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Assignment 1

Initial Design – the plan and its justification

Team : Prakriti Bhusal-K190138

Divyanshu Tiwari-K181212
Nischal Gautam-K180742
Saffwan Qamar- K181210
Ranjit Singh- K190726
Table of Contents
Initial project information 3
High-level requirement 3
Scope of Project 3
Major constraints 3
Major functionality 3
Success factor 4
Software Development Methodology 4
Project timeline 5
Preliminary Budget Breakdown 6
References 6

The crucial information about the project such as the project title, project start date, project
end date, and allocated budget for the project is given below:
Project Title: The WITS (Wakanda institute of technology)
Project Start Date: 10/08/2020
Project Finish Date: 16/11/2020

Initial Project Information:
Wakanda Institute of Technology and Sciences (WITS) wants to convert the face to face
learning into online lectures to all students irrespective of where students live. In this project,
WITS want to develop their online live video lecture delivery tool as Wakanda Institute Live
Streaming System. It is the most important project as it will act as the front door to get the
awareness of the advanced teaching and learning process. The purpose of this project is to
have an online teaching and learning process in the world by WITS. The project is intended
to give the online live video-based lecture delivery tool as the name of the Wakanda Institute
Live Streaming System (WILSS). It requires strong support from all the stakeholders,
departments, employees, and most importantly the project team, end-users to complete the
project successfully. This project will generate the expected revenue by satisfying the
stakeholders. The primary function of this project is to create the tool which is used for the e-
class ( online classes) where the lecture is given through the online platform. This tool will be
able to operate two-way communication between the lecturer and the students with may more
features like screen sharing, chat section, hand raise, and many more.
High-level requirement
The major criteria for any project to succeed are to complete the project on time, within the
given budget and backup plan. For the Wakanda institute live streaming system (WILSS), the
high-level requirement is:
- Scope of the project
The main goal of the project is to design and develop an online education provider that
will be able to deliver their own online live video-based lecture and ability to
communicate both the way through this tool. Due to this pandemic situation going
around the world because of the COVID 19, the education system turned to the online
education provider. Our project for the Wakanda live streaming system is the best
platform for the online education provider.
- Major constraints

Proper risk management

The project would be carried out using the resources available, and no additional
resources should be used. The project would need qualified team members to provide
proper training for the new employees. In the case of the project failure, there should
be a backup plan to maintain within a short period. While leading the project, we will
focus on different aspects and we can't expect it to go successfully because we're
doomed to prepare risk management for future procurement again and again. For
example, the project manager will follow the technique from another experienced
project manager to pick up the input from partners and various sources.

- Major functionality
Quality of the project
This refers to the ability of a process or product to meet both defined and implied needs,
with the stakeholders determining those needs. Running the tool smoothly is the topmost
quality of this project.

- Success factor
The next elicit high-level requirement is success factors which include involvement of
the intelligent people. Proper leadership is also one of the key criteria for the success

of the project. As a project leader, one should have to make sure all the stakeholders
should well aware of the risk during the development of the project.

Software Development Methodology

The Quality and proficiency of the software rely upon the philosophy that has been utilized to
assemble the system. There are many procedures to build up a system yet the decision must
be perfect with the system structure. In this way, to build up a viable and gainful system in
less time and inconveniences the Agile methodology will be utilized in our undertaking. The
advantages and importance of picking this method have expounded in the next paragraph. It
is a method that provides a framework for the process of developing a project. It works with
iterations and in an incremental way that helps to reduce troubles while building systems.

The explanations behind choosing this approach are in the passage to come.
 Quality Improvement: - Agile is one of the strategies that center around the quality
and efficiency of the system.
 Focus on the client: - In this strategy, the client checks the framework from time to
time by utilizing it like a genuine condition. That helps the developer and client to
build up a framework with fewer bugs.
 Transparency: - It gives a fascinating opportunity to clients or customers to be
required all through the Endeavor. This can incorporate organizing highlights,
emphasis arranging, and audit meetings, or regular programming manufactures
containing new highlights.
 Easy changes: - Not at all like a Waterfall model, it considers change. While the
gathering needs to stay focused on passing on an agreed-to subset of the thing's
features during each cycle, there is a chance to continually refine and reprioritize the
general item accumulation.


6/18/2020 7/8/2020 7/28/2020 8/17/2020 9/6/2020 9/26/2020 10/16/2020 11/5/2020 11/25/2020








Fig: Gantt chart for project timeline

We developed a project timeline by using the lucid cart. Here we divided the whole project
into different parts and also done allocating time and work needed to take. (i.e. 10 august-
16November, 2020)

Preliminary Budget Breakdown
The budget breakdown is the most important part of a project structure. The financial health
of the system should be monitored at every stage of the project.
The budget breakdown is provided below for one financial year:
Many parts require finances to make the whole system up and running.
The Human Resources required to build the whole system will demand most of the finances.
The main three positions which are the software developer, database administrators, and
security analyst forms the Human Resources for building the system.
The budget to be allocated for Human Resources is estimated to be $200,000 for a total of 93
days' work.
The hardware needed to run the software must be of high performance so that the system is
never down to work. The budget to be allocated for the hardware setup which includes high-
performance systems (to be used by lecturers), high-quality webcams, and back end servers is
estimated to be $2.5 million.
The staff wages for 1 financial year is estimated to be $ 1.5 Million. Staff includes the
lecturers, the data administrator, the security analysts, and control center officers.
The control center hubs will be located within the institute. The total cost for the hubs is
estimated to be $ 2 Million.
Cloud servers should be used to store important lectures which can then be utilized later for
new students. The estimated cost will be around $2 Million.
An additional $2 Million should be kept in reserve for scalable cloud services so that we can
utilize data in-case of an overflow data.
So, the estimated expenses over one year are estimated to be nearly around $10 Million.

What is AGILE? - What is SCRUM? - Agile FAQ's | Cprime. (2020). Retrieved 13 August
2020, from
Sacolick, I. (2020). What is agile methodology? Modern software development explained.
Retrieved 13 August 2020, from
Robbins, T. R. (2019) ‘A Multipart Project Planning and Tracking Exercise’, Decision
Sciences Journal of In
Berman, F., Chien, A., Cooper, K., Dongarra, J., Foster, I., Gannon, D., ... & Reed, D. (2001). The
GrADS project: Software support for high-level grid application development. The International
Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 15(4), 327-344.
Lech, Przemysław. "Time, budget, and functionality?—IT project success criteria revised." Information
Systems Management 30.3 (2013): 263-275.


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