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Neurol Ther (2019) 8:1–3


Neurology and Therapy: Looking Back on 2018

and Forward to 2019
Marwan Sabbagh . Antonio Bertolotto

Received: January 9, 2019 / Published online: January 30, 2019

 The Author(s) 2019

Dear Readers, • Márcia Waddington Cruz, Federal University

of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We would like to first honour the promise we • Lisa Walker, Ottawa Hospital Research Insti-
made at the end of 2018, to offer fee waivers for tute, Ontario, Canada.
publication in Neurology and Therapy of accepted Regarding articles we feel to be particularly
manuscripts authored by each of our three most impactful, we have each chosen one to which we
valued reviewers. We then take this opportunity would like to draw your attention, and the first of
to reflect on two articles published last year in these is Dr Angelo Ghezzi’s commentary on the
Neurology and Therapy, which we feel are par- ‘European and American Guidelines for Multiple
ticularly impactful, and to speculate over the Sclerosis Treatment.’ The commentary by Dr
exciting opportunities which we hope will Ghezzi underscores the complexity and growth
emerge throughout 2019 to advance knowledge of multiple sclerosis (MS) treatments. With
on therapies for neurological indications. multiple bodies (ECTRIMS, EAN, and AAN)
Towards the end of 2018, in our end of year offering guidelines, there is a need to have per-
‘Acknowledgement to Authors, Referees, and spectives on how the therapeutic field is evolv-
Readers,’ we highlighted our appreciation of the ing, what to anticipate, and how to apply
effort expended by all of our reviewers. In knowledge in clinical practice. Dr Ghezzi’s com-
recognition of this, we are offering to each of mentary informs the audience in such a manner.
the three most valued reviewers in 2018 a free A further article to which we have chosen to
publication for an accepted manuscript. Judg- draw your attention is by Dr Yara Fragoso et al.,
ing for this purpose was a more difficult task ‘Practical Evidence-Based Recommendations for
than we anticipated; our reviewers are dedicated Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Who Want to
and diligent, so we thank all of you once again. Have Children.’ This review addresses an
To meet our promise, however, we share (with important topic, which affects the lives of many
their permission) the names of two of the patients with MS. Knowledge in this field is
reviewers, who we have chosen for this award. advancing fast, and the review updates readers
from the results of a meeting of Brazilian
M. Sabbagh (&) experts in March 2018. Further, although other
Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, recent reviews have also focused on pregnancy
Las Vegas, NV, USA and MS, Dr Fragoso and her colleagues explore
uncommon aspects such as symptomatic drugs
A. Bertolotto often used for patients with MS, men with MS
University Hospital San Luigi Gonzaga, Turin, Italy
2 Neurol Ther (2019) 8:1–3

who want to have children, and assisted repro- progress but major readouts are projected in
ductive technology. In this review article, 2020 or 2021.
readers can find answers to questions which are Further in 2019, we expect real-word data
extremely relevant to the everyday manage- from new drugs for MS and for migraine, we will
ment of MS for patients who are planning to see new artificial intelligence applications in
have children. The first author, Dr Fragoso, is an diagnosis, the results of new wearable devices to
expert in pregnancy and MS and we are hon- measure patients’ performance in their every-
oured that since publishing this review, she has day lives, and more patient-reported outcomes
kindly accepted our invitation to join the Edi- (PROs) in clinical trials.
torial Board of Neurology and Therapy. We have discussed some of the topics above,
In addition to the articles mentioned above, on which we were honoured to publish last
we are also excited that last year’s publications year, but there are exciting developments in
prompted feedback and discussion in the jour- therapies for many neurological indications
nal. Drs Brzezicki and Kobetić authored a letter expected this year, and we very much hope to
on Dr Londos’ article, ‘Practical Treatment of publish research on these. Throughout 2019,
Lewy Body Disease in the Clinic: Patient and therefore, we invite you, our readers, to con-
Physician Perspectives,’ which in turn promp- sider submitting your work to Neurology and
ted Editorial Board Member, Dr Müller, to Therapy.
author an Editorial around the same topic. Happy New Year!
Professor Giancarlo Comi et al. wrote a letter on Marwan N. Sabbagh, Editor in Chief, USA.
Dr Annovazzi et al.’s article, ‘A comprehensive Antonio Bertolotto, Editor in Chief, Europe.
review on Copemyl.’ In both instances, the
original authors responded to these letters, so
thank you to all these authors for your careful ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
contributions to scientific debate. We are
delighted to see that the publications in Neu-
rology and Therapy are prompting this engage- Peer Review. Please note, contrary to the
ment, which can only help to advance journal’s standard single-blind peer review pro-
knowledge for research and clinical practice. cess, as an article written by the Editor-in-Chiefs
Neurology has now for a generation been of the journal this article was not peer reviewed.
transforming from a diagnostically driven field
to a therapeutically driven one and that trend Funding. No funding or sponsorship was
will continue in 2019. We will see advances in received for this study or publication of this
technology in ways that are exciting to behold article.
and consider, including deep brain stimulation
as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease Authorship. All named authors meet the
(AD), MRI-guided focused ultrasound seeking International Committee of Medical Journal
new targets and new diseases to treat, with for- Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
ays into Parkinson’s disease and AD; and con- article, take responsibility for the integrity of
tinued interest in transcranial magnetic the work as a whole, and have given their
stimulation and neurostimulation technologies. approval for this version to be published.
2018 was an important year in the AD space.
We had compelling but mixed results from tri- Disclosures. Antonio Bertolotto received
als investigating BACE inhibitors, RAGE inhi- honoraria for serving on the scientific advisory
bitors, plasma exchange, insulin/metabolic boards of Biogen, Merck, Mylan, and Sanofi
directed therapies, and monoclonal antibodies Genzyme, and received speaker honoraria from
against amyloid and tau. Concomitantly, we Biogen, Genzyme, Novartis, and TEVA; his
saw major advances in biomarker development institution has received grant support from
both in cerebral spinal fluid and in the periph- Almirall, Bayer, Biogen, Genzyme, Merck,
ery. 2019 will push forward with incremental Novartis, TEVA, from the Italian Multiple
Neurol Ther (2019) 8:1–3 3

Sclerosis Society, Fondazione Associazione Open Access. This article is distributed

Ricerca Biomedica ONLUS, and San Luigi under the terms of the Creative Commons
ONLUS. Marwan Sabbagh—stock/ownership: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
uMethodHealth, Versanum, Brain Health Inc., License (
NeuroTau. Advisory: Biogen, Lilly, VTV Thera- by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommer-
peutics, Roche/Genetech, Allergan, Eisai, Gri- cial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
fols. CME: MedLearning Group, Miller Meded, medium, provided you give appropriate credit
Medscape, Rockpointe, Peerview Press. to the original author(s) and the source, provide
a link to the Creative Commons license, and
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This indicate if changes were made.
article is based on previously conducted studies
and does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the

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