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3 Abosch A, Rutka JT. Women in neurosurgery: and increased protein level (124 mg/dL, were treated in isolation. Relative 1
inequality redux. J Neurosurg 2018;
129: 277–81.
normal: 8–43 mg/dL). Nerve conduc­ developed fever and cough on Feb 6,
4 Guraya SY. The usage of social networking tion studies (day 5) showed delayed and relative 2 developed fatigue and
sites by medical students for educational distal latencies and absent F waves in mild cough on Feb 8. Both relatives
purposes: a meta-analysis and systematic
review. North Am J Med Sci 2016; 8: 268–78. early course, supporting demyelinat­ had lymphocytopenia and radiologi­
ing neuropathy (tables 1, 2). She cal abnormalities. In the neurology
was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré department, a total of eight close
syn­drome and given intravenous contacts (including two neurologists
Guillain-Barré syndrome immunoglobulin. On day 8 (Jan 30), and six nurses) were isolated for
the patient developed dry cough and clinical monitor­ing. They had no signs
associated with a fever of 38·2°C. Chest CT showed or symptoms of infection and tested
SARS-CoV-2 infection: ground-glass opacities in both lungs. negative for SARS-CoV-2.
Oropharyngeal swabs were positive for To the best of our knowledge,
causality or coincidence? SARS-CoV-2 on RT-PCR assay. She was this is the first case of SARS-CoV-2
Severe acute respiratory syndrome immediately transferred to the infection infection associated with Guillain-Barré Published Online
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), originat­ isolation room and received supportive syndrome. Given the patient’s travel April 1, 2020
ing from Wuhan, is spreading around care and antiviral drugs of arbidol, history to Wuhan, where outbreaks S1474-4422(20)30109-5
the world and the outbreak continues lopinavir, and ritonavir. Her clinical of SARS-CoV-2 were occurring, she
to escalate. Patients with coronavirus condition improved gradually and her was probably infected during her
disease 2019 (COVID-19) typically lymphocyte and thrombocyte counts stay in Wuhan. We consider that the
present with fever and respiratory normalised on day 20. At discharge on virus was transmitted to her relatives
illness. 1 However, little informa­ day 30, she had normal muscle strength dur­ing her hospital stay. Retrospec­
tion is available on the neurological in both arms and legs and return of tively, the patient’s initial labor­a­
manifestations of COVID-19. Here, tendon reflexes in both legs and feet. tory abnorma­lities (lymphocytopenia
we report the first case of COVID-19 Her respiratory symptoms resolved and thrombocytopenia), which were
initially presenting with acute as well. Oropharyngeal swab tests for consistent with clinical characteristics
Guillain-Barré syndrome. SARS-CoV-2 were negative. of patients with COVID-19,2 indicated
On Jan 23, 2020, a woman aged On Feb 5, two relatives of the the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection
61 years presented with acute weak­ patient, who had taken care of her on admission. The early presentation
ness in both legs and severe fatigue, during her hospital stay since Jan 24, of COVID-19 can be non-specific
progressing within 1 day. She returned tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and (fever in only 43·8% of patients on
from Wuhan on Jan 19, but denied
fever, cough, chest pain, or diarrhoea. Distal latency, ms Amplitude, mV Conduction velocity, m/s F latency, ms
Her body temperature was 36·5°C,
Left median nerve
oxygen saturation was 99% on room
Wrist–abductor pollicis brevis 3·77 (normal ≤3·8) 5·90 (normal ≥4) ·· ··
air, and respiratory rate was 16 breaths
Antecubital fossa–wrist 7·96 5·70 51 (normal ≥50) ··
per min. Lung auscultation showed no
Left ulnar nerve
abnormalities. Neurological examina­
Wrist-abductor digiti minimi 3·04 (normal ≤3·0) 6·60 (normal ≥6) ·· Absent F (normal ≤31)
tion disclosed symmetric weakness Below elbow–wrist 6·54 6·80 56 (normal ≥50) ··
(Medical Research Council grade 4/5) Above elbow–below elbow 8·29 6·60 57 ··
and areflexia in both legs and feet. Left tibial nerve
3 days after admission, her symp­ Ankle-abductor hallucis brevis 7·81 (normal ≤5·1) 7·30 (normal ≥4) ·· Absent F (normal ≤56)
toms progressed. Muscle strength Popliteal fossa–ankle 17·11 4·80 43 (normal ≥40) ··
was grade 4/5 in both arms and hands Right tibial nerve
and 3/5 in both legs and feet. Sensa­ Ankle-abductor hallucis brevis 6·65 (normal ≤5·1) 8·00 (normal ≥4) ·· Absent F (normal ≤56)
tion to light touch and pinprick was Popliteal fossa–ankle 15·95 6·00 43 (normal ≥40) ··
decreased distally. Left peroneal nerve
Laboratory results on admission Ankle-extensor digitorum brevis 5·21 (normal ≤5·5) 1·87 (normal ≥2) ·· ··
were clinically significant for lym­ Below fibula–ankle 12·50 1·49 43 (normal ≥42) ··
phocytopenia (0·52 × 10⁹/L, normal: Right peroneal nerve
1·1–3·2 × 10⁹/L) and thrombocytopenia Ankle–extensor digitorum brevis 11·30 (normal ≤5·5) 2·90 (normal ≥2) ·· ··
(113 × 10⁹/L, normal: 125–300 × 10⁹/L). Below fibula–ankle 18·20 2·70 43 (normal ≥42) ··
CSF testing (day 4) showed normal cell
Table 1: Motor nerve conduction studies
counts (5 × 10⁶/L, normal: 0–8 × 10⁶/L) Vol 19 May 2020 383


pattern of a parainfectious profile, this report should alert clinicians to

Amplitude, µV Conduction velocity,
m/s instead of the classic postinfectious the risk of inadvertent SARS-CoV-2
Left median nerve
profile, as reported in Guillain-Barré infection, even if they work outside of
Digit 2–wrist 15·9 (normal ≥18) 68 (normal ≥50)
syndrome associated with Zika virus.3,4 the emergency or infectious disease
Left ulnar nerve
However, the limitation of this case department.
Digit 5–wrist 16·4 (normal ≥18) 61 (normal ≥50)
is absence of microbiological test­ing We declare no competing interests.
on admission. Besides, the patient’s
Left superficial fibular nerve Hua Zhao†, Dingding Shen†,
Lateral calf–lateral ankle 13·0 (normal ≥6) 52 (normal ≥40)
fever and respiratory symp­ t oms Haiyan Zhou†, Jun Liu, *Sheng Chen
Right superficial fibular nerve devel­oped 7 days after the onset of
Lateral calf–lateral ankle 10·8 (normal ≥6) 55 (normal ≥40) Guillain-Barré syndrome symptoms.
†Contributed equally (appendix).
Left sural nerve There­fore, it is prudent to consider the
Department of Neurology, Jingzhou Central Hospital,
Calf–posterior ankle 15·9 (normal ≥6) 53 (normal ≥40) alternative explanation that the patient Jingzhou, China (HuZ); Department of Neurology,
Right sural nerve coincidentally developed Guillain-Barré Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong
Calf–posterior ankle 15·6 (normal ≥6) 49 (normal ≥40) syndrome of unknown cause and University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025,
China (DS, HaZ, JL, SC).
acquired SARS-CoV-2 infection noso­
Table 2: Antidromic sensory nerve conduction studies comially; although, there was no report 1 Wang D, Hu B, Hu C, et al. Clinical
characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients
of COVID-19 in the neurological ward with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected
See Online for appendix admission2). Considering the temporal during her stay nor in her close contacts pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA 2020;
published online Feb 7. DOI:10.1001/
association, we speculate that SARS- (except for her two relatives). jama.2020.1585.
CoV-2 infection might have been Overall, this single case report 2 Guan WJ, Ni ZY, Hu Y, et al. Clinical
responsible for the development only suggests a possible association characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in
China. N Engl J Med 2020; published online
of Guillain-Barré syndrome in this between Guillain-Barré syndrome and Feb 28. DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa2002032.
patient. Furthermore, the onset of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and more cases 3 Parra B, Lizarazo J, Jimenez-Arango JA, et al.
Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with Zika
Guillain-Barré syndrome symptoms with epidemiological data are necessary virus infection in Colombia. N Engl J Med 2016;
in this patient overlapped with the to support a causal relation­ship. This 375: 1513–23.
period of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Hence case also suggests the need to consider 4 Brasil P, Sequeira PC, Freitas AD, et al.
Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with Zika
Guillain-Barré syndrome associated potential neurological symp­toms of virus infection. Lancet 2016; 387: 1482.
with SARS-CoV-2 might follow the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Furthermore,

384 Vol 19 May 2020

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