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4068_Ch35_779-808 15/11/14 1:47 PM Page 806

806 UNIT EIGHT Understanding the Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, and Pancreatic Systems

CRITICAL THINKING consumption, but she does have the risk factor of
having had a recent ERCP, which may have dislodged
■ Carl Young a gallstone or irritated the pancreatic duct.
1. Foreign travel within the past 2 months, eating raw 2. Respiratory distress may result from excess fluid ac-
oysters, fatigue, nausea, and irritability suggest hepati- cumulation in the retroperitoneal space and from shal-
tis A virus infection. Recent possible exposure to mate- low respirations that seek to decrease pressure from
rials contaminated with blood or body fluids and the diaphragm on the inflamed pancreas and surround-
fatigue, headache, and nausea suggest hepatitis B ing tissues.
virus infection. 3. Pancreatitis is similar to a chemical burn and may
2. Careful hand hygiene and standard precautions when cause erosion of major blood vessels in surrounding
handling any body fluids or feces should be instituted. tissue.
3. Infectious disease HCP, dietician for nutritional needs, 4. Serum amylase rises quickly and then returns to nor-
social worker for financial information during recovery mal in 3 to 5 days. Serum lipase is thought to be more
period. specific for acute pancreatitis and elevates and stays
elevated for a longer period of time.
4. The nurse should plan to give an antiemetic if Carl is
nauseated. Larger meals should be given early in the 5. Opioids are ordered because pain is intense, and pain
day, with Carl in an upright or sitting position. The with anxiety stimulates the autonomic nervous system,
nurse should also ensure that the environment is free which may stimulate greater production of pancreatic
of noxious stimulants such as unpleasant odors. The enzymes.
diet should be high calorie, high protein, high carbohy- 6. Stomach acid stimulates the production of pancreatic
drate, and low fat. enzymes. Histamine antagonists decrease stomach
5. Any medication that is known to be hepatotoxic, such acidity.
as acetaminophen, aspirin, and diazepam (Valium), 7. Enteral nutrition until symptoms (pain) are resolved,
should be avoided. then oral nutrition.
6. Carl should be taught that cleanliness, especially with
food preparation, is essential; that he should avoid eat- ■ Donna Stewart
ing raw oysters or raw or undercooked shellfish; that 1. Some low-fat diets have been linked to the develop-
frequent hand washing is crucial; and that alcohol and ment of cholesterol gallstones, which then irritate the
other liver-toxic substances should be avoided. gallbladder and cause inflammation.
2. Donna’s physician might order a white blood cell
■ Mrs. Conner count, which will be elevated if she has cholecystitis.
1. Mrs. Conner has a history of poor nutrition that puts In addition, the physician may order an ultrasound or
her at risk, as does her age. radionuclide scan to visualize the gallbladder and its
2. Mrs. Conner may report that she has malaise, nausea, contents and the common bile duct.
weight loss, a change in bowel habits, and dull, aching 3. Donna is 4 months pregnant. Radionuclide scans
RUQ pain. should be cleared with her obstetrical care provider
3. Serum albumin level may be less than 3.2 g/dL. Her pro- before being scheduled.
thrombin time will probably be greater than 25 seconds. 4. You can anticipate that the HCP will order an antibi-
4. Esophageal varices and ascites are the two greatest otic and an analgesic.
concerns for the patient with portal hypertension. 5. Donna will need to eat a low-fat diet after discharge.
5. The physician will usually order diuretics, a sodium- Eventually she may be able to add more fats to her diet
restricted diet, and possibly IV albumin infusions. as her body adjusts.
6. If the diagnosis is confirmed, Donna will probably
■ Mrs. Samuels have a laparoscopic cholecystectomy unless her HCP
1. The most common cause of acute pancreatitis is heavy decides that she needs a traditional cholecystectomy.
alcohol intake. Mrs. Samuels reports no alcohol

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