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“Annelina shows ag ain, how y ou can c o ok in an unpro cess e d and na- “ E ating can make y ou happ y – if prep are

are d in the r ight way. Annelina

tural way - and that w ith only a mixer. This b o ok re ally shows in the shows, that this neither has t o b e hard nor c omplicate d or time-
g re atest way, what vast var iet y pl ants hav e t o o ffer.” c onsuming. On the c ontrar y, it b e c omes cle ar how much fun it can b e
t o e at a he althy diet. A w onder ful, c olor ful mix ing-inspiration t o
NIKO RITTENAU - BESTSELLER AUTHOR simply liv e b etter . ..”



Yeah, we can enjoy fat to the fullest!

Fats are good for you! If you chose the right fats, they will add joy to your
As always, for fats apply the rule: the less processed, the better. I rarely
use oil in my kitchen, but I love nuts, seeds and fatty fruits like avocados
and olives!
Believe it or not, unprocessed fats contain so many incredible nutrients,
besides fats alone. When you eat nuts for example, you will not only profit
from their healthy fats, but also get a lot of minerals, vitamins and protein
as a bonus. When you eat olives, you ingest their oleic acid, which is easy
to digest and consists of unsaturated fats. Additionally, they gift your body
some secondary plant substances and vitamin E.
Besides healthy fats, seeds supply precious fiber and vitamins. My favorites
are  flaxseeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds.  Avocados  are the ‘healthy
butter’ from trees, so to speak. In addition to their valuable fatty acids,
they come with several antioxidants. What is more, the coconut does not
live up to its name as it is a berry, believe it or not. Science suggests that
it’s possible to live only from its white pulp and coconut water for weeks
without getting any deficits. When it comes to coconut oil, you can find
many negative headlines in the media as there are lots of saturated fats in
coconut oil, hence the negativity. However, I like to use it for baking as it
can be heated to very high temperatures.
Yet, out of all the saturated fats, medium-chain fatty acids are particularly
interesting. Our body does not store them but extracts them from our food
and transports them to the liver. There, the medium-chain triglycerides
(MCT) are immediately transformed into energy. This in turn improves our
metabolism and boosts fat burning. However, we should still be careful with
the amount of saturated fats we ingest and should therefore enjoy them in
moderate quantities.
Note: Fats protect our organs and are used as long-term energy sto-


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