourselves in a civil war, in this important year, you are able to form an alliance
through marriage between the two houses! It’s truly a moment to rejoice!”

Everyone in the great hall responded with a loud “yeah!”. While thinking to myself that
“I’m not 22 though”, I nodded with conviction to the old man.

There’s no longer any doubt in my mind; I became Azai Nagama the Daimyo5 of Oumi6
during the civil war.

After confirming the situation, my heart started thumping really loud, and cold sweat
ran all over my body. I can’t believe that those fantastic stories I read from time to time
in those Light Novels are happening to me right now… Without thinking, I grabbed my
chest tightly.

‘And what do they mean by marriage?! I’m still a student?!’

Furthermore, my partner’s big brother is the supreme leader of the civil war period
also known as the Sixth Demon King – Oda Nobunaga. And recalling the historical facts
about the me right now, I know that I’m the dangerous guy that let his skeleton be
dyed in gold and passed most of his time drinking around – Azai Nagamasa. This all
felt surreal.

“Well then, let us finish this council here. So that we can face tomorrow in tip-top
shape, let us all put in our greatest effort!”

The old man that spoke previously exclaimed in a loud voice that the council has
ended. By the way, this old man seems to be called Azai Sukechika. His words seem to
carry great weight in this great hall. If memory serves me right, he is one of
Nobunaga’s households most influential military commanders who cooperated in an
active way with Nobunaga on their alliance.

‘I have to make sure remember this guy’s name…!’

I was extremely anxious. If I make one wrong move or say something wrong to my
subordinates, I could cause giant ripples. For example, the fact that Oda Nobunaga was
killed in Honnoji by Akechi Mitsuhide is a famous piece of history. If I were to leak that,
it could change the course of history. Even saying someone’s name wrong could cause
a giant ripple to occur in this age.

This is why I’ve been holed up in my room throughout the day and been frantically
trying to gather whatever information I could ever since I woke up.

This is the day after I made a ‘trip’ to the civil war era. I still have no clue how I got

The old man I talked about before, Azai Sukechika, took both military commanders
Anyouji Ujidane and Endou Naotsune and headed towards the Nobunaga’s family
territory earlier this morning.

Endou Naotsune is a well-known furious warrior to anyone that has at least some
knowledge about this period is familiar with. In the battle of Anegawa where both the
Azai and Oda Clan confronted each other, he tried to raid Oda’s stronghold by himself
turning it into an insane incident.

On the other hand, Anyouji Ujitane seems to be the main intermediary for this
marriage between the Azai and the Oda.

By the way, when these three people came to greet me, I thought it would be bad to
send away my retainers without thanking them, so I invited them to my room and took
out some tea. They literally started crying out loud with dripping noses and tears
pouring down their cheeks while drinking the tea. They didn’t stop crying and being
choked up with tears until they finally left.
To be honest, my first thought was ‘What’s with these guys?’ but then I remembered
that during the civil war it was a really unusual and special treat for a subordinate to
be invited for a cup of tea to the personal quarters of one of the Daimyo’s family heads.
That’s right, the sense of values are completely different with now and those in the
future. I completely forgot about it. Even though most historians kept reminding that
“The way of thinking that people have now is completely different from those in the

With this and that happening around me, I was eventually made to wear a heavy
ceremonial dress by the nobles around noon. I was pretty sure that the wedding
ceremony would be held this night, but it seems to be common sense, that in this civil
war period, it won’t be held tonight.

I’m sure that the bride will come here to Odani Castle, but that doesn’t necessarily
mean we’ll be meeting today. For now, I’ll be staying in my room in the castle and
tomorrow the wedding ceremony will be held.

The huge uproar and hassle in the castle are a testimony to that. The little sister of
Oda Nobunaga the Daimyo who restored the Owari Province and took the Mino
Province is coming after all. That’s why there is no room for error.

Frankly, I already resigned myself to this fate. To start with, I have traveled back to the
Sengoku era and as such returning to my previous time will probably deem difficult.
The other reason is that the name “Nagamasa” is the same as before, so I’m not too
uncomfortable with it. So, at any rate, the only thing that changed is that my surname
changed from “Fukai” to “Azai”…

Besides, I didn’t have any attachment to my previous life. On the contrary, the world
where I’m not pushed to study for exams seems to fit better with me.

What I wanted to learn was the ‘experiences of life.’ Thus, in this civil war period, the
things I will learn are indeed these ‘experiences of life.’

Furthermore, if I use my knowledge of history, I’m sure this domain will develop just
fine. So I’ll be getting the knowledge I wished for, and I can use the knowledge I
obtained in my previous life, so it’s a win-win situation. What’s more, the unparalleled
beauty that even the future world speaks of, Nobunaga Oichi will become my wife. I
might have resigned myself to this fate too easily, but under these circumstances, it
was a no-brainer.
“It’s decided. Since it has come to this, I will develop both this province and Oichi

I exclaimed with a firm tone alone in my room.

However, I would come to regret the naivety of my decision.

After the wedding ceremony and then getting away from the noise of the dancing and
singing in the great hall, what was waiting for me was the “consummation of marriage
ceremony,” the so-called “First Night.”

In the darkness of the room, only the faint light coming from the garden lanterns made
you able to see a little. Those faint lights illuminated a single futon and a woman sitting
on the floor with black hair.

Honestly, I completely underestimated her.

The so-called “unparalleled beauty” Oichi. Her figure appears in many history books
and is documented in multiple collections from Japan. When looking at those books,
even though the image is quite crude, I thought ‘this girl must be pretty normal in that
age’ while sneering, but it wasn’t like that at all. The real deal is amazing.

There was a goddess in front of me. Even if you put her next to actresses or gravure
idols of my previous life, there would be no doubt who would win.

Her black glossy hair flowed down like silk, and her smooth and pure white skin added
up to her vibrant contrast. Her moistened eyes were big and round, and the bridge of
her nose was quite high.

And more than anything, her figure is way too good. On my way to this room with her,
I was surprised that our heights nearly matched. She must be 170 centimeters at the
very least.

This is without a doubt an “unequaled beauty.” No, at this level it would be safe to say
she is an “unrivaled beauty.”

I quietly took a seat in front of her. After doing so, she bowed, and after lowering her
head while pressing her fingers against the floor, she rose up and looked at me with
upturned eyes.

“I am Oichi. Nagasama-sama, once again, I’ll be in your care from now on…”

I am impressed. How amazing is this! This Yamato Nadeshiko7 that most Japanese
people in my previous life have forgotten is right in front of me.

If I were to raise this graceful daughter of a nobleman completely like a woman… How
would she turn out?

“That’s right, just like in an Ero-Doujin. Just like an Ero-Doujin.”8


Crap. It looks like I said it out loud while thinking about it. Oichi inclined her neck a
little and asked me.

“Umm, Nagamasa-sama… what sort of thing is an ‘Erodoujin’?”

“Un, well… it’s like a textbook.”

I responded like that. I wonder what she imagined when I said textbook? To be honest,
I am quite curious about it. Oichi’s face went red on the spot. But more importantly,
I’m almost at my limit.


When I gently pushed her down on the futon, Oichi turned away her gaze out of
embarrassment. When her black hair spread all over the futon, she looked beautiful.

“It’s okay.”

I whispered in her ear while brushing her cheek with my hand.

“I’ll do you properly.”

“Like that um… E-Erodoujin thing?”

My ‘son’9 reached its limit when she said it with such an embarrassing tone. I pulled
down her kimono and exposed her shoulders. They were pure white, then upon
swallowing deeply, I took my first step into my “Oichi development plan.”

1. Something similar to an orphanage.

2. Hakama: A man’s formal divided skirt
3. Eboshi: A black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn
by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterward spreading to the common people
4. Eiroku Era: A period of time in Japan between February 28, 1558, and April 23,
5. Daimyo: Japanese feudal lord.
6. Oumi: An old province in Japan.
7. Yamato Nadeshiko: Is a Japanese term meaning the “personification of an idealized
Japanese woman,” or “the epitome of pure, feminine beauty.”
8. Ero-Doujin: Word used as a shorthand for doujinshi. A Doujinshi is amateur manga
publications, featuring either a cast of original characters and plot or characters
from another manga or anime. The word “Ero” is derived from “Erotic,” and so it´s
used in porn books.
9. Son: When he says “son” he is referring to his penis, the word in Japanese 息子
means both “Son” and “Penis.”
It is the first night with Oichi. The ”first time” should be, how should I say it, like, I
think it’s nice to enjoy the girl’s awkwardness that is similar to being tired out.
Although there aren’t many people that may agree with me.

Oichi’s body is white and smooth. I exposed her shoulder and nape, then gently
caressed her collarbone. Her skin was soft, compelling me to touch it forever. The
sensation was similar to stroking high-quality silk.

Oichi’s body would sometimes struggle while under me, as she attempted to fasten
her kimono to her exposed chest. I wonder if the women in this age also think ”being
seen is embarrassing”? I felt like being a bit mean, and decided to lick the nape of her


Lady Oichi’s sensitive body reacts as she tries to escape from the sensation of my
tongue. However, I won’t allow that. I place my hand on Lady Oichi’s left shoulder and
stop her from getting away.

“Aa… Ahh… Nagamasa-sama…”

“What is it Oichi?”

I whispered in her ear, referring to her without the honorific or her title “Lady”. I run
my hand from her side to her waist with my left hand, as my right hand was on her
shoulder. Lady Oichi murmured delicately with a crimson-red face while timidly
shaking her body.

“Ha~… It’s embarrassing…”

“That’s it, it’s because it’s embarrassing.”

“But… it’s completely different than what I have heard from No[1] onee-sama…”
I smiled wickedly as I start biting on Lady Oichi’s earlobe, using my head to the fullest
to mobilize all my knowledge. Lady Oichi said “No” who is said to be Nobunaga’s wife,
which was a memento from the famous Saito Dosan[2]. There are various theories
floating about that said she died with her husband in Honno-ji Temple, while another
theory suggests that she was alive and lived her life in Kyoto. However, this knowledge
was not important at the moment.

“Hey, Oichi”

“Ye-… Yes, Nagamasa-sama…”

“No-sama, what did she teach you again?”

When I raised my body and asked while looking at Lady Oichi from above, she closed
her eyes tightly and moved her bright red face aside. Mn, it’s cute. It makes me want
to bully her more. I took the chance and went for Lady Oichi’s kimono, finally exposing
her chest to my heart’s content.


“You don’t want me to see?”

“N-Not really…! It’s just, it’s embarrassing…”

“If that’s the case…”

I scoop up her abundant breast and proceeded to massage it. My voice almost leaked
out in astonishment, that’s how superb the view is. Two pure white mountain swaying
like waves. Then on the top of the swaying mountain lies a light peach color. Seeing
this spectacle, the fact that I didn’t grab the captivating breast of Lady Oichi was

“Tell me, what did No-sama teach you about manners in the bedroom?”

“Ah… W-well, er…”

I massage her breast up and down slowly. I massage and caress gently, and sometimes
I put more power on my hand and rub it harder.

“Not going to tell me?”

“Bu-… But… Such a thing is immodest…”

As Lady Oichi writhes, I use both of my hands to grasp her breast, and a deep valley
was shown. Indeed, such an amazing sight. If I stick my son in here, I bet it will feel
even more pleasant, but now is not yet the time.

“Then, why did Oichi come here?”


Lady Oichi’s face is red, but she properly looks at me and said.

“The Oda clan and Azai clan in the future will walk hand in hand, and we both will
walk together-“


Using my middle finger, I flicked both of Lady Oichi’s nipples. “Ah!” Lady Oichi cried
slightly as she raised her waist. As she noticed the volume of her voice, she bashfully
hides her face with both of her hands.

“Hey Oichi, did you hear that?”


Lady Oichi doesn’t answer as she covers her face. If it was I who uttered that voice
some time ago, I would be considerably embarrassed as well. Taking advantage of the
situation, I proceeded to lick the tip of her white, soft breast that has never been
touched by any other man before.


Lady Oichi let out her lewdest sound so far as she pinned my head down. I don’t know
whether I should stop or continue.

In this situation, I would just interpret it, however, I’d like. Of course, the action I chose
is licking her erect nipples, softly putting them in between my lips, and then biting
them softly once in awhile to arouse her. Well, as a man, naturally this is the proper
response to get.
“N-No! D-Don’t lick under there… Iyaa… Nuu!”

“Oichi, you”

I ask Oichi, as I move and raise both her breasts.

“Whose wife are you?”

“Wh-…… Whose?……?”

“What I’m trying to say is.”

As her body shakes slightly, Lady Oichi stares at me with moistened eyes and ragged
breathing. I played around with Oichi’s breast and thought that she somewhat looks
like a puppy.

“I want to be certain about this… Are you a “Bride of the Azai clan” or the “Bride of
Nagamasa Azai”, which is it?”


Lady Oichi cast down her eyes, looking troubled. That’s right, in the Sengoku Period,
when the Daimyos get into a matrimonial relationship, they only usually serve 3 big
purposes. Namely: to take a hostage, form an alliance, or usurp the other clan. In the
Sengoku Period society, where love between men and women was unnecessary, the
reality was that marriages between clans were mainly profit-seeking endeavors.
Which means that women aren’t married to the individual, but instead for the benefit
of the clan, so they need to be vigilant in order to not be taken advantage of. And the
opposite can also be said. As a matter of fact, it was already a common practice.

However, at the very least, I don’t want such a barbaric matrimonial relationship, I
don’t want such a lonely relationship with Lady Oichi.

While rubbing her breasts and coating them well with saliva, I brought my face closer
to Lady Oichi.

“Listen well, Oichi.”

I firmly match my eyes with Oichi’s. Face flushed red, moistened eyes, and sweat also
dripping from her forehead accompanied with disheveled hair. Simply just that, can
emit such fierce sexual allure.

“Honestly, I’m confused about this marriage.”


Lady Oichi’s eyes open widely. The look of uneasiness can be clearly grasped.
Therefore, to dispel the uneasiness, I caress her cheek gently.

“However, the result is great. Oichi, you are an extremely great woman. To the extent
that you don’t suit me at all.”


Lady Oichi shakes her head in disapproval, denying my claim.

“That is not true! Nagamasa-sama is a wonderful person! Aniue-sama thinks of

Nagamasa-sama very highly, too! Furthermore, I…”

“Ah, yeah.”

I thought so. The unusual young talent that remains in Japanese history, Nagamasa
Azai, who’s clan became independent from his father’s generation from Rokkaku clan,
and then amassed great influence in Northern Omi. It’s natural that Nobunaga would
want to win over Nagamasa to his side, and would also think so highly to send over
Lady Oichi who is also his younger sister. The pure-hearted Lady Oichi would hear the
heroic tales of Nagamasa from Nobunaga, which would then awaken her affection. By
the way, the women of this period aren’t allowed to act freely much, and speaking of a
love that was worth listening to, hearing heroic tales of her partner who she has not
met, it was normal that she would fall in love.

But I am not the “Nagamasa-sama” that Lady Oichi heard from the heroic tales that
Nobunaga has told her. Because I’m not the Nagamasa Azai which people learned from
Japanese history, and I just had no choice but to replace him.

“Oichi, tell me.”

I ask with a serious tone while playing with Lady Oichi’s lips with my fingertips.

“Are you a bride of the Azai clan or my bride?”

Lady Oichi slowly got up as she embraced me who was nervous. It gives me a mixed
feeling of security and arousal when the pair of soft hills smash together into my chest.


In my chest, Lady Oichi tries to slowly speak her words clearly. Not willing to miss
hearing any of her words, I hug Lady Oichi’s shoulders to my chest.

“I’m, Nagamasa-sama’s wife…”

“That so.”

“Yes, although I met Nagamasa-sama for the first time today…”

Lady Oichi smiles sweetly as she strongly embraces me.

“I understood at first glance. It’s really nice… For me to become your dear wife.”

“…Thank you.”


I drop a kiss onto Lady Oichi, not only once but time and time again. Then, Lady Oichi’s
body gradually loses strength and finally falls back onto the futon. As I look into her
face, behind her extreme shyness were, I could see feelings of passion and lust mixed

“Oichi, you are my dear wife.”

“Yes……! Hah… Oichi, Oichi…… is Nagamasa-sama’s wife.”

I, being on top, overlap her lips with mine. Although Lady Oichi still felt embarrassed,
she accepted my kiss while feeling heated.

Both of my hands caress all over her body. Her smooth back, narrow waist, toned
stomach, and soft butt… I couldn’t endure, so I inserted my tongue into her mouth.
Sensing my tongue, Lady Oichi fell in a daze as her body grew timid.

“Ha~… Nu~… H-Hau~… Ah~…”

My tongue reaches hers. Surprised, she tries to pull back inside. My tongue then
pursues and pokes hers which then tensed up. Continuing from before, her tongue
resigned and eventually loses its stiffness.

I won’t overlook it. For Lady Oichi to surrender her mouth, I entangle my tongue
around hers.

“Fua~…… Aaah~”

Lady Oichi body trembles timidly. The more I entangle my tongue, the more she
trembles. Apparently, her tongue seems to be her erogenous zone.

“Yah~… Ugh, No… Nagamasa-sama~… Don’t… Donn’tt~… Nnn…”

However, she appears to be desperately refusing pleasure. Whatever the reason is,
Nagamasa didn’t know it. Because of her desperately averting her face, I give up giving
her a french kiss. Having no other choice, I return to her abundant chest– then I
suddenly noticed.

‘That’s right, I’m originally not from this world’

I remember reading an article about the history of Japanese clans. In Japan, before the
time that women’s rights were recognized, it was considered taboo for women to
actively seek pleasure from sex. In other words, Lady Oichi who is resisting her own
lust is the ordinary attitude that a normal female would show in this time–.

However, it was said in the article. That it was taboo for women to get pleasure from
sex if that is the public principle it will come to an end. Human beings establish
customs to moderate so that people will not be criticized by the eyes of society.

Remembering that, I took Lady Oichi lips forcefully inserting my tongue inside as I lick
around. Lady Oichi put up resistance, but disregarding it, I crawl my tongue over her
gums and under jaw.

The will to resist gradually vanishes from her body, as she finally relaxes completely.
Her body then trembles as she starts to feel the pleasure I was giving.

“Aah~…… Nagamasa-sama~…”

Releasing her mouth, Lady Oichi, with sleepy eyes, takes advantage and raises her

“What is it, Oichi”


When I asked the question, she put her hand on my chest as if she was expecting
something. She rose up as she approached. I, who was confident, was about to push
my son, who lost control, into her crotch– but stopped.

Brushing her head gently, she purred, also showing a gentle smile. While caressing her
body with one hand for some time, I neared my mouth towards her ear while she
wasn’t paying attention and asked.

“Oichi… Can you hear me?”

“Yes, what is it? Ah…”

Lady Oichi completely melted to a sweet voice, which runs a pleasant sensation along
my spine. Dangerous, it’s gradually becoming unbearable. If poorly done I will soon
explode by accident before I insert it. Something like that, Lady Oichi’s body and voice
can surely tempt any men. To whoever can embrace such a wonderful woman as his
wife will be the luckiest man in the world– Well, it’s me right now.

However, for this reason, I think. To not develop this supreme woman to my liking,
then I can’t call myself a man!

She has the heart of a maiden, but the husband, who sometimes embraces her, gives
her pleasure like a prostitute while her back trembles. Although as I finish the act, and
as her true self returns and blushes in embarrassment, I earnestly agonize for this
peerless beautiful girl–Ah, isn’t she supreme? And I, who is the husband to Lady Oichi,
will personally develop her into the ideal wife.

However, I will not force it. Lady Oichi will first know a man today and become a
woman. If I leave an unpleasant image during sex, future development projects would
be interrupted, and I don’t want there to be bad blood with something I hold dear. It
is absolutely necessary when having her learn pleasure, to moderate between teasing
and being gentle because of her shyness. No doubt, as a fellow man said: “It is easier
said than done”.
“Oichi… Would you tell me?”

“Yes… If it’s for Nagamasa-sama.”

It seems that Lady Oichi’s words have considerably softened; it must be because her
heart has dissolved from sexual activities. While relieving the tension by rubbing her
soft chest, I ask Lady Oichi.

“Please tell me, between you and me… What do you expect from a husband?… Is there
some technique you’d like to use in the bedroom?”

“Th-… That’s… Yaan~”

As I caress and rub my wife’s nipple, her obscene body shakes timidly. But unlike
before, the mood seems to somehow be advancing.

“Oichi, you are my wife. My only wife. I’ll live with you, hand in hand. Therefore, I want
to know everything about you… Is that just my selfishness?”

“Ah~… Aahh~……”

Lady Oichi’s face turned to one filled with intense lust, finally seeming to resign
herself. With both of her soft hands, she grabs mine and guides them to her chest.

“Uhm… Onee-sama said M-… M-Men… Uh, in the bedroom, men usually start by
playing with women’s breasts.”


I start massaging both of her abundant breasts with my hands, as I asked Lady Oichi
“What’s next?”.

“And then… A gentlemen on the woman’s teat… Aah…”


My fingertips crawl on Lady Oichi’s areola while being careful as to not touch the
nipples. On occasion, her body will wriggle lewdly; is it because of the worry from the
constant pleasure, or the desire to stimulate her nipples? Before long, Lady Oichi’s
ideals vanished as she resigned herself and says,
“The way you are licking my teat is… like a child sucking…”


“Yes… Aah… Mou~ Stop it, this is embarrassing Nagamasa-sama…”

“Don’t say such things, I’m doing what you told me.”

“Aah… Don’t… Don’t please…”

I lick and suck her teat as Lady Oichi said.

“Is this good? Here.”

“Pl-… Please stop… Nn!”

“Well, this is good. No matter what Oichi, this time here I will embrace you.”

As I whispered in her ears, I played with Lady Oichi erect nipple with my fingertips, in
order to discipline her.

“Don’t say teat, won’t you say nipple?”

“Ah… Aah, ni-nipple…”

“That’s right, there will be a punishment if you don’t say it, so learn it.”

“I-I understand… Ah~…”

Nevertheless, no matter what period, I think all men will do the same. Men are weak
to breasts; I think this is a universal fact in human history.

Even though the various techniques men used have advanced, the essential contents
are not that different from what it was in the past. While thinking of my slight
discovery, I tore off Lady Oichi’s nipple which I was teasing. She seems to react
sensitively somehow when I pluck my tongue off from her sharp nipples. I will
remember that.

“Hey, Oichi, what’s next?”

“U-Uhm… Err… Uu… Nagamasa-sama.”

Anyways, I have a daring, sinister face as I urge Lady Oichi, who is hesitating to

“Then I won’t understand anything at all? I want to know more about you…”



I tenderly embrace her in my arms, as she began to shed tears. The noble daughter of
Oda who has been declared as an unrivaled beauty is sobbing under my chest. It seems
I teased her too much. Hmm, I don’t really know how to hold back.

As an apology, I catch her chin with my fingers as I gently kiss her. Tears run down in
front of me.

That’s right, that’s right. The women of this age, especially ones like the Noble
Daughter of Oda, would not even think that in their first night their husband would
tease them…

After spending some time kissing, Lady Oichi takes a breath and looks, as our mutual
lips create a silver bridge. Thus, I lead my hand down to her secret place.

“The teat… No… Ni-nipple, the man would continue sucking the nipple…”

The sound of damp water rises, as my fingers become slippery. At the same time, Lady
Oichi’s body jumped.

“Ah… That, a splendid woman will be penetrated here, and can produce tons of children.”

“No-sama taught you that?”

“Th-That is right… AH, AH! P-please, stop Nagamasa-sama! Don-Aah!”

As I inserted my finger inside of Lady Oichi and shake vigorously as I rub her clitoris
with my palm which caused Lady Oichi’s body a huge convulsion as she tenses tightly
inside.… It seems that she climaxed. Oh well, her body has been caressed and
tormented since a while ago.
“Uu~… Uuu~…”

But putting that aside, the problem now is that Lady Oichi started to genuinely cry.
Well, I’m horrible; didn’t I just think awhile ago to not overdo it. Although, it is self-
justified that it was inevitable. When a peerless beauty opens her body defenselessly,
you can no longer keep reason during your first night.

With that said, it can’t be helped if this is the only excuse. As to lift Lady Oichi’s mood,
I bent over and leave behind a rain of kisses on her.

“My apo-… My apologies, Nagamasa-sama…”

Lady Oichi sobbed uncontrollably, as she earnestly apologizes. Though nothing bad
happened, I’m at fault.

“But I… But I!… It’s our first time! I didn’t want to give the impression I was a shameful
and lewd woman who “had feelings through having sex”! Such a woman, I definitely
did not want Nagamasa-sama to think poorly of…”

“–That’s okay.”

While holding Lady Oichi tightly, a feeling of extraordinary happiness wrapped around
me. My mouth, arms, body, and Lady Oichi made me feel good. It’s simply great to be
born a male. Even if it doesn’t match women’s sense of values in this period, I still feel
extreme happiness.

“Hey… Oichi, do you dislike me?”

“…Nagamasa-sama is mean, but I don’t dislike it. I can never hate you…”

“That so. Then why? If so, why do you reject the pleasure I’m giving you?”


“I want Oichi, who’s receiving me, to feel good. I don’t desire for you to feel unpleasant.”

So, when remembering above all, Lady Oichi’s resistance to the sexual pleasure, I–as
the good husband– am entirely at fault. In this period, the wife can’t defy the wishes
of the husband. In this case, the wife can’t refuse the pleasure which her husband is
I’m completely at fault; it was inevitable that it will feel good. If she shifts the
responsibility, it is possible to advance to the next stage of Lady Oichi Development

“I’m not bad…?”

“You’re not.”

“Is it ok, to feel good…?”

“It’s ok.”

“Do you despise such a shameful woman…?”

“There is no way I would. You’re my wife, and I’m glad that I can have you as one.”

“I… I understand…”

Lady Oichi smiles as she gently caresses my chest.

“Nagamasa-sama is somewhat similar to Esteemed Older Brother.”

“I’m like Nobunaga-sama?”

“Yes… destroying the concept of common sense one after another, and taking in the
new world… just like a man.”

“Is that so.”

“Somehow… I feel relieved.”

Mn, this interaction which is based on what I have done, no doubt she is a goddess.
Well, for me, who wants to take Lady Oichi, you can say this is a world dazzled with
lust. If I say anything now at this stage, all trust will certainly be lost, so I remain silent.

With the tip of my finger, I lifted up Lady Oichi’s bangs and kissed her, causing her
heart to melt. As I stroke her back and stomach while giving her a french kiss, I then
touch her vagina with my fingertips her body twitched in response, but I paid it no
heed and simply continued. She writhes earnestly in my arms as she utters a cute
panting moan. Aah, I’m getting hornier… A water-like sound could be heard as viscous
liquid gushes out of Lady Oichi’s vagina, and with that, my heart started beating

I separate my body from Lady Oichi’s and rub my “son” against her crotch. Our body
fluids mix, creating a lewd gushing sound. Lady Oichi’s body rises up slightly, and
looking at this lewd play with senile eyes, I smile.

I fit my “son” into Lady Oichi’s crotch as I slowly thrust my hips. She closes her eyes
with a calm expression, offering no resistance at all. Turning this girl into a woman,
I’m already prepared to make her my wife. As expected of Princess of a samurai clan,

“Ah~… Aah~… Uu~…”

However, Lady Oichi can’t conceal her anguished voice. Her meat hole is severely
small, warm, and fleshy. Being amazed at receiving her first man, her fleshy walls try
to push me out, refusing any. The peerless beauty in history, parts with the proof of
her maidenhood that she can never get back.

‘Now, I’ll do considerable damage if I overdo it.’

I came to a conclusion. There are truly many different varieties of people with various
reactions to the hymen. There are girls who act cool when torn quickly, while the other
girls are acute to pain and can’t stand up for a day. Lady Oichi might be the latter. Surely
enough, I’ve already broken through the hymen in the narrow vaginal hole; in this
case, her tight fleshy walls, which refuses a man like a fortress, is the proof of a woman
who will be an excellent bearer (of children).

I’ve decided to change strategy. I stop moving, with only the tip inside her.

“Na-Nagamasa-sama… Why did you stop…?”

Lady Oichi asks in a weak tone. As I caress Lady Oichi’s head, I kiss her deeply. Lady
Oichi responds happily; this is a nice trend. I grope her chest with my left hand and
felt her clitoris with the other while lustily devouring her mouth.

“Nu… uuu!”

Lady Oichi’s body shook greatly for a moment as I touch her clitoris with the tip of my
finger. Covering her mouth, I tenderly come back to the woman’s greatest erogenous

My “son”, with the tip still in, still felt a lot of love juice flowing out. The figure of Lady
Oichi being– violated in her mouth while her nipples are being toyed with. Her clitoris
being played with, while the glans still sits inside her vagina. Aah, if I’ve ever go back
to my original world again, I’d like to have a video of this. What reaction would Lady
Oichi show when she objectively sees her own silliness? That dream won’t come true,
but I can still wish for it.

“Aah~, Stop… stop moving, Nagamasa-sama…!”

“It may not be to your liking, but don’t you want to feel good? Already your love juices
are flowing, my waist too is becoming sticky waiting to move on.”

“N-no… That’s not true… not true Nagamasa-sama…”

“Would you say it feels good? It sounds like it feels really good.”

“AH~… AAH~… DON’T. NO NO NO… UAA~… Nnnn!!”

It was like a vice was firmly clutching my glans. I pushed my waist out with all my
strength the moment I felt a contraction. Then I slip my “proud son” inside Lady Oichi’s
meat hole, and was swallowed tightly.

“Ah… Ah…”

Lady Oichi voiced a completely sweet cry and is intoxicated from the afterglow of the
climax. It hardly seems she feels the pain of losing her virginity. That’s right, humans’
sense of pain is managed by the brain. Because the brain is busy controlling the
hormones for pleasure, even if the pain is signaled for a slight moment while the head
is filled with pleasure, for example– the moment of climax, it can’t accurately convey
the pain signals.

“Thank you, Oichi.”


As I caressed Lady Oichi’s cheek, she had an expression of true happiness as she added
her hand to mine.
“Next… I’m sorry, Oichi.”

“What do you mean?…”

“I’ll pull out soon, just for a moment, did it felt good?”

Lady Oichi smiled when I ask that while our lower bodies were still connected.

“I’ve already felt pleasant enough as is… If my husband isn’t able to feel good, then I’ve
failed as a wife.”

“Thank you.”

As I drop to lightly kiss Lady Oichi, I began to shake my waist at full strength with the
intention to ejaculate. Basically, I’d still like to see the state of a woman agonized with
overwhelming pleasure, but still, I have to end this pleasantly.


My glans reaches the deepest part of Lady Oichi. While my “proud son” pokes the
womb’s entrance ahead, Lady Oichi writhes in agony. However, I feel really good. To
put it this way, it can’t be helped that the length of my “son” exceeds the depth of Lady
Oichi’s vagina. Pushing in far enough to bully the tip of her womb is something I would
like to develop, but it seems it will take some time.

“Ya~… No~… Deep~… It’s Deep~!”

“I’m sorry, please endure it a bit.”

“Nn~… Nn~… Haa~… Aah~…”

As I repeatedly penetrated her, I notice Lady Oichi’s state gradually change. The
vaginal wall, which use to refuse a man completely, now flatters my stiff, hard penis as
it tightly squeezes to wring out semen.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-SAMA… NAGAMASA-SASAMAa…”

Is she familiar with it? Lady Oichi, who is now writhing in agony as she beautifully
calls my name in a weak voice, tightens firmly while I move my waist to a missionary
position. While Lady Oichi’s beautiful, large breasts shake intensely as they follow the
rhythmic movements of her lower waist, the feeling of ejaculation also swells up.

“It seems to be gradually getting better, isn’t it…!?”

“Noo~… This…”

Although toying with her body must’ve felt good, Lady Oichi hides her face shyly with
both hands. I took both of her hands with one of mine and pressed them atop her head.
Lady Oichi shakes her head in refusal, but I didn’t yield. No, I want you to show me
your foolishness more because you’re pretty.

Alas, it’s sad that men have time limits. To be able to endure this much when nearly
going all out, either I’m a professional or the main character of a light novel or an

The peerless beauty pinned down and laid out before me, is showing such an
unladylike appearance. I deprive her of her virginity and now will implant my pleasure
into her pure body. Suppressing both of her breasts, which were swaying rhythmically
with her hips, I licked around her stiff nipples and sucked. Lady Oichi released a lovely
voice as she clings to me.

“Going to pull out…!”


As I grind my waist to rub on Lady Oichi’s clitoris, I force the tip of my “son” against
her womb. Soon, trembling fearfully, I couldn’t endure the abrupt tightness inside her
vagina, and with all my strength, the amount of sperm I accumulated exploded inside
her innermost part. I released Lady Oichi’s waist while feeling nervous due to the
sperm gushing out like an open faucet.

“Nagamasa… sama…”

As her feeble hand, which stuck out unsteadily mid-air, was grasped, she shut her eyes
in relief. The breathing of a person sleeping was soon heard. As expected, she used up
all her strength for her first time.

While hesitating to pull out my “son”, which was feeling really good inside her, after a
while, I finally decided to unwillingly to pull out.
Gopori- As her flattering meat hole spreads, an indecent sound is made, and a yellow-
tinged cloudy liquid spills down her fine butt and spreads into the futon.

‘Aah, the person who is in charge of morning cleaning is going to have difficulties.’

Giving the impression that it’s someone else’s problem, I hug Lady Oichi with both of
my arms. It’s warm, soft, and feels so good… This is the best hugging pillow ever.

‘However, I can’t only have sex with Lady Oichi.’

Yes, there is a lot to do. Because I am the Sengoku Daimyo Nagamasa Azai and the
brother-in-law of Nobunaga Oda. I must use diplomacy for domestic affairs, and
operate the military if necessary. I would likely betray or be betrayed at times, but
that’s the Sengoku Period.

‘My environment will change greatly tonight. The true bout will start tomorrow
morning… ’

The bridal night with Lady Oichi also ended safely for the time being. From now on, I
will handle Political affairs in the day, and hold Lady Oichi at night.

“Nagamasa… sama…”

As Nagamasa made up his mind once more, caressing the cheek of Lady Oichi who is
calmly breathing as she sleeps. I will work hard and train strenuously to protect my
life and my beautiful wife–Mn, that’s not bad. I think that ideal lifestyle isn’t bad at all.

Early morning in the Sengoku Period. While firmly embracing Lady Oichi, I fell into a
deep slumber.
“Nagamasa-sama, Nagamasa-sama.”

A pleasant voice entered my head as I rocked back and forth. Slowly, I regained
consciousness. As I rose from the sweat-stained futon, I straightened my back and
yawned loudly. Off to the side, I could see Lady Oichi sitting in seiza with a pleasant
smile on her face.

“…Morning, Oichi.”

“Yes, good morning.”

Oichi said as she bowed in a mitsuyubi pose. She was dressed in a beautiful new
kimono and appeared as though she had just finished grooming herself. It’s as if she
is going to a grand event.

…Could something auspicious have happened today? No, this should just be a typical
morning the day after a wedding.

“Would you like some cold water?”

“Ah, thank you.”

A nearby maid handed a ladle filled with water to Lady Oichi, and then respectfully
offered some to me. After receiving the ladle, I gulped it down all at once.

I ended up sweating quite a lot last night, most likely due to yesterday’s intense
exercise. Water permeated every corner of my body. As the cold water woke me up, I
remembered something important.

“Hey, Oichi.”

“Yes, what can I assist you with?”

Lady Oichi responded in a soft tender voice while maintaining her mitsuyubi pose.
What a wife, I feel like this is the source of every married couple’s pride. Well, I thought
sitting in a seiza would be fine, but I’d better be attentive and ask her how she’s
feeling… I’m slightly worried. As I returned the ladle to her, I asked,

“How are you feeling? Does your body hurt?”


As Lady Oichi’s face reddened, an audible bon sound could be heard. Well, last night
certainly was wonderful. Although it was a first for both of us, we ended up climaxing
quite a few times.

However, considering that she was a virgin, it must’ve been a considerable strain on
her body. And that’s exactly what I’m worried about.

“I was worried because you fainted last night, but you look fine now.”

“I-I’m very sorry! It’s inexcusable to have slept before Nagamasa-sama—”

“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

I am once again reminded of the customs held during this period as I gently stroke
Lady Oichi’s frantically bowing head, while she begged for forgiveness. That’s right. In
the Sengoku Period, the wife is never permitted to sleep earlier than the husband.
There are many reasons for this… the prime reason being a counter-measure against

For example, even a proud and fearless general with a muscular body is defenseless
when he’s sleeping. You can imagine how easy it would be. In the Sengoku Period, it’s
not uncommon for a general to be assassinated in the dead of night. Because of this, it
is the wife’s duty to protect the defenseless husband. That said, I thought it was an
impossible task since it would be over if an actual assassin invaded the bedroom.
Despite this, assassinations were taken very seriously during this period.

In other words, a wife who foolishly sleeps before her husband is reviled as a wicked
woman who doesn’t fulfill her wifely obligations. In the end, Lady Oichi, who’s married
to a Sengoku Daimyo, was guilty of making a mistake of the highest order. For that very
reason, she was feverishly apologizing.
“It’s also my responsibility since I teased you so much, so don’t worry about it.”

“Nagamasa-sama, but…!”

It seems that Lady Oichi won’t allow herself to be forgiven. Based on the ethics of this
age, you could call it common sense. Nevertheless, being a modern Japanese kid
myself, I need to be open to her feelings. I wonder how I would feel about punishing
someone for something I think is perfectly fine…?

No, wait? Coming up with something good, I put a hand on one of Lady Oichi’s

“I understand, then a punishment will be given.”


Preparing herself, she turns over as her big round eyes desperately look at me. It’s
cute. As expected, Lady Oichi might possess a dog’s characteristics. —I said as quiet as
possible while thinking these things,

“This evening, I’ll embrace you.”


Having an absent-minded expression, Lady Oichi immediately cast her eyes down in
shame when she understood. Like that, I whisper in her ears.

“Oichi, prepare yourself. I will fully chastise you tonight…”

“Ah… Aah…!”

Remembering last night’s foolery, Lady Oichi covered her face with both hands. It
really is cute. That alone makes me want to pull her down into the futon and
immediately bully her some more. However, that line of thinking would not do. After
all, what’s waiting today is the “Introductory Ceremony”.

The ”Introductory Ceremony” is a literal event; after the bridal night is over, the clan
head and the wife, now a married couple, will greet the vassals.

Remembering the event, I now understand why Lady Oichi is wearing a gorgeous
kimono. Truly, I am quite helpless… to have forgotten such a thing. I called out to Lady
Oichi as she hid her face in worry, slightly disgusted with myself.

“Hey Oichi, is it almost time? Please bring my clothes here.”

“Ah… Yes! I will take care of it and arrange it for you immediately!”

Once again, Lady Oichi bowed to me in a mitsuyubi, as she began to pass instructions
to the maids. By the way, the maids, or vassals, of Lady Oichi are not from the Azai
Clan, but instead, adhere to the Oda Clan and only attend to Lady Oichi. Normally, Lady
Oichi’s maids are also responsible for her protection. For example, they stand watch
so random insolent people are unable to enter the bedroom; they’re unsung hero-like

…Oh? If that’s the case, did they hear the pillow talk between Lady Oichi and me? For
a maiden like her to have been so disheveled over such a thing as Oichi’s shameful
voice ― Could those women have possibly heard everything?

I linked my arms and groaned “umu” while looking at Lady Oichi promptly giving out
instructions to the maids with equally serious expressions on their faces.

The women of the Sengoku Period are strong indeed. As for me, I absolutely hate it. If
my superiors were to vividly raise flirtatious voices at me―it would definitely become
awkward talking to them starting the day after.

The maid received the kimono that my page brought before Lady Oichi’s room and
then respectfully gave it to me. However, I am of the modern era, so I do not know how
to don a kimono at all. Even for a reason like that, I will not reveal my faults―.

“Oichi, please dress me.”

“Y-yes! I understand!”

I asked this while showing the maids as much dignity as possible. As Lady Oichi
cheerfully approaches me, she delightedly starts helping me change clothes. I looked
at the astonished maids.

Well, their reactions are natural. They would skillfully adapt to the circumstances. In
summary, after spending my bridal night with Lady Oichi, I stayed in her room without
returning to my own. Originally, one would return to their own room to change
clothes, but instead, I sent for them through an intermediary person from the Oda
Clan. It’s also something that someone of a page’s status would normally do. But of all
things, to have your legal wife be the one to dress you up… Hmm… I would appear to
be someone lacking in common sense.

Nonetheless, Lady Oichi is Lady Oichi. Far from bearing an unpleasant face, she seems
to be rather cheerful instead as she begins to undress my outer garments. Then she
took the wet washcloth on the side and starts to gently wipe my skin.

“How is it, Nagamasa-sama.”

“…Aah, it feels pleasant.”

“That’s great… I’m glad.”

With her uttermost efforts, Lady Oichi washed me from the neck to shoulders, cleaned
my back with the washcloth, and then wiped my chest and abdomen. There are no
showers in the Sengoku Period, so the only method to wash off the night’s sweat was
to using a washcloth to wipe it. However, this is usually done by a female servant. Even
I know that, but―

“A while back, I used to take good care of my Esteemed Older Brother.”


“Yes… Esteemed Older Brother would yell “Oichi! Hot! Wipe!”, then abruptly intrude
into my bedroom urging me. Although, when I wiped his back with a washcloth as he
complained that ”It’s too troublesome!” he would praise me afterward… Fufu~.”

Lady Oichi wipes my arm gently while smiling.

“I longed for this. To be able to take care of my husband first thing in the morning…
You resemble Esteemed Older Brother, so I thought that you would be delighted.”

“Is that so…”

“Yes, I know this is an immodest and unusual thing to do.”

When Lady Oichi puts away the wet washcloth, she begins to skillfully change my
clothes. Truly an excellent skill. I’m really surprised. I felt admiration while checking
the condition of the kimono and hakama that I was swiftly dressed in. Isn’t she more
skillful at dressing others than my pages?

“Thank you, Oichi. Well then, shall we go?”

“Yes. Certainly.”

With that, Lady Oichi and I, accompanied by her vassals, proceeded towards the Great

There were countless men. And everyone bowed their heads. It was very similar to the
scene when I first arrived here.

However, the difference from that day is the fact that Lady Oichi is by my side this time.
Nevertheless, she was also bowing deeply to the vassals of the Azai clan. Among the
hundreds of people in the Great Hall, only my head is held high. As for this feeling, no
matter how many times it happens, I don’t think I will become accustomed to this…

As I was thinking these things, the usual uncle, Sukechika Azai raised his head and
steps forward before me. And then, he bows with both knees and hands on the floor
as he shouts to everyone in the Great Hall to hear.

“Nagamasa-sama, the “Wedding Ceremony” held with Lady Oichi has been safely
carried out. With this, the prosperity of the Azai Clan will be unshakeable, our
relations with the Oda Clan will be firm, and the unity with both clans will be
tenacious, Many people are said to have happily paid their respects.”

Then, another middle-aged man steps forward and offers a similar congratulatory
address to Sukechika’s. By the way, this middle-aged man is Akao Kiyotsuna. He is the
head of the Azai Daimyo’s ministers and is one of the Azai Generals.

When Kiyotsuna steps back, a super-celebrity of the Sengoku Period that even I know
comes forward. Kaihou Tsunachika. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who is referred to as a
famous general, mentioned to another famous general that “Tsunachika is my master
in the art of war”. As expected, an amazing person’s aura is different. Their words
different. An intense power is felt in each individual word of their congratulatory
Finally, Amenomori Kiyosada steps forward. He is responsible for the political affairs
of the Azai clan but is still a great general who leads his forces on the battlefield. When
Kiyosada finishes his congratulatory speech, Sukechika steps forward to the front
once more.

‘I see, only the chief vassals can speak; otherwise I would only be hearing a silent
congratulatory speech… ’

I think I caught a glimpse of the essence that the vassal group possesses in the Azai

Throughout the Sengoku Period, most feudal lords adopted a strict hierarchical
system. Even if the succeeding generation of chief vassals were incompetent, they are
still valued highly, the talented rookies, on the other hand, are usually ignored.
However, using such a method is an obstruction for territorial growth, emphasis on
this point has not received enough consideration, I think.

Besides the strong economic powers known as Mino and Owari, Oda Nobunaga was
able to rapidly grasp power and rule the Sengoku Period because he ignored the
hierarchical system, and recruited talented people from all over the country. For
example, Sadakatsu Murai is a sharp administrative bureaucrat whom Oda clan is
proud of, although he was born in Azai Clan territory. There was the fact that he
abandoned the Azai clan, which was still attached to the old ways, and passed to

Besides that, there are a lot of bureaucrats and generals who were born in the Omi
province who went to the Oda Clan. Omi possesses an environment and atmosphere
that makes it difficult to cultivate crops but is suitable for producing valuable human
resources. Unless we abolish this, the Azai clan territory will not prosper.

“Well then, with this, the “Introductory Ceremony” is over.”

Sukechika Azai declares, with a voice that booms over the Great hall, the ending of the

‘It’s now or never…!’

I waited my time until the vassals raised their head in the Great Hall, and hit my knee
with a great PAN. Immediately, several hundreds of eyes concentrate at me.
That’s right, the “Introductory Ceremony” is over, extending it is impossible. However
as for the head of a large noble family, if they were to do such an act to grab the
attention of everyone, it’s the same thing as declaring to the vassals “There is still more
to come”. Not only Sukechika but also the chief vassals of the Azai clan Kiyotsuna and
Kiyosada trembled as they said: “What’s the matter?” Also Tsunachika, who doesn’t
move an inch, silently observes me with a sharp eye.

However, I will not be shaken by such gazes. I strained my voice from the bottom of
my abdomen to reverberate throughout the Great Hall while directing small
movements filled with dignity. All of the male members now in the Great Hall prostrate

“Now, the Azai clan and the Oda clan are relative by marriage. When we allied
ourselves with the Oda clan it was the rise of a momentous day.

I spin the words over with added intonation, as the beats fly overhead the vassals. It
is the voice that determines whether I can make a person follow. I can assure you that
voice and intonation are critical. No matter what, if an unskilled person makes a
speech, even a good one, will be ignored. But if it’s a skilled person, even if it’s foolish,
it will be praised.

Since the dawn of history, humans are just like that. However, it is certainly necessary
that I attract their attention by any means if I want to develop the territory I desire.

“Therefore it is a fact, that what we need is a “Rich Country, Strong Army”1.”

Zawa- briefly the Great Hall became stirred. Why, because the phrase such as “Rich
Country, and Strong Army” never existed in Japan during the Sengoku Period. The
impact included in those four kanji was severe, it beat the vassals of the Azai clan

“To make a country rich, and to build an army, strong, is not a task that can be
accomplished in a single night.”

The Chief vassals who were prostrated on their knees rose and focused their attention
on my every movement.

“For the sake of making this country rich, we need rice for the soldiers in need of
money… Kiyotsuna!”
I named the first person in the list of Daimyo’s minister and asked.

“In order to realize this, who is qualified for Azai!?”


After Kiyotsuna was pondering in thought momentarily, Kiyosada was seen.

“I propose Kiyosada-dono, to be qualified.”



He bows and stares at me with a serious expression. Slowly, I ask Kiyosada in a low

“In the current Azai clan, what do you think is insufficient…?”

Kiyosada is an existence like the two bundles in a straw sandal, handling the political
affairs in the Azai clan and also leading the army. Naturally, the burden is so large that
it’s unimaginable. Why did Kiyosada have to act that way, and why did it reach this
conclusion? To him, asking “What is lacking?”, the response was already decided. It
was like asking a leading question.

“People, there isn’t enough people…”

“That’s right!”

I muster the entirety of my voice and yelled.

“People, there aren’t enough human resources!”

My loud voice echoes. There was no sound from the Great Hall. Every man held his
breath, not missing any of my continuing words.

“Today is the turning point where the Azai clan is connected to the Oda clan. With this
opportunity, we should be reborn. It is necessary to make the country richer, and the
army stronger… Have you already forgotten those days where we surrendered to the
Rokkaku clan!? Do you want to go back to those days, every day!?”
Though, I didn’t experience the time when the Azai clan was a vassal to the Rokkaku
clan. It was liberally discussed in countless stories and is a historical fact.

However, these words seem to have shaken the vassals of the Azai clan. Small sounds
were said ”That’s right” “Agreed” “I concur”, nevertheless passionate voices began to
sprout in the Great Hall.

“I declare to you this day. Never again will we be humiliated again, and we will make
this country rich”

But! I shouted. The men in the Great Hall lengthen their bodies.

“For this sake, I will need your power. Also, I have to know you deeply.”

So! As I wield a clenched fist. The men in the Great Hall also raised their arms. It was
really simple and cute.

“For this reason, I wish to talk to you individually.”

OOOooo…! The Great Hall shook. It’s unheard of. For the Daimyo, head of the clan, to
arrange the opportunity and equally meet the vassals individually, it is absolutely

Although it is considered beneficial, for the seniors of the Azai clan and for the
newcomers. The reason being, to reestablish the connection that ties the seniors with
the Azai clan, and also give the newcomers the opportunity to make their faces well-

As for me, it will be profitable in a double meaning. First, because I, who finished a
trip, don’t know most of the vassal’s faces and it’s the perfect chance to match the
names with their faces. Lastly―if their disposition of me is bad in the end―, I will raise
their loyalty in this interview, and draw them into my ideal work force to develop the



I summoned Sukechika and ordered, “Coordinate the schedule for the interview
between me and the vassals”.
“It is a great task to determine the future of the Azai clan” as I said with a solemn face,
Sukechika began to lament “Such an important task, for this old man…!”. Nevertheless,
even old men cry.

“Then, I will entrust it to Sukechika.”

Saying so, I left the Great Hall with Lady Oichi. That moment, “Uooh!!” the sound of
dirty men were heard behind us. Lady Oichi yelped and jumped a little as if the
dreadful roar was mistaken for a battle cry. Now men fueled with loyalty started to
rise ”I will be the first” ”No, I will be” as Sukechika approached them.

Either way, the seeds are sown.

Later, I will be using their passion for developing this territory of the Azai clan, Japan
will be the best… No, I must bring prosperity that hasn’t been seen before in this

Above all, the strongest advantage is that I have seen the future history before me. I
know historically how the economy will develop, and how society will change.

‘Let’s do this.’

I clenched my fist, burning with determination.

1. 『富国強兵』slogan in the Meiji Era referring to the government’s goal for the
I escorted Lady Oichi to her room and was greeted by her attendants. Because I
personally escorted Lady Oichi to her room, the expressions on the faces of her
attendants were ones of great surprise.

Why this was so, was of course very obvious. For a general in the Sengoku Period, his
wife is considered to be very much like an adornment, and a large majority of people
thought this way. Besides, an accessory could be changed, or even change hands, or
might even be cast away―― it was a very sad thing. That’s why the chamberlains were
surprised by my courteous treatment towards Lady Oichi.

By the way; historically, Nagamasa was pushed by his father, Hisamasa, to take the
retainer of the Rokkaku Clan’s, Hirai Sadatake’s, daughter as his wife. However, she
was sent back when fighting for their independence from the Rokkaku Clan.

The woman mentioned was named Yoriko, and she loved Nagamasa from the bottom
of her heart. It was said that Nagamasa had also desired her. The situation between
the clans, which lead to war, caused Nagamasa and Yoriko to split apart.

After being sent back to the Rokkaku Clan from the Azai Clan; Yoriko, who still kept
thinking of Nagamasa wouldn’t marry into any of the other clans, so she became a nun.
She didn’t allow even a man’s finger to touch her, passing away alone in her small
retreat. It was a sad history between a man and a woman in the Sengoku Period.

Well, I who came from the modern era could only think of these kinds of matters as
cruel, but I couldn’t do anything about it now. The Azai Clan’s independence war
happened before I replaced him. Above all, what would happen to the Azai clan if I
recalled my former legal wife when I already received Lady Oichi from the Oda Clan as
my legal wife? I’m at a loss since I would need to treat Yoriko, my former legal wife as
a concubine. For women of that period, it was very cruel, ruthless, and miserable that
you would want to commit suicide.

…But really, there was nothing I could do about it.

As Lady Oichi and I parted, I whispered into her ear, “Be prepared this evening.” While
her face was blushing bright red, she got on her knees and bowed her head down in a
mitsuyubi for me. She thought that she didn’t need to do that in such a place. I
entrusted Lady Oichi to the maids as I advanced through the corridor. When I looked
back a little, Lady Oichi was still bowing her head.

…how can you be so pure-hearted?

Thinking that, my heart eased a bit right before the biggest obstacle today― the ‘Clan

“So you came, Nagamasa.”

As I entered the hall, a giant fat man called out to me. Moreover, he sat in the seat of
honor. 19 men were waiting in the lower seats. With the attitude and the air of the
large man, I inferred that this man must be Nagamasa’s father, Hisamasa Azai.

I was summoned to a room inside the inner citadel of Odani Castle called ‘The Room
of Crouching Dragons.’ It was a special place that only the relatives of the Azai Clan
could go in and out of. Today was the 3rd day since the marriage ceremony with the
Oda Clan. The men from the Azai clan, whose concerns were the policy that
determined the future of the Azai Clan came to congratulate Nagamasa with gifts. It
was the ‘Clan Meeting.’

“…What about Sukechika?”

Immediately after taking a seat, Hisamasa rebuked me. After all, after being forced to
retire, the father and son’s relationship would be strained.

“I entrusted him with a task.”

I replied with an answer sharply, so that I wouldn’t be pushed back and pressured
from Hisamasa. He continued speaking, painting it with criticism as if he wasn’t
pleased with my answer.

“…—He can’t come to the Clan Meeting?”

“Yes, it is related to the future of the Azai Clan.”

The great number of relatives gathered in the hall turned into a frenzy. Well, I could
understand why; it’s because they came here to discuss that. The Azai clan has so few
relatives as it is, therefore it was said that there wasn’t much internal strife like what
could be seen with the Oda Clan and Takeda Clan but… this was definitely a lie. Though
this wasn’t very well-known by the public, historically, one of the root causes of the
Azai Clan’s downfall, was because of the betrayal of one of the relatives in the Clan
named Atsuji.

“Elder Brother, will you hear my story?”

A voice passed through the hall, and it belonged to Masamoto Azai, the younger
brother of Nagamasa, who was an administrative official in charge of the finances of
Odani Castle. By the way, this is another historical fact that society doesn’t know, but
Nagamasa has four younger brothers including Masamoto, and he also has three

“What is it, Masamoto?”

Hisamasa asked with a displeased voice. In that instant, I presumed that Masamoto,
the excellent younger brother who was outstanding even among us brothers, wasn’t
thought well of by Hisamasa. However, Masamoto gave his familiar bow and turned to
face me. Umu, he’s quite a good looking guy.

“It’s about the conversation a while ago, regarding the future of the Azai Clan…”

There was a commotion in the hall. As expected, even the relatives probably never
predicted that there would be no congratulatory address for Nagamasa or anything;
that the essential part would be suddenly cut off. However, I judged from Masamoto’s
eyes and face that he was serious and that it was something done after careful

…The resolve to cause a controversy that went so far as to disregard the customs. Not
bad. I liked it.

I leaned forward and looked directly at Masamoto.

“I, on this occasion, believe that we should solidify our alliance with the Oda Clan.”

The moment Masamoto stated his opinion, the hall divided. In the hall, some eyes
criticized Masamoto’s remark, and some eyes sent praise because of his brave remark,
and their show of support was divided clearly.

“Masamoto, don’t say such a foolish thing!”

A tall, brawny man hurled criticisms. Tsunechika Inoue… He is the brother-in-law of

Hisamasa, who was the head predecessor. As Nagamasa’s cousin, his authority was
about the same.

“A clan with such absent-minded leadership will quickly sink into ruin! I’m disgusted
with you establishing any more relations with the likes of those who rose up in the
shogunate’s office! What would the Asakura Clan call us!”

The hall began to stir. Opposing opinions started since the very beginning of the ‘Clan
Meeting’ so it was understandable but… I really couldn’t tell if they were all just
concerned with the Asakura Clan. Could it be that among them, they think of the Azai
Clan as a vassal of the Asakura Clan?

However, I could understand why they would say such remarks.

Because the Oda Clan and the Asakura Clan were both related to us through marriage,
but they were far from being friendly to each other; the Oda Clan was originally based
on Echizen which was the base for the Asakura Clan. The Asakura Clan was a protector
of a great clan that was called… the Shiba Clan, and just like them, the Oda Clan was
also the protector of the Shiba Clan. Both Clans were equal in status. However, the
problem came from the root of the Nobunaga bloodline. Because the Oda where
Nobunaga belonged to wasn’t originated from the main family of the Oda clan that was
the protector. In other words, he’s from the branch family, but quickly rose to power
and replaced the head of the clan. Because of this reason, the Asakura Clan regarded
Nobunaga, who was leading the Oda Clan, with hostility. Considering that the Asakura
Clan was happily repressing other houses, and to suddenly have another clan like the
Oda Clan act so domineering, there was no way they wouldn’t be displeased.

“Don’t argue based on your emotions, Tsunechika.”

A single old man said it softly; however, there was a considerable force behind it.

He was Akimasa Taya, the son-in-law of the Founder of the Azai Clan, Sukemasa, a
warring state Daimyo. He was the first-in-line successor for the Azai Clan until
Hisamasa was born. He was Hisamasa’s rival until today and was said to also often
clash with him.
“Well. Masamoto-dono, I will respectfully listen to your foolish opinion.”


Masamoto bowed again, then raised his voice towards the group of relatives and me
in the hall.

“Certainly, Nobunaga-dono was a branch clan member, but how much meaning does
that have in this chaotic world now?”

Anger swelled up in some people. Naturally, an absolute authority was needed in this
time and age. It’s because doing it carelessly wasn’t how samurais lived. However,
Masamoto crushed their anger with one fact.

“Above all, our grandfather Sukemasa Azai… Didn’t he set aside the governors―the
Kyogoku Clan―to establish our might! With only parentage, if we don’t have power
then all we can do is be resigned to death and accept it!”


Koreyasu Azai, who worked as an attendant to Hisamasa, emphasized his anger.

“It’s already been seven years, and Nobunaga-dono still hasn’t captured Mino yet! I
also heard that the Saito Clan has begun to regain power. Also, the Asakura Clan is
supporting the Saito Clan too. Do you think the Oda Clan has the power to match

“――I think so.”

All eyes were concentrated on the old man, who seemed like he would give out
anytime soon. Azai Nagayori… Sukemasa’s 3rd son, he who saw the history first hand
from the time when Azai raised arms against the Rokkaku Clan until today, was a
walking dictionary with the status of head elder. Coughing violently, Nagayori began
to speak to his relatives with his thin voice.

“Consider the fact that the Oda clan… That Nobunaga-dono sent Lady Oichi to our
master. Consider the fact that what Nobunaga-dono wanted was always a peace
alliance, not a military alliance.”

While receiving assistance from the man by the side, Nagayori looked around to the
people around Hisamasa and me.

“This is the sign of Nobunaga’s confidence… That he will conquer Mino soon.
Therefore, opening a road from Omi to Kyoto soon… Nobunaga-dono will conquer
Mino this year, and destroy the Saito Clan. If the Oda Clan seizes Mino, we’ll become
the Oda’s neighboring country. Over the border of Omi and Mino, the soldiers will glare
at each other. That is why it should be obvious that we need to further our relations
with them… This old man agrees with Masamoto-dono. This old man understands the
importance of the road to the Azai Clan to be open. How about it, Milord?”


After I heard Nagayori words, I gazed around the hall and looked at Masamoto. He
appeared to be quite tense. Both his fists were clenched tightly and trembled slightly.
However, the nervousness was natural. It’s because of our stance that the division of
the Azai Clan into the Asakura faction and Oda faction was made clear. It’s because we
chose the path with countless confrontations against the relatives from the Asakura
faction hereafter.

But, I want to pay the maximum amount of respect for your courage and decision. The
reason was that in politics, be it domestic or military affairs; others would show an
ambiguous, noncommittal attitude because they couldn’t trust you.

“I conclude that Masamoto’s suggestion is the right path.”

“Nagamasa! You bastard were you ensnared by Princess of the Oda Clan!?”

Hisamasa, beside me, raised his angry voice.

“Do you intend to compromise our longtime pact with the Asakura Clan?!”

“That’s not my intention at all!!”

I threw an angry voice back at Hisamasa. Hisamasa was surprised, and the once loud
hall suddenly became quiet.

…It’s not like I don’t understand.

In short, the act of shouting and defying the ‘Father’ who was also the previous head
of the clan, was viewed as the biggest act of violence in the Sengoku period towards
the clan.

As one would expect, the elders named Nagayori and Akimasa seemed surprised, and
even Masamoto had his mouth agape. Oi, oi, you’re messing up the ikemen image you
painstakingly built up. However, without caring, I continued speaking.

“Siding with the Asakura Clan, and siding with the Oda Clan, these are things that
aren’t incompatible. It’s not the case that if one is chosen, the other will disappear. We
should value both as important.”

While looking around the reception hall, I glanced at Tsunechika and Koreyasu.
Though, they looked away from me quickly.

“Especially, if Nobunaga-dono captures Mino, then the administration of the main road
will be highly important. When the main road is maintained, traffic will increase, and
human activity will be stimulated. We are in between Kyoto, which is one of the biggest
places in the world, with Mino followed by Owari. There is not one foolish person who
wouldn’t use this.”

Masamoto’s eyes shined when he looked at me. Nodding quietly, I raised my voice to
the relatives.

“Everyone, there’ll be no objections. We will deepen our relations with the Oda Clan.”

Sure enough, in the Azai Clan– the Asakura faction, including Hisamasa, already
weren’t opposing anymore.

“Elder Brother!”

“Oh, what is it Masamoto?”

After the ’Clan Meeting,’ Masamoto and several other men ran after me in the hallway.
Masamoto bowed to me with a cheerful face and said.

“I apologize for what happened awhile ago.”

To apologize before getting to the main issue… I felt that Masamoto was extremely
Japanese-like. Well, it’s a fact that he was Japanese.
“No, it was a constructive opinion.”

I said honestly.

“The people who yell Asakura, Asakura, don’t appear to put themselves in the position
of the Azai Clan. They didn’t study the real color of the Asakura clan through the
viewpoint of us, the Azai clan, and didn’t take advantage of this situation…”

“Yes! I have also thought of this.”

Masamoto said so and turned his head towards the rear.

“Though, for Father to feel in such a way… We brothers are ready to make an effort for
Elder Brother and the Azai Clan. Please, expect our active role in it.”

“Ah… Is that so.”

While I nodded, I recognized the men behind Masamoto were Nagamasa’s brothers.
The name of Nagamasa’s younger brothers from the oldest were: Masamoto,
Masayuki, Harumasa. And there was Okazaki Ankyuu, who was a priest in a temple
shrine. He was Nagamasa’s elder brother from a different mother. If you see his face,
you could immediately discern his age, and his shaven head proved he was a priest.
Harumasa hasn’t been born at that time yet, so, fortunately, I was able to match their
names and faces immediately. It would be bad if I made a mistake with my brothers’
name. Nice assist, Masamoto. Well, it wouldn’t be bad to deepen the relationship with
the Azai brothers here.

“It’s a rare occasion, come drink some tea in my room. Let’s talk for awhile.”

“T-Thank you very much!”

Masamoto bowed to me.

In the Sengoku period, even brothers engage in a bloody feud and open battle with
one’s own flesh and blood. However, the opposite where large prestigious families
with brothers on good terms, also existed. Well-known examples of such large
prestigious families which had stable territory management would be the Hojo Clan
in Kanto, and the Shimazu Clan in Satsuma. Even if the present head of the family was
unreliable, if the younger brothers could support the desperate older brother,
naturally the vassals would follow. If possible, I also wanted to get along with
Nagamasa’s brothers, and not cause a cruel incident with them because it would be

Thus, I returned to my room for the first time in a while, accompanied by my brothers.

“I see, so that’s what happened in Kyoto and the area around it…”

“That’s right; I have the high priest to improve it too.”

We listened to Ankyuu’s stories while sitting in a circle surrounded by tea cakes, which
were being prepared by a page. He was a priest who was in the pursuit of knowledge
in the Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, so inevitably he knew a lot about the
circumstances around Kyoto. We listened to various stories from him. By the way,
based on historical facts, Ankyuu was a priest from the Ikko-sect that was considered
useful in the school of Hongan-ji.

“Apart from that, Nagamasa-dono.”

“What is it?”

Ankyuu straightened himself while confronting me.

“The current situation of the Azai Clan is very serious. I think that Nagamasa, who is
leading this, must surely feel very anxious.”

“Well… You could say that…”

I sighed.

When reading Japanese History, it was Nagamasa Azai who drove his father, Hisamasa,
to retirement. In fact, I believed that it was a race to get results where the father and
son implicitly obtained an agreement from within… But seeing today’s atmosphere,
it’s likely not the case. The man named Nagamasa Azai gathered the power from
people who weren’t from the Azai Clan to silence Hisamasa and his relatives.

“The current Azai Clan members were torn between the Asakura Faction and the Oda
Faction… no, it might be more correct to call them the independence faction.”
Ankyuu requested a brush and paper from me, so I ordered a page to prepare a brush,
ink stone, and paper. He went up to splendidly paint a smooth diagram of the Azai
Clan’s faction influence.

“While we, the Azai, occasionally received help from the Asakura Clan along the way,
but like Nagamasa, instead of assuming that as good, there are people who desire to
break off the original path as well.”

Ankyuu explained that as a result, the pact with the Oda Clan was born and bore fruit.
We Azai brothers were placed in a circle on the paper.

“The most influential people in the Asakura faction are Father, Koreyasu Azai-dono,
Tsunemoto Inoue-dono, Tsunechika Inoue-dono, Tadatane Azai-dono, Tadamasa Azai-
dono, Sadayuki Atsuji-dono, Sadahiro Atsuji-dono and so forth, with Father and
Koreyasu Azai-dono being the most influential, and Tsunemoto Inoue-dono the
second, and so on.”

On the other hand, Ankyuu said while showing the influential diagram.

“The independent faction, which has Nagamasa-dono first on the list, and excluding
us brothers, also has Ihiro Azai-dono, Akimasa Taya-dono, Nagayori Azai-dono, Itomo
Azai, Masazumi Azai-dono, and Sukechika Azai. The problem is that Ihiro-dono,
Akimasa-dono, and Nagayori-dono are old. There are also many young people,
including us brothers. However, the main point is that there’s too few of us.”

Japan has a tradition, which was based on seniority. Whether it was good or bad, this
custom already existed way before the Sengoku era. In other words, the ‘Family
Meeting’ from before was to preserve those old men. It meant that as long as those
people didn’t die, the opposite faction would still be putting on airs. If that’s the case,
the middle-aged man… Sukechika was in a quite important position. I realized this

“What Nagamasa-dono should aim for is to raise the legitimacy of the independent

Ankyuu said; as though he was a priest conducting a sermon for the masses.

“It’s not to break the opposite faction but to steadily pile up results and win back the
trust of the whole clan once more. Even if the opposite faction tries to make a
comeback and regain power, Nagamasa can implement a policy that can obstruct and
restrain the vassals from stepping in.”


I nodded to Elder half-brother’s logic while sipping tea. Isn’t Nagamasa blessed with
an excellent older brother?

“Masamoto, Masayuki.”


I called out to my younger brothers, except Ankyuu, who’s a priest.

“After this, I want to reform Omi and be able to enrich it. However, there is a limit on
what I can do alone. At that time, I will need your strength, brothers… At that time, I
will ask you all.”


The brothers bowed quickly. There was no cloud of doubt within. Father was tricky,
but these brothers could be trusted… I’m convinced.

“Well, this kind of thing…”

The curtain of night fell. In Lady Oichi’s room. I talked about what happened today
while skipping out the secret talk.

“Sukechika-sama must’ve had some serious trouble too…”

Lady Oichi gazed fixedly at the tall stack of papers I was carrying and said with deep
emotion. So… after my brothers left my room, Sukechika came in with the list of
vassals that had a scheduled meeting and passed it to me.

The vassals of the Azai Clan weren’t few. Rather, numerically speaking, it would enter
the category of ‘many.’ Nonetheless, Sukechika puts them all in order, and at the same
time, while considering my state of affairs, they were still able to make me a schedule.

“So, Oichi.”
“Yes, what do you need?”

Lady Oichi responded to my voice while bowing in a mitsuyubi. Because it was done
in a fairly natural manner, I almost took it as an illusion; there wasn’t a woman in the
present that could do it like this… While earnestly remembering the former world, I
faced Lady Oichi.

“If possible, when meeting the vassals… Won’t you to join me?”

“Eh…? M-Me…?”

Lady Oichi said in surprise.

“But I am a person of Oda. With a person of Azai…”

“Hey, Oichi. Isn’t that wrong…?”

I asked while looking at her face, and putting my hands on her shoulders.

“Aren’t you the wife of Nagamasa Azai?”


Lady Oichi is looking at me bashfully, feeling embarrassed.

“As my wife, you need to know about my subjects. When the time comes, they might
be able to help you.”


Lady Oichi said to me while hesitating.

“Only a day has passed since I became Nagamasa-sama’s wife… Such a woman, it’s
impolite to disturb Nagamasa-sama’s important time and place…”

Un, what profundity, what modesty. I couldn’t endure and hugged her while
whispering in her ear.

“I want you to be with me there. Besides, with Oichi and I there… The vassals will also
feel inspired when they look at the head of the clan and his legal wife.”
When I whisper ‘please come with me’ just to make sure, Lady Oichi nods her head
deeply. As her neck moved, her raven-black hair swayed, and her alluring snow-white
nape was shown―

Noticing it, I lick the nape of her neck slightly. If a woman dressed in a kimono showed
the nape of her neck, I would feel nothing except lust. I can’t help it.

“Ah… Yaa~… Na-Nagamasa-sama…?”

Lady Oichi utters a confused cry while trembling in my arms.

“Uhm, That… Mou…? “

“Hey, is it good? Honestly, I can’t control it anymore. “

Carrying Lady Oichi’s soft, light body, I went to the back of the room where the futon
was laid and laid her soft body down lightly. She folded her arms on her chest while
moving her waist hesitantly to the side. Dangerously cute. I wanted to pounce on her
right now.

“Er, that… Nagamasa-sama…”

“What is it?”

I pinned Lady Oichi down, as I respond while leaning on her. Her face blushes hot red
when she says.

“That… I, as you told me Nagamasa-sama… I properly prepared…”


“Th-… Therefore…!”

Lady Oichi’s face turned completely crimson red, while she lowered her voice to the
extent that only I could hear.

“My body… I cleaned it properly as I bathed in hot water… Therefore, b-by all means…”

She whispered to me.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer. If I didn’t get an erection, I could say it here; I’m not a
man. If any man didn’t get a sudden erection, he’s a different kind of animal.

I inserted a hand in the opening of Lady Oichi’s kimono, and thoroughly enjoyed her
soft skin.
In the Sengoku Period, there was nothing like a LED light, a fluorescent lamp or a light
bulb. Therefore, in this era, at 8 o’clock in the evening darkness ruled the world.

However, due to innate human fear of the dark, the ancestors of the modern Japanese
sought to have light, so an interior lantern was devised that made use of wild sesame.
Soak a rope with the plant resin, light the tip, cover the fire around with paper and the
light would spread bringing a dim illumination to the room for many hours. Most
daimyo clans, samurai and, possibly, merchants families in the Sengoku Period used
this style of lantern.

In the dim light, I held Oichi down. This would be the second time I shared a bed
together with my wife. Her clothes fell into total disorder, showing her pink flush
shoulders and thighs from under the silks. My palms started to crawl over her
captivating skin. Oichi’s weak points seemed to be her nape and the inside of her
thighs, since every time I touched those her body would quiver.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama…”


While I was caressing her from head to toe, she feverishly repeated my name in
delirium. Most likely, this was her way of trying to “plead” born from impatience, since
the pleasure she was receiving from my hand was little more than tickles. I kept
moving my hands over her breasts, yet never touched her nipples, I constantly touched
her thighs while avoiding her clitoris. Ten minutes passed like that since I had pushed
her down onto the futon. Truthfully, it wasn’t just Oichi, all of this period faced with
their lust found it impossible to voice their desire of “I want you to touch me here.”


When I stopped caressing her, she sighed full of longing. Though her body was
deprived of virginity only yesterday, it would probably gradually learn the way to earn
Oichi pleasure soon.
After all, it was a salacious little thing that experienced pure pleasure during its first
time. It should have an astoundingly high potential to enjoy sexual stimuli. But
whether it would develop well… That depended entirely on the skills of the husband.

I rested my hands on either side of Oichi’s neck and looked down at her beautiful face.
She narrowed her misty eyes and smiled. And then timidly raised her lovely hands to
my cheeks stroking them slowly.

“Nagamasa-sama… Oichi… Oichi is a fortunate person…”

She smiled gracefully as she said this.

“Being touched by Nagamasa-sama just touched like this… Feeling my Lord’s

warmth… With this alone, my heart is already bursting with happiness…”

“Is that so?…”

I felt somewhat embarrassed.

Can you imagine? To have a peerless beauty underneath you, smiling at you from the
bottom of her heart. To hear her confess that “She’s happy because of you.” If that
doesn’t make you embarrassed, you’re a strange man.

Brushing these feelings aside, I pressed down onto Oichi’s lovely lips. At first, she was
surprised, but as soon as our tongues entangled and the saliva from my mouth poured
into hers, her eyes gradually closed and with an intoxicated expression, she began to
drink the liquid down. Unexpectedly, Oichi seemed to like kissing as well. I separated
from her moments before my tongue became sore like a dead arm, then asked my wife,
who lay on the futon with a completely blank expression.

“Oichi, you like this, don’t you?”

“Hya~… I love this… I love touching lips with Nagamasa-sama…”


I leaned down again to kiss her lips lightly, and I felt her whole body tremble.
Apparently, it was the last push needed to make her climax. What a lewd body indeed.
In delight at the results of her development, I playfully bit her ear and whispered.
“From now on, you will call this a ‘kiss.’ If I hear you saying ‘touching lips’ again, I will
scold you for disobedience.”


“Oichi, what do you like doing with me…?”



Embracing her sensitive body, I brought Oichi’s lips to mine once again and entangled
our tongues and saliva as I caressed her head slowly.

However, at this point, I suddenly remembered, that this was not what I intended to
do tonight. I didn’t come here to play aimlessly; I wanted to scold my wife for
succumbing to sleep before me during our first night together!

While I marveled at my memory lapse, I placed my hand on her chest and whispered
with a smile.

“So good, in fact, that I almost completely forgot…”

“What about…?”

She asked with a bewitching voice that sent shivers down my spine. I answer her while
massaging the underside of her breast still avoiding the nipples.

“You went to sleep before me last night…”


Oichi fell silent, and her blissful expression crumbled. She might be a bad wife, but her
constantly changing face was predictably adorable.

“I don’t particularly blame you, Oichi.”


I said while caressing her head.

“Can you not forgive yourself? If that is so, then I have no choice but to scold you.”

And with that, let’s close this subject, alright? Oichi answered my question with a nod
and got up from my arms. Then, with her clothes still in disorder, she lowered her head
and back in a perfect mitsuyubi in front of my reclining form.

“Please… Discipline Oichi for being a bad wife… However, you wish… If my Lord
doesn’t… Oichi won’t be able to forgive herself……”

What a goddess. That was the first thought this sight brought to my mind. Women like
this were extinct in the world I was from.

Feelings of affection towards Oichi overwhelmed me, but still, in an intentionally cold
voice, I ordered to raise her head. As she raised her face, I noticed an uneasy
expression with a hint of panic.

That puzzled me.

“Please… Nagamasa-sama. Please… Don’t come to hate Oichi…!”

That strained voice finally helped me to understand. My kindness ‘shocked’ her. Oichi,
a wife that was not performing her duties as was expected during this period, must
have interpreted it as me thinking “She’s seriously a damned useless woman.” while
saying “I understand, I’ll tolerate it.” as a courtesy for the allied Oda Clan.

Apparently, falling asleep before your husband was a much more serious sin than I
expected. Well… I guess the reputation of Oda Clan in the eyes of Azai depended
entirely on her as my wife. I somewhat understood her desperation.


I pretended to consider this while looking around the room that was bestowed to
Oichi. When I spotted a folding stool in one of the corners, I abruptly got up from the
bed and began to walk in that direction but…


Surprisingly, Oichi clung to my leg trying to stop me. She might have thought that I
tried to leave the bedroom in anger. Incidentally, according to historical evidence, the
men of this era were volatile and easy to offend compared to modern ones. To modern
sensibilities, this would be like saying “whatever” and leaving in a huff at every

Two examples from the period would be Katsuyori Takeda, the last head of the Takeda
Clan, and Masamune Date, a famous soldier of fortune. Both of them were said to be
prone to returning to their rooms whenever they got frustrated with concubines
during sex. And then there was Uesugi Kenshin, a person so moody that when he once
lost his temper in the middle of a castle corridor, he fiercely stabbed his katana into a

It made you wonder what kind of antics would Oichi be up to as a daughter of the

“Nagamasa-sama! Please forgive me…! Oichi…! Oichi can mend her ways!”

This pulled on my heartstrings, and I fell in love with the lovely Oichi all over again.
And then I thought—Actually, wouldn’t this be a chance to change Oichi to become
more to my sexual tastes?

I intentionally shook Oichi off. She uttered a sad cry and fell face down on the futon;
tears started streaming down her cheeks. I felt sorry for her, but I could not stop, all
this was for my Oichi Development Project.

I took the folding stool and intentionally slammed it down near crying Oichi. That
startled her making her shoulders tremble; she looked at me timidly through falling
tears. I sat down with impetus and looked straight at her crying face. It was still
predictably cute and extremely tempting. Which was a good thing, too.



Despite still sobbing and being full of tears, Oichi tried to earnestly look at me without
avoiding eye contact. I decided to treat her just like I had approached my vassals, with
full on, unhurried machismo.

“You said you shall serve me sincerely, correct?”

“Ye-… Yes! Oichi is Nagamasa-sama wife…! Oichi will do anything for the sake of
“Anything…? Fine.”

I pushed my raging son in front of Oichi’s face. She turned bright red, trembling

“Oichi, what is this?”


While Oichi was dyed in shyness, she glanced at my son and me.

“I asked you a question, Oichi.”



“It’s a… phallus…”

Although it was not very audible, she did say it.

So in this age, they called it a phallus, not a penis. But then, this society was heavily
influenced by Buddhism; the terminology was only natural.

“Good. But from now on, when in the bedchamber with me, you will call this ‘Dick.’”

“I… I understand…”

She was visibly embarrassed, but then so was I. Imagine yourself teaching a woman to
call it a “Dick.”

…Awkward, right? But for the sake of making Oichi say it, I had to put my discomfort

“How do you like it?”

“Th-… That…”

Oichi, extremely embarrassed by now, started fidgeting.

“Ahh… Nagamasa-sama dick…! So rugged… And bent and also… Mhm… Splendid…!
Maybe even a shaku-long… Such a splendid thing was inside Oichi…”

By the way, one shaku is about 30cm. My ‘Big Son’ was a world-class one. Even when
trying to bury it inside Oichi’s vagina it wouldn’t fit in completely, that’s how massive
it was. My beloved wife’s distressed appearance made me quite excited, so I moved
closer to her beautiful face.

“Oichi, your punishment starts now…! From this day onwards, you will be my woman
and mine alone…!”

“Na-… Nagamasa-sama…!”

Oichi seemed to accept my declaration with relief, the tears glistening on her face until
now nowhere to be seen.

…Well, I would also be happy if the girl I loved said: “I’ll make you my man!”. Still, I
somehow got the feeling that Oichi’s case was different from mine. Her reaction to the
words “my woman” gave off a vibe that she was of the sort that wanted to be tied up.
Perhaps she might be close to an M. Incidentally, if somewhat beside the point, my
mental image of Nobunaga’s wife, No, made her be a total S.

“Touch it, Oichi.”

I took her soft white hand and made her grasp it.

“How does it feel?”

“Ah… it’s… hot…”

She sounded excited as if the heat of my son in her hand shaped her mood.

“It’s hot… Throbbing… Aah…! So very hard… But, flexible…! The big blood vessels…
Aah… So manly…”

That’s too much detail, thank you very much. I retorted in my head. However, her eyes
were glued to my son and her breathing shallow and quick. Such a naughty child.
Maybe, she has had an interest in that all along?

“Start moving your hand up and down.”


Oichi began to stroke my son.

At first, her attempts were, quite obviously, clumsy. But she was learning fast, as
expected of Oda Nobunaga’s, the great general of the battlefield’s, little sister. Soon,
she had my pole in an exquisite grip, rubbing it neither too strong nor too fast with
her slender and supple fingers. Moreover, while outwardly trying to look worried
about her performance as she looked at me with upturned eyes, she couldn’t hide her
wicked excitement.

Ah, it was unbearable.

Her lovable appearance deeply moved my ‘Big Son,’ and the glans began to shed tears
as a result. Pre-cum coiled around Oichi lovely fingers causing her hand to make
obscene, slimy sounds.

“Oichi… That will do.”

“Haa… Haa…”



She was so absorbed in the handjob that she didn’t notice my words until I shouted.
Truly a lewd child. For the time being, I praised her her “skills” and gently stroked her
head as a reward. She looked genuinely delighted by this.

“Remember to serve me like this when I desire it. Understood?”

“Yes my lord.”

Oichi bowed in a mitsuyubi again. My pre-cum coiled around her fingertips and
forming arches between her supple fingers. Noticing that I looked at her hands
pointedly giving an implied order to lick them clean. Bright read she declines with a
shake of her head.

“Don’t forget, Oichi. This, too, is training.”

A hint of threat in my voice forces her to timidly put her wet fingers in her mouth. In
her mind, she was probably not seeing this as just sucking her fingertips. Moreover,
the presence of a man’s fluids she would have to put into her mouth made it seem even
more obscene. However, this was my, her husband’s, order, she could not disobey. Or
just maybe, given her original interest in the subject, she was simply rationalizing her
desires as following my orders now that her reason was crushed.


When Oichi licked her fingertips, her whole body shook.

“How does it taste?”

I asked her both intimately and as indecently as possible. That, yet again, made her

“It tastes like… Na-… Nagamasa-sama…”

So she said. She lost me at first, but with some careful deliberation I figured out this
answer was very… Oichi-like. I was her only man, and she didn’t experience any other
fluids save for mine. That was probably why she said it tastes like me. That way of
thinking made her even more lovely; my affection meter went off the scale.



Her fingers had been completely licked clean of precum, but she still kept on sucking
her fingers as if unsatisfied with just that. Only when hearing my voice, did she finally
calm down. Oichi was probably someone who lost track of reality when immersed in

It was an open question whether she valued licking the precum or handjob to that
extent. Nevertheless, I was still happy. Without a word, I extended the fingers of my
left hand in her direction. That attracted her attention, and she tentatively licked my


I felt her warm breath on the back of my hand. Her bewitching lips pouted seductively.
My fingers felt soothing heat and tickle. Just looking at the sight of her beautiful face
moving back and forth, from my fingertips all the way to my knuckles, stirred a
terrifying shiver of lust running down my spine. And when her lustrous black hair
flowed down her head exposing the nape of her neck, my self-restraint reached its

“Oichi, suck them.”


Oichi put my fingers deep into her mouth and started to lick them softly. At the same
time, I grabbed her kimono in my right hand and, nearly ripping it off her, exposing
her beautiful perky mounds that seemed to defy gravity. Both of them received a nice,
tight squeeze.


Oichi, looking engrossed with my fingers in her mouth, let out a sensuous moan. I kept
thoroughly enjoying the softness of her chest while occasionally teasing her pale, pink
nipple. Each time that happened she would raise a sweet muffled whimper and put,
even more, effort into licking and sucking on my fingers. Soon my beloved wife’s soft
nipples stiffened under repeated caressing and became hard like gummies.

Sensing Oichi’s excitement from her reactions I ordered her to “comfort herself
through her nipples and clitoris.” Her mind by this point was probably completely
clouded by desire. Without a shred of hesitation, her delicate fingers roamed to her
crotch and the breast I was not groping. I started to squeeze and rub her nipple while
massaging her breast to the best of my ability. Her tongue became even more frantic.
But then, my left hand suddenly left her mouth as she collapsed onto her shapely ass.

“What is this? Were you allowed to stop?”

When Oichi heard this, she covered her face with both hands and started shaking her
head. A bit calmer now, she grew ashamed of her foolishness.

But, this timing…?

I wondered for an instant before noticing a pool of fresh liquid on the futon under her
waist. Rising from the stool, I moved my face to her ear and asked in a whisper.
“…Did you nearly climax just now?”

Bikun~, Oichi’s body jolted. Apparently, I was right. As she was licking my finger while
having her nipples and clitoris teased by both mine and her own hands, she almost
came. But now that she returned to her senses and her chaste self, these acts,
masturbation and assertively offering her own body, were extremely shameful. Which
meant, my chance presented itself just now.

“Ah… Please, forgive me… So much shame… Oichi’s head…”

“Open it, your mouth.”

“Uu… Nagamasa-sama…”

“Anything for my sake, wasn’t it? Open your mouth.”

I repeated my command rejecting my beloved wife’s plea. Her body still excited, Oichi
opened her mouth. The sight was extremely tempting.

“Now take it into your mouth.”

“Aha… Such a thing…”

Having my big son in front of her face, even Oichi would hesitate. Quite natural, even
a man needs to find the courage to lick a woman’s genitals. It’s not odd for a woman
to be the same. Moreover, my son was world-class and as such a pretty formidable
prospect even for women more experienced than her. However, development requires
one to overcome obstacles; you cannot grow if you don’t push forward.


“Na-Nagamasa-sama, if it is for you…!”

Although I only placed my big son before her face, Oichi seemed to find her resolve on
her own. Opening her mouth wide, she covered my glans with her lips. I started to
caress her head gently, soon her face moved closer to my stomach, and she swallowed
my son completely.

“Now comfort me as you did a while ago.”


With my big son fully inside Oichi beautiful mouth, I didn’t dare to move at all. Still,
her attempts at servicing me were pretty good for an amateur.

I could not afford to be rough here and make her feel sick, or she might grow to abhor
fellatios. In a way, I was about to take the virginity of her mouth. Only a fool would
grind his hips hard against a virgin from the start and the same principle applied here.

So I kept my hips still, and I kept caressing the head of my courageous beloved wife.
Soon I felt her tongue begin to crawl over my son and I involuntarily moaned. Oichi’s
hands wandered to her breasts and crotch again as the lust started building up once
more inside her body. At the same time, she started to work her tongue harder. I kept
stroking her head gently with one hand while the other began to trace the contours of
her ear making her more excited. And even more diligent at fellatio.

“Yes, just like that…!”

After a while I felt Oichi’s movement ease, she was nearing her climax. I lowered my
both hands to her chest, brushed off her still hand and firmly pinched her stiff nipples.

“Nu… Nnnnn!!”

Oichi’s hips shook and then kept spasming.

At the same time, her tongue stiffened and contracted strongly stimulating my penis
enveloped by her mouth. The feeling of her tongue just now, the memory of how she
sucked my fingers, the sight of her foolish arousal, all this pushed me beyond my

“…Kuh, It’s coming!”

I held Oichi’s head still while ejaculating large amounts of hot semen into her mouth.
The heat, the acidic taste in her mouth and the fishy smell in her nose pushed her
orgasm to reach new heights. She came harder than ever before, unwittingly spitting
out my son and spasming from her hips outwards.

“Make a bowl out of your palms and spill it there.”

I ordered, trembling from the climax and shaken by the amazing sensation, as I
watched my beloved wife’s haggard face. She did as I wanted, large amounts of baby
juice dripping from her mouth into her cupped hand.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama…”

Oichi stared at me questioningly with vacant eyes, face completely bewitched and
palms filled with semen. I looked at her sternly and, with my back muscles still feeling
strained from the aftereffects of her loving attention, I gave her the last command of
the night.

“Now spread it all over your chest.”

“Aah… Aaah…”

Sengoku’s most beautiful girl was spreading my semen all over her symbol of
motherhood, while her waist was quavering timidly and a large amount of love juice
dripped down from her crotch. Soon, a huge amount of creamy semen was covering
her pure white breasts, my white, vicious body fluids nearly completely obscuring her
pale, pink nipples. This sight enthralled me, made me feel as if I just conquered her

“Oichi… You smell lovely…”

“Aah… So mean… Nagamasa-sama is mean…”

Her eyes still distant, she doesn’t stop spreading my semen over her breasts, my initial
rebuke still likely on her mind.

Allowing me to point out that my beloved wife’s fundamental wish was realized――

“My smell and no scents other than mine… Mine only. Now, Oichi, now you, and only
you belong to me wholly.”

At a loss for words, Oichi beamed a most joyful, sincere smile at me—happy from the
bottom of her heart both as a woman and as my wife.
The Odani castle of the Azai family was one of the best fortresses ever built in the
Odani mountains of the Omi province in the Sengoku era. The mountain castle that fell
as result of the fierce attack by the Oda family in 1573 by betraying the Atsuji family
which were relatives of the Azai family was said to be the most advanced castle that
they were able to build at the time.

Even though it was claimed to be so advanced, it had one major flaw; it is cold. Not just
cold but to the extent that it is unusual. Also, as the result of it being located in the
mountains, there was a high concentration of humidity. The heavy air surrounding the
living space of the castle could even be called gloomy.

Incidentally, the Odani castle was dismantled by Toyotomi Hideyoshi after it had been
occupied by Oda Nobunaga. The materials were used for the Nagahame castle
construction that became his residence.

There are various theories as to why Hideyoshi dismantled the Odani castle. According
to some, it is said that Hideyoshi, who loved Himeji, wanted to dismantle the Odani
castle because he didn’t want to live in the place where she and Nobunaga spent their
honeymoon days.

As long as I am here, I will definitely not let the Azai family be destroyed; there is no
way that the Odani castle will be dismantled. It shouldn’t be. I don’t want it to be.

‘And yet, I would like to do something about this living environment… ’

As for the coldness in the natural sense, it can’t be helped anymore; the bedding is the
problem. The futon of the Sengoku era is quite different from the one in my previous
life. In the Azai family, there were only futons that consisted of 3 cloths made out of
cotton sewed together and laid out on top of the tatami.

Also, things such as blankets didn’t exist, the coat of the thick kimono that Oichi wears
is used as the coverlet. Only at times like this, do I miss the bed of the welfare facility
where I used to live. Embracing Oichi on a soft bed or futon sure sounds wonderful…
‘I have decided, first let’s change the things involving my everyday necessities.’

And not just for people inside the Azai family… I want to share these benefits with all
the people inside the Azai territory.

Silk and cotton are necessary in order to build bedding. However, in this era cotton
could basically only be imported from China. Only in Mikawa of the Tokai Region and
in its surroundings did they cultivate silk in Japan during the Sengoku period. But the
productivity was extremely low, so they weren’t able to distribute throughout the
entire country. Therefore they were basically relying on China.

It is needless to say that silkworms are needed for silk. Yes, those that are used as
teaching materials in Japan’s elementary school, those insects that were also grown
as part of free studies in the summer break. The fiber that can be taken from the
cocoon of these insects is elastic and beautiful; it is a well-known fact that when the
Meiji government of Japan published the Fukoku Kyohei1 the silk had become the
principal item to acquire foreign currency.

I see the sky through the transom while pondering on those things. Although it’s still
dark, it started to brighten little by little. I believe it is roughly 4 o’clock in the
morning? In contrast with the severe coldness of the outdoor air, I take my arm away
from Oichi’s warm body; I carefully leave the futon so as not to wake her up.

When I look at her face, she has a very calm expression, and her soft breathing can be
heard. Last night she stroked my penis with her hands for the first time, held it in her
mouth and received my ejaculation. There are no longer any traces of that obscene
look she had when she spread my semen on her breast.

After that, I gave a kiss to Oichi who was completely relieved, but after having done
that, she immediately started acting spoiled. It might be better to report that the war
continued in a second and third round after seeing her cuteness and innocence coming
from the heart.

While rubbing and raising her breasts that became slimy with semen, I pushed my
penis into her warm and soft vagina, and french kissed her numerous times. In the
middle of that Oichi climaxed over and over again and by the end of the third round,
she completely collapsed.

Even though she was tired, she never closed her eyes before me. I guess it was by sheer
willpower as one would expect from Oda Nobunaga’s little sister.

I changed my clothes next to where Oichi was sleeping and arranged my appearance.
There is something I must arrange in the early morning. In order to finish that I
couldn’t wait for Oichi to wake up. Because the schedule made by Sukechika for the
individual interviews with the vassals starts today.

I left the room after looking one more time at the sleeping face of my beloved wife.
Then I noticed Oichi’s maidens, looks like they were holding back so not to interrupt
us? They kept waiting in this cold hallway of the mountain’s castle for me to leave. I
felt responsible for the maidens that left their hometown; I couldn’t help but admire
the Oda women who came to the Odani castle.

‘I wonder if there is some way to reward their devotion.’

I thought about that while they send me off.

When I returned to the room after finishing my arrangements she was in the middle
of being cleaned and dressed by the maidens. It looks like it was originally something
that men shouldn’t see, Oichi’s face turned bright red, and one of the maidens looked
at me with criticizing eyes.

Ahh, I see. Isn’t this the ‘catching the heroine changing clothes’ scene that is common
in light novels?!

I don’t quite understand. It’s not like Oichi’s skin is exposed and they should be
finished dressing her after adding a few more layers of clothes. As a man, I can’t say
that it’s a particularly happy occasion.

I made a gesture as to say “please finish the changing of the clothes quickly” and
leaned on the pillar of the room’s entrance. They understood that I had no intention
of leaving and increased the speed of dressing her. Speaking of Oichi, she was staring
at me with a heated look on her face that made me think of when we were making
love. It seems that it will take me some time to understand the sensibility of the
women in the Sengoku period.

“Say, Nagamasa-sama… what on earth were you doing…?”

Oichi, whose clothes changing continued to be ogled, asks me while being ashamed. I
showed a wrapped up cloth as an answer to her question after walking to the middle
of the room.

“What could this be?”

“It’s a crepe.”

I show her how to roll the circular dough that is still slightly warm. Yes, my goal is to
prepare the souvenirs for the military commanders that are doing the interview today.
For that I sneaked into the kitchen in the early morning when the cook was still
sleeping, I borrowed rice flour, chicken eggs and also some sugar without permission
and baked them.

Of course, a frying pan doesn’t exist in Japan yet, so I had to use a pot for the food
preparation. That is why the form was irregular, and since there was no wheat flour, I
had no choice but to use rice flour as a substitute.

There is no doubt that this is a crepe nonetheless. By the way, Japan has only recently
started trading with western Europe so crepes shouldn’t have been introduced yet,
Oichi is also blinking with surprise as if she was seeing it for the first time. The maids
were also looking with a curious look from the corner of the room.

‘The west… no, maybe she’ll understand it easier by saying western Europe.’

“This is a sweet that people in western Europe eat.”


Oichi looks at the crepe closely while letting out a small breath.

“It looks like a moon doesn’t it…? It has a sense of elegance to it.”

“Is that so…?”

“This can be eaten?”

“Ahh, I actually thought of making this as a souvenir for the vassals that I’m meeting
today, but I made enough for you and the maidens.”

Oichi’s face was shining. Her face was showing happiness from knowing that it was
also prepared for her maidens. Thinking about others is one of her best qualities.

“Tsubaki, Kaede, Sakura come over here.”

Oichi called her maids, they took a little time and approached timidly while looking at
each other, wondering what was happening. One of the tasks of the maids was not to
disturb when the Daimyo couple were alone. That is why they were hesitant.

“Here, you roll it like this…”

“Oh… it looks cute doesn’t it?”

I roll the crepe into a circular shape and hand it over to Oichi. Then, I do the same for
the three maids. Thereupon, they bow, deeply lowering their heads and receiving it
while their bodies were shaking.

If you think carefully, it’s absolutely impossible for the head of the Daimyo family to
personally hand over sweets that he prepared to the likes of a maid. In the first place,
even with tea, the vassal couldn’t participate until the Daimyo approves it. As for
Kaede, the maid that was looking at me with criticizing eyes not long ago started
snuffling and crying with deep emotion.

Yep, as I thought it is quite difficult to get used to it. Oichi smiles while I have a troubled
look on my face, “I appreciate your courtesy, Nagamasa-sama” she says as she opens
her lovely mouth and takes one bite of the crepe.

“So… sweet…!”

She raised a voice of astonishment while blinking in surprise. The maids that were in
front of their surprised master meet the crepe hastily with their mouths. Then they
stayed with that stiff posture and started to let out big tears.

In this era, sugar was still something very valuable. Even though brown sugar obtained
from the Ryukyu Island’s and white sugar obtained from western Europe started to
flow into Kitakyushu, Osaka, and Kyoto in the late 1560s.

The market price of the sugar was centered in Kitakyushu, Kyoto and Osaka, the
farther from those places, the higher the price. The Owari province where the home
of Oichi’s parents was located was a prosperous area in commerce but because there
was some distance from Kyoto, sugar was expensive, there was no doubt that it was a
luxury. In other words, what these maids of low social status were eating was
something impossible to get throughout their lifetime.

However, because the Azai family influenced the Omi province which is adjacent to
Kyoto, I was able to buy it directly from the Kyoto market, so the sugar was relatively
easy to obtain.

I looked at the girls that were moving their mouths with innocence in a fresh mood.
Yup, meals sure are important. Eating delicious food brings you happiness.

‘I wonder if I can do something about the diet in this era… ’

The only flavoring that they have is salt, which is sad when you compare it to modern
times. I let out an unconscious sigh.

“It is finally time, Nagamasa-sama.”


Oichi raised her voice with nervousness in my room. Right now is Mi no Seikoku2, that
is 10 o’clock in the morning expressed in modern time. It is finally time for the
individual interviews with the vassals. The interview site is my room, Sukechika is
supposed to guide the military commanders when the time comes.

By the way, the ones that I have an interview with today are Isono Kazumasa and Endo

Naotsune is the strongest admiral of the Azai family; he already met with Oichi before
when we welcomed Oichi to the Azai family.

Kazumasa is a brave general of the Azai family that could be compared to Naotsune.
He was a great man that broke through eleven of the thirteen

formation led by Oda Nobunaga and was nothing but a step away from Nobunaga’s
headquarters in the Battle of Anegawa where the allied forces of Oda and Tokugawa
battled against the allied forces of the Azai and Asakura.

Moreover, it is surprising to say that Kazumasa broke through a formation set up by

Shibata Katsuie, who was the best strategist in the entire Oda family, and the future
ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Surely Japan’s history would have changed greatly if the
Asakura army had been able to hold up a little longer against the offensive of the
Tokugawa army.

While fantasizing about the if’s of such a different course of history, the fusuma opens,
and Sukechika interrupts my fantasy with his face peeking through it.

“Nagamasa-sama, it’s me, Sukechika. Endo Naotsune-done has arrived.”

“Good, come in!”

“Yes, although…”

Said Sukechika with bewilderment.

“I notified to Isono Kazumasa-dono that his meeting is after Naotsune-dono, but

Kuzamasa-dono misunderstood the order and has already arrived at the castle.”

“Is he trying to compete against Naotsune for the order?”

I ask while taking a deep breath.

“No, it’s not like that…”

Said Sukechika amazed.

“Naotsune-dono said, “I have served the Lord since he was a child. No matter what
happens, there is no way that I lose my loyalty to my lord. Therefore, there is not much
to talk about. Also, I cannot avoid meeting my friend Kazumasa after all this time, now
that it’s come to this I would like you to guide Kazumasa and me together to the
presence of the Lord.””

I unconsciously expressed a bitter smile. It is a historical fact that Endo Naotsune was
the vassal who Azai Nagamasa trusted the most. It is said that Nagamasa appointed
him not only for his unrivaled loyalty and bravery but also for his personality. In short,
he will secure the benefits of his master or his friends even if it obliterates his own; it
is a very rare personality in the Sengoku period and even more in modern times.

“I understand. Naotsune is that kind of man. It deviates from the schedule but bring
them both.”

“Very well, my lord.”

With that, Sukechika leaves and calls the two main figures of the Azai army.

“Endo Naotsune-dono and Isono Kazumasa-dono… Both of them are well-known

generals by the Oda family. But Kazumasa-dono sure is a funny gentleman for
mistaking the order, isn’t he? Perhaps they wanted to meet Nagamasa-sama as soon
as possible and attended to the castle.”

Oichi says with a bitter smile.

“You’re probably right.”

I admired Oichi’s courage that didn’t even show a fragment of nervousness. I think
that anyone would normally be nervous in the presence of two brave generals of the
Azai family, but I think that aspect of hers should be expected from the Lady of the Oda
family. I think that I’m more nervous than her.

“My lord it’s me, Naotsune.”

“Nagamasa-sama it’s me, Kazumasa.”

Meanwhile, I hear their voices. Fortunately, I met Naotsune immediately after coming
to this era so I can’t mistake their names and faces.

“You may enter.”

I placed two wrapping cloths behind me and raised my voice. The fusuma opens
quickly, and I can see the figures of Naotsune and Kazumasa bowing and lowering
their heads.

“What are you doing? You don’t have to be so formal, quick, come over here.”

These strong men known for their bravery stepped forward before me. In their eyes,
there was the fire of loyalty.

Unlike Naotsune, Kazumasa surrendered in the Azai attack against the Oda family.
However, that was because Nagamasa didn’t have confidence in Kazumasa and
stopped supporting him with provisions and in the end, his mother that was held
hostage in the Odani castle was executed.

Kazumasa continued the battle even after their supplies stopped, but his patience
ended when Nagamasa murdered his mother, and then he surrendered to the Oda

As a person coming from the future, I am confident that both Kazumasa and Naotsune
are trustworthy. Kazamasu is afraid of losing someone close to him or having blood
relatives killed. That is why he takes arms and fights. Today’s interview will be key to
whether I can become a close person to Kazumasa and whether he would think it’ll be
worth to throw away his life for my sake.

That is why I spoke frankly with both warriors.

“The reason that I called both of you here was that I wish to talk frankly about the
future of the Azai family.”

After Naotsune and Kazumasa looked at each other, they return their glance to me.
First Kazumasa asks with a “with all due respect” as a preamble.

“What do you mean by ‘the future of the Azai family’? Are you planning on changing
the Azai family?”

“That is correct.”

I said to Kazumasa while looking at his eyes.

“Just like I said before. I will rebuild the Omi province. For that reason, there are many
things that I must do. Therefore, we need to change our plans drastically.”


Naotsune and Kazumasa stared at me seriously. They are truly thinking about the
future of the Azai family that they serve. They are completely focusing on what I am
talking about, and they were ready to rebuke anything when necessary. That is why I
was able to reveal my intentions with confidence.

“I am not planning on unifying the country which means that I do not desire to become
a ruler. Also, I am not aiming to unify the Omi province.”


The color in the eyes of the generals changed, and they both leaned forward. That was
to be expected. Up till now, the Azai family has been fighting for the hegemony of the
Omi province against the Rokkaku family.

“If I may make bold to ask, Nagamasa-sama! In that case, what do you plan to do to
cope with the threat of the Rokkaku family!?”

Asked Kazumasa with a thunderous voice. There were the feelings of a man who
experienced many battlefields in those words…

Kazumasa is the Lord of the Sawayama Castle in the south of Omi. Right in front of his
eyes lay the Kannonji Castle, which was the headquarters of the Rokkaku Clan who
were named as the Shugo Daimyo3 of Omi. The territory between these castles was
filled with hostility since the start of the war of independence by Nagamasa.

The former heads of the Isono family, including Kazumasa, managed to defend the
castle while using the lives of the whole clan on the battlefield for the Azai family.

Kazumasa being neck deep in these current events felt a strong sense of danger from
my proposal. And perhaps Naotsune shared his thoughts because he has also lost
many relatives and vassals on the battlefield against the Rokkaku. That is why I must
give a firm answer to his serious question.

“Won’t my brother-in-law Nobunaga-dono solve that for me?”


Both Naotsune and Kazumasa eyes opened wide with astonishment. And behind me,
I could hear the surprised voice of Oichi. It was expected since Oda Nobunaga was in
the middle of fighting against the Saito family for the Mino province. He couldn’t afford
to head towards the Omi province.
“Naotsune, tell me today’s date.”


Naotsune responds while being confused by my incoherent question.

“It is the 16th day of January, my Lord. Why would that…?”

“My brother-in-law will begin the assault to the North of Ise at the end of February.”


He was about to ask how the Lord knew such a thing, but Naotsune keeps quiet after
staring at Oichi.

I’m sure that Naotsune is thinking ‘The wife must have whispered the military
movements of the Oda family into the Lord’s ears,’ there is no doubt that he
interpreted it like that. Perhaps Kazuma shared the same thought. The reason why I
brought Oichi with me was also so that they would read too much into what I say. I
used the knowledge acquired from my historical research.

“My brother-in-law intents to capture the north of Ise with Takigawa Kazumasa-dono
as general. In the north of Ise lives a vassal of the Rokkaku Clan, Seki Morinobu of the
Kameyama Castle. The Rokkaku Clan will be forced to send reinforcements from the
south of Omi to the northern border of Ise through a long mountain road. Though
since they have to contain my brother-in-law in the south of Omi, they will have to
split all their forces between the two, right?”

“I see…”

“In other words… Starting from the end of February, you will not have to worry about
a big battle between the Rokkaku Clan and us. Naotsune, Kazumasa, do you now
understand what I wanted to say?


The two brave generals lower their heads before me.

“This year will be our victory if we strengthen the abilities of the Azai and the and the
north of Omi… Is such an interpretation correct, my Lord?”
“It is.”

I nodded to Naotsune’s answer.

“The funds of the Azai family heavily depends on the toll charged to the travelers and
merchants moving through Lake Biwa. But it’s not enough. We need to secure new
financial resources.”

“Secure new financial resources…?”

Naotsune inclined his head to the side as if he was thinking ‘I do not understand
business stuff.’ Next, to him, Kazumasa clapped his hands like he was convinced.

“I get what you mean by financial resources! Is this perhaps about the ‘there aren’t
enough human resources’ that Nagamasa-sama said the other day?

“That is correct.”

I nod to Kazumasa.

“The more people there are, the more wealthy the Azai family will become. The land
tax depends greatly on the planting condition of the year, but money is different. I will
collect equally regardless of the difference between rich and poor in the form of head
tax. With that in consideration, the more people, the better.”

“And the number of soldiers will also increase.”

Said Naotsune while snorting. Well, if there are too many soldiers then I would have
to prepare provisions and salaries, so I’ll have to keep it at a reasonable number
somehow. It would only be a tragedy to strengthen the army if it ends up in ruins
because of financial problems. I really don’t want to reproduce what happened in the
ancient Roman Empire.

“Industries work similarly. Create products, add value to it and then take as much
money as possible from the opponent. I was thinking of emerging in the cotton and
silk industries…”

“Cotton and silk!”

Says Kazumasa while he leans forward and pats his knee.

“Certainly, if the production of high-quality silk and cotton gets on track, the people
producing it will without a doubt receive the benefits. The Kimono shops from Kyoto
will also come to our territory. In that case, there will be a lot of activity near the castle,
and many people will migrate here.”

“That’s it; you’re completely right! Naotsune, Kazumasa, listen carefully.”

“Being realistic, the power of the Rokkaku Clan is far superior to ours. That is the
reason why the population of the south of Ise is much more numerous. Right now the
north of Ise has nothing that looks like an industry, and we hardly have anything to
attract people. However, with the rise of industries and the liveliness near the castle,
what will happen with an increase of immigrants? Where do those people come

I concentrate and question them.


It appears that Naotsune and Kazumasa have finally understood.

“I see! People are finite, not infinite…! Especially if we could attract the interest of the
people living in the south of Ise and make them move to the north of Ise…!”

“Our territories will become prosperous, and the Rokkaku resources will be
pressured, they will no longer be able to make the military movements they have
made so far.”

“You did understand what I was thinking!”

I stand up and hold their hands with excitement. The brave generals were also excited
and repeatedly nodded while looking at me.

“This is a battle. A battle in which we prevent shedding more blood than necessary…!”

I confess my real intentions while looking at the both of them.

“Japan is in pain right now. The war continues, and the nation is suffering in ruins and
impoverishment. Naotsune, Kazumasa, do you fight because you like it? Do you like
the battlefield? That’s not it, right? In today’s world, you can’t survive without
fighting… that’s just how it works. To the point that it becomes cruel.”
Both of the brave generals let out a deep sigh and drop their shoulders. Those words
must be terrible to hear and stab them deeply since they have fought against many
soldiers in numerous battles. That’s exactly why…

“We have to change it. We must put an end to the Sengoku period in this world. We
must build a world where the people can laugh and live their lives… That is our duty.
I will make it happen in Oma at all costs.”

“You will help me, right?”, I said, and they both silently lowered their heads. As they
slowly raised their heads, Naotsune, who has been serving Nagamasa since childhood
laughed happily.

“Shinkuro-sama4 has changed. After meeting your wife, you became able to see the
world with a broader perspective. The marriage with the Oda family was a great

The days without battle might come sooner than expected. Naotsune and Kazumasa…
brave generals, the pride of the Azai family, were crying in front of Oichi and me after
I finished saying my piece.

1. Fukoku Kyohei: Japan’s national slogan during the Meiji period.

2. Traditional Japanese time system.
3. Provincial military governor turned daimyo.
4. Another name of Nagamasa.
Naotsune and Kazumasa started crying again after receiving the western sweets that
I made from Oichi’s hands, then Sukechika came to my room to discuss the line up for
tomorrow’s interviews. There were no other people for today.

It was to be expected.

The vassals couldn’t just casually visit the head of the Azai family, Nagamasa unless
invited and emergency visits aren’t frequent in times of peace.

Nonetheless, I should be having an interview right now.

However, because the unexpected situation happened where Naotsune and Kazumasa
came at the same time there is now free space in the pre-made schedule, so I find
myself resting my head in Oichi’s lap.

I don’t quite understand how it turned out this way.

When I saw her seiza1 figure, I was sucked into that soft gap before I knew it.

Oichi was initially surprised, but she soon started to pat my head as if her maternal
instincts had been evoked. Haa… I’m becoming spoiled…

“At any rate, Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama, you sure know a lot about the Oda
family matters, don’t you…?”

Says Oichi with a bitter smile on her face. I’m sure that she means what I said earlier
to Naotsune about Nobunaga “He is going to begin the assault to the north of Ise at the
end of February.”

“I’m a person from the future, so I know everything that could possibly happen,” even
though that’s not completely true, I can’t tell her something like that.

I turned over on Oichi’s lap and looked up at her face. She has lovely facial features,
and I can’t get enough of these big breasts entering my field of vision. She is truly

“How do you think I knew all that?”


Oichi gazes at me as she was pondering about it a little while caressing my face.

“Maybe my older brother told you about it before our marriage…”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Oh, then perhaps…”

“Maybe you hid a spy near my older brother?”

Oichi asks me with a sidelong glance. I feel an indescribable pleasant feeling to my

wife’s look. She can also make a face like that huh… Well, being a young lady in the
Sengoku period and being raised with Nobunaga looking over her, there was no way
she was unfamiliar with the manners of the Sengoku period. I take a lock of that
beautiful and black hair that hangs from Oichi’s chest and enjoy the feeling with my

“Nobunaga-dono… No, if it is my brother-in-law he surely would have quickly found

and gotten rid of a spy if one was blended among his followers, right?”

“…That’s right.”

Oichi said to me with a calm face while caressing my chest with her index finger.

“Then how did you…”

“You told me, Oichi.”

I make full use of my historical knowledge and giver her an answer in a very natural
way so that she won’t suspect anything.

“My brother-in-law is the general of the controlling instrument of this country. The
reason for that general to give me his younger sister in the middle of the Mino attack
was that there were resources connected to the fall of Mino, right? There is no doubt
that my brother-in-law is proceeding to the capital. And for that reason he wished to
make an alliance with us, the Azai in order to open the path to Omi.”

I continued talking.

“Still, only the safety of the path in the north can be secured this way. Ise and Iga are
in the south. Both of the powerful families of Ise are subordinates of the Rokkaku
family, Iga is the only force that is not attached to the Rokkaku or the Miyoshi family.
To secure the safety of the path heading to the capital, the most natural action is that
my brother-in-law strikes Ise, which is the closest one geographically, isn’t it? This
should occur around the time when the resources can be secured with the capture of

The army can’t be moved that easily. It is impossible to gather soldiers, money, and
provisions without careful preparation. That is why the most reasonable time to begin
the military movements is one month after the alliance with the Azai has been
established. Oichi went back to her usual gentle appearance as she was completely

Yep, at any rate, my tongue was moving quite fast. Perhaps I am suitable to be a
politician. No wait, a Daimyo is already a politician in the first place though.

It was silent for a while after that. There is plenty of nature in the Odani Mountain
where the castle is, even though it is cold outside, I could hear the singing voices of the
birds. I wonder how strong the vitality is of animals in the wild. While enjoying the
refreshing sounds of the tree’s leaves moving and the chirping of the birds, I deeply
realized how good it was spending time not only having sex but instead being together
as a married couple like this.

“Anyway, it was a pleasure, right?”

“What was…?”

“I am talking about Endo Naotsune-dono and Isono Kazumasa-dono.”

Says Oichi while caressing my face with eyes of affection.

“Let alone Naotsune-dono, Kazumasa-dono is the one that holds an important

position of the Azai family that is located in the south of Omi, the Sawayama Castle. I
think that the fact that Kazumasa-dono understands Nagamasa-sama’s point of view
will become very important later on.”

“I suppose it is…”

I raised my shoulders and unconsciously smiled while playing with Oichi’s bangs with
my fingertips.


“Is something wrong?”

Oichi gave me a gorgeous smile. I am sure that it was the most beautiful, cute and
lovely smile I’ve ever seen. I don’t think that I could ever forget that face in my life.

“Nobunaga-sama… let out a peaceful and natural smile in front of me…!”

“Is that so…?”

If she says it like that, it might be so. I suddenly took a journey to the Sengoku period,
was pulled into a council and married Oichi. In the past few days, I have had a huge
amount of experiences in a short time, that I never had in my previous life. That’s why
my feelings have been tense since I came here. Emitting a certain atmosphere when I
smiled. When Oichi pointed that out just now, I finally realized. Although…

“I don’t think that I smiled that way when I was together with you in the bedroom

“Na, Nagamasa-sama!”

My lovely wife protests by striking my stomach while her face becomes flushed.

“That’s, that’s not it! I didn’t say it with that meaning! Nagamasa-sama finally showed
his natural smile in front of me, and I just thought of how delightful that was! In the
first place, Nagamasa-sama flirts too much with me in the bedroom! Do, doing such
indecent things to me…”

Yes yes, cute, so cute. While feeling my warming gradually, I turned my face towards
Oichi’s stomach.
To the man saying “I’ll be happy with just flirting without having sex” or something
like that, I would seriously reply “What the heck is this guy saying” or so I thought,
but… this is unexpected. No, I rather became happy for real.

By gazing at her belly for a long time, I somehow started smelling a nice scent as I kept
burying my face inside the thick kimono. I lost my parents at an early age and was
raised in a welfare institution, so it seemed that I was unconsciously starving for
motherhood. I pushed my face even closer as the scent that smelled a little like sweet
milk that came from Oichi’s smooth abdomen filled me with warmth.

Then Oichi stopped striking my stomach and started to slowly caress my face and
shoulders. I don’t know if she might have sensed it, but that sure was a face full of
affection with a facial expression like that of the Holy Mother. Perhaps the reason I
was strongly attracted to Oichi in the first places was that I felt a strong motherhood
emitting from her since the beginning.

But, if you would peel away at her bundle of motherhood, she overflows with a lewd
sexual nature. I really can’t get enough. I think that she is the ideal woman.

“Well then… Nagamasa-sama, please stay like that a little while.”

Then Oichi leans her upper-half forward and pushes her breasts against my face. I can
feel her breath right next to my ear. What is with this supreme body sandwich? Below
me are her thighs, in front of me is her belly and above me are her breasts. It feels soft
all around me.

“Nagamasa-sama, please wait for a little while… Kaede! Are you there?”

I understood that the maid came closer judging by the atmosphere. Wait, eh? Really?
It is like the dignity of the head of the Azai family is non-existent. Being seen with my
head buried and being body sandwiched by my cute wife… the Daimyo’s that are
buried beneath the ground must be appalled, very much so.

“Please bring me the spoon.”


And then I was earnestly spoiled by Oichi for a while. Although that ended the moment
the maid returned.

She called out my name, so I looked up. Ah… the happiness of not quite being able to
see the face because of the boobs.

“I am going to clean Nagamasa-sama’s ears right now. I’m sorry, but they appear to be
quite dirty…”

“Oh, oh!”

I unconsciously got excited making my body tremble. It has been a long time since I
had my ears cleaned by someone else. I used to push the cotton swab into my ears by
myself, so Oichi’s proposal filled me with expectations and made me very excited.

“Well then Nagamasa-sama, turn away please.”

After she told me so, I turned over and faced my left ear upward. Then Oichi’s soft
fingertips grabbed my earlobe and those huge, soft and beautiful breasts pressed
against the back of my head through the kimono. The hard rod like spoon… the ear
pick stick touches the cartilage of my ear. I can’t get enough of this ‘I will begin’ feeling.

“Well then… I will begin now.”

Oichi’s breath is blown into my ear. Yes, I’m done. That’s all from me. It’s useless; it’s
almost like my body is losing all its strength.

“Nagamasa-sama… please don’t move…”

I feel the ear pick stick being moved around by Oichi’s supple fingertips going into my
external ear canal. My body only trembles at times like these. Perhaps anyone would
tremble in such a situation though.

“First… I’ll start with the superficial spots, alright?”

The earpick stick touches the side of my external ear canal and keeps scratching
upwards. A dry sound resonated in my eardrum followed by an uncomfortable feeling
and liberating feeling when she finished scooping it out…

I unconsciously let out a moan. It feels good; it feels so good it can’t be helped.
“Nagamasa-sama, you don’t seem to clean your ears that often…”

The stimulus to my external ear canal continues with the spoon section of the earpick
stick as the earwax keeps being scraped out. The sound of something crumbling in my
ear can be heard as it is being scraped out while the pressing against my external ear
canal continues. Then she snuggled at the same place that was just stimulated with
the spoon and gave me a massage.

There is no doubt that this is paradise! I feel it while writhing in this supreme pleasure
and at the same time, I unconsciously hold my breath. The ear pick stick dances in
circles with Oichi’s fingertips as she removes my earwax.

“Nagamasa-sama, I will now do the deeper spots… please tell me if it hurts, okay?”

After blowing her breath in my left ear, Oichi slowly lowers the ear pick stick along the
external ear canal. There was a muffled jarring sound. It appears that there was a lot
piled up. Not only was there a light, crunchy sound but there was also a stiff feeling
transmitted to the eardrums every now and then.


Oichi lets out a little lewd sounding sigh while she keeps scooping at the deepest spot
with the spoon. For a while, I only heard jarring and scratching sounds.

“Ah… I took it out…!”

Oichi raised a voice of delight. It appears she succeeded in the capture of the earwax
that was stuck in my ear.

“Ahh… It’s so big…”

Oichi’s remark didn’t escape my ears as she murmured in wonder. If she says
something like that, I can’t help but to wonder what the particles that were taken out
look like but that curiosity was completely blown away by the feeling of having to leave
this resting place that is Oichi’s lap.

The basic problem is that there is no way I can escape from this Eden that are the
plump thighs of a beautiful girl from this era. That degree of difficulty is the same as
the success of escape from Sue Harukata who was lured by the Miyao castle shaking
off the pursuit of the Toshimizu and Murakami armies. 2 I thought I didn’t want to lose
to anyone, but I couldn’t win against Oichi’s thighs.

“I removed a piece of the earwax. Now I have to break through and keep capturing it…”

Oichi’s ear pick stick dances in circles in my external ear canal, the spoon tears off the
sides of the wall without leaving any traces of earwax as she continues scooping it out.
As Oichi skillfully scrapes out the earwax, my shoulders keep trembling by this
exhilarating feeling.

“Well then, for the finishing touch I will use a Bonten…”

*Japanese ear cleaning tool.

The white Bonten is inserted in my ear, and the leftovers are entangled by the hairs
and removed in the end.

“Softly, smoothly, softly, smoothly” 3

When the fluffy bonten is pulled out of my ear, Oichi slowly brings her lips together to
my sensitive ears…


She lets out a gentle sigh towards my external ear canal. Ah, will it end with this… I
was holding a sense of loneliness as Oichi played with my ears with her fingertips
going in circles.

“Well then, Nagamasa-sama… please turn to the other side.”

Suddenly my consciousness is filled with joy. Right, even if the left side is finished,
there’s still the right side left. I turn my head like Oichi said and buried my head in her
thighs, belly, and breasts.

Ah, this is the best. I found paradise. To think that Arcadia existed in such a casual and
familiar place.

“Well then, now I’m going to clean this side too… Nagamasa-sama.”

While being controlled by a sweet man-killer voice… I started to feel drowsy in spite
of it being mid morning.
Fine then, I accept my defeat… However, I was determined while being spoiled by
Oichi. Right now… I’ll recognize your victory this morning. But I definitely won’t lose

“Nagamasa-sama…? Ahm, please don’t move okay? I’m just about to take out a big one;
it will end up falling so… please?”


Later on, she told me that she learned the ear cleaning technique from her mother,
before marriage, she cleaned the ears of her younger sisters and Oinu, so she
improved her abilities. The so-called Oda’s family secret ear cleaning technique.

I wasn’t used to having my ears cleaned by someone else, so I didn’t have anyone to
compare it with from the beginning. I was completely down for the count now though.
I ended up being defeated in the ear pleasure war set by Oichi; I was left to spend the
rest of the time with some difficulties.


“Is everything alright, Nagamasa-sama?”

“No… It’s nothing. Just feeling a little sentimental.”

“Is that so?”

We were heading to the Bakeijou that is in a district of the Odani Castle along with a
small entourage. There is a famous place that I wanted to visit since I became the
feudal lord of the north of the north of Omi.

By the way, Bakeijou is read as it is, a place or establishment related to horses. The
ones inside the castle are basically top-grade horses for the head of the family to ride
and are used for patrolling to some extent like now, in a full-scale war the horses that
are mobilized would be kept outside the castle.

Also, this is rather important… I can ride a horse. With my 8th grader syndrome, I
thought “A king can’t show his majestic side if he can’t ride a horse” so I entered the
horse riding club and had come in contact with horses in the experiences classroom
of the nearest culture center.

‘But… would it really be okay?’

I was a little worried. Because the horses of the Sengoku period didn’t have a muscular
body like the ones in modern times and they even had more of a cure appearance like
a pony.

For example, the cavalry corps of the Kai-Takeda family that were famous on the
streets. Common people might imagine a group of muscular old men wearing a helmet
and armor with Takeda Shingen in the vanguard carrying the flag of Furinkazan1 or
the Takeda-bishi2. And then assaulting the enemy line with their horses, but… in
reality, they rode those small pony-like horses and stepped off of them before the
assault and fought the enemy on foot.

Also, it is said that in the Kawanakajima battle, Uesugi Kenshi appeared in the Takeda’s
troop headquarters gallantly riding a horse named Houshoutsukige and tackled
against Takeda Shingen and Kazuai but if that was the truth… The old man with 8th
grader syndrome calling himself the reincarnation of Vaisravana would become the
scene of someone wielding a sword while riding a pony. The scene of a bloody
battlefield would instantly turn into a cute show at that moment.

Just so you know, I am 174 centimeters tall. If the horses in this era are really like
ponies, perhaps the scene would be similar to a grown man straddling those toy
horses at a kindergarten.

‘If they really are as small as ponies I won’t say anything and walk by foot from now

I headed toward the Bakeijou while pondering about it…


I am convinced now. There wasn’t such thing as ponies. The horses of the Sengoku
period… The pony theory was very easily verified with my own eyes as it crumbled

More than 3 meters in length and a body weight of around 900 kilos. Strong muscles
and bones with a solid physique. They have a better physique than the top 2 famous
horse breeds from my world, the Thoroughbred and Quarter horse, moreover, from
its head, a huge cylindrical horn is coming out. What is this, it’s so cool. And there are
even two kinds, a white one and a black one.

“Come on Taishakutsukige, calm down…!”

The white horse that had a considerably huge golden horn above the others was
heading towards me aiming that beautiful horn violently in my direction while raising
a clear cry “Neeeeiiiigh!!”

You are definitely not a “horse” that I’m familiar with. Or rather, this seems bad, really
bad… It looks like even if that horn that it is wielding grazes me, my skin would be
sliced like butter, or even worse; I’d get impaled turning it into a “Mozu no Hayanie”3

“I am very sorry! My Lord!”

A horse… no, some kind of horse keeper. A boy apologizes to me while soothing the

“This girl finally returned after her last escape attempt on the day before the marriage
of Nagamasa-sama and the princess of the Oda family but… it appears she ended up
becoming excited…!”

“This girl? This one is a female…?”

I unconsciously asked.

“Th, that’s right!”

As I listen, these horses… really do have the appearance of a horse but their gender
isn’t given away by their outwards appearance. In other words, the black one is male,
and the white one is female.

“Well, right now the horses are domesticated, but they were originally monsters after
all… it isn’t strange to think that they were a danger to humans.”

Monsters? What does he mean by that? Those things should only exist in stories of
movies and video games in the modern world…

“Is that so? You… What is your name?”

“My name is Hikobee.”

“I see. Hikobee, this one caught my attention. I will be riding it today.

“No, not that one! It’s dangerous!”

Hikobee desperately tried to stop me.

“As you should know Nagamasa-sama, this Taishakutsukige was mounted by Azai
Sukemasa since it was very young. This horse absolutely won’t let anyone but
Sukemasa mount it. It didn’t even let anyone touch its body initially… many horse
trainers and maids that were looking after her were killed cruelly.”

‘Wouldn’t it have been better to put it down then… ’

Hikobee opened his mouth the moment I thought that, his timing couldn’t be more

“As you should know, a monster can only be wounded if it’s attacked by another
monster or with a weapon made of fluorite. Horses would never kill their own kind,
the only one within the Azai family that has held a weapon made of fluorite is the now
retired Hisamasa-sama. Also, Hisamasa-sama has never ordered to kill
Taishakutsukige which is a memento of his late father.”

Yep, I understood. I stare at Taishakutsukige’s light green pupils. She stopped her
rampage before I knew it and fixed her gaze on me in an observing way. Almost like
she was evaluating me.

“Then Hikobee, why does Taishakutsukige let you touch her?”

“That is probably because I’ve taken care of her since I was a child…”

So it’s like that. I unconsciously admired her. I fixedly gaze towards Taishakutsukige.

“You have a strong sense of virtue. Just like a lady…”

In other words, if we compare this monster to humans, it would be like she’s a widow.
Perhaps she built fidelity towards her first rider, Sukemasa, and has been determined
not to let anyone else ride on her back since then.
But then…

“Why did she come back before the marriage of Oichi and me? And why is she so

But Taishakutsukige obviously doesn’t respond; she only kept staring at me.

“Don’t worry, Taishakutsukige.”

I slowly get closer to her. Hikobee got desperate and started clinging to my body while
begging me to stop.

But I understood. In the bottom of those light green pupils, a tremendous and terrific
conflict is spreading. Maybe this white horse recognizes me as a different presence in
this world. I can’t hold myself back from being drawn to it…

Taishakutsukige swang her head with a big movement. I tried to evade it quickly but
couldn’t; my right upper arm was torn up. The fresh blood started to splash around
making Hikobee let out a scream. The entourage that was watching the course of
events in the back unsheathed their sword immediately even though they know that
they can’t kill her.

However, I told them “It’s fine.” Making them stand down. I faced Taishakutsukige and
reacher out for her white body with my hand.

“I will ride you… Even better than Sukemasa.”

Riding a widow… Yup, it is an expression overflowing with romance. While whispering

in a persuading way, similar to how I whisper to Oichi in the bedroom, I try to touch
Taishakutsukige… she allowed me to.

Hikobee’s eyes were opened wide as he stood there paralyzed. The ones in the
entourage were also in utter amazement, and some of them even dropped their sword
that they unsheathed. I stroke her body and feel her warmth slowly being transmitted
to my palms. I also play with her beautiful silver hair that grows from the back of her
neck and touch that lovely face in turns.

Then Taishakutsukige’s tongue extends, and she started to lick the wound on my right
arm that she made earlier. The warmth of her tongue gradually envelops my arm, it
feels comfortable, and my mind blanked for a few minutes. Before I knew it, the wound
on my arm closed up.

Of course, it was not completely like before; the injury left a pink color as if a scab was
scratched. It looks like the wound will leave a scar… well, it can’t be helped right?

“It’s a miracle…”

Hikobee who fell earlier stands up with sparkling eyes.

“My lord, my lord was accepted by Taishakutsukige…!”

Taishakutsukige lowered her neck and made a sign for me to get on. There wasn’t a
harness or anything like that, but Taishakutsukige user her neck and skillfully assisted
me. I was able to get on her back somehow.

Right after getting on Taishakutsukige… an “Ooooh!” like cheer could be heard.

It wasn’t Hikobee or the men of the entourage, because of the scream that Hikobee let
out earlier, officers and men started gathering from inside the Odani Castle with a
“What’s going on?” maybe they were able to guess the situation the moment they saw
me riding the horse. The shouts of joy became bigger little by little and started to echo
through the Odani Castle; it started to resemble war cries after a while.

It hasn’t been that many days since I’ve come to this world but… it seems like
mounting this famous horse had a considerable influence on them. Well, it is the
memento of the first generations head of the family, Sukemasa, who was worshipped
as a hero, no one had been able to mount her till now and moreover, the fact that the
current head of the family is able to mount her had a considerable important meaning.

“This isn’t bad…”

I unconsciously muttered after mounting her. The world seen from above the white
horse with its golden horn and being cheered on by the people of the Azai family was
not bad at all. After I got off from Taishakutsukige, I approached Hikobee who was
now gazing at me as if he was looking at a god.

“Hikobee, prepare a complete set of harness before I return.”

“Un, understood!”
I look at Hikobee as he runs frantically to a corner of the Bakeijou while almost
tripping over his own feet. Then I started walking towards the crowd that now
surrounded Taishakutsukige and me. They quickly opened up a path for me and
started escorting me with a look of praise and respect. It would have been a great
situation if they were all woman but sadly they’re all squalid menservants and old

“Oichi, are you there?”

“Ye… yes!”

When I returned to the room of my beloved wife she was in the middle of staring at
herself in front of the mirror. I grabbed some clothes and took her hand in my open
hand pulling her forcibly behind me out of the room.

“Na, Nagamasa-sama! What on earth are you doing!?”

As one would expect, Oichi is confused. However, I did not dare to answer her
question. I cross the corridor while pulling my wife’s hand; we go outside and head
towards the Bakeijou. She was wearing a robe that wasn’t tailored for going outside,
which made it hard to move around with it, but it can’t be helped for now.

The crowd was still gathered at the Bakeijou, and when they saw me bringing Oichi,
they started cheering again and opened up a path. And then, beyond the path opened
up by the crowd… Taishakutsukige was standing still with a harness on her back put
there by Hikobee.


Oichi unconsciously lets out a gasp.

The figure of a huge horse with a pure white body, light green pupils, and a golden
horn. That body is now covered by a harness that has gold and silver tones. Too much
beauty, too much splendor, behind me, it seems that Oichi is also completely

I quickly mounted on Tashakutsukige and whispered to her “Is it okay to let her ride
you too?” Taishakutsukige let out an approving neigh. It looks like she will allow it.
After confirming it, I hold out my hand to Oichi.
“Come, Oichi.”

I called her out while being mounted on the horse. Then, after showing me a blank
expression for an instant, she let out a bright smile, nodded with a “Yes…!” and took
my hand. I would like to emphasize that a gentleman would never think about or say
that Oichi was absurdly heavy at that moment. It couldn’t be helped though, ladies in
this era appear to be restricted by several pieces of clothing. It almost looks like they
walk around wearing a futon.

Right after I lifted her up on the horse and took her in my embrace, she surrounded
my back with both of her hands. Then, after confirming that Oichi was completely
snuggled in my chest, I finally pulled on the reins of Taishakutsukige.

Taishakutsukige raised the upper-half of her body with a clear neigh, the beauty of
that scene receives a cheer from the crowd. After that Taishakutsukige ran lightly
towards the gate of the Odani Castle as if she understood my intentions.

I wonder if she already understood the situation. The gate is thrown open with perfect
timing as if the gatekeeper tried to make it a scene. Then I rode the famous horse of
the firsts generation head of the family with my beloved wife and headed down to the
unspoiled landscape of Japan in the Sengoku era for the first time.

1. Samurai Banners
2. Crest of the Koshu (Kai province) Takeda family
3. Butcher-bird prey impaled on twigs. This one was annoying to find.
If Oichi is the most beautiful girl of the Sengoku era, then Taishakutsukige is the most
beautiful horse of the Sengoku era. The supple and strong feet powerfully kick the
mountain road, the hoofs didn’t show any signs of wear, so she didn’t need horseshoes.

Taishakutsukige ran down to the base of the Odani Mountain without slowing down
at all. She is able to reach quite a high speed, so truth be told, I’m a little nervous. Oichi
raised her voice as if she was a female high-school student riding a roller coaster while
clinging to my chest. I don’t blame her though; I’m also a little frightened.

However, Taishakutsukige didn’t lower her speed at all. Even trying to control her with
the rains ended up being useless, so I decided to leave everything to Taishakutsukige’s

In modern times, thoroughbred horses that participate in horse races generally run at
around 60 kilometers an hour. In comparison, Japanese horses generally run at 30 to
50 kilometers an hour. But Taishakutsukige that I’m mounted on right now is running
at a speed close to 140 kilometers an hour.

She is quite the dreadful animal, but I feel that she’s going easy on me even now.
What’s even stranger is that even though she’s running with an overwhelming speed,
a sense of crisis of being shaken off Taishakutsukige’s back hasn’t come to mind at all.
Her back is actually stable enough to stay seated without holding the rains. In the end,
these aren’t “horses” after all… Hikobee called them “monsters,” they aren’t the
“horses” I’m familiar with.

By the way, the word “monster” is quite old; it is derived from Buddhism. It is a word
that invited the training monks to repel those on the path of treason, that disturbed
the good deeds of humans and in some cases even injured human lives. In short,
“monster” means the kind of evil spirits of rivers and mountains that are guilty of such
things. As I was pondering about being able to domesticate a “horse” that was like one
of such “monsters,” I guess it could be said that the Japanese are crazy no matter what
world or time you are in… Of course, I mean crazy in a good sense. I have no doubt
that they would instantly think of completely exterminating these “monsters” if they
appeared in the west.

If you run down the mountain road and pass through the last castle district, a town
that lays at the bottom of Odani Mountain appears. Taishakutsukige starts to slow
down her speed. She is clever after all. She completely understands that if she runs
through the castle town at full throttle, she will end up knocking down the

“Ah! It’s Bizen-no-kami!” 1

The moment I entered the district, the kids that were playing on the side of the road
started a commotion that spread across the town, making a lot of faces stick out from
the shops and houses. Currently, the town of the Odani could neither be called big or
small, it was averagely sized. Naturally, many of these citizens have been living in these
lands for generation after generation, so they have a deep interest in the Azai family.

“The wife also came!”

“Haa… She’s so beautiful. Compared to her my wife is…”

“What was that!? What are you saying while glancing at me!?”

The townspeople of this era used to build things inside their houses or on the road. It
was such a form of labor. They kept rushing out from their houses towards the road
one after another just to see what was going on. In this era where there is little
entertainment, even if it is the smallest of occurrences, they will come to take a look
even if that means abandoning their work.

“Do you know where the wholesale rice dealer is?”


I ask Taishakutsukige and then she responded with a neigh while shaking her head. It
looks like she understands. It’s amazing how clever she is.

Taishakutsukige carries Oichi and me and strides through the castle town, in the back,
the townspeople follow us in groups. It is somewhat enjoyable since it reminds me of
the Daimyo’s processions that I’ve read about in textbooks before. Taishakutsukige
stopped her feet as I decided to enter into a splendid building with Oichi while
pondering about it.
The moment we entered the building the inside became rowdy, the young man that
was tending the store withdrew in a hurry, and a healthy middle-aged man came out
instead while lowering his head in a servile manner. It appears that the young man
earlier is the heir and this old man is the current head of the family.

“Bizen-no-kami-sama! Ah, and his wife as well…! My name is Yamashita Muneaki from
Omiya. I am terribly sorry for not being able to make a proper reception; please accept
my humble apology…”

“Do not worry about it.”

After saying that to the old man, I decided to get straight to the point.

“Muneaki, this is a wholesale rice dealer, right?”

“Yes, that is correct. Could it be that…”

Suddenly a shadow is cast on the face of Muneaki.

“A battle against the Rokkaku family…”

“No, that’s not it. Besides, I didn’t come today to buy rice.”


Muneaki tilted his head. ‘This is a wholesale rice dealer. If Bizen-no-kami-sama didn’t
come to buy rice, then why on earth did he come by…?’ I feel he was thinking
something along those lines.

“I want rice bran. Around 600 grams if possible.”

“Rice bran… Certainly, we have some but…”

Muneaki ended up tilting his head once more. ‘Why would he want something that
looks like dredge?’ I was easily able to read what he was thinking again. Even though
no one pays special attention to it, if you are Japanese you would know that rice bran
is the powder that comes out from the process of turning unpolished rice into polished

In modern times it is used for nukazuke2, and it has a big role as an ingredient in rice-
bran oil, but it wasn’t particularly noticed in the Sengoku era of Japan because many
people were eating unpolished rice.

By the way, it is said that the history of Nukazuke started in Kitakyuushuu at the start
of the 17th century. However, it appears that the rice-bran was currently being used
in Nukamiso3, or to be more precise it was used in Misozuke4, but let’s put that aside
for now… 5

With an expression as if he was thinking ‘Wanting such a thing, Bizen-no-kami-sama

sure says weird things… ’ Muneaki signals the people of the store to bring the rice

Then after a short while, the young man from before brings out a jute bag filled to the
brim with rice bran from the back of the store. I thank the man and receive the bag; I
ask the cost of the rice bran from Muneaki.

“Don’t mention it!”

Said Muneaki while shaking his head and waving his hands.

“Rice bran is only good for fertilizing the fields! And more than anything, I could never
ask for payment of Bizen-no-kami-sama who took the trouble to come here in

“Such reasoning won’t do.”

I remember having read in a history magazine that one sentence equaled about 120
yen in modern times. I take out 10 sentences from my pocket and hand them over to
the young man. It should be approximately 1200 yen. A loaf is 600 grams, so it could
be said that it’s a reasonable price.

“I cannot accept it…”

The young man shook his head and refused to get paid. I’m not entirely sure if it’s out
of stubbornness or a strong sense of duty. I was under the impression that merchants
were an unscrupulous existence and that I have to be on my guard against them but I
realized that there were honest people among them.

“You, what is your name?”

“My name is Shinhachiro.”

“Shinhachiro, do you have a wife and children?”

“I do. I exchanged vows with a girl from a dry-goods store located in the capital… My
child is still a baby and is fed from his mother’s breast…”

“Is your child cute?”

“Well, of course…”

“I see, then, you should buy something nutritious for your wife and child with this.”

I said while pushing the 10 sentences on Shinhachiro.

“If you say that this store can’t accept the money, I will give you this money for the sake
of your wife and child. In order for a child to drink plenty from the mother’s breast,
the mother also needs to eat a lot… A child is a treasure. Raise your child with great
care together with your wife and succeed a firm household… Do you understand?”

After patting the shoulder of Shinhachiro who is shedding tears of gratitude, I invite
Oichi who is thinking about something to follow me as we went outside. Outside there
was a crowd fascinated by Taishakutsukige’s beauty. I tied the jute bag that holds the
rice bran to the harness and mounted Taishakutsukige. Following that, I pulled up
Oichi and embraced her as I did before.

“Ooh……!” the townspeople raised a cheer. I wave one hand at them as the upper body
of Taishakutsukige rises upward. We strode towards the mountain road while being
mounted on this huge white body with a horn on top that looked like it was glowing
with the sunlight falling on it. We left the castle town in the blink of an eye and arrived
at the base of the Odani Mountain.

“Are we going back?”

Oichi who was still clamped to my chest asked me. She seems to be under the
impression that we only went to the castle town to buy rice bran.

“We won’t go back yet…”

Taishakutsukige strays off the road towards the Odani Castle as if she was able to read
my thoughts. By running through a different road that had many trees growing on it,
we ended up finding the place I was searching for.


Oichi raised a voice of surprise at my chest. Beyond where Taishakutsukige stopped

her step we were able to see it… A hot spring surrounded by an indistinct smell of
iron. Here at the base of the Odani Mountain, there is a hot spring, and it is even a
historical fact that Azai Nagamasa used to bring his wife, Oichi and his daughters here
to take baths.

“This hot spring is unusual because it contains iron. When it gushes forth, it is
colorless and transparent, but it gradually turns red as time passes.”

Nonetheless, this hot spring is undeveloped; it is similar to a warm pond right now.
Various small and large stones lay at the bottom and mud is also mixed in the hot
water. However, this is a trivial problem when I think about the fact that I haven’t been
able to take a decent bath after arriving in the Sengoku era.

I step off Taishakutsukige and gaze at the steaming vapor that rises upward. Then the
sleeves of my kimono were pulled by Oichi. When I turned around, she was looking at
me with moist eyes.

“Nagamasa-sama… Don’t tell me the reason you brought me…”

I don’t have to hide it anymore. I wanted her to soak in a hot spring after finally leaving
her parents and coming to Omi. I wanted her to relax and forget about all the pressure
she is under.

I remained silent and nodded, and then Oichi who was overcome with emotions threw
herself into my chest and started crying. Taishakutsukige gave us a backward glance
and started walking towards the hot water. Then with only her neck laid outside the
hot water, she raised a neigh of satisfaction.

“Shall we enter as well, Oichi?”

After seeing the loose appearance of Taishakutsukige, I let out a small laughter while
sweeping away the tear hanging at the corner of Oichi’s eye. It is also an expression of
gratitude for cleaning my ears earlier this morning. I hope it slowly heals her fatigue…
“Yes, Nagamasa-sama… but…”

Oichi touches my chest while bending her head expressing that she was embarrassed.

“If it’s about the kimono, you could change to the appropriate clothes that we brought
from your room earlier. You should also be able to use those to wipe your body…”

“That’s not it…”

My lovely and shy wife. She is so adorable. But I somehow understand what she’s
trying to say.

“You’re embarrassed to be seen?”

“Well… the sun is still up, um…”

Aaah, so innocent! Why are you this innocent Oichi? But on second thought, it has only
been three days since we’ve gotten married. We have been having vigorous sex these
last couples of days, so it keeps slipping my mind. Nonetheless, I can’t keep staring at
her. I stepped closer to her and whispered next to Oichi, who won’t take off her clothes
because of her shyness’s ear.

“Let’s bathe in the hot water together.”

Oichi made a gentle and deep nod after hearing what I said. I laid a cloth on the ground;
she ended up saying “please don’t look…” and immediately after let her robe fall. It’s a
strip show from my lovely wife. I feel bad for Oichi, but I will enjoy the view.

She unties her sash which raises a sound, Oichi who was taking off her between-
season wear embraced her shoulders and her cheeks were dyed red from the
embarrassment as I fixedly stared at her figure. Then, finally, the between-season
wear falls to the ground leaving no clothes behind, her naked body was revealed.

As if trying to escape my persistent gaze, while covering her pure white naked body
she quickly immersed herself into the red hot spring. By the way, my “Big son” was
already pretty ecstatic. After all, it’s the first time I get to see her like this other than
at night. I also quickly threw down my clothes and followed Oichi into the hot spring.
1. Matsumoto ‘Bizen-no-kami’ Masanobu was a semi-legendary Japanese warrior and
founder of the Kashima Shin-ryu school of swordsmanship and a member of the
noble lineage of the ancient Ki clan. This is apparently a nickname of Nagamasa.
2. Type of Japanese pickle, made by fermenting vegetables in rice bran.
3. Roasted rice bran, which is then mixed in a crock with salt, kombu seaweed, and
4. Vegetables pickled in miso.
5. Not entirely sure about this, if anyone knows a lot about this stuff, let me know in
the comments.


Oichi lets out a small fatigued sigh. After seeing her make that kind of expression, I felt
from the bottom of my heart that it was a good decision to make her follow me here.
She doesn’t show it in her words or on her face but having come from Owari to Omi as
the Nobunaga’s family representative must have tired her out considerably.

If people continue to steel themselves too much, they eventually break down. I do need
to let out my gas somewhere1 but just being able to heal the uneasiness and fatigue
today with this bath feels quite good. I also want the stiffness of my “Big son” to be
taken care of, but that will have to wait for now.

After moving closer to Oichi’s side, she began to slowly sink her body lower into the
bath. She was probably trying to hide her swelling nipples and cleavage. The modesty
of not even letting me, her husband see her completely naked was something
extremely appealing. A woman who has let go of her shy side is the same as a man
without a dick.

I embraced Oichi around her shoulders with my arms. Her body stiffened with a
twitch, but as soon as she understood I wouldn’t do anything further, she closed her
eyes and laid her head on my chest. Being together with her in the hot springs gave
me a refreshing feeling throughout my body, I could stay like this forever.

Along the foot of the Odani Mountain, the silent white steam soaked up towards the
sky. As Oichi and I followed the direction of the steam with our eyes, we felt each
other’s warm bodies, our blood running fast and the beat of our heartbeats. As I was
thinking how nice it would be to always be able to stay like this, sadly the world doesn’t
allow such a joyful occurrence to continue endlessly. The bright clear sky turned dark
before we knew it and then evening arrived.

“It became quite dark…”


This bliss will soon come to an end. As she put both hands and her cheek on my chest,
entrusting her entire body to me, Oichi murmured something in a lonely voice. If the
sun falls completely, we could lose our path back resulting in an unexpected accident.

‘I missed the timing… ’

As my “Big son” shrank down, that thought resonated in my head. When I stepped out
of the bath, I grabbed the jute bag filled with rice bran, and while holding it, I headed
towards Taishakutsukige. Feeling my approach, she let out a sweet neigh and slowly
rose up. She was probably wondering if I was about to do something.

“Nagamasa-sama…? What are you doing?”

Oichi watched me with a curious face asking me what I’m planning on doing. I started
scrubbing Taishakutsukige’s body with the rice bran. As if feeling good from my
massage Tiashakutsukige started to wave her wet tail. What are you, a dog? Taking
into account both her feminine modesty and beauty, you wouldn’t expect her to
respond like this.

“What, you say? I’m cleaning her body.”

“With… rice bran?”

“That’s right.”

The Flow of My Blood that disappeared during midday seemed to be coming up again
as I continued washing her body.

“Rice bran you see, seems to have several powerful cleaning effects for the body and
hair. Didn’t you know?”
“No, I didn’t know…”

“Well, wait up for a little bit.”

I turned my gaze towards Oichi who was now looking at me with a curious voice,
wonder what she had to wait for. I returned my devotion towards Taishakutsukige
cleaning her voluptuous body thoughtfully with both hands. The beautiful horse who
looked entranced with narrow eyes seemed to feel especially good.

Using the rice bran to clean that enormous body, seemed to make Tiashakutsukige in
front of me to immerse herself even deeper into the hot spring. By doing so, a large
amount of filth floated towards the water’s surface and ended up flowing outside the
bath. Taishakutsukige’s body seemed to quiver as she sank into the hot spring making
the rice bran that stuck to her body being washed off by the water.

“You feel more refreshed now, right?”

After asking Taishakutsukige that, she let out a delightful neigh indicating that she was
overjoyed. That being said, I ended up using roughly half of the rice bran that I had.
This was beyond my calculations. It means that Taishakutsukige’s body was THAT
big… Oh well, since she looks satisfied I think it’s fine either way. As I was finished
with her, I walked to the side and grabbed the jute bag once more.

“Oichi, come out of the bath and sit on that stone. I’ll wash your hair.”

“Eh…? But that…”

Knowing that her naked body would be seen, Oichi started turning her body to the
other side with embarrassment written all over her body. If that’s the case…

“Is it no good with me…?”

“That’s… well, I… Ah!”

I left the jute bag behind and started embracing Oichi, who was still inside the hot
spring, with both arms. After my hands touched Oichi’s skin, I started moving them all
over, but since the bath was overflowing with so many different colors, it was difficult
to see my moves clearly.

“I see…”
As her abundant and rich breasts are being fondled by my hands, I started licking
Oichi’s flustered ears, coating the inside with my saliva. While making splashing
sounds that echoed in her ears, her body trembled with a jolt.

“Since you are going to get dirty anyway, you’d rather be cleaned afterward… is that

“Yo, you’re wrong…”

As I attacked Oichi’s ears, I put my finger into her mouth making her body contract.
The figure of Oichi trying to suppress the pleasure gave me an indescribable joy and
arousal, my “big son” that had become flaccid gained vigor once again.

“Oichi, take a look.”

“A… Ah… Nagamasa’s thing is…”

As I stand up, my “Big son” appeared in front of her. My penis remarkably rose up all
the way touching my stomach, Oichi looked at it in a daze. This would be the third time
we embrace each other. Until now Oichi has utterly gasped in agony of my Big son. But
still, rather than feeling fear, she looks to actually be curious and filled with affection
towards it.


“What’s wrong?”

Oichi lifted her gaze and asked me. Her gaze seemed to show that she decided on
something and was hoping I agreed with her.

“Nagamasa-sama… wants, well… Children, right?”

It’s obvious that having children is extremely important in the Sengoku Era. If there
are no boys, the family’s name and existence would be lost, and if there are no girls,
you wouldn’t be able to create diplomatic marriages.

In this age marriage is usually decided by the head of the family, to become a father or
brother. But for girls or sisters, it holds the meaning of ordering them to ‘Go and
conceive that man’s child.’ In Oichi’s case, her partner was selected by her brother
since he wanted to make a connection to the Azai family, in short, it was the same as
ordering her to ‘Have some rich sexual experiences with Nagamasa and conceive his

After hearing what Oichi said, my throat went dry and I could not voice out any words.
It’s not because I went too deep in the hot springs causing me to lose too much
hydration. I just felt pressured by Oichi’s powerful words.

“Just a while ago… At Oumi, you came for me. You said “Children are a treasure. I’ll
take my bride’s hand and care for her deeply and then surely leave a successor for our


“Oichi has not been able to forget Lord Nagamasa’s words… No matter what, I end up
pondering about it…”

Oichi said so with a sigh.

“My honorable father had 14 children including Oichi. However, Oichi also has a lot
more brothers and sisters conceived through maids that were not recognized by my


“Oichi was raised by her mother. So the days I could meet him were only on new year
or the commemoration day of a victory… or when he needed something from

Letting out another sigh, tears began pouring down her cheeks.

“I, Oichi, don’t want to embrace such a miserable life like that. Just like what happened
to my mother, to conceive a child and be torn apart from Lord Nagamasa, then give
birth, raise the child and after that having my entire existence end is…”

As she sobbed, tears continued to fall in huge drops as she kept talking to me.

“But… but… Lord Nagamasa said that it was… that it was not like that…! You said that
to raise a child is not just the wife’s work but that it is something that has to be done
with the help of her husband. And that way a successor to the house would be born,
you said…!”
Oichi embraced me while asking in a trembling voice.

“Is it okay for Oichi to believe in those words? That unlike my mother I will live without
only making sad memoried, being only able to meet my husband every now and

Oichi asked that while sobbing convulsively.

“Even if… even if a child is born while I’m with you…! Nagamasa-sama wouldn’t you…
wouldn’t you… stay together with Oichi and raise our children together…?”

Without thinking, I hugged Oichi. I felt as though I had to do so. As I did so, she started
crying even louder.

“No! I don’t want that…! Oichi… Oichi loves you Nagamasa-sama…! I swear upon the
gods of heaven and earth that I… that I love you more than anyone in this world…! It’s
because I’m with you Nagamasa-sama that Oichi is so happy right now…! I don’t want
to be torn away from this happiness… I want to stay with Nagamasa-sama… I don’t
want to conceive and be sent far away from you…!”

These screams came from the bottom of Oichi’s heart; it gave a feeling of piercing one’s
heart. That’s right, the marital relationships from the Sengoku era and modern times
are completely different. In the Sengoku era, when the man made his wife pregnant, it
all ended there. The family raising the child would end up entrusting the child to an
instructor called a tutor, this is what usually happened. As for the man when his wife
gave birth to 2 or 3 boys his job was done, he was free to make any woman that he was
interested in his concubine. Not having to lay his hands on his wife ever again.

The time that I came from, families are fundamentally the same, it is made up by both
parents and children together, and even though there might be some friction between
them, they manage to live together in their own way, this is how most families work. I
lost both my parents early on so I couldn’t help but feel jealous of those friends of mine
that lived in that kind of environment. That is why I thought that if I were ever given a
chance to get married and raise children, I would make sure to care for both my wife
and children.

It is true that I was only thinking of impregnating her continuously.

That’s why Oichi’s strong cries of someone who has seen the married men of this age
use pregnancy as an excuse to make their wife move away from their husband, hit me
really hard.

I put my hands on Oichi’s face and pull her close to me. Oichi let out an “Aah…” in a
small voice and closed her eyes. I pressed my lips onto hers, that’s all I did.

I looked at Oichi’s eyes and said sincerely to her heart full of anxiety.

“Believe in me.”

Oichi only needed to hear this, I have only been going out with her for a short time,
but I was sure of it. The truth is, for some reason or another she is very bright.
However, the downside of that is that her head becomes a mess from overthinking,
that’s the sort of woman she is.

And that’s why there is no need to look for any troublesome reasoning. That Oichi
believes in the husband she loves, just believing in me is good enough. I know it’s a
pretty selfish explanation, but that’s how I feel.

The naked Oichi rose up from the hot water and once again embraced me. She and I
who were not so different in height faced each other. Oichi’s arms entangled
themselves on my back and hugged me tightly. Her voluptuous breasts pressed with a
squishy feeling against my chest. My “big son” pressed against her smooth abdomen
making it jump with a twitch.

I’m not sure how long we stayed like that. Oichi was gazing at my face, and I was also
gazing at her beautiful face. Our eyes kept mixing as we were enchanted by each other.
Our surroundings became completely dark; the steaming bath now reflected the
moonlight making it bright, me and Oichi kept locking our lips against each other.

“Hnnn… Nagamasa-sama…”

Leaving a string of saliva between her and me, Oichi started fondling her breasts with
her own hands.

“Here, please… please…”

“…Impregnate me…”

After hearing that voice that was like a whisper, my “big son” rose up higher than
before, becoming hard enough to pierce the moon.

In front of my eyes was a pure white back with beautiful contours, not a single blemish
could be found on it and on top of it lay an even more suggestive layer of glossy black
hair. I ordered Oichi to put her hands on a rock at the edge of the bath. There was no
apparent place Oichi could lay down, and she would probably not be able to handle
the pain if I would sit down with her on top of me… if that’s the case, there is no other
option left but to do it while standing up.

There was no other choice but to do it here. Oichi and I were completely excited; it
seems like we wouldn’t leave this bath before doing something first.

“Oichi… you really are a fine woman…”

“Th, thank you very much…”

I glide my fingertips along her spine, feeling her thin waist with the palm of my hands
and rubbing her beautiful white bottom. After feeling up the elasticity of her breasts,
I pushed away my lovely wife’s black hair and exposed her pure white neck. I ran my
tongue along her spine, slowly creeping my way to the side of her hip leaving Oichi
trembling while her body gave out a jolt. Those honest responses were so cute that I
couldn’t hold myself back anymore, so I turned her face to me with my hands and
pressed my lips against hers. Each time our tongues entwine her waist trembles and
when our lips separated she looked at me with tearful eyes as if she was longing for
more. What a lovely woman.

“Yaa… aaannn… AH… Aaaaa…!”

After discovering Oichi’s erogenous zones and caressing her up to the inside of her
thighs, I started raining down kisses along her back. Doing so made Oichi’s waist start
convulsing in a very funny way while her heavy breaths became even more tense.

“A… aannn, Auuu… Ah, A… aaaaaa…… Hiiiii!”

Watching the rock where Oichi was leaning on I could tell she was trembling while
trying to put strength in her flexible fingertips. She is trying not to cum while enduring
it… Oichi’s resistance became even more interesting, so I used one hand and put my
fingers in her mouth and began to play with her soft tongue while I used the other
hand to pinch her nipple. I didn’t forget to bite her slender white neck slightly while
doing that.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama… AAAAAAA!”

Her voice calling my name resonated through the dark night. With a jolt, her waist
sprung even more than before, and after that, her entire body trembled and lost its
strength. I put my hands on her waist and breast and forcibly lifted up her new
powerless body that seemed to want to plunge into the hot spring.


“Hnnn… Aaaaannn…”

As I turned Oichi around, I entwined my tongue with hers, and as I pinched her nipple
strongly with one hand, I crept my fingers on my other to the entrance of her sensitive
vagina that just orgasmed.

“Did it feel good…?”

“Ye, yesss…”

“From now on you have to say “I’m cumming” when you feel like coming, I taught you
that, right?”

“Ah… but that’s embarrassing…”

“I want to know everything about you.”

“I… uuummmm… I understand… ah…”

As I caressed her vagina, Oichi let out a moan with a completely enchanted face. As her
insides kept sucking on my fingertips, her slimy cum continued coming out endlessly
like drool from her vagina. It wasn’t the sound of water but the sound of Oichi’s dirty
fluids coming from her insides that spread through the veil of darkness.

I’m also close to my limit.

I held her hips tightly then put my penis near the entrance of her vagina and pushed
in firmly. Right after the sensation of plunging into her, I felt a heat different from the
heat of the hot spring enveloping my lower body. After penetrating her with my penis,
I could tell that I was able to go in a little deeper than when we were in the missionary

“Aah… AAAAAAA, Hmmmmmmaaaaaa…”

Feeling my penis penetrating her, Oichi’s body which just climaxed jolted back up
again. Her insides were sticky and soft, but it kept coiling firmly around my penis
sucking on it without pause.

“Ah… N, noo, it’s too deep…”

Proceeding even further through her hips I could feel how my penis reached the end
and bumped into the entrance of her womb. That being said, my penis still has a lot of
vigor left. As I thought, it seems that just using her insides wouldn’t be enough to
satisfy my meat rod. I kept knocking on her womb lightly making Oichi’s body tremble
to the point that it looked funny.

“Does it feel good?”

“Hnnnnn… It’s good… It feels good… But, it hurts… It hurts but it feels good…”

I thought she looked lovely and felt like teasing her a little so I whispered close to her
bright red ears.

“Tell me Oichi… Does it feel really good?”

“Ye, yesss… My body feels like it’s floating but I feel Nagamasa’s strong thing and I…
Oichi can’t…”

“You are so cute.”

As I caressed Oichi’s face…

“Indra is watching your beauty…” 1)


The moment I whispered that to Oichi, I felt Oichi’s vagina making a tremendous
Her walls that kept sticking tenderly to my penis allowing me to move in and out
suddenly clamped down on my penis squeezing it really hard. The entrance to her
womb opened up and devoured the tip at the same time, making my hips tremble with
a sudden shake. Even if I didn’t move right now, I had the feeling that my sperm would
be sucked out either way.

I pulled off my hips in a hurry… However, my true self surfaced and without being able
to forget the feeling of Oichi’s insides I plunged it into her once more. Doing so made
Oichi call out to Indra in a frantic way while letting out heavy breaths.

“Do, don’t look… Please don’t look… No, it’s no good…”

While leaning backward towards me and trembling, Oichi complained while shaking
her head frantically. However, the moment she became conscious of the fact that
“Indra was watching” her lewd act, she received a huge stimulus. I once again am
reminded that Oichi’s disposition towards sex is overflowing.

That being said, it’s not like Indra would have any interest in human copulation, if she
were watching us just a moment ago, she would have probably opened her huge
mouth to let out a yawn.

For a while, I kept slamming my hips against her beautiful ass. Her bottom shook
vigorously, her back twisted and twisted over and over again, her hair whirling
around. The face of the so-called number one beauty of the Sengoku Era was no longer
show anything else than lust and desire, furthermore I who was also drowned in
desire grinded my hips even harder and kept pistoning in and out.

“Ahn, Aaaaaaaa… No, no… Hii… Yaaa…”

My penis kept twisting around, squashing and kissing her perverted mouth
repeatedly. While raising up her lovely voice, Oichi grasped my hands that were
holding her waist, and her back began stretching with a jolt.

“Nagamasa-sama… It’s… It’s too deep… It… It hurts… Hyaaaaaaa… aaaaaaannnn…”

Oichi’s womb was still undeveloped, so even if I thrust and stroked her there, I was
certain that it would give her both a strange feeling and a dull pain at the same time.
However, from the looks of it, I could tell that her moment of climax was approaching.

While trying not to stimulate her uterus as much as I could, I took my hands off her
waist and made Oichi face towards me as I pressed my lips against hers once more. I
sucked her tongue, licked it all over and twisted it inside her mouth.

I pinned down Oichi’s hips with one arm while increasing the force of my pistoning
and crept my other hand towards her clitoris.

Each time I pistoned my penis filled with blood in, Oichi’s body sprung up as if it was
scared and her lovely voice became even tenser.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama… Oichi, Oichi is already…”

“What, what’s wrong…?!”

“It’s, it’s coming again… That is, I mean, I, I’m cumming…!”

“Good, that’s fine…! You remembered to say it this time, that’s great!”

I let out a devilish roar as my hips became engulfed in pleasure, Oichi moved her hands
along the hot spring’s rocks and began to indulge earnestly in the pleasure she was
receiving from the movements of my hips. Her completely wet insides made my penis
expand even more. My fingers reached the hood of the clitoris, and I now touched the
very sensitive bud.

“Aaaa… Aaaahn… good, it’s good! I’m, I’m becoming a mess…!”

“Good, that’s great. Become a mess, become even more sloppy!”

“YES… YES…! I’ll go crazy, Oichi… is becoming a total mess… Nagamasa-sama will
become a mess too… and together we’ll make a baby…!


I keep pistoning in her dirty hole while desperately enduring against the heat and the
strange convulsions that her carnal hole gave me, while slowly reaching my point of
ejaculation. At that time Oichi let her hair go wild and raised her lovely voice even

While pounding my hips roughly and watching her below me as she took the impact
of my pistoning holding onto the rocks with both arms, I could imagine her being a
mother and wondered if the peach colored tips of that abundant and beautiful pair of
hills would stiffen even more at that point. The moment I imagined that I became
unable to bear it anymore.

“Oichi, I can’t hold it in anymore! I’m letting it out! I’ll pour lots inside of you!”

“Yes, please…! Please, pour lots inside Oichi’s insides.”

“Oichi, Oichi, Oichi!”

“Nagamasa-sama, Nagamasa-sama, Nagamasa-sama!!!”

“I’m coming!”

I took hold of Oichi’s waist and poured the proof of my lust inside her. There seemed
to be no end to how much I was able to cum inside her. It was just one round, but
Oichi’s hole was being filled to the brim with several helpings of semen. Her walls
pulsated sucking my semen out towards her deepest parts. There the gaping mouth of
her womb opened up and went on drinking my released cum…

“Ah! Aaaaaaaaahn…”

Letting go of my hands, Oichi’s entire lower body fell into the bath making the water
splash and resound. She let out a moan sweeter than anything I’ve heard before from
her mouth as her hips tremble while her entire body convulsed. I held her in my arms
like a princess, and while holding her like that, I sat down cross-legged while plunging
in the hot spring once more. I can’t let her body go cold after all.

“I can feel it… Inside of Oichi’s belly, there’s lots of… Nagamasa-sama’s seed…”

“I see.”

I gave gentle kisses on her lips, face, nose, head and the nape of her neck, in that order.
Then while stroking her hair tenderly with one hand, I caressed her face with the
other, feeling up her softness. Slowly creeping down one of my hands to her vagina
again, I fondled it tenderly with my index finger. Oichi looked completely satisfied even
letting out a soft breath.

“Nagamasa-sama… Was Oichi, able to conceive properly…?”

“We will have to wait and see.”

I smile at Oichi while pressing my lips gently against hers.

“This is something that only the gods can decide. There is no other option than to pray…”

“You are right… Ah!”

Oichi’s hips trembled with a jolt and rapidly ran both hands to the entrance of her

“No… No… Don’t come out, please…!”

While letting out a tragic cry, I looked around for what she was gazing at. I was able to
see that the turbid fluid that I poured inside her vagina started flowing out, slipping
through her slender fingers and floated away in the red colored warm water.

“WHY… WHY…?!”

While letting out half a cry, Oichi desperately pressed her hands on her vagina, but the
flow of semen would not stop. Seeing her like that, she looked so adorable to the point
where I couldn’t help myself and without giving it a second thought, I hugged her

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama’s stuff is coming out…”

Sobbing repeatedly, Oichi began crying for real this time. Well, of course, it’s normal
for the semen that surpassed the limit of her insides to flow out. Or perhaps I should
say, it would be troublesome in the future if it didn’t flow out.

However, for her right now, it seems that holding my semen in her vagina is the most
important thing in the world. Was she thinking that seriously about getting pregnant
with my child?

“It’s okay…”

I whispered in her ear while fondling her soft breast gently.

“We got tomorrow, the day after and even many days after that. I will make sure to
pour some inside you each day…”

While looking at Oichi’s innocent smile, a thought came to me. That I wanted to see
that smile for the rest of my life, I really should make sure not to die young.

“I’ll keep on living in this era with my beloved wife…”

I cleaned Oichi’s body with the rice bran and then while letting her wash my back; I
made that decision.

On the way back to Odani Castle we walked past an Indra statue when Oichi noticed
that, she clamped onto me and sent multiple glances towards my direction.

I once again began polishing my plans for the continued existence of the Azai family.

1. Indra: Sakra devanam Indra (deity of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism

In the Sengoku Era, to not let the great continent stray and preserve its independence
what is necessary and indispensable are economic power and human relations. At
least that’s what I concluded based on the results of my investigations in western,
oriental and Japanese history.

The world is not simply built on military forces. Many things are needed to continue
our current lifestyles, and that’s why a military force is not enough, the scale is built
more upon supply and demand.

Since humanity came into existence on this planet, they have developed various ways
to communicate such as words and letters. But then again why did they develop these
things? According to collaborative studies with linguists and anthropologists, the
communication between people was made to “Ask for what is desired.” The basis for
communication is to fulfill the demands and supply one another, and in order to make
this an even smoother process, money was invented.

The foundations for the various relations in the Sengoku era must be roughly the
same. After the end of the Onin War1, each land held its own military power, and each
made its own original community. However, in the end, it was nothing more than a
structure that intertwined and piled up the demands and supply of each individual
person inside the community. It is more commonly known as “Shigarami.”2

The people called Daimyo held those ties as well. Even the historical Azai Nagamasa
was no different. He carried his short life thoughtfully without ever thinking ill about
the brother of his beloved wife, Oda Nobunaga.

However, Azai Nagamasa’s father and the majority of his retainers preside over the
lands Ashikaga and Kaigenji of the Takeda Clan, in addition to that they also desire a
cooperation with the powerful neighboring state of the Asakura Clan.

Nagamasa who could not shake off those “Shigarami” was in the end forced to wage
war against his brother in law. Nagamasa himself didn’t wish for that from the bottom
of his heart, and he also understood that he couldn’t send his wife, Oichi, back to the
Oda Clan. And since Nagamasa was able to grasp the situation, he continued to
recommend yielding until his brother-in-law besieged Odani Castle and attacked it…

In order to not let the Azai crumble there are two things, I need to accomplish. First of
all, regarding the relation between demand and supply, within the limits of these
lands, I must feed them the idea “We are helpless without the Azai.” Secondly, to make
these “Shigarami” maintain themselves, I need to associate myself with as many
people as I can. If the Azai falls and I am left with no other alternatives, I will take Oichi
and escape to the border. We could make a living there making either malt or selling
soap. For me, who took this trip to the Sengoku Era for no reason at all there is only
one priority, my wife, Oichi. Anything else seems insignificant.

17th of January, the year 1567 (10th year of the Eiroku Era), early in the morning.

As I was pondering about these things, Oichi began squirming around on my chest.
The joint on her Kimono loosened up, showing me the back of her neck. As Oichi was
acting all flirty, she also let out some pretty heavy “Hnnnnnn’s” out of her mouth…
Now I’m really wondering what kind of dream she’s having.

I traced my index finger around Oichi’s beautiful and youthful lips. As I did so, her
mouth opened up a little, and she began devouring my finger.

At first, I was only observing her while thinking ‘how cute’ she looked, but as her
tongue began crawling around my finger, I began noticing something strange. The
thing is, she was only licking the tip of my finger, while her lips were trying to devour
the rest of my finger, making sure not to hit my finger with her teeth. Like that she
began sucking on it. Deciding that I would teach her later how to devour my “big son,”
I pull out my finger as to not wake Oichi up.

The interview with the retainers will be carried out during the morning. I must also
prepare some souvenirs for them. However, the problem is in the afternoon… Anyway,
time is short. I changed myself quickly and headed towards the kitchen with quick

1. Onin War: A war between the years 1467 and 1477.

2. Shigarami: Ties of obligation.

The time of the Ram. In my previous life, this meant between 12 and 2 P.M. Five men
came in a hurry to the meeting I planned while lowering their heads. This included
three famous commanders who were the pride of the Oda Clan, also referred to as the
Kaiakagame1: Kaihou Tsunagachi, Akao Kiyotsuna, and Amenomori Kiyosada,
accompanied by Azai Tsukechika and the last person was Azai Masamoto.

This meeting is not a formal one but one I called out for personally. Starting with the
council next month, in order for arguments and resolutions to flow more smoothly, I
thought it was better to interview them individually in order to express my personal
thoughts and will to them in advance. Oichi was silently sitting behind me, firmly
watching the scene unfold.

“You lot, you did well in coming here.”


I started off with calling to them in a grateful voice, making them lift up their faces.

“The reason I called you all here is none other than to discuss the advancement of the
“Goals for the Country” plan that I previously mentioned.”

“Is that so…”

Kiyosada nodded. For him who also plays a huge role in the internal administration,
he is probably the person who pays the most interest in this plan. The reason I called
out the ones who are in charge of our armies; Tsunagachi and Kiyotsuna was merely
out of good manner.

‘“From inside the Kaigakagame, Nagamasa-sama has an important position for

Amenomori-dono to play…”’ 2

If rumors like that were to leak out, the insides of the Azai family would crumble and
head towards a dangerous path.

“First of all, if we look at the troubling points inside our domains, the first thing that
comes to mind is that we are not taking full advantage of our geographical supremacy
of some important transportation points.
Tsunagachi silently nodded to this statement. For someone in charge of military affairs
like him, a problem in transportation also affects supply trains for battle, which greatly
concern him.

“Therefore, the most important objective of those of us stationed here at Omi is the
administration and maintenance of our many main roads that make up our highway.
But that would take an unusual quantity of gold…”

“Certainly, the maintenance of our main roads would make the deployment of our
troops much faster as well, but on the other hand this would also mean that it would
be easier for our enemies to attack us.”

Kiyotsuna said so while crossing his arms.

“While the current dispute with the Mutsuno Clan continues, doing maintenance on
the main roads could be very perilous.”

“But it is possible to use the roads that go along Koudani and Sawayama, right?”

The lands compromised from Kodani Castle in the northern part of Omi all the way
down to Sawayama Castle in the southern part of Omi are all under the influence of
the Azai family, and the many citizens that it holds have all pledged their obedience.
In the Sengoku Era, the public order is generally safe, and the possibility of being
attacked by enemies in the middle of paving a new road is slim.

“However Anijo… I deeply apologize but as you know the Azai family is not desperately
in need of money, but we can’t be called rich either. To handle the maintenance of the
roads leading from Honjou to Sawayama, even though I’m not sure what it will cost…
The reality will be that we won’t be able to afford it.”

My younger brother, Masamoto, said so in an apologetic voice. The reason I called for
Masamoto is that he is the one who single-handedly supervises the financials of Odani
Castle, making him a superior financial bureaucrat that can easily summarize whether
my plans are executable or not. No matter what era, if there’s no money, there’s no
way to act.

“That is correct indeed… And it is for that very reason that we need to raise our funds
to shoulder those costs…”

The five men all crossed their arms and started pondering about what was said. That
being said, you would think that Daimyo’s have easy ways to make money, but in
reality, it’s quite hard.

For a Daimyo to attain some quick funds, all they would have to do is tax the farmers
by taking some of their grains and exchange it for gold. However, by doing so, we could
be incurring the resentment of the farmers, and there is a possibility of a large-scale
riot breaking out. Leaders come in many different patterns from warriors to monks,
however, in reality, the ones who make up the biggest numbers are the farmers.

If a riot does break out, the feudal lord will have no option but to suppress it by
mobilizing its troops. But this would mean that the soldiers will undoubtedly kill
farmers who are the main producers of those grains, which in turn would mean that
we have less grain coming in on the following years. If we lose our loyalty, our
agricultural community will decline. If we lose our farmers, our fields will decline.
Even if we were to recover from this situation, it would take years of strenuous effort
to return it to its previous glory.

In short, if a riot does break out, the ruling side will always come out in an unfavorable
position. For that reason, introducing a new tax to fill the cost needed to maintain our
main roads is too risky of a plan.

Since taxes are not an option, the only option left would be for the Azai family to use
the income from its own territory minus the expenditures that we spend on our
soldiers and administration and use whatever is left to pay for the roads ourselves…
However, as Masamoto explained earlier, finances of the Azai family are currently
quite grave. We simply do not have the money to buy gravel for the pavement
operations or to pay the laborers to maintain the roads.

However, if we are able to prepare an infrastructure road system like the ones of the
Edo Period, the masses would be able to travel around easier. Wishing to live in a place
that’s comfortable and cozy is something most humans would want. Thus the
maintenance of the roads is a very important enterprise to plunder the masses from
the other territories and draw them into the domain of the Azai family.

“That’s why we need to build up an industry and raise our income. As a simple
measure to do that, I propose using hot springs and building a hot spring health resort
“Hot springs… you say?”

Tsukechika asked so with a blank face.

“That’s right. Surely you know that here in northern Omi there are many sources of
hot water, right? In fact, there seems to be one at the foot of this Kotaniyama3.”

The men nodded at this statement.

“However, that hot spring is in a rough state right now. It’s currently just a fountain
coming from the depths of the earth creating a basin where people can soak a little.”

I continued after a short pause.

“In order to prepare a section to hold the hot water, we’ll build a bathhouse. It will be
managed by the people of the Azai family. With the exception of kids, it should take
about 2.5cm of space per person.”4

“I see… I think it’s a good idea. That being said, as Masamoto stated previously we are
financially restricted, so wouldn’t building a bathhouse in northern Omi be equally

Tsunagachi asked with a calm voice. However, I had already made plans regarding this.

“Before building the bathhouse, we’ll publish an official notice. At the time of the
construction, we will be accepting donations. And then regarding the people who
contributed to the cause, they will have their names engraved on the walls as
collaborators. Below my name of course.”

“I see… Having their name engraved along Nagamasa-sama’s would be a great honor
for the townspeople and farmers. If that’s the case, it should attract donations.”

Tsunagachi nodded.

“Once the bathing facilities are prepared, we’ll take money from the people using
them… Yes, I haven’t thought about that option before.”

“For the time being, let’s assume we’ll get an income out of the bathing facilities. There
won’t be many who use them but as the saying goes many a little makes a mickle. With
the passing of many years, it should build up a good sum.”
“I see, so that’s what it’s all about!”

Kiyosada slapped his knees in sight of approval.

“Nagamasa-sama doesn’t intend to use the obtained funds for the maintenance of the
roads, but is planning on using it on another project, right?”

“That is correct.”

I nodded to Kiyosada.

“I intend to build a workshop for cotton, silk, and soap here in northern Omi.”

“Nagamasa-sama, the silk should be doable, but cotton could be somewhat difficult.”

Tsukechika continued.

“Currently, the only people in the entire country who know the process for making
cotton are the Mikawa and Tooumi Clans, in other words only people living in the
Tokugawa domains. And I don’t expect the Tokugawa’s to hand over that process to


I took that comment very seriously. Because perhaps the head of the Tokugawa family,
Tokugawa Ieyasu and I will have to negotiate directly. There is no doubt that they will
demand something of equal value.

“What do you intend to do about the sericulture industry?”

Tsukechika asked me.

“Until now this land of northern Omi has not been prosperous, and sericulture has
mostly been a side profit of most farmers. Hearing Nagamasa-sama’s proposal, I can
say for sure that we currently can’t support it, with the little sericulture that we have.”

“That’s right.”

I nodded slowly and answered.

“Until now, the sericulture has been spread over many different households. However,
I feel that we need to change this and make this a business that is being conducted
intensively in one place. Raise huge numbers of silkworms, take lots of threads and
make lots of silk… If we do so, the day when northern Omi becomes the titleholder of
silk products in the nation won’t be a far away dream.”


While nodding in agreement, Tsunagachi murmured “An intensive sericulture

industry… That would give us without a doubt a huge profit…”

“By the way, Nagamasa-sama, what in the world is this “soap” you mentioned earlier?”

Tsunagachi asked me looking very curious. Ah, right. I completely forgot about that
fact. That the word “soap” itself doesn’t exist in Japan in this era.

By the way, the word “soap” appeared after the start of the Nanban Trade5 around the
17th century. Spain in that century was the most powerful nation in the world, one of
their biggest industries was the production of soap products. Spain placed soap as the
centerpiece of its country’s products, selling it not only in Europe but in Japan and the
rest of Asia as well.

At the height of my 8th-grader-syndrome, I was charmed by that little piece of

knowledge, so I learned many different ways to produce soap. In the end that will be
helping me to raise the funds of the Azai family. When and where the experience of my
previous life will be useful in my current one is truly unpredictable.

“Soap is something that washes away the filth on humans, horses and quite possibly
anything else. It closely resembles the use of rice bran.”

“I see, that is indeed something curious…”

“However, inconveniently enough, we don’t have any stocks. Gathering the necessary
materials would also take a good amount of time as well.”

“Then… It’s okay to assume that our first move in this plan would be the construction
of the bathhouse, the management of the bathhouse and focusing us on the sericulture

As our conversation is reaching its conclusion, Tsukechika summarized it accurately.

His ability to run a conversation or a meeting is surprisingly high.

“A bathhouse that will produce immediate results and a sericulture industry that will
take time to produce results but will end up giving us huge profits… I think it’s a good
plan, Anijo.”

Masamoto said so with an extremely enthusiastic attitude. Well, to an administrative

officer of financial affairs like him, the idea of increasing income and stabilizing
finances must be great to hear. For that sake, he even dares to jump right into an
industry that is unknown to him right now.

As I thought, leaving Nagamasa aside, the Azai brothers are the most capable men.

“Well then let’s have a meeting later to discuss this further.”

“Yes. Today we came for a good cause.”

After saying that, I ended our meeting. Tsunechika was the first to stand up, and after
giving a bow, the men took their leave. With all of their faces bright with expectation,
having approved the plan and waiting with anticipation to execute it.

“You did well, Nagamasa-sama.”

After everyone left, I sat beside Oichi, and she smiled back at me.

“Nevertheless, the construction of a bathhouse, huh… It will certainly become useful.”

“Yeah, that’s right… If it raises day to day convenience, then it should be able to draw
in people. However…”

“What is it?”

“I need to work out when I will release it to the people.”

“Those people will be troublesome for when we use it.” Whispering that in Oichi’s ear
made her face go completely red and she hid it behind her hands. It seems like she
remembered the hot spring situation from last night.

She looked so lovely that without thinking about it, I ended up embracing her around
the shoulders. I could feel her soft skin under the thick kimono. I’m embracing it right
now, that white and beautiful proportional supple body that I was able to see naked
under the sunlight… Thinking about that made the muscles around my spine tremble,
and a suspicious feeling began shrouding my hips.

I want to change locations right now and do it in our room. I want to spread her legs,
making her slowly melt and thrust it into her sloppy honey pot. Then I want to pour
lots of my dirty juice deep inside of her who asked to be impregnated with my child
yesterday and watch her belly grow through this year.

Imagining that caused my “big son” to begin awakening by squirming around.

That being said, doing it on the tatami mats while squatting on one’s knees sounds
painful, so I’ll have to crush the dark desire to push her down right now and hold out
until tonight. When you hold yourself back, anything will taste better in the end.
Things that were tasty already will become even more delicious. Then again, it goes
without saying that doing things in a rush, will make the taste a little duller.

“Say, Oichi…”

“What is it…?”

Resting her face on my chest, while looking at me with a gentle smile, my lovely wife
asked me in a sweet voice. Surely, my brother-in-law, Nobunaga would pull his hair in
terror if he watched this scene. He would probably say something along the lines of
“My dear sister! In merely a week you have become this seductive!” in a panicked

Well in the Sengoku Era there is nothing besides unskillful sex play, so there is a world
of difference from my previous life. Also, there is a cultural problem, currently during
intercourse, the woman never takes on a dominant position. If we take the cowgirl
position as an example, during this era, it wouldn’t be “Let the woman move and ride
on the man,” but to “Let the man do the moving by letting her ride a top of the man’s

In short, in the Sengoku Era, the fundamental for any marital relationship was just for
the man to attack and the woman to receive, and there weren’t many sexual positions
to pick from either, so they were stuck with the same type of sex. That is why most
Daimyo’s looking for “freshness” get tired of their wife and begin to usher in
concubines, and once they get tired of their concubine, they indulge in another one.
By the way, the one who shined the most in Japan was the greatest strategist
Matsunaga Hisahide. He obtained a how-to sex book called the “Kousomyouron,” and
he studied it carefully. He experimented with it every night on women and captivated
a great number of them, getting the name of the “Sex Leader of the Sengoku Era.” He
even passed the secrets of his manual of the night to his subordinates and said: “If the
woman is not in the mood it’s better to abstain oneself.” His daughter devoted herself
to Christianity and spread its teachings. However, Hisahide’s devotion lay more
towards the path of Eros.

The things Hisahide said, was that sex was not just the act of taking it in and out. The
man is satisfied after thrusting it in and out, rubbing it and then ejaculating but for the
woman, this creates a feeling of distrust towards the man. The important thing is to
raise up one’s mood, that’s what should take priority over anything else. The
intellectual spirit and noted tea master, he destroyed his tea bowl denying it to his
enemies6. His story is still being told to people in the future.

‘Well if I do meet him I will no doubt be murdered so I absolutely do not wish to meet
with him.’ 7

While thinking that, I closed up to Oichi’s ear. Her body twisting in embarrassment
was so cute. But being unable to run from my arms she was at her limit. With her
cheeks dyed red, Oichi eventually permitted the approach of my lips to her ear.

“Tonight… I’ll make you feel good by filling you up…”

“Na, Nagamasa-sama!”

Her entire face dyed in red she turned herself over while grabbing onto my chest and
facing me she said the following.

“You… You can’t! We can’t… do something like that this early in the noon… It’s
something we definitely can not do!”

After saying that, Oichi ran away from the room. However, her expression didn’t show
any anger at all, on the contrary.

“The lust in her heart was seen through…”

I was unable to feel any embarrassment from her. Last night she wished to be
impregnated with my child so every time we touched she must have felt the faint flame
of desire burning from the depths of her womb.

“Ah… how cute.”

After murmuring that, I took a look at the outside scenery from the room’s window.
Every tree in Kotaniyama are growing fresh, thick and green and its birds remain in
silence now.

I wonder if tonight will be cold as well… Having my body tremble from the cold wind
that was blowing, made me straighten up my kimono.

Sengoku Era. The winter of January is cold, the coming of spring will be soon upon us.
In these tough and cold nights, the only thing to do is to get into my futon while
embracing Oichi and carefully warming each other up.

Having raised my expectations for what will happen tonight in our bedroom, I called
out a servant and made him bring me a map of Odani Castle and Omi, first of all, I have
to plan out where exactly we should focus our efforts on encouraging commerce, so I
began examining the maps seriously.

1. Kaiakagame: Basically a combination of their names. Original is 海赤雨の三将

2. I believe this wasn’t said out loud by anyone.
3. Kotaniyama: A mountain in Japan.
4. According to Wikipedia a 文 is comparable to an inch, pretty sure its wrong, but
I wasn’t able to find much more on it.
5. Nanban Trade: A period where Japan started trading with the European people.
6. This is a line taken from the book “The Samurai Sourcebook.”
7. Hisahide was known to be a cunning schemer.
Having finished my business, I entered Oichi’s room; there she was waiting for me
sitting on her knees in the center of the room. As soon as she confirmed my presence,
Oichi stuck out three fingers and lowered her head deeply. The maids lowered their
heads to me as well as they left the room.

The faint light of the lantern hanging from the ceiling illuminated the dim room. I took
Oichi’s hand and went towards the futon laid out for us. I sat down cross-legged in the
center of the futon and sat her down on my lap. Oichi’s cheeks were flushed in
embarrassment, however expecting to receive some pleasure from me she leaned
back onto my chest.

As I took and threw aside her bridal and seasonal cloths, to try and make her feel safe,
I caressed her head and shoulders slowly and gently. Doing so made her melt and
immediately after she began giving a feverish look towards my direction.

Kissing the nape of her neck made Oichi’s body tremble with a shiver, and whenever I
used my teeth, she would jump a little with a twitch. When I separated my mouth from
her neck, a red kiss mark was left where my mouth was. The proof of my conquest that
I left behind on her pure white skin. Watching this as I tasted every single pleasure in
succession, I slowly guided one of my hands inside her underwear and began touching
her rich, soft and at the same time elastic breast.

“Were you hoping for this…?”

“Th, that’s not…”

Trying not to touch her nipple, I traced her areola with my fingertip turning Oichi’s
breathing wild. Seeing that she began squirming her ass in a fidgeting way, made me
laugh with a complacent smile.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you a little too restless…?”

“That’s well… Nagamasa-sama… Hnnn…”

I strengthened my embrace around Oichi and pressed my lips against hers. However
this time unlike any previous ones, I didn’t immediately put my tongue in. Just pecking
at her lips and sucking on them, waiting for her lively tongue to come out by itself.

“No… that is… no good…”

“It’s okay, isn’t it?”

Her lips opened up a little, and this time I thrust in my tongue. While making a dazed
face, Oichi accepted my tongue. With a slurp I sucked her tongue making her body
tremble with a twitch, once I poured some of my salivae in her mouth she drank it
earnestly making her hips tremble, and as we entwined each other’s tongue, she clung
on to me tightly.

“I’ll ask you once again, Oichi…”

I asked while looking at Oichi.

“You were hoping for this, right…?”


Oichi looked down embarrassed. By doing so… she let her pure white neck exposed
and defenseless. Tracing the pretty line that I made with the kiss marks that I left on
her with my tongue, made Oichi grab tightly onto my arms, making her back stiffen
and drained all her strength in one go. Her breathing turned even wilder, and her skin
was flushed. Somehow it seemed that with only kissing and licking her neck made her
reach an orgasm.

Maybe Oichi likes to be teased with words while I mess around with her body.

I pressed my lips against Oichi’s who was trembling in pleasure and teased the inside
of her mouth with my saliva. Meanwhile, I took off her underwear and let her beautiful
naked body become completely exposed. Having reached her climax must have made
her dizzy. While undressing my wife, her rich breasts became exposed to my eyes,
while exhausted she leaned onto my chest.

Taking the narrow sash coiling around her waist, I covered both of her eyes and tied
it on the back of her head. Having her field of vision taken away suddenly, Oichi, as
expected, looked confused, struggling violently against my chest, desperately trying to
remove the sash covering her eyes. However, I wasn’t going to let her do as she pleased.
I forced Oichi’s body face down and tied both her arms, pinning her entire body down
with one hand.

“No…! Nagamasa-sama, please stop…! This is scary…!”

“This is a punishment.”

Whispering that into her ears, Oichi gradually lost her will to resist.

“Just a while ago, you didn’t properly answer my question. This is a punishment for
that, you understand?”


I feel that it’s an unreasonable reason, but ending up obeying even that is what makes
her Oichi. That being said, teasing her way too much is a problem as well. Humans
have their limits, after all; everyone has a limit to how much they can bear. If one treads
around it too much, it will become a drawn-out resentment and might even turn into
a vengeful tragedy. That’s why I whispered the following to the blindfolded Oichi.

“This is, something for Oichi to get to know me better… Forgive me.”

“To know Nagamasa-sama…?”

Oichi raised up her voice in doubt. She was taking my actions into account somehow
after all. If I don’t properly follow it up, it might become an unpleasant experience. I
gave Oichi a soft kiss and whispered into her ear.

“We creatures known as humans, shouldn’t just believe in what we can see with our
unwise eyes. However, there is something that humans can see even without their
vision… This is what we call “The heart.”


“That’s right. It’s something that one might lose if they rely too much on their sense of

I continued while embracing Oichi tightly.

“Oichi, how are you feeling right now? Not looking with your eyes, how do you sense
me right now? Try giving me an answer…”


While being blindfolded, Oichi placed her head on my chest, and while creeping both
her arms around me, she murmured.

“It’s… warm. I feel a calm pulsation creating thumps… It’s very, gentle…”

“I see.”

I said so while kissing Oichi’s neck and ears.

“That’s the me you perceived. Even though we have become a couple, it hasn’t been
that long. And then last night you told me that you wanted to bear my children… I felt
like I wanted you to know more about me. More than anyone, I wanted you who I love
so much to know about me, about the true me…”

“Na, Nagamasa-sama…!”

Well, it was something that I just made up just now. I felt like it would be bad if I didn’t
follow up properly, so it’s an excuse that I made up in the spur of the moment. That
being said, even though it was something that I made up just now, I wouldn’t call it a
complete lie. Because in truth, I’m quite charmed with Oichi and in love with her.

Speaking of Oichi, she suddenly hugged me as if overcome by emotion; she desperately

kept repeating words of apology while clinging onto my chest. Probably thinking
something along the lines of “To doubt my husband even for a second… I’m such a
terrible wife.”…If we were in the world where I come from, she would be the type that
would get cheated on by some terrible man. As her husband, it worries me a little. I’m
a bad man, so I really am not one to speak though.

As I kissed her once again, I slowly began fondling the lower side of her breast. As I
closed in on her rich breasts feeling the deep chasm in between, I gently devoured her
trembling nipples.

“N, nooo…! Nagamasa-sama that’s… scary!”

I extended one arm, and as I touched Oichi’s face, I said…

“Feel me. The one who is touching you is me. Remove any idle thoughts you have and
just focus on feeling me…”

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-sama…”

As I tampered with her rich breasts, Oichi kept calling my name as if in a delirium.

However, that is the situation I desired. A situation where Oichi could not see my
appearance and where she only took pleasure from her body being teased while being
in a pitch black world.

My objective is to print an image inside of her that says “Nagamasa-sama is an

existence that gives me pleasure.” I wouldn’t go as far as calling it brainwashing, but it
comes close to it. Then when she recognizes me as so, even if it means it will be
accompanied by some pain when I develop her butt and uterus…

‘Nevertheless, he will still, make me feel good… ’

I wonder if I can arrange the inside of her head like that… After that, our nightly
relations will deepen further and further like a bottomless swamp.

“Oichi… You are so beautiful…”

“N, no… Why are you saying that now…”

“Don’t be so modest… I really think so from the bottom of my heart.”


“I love you my Oichi… Oichi that’s only mine…”

“M, me too…! Oichi, Oichi adores Nagamasa-sama more than anyone…!”

I can’t forget to properly praise and treat her gently from time to time. To develop her
basically means to train her.

To train her, the so-called “carrot and stick policy” is needed. At this very moment, I’m
teasing her with the blindfold that is the “stick” which she holds feelings of rejection
for somewhere in her heart. While in that sea of agony, if I were to drop words of hope
like “Beautiful,” “Pretty” or “Cute,” anyone no matter who it is, would be able to bear
the agony. That way, even if it means sinking deeper in that sea, they would keep on
embracing it until they eventually accept it.

Praising her with conceited words may come with a little embarrassment for her,
however, whether or not she tosses aside those embarrassing feelings is directly
linked to whether my wife will successfully develop sexually or not.

Until I was satisfied, I kept on licking and sucking on Oichi’s breasts and nipples and
just like that I kept going further down until I finally arrived at her smooth abdomen.
I stuck my ear to the area around her belly button and remained like that. I could not
resist the faint temperature and her tender smell.

I wonder how long I was like that. Oichi began fidgeting around with both arms as if
worried and when she reached my head she began to brush it gently.

“Nagamasa-sama… is there any strange spot on Oichi’s body…?”

She said so in an insecure voice. However, there was no need for her to worry about
that. I answered her with my ear still on her belly.

“It’s okay; your body is beautiful. It doesn’t have any strange spots at all.”

“Then, why didn’t you…”

Continue feeling me up down there? I think that is what she was about to say.
Flustered, Oichi held her tongue. Hmmm, so cute. In response to that cuteness, I
decided to confess to her honestly.

“You said you’d give birth to my child, right…?”

“Y, yes… Of course.”

Oichi’s waist moved with a twitch making my head shake a little.

“Oichi, can you feel on which part of your body my head is?”
“That’s, well… It’s my body, so… yes, clearly.”

I slowly lifted my body and crawled my tongue into the hole of her navel.

“You are going to conceive my child… with your womb down here… taking in lots of
my semen.”

“A… AAAH…!”

Saying that line myself made me feel strangely unpleasant. So much as to make me run
away from myself.

However, for Oichi who is completely in love with me, the situation seemed different.
The moment I trusted my tongue into her navel, Oichi’s hips began convulsing in a way
that they have never done before. That was a sign that she was reaching her climax, I
could also perceive how the entrance to her womb beneath her belly began moving as
if wanting to take something in. Just like Oichi’s lips were taking in my fingers this



As I pressed against Oichi’s lips, her sweetness filled my head to the point where I
couldn’t hold back anymore. I want to take that blindfold off and see those pretty eyes.
I want to witness and convey each other’s excitement and passion.

However, this time I have to hold myself back. If I let myself be overtaken by my
temporary lust, everything I have built up till now will crumble. Right now, I must
completely train my wife’s body with pleasure and imprint the image that I want in

“You are my woman… I’ll train you to completely match my tastes…!”

With those words, Oichi’s hips trembled even further. Meanwhile, I was reaching my
greatest objective of today. Having progressed further from a while ago, she could no
longer muster up any strength and lost all her power to resist. With ease, I opened up
her legs and closed my face to her hidden spot. It was poorly lighted so I couldn’t
properly see its shape but from the strong pheromones that it was emitting I could tell
that it was already dripping wet and sloppy.
“It’s really pretty… Oichi.”

“No… NOOO! Please stop… Please stop…! Hnnnn… Forgive me already…”

Even though it’s dark and I can’t see its shape very well, to say “It’s pretty” is a man’s
etiquette. Not being able to do something this simple, gives others the right to throw
you in the same barrel as those shitty bastards who can’t even properly put on a
condom. Which reminds me, ever since I’ve come to this age, I haven’t once used a
condom. There shouldn’t be any in the first place though…

As I continued to recognize myself as a shitty bastard, I extended my hand to Oichi’s

honey jar. Her hips jumped up a great deal. Combing my index finger in the space of
her flirty flesh, Oichi let out a lovely voice in a funny way making her plump butt shake.

“AAAH, Nooo… No, don’t look… Don’t look…!”

My head was shaking with a buzz, but I wouldn’t let that hinder my actions. I used
both of my hands to spread the gap, even more, to completely expose her pussy. As I
felt the numerous layers of meat piled up at once, I perceived that Oichi’s rich smell
was leaking out.

Now that I think about, I believe this is the first time I’m looking directly at Oichi’s
honey jar. I want to inspect it more carefully in a brighter place, but it can’t be helped.
Touching her hot pussy with my middle finger, I could feel her slimy cum overflowing.

“Aaa… uuu… It’s in… It came in… No… Hnnn…”

After introducing my middle finger inside her vagina and twisting it towards her belly,
it made Oichi let out a heated gasp. For now, I’m avoiding pistoning my fingers and
decided to slowly massage the dirty flesh that’s stickily sucking on my finger while
spreading it.

Feeling good from stimulation to the vagina using one’s fingers as a piston is
something that an expert or a woman with a natural disposition would do. On the
other hand, for an amateur like Oichi, it’s more typical for her to be stimulated using
her clitoris rather than her vagina.

What I wish for is to turn that amateur Oichi into an expert – to make her immersed
and make it possible for her to reach climax with just her vagina but in order for her
to be able to do that I need to develop her pussy in a lot of ways. This pussy massage
is nothing more than a preparation for that.

“Hmmm…! A… Aaaannn…”

While I continued stimulating her dirty flesh with my middle finger inside her pussy,
I used another finger to start brushing her clitoris gently. Doing so made Oichi raise
her lovely voice while her chest moved up and down greatly and to suppress her
embarrassment she bit on her finger.

I’ll make you struggle some more. Thinking that I placed my mouth over Oichi’s clitoris
and began licking it.

“P, please stop Nagamasa-sama!”

Oichi let out words of refusal more clearly than ever before, and while she was still
blindfolded, she tried to get up. It was a voice that sounded like it wanted to blow away
all the pleasure it had gotten from the caressing in an urgent way. She touched my
head trying to move it away from her genitals, resisting me desperately.

Geez, I don’t understand why she is resisting me so hard, so I decided to continue what
I was doing.

“You can’t! A place as dirty as that is not a place where Nagamasa-sama should place
his mouth!”

Ah, I see now. There is a huge gap between the world I come from and the Sengoku
Era after all.

For me, there is basically no problem in caressing her with my mouth, but for a man
of superior rank in the Sengoku Era to put his mouth on a woman’s pussy and to
service her, it holds the meaning of yielding to her. For me, it’s only a hygienic problem,
but no matter how I put it for a man to use her mouth on a woman’s pussy is seen as
irregular here.

For Oichi who has been influenced by that culture and is resisting me with all she has
must be because she’s thinking deeply about my position. Honestly, it makes me
happy. I’m happy, but that fixed idea is nothing more than a hindrance in my Oichi’s
development plan.

With both of my arms I firmly fixated myself to Oichi’s butt, and while holding them, I
sucked on my dear wife’s pussy with everything I had. Licking all over her clitoris and
the entrance to her vagina with my tongue, Oichi shook her head violently and in
return tried to push away my head. Well, there’s no way a woman’s strength can win
against mine though.

“Hngggg… Ah, NO! Ah fuuuhhh…! Please, sto…!”

While teasing her clitoris with the tip of my tongue, I told the blindfolded Oichi in

“Just release everything and think only of me and nothing else. Only feel me. Also,
there is no way you are dirty, right? If you were a dirty woman, then there would be
no way a man of my station would ever marry someone like that.”

“Uhhh… You can’t… Nooooo…”

With my strong tone and words, I dampened Oichi’s spirit, and her resistance began
to weaken. Good, just what I wanted.

I licked her genitals for quite a while so as to be expected; my tongue was tired. Oichi’s
pussy was letting out cum in huge drops without stop; our futon was extremely
soaked, it looked like someone had spilled water all over it.

Oichi was completely immersed in the pleasure and considerably exhausted as well.
Without being able to close her legs, she left them wide open in a sluttish way and just
like that she began drooling from her mouth as her busty breasts went up and down.

“Oichi, you are so cute…”

“Nagamasa… sama… Aa, Hmggggggg…!”

I leaned on Oichi and pierced her honey jar that was becoming a mess without holding
anything back.

Looking at Oichi’s beautiful blindfolded face stirred up my sadistic heart making me

lust for her lips. The moment Oichi felt my breath with her lips she opened up the
insides of her mouth to me that were now filled to the brim with saliva as if she was
expecting the entrance of my tongue. Taking up that invitation I decided to indulge
myself in the union of our mouths.
Of course, I’m not stopping the movement of my lower body half. However I’m not
going to piston hard inside her but I’m going to move my hips in a grinding way,
moving with the objective of rubbing my penis in Oichi’s genitals.

“Hmm… Ah, fua…! Ah… ah… It feels… good… Aaaaa… It feels so good…!”

Oichi let out a heated dirty voice, and with her powerless arms, she desperately tried
to embrace me. After embracing Oichi back I leaned my entire body weight on top of
her, putting, even more, pressure on that delicate body. However, her body seemed
happy with that feeling of oppression letting out a long sweet gasp.

“Is that so, it feels good, right?!”

“It feels good… good, Ah Aah AAAAAA… I’m cumming… Aah… Filled with Nagamasa-
sama… Surrounded by Nagamasa-sama… Oichi is… Oichi is… AAAAAAAAA!”

My lower body could feel the sensation of being clamped tightly. However seeing as
my Big Son didn’t even tremble a bit, Oichi’s walls began coiling around my penis and
began sucking on it pervertedly.

Taking this as the proper time, I removed Oichi’s blindfold. Having my penis inserted
into her vagina and approaching her climax, she must have already lost all strength to
fight back. All that is left is to increase my pace and continue training her with just the
pleasure she receives from her vagina and my insertions.

Hiding behind the sash that I blindfolded Oichi with, were her blank eyes that became
unfocused because of the pleasure. Watching her with that charming attractiveness
made me feel indefinably joyous, and so I began licking all over her face. Naturally as
if embracing the discomfort of my barbaric behavior, Oichi accepted it happily. Then
her hips began trembling, inviting my manhood deeper and deeper inside her.

Taking a look at her appearance and seeing a change, I tried stroking her neck gently.
Doing so, Oichi let out another sweet dirty scream, and with her dirty hole, she began
sucking on my penis while making splashing sounds. Then no matter where I caressed
Oichi, be it her shoulders, face or the top of her head, she reacted the same way. Right
now Oichi’s body excitement is heightened to extreme levels, and it seems that any
feeling is currently being transformed to feel like pleasure.

Having noticed that, I threw away all my desires and decided to focus everything on
just one thing. I took a firm hold of her waist with both of my arms, put all the strength
I could into my hips and slammed against Oichi’s crotch.

“Fuaa…! Ah, Aaaaah…”

Without even being able to say a sensible word, Oichi could only raise up her lovely
voice. However, if I give her too much pleasure, she could end up becoming a sexual
maniac, which would be troublesome. I would prefer Oichi to keep the shyness she
always had.

Inside the room, a sexual smell like none other before began engulfing the room.
Inside that room was me, set on driving my hips deeper into her sloppy pussy. All this
was for the sake of turning Oichi’s body into one that could receive pleasure from just
taking in a penis into her pussy.

“AAAAAAAA, Fua… Hyaaaau… Hiii, Uaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaa…!”

Being unable to move in the spider’s den that I made, my poor woman’s hips trembled
as she once again was carried to the heights of climaxing. Oichi’s honey jar stopped
her drastic measures of tightening intensely around my manhood, and it was now
quietly gently wrapping around me as if trying to soothe my penis by clamping it
gently and sucking it in.

She has come near climax many times now, but she’s not giving my big son any chance
at all to ejaculate. She has completely yielded to my manhood, becoming obsessed
with and just became desperate to obtain her reward without giving any thought to
her current appearance.

“Uaaa… AAAAAAAA! Good… No, Auuuuu, so good… Noooooo… Hiiiii…!”

Inside my arms the most beautiful woman of the Sengoku Era is now stained with my
saliva and sweat, with a face drowned in pleasure, gasping like a beast, making those
beautiful and huge breasts swing around and shaking her hips.

My modest wife is nowhere to be found. Oichi is already unable to say a word, trapped
in an extreme situation, rubbing the parts that are desired by every man in the world
against my hips.

“Oichi, Oichi, you will, you will conceive… my child!”

I hold Oichi’s head to my chest, and while still piercing her I stuck my penis deep inside
and moved around inside her. The moment Oichi’s hips received my insertion, she
twisted around and began turning into an angle where my penis was able to reach it
deeply. Then every time I inserted it she was able to feel a different stimulus.

She was in such a dirty and silly state that it could even be described as madness,
something that would be impossible for her to even think of if she was conscious of it.
Thinking from the bottom of my heart that I really wished I could record this moment,
I plunge into Oichi’s uterus, as if giving her a deep kiss, filling Oichi’s womb and dirty
walls up completely with my penis.

Oichi’s body trembled greatly. I pulled out my hips and once again plunged into the
entrance to her womb. Oichi was able to turn even that dull pain into pleasure right

I was reaching my limit, so I ground against Oichi’s depths, and while aiming for her
deepest part, I thrust in her furiously.

“Get pregnant, get pregnant Oichi! With a healthy child, just for the sake of you and
me, make sure to get pregnant!”


My wife’s body stiffened completely, her vagina and dirty walls contracted,
constricting and using her womb that was gulping down on my penis to coil around it
and devour it.

Being unable to hold it in anymore, I shoot a lot of my turbid liquid into her inside like
a hose that had just been opened. The sound of my semen being released gushingly
could be heard. Oichi’s vagina contracted as if it didn’t want to let any of my semen
escape and under the constant stimulation on my penis, I shot a second huge wave
with even more vigor.

“Nagamasha… shuama…”

No longer being able to articulate correctly, Oichi called out for me.

“Naga… hhhmmmgggg…”

“Oichi, you did well…”

Not forgetting to praise Oichi who fought bravely not to faint, I gave her a gentle kiss
on her lips. The futon which is now completely drenched after absorbing both our
sweat and body fluids would surely give us a cold if we slept in it.

I lay down Oichi to grab the futon and spread it out further, looking for a dry spot, I lay
down on top of it and embrace Oichi, letting her body rest on top of mine. Groping
around I grabbed Oichi’s robes and put them on her back, completing my alternative
plan. Just touching Oichi’s soft and plump body feels good. Even though I did this to
make sure she wouldn’t get a cold, being able to have her sleep on top of me is a small
side benefit.

After doing so, Oichi’s hands and mine were connected, and as we both confirmed each
others presence, we fell into a pleasant slumber.
Sawayama Castle, which was the main castle for the Azai’s, was an extremely
important location in the Omi province. When speaking of historical facts, after Isono
Kazumasa surrendered himself to the Oda clan’s forces, the well known military
commander and great vassal of the Oda family Niwa Nagahide became lord of the
castle and that as a wealthy retained and political administrator Ishida Mistunari
reigned as a representative of the five commissioners, are two well known facts. It was
a castle that was regarded that highly of during the Sengoku Era and many ages later
after it.

By the way, the original Sawayama Castle is the castle of the Rokkaku family of Omi,
even if one were to pursue that history, it was something that the ancestors of the
Rokkaku family build and something the head of the Rokkaku family unusually
concerned about to recapture. 1

From the beginning, the Rokkaku family was historically in a superior position over
the Azai family. Even the great hero that was Nagamasa’s grandfather, Sukemasa, was
frequently defeated in their many encounters with the Rokkaku family and he had to
leave the Kodani Castle and escape to the province of Mino. And it goes without saying
that the father of Nagamasa, Hisamasa, was made to accept the military power of the
Rokkaku family. The Azai was inferior to the Rokkaku family, that viewpoint is
commonly known.

The moment when that futile situation began changing, was with the entrance of
Nagamasa. Rokkaku Yoshikata made his vassal Hirai Noritake give his daughter to
Nagamasa and handed them the 「賢政」 name. The well known Imagawa Yoshimoto
did the same thing to the person later known as Tokugawa Ieyasu, giving him the name
「元康」. In Japan, a name was proof of belonging to something. That is why the Azai’s
family heads Hisamasa, and Nagamasa himself used the “Masa” kanji in their names.
Yoshikata by placing 「賢」 in his own name, he did not only proclaim to the country
of Omi, but to all the Daimyo’s of Japan that “This one is mine.” 2 And then Nagamasa
unable to endure his father’s weak attitude, made his father retire and contended
against the Rokkaku family for a war of independence.
However, Nagamasa’s situation concerning this war against the Rokkaku family was
hopeless. There was quite a gap in the mobilization of military power between the
Azai and the Rokkaku family, leaving Azai Nagamasa to be able to move less than half
the numbers the Rokkaku family was able to. On a certain day of August in 1560 at the
rice fields of Omi, the two armies collided. Compared to the Azai forces that had
around ten thousand men, the forces of the Rokkaku family was close to twenty-five
thousand, which was an overwhelming disadvantage for the Azai Clan.

However, Nagamasa taking the lead took decisive actions against the assault of the
Rokkaku forces. Nagamasa who at first was an overwhelming disadvantage, was able
to overcome it by rebuilding the morale and battle array of the Azai forces and thus he
was able to overturn the rumors of the neighboring countries that said: “The Azai Clan
will perish after this…” and he managed to force the Rokkaku forces into elimination.

The influences of this battle famously named “The battle of the Rice Fields” were
tremendous. It was not only that Nagamasa was able to grasp his subordinates trust,
but he also caused the dignity of the Rokkaku family to sink causing inside strife and
resulted in the heads of the family to being exiled by their vassals.

After that victory, the name of “Nagamasa” became well known but strangely enough
two months before “the battle of the rice fields,” his future brother-in-law Oda
Nobunaga was able to pull off the “most notable miracle” in Japanese history by
defeating Imagawa Yoshimoto. In short, the year 1560 should be a commemorative
year where both brothers in law destroyed their most formidable enemy.

However, the Rokkaku family desiring to govern Omi as their protectors were
currently thinking “We should destroy the Azai Clan now, before they grow even larger.
It is now or never.”

The year 1567, January 18th early in the morning. Yoshikata Rokkaku and his eldest
son Yoshiharu were leading a thirty-two thousand grand army, commencing an
advance on Sawayama Castle that was protected by Isono Kazumasa. The soldiers
guarding Sawayama totaled to around twelve hundred.

“This time for sure, the Azai will cease to exist…”

Burning up with that determination a fast horse came flying into Odani Castle to
report the raid of the Rokkaku father and son duo, meanwhile, Nagamasa slipped out
of Oichi’s room and as usual started baking some crepes in the kitchen.
1. The actual building was done by the Sasaki Clan, which later split into the
Kyogoku Clan and the Rokkaku Clan.
2. He basically declared with his name that all of Omi is his.

On the upper and lower parts of Odani Castle, you could hear various panicked voices
and footsteps. The gates of the castle were opened, and several mounted warriors
rushed out of Odani Castle for the sake of scouting. That view could be well seen from
Odani Castle since it sat on top of the mountain. I was currently in my personal
quarters with Oichi and one of my assistants, covering my body in armor and placing
a helmet on my head for the first time in my life.

‘How strange… ’

As I watched Oichi’s hair while she was bravely binding the strings of my armor and
helmet, I was being pestered by an uncomfortable feeling.

‘I have never seen any research indicating a large scale offensive coming from the
Rokkaku family in the Azai domains… ’

However, thinking that far ahead I had to rack my brains some more. History is after
all something wrote by future historians based on historical records. If there were no
historical records of it ever happening, there is nothing to write about.

The knowledge of history is not all-mighty after all. I was now able to realize this
simple fact.


“Ah, Kiyotsuna.”

Akao Kiyotsuna already completely armed was taking care of the grounds in and
around Odani Castle, preparing the castle defenses on my behalf a couple of stairs
below me. This should be done by a specialist. Due to the state of emergency, there
was no time for an initial response. Being the head of the Azai family and the main
commander in charge, it’s okay if I later entrust the command of constructing
defensive preparations to a military commander specialized in military affairs. In fact,
it’s obviously better if an amateur like me did not intervene at all. Since nothing useful
would come of it.

“The thirty-two thousand Rokkaku troops gathered at Kannonji Castle are marching
towards Sawayama Castle without any indication of stopping! The general in
command Kazumasa-dono has prepared his defenses and is holding down the castle!”

“I see…”

I recalled the event from a couple of days ago where Endo Naotsune and Kazumasa
were weeping after our talk. Even if he is called the bravest general of the Azai Clan,
confronting a great force surpassing thirty thousand men with just twelve hundred
men, even he would be at a disadvantage. If the Rokkaku did plan on launching a full-
blown attack, there is a possibility that Sawayama Castle could fall in the blink of an
eye. If that were to happen, that Kazumasa would probably end up cutting his stomach,
committing suicide.

The preparations of my armor and helmet have ended. While feeling the weight
pressing down on me, I stood up from the folding stool. As I was about to leave the
room together with Kiyotsuna, I felt Oichi’s strong gaze on my back. Turning around
without thinking, the disarranged figure of my wife from last night was nowhere to be
found. It was adequate to call her a Samurai Princess, her cold atmosphere was
hanging in the air.

No, this is indeed the true Oichi. The form of a woman of the Sengoku Era, who shared
the same blood as Oda Nobunaga. I firmly grasped her fist.

“Oichi… I’ll be going.”

“Yes… Please do take care. I will be praying for your fortune in war… Nagamasa-sama.”

After receiving Oichi’s farewell, I headed towards the inner citadel of Odani Castle
along with Kiyotsuna. There Kaihou Tsunagachi, Amenomori Kiyosida and Endo
Naotsune and many other commanders were giving directions to the soldiers,
preparing them for battle in a hurry.


With my entrance, the entire inside of the castle became livelier. They all came to see
the brave general who once defeated the Rokkaku forces that were twice his own
army’s size, Azai Nagamasa. And also to see me riding on the “hero’s,” memento
Taishakutsukige. The soldiers at Odani Castle were expecting me to overcome the
present dangerous situation.

‘Never in my life have I known war, much less experienced it… ’

Immediately after my arrival, the war council formed around me. The Rokkaku were
seemingly advancing towards Sawayama Castle while gathering powerful families and
citizens of Southern Omi along the way. There was also the possibility that Sawayama
Castle was already being sieged. To make matters worse, there was also the possibility
that the messenger didn’t “dare” to get a close look and wasn’t able to get a correct
reading on the number of forces on the Rokkaku side. We can’t let our troops know
that they will be facing such a gigantic military force as it would affect the morale of
our troops.

“Those corrupt priests are quite desperate.”

Naotsune said as if spitting it out.

“In today’s battle, if they somehow manage to take one or two castles, our family’s
head will lose his dignity… Taking into account the current internal conflicts of the
Rokkaku clan, their vassals might regain their trust in them.” 1

“So he mobilized his troops for that… That man has some fishy spots for such a bloody

Kiyosada muttered while being annoyed. By the way, I’m guessing the one he is calling
a “bloody priest” is Yoshikata Rokkaku. Yoshikata became a priest in 1599, taking the
alias of Shoutei ever since. Incidentally, all members of the Rokkaku family went
through a great upheaval in 1563 and the lords and their retainers had driven
Yoshikata and his son Yoshiharu out of the castle. It was only after Gamo Sadahide and
Gamo Katahide had intervened that the Rokkaku family showed signs of stabilizing.

“How many guns have you gathered?”

“350 at most.”

Tsunagachi responded with a heavy voice.

“Nagamasa-sama, our sources tell us that the enemy’s horses count reaches around a
hundred fifty. I do not understand where the Rokkaku forces managed to gather this
amount of horses, however, to take down the commanders riding on horses with just
three hundred fifty guns will be hard indeed.”

I see, so that’s what it’s all about. I was able to understand a little about the battles in
this period.

On the battlefield, the biggest threat here are the “monsters” that can’t be killed by
human hands, in other words, the horses. However, the military commanders riding
on those horses are human, and so if we can at least take those down, the threat will
instantly decrease. That is why guns are being treated as priceless treasures.

That being said, the warriors riding on those horses will be charging right towards us
while hiding their bodies behind that impenetrable body, so in order to intercept
them, we will have to shoot at them from various angles. If not that, the only other
option is to send men with spears towards the incoming horses and let them try to
stab the riders, risking their own lives in the process. The same problem is with guns,
how many soldiers are actually able to “take down” the warriors riding on the horses
that are rushing towards them with terrible vigor… The “will be hard indeed” that
Tsunagachi was referring to was probably about this.

“How many soldiers have we gathered?”

“Right now forty-five hundred at most. However, we will be gathering close to nine
thousand later on.”

“I see…”

I groaned while folding my arms. There is no way we can mobilize all forty-five
hundred troops. That’s because we need about half of them to stay behind to protect
against other possible enemy forces. Besides, throwing all of our military power into
the battlefield is something that only happens in games.

“What number of horses do we have available?”

“We can mobilize eighty of them. Including Nagamasa-sama’s Taishakutsukige it

would be eighty-one.”

“I see, that’s not bad at all.”

I stood up and climbed the castle’s watchtower. From there, I could see even the
farthest places of Omi without any obstructions. Unlike the world where I came from,
there are no tall buildings blocking my view. The air is clear, and nature is abundant.

However, due to the wars, many people here are suffering and in pain. It’s an age
where one cannot survive unless they fight, even if one carries a heart that doesn’t
wish to fight. Men are conscripted for battles, women and children are robbed, the
elderly are shot to death… And while Japan is engulfed in this spreading darkness, the
Daimyo’s life like royalty.

Thinking that I could reform this current Japan into something more peaceful, I have
been polishing my plan. However, this world is filled with people that do not wish for
peace and would like to crush my dream while laughing at it… At this thought, I
clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.



I addressed the proud generals of the Azai clan who climbed the tower behind me.

“This is a beautiful view. The green is vast, and in the far distance the ultramarine color
of Lake Biwa is reflected…”


While letting out a long breath, Naotatsu started looking in the same direction as me.
There on the cusp of Lake Biwa on Mino’s side stood Sawayama Castle.

“Everyday I have wished to somehow make this beautiful country prosper.”

“Yes. The heart of the nobles is something that I, Naotatsu, have come to acknowledge
and believe in.”

“And that’s the same for Kazumasa-dono.” Naotatsu whispered that while looking
towards Sawayama Castle.

Battlecries are resounding all around us, but the sky is bright, blue and cold, the air is
quite clear, and the wind is blowing gently, making the trees around Odani Castle sway
with the wind. A lot of people are about to die, but the current gentle climate hardly
reflects this.

“Kazumasa you say?”


“Naotatsu, I’m just like you, I’m also a man who earnestly thinks about the future of
this country, of Omi and the Azai Clan.”


Placing my hands on the edge of the tower, I continued while leaning on my body.

“You know Naotatsu; I don’t want to lose anyone. Our people, vassals, anyone…”


“For that future’s sake, everyone told me they would collaborate with me… This
includes you, hoping for a world without war, in order to realize this everyone said
they would exert themselves for me…”

“My Lord…”

“In the future I desire, if he is… If Kazumasa is not there, it would be troubling for me.
If Kazumasa isn’t there to see the world we’ll build and be happy to the point of tears;
it would be troubling for me… Naotatsu!”


Naotatsu immediately bends his knees behind me, after giving his response.

“I’m going in. I won’t lose Kazumasa. He is not a man that should die here today!”


“Tell Kiyotsuna! That I’m going in, that there is no meaning if I don’t go.”

That’s right; this had nothing to do with me not having participated in battles before.
It’s a problem of faith. There is a first time for everything. For brave generals like
Naotatsu and Kazumasa, there has been a first campaign as well, and they are still
living and breathing. That means there is nothing to be shy about. This is my first
battle. In order for the country of Omi to prosper, this shall be my first battle to let the
whole world know of my conviction.

Together with Naotatsu, I ran down the watchtower and after giving instructions to
Kiyotsuna and Tsunagachi, we headed to the stables. I reunited with Taishakutsukige
while Hikobe equipped her with a harness. She looked at me with a calm expression
as if she could comprehend the entire current situation and let out a cry that was as
calm as the clear sky. Jumping on Taishakutsukige, a warrior handed a blade to me.

“It’s Kanemitsu Ishiwari.”

Said the warrior.

“It was used by Sukemasa-sama and later on became the possession of Hiroshi-sama,
it’s a legendary blade made of fluorite stones. Please make use of it in this battle.”

“Why are you…?”

After saying that, I gulped down any further words. The reason was that on the
warriors face that was tanned by the sun, there was an expression etched with the
color of determination.

“…I apologize, I’ll accept it.”

After saying that to the warrior, I tied the legendary blade that was handed down
through the Azai family history to my waist. The warrior beside me prepared a
horseriding spear for me. It was about a meter and 50 cm long. After placing it under
my arm, I pulled the reins on Taishakutsukige. Taishakutsukige let out a cry and raised
the upper half of her body.

“Open the castle gates! Our Lord is going in!”

The trumpet shells were blown and the castle gates opened. At the same time,
Taishakutsukige and I were in the lead of a 40 horse battalion, kicking up dust as we
descended the mountain path leading from Odani castle towards the main highway.
With the exception of Taishakutsukige, all other horses were black males. It seems like
only male horses are deployed for battle.

Endo Naotsune is perfectly following behind me. His riding figure made him look
extremely imposing; this is why he is known as the most powerful commander of the
Azai family. While holding a spear under his arm, Naotsune handled the horse easily.

“My lord please don’t overexert yourself.”

Peeking from under the helmet shaped like a full moon, Naotsune said so while his
keen eyes shined.

“Just like you, my lord, who said that there is no one to replace Kazumasa… For us,
there is no replacement for you either, my Lord.”

“I see!”

As I grasped the spear’s handle and let its weight soak into my body, we descended
south of Odani Castle and headed towards Sawayama Castle. The distance is about 29
kilometer. For a platoon composed of only cavalry, not having any infantry, it’s not a
great distance.

Continuing past Lake Biwa, Sawayama Castle came into view in the blink of an eye,
including the Rokkaku forces that were marching towards it. We could easily see how
the enemy’s expression became panicked. They probably didn’t assume the
commander of the Azai family would come rushing towards them directly with such a
small unit.

Taishakutsukige let her golden horn wave, as she let out a cry and hastened her legs.

“Naotsune, don’t you dare die on me.”


“Good, you lot, we are going in!”

With one hand I pulled on Taishakutsukige reins, and while firmly holding onto my
spear, I shout out along with the other 40 cavalrymen as I rushed towards the enemy
frontline. I could feel my body trembling. As I felt the bottom of my stomach tightening
up and the ground trembling, I gritted my teeth. Realizing it was me trembling with
excitement is something I would find out much later.

Just by running, Taishakutsukige mowed down the enemy soldiers and literally
opened up a path with its golden horn. However, saying it like that makes it sound
easy, but in reality, the current situation is quite severe. The infantry troops are
sticking out their long pikes towards my body, making me unsure if I will survive the

Taishakutsukige is fast without a doubt, and she is quite effective at overwhelming the
enemy forces, but at that speed, if I were to touch one of the enemy’s spears it will
instantly sink deep into my body, taking my life right then and there.

My head went blank as I was waving around my spear in a daze, thrusting at random
and swinging it downwards. While I was like that, a party of the Rokkaku forces
brought out the gunmen, and while facing the other warriors and me of the Azai Clan,
they began shooting at us. Together with a terrible thunderous roar, the bullets came
shooting towards us, and from the corner of my field of vision, I saw one of the
cavalrymen fall from his horse. The horse’s hoofs, shooting, the angry voices and
blades of the soldiers caused my head to sway.

“My Lord!”

Naotatsu waved his bloody lance, screaming while pushing off the enemy. Unnoticed
the enemy cavalry formed a unit and started rushing towards our location… Now is
the right time.

“Good, pull back!”

Overstaying more than this is unnecessary. Just throwing the enemy lines into
confusion was more than enough. Together with me, 34 cavalrymen including
Naotatsu began their retreat. The place we were falling back to was Sawayama Castle.
My Taishakutsukige could have easily shaken off the enemy cavalry that followed us
and could even reach Odani Castle in no time, but the other horses won’t be able to do
so. A place where we can take refuge and avoid the enemy’s cavalry attack is what is
needed right now.

All of a sudden Taishakutsukige let out a cry. Just as I thought that it was from the
excitement of the battle, I could hear multiple hoofs sounds behind us.

‘The enemy’s cavalry is already drawing near, huh…!’

Thinking that, I turned my head backward, however incredibly there was not a single
person on the horses, they were all horses without a master. Their number was around
10, and they were all black. In short, they were all male horses.
“No, there is no way something like this…”

Shock could be seen in Naotatsu’s eyes.

“I can’t believe that the horses would willingly follow humans…”

“What would happen normally?”

“They wouldn’t come back. Once they separate from human hands, they run away
towards the countryside, to form groups and live together.”

“I see…”

The drums rang as the gates of Sawayama Castle opened. Our surviving cavalry and
the horses that had lost their masters came rushing in all at once. After everyone was
inside, the gate closed immediately, and we headed towards the stables. There
Kazumasa stood together with the other protecting generals of Sawayama Castle,
waiting for us.

“Nagamasa-sama, something like this, it can’t be…!”

“Yes, yes.”

Stepping off Taishakutsukige, Kazumasa approached me with a choked voice.

“Just for the sake of this Sawayama Castle, with such a small force and together with
the great general of the Azai…! What are you planning on doing, Nagamasa-sama…!”

“This is a fight that concerns all of the Azai. There is no way I’m letting any of our
vassals die without trying to help. Don’t you dare complain.”

“How…! How…!”

Kazumasa bent through his knees and sobbed while choked with tears. As if it was
contagious, every other soldier in Sawayama Castle began to sniff as well.

“We have disturbed the Rokkaku’s formation. It will take them some time to rearrange
their stance before they start laying siege to the castle. We were only able to
accomplish that. However, soon enough Kiyotsuna and the other will bring in
reinforcements from Odani Castle. At that moment the battle will be decided.”
Patting the weeping Kazumasa’s shoulders, I said.

“Don’t cry Kazumasa. The battle has just begun. We are still at a disadvantage. Leave
the sobbing for when we win… Live on. Afterwards, you can cry as much as you want.
Now is not the right time.”


“I have no desire to die. We have to win and make this country of Omi prosper. This
includes Sawayama Castle. You too must live on and see that it happens… After that,
you are allowed to die! In your own bed! Do you understand?!”

After saying these words not only Kazumasa and the protecting generals, but Naotatsu
and the other surviving cavalrymen from Odani Castle began to cry as well.

…I swear the men from this period are really simple. Even if my words are a little
rough, they start crying immediately… However, that is something that has been lost
in the period that I hail from. That’s why it’s dazzling. Dazzling to the point where I
don’t know how to respond to it.

Patting the backs of the soldiers surrounding me and encouraging them, I kept in mind
to ask what the situation at Sawayama Castle is later.
Inside of Sawayama Castle’s quarters, the bonfire was blazing while making a pleasant
sound. In contrast to modern times, the nights in the Sengoku Era are completely dark.
The Rokkaku forces surrounding Sawayama Castle must be able to see the fires
lighting up all around the castle clearly and are probably thinking “an attack under
cover of night will be hard like this.” Or they might actually be attracted by the heat
radiating from the fire. The coldness of January makes it hard to sleep without
anything breaking the wind.

“At dawn, the soldiers amassed at Odani Castle should be fully equipped and ready to
come and reinforce us.”

As I spoke to the 1200 soldiers protecting Sawayama Castle, I ordered Kazumasa to

serve some hot rice gruel condimented with walnut. My aim is to ensure that the
protectors of Sawayama Castle warm themselves up properly. Illuminated by the
orange light, I passed by every single one of the soldiers holding a plate.

“Don’t think of this as your eternal resting place. Just as I have married a woman of the
Oda family, there are surely those of you with wife and children. Even those without a
wife will still have fathers and mothers. If anything, probably all of you came here
representing those who support you.”

Walking slowly between the soldiers I continued speaking.

“I won’t tell you to win tomorrows battle. Don’t die, for the sake of those waiting for
you. No matter how much hell the enemy brings at you, no matter what face you make,
make sure to cling to this world.”

I could see the unrest among the soldiers. And it’s not just them but Kazumasa,
Naotsune and the other generals as well.

No matter what “one must attain victory,” this is what was normally ordered in the
Sengoku Era. And in order to win, even if the men have “I want to live” in their mind,
most of them are forced to choose the path “my only option is to die.”
However, they are now being told by me, who would normally force them into a “there
is no choice but to die” path, not only that “they don’t have to win” but to top it off they
are being told “not to die.” There is no way they wouldn’t get restless.

“You lot come with me.”

I faced the soldiers while saying that.

“We, the people of Azai must become one together and continue on tomorrow. We
must live not for today, but for tomorrow’s sake. In order to create a better tomorrow,
we must desperately keep on living. If we don’t, there would be no meaning in living.
If we don’t, we would lose the reason… we were born into this world.”

No matter which soldier you currently faced, every single one of their faces were
impressed and filled to the brim with wonder. This was something pretty natural.

Being informed that the head of the Rokkaku clan was closing in with a great force of
thirty-two thousand men on Sawayama Castle that was only being defended by a mere
1200 men, any of them would have thought that “this is the end.”

In the middle of all that, the head of the Azai family was able to turn the enemy’s tides
with a mere 40 men cavalry unit and managed to get inside Sawayama Castle.
Furthermore, I’m now telling them to “live on together” instead of telling them to “die.”
The influence of something like that cannot be measured in the current Sengoku Era
coupled with the difference in position.

No matter the period, country or area, the nameless soldiers didn’t decide to die for
“the sake of the country.” That is nothing more than a facade. The soldiers died a noble
death for the sake of those they love or fighting for the superiors they admire while
thinking that “it’s okay to put my life on the line for this…”

“First of all, eat.”

While sitting between Naotsune and the rest of the members, I picked up the rice bowl
containing rice gruel in a way that every warrior could see it.

“Eat, save some energy and become lively again. Tomorrow could be painful but the
day after our situation will surely change for the better.”

After saying that, I began sipping the rice gruel followed by Naotsune and Kazumasa,
immediately after the soldiers did the same and started eating their meal. To the
soldiers, I am an existence higher than the clouds, but we are currently around the
same fire sipping on the same rice gruel. They were restraining themselves and ate in
silence but in order not to get chilled to the bone in this harsh climate they had no
choice but to warm up their bodies from the inside.

Eating is something very important for humans. If they eat something cold and
unappetizing, they become gloomy, and if they eat something warm and delicious,
they become cheerful. With the food situation being unfavorable during this Sengoku
Era, for the soldiers, this rice gruel seasoned with walnut was indeed a “feast.” With
time the voices of the soldiers became louder and so the chatting and pleasant talk
began. On every single face was a smile, watching it this close, one could not imagine
that this was the view of people being surrounded by a great army twenty time its

I waited for the appropriate chance and took Naotsune and Kazumasa away from that
place and headed towards the inner citadel. Sawayama Castle is a mountain castle, to
reach the inner citadel one must walk his way up.

“Nevertheless, I was surprised.”

Kazumasa said while facing Naotsune and me.

“Because when Nagamasa-sama and Naotsune-dono passed under the castle gates,
horses without riders followed you. I, Kazumasa, doubted my very own eyes.”


I decided to agree for now. A horse that has lost its “Master,” the master being a
military commander and as such being released from it, for it to return under a
human’s command is something considered as “impossible” after all.

“Furthermore, the same happened with the horses being ridden on by Azai family’s
cavalry. Even though their riders had died, they ended up following us. It is truly

Naotsune lets out a sigh. At the battle earlier six members of the Azai family’s cavalry
lost their lives. However, the horses that ended up following us were ten in total.
Clearly, the numbers didn’t add up.
“Maybe it’s because of Taishakutsukige. After that horse let out its cry, the horses
approached us.”


Naotsune said so with a face filled with interest.

“On the north side of Lake Biwa under the influence of the Azai family… Residing in
the northern part of the lake, Taishakutsukige was Sukemasa-sama’s beloved horse. It
could be that this horse is special…”

“No, I think it could be something unexpectedly more simple.”

The horses following me were all black… In short keeping in mind that they were all
male, I gave them my conclusion.

“It’s possible that those horses were charmed with Taishakutsukige.”

“Charmed… It couldn’t possibly be something like that.”

Kazumasa laughed in an odd way.

“Rather than humans, for horses to have love affairs… No no, Nagamasa-sama has
become pretty good with his jokes. To indulge oneself in the magic that is having a
love affair… is something only known to Fox spirits who take on the disguise of
humans and gather the males vitality as stockpile… Anything aside from that is…”

“No, Kazumasa-dono. It is unexpectedly on point. Even we, if we happen to see a

beautiful woman on our way back from a battle would do anything to protect her,
right? Men are an existence that are attracted to women by order of the heavens. It is
possible that horses are as well.”

“No, no, Naotsune-dono. Now you’re saying things like that as well…”

“Well, in any case, it doesn’t matter.”

I said so to Kazumasa who had a broad and happy smile on his face.

“By the way… leaving Taishakutsukige aside for the moment, how are the other horses
fairing up?”
“About that, they are currently in the Sawayama Castle stables; they received food and
water, and straw was laid out for them to use as beds. They are resting at the moment.”

“I see.”

I’m worried about the precedence of the horses that came from the Rokkaku Clan, but
it should be alright. Saying so to Naotsune and Kazumasa they groaned “I suppose…”
then I asked Kazumasa to guide us to the stables once again and decided to head over
there. On our way there…

“Kazumasa-sama! A, and my Lord…”

“Don’t worry about formalities, what’s wrong?! Did something happen?!”

We encountered a soldier who was in quite a panic, so I asked him directly. Doing so
he pointed with his finger in the direction of the quarter’s corner…

“Just now in the stables… My Lord’s horse has with another horse…!”


I took the Azai’s ancestral legendary blade passed to me from Hikobe, Kanemitsu
Ishiwaru, from its scabbard and ran at full speed.

The worst possible scenario came into my mind. That monsters don’t kill fellow
monsters… that is what Hikobe said. He also told me that horses don’t kill other

However, why did I just blatantly trust those words? Even though I know that
something is never 100% true…


Turning around the quarter’s corner and immediately rushing into the stables…

“What… is this?”

I doubted what I was seeing. In the stable spread around in the form of a circle, a great
number of black horses had fallen while convulsing and twitching.
And in the center of the stables… Sleeping gracefully in the laid out straw was
Taishakutsukige, feeling completely at home she let out a yawn as she looked towards
me. However, more than the horses being down on the floor, the real problem is…

“What is with this irritating squid-like odor…?!”

It really was like that. However, I also understood the cause of it. Closing in on
Taishakutsukige, her eyes were entranced… Like a woman’s eyes after a love affair…
Just with that, I was able to understand what happened.

“You… went ahead and devoured them, huh. All of these horses…”


Taishakutsukige pretended not to hear a single thing I said and let out a cry filled with
lust. Taking a closer look, the horses twitching and trembling were not only robust
ones but also horses with small bodies like shouta’s. The more I look at it, the more it
resembles a reverse harem.

“Were you able to gather some men from the battlefield…?”


I must once again revise my knowledge. Taishakutsukige is in accordance to

Sukemasa, not a beautiful and modest horse that refused to be touched by other men.
It was simply that she didn’t have interest in other “humans” aside from Sukemasa
and Hikobe. And towards its own species, it was a lewd, sexually obsessed mare.

It is possible that the cry after our battle was a “temptation” towards the male horses
that had lost their riders to make them consider it as a future course of action for them.
In human words, Taishakutsukige is truly a lewd bitch.

The shock I received when I realized that was truly terrible. To give a human example,
when you happen to see the pretty widowed aunt living in the neighborhood that you
liked as a child being surrounded by many men and devouring their dicks happily
night after night. It happens in life.

That being said, I really have no problem with Taishakutsukige using her good looks
to seduce the enemy horses and pulling them towards the Azai forces… If I don’t think
of it in that way, truth be told, I wouldn’t be able to accept it.

Hearing Taishakutsukige’s “Sleep well, see you tomorrow” sort of cry behind me while
walking out of the stables, I worry about how I was going to tell Naotsune and
Kazumasa the truth.

Leaving the night behind where I discovered the shocking truth of Taishakutsukige’s
true self, dawn arrived, and many guards left the castle to scout. Most of the guards of
Sawayama Castle were expecting the amassing Rokkaku forces to raid the quarters, so
they climbed up the tower to prepare their bows or their long spears to push off the
enemy soldiers who tried to climb the castle’s walls. Anyone could see that their
fighting spirit was truly filled with the determination of “live on together.”

As I watched their expressions from the quarter’s tower, I was a little glad that I was
able to “motivate them with rough words” and felt that it was worth the time. However,
we were still unable to see the reinforcements from Odani Castle.

They must have thought ‘right now, when they have no reinforcements is our best
opportunity’. From the distant enemy lines came the sound of trumpet shells and
battle cries, signalling the start of the war. Just then, Sawayama Castle trembled
violently. Yes, it literally trembled.

“Hu-hu!” “Hurrah!!” “Hu-hu!!” “Hurrah!!!”

From the lower quarters, the battle cries of the guardsmen of Sawayama Castle
echoed. Perhaps the birds in the trees and the mountains were surprised by the
oscillation of the voices, for they all flew into the sky at the same time.

“The cavalry has come!!”

“It doesn’t matter! Fire arrows and iron balls at them!!”

From the tower came the violent sounds of the matchlocks spitting fire and arrows
pouring down like shooting stars.

The horses wouldn’t die easily. However, the generals riding them were not immortal;
one after the other, they fell from their horses, rolling onto the ground.
The lucky ones who managed to slip through and reach the castle gates managed to
do some damage to the castle gate with the horse’s sharp horns; however, they also
became prey to the guards who had prepared long spears on top of the castle gates.

As I watched that scene, I thought to myself: the cavalry was indeed strong on the field.
However, for the siege of a castle, they were too fragile… Leaving aside castles on
plains, they were clearly ineffective against castles in the mountains.

However, the enemy did not only consist of cavalry. Ordinary soldiers were slowly
approaching the foot of Sawayama. From the lower part of Sawayama Castle, the
trumpet shells were blown, and the sounds of the gongs echoed. Many battle flags
carried by troops had the “four-eyed pattern” on them, the crest of the Rokkaku Clan.
The sound of feet crushing grass and pebbles could now be heard.

“Hu-hu!!” “Hurrah!!!”

The spearmen at Sawayama Castle raised their battle cries as they lay in wait for the
Rokkaku forces coming up the mountain. However, even though they stabbed over and
over, the enemy forces weren’t decreasing at all; on the contrary, their density
gradually increased.

“Shirou Uemon!”

I heard a scream. One of the foot soldiers had his long spear seized by the Rokkaku
forces and was pulled down the castle wall. There was no helping him now.

“Dammit! Shirou Uemon has…!!”

“Shithead! Use the logs! Knock those stinky bastards down with the logs!!”

Several of the soldiers appeared carrying a log from the main district and threw it
downwards towards the mountain. Immediately after the screams of the Rokkaku
forces could be heard, killing their offensive.

“Keep thrusting at them! Like hell we are surrendering Sawayama Castle to the

“We will protect our Lord for sure!!”

“There is no way we’ll lose to those weaklings of the Rokkaku forces with our Lord by
our side!!”

From down the mountain came the roaring sound of the Rokkaku force’s guns, causing
many of the desperately fighting spearmen atop the castle walls to collapse. Each time
the gunshots echoed the soldier threw down logs towards the gun carrying soldiers
while saying “Beat them down!”

‘They are outnumbered. There is no way we’ll lose to a mere 1200 soldiers with our
great army… ’ There must have been those of them within the Rokkaku forces who
were arrogant enough that think that way. The unforeseen resistance from Sawayama
Castle was chipping away at their vigor.

The Rokkaku Clan was already falling apart due to the banishment of the head of their
house. The reason the Yoshikata father and son duo wanted Sawayama Castle was not
just because they could no longer “turn a blind eye to the Azai” but also to revitalize
the influence they had in their own house. For the Rokkaku commanders as well as
their soldiers, there was nothing but the thought of “taking down Sawayama Castle no
matter what…” Opposing them were the soldiers of Sawayama Castle, burning with
the desire of “everyone must survive no matter what…”.

Finally, from the inner citadel, we were able to see the Azai forces departing from
Odani Castle, creating a cloud of dust as they came our way. The Rokkaku forces who
noticed this started to panic and began retreating while trying to reorganize their
battle array.

‘Now is a good time… ’

I urged Naotsune and Kazumasa and ran towards the stables. After “that”, the horse
caretaker was probably desperately nursing the horses. The black horses that lay on
the ground while trembling after Taishakutsukige exploited them last night had their
harnesses equipped. All of them had a tired look on their faces.

By the way, I was stuck with the task of equipping Taishakutsukige’s harness. It
seemed that she still disliked being touched by anyone but me.

I jumped on the back of the “lady” who had immersed herself in promiscuity last night.
It looked like the only one who could ride this neat and tidy lewd bitch of a horse in
the Sengoku Period was me. When I thought of it that way, it made me proud as a man.

“Open the castle gates! Let’s push back the Rokkaku forces!”
As the castle gates opened, I commanded the rest of the soldiers, beginning with the
now mounted Naotsune and Kazumasa, and we launched ourselves out of the castle.
We had only one objective. To assault the Rokkaku Headquarters that was now

“Hu-hu!!!” “Hurrah!!!!”

The soldiers of Sawayama Castle immediately raised their battle cries; armed with
their long spears, they began running out of the gate. They overlapped their voices
and formed a line as they began pursuing the Rokkaku soldiers fleeing down the
mountain road. Sawayama was soaked in blood, and the battle flags carrying the
Rokkaku Emblem were scattered all over the place.

[Third Person Point of View] 1

Kaiho Tsunachika’s eyes reflected the fleeing Rokkaku forces that began retreating
desperately from Sawayama Castle. Once the great forces were ready to run there was
no stopping them. They moved en masse and just like a stampede, they began running,
rushing to be the first to escape.

“We have won this battle…”

“…That’s unusual, for Tsunachika-dono to say something so rash in the middle of a

battle campaign.”

said Akao Kiyotsuna, approaching from his right with his horse. They had served the
Azai Clan for a long time and were also comrades who had shared the glory and
hardships of leading each other’s soldiers.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is.”

Amenomori Kiyosada said as well, approaching from the left with his horse.

“And yet the Rokkaku forces were greater than the Azai. The Rokkaku forces must be
restless right now. However, war is a matter of chance; even if there was even a small
chance, we too could have been destroyed.”
“I see, it could have happened.”

When Tsunachika, who was heading towards 57 years of age, remarked, it made him
let out a loud laugh. His voice was as if he had turned back into a young man in his
teen years; it was cheerful and lively.

“It’s over; it’s over alright… This has been my first error in a while.”

Tsunachika looked both right and left with a smile on his face. What greeted him were
the faces of sworn friends who also looked on with gleeful expressions, as if they had
reverted to children.

“However, I’ll let it pass. I’m so overwhelmed with joy, that this old man just let it slip
down his tongue.”

“…I understand that feeling.”

Kiyotsuna said with a firm tone while looking forward.

“Me too; when our Lord came asking us to help with internal affairs, I felt joyful, but
at the same time, I felt anxious. Having joined hands with the beautiful princess of the
Oda, I also thought that he was trying to run away with that lovely figure, you know.”

“…But, I was wrong.”

Kiyosada said so.

“Nagamasa-sama truly thinks about the Azai and this country of Omi’s future. And
also, not only did he help us with our country’s internal affairs but he also showed that
he was ready to rush to the aid of his retainers with his own body.”


As they ran down the mountain path of Sawayama Castle, having recognized the
leader of the platoon leading the assault on the Rokkaku force’s encampment,
Tsunachika changed his expression and stretched his back on his horse.

“To be honest, it’s not something that should be praised. Not having us samurai
generals throw ourselves into the battlefield is something unforgivable.”

Kiyotsuna took the reins of his horse with one hand and drew his blade out of the
scabbard with his other hand, and said:

“That’s our great General Azai Nagamasa-sama. It’s the same as that time in the Battle
of the Rice Fields. Nagamasa-sama stuck his own neck out and guided us to victory.
This time as well, with his own body, he opened the gate to the future of the Azai… the
country of Omi.”

“And also…”

Kiyosada’s horse raised up half his body up high showing his full intent of assault.

“Because I earnestly support the will of our Lord Nagamasa-sama, there is no other
place for me than that of a retainer!”

Kiyotsuna pointed the tip of his sword forward and yelled to all of the troops.

“Everyone, entrust your lives! Entrust them and leave them to Nagamasa-sama!! Live
on and become the founding stone for Omi!!!”


Atop his horse, Kiyosada rose his spear and shouted in the direction of the troops.

“Not concerning himself with the dangers he would face, Nagamasa-sama rescued
those of us at Sawayama Castle!!! But now, it is us that will help and save Nagamasa-


Then, the supreme general of the Azai main forces, Tsunachika, said to all of his

“Everyone!!! The Azai are departing for a new war!!!! ONWARDS!!!!!”

A great number of matchlocks were lit and pointed towards the Rokkaku’s
headquarters; raising their battlecries, the 8000 men of the Azai forces began rushing
The enemy had failed to capture Sawayama Castle, something they thought they could
easily squash; in addition to that, the appearance of a new enemy army was something
they were not expecting.The Rokkaku forces immediately began to retreat, followed
by the Azai forces relentlessly pursuing them.

I wondered if the area around Lake Biwa would also end up just like Sawayama Castle;
dyed in red, with a great number of casualties and piles of bodies. The entirety of the
Azai’s pursuit persisted continuously, until they entered the Rokkaku’s territory. As
they looked at Kannonji, the Rokkaku’s headquarters, from a distance, the Azai forces
raised up their biggest battle cry as of yet.

We separated ourselves from Kazumasa and the guards at Sawayama Castle, moved
north past Lake Biwa and headed back to our main headquarters, Odani Castle.
Around 30 horses of the Rokkaku forces were following us from behind the guards.
Taishakutsukige let out a cry in front of all of them; she was luring them in after all.
Naotsune was happy that the “horses increased” but when I thought about the truth
behind it, I was unable to be happy.

As we received the warm welcomes of the townspeople, we started our journey up the
mountain path and arrived at the stables of Odani Castle. At the stables, the guards
also gave us a warm welcome, but no matter how long I searched, I could not find the
one person I was looking for.

“What happened to Hikobe…?”

When I asked that, a shadow was cast on their faces. When I probed further, they
answered with: “Last night Hisamasa-sama passed down capital punishment…” It
seemed that Hikobe had “entered Hisamasa-sama’s room and took ‘something
important’” out of it.

‘It seems it was like that after all… ’

I remembered the decisive face that Hikobe made before departing to the front.
Ishiwarikanemitsu. The Azai’s ancestral blade, made with the valuable fluorite. That
was something that he took after disobeying Hisamasa after all… 2

‘I won’t forget that he acted while looking out for me… ’

But if that was the case, then that meant that there was not a single person left in Odani
Castle who could take care of Taishakutsukige. When I consulted Naotsune about it,
he proposed to just “let her free in the stables.” The stables at the foot of Odani Castle
was where the horses resided, but it was basically just a broad place with a fence
where they could run around freely.

The horses who came following us would be placed there too, so if that was the case…
It seemed that the lewd bitch of a horse intended to exploit her newly obtained male
victims. Thinking that we couldn’t have obtained today’s victory without
Taishakutsukige, I thought of it as an appropriate prize…

“That being said, Nagamasa-sama sure seems to be troubled…”

The battle’s banquet had ended. Oichi spoke while placing her hand on my lap while I
gazed at Ishiwarikanemitsu in her room.

“You obtained a great victory against the Rokkaku Clan and yet is there something that
worries you…?”

“No, well…”

I thoughtlessly denied it as I shook my head. Of course there was something worrying

me. It was obviously Ishiwarikanemitsu. In today’s battle against the Rokkaku family,
there was barely a chance to use it; however, having a valuable sword like that at arm’s
reach to oppose those monsters was obviously for the better.

However, this was something that Hikobe borrowed after disobeying Hisamasa. As a
result of that, he had been killed while I was gone. He had vanished from my sight
before I knew it.

There was no way I could let his memory be in vain. There was no way I could ever
forget he who presented Ishiwarikanemitsu to me, ready to face death while thinking
for my sake.

I had no intentions of saying a word of these details to Hisamasa. If I said something,

it would have to be “recorded.” If I wrote these “records, ” it would end up becoming a
“historical fact” for future historians, making it a “stereotype” without them truly
grasping Hikobe’s heart.

That was why I stayed silent. Aside from not wanting Hikobe’s memory go to waste,
there was also a second reason for which I had to keep it hidden and stay silent.

That was, I had to prepare a plan to deal with the more realistic issue of Hisamasa.
Hisamasa would eventually realize that Ishiwarikanemitsu was with me. Before that,
I had to somehow dispose of this famous sword. However, there was no way I could
just discard the valuable fluorite. That said, I had to do something. My worries were
exactly that.

“The cause for Nagamasa-sama’s worries is… this sword?”

Just by being there, my clever Oichi was able to guess my troubles. Well, there is no
way Oichi would betray me to Hisamasa… so I decided to tell her everything. Then
with a smile, she clapped both hands together.

“If that is the case, shouldn’t it be fine to consult big brother?”

Is what she said.

“Big brother keeps many blades made of fluorite. If it’s okay with you, Oichi could
write a letter to him…”

It felt like something truly sent from the heavens. Give Ishiwarikanemitsu to Oda and
exchange it for another blade made of fluorite… It seemed like child’s play, to be able
to carry a fluorite sword while evading the angry gaze of Hisamasa.

“Thanks, Oichi. You are a big help.”

“What are you saying Nagamasa-sama?”

Having said that, Oichi blushed and whispered.

“Oichi is… Nagamasa-sama’s wife… wanting to become your strength, isn’t that
something that I should normally wish for…?”

Well no, that was not what people would normally wish for. But being able to state it
as something normal made me think my wife was quite an amazing woman. Thanks
to Oichi, my worries about how to deal with Ishiwarikanemitsu were easily solved. I
took her hand and entangled my fingers. As I did it, she looked at me with eyes that
were full of expectation while being a little embarrassed.

“Say, Oichi.”

“Yes…! What is it Nagamasa-sama!?”

When I called out to her, Oichi answered me while already being unable to hide the
expectation on her face. She was so cute that I couldn’t help but want to tease her a
little bit.

“I am quite tired today.”

“…Ah, is… that so…”

When I thought of the number one most brilliant line that husbands used to turn down
their wife’s temptation, Oichi became disappointed in the blink of an eye. Damn, she’s
too cute.

I lay down on the spread out futon that Oichi had already prepared and said to her
while grasping her hand.

“That’s why I have a “request” to ask of you today. I haven’t been able to blow off some
steam, so I’m way too pent up, you see?”


Facing upwards, my “big son” appeared, making Oichi let out a cute cry and hide her
eyes behind both her hands. However, there was a small gap between her hands; it
was obvious that her gaze was firmly on my penis. That’s why I decided to prolong my

“Oichi, I’m in pain. Thinking about you has made my penis become like this; it hurts
so much that it feels like it’s going to burst.”


“I’m begging you Oichi, do something…”

“U… Uuuh…”
In the Sengoku Period, it was considered taboo for a woman to request sex from a
man. And for Oichi to take the lead in our sexual intercourse was considered as an
unforgivable taboo as well. To act passively in response to the desires of a man… that
was the role in sex for women living in the Sengoku Period. However…


“What’s wrong?”

“Nagamasa-sama, is tired, isn’t he? But well… because of Oichi you are troubled and in
pain… right?”


“Well, umm… For a wife to serve her husband is important… isn’t it?”


“To c-comfort Nagamasa-sama too is important as a wife… right?”

“That’s right… I’m in your care.”


After sitting beside me and saying “excuse me,” she slowly began extending her hands.
When I remembered the softness of Oichi’s hands, my big son expanded even more
with the feeling of anticipation.

1. We had some trouble with finding out who said what, it should all be correct
2. Hikobe was apparently the one that handed him the sword, will edit this in
previous chapters later on.
For me, who was used to the softness of the beds and futons from the modern era, the
“futons” from the Sengoku Period were much thinner in comparison and as such were
not as comfortable to sleep on. However, the reason I was able to put up with that was
because of the fact that my beloved wife slept beside me; or perhaps it was simply
because of the satisfying feeling that was left behind after having sex and falling

While determined to improve the environment in which one had sex, I watched Oichi
as she repeated the movement she started moments ago: rubbing my overswelled
member while moving her hands. Illuminated by the dim light of the room’s lanterns,
that beautiful face was dyed in red with embarrassment. Even though we’d already
had a lot of rich intercourse up til now, that face of her was still so innocent.

Nonetheless, up till now, it had been me touching her and making her melt little by
little, but this time would be the first night that Oichi started touching me first. She
probably had no idea what to do. That was the feeling I got from her.

“Say, Oichi.”


She must have been waiting impatiently for my voice. Immediately after hearing my
voice, Oichi bent her back, looking at me with a face dyed red. That face of hers made
her look similar to a little puppy waiting for the orders of her owner. Seeing this made
me realize once again how precious she was and it made me unable to help myself.

“Remember…? I taught you before, right? Do it like that time.”


While laying still, I extended my hand and brushed her face. After doing so, she twisted
her body a little, making it look like it tickled as she threw a smile my way.
“Go ahead, touch me…”

After brushing Oichi’s face, she got closer to my big member with her face, as she
started touching it. My robust penis faced the ceiling at a 90-degree angle. Oichi’s
flexible fingers entwined themselves right below the glans. Seeing my penis react with
a twitch to the stimulus made Oichi let out a mischievous laugh.

“Aha… Nagamasa-sama’s penis… it’s… cute.”

How rude. My big member was manly, cool and sharp and it was certainly not
something that could be called “cute.” When you considered the large 30 centimeters
shaft that had veins all over it, I couldn’t imagine which part of my penis could be
called cute. I couldn’t understand Oichi’s sense of beauty. That being said, my penis
was not used to being complimented and, almost like it responded to the compliment,
started twitching and leaking out beads of pre-cum. It looked like it was mortified.

“Nagamasa-sama… It twitched again… is it moving…?”

“Yeah… It’s happy being touched by its beloved Oichi.”

“Oh, my…”

While watching from above, Oichi started narrowing her eyes and brushed her hair
behind her ears.

“Wow… Amazing… It’s so hard… and… it’s already like this…”

Oichi’s breath started turning haggard, as she rubbed my big member softly. Each time
she stimulated my glans with the ring formed by her fingers, pre-cum overflowed from
its opening, soaking Oichi’s white and nimble fingers and creating an obscene sound.

“Last night… I wasn’t able to do it with you… That’s why it’s all piled up.”

“Piled up… you mean…”

“I’m talking about the baby juice to make you pregnant of course.”

There was nothing dignified about my crotch standing upward like this, but I spoke to
Oichi in a natural and imposing way irregardless. Even an embarrassing line like that
could sound dignified if one said it in the right way.
After telling her that, Oichi stopped rubbing my penis and hid her face. When I spoke
a line like that so frankly, it probably made her come back to reality and realize what
she was currently doing, making her feel embarrassed.

However, I wasn’t about to let her stop for such a simple reason. I guess it couldn’t be
helped… I’d have to persuade my beloved wife once again.

“Oichi, I… think I want to be honest with you tonight.”

“Umm… Yes… Nagamasa-sama has such a frank and honest personality… So Oichi is…”

“No, I wasn’t referring to that. You see, all men, myself included, are living beings that
like to brag and bluff to other people to look better than others. Try to remember that.”

Oichi looked at me with a face that said: “Does Nagamasa-sama do that to me as well?”

After patting Oichi’s head as a prelude, I whispered: “Don’t be surprised at my effeminate


“Last night… Was the first night I’ve had to spend without you by my side since we
exchanged our vows… It was very lonely.”

After I said this, it seemed that my words made Oichi’s heart surrender completely.
Oichi’s whole face was coloured with emotion.

“Nagamasa-sama…! Oichi, Oichi was also very lonely…!”

She threw herself on my chest and embraced it.

“The loneliness of sleeping alone without Nagamasa-sama… Was such an unbearable

agony, that I can’t even bear to think about it again…”

“Me too. Before marrying you, I didn’t think women were this good…”

Oichi rubbed her face against my chest. I stayed silent and patted her head. When I did
that, she looked as if she was happy from the bottom of her heart. Oh god, she was so

“Oichi, I want to make love to you…!”

“Nagamasa-sama, Oichi wants to as well… I’m aware it’s a shameful request. But… but,
I too… want to make love to you…”

Oichi seemed to have mustered all her courage and told me her inner thoughts. If it
were the usual me, I would become too excited, and I’d instantly bend her upper body
and mercilessly thrust my penis inside her. However, today I was taking a different

“However… Oichi.”


“As shameful as it must sound, there is no energy left in this body. No matter whether
it was day or night, I had to pull through together with Taishakutsukige and confront
the Rokkaku army that was twenty times bigger than ours. It has probably taken its
toll on my body.”


Of course, I went a bit overboard with my story. However, the biggest charm the men
of this age had was their “bravery.” This charm should work on Oichi just as well, and
there was no doubt that she must have heard exaggerated tales of the battle from some
of our retainers already. Surely inside her heart, Nagamasa should equal to something
like ‘To save Oichi, and without taking appearance into account, he faced a great army
and earned a victory against it, making him the most splendid and amazing husband
a wife could get.’ Something along those lines should have been engraved into her

However, right now in front of Oichi’s eyes, this so-called ‘wise lord’ of the retainers
was showing her a weakness that he would never show to said retainers. Without a
doubt, this stirred up her maternal instincts fiercely.

“I beg of you, Oichi… Even if you think of it as a one-time thing, won’t you appease this
burning sensation in my body?”


After making that ‘request,’ Oichi slowly got up, spread out three fingers and bowed
her head.
“If Nagamasa-sama is okay with me…”

“I see, I see.”

Just as planned. I had a large smile on my face; Oichi was a little entranced, but she
showed off an embarrassed smile as well.

“Oichi, is it okay if I ask a favor of you?”

“Yes, please ask me anything.”

I was going to take her up on that promise. The me right now was, without a doubt,
wearing the face of a scoundrel. I led Oichi to the futon, letting my head rest on her

“Eh…? U-ummm… Nagamasa-sama…?”

“It’s alright.”

Extending my hand to the kimono that my confused wife wore, I inserted it into the
space around her chest. Doing so made the cloth on her right shoulder loosen, causing
Oichi’s right breast fall out like jelly. It was a beautiful, large breast with the perfect
color, shape, and charm. However, Oichi was instantly bested by her shyness, and on
reflex, she quickly hid it with one hand.

However, she could not hide it with her tiny hand, so I still had a full view of that
beautiful breast shaking in front of me.

“Oichi, don’t hide it.”

“No, ummm… but…”

“What, was it a lie when you said that you’d help alleviate this sensation from my

“Auu… that’s… uuuuh…”

When I spoke with a frank, disappointed voice, Oichi slowly took her hand off her
breast with a bright red face. Seeing her pink nipple made my excitement go through
the roof. The hardness of my big member increased and stood up in high spirits.
Ordering Oichi to lean forward, I licked the pointed end of her right breast with the tip
of my tongue.


I heard an erotic voice from her. However, my gaze was completely blocked by Oichi’s
right breast, so I could not peek at her expression.

“Ahn… Yaaa…”

Licking her pink nipple with the tip of my tongue, it became hard before I knew it. It
wasn’t like it had any taste, but for some reason, it felt really tasty. Her nipple that was
now soiled with my saliva still held a certain elasticity bouncing against my tongue,
which I greatly enjoyed.

“Oichi, service me as well. Just like before.”

“Ye… Yes…”

Oichi, while letting me suck on her nipple, grasped my big member with her flexible
right hand and started rubbing it up and down.

Oh… This is such a bliss. Eventually, with her left hand, she touched my head, and as if
comforting a child, began patting my head.

“Nagamasa-sama… looks just like a baby…”

Oichi stroked my penis and patted my head as she said something like that with a soft

“I’m fine with being a baby. I’m just so obsessed with you that I can’t help wanting to
be pampered.”

“Umm… that’s…”

“I’m saying it’s okay to show my true feelings to a good partner, in other words, to you.”


Receiving my frank and gentlemanly persuasion, Oichi looked confused and had a
flustered face, and as if trying to relieve some of her shyness, she began putting more
effort and affection towards my big member.

“Ummm… Nagamasa-sama, what should I do to make you feel good…?”

“My precious sister-in-law didn’t teach me those type of things, so…” stated Oichi in a
soft and embarrassed voice. I started by sliding the rest of her kimono off, exposing
her upper half completely as I continued to suck on her right nipple. Oichi’s breath
became even more haggard, and in turn, her elastic fingers around my big member
began increasing their speed. Feeling that, I took my mouth away from her right nipple
and brought it over to the left.

The tip of her left breast that had not received any stimulus was still soft. I closed in
and softly kissed it with my lips, making it sway gently. After extending my tongue
towards it, with a little teasing, it gradually became hard.

Oichi gasped every time I rubbed it or when it slightly touched my teeth, and as she
patted my head, she gradually increased the speed of the up and down motion of her
hand that was grasping my member. I felt like I was losing to her, so I placed both of
my hands on Oichi’s breasts and brought both of her nipples towards my mouth. Just
like that, I began sucking and licking both of them at the same time.

While doing so, the sexual desires began to slowly take hold of Oichi and me.

Oichi’s fingers that were wrapped around my big member began moving on their own,
almost like they were different living beings, focusing on the weak spots of my penis
and frenulum. It was still growing bigger through her stroking.

The muscles along my spine began trembling softly, and the burning sensation in my
hips began reaching its climax. As I tried not to show my impatience and keep up my
appearance, I ordered Oichi to stop her service. My words made my dear wife a little

“I-I apologize… Did Oichi do something uncomfortable to Nagamasa-sama…?”

“No, that’s not it. It was really good Oichi.”

I lifted my upper body and embraced Oichi. My actions made a relieved expression
appear on her face, and she let out a relieved sigh in my embrace. She gladly accepted
a kiss I threw at her as she looked up at me from my chest, a happy look on her face.

Starting with small kisses, we gradually entwined our tongues and continued
exchanging deep kisses. Then, as I moved my body lower, I could see that Oichi clung
to me with an expression of wanting more kisses. If Oichi’s mother, Dota Gozen, were
to see this, she would without a doubt faint immediately.

“Oichi… I want to enter you now.”

“Fuah… yes… I understand…”

Oichi, who was still immersed in the aftertaste of our French kissing, was gasping
wildly. However, even though she said ‘I understand,’ it seemed she didn’t know how
to place a man’s penis inside her vagina. Ordering Oichi to sit on her knees above me,
I told her to lower her hips above my big and excited member.

Following my orders, she exposed her true face, succumbed to her carnal desires and
finally, after whispering “please don’t look…”, she devoured my big member with her
wet, sloppy hole.

“A… Aahhn… It went in…”

While making faint splashing sounds like water, Oichi, who devoured my big member
to the entrance of her womb, eventually collapsed onto my chest.

“I-It’s so big… Uaaa… ah… so deep…”

My meat pole was buried in Oichi’s warm and soft vagina, making the burning
sensation from before return as my hips trembled. Not yet, I couldn’t let it end there.

“Oichi, lift up your hips slowly…”

After a slow nod, just as indicated, Oichi desperately lifted up her hips.

“Now drop your hips low enough that your clit hits my abdomen.”


Oichi’s hips descended, and her vagina clamped down tightly. Responding in kind to
her, I began rubbing from her hips down to her butt with my hands.

“Now, just as I taught you… try doing that over and over again.”

From there on began Oichi’s clumsy offensive. Trembling softly, Oichi’s hips lifted
slowly and firmly dropped back down, locking our hips together. The movements
didn’t have much vigor, but the figure of my wife desperately doing her best was quite
tasty to watch. Being able to get aroused just by one’s patterns and actions was one of
sex’s best points.

Speaking of which, while I was enjoying the feeling of ejaculation that was slowly
creeping its way to my hips, I brushed Oichi’s disarranged hair aside. She was
completely captivated with moving her hips up and down. At any rate, the peerless
woman’s face on top of me was slowly melting away with pleasure as her mouth hung
half-open. She was trying to shake her hips with all her might even though she wasn’t
used to doing it; no man would not become excited from such a view. While
desperately suppressing the burning desire to start moving my own hips, I decided to
enjoy the warm sensation of Oichi’s inside thoroughly.

“Nagamasa-sama… Nagamasa-shuama…”

Oichi was calling my name with heated breath from her charming mouth. To answer
her call, I brushed behind her ears, which made her insides tighten up.

“Dosh it fee goo…? Nagamasha-sama, dosh it… goo?”

Filled with more pleasure than she could handle, she became unable to articulate
properly, and with seemingly empty eyes she still spoke to me. Slowly drowning in
carnal desires while desperately trying not to lose sight of me, made the affection I
held for her increase even more. The more we rubbed each other’s skin, the stronger
our feelings for each other became. It was not the same intense intercourse that we
usually had; this time we were taking it slow… the feeling of slow sex was actually
pretty good.

“Mmmnnaa… Fua… Haa… Chu… Kuchu…”

Pulling Oichi’s head closer to my own, I lusted for her lips. Entwining our tongues, I
sucked on it, and while playfully biting her, I kissed her deeply.
Oichi’s hips trembled every time she moved, and she clung to my body. Contrary to
how we usually did it, this time she was the one drowning me in her sweet saliva. In
the heat of the moment, it felt a little like she was marking her territory. From this, I
could understand just how much she was thinking about me.

However, after just a few kisses, I became unable to control my lower body. Even
though they were only sweet kisses with Oichi, they made me unable to hold on to my

I whispered somewhat clumsily, “I’m cumming,” into Oichi’s ear, who was still shaking
her hips and making sloppy sounds. She then entangled both arms around my neck
and pressed her lips against mine.

“Uoooh… Cumming…!”

“Ah… Aaaaaaaa… Fua… ah…”

A dull feeling ran in between my legs, and thick, rich semen spat out the mouth of my
penis along with a dripping sound. With a dull and soft sound, I injected my semen
into Oichi; it was all gulped down and carried to the inside of her womb to the pulsing
of her insides.

“Fuaa… It’s coming… Nagamasa-sama’s thick stuff is… Aaah… being poured into my

Oichi embraced me with her entire body, trembling as she immersed herself in her
climax. It seemed that Oichi’s womb and vagina had completely memorized the
sensation of my big member, which made the entrance to her womb and her sloppy
hole tighten around me, urging for even more semen.

Coiling around my big member, it kept pushing and entangling it like countless little
tongues, soaked in a mixture of semen and love juice. My meat pole was being licked
by her insides. Oichi’s walls earnestly begged for a man’s penis, as if expecting to be
pumped full with even more semen. Every time my penis rubbed her walls, more
semen came out… Little by little the now awakened honey jar of Oichi, was becoming
more and more mesmerized with this pleasant feeling. At that moment, I felt it would
be great if I could throw all the problems concerning the country’s internal affairs to
the wind and just have sex with Oichi the entire day.

However, it would be unwise to do that. If I stirred up dissatisfaction between the

retainers and end up being banished, I would end up walking the same path as that of
Kanesada Ichijou from Tosa.

Oichi developing further as a woman was something I had wished for since I came to
this time period. However, the more I developed her, the more I lose my mind over her
body… yeah, it seemed like this could become quite a huge problem. 1

Once the ejaculation was over, my penis shrunk. I moved Oichi, who was still lying on
top of me, beside me, placing her head on my arm. On top of the futon, my semen was
forming a huge puddle as it poured out of her tired crotch. Seeing this once again
fulfilled my lust for conquest. The real pleasure of coming inside came after the ordeal;
the moment you could see the white fluid oozing out of her was the greatest.

I whispered “It felt good” to Oichi. As she was still lying on top of my arm, using it as a
pillow, she made a happy looking smile and asked for a kiss. Just when I thought she
was fawning over me near my chest… the next thing I knew she was slowly breathing
as if in a deep sleep.

Looks like she was worried about me; steeling herself this entire time must have
exhausted her…

While patting Oichi’s hair, I once again began thinking about the circumstances around
the clash with the Rokkaku Clan.

‘It might be a smart idea to write a letter to Nobunaga.’

Not regarding Kanemitsu Ishiwari, but about the Azai’s victory against the Rokkaku.
In short, by sending such a letter, I would indirectly incite Nobunaga to “Use this
momentum to mow down northern Ise since I reduced the influence of the Rokkaku.”
Since the Rokkaku Clan moved differently from how it was recorded in the history of
my world, there was the possibility that the Oda Clan might also move differently from
what I remember. 2

If by any chance the Oda Clan really didn’t move according to the historical facts, the
threat of the Rokkaku against the Azai Clan could remain within southern and thus
throw the country’s internal affairs into chaos. That’s the one thing I want to avoid the

‘Diplomacy is also necessary after all… ’

I could not let the Oda and the Asakura fight between themselves, and there was also
the need to negotiate with the Tokugawa regarding the manufacturing of cotton.
Besides that, I would try to make some connections to the Imperial Court and use that
as a trump card when I need it. Internal administration, Diplomacy, and Military
Affairs. At the very least, I would have to manage these three topics properly to achieve
the aspirations that I, Nagamasa, have as the head of a well-known family.

‘At the moment… it all seems quite overwhelming… ’

Changing the organizational roots of the Azai Clan might be necessary. On top of that,
I have to look for the right person for the right job, seeking someone that specializes
in a certain subject. If I don’t do that, I wouldn’t be able to obtain the glorious Omi that
I am hoping for… I really didn’t want to admit it, but if I don’t borrow everyone’s
strength, I wouldn’t be able to develop this region.

While embracing Oichi and feeling her warmth, I slowly fell into a deep slumber.

1. I omitted a line in this paragraph since it did not make any sense.
2. I will have to check history again to see if the Rokkaku had anything to do with
the northern of Ise.

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