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Assessment 1-software engineering

Submitted by_Group T12 sydney

-Nabin Thapa K180659 submitted to-manzur Ashraf

-Robin jung shahi k190688
-Naran Tiwari K180230
-bishal bhandari K91058
Table of contents

3.Functional requirements…………………………………………………….
4: system architecture……………………………………………………………
5.Non-functional requirements………………………………………………...
7.Requirement Prioritization…………………………………………………...
8.Analitical hierarchical process………………………………………………
9.Project scheduling……………………………………………………………
10.Preliminary budget breakdown……………………………………………...
This report provides an initial project plan for Wakanda Institute of technology and
science. A new online live video -based lecture delivery tool (WILSS) has been
created and designed which is able to connect to students all over the world and
provide an advance form of teaching and learning techniques. The new system can
be therefore used in future for advancement of online teaching.

The major factor that need to be undertaken when choosing a method is that we
need to choose a method that increases the success rate of the program. There are
categories of software developing methodologies which can be used as per the
requirement of the users. The factor that enables us to select an appropriate method
for the system developments are the functional and nonfunctional requirements, the
project completion duration, budget allocation and many more(

In the given project the best approach would be agile development method over
other development methods. As in comparison to other development methods agile
method offers a very flexible developing system and is a very transparent method
which also allows to make changes to the program as per the users demands’
development also offers a close interaction with the client and receive their feedback
which other hand might be very useful in making the software work faster and very
efficient and also need ideas can be applied when needed( Ionel, N 2009)
3. System architecture
The diagram below reflects a brief description of system artitecture used in the

Fig 1:system architecture

4.Functional requirement

User class 1: The users

Title: users’ signup

Description: The software has mainly 3 users; WITS, Students, and lecturer. In
order to get access to the system the user will have to set up a portal account and
then log In. They will be given a unique ID no and password.

Rational: To validate user login details and create login credentials.

Title: user login

Description: Once the portal has been created each member will be handed over
with unique login username which they will have to use every time while they log in
to the system. Lecture and student login will have a different unique ID’s

Rational: to assure the security of user’s details.

User class 2: the lecturer

1. Title-Student list
Description- The lecturer should be able to see the list of students enrolled in their
subjects along with their contact numbers-mail ID and student ID. The list includes
only the student who were pre-enrolled.

Rational-to verify if the visitors try to log in.

2-Title: Attendance
Description-The lecturer should be able to overwrite the attendance in case anyone
gets missed during attendance.

Rational-maintain the student records.

3-Title-Start meeting/video
Description-the lecturer would be able to start teaching where the students would be
able to join them. As soon as the meeting starts every moments and data shared are
recorded automatically in the institute portal as well as lecturer portal.

Rational-provide advance education techniques.

4-Title -share screen
Description -The lecturer would be able to share their screen during classes for
learning process.

Rational-To offer better learning techniques and keep record.

5- Title-join in notification
Description-the lecturer gets notification each time someone tries to join the meeting
where they can accept of decline the request.

Rational-to avoid security breach and maintain privacy.

6-Title -End meeting

Description-lecturer will be able to end the session as well as recording stops.

User class 3- The Student.

1-Title-Enroll subject
Description Students will be able to enroll to their particular son as they
enroll, they will be able to access link for their particular subjects meeting.

Rational-Data security and provided meeting links.

2-Title -notification
Student will be notified every time lecturer send them any messages.

3-title -share screen

Student will be able to share their screen when needed.

Rational-prove advance e-learning

5.Non-functional requirements-
-The system can be used and accessed any time.
-confidential and secured practice of data.
-The system has a very easy and friendly interface.
-The system has a very secured way of authenticating and verifying users.


Fig 2--case diagram

Brief- Description-

1- The institute holds the authority over they system. So, they can control
and have excess to all information’s.
2- The user must sing up and log in using their unique ID.
3- Each students and lecturer will have excess to different functionalities.
4- Lecturer can see the student list and reject the student not in list, share
screen, and also be able to excess all data recorded during lecture.
5- Student need to pre enrol into correct subjects and cannot excess the
recorded files, also they can receiver notifications of text and messages
from lecturer.

7.Requirement Prioritization

On basis of the demand of the project for online learning we have a list of the
priorities which are as follows:
Requirements Project Priority level

R1 Data access security 1st priority

R2 Filter students 2nd priority

R3 System efficiency 3rd priority

and transparency
and system interface
R4 Student log in and 4th priority
R5 Data record (Record priority
all data during
meeting between
lecture and student)
R6 Communication 6th priority
security and
authenticate users
R7 Receive notification R7 priority
(both lecturer and

8.Analytical Hierarchical process:

On basis of the prioritization we have also carried out a pairwise comparison on
basis of our priorities.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
R1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
R2 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6
R3 1/3 ½ 1 2 3 4 5
R4 ¼ 1/3 ½ 1 2 3 4
R5 1/5 ¼ 1/3 ½ 1 2 3
R6 1/6 1/5 ¼ 1/3 ½ 1 2
R7 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1
SUM 2.59 4.45 7.28 11.08 15.83 21.5 28

Normalized pairwise comparison:

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Sum
R1 0.39 0.45 0.41 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.25 2.46
R2 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 1.64
R3 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.18 1.13
R4 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.74
R5 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.52
R6 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.31
R7 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.22

Percentage requirement prioritization;

R1=2.46/7.02 *100 =35.04%
R2=1.64/7.02 *100=23.40%
R3=1.13/7.02 *100=16.10%
R4=0.74/7.02 *100=10.54%
R5=0.52/7.02 *100=7.40%
R6=0.31/7.02 *100=4.41%
R7=0.22/7.02 *100=3.13%

9.Project scheduling

One of the very important factors to be considered before starting a project is the
duration to complete it. Without the proper estimated time allocation for the project
the project might not even become successful. There are various factors that might
affect the project directly or indirectly. Time scheduling is one of the factors that
impacts the project directly. A proper time scheduling help to generate and utilize the
resources and the time appropriately. There are many alternatives which can be
used to estimate and schedule a project time.

As per the different requirement of the software the allocated the time phrase for
completion of the software is 265 days. The table below show the time allocation for
each of the steps during the development.
S. N Functions Estimated Days for task
1 Information’s and data collection. 15 days
2 Designing 50 days
3 Data analysis 25 days
4 Prototype and final interface designing 20 days
5 Implement correct coding and finalize 15 days
6 Development of entire system 80 days
7 Final detailing 20 days
8 Testing and releasing of software 10 days
9 Survey and collects feedback 14 days
10 Make improvement (if necessary) 16 days

10.Preliminary budget breakdown;

Budget plays and very crucial role in success of development of the system. Without
the proper estimated allocation of budget project might have to go through some
tough situation or also might result in failure .in general words, budget allocation
helps to take a control over a project and complete it on time
Below is the allocation of the budget for estimated cost required during the system.
Expenses Budgets (in AUD) approx.
1 Cost for allocating staffs(lecturers) 50 million
2 Utensils costs 2 million
3 Designing of system along with graphics and 10 million

4 Hardware’s and software 8 million

5 Maintenance and security of system 5 million
total 75$ million

This report reflects a brief initial design, plans and justification of development of
Wakanda Institute Live streaming system for advancement of advance learning and
teaching techniques. The report discusses about the methodology used for
development of the system in order to meet requirement of the institute. The reports
provide a brief idea about the functional and nonfunctional requirement that needs to
be focused during the development of the system and also has a case diagram that
define the requirement. Each requirement has also been prioritization d depending
upon their importance. Moreover ,budget plays and vital role in completion of a
system .Therefore , the report has also focused on budget allocation on some of the
crucial areas .After the completion of the program the institute will be able to provide
online live streaming classes and also be able to provide vast form of online learning
and teaching techniques.
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