Nightwatch Case Study: Myanmar Computer Co., Ltd. Course: Comp 1648 B.Sc. Top Up Programme Date: November 24, 2016

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NightWatch Case Study

NightWatch Case Study

Myanmar Computer Co., Ltd.

Course: COMP 1648
B.Sc. Top up Programme
Date: November 24, 2016

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the University of

Greenwich’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Information Technology.

Word Count: 3661

Prepared by: Soe Thu Hein
Student ID: 000958867

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NightWatch Case Study

COURSE : BSc (Hons) Business IT


ASSIGNMENT TITLE : Night Watch Case Study

EXAM CYCLE : December 2016

CANDIDATE NO : 000958867
SUMMITED DATE : November 24, 2016




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DUE DATE : November 24, 2016
SUBBMITTED DATE : November 24, 2016

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NightWatch Case Study

Table of contents
Section A – Management Summary............................................................................................5
SECTION B – High level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritization...............................8
B1.1 .High Level Requirement Review.....................................................................................8
B1.2 high level requirements list and their justifications.........................................................10
B2.1: High level requirements list showing the prioritization...................................................11
B2.2: Prioritizing the requirements and their justifications......................................................11
Section C – Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues........................................................12
C1 (a) Role of the data controller within the organization.......................................................12
C1 (b) Legal, social, ethical and professional issues..............................................................13
C2: The purpose of BCS (British Computer Society) code of conduct....................................14
Practical example for ‘Public interest’ section.....................................................................14
Practical example for ‘Professional Competence and Integrity’ section..............................14
Practical example for ‘Duty to Relevant Authority’ section..................................................15
Practical example for ‘Duty to the Profession’ section........................................................15
References................................................................................................................................ 16

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NightWatch Case Study

Section A – Management Summary

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Atern has been recommended by the head of
the IT division, Sally Miller to the executive of the NightWatch (NW). It is an Agile project
delivery framework for business solutions and it was developed by RAD practitioners. It aims to
give a structure for the development and utilization of business supporting solutions which are
undertaken rapidly and right quality in time. It is applicable to any kind of projects and it has
been tested for daily real world projects.

DSDM Atern describes (8) principles that are essential to the successful utilization of the
method. The eight principles express the team the mind-set they must take to deliver
consistently but remain flexible.
Breaking any of the principles weakens the Atern's basic idea and brings in risk to the
successful outcome of a project. If the DSDM team do not obey all principles, then they will not
achieve all profits of the approach. DSDM's principles enable organization to distribute most
excellent business solutions collaboratively. The (8) principles of DSDM Atern are -

1. Focus on the business need

2. Deliver on time

3. Collaborate

4. Never compromise quality

5. Build incrementally from firm foundations

6. Develop iteratively

7. Communicate continuously and clearly

8. Demonstrate control

In the traditional approach to project management, features of the solution are fixed but time
and cost are to variable. If the project goes off track, more resources are required or the delivery
date increased.
DSDM is an approach for project management with fixed time, cost and quality while
contingency is supervised by changing the features.. One of the conduct DSDM fixes quality of
a project is by approving acceptance criteria for each requirement prior to development begins.
DSDM Atern approach ensures projects are delivered on time and at the required quality
standard by dividing the project into focused, fixed time Project increments and within these into
one or more time boxes.

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NightWatch Case Study

Core techniques used in DSDM Atern are:

1. Timeboxing
2. Facilitated workshop
3. Modeling and prototyping
4. Iterative development
5. MoSCoW Prioritisation

DSDM Atern Life Cycle

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NightWatch Case Study

1. Pre-project phase
2. Feasibility phase
3. Foundations
4. Exploration phase
5. Engineering phase
6. Deployment
7. Post Project
The philosophy of DSDM Atern is that any project must be in line with business
strategic goals that are clearly defined. As for the NightWatch, the system to be developed
must be aligned to the strategic goals of the business – to implement a new system for a
product called WatchThis that will enable the customer to order watch straps according to
the design, color and other criteria.
Moreover, DSDM Atern focuses on real benefits to the business is delivered early. So,
by using DSDM Atern, it will deliver a new system with essential functionalities as soon as
possible rather than the whole complete system in one go. For instance, the new system for
WatchThis will enable the customer to order a range of in-house designed watch strips or
readymade designed watch straps in the first release. Therefore, benefits for the business
will be achieved early with other functionalities are also delivered at regular intervals for
example offering the designs that are requested by the customers.
These philosophy can be achieved by understanding the business objectives of key
stakeholders, empowering them to a relevant level, collaborating with solution developers
together to deliver the right system on right time regarding to the business priorities.
In DSDM Atern, the developing system is more likely to meet business needs because the
users of the system are actively participated in development process. During the
development of the new system for WatchThis, customers or end users of the NightWatch
will be involved so that it will ensure the new system to meets what the customers want
based on their feedback.
DSM Atern also focuses on delivering the projects on time and on budget without
compromising the quality of the product. It ensures that the product is delivered on time by
using timeboxes for business priorities. It never compromises the quality of the product
because the level of quality is set at the beginning, review the development of the product
constantly including prototyping and test regularly.
It could also greatly reduce the risk of building a wrong system because the real end users
are involved throughout the development of the project and evolving elements of the
solution are visible and check regularly. Teamwork is greatly involved in DSDM Atern,
solution deployment will more likely be feasible. The end users involved in the project will
have a better relationship with the solution development team so that they will know whom
to task if the solution do not work as it should and they will be better trained. So, DSDM
Atern would be an appropriate method to be applied for NightWatch.

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NightWatch Case Study

SECTION B – High level requirements analysis and MoSCoW


B1.1 .High Level Requirement Review

High level requirements means that they are functional requirements that can be delivered as a
part of an incremental approach using a timebox or a number of time boxes to the user. A
functional requirement is what should the new solutions or system do, not how it should be done
that is non functional requirement. There are many requirements which are given at the end of
Appendix that are not appropriate high level requirements. These can be identified as follow –

Requirements that are listed by John Davies (Managing Director)

 Our existing customers must be able to login
Reason – the new system will be integrated to the old system of the NightWatch that has
already supported the ability to login for the existing customers.
 The user interface in the new system must be similar to that of our current website for
seamless transition at a later stage.
Reason – Apparently, this is a non functional requirement rather than functional. In general
the user interface of the new system can be develop to be same with that of current website
as a non functional requirement but it is not a high level requirement.
 The site must load quickly
Reason – it is clear that this is how the new system should work. So, it does not need to
take into account as high level requirement for the new system.

Requirements that are listed by Tom Thompson (Shipping, Logistics and Marketing)
 A way for people to return items they are unhappy with
Reason – This does not related to the new system to be developed. This is a company
policy that allows the customer to return items that they don’t like. This can be implemented
separately according to the company’s agreement.

Requirements that are listed by Louise Grant (Shipping, Logistics and Marketing)

 We must ensure that people who use the website can register and login
Reason- This can be considered as a high level requirement. But our old ecommerce
system already had register and login features and the new system WatchThis is planned to

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NightWatch Case Study

be integrated to the old system later. So, this requirement does not need to develop in the
new system.
 Quick and Easy to use the new system
Reason – this can be identified as it is not a high level requirement. It is about how the new
system should be, this relates to performance and design constraint that are non functional
 Hosting
Reason – Specific hosting for the new system will not be required as the old system had
already occupied a hosting. When the new system has developed, it can be integrated to
the hosting of the old system.
 Register a URL and we must not forget to trademark the name WatchThis
Reason – In the same way, the URL of the new system does not need to register
additionally because the old system has registered a URL, for example The trademark WatchThis can be implemented in the URL as .
Requirements that are listed by Jerome Bennett (Shipping, Logistics and Marketing) and that
are not appropriate for high level requirements –
 The site must be safe and secure
Reason – This is not a functional requirement for the new system rather than it is about
security of the site, non functional requirement i.e. how the new system should be done. For
that reason, this cannot be a high level requirement.
Requirements that are listed by Beau Conway (Accountant)
 It is imperative that the website be easy to use
Reason – Likewise, that is already identified as not a high level requirement. It is a non
functional requirement as usability aspect of the new system.

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B1.2 high level requirements list and their justifications

 Allows customers for searching and browsing various 3D designs, with no need to log in.
Justification – most of the users are tired of registration and logging in nowadays. If the
customers do not need to register and log in for searching and browsing watch straps,
the customer will be able to browse various item as soon as webpage is loaded so that
the visitor to the new system will increase significantly.

 Allows customer for selecting designs and wrist size of watch straps
Justification - this high level requirement will enable the customers to choose and
purchase watch straps according to their wrist size and designs from a range of in house
designs of WatchThis. This may result that customers get straps they want exactly (wrist
size) for them.

 Allows customers a method for purchasing an item ( online purchasing)

Justification – this feature will be able customers to buy the watch straps online by
paying with different method such as Paypal, Debit card etc. This will make the buying of
watch straps easier for our customers.

 Let customer make their own designs of watch straps

Justification – this will be persuasive customers because customer will be able to
customize watch straps according to their desired color, design etc for them. This will not
be easy to implement this feature as created designs of customers may have wrong
dimension and unless these are not actual three dimensional designs, it will not work.

 Enable clients to ask questions about the process and items

Justification – if this functionality is implemented, our customer will know clearly about
how watch straps are created and details of a watch strap so that they can easily find
what they need. We can also help customers by give instruction for using new system
such as FAQ.

 Allow clients to checkout and feedback on the new system

Justification- by implementing this task, we can know that customers are facing what
problems in what process. We can review our system according to feedback from the
customers and fix it.

 Collect information about design popularity in new system

Justification – we can make decisions for which types of strap should be produced if we
can gather statistics on most attractive designs. The best selling straps can also be
identified according to rate of purchase for that straps.

 Bookkeeping functionality for the new system

Justification- with the help of this service, we can know that which customer purchases
how many times and what items, the profits of the business and financial aspect of the
new system.

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 Support graphs and figure on sales and sale forecassting in the new system
Justification- sale statistics of the products will be illustrated by using figures and graph
according to sale rate and will also be able to forecast sale for specific item.

B2.1: High level requirements list showing the prioritization

Requirement Prioritization
Allow customers for selecting design and wrist size for straps Must have
Allow customers a method for purchasing online Must have
Allow customers for searching and browsing items without log in Should have
Enable customers to ask question about process and items Should have
Bookkeeping functionality in the new system Should have
Support graphs and figure on sales and sale forecasting Could have
Collect information about design popularity in new system Could have
Allow clients to checkout and feedback on the new system Could have
Let customers make their own designs of watch straps Want to have

B2.2: Prioritizing the requirements and their justifications

“Allow customers for selecting design and wrist size for straps” is set as “Must have” priority
because this is essential for new system. This is fundamental to sell straps as customers will
need to choose designs they want based on their wrist size. So, this feature must be
implemented in the new system.
“Allow customers a method for purchasing online” is set as “Must have” priority in order to
complete the process of purchasing the products. Without this functionality, the new system will
be useless or ineffective. The new system can accept money online for a sold item by providing
a method for paying through the website such as credit card, Paypal etc.
“Allow customers for searching and browsing item without loggin in the new system” is set as
“Should have” for the reason that they are important but the new system can be usable without
it. This element enables customer to explore the various items in the new system with no need
to log in so this may attract customers who are planning to buy the straps in the future because
log in is only required to make purchasing.
“enable customers to ask question about process and items” is set as “Should have” priority to
help customers about difficulties facing in the new system. This feature allows customers to ask
about how to use new system – making payment, searching specific watch straps based on
different criteria and details about items.
“Bookkeeping functionality in the new system” is positioned as “Should have” because it can
help the new system to record how many items are sold, number of customers. These data are
useful in calculating profits of the business that are valuable to make financial decisions of

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Section C – Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues

C1 (a) Role of the data controller within the organization

Data controller is a person who “controls” how to process data for which purpose. According to
the Data Protection Acts, a data controller is defined as : “a person who, either alone or with
others, controls the contents and use of personal data”. The data controller is responsible to
decide for processing of personal data and the way in which that processed personal data is
used for a specific purpose.
In Data Protection Acts, there are stringent rules that are enforced for the processing of data
which are termed as special categories of personal data. The data controller may not process
that kind of sensitive data such as racial origin, personal data relating to health and sex, opinion
concerning about religion, politics etc.These types of special data may only be processed by
clear consent, specific obligation under law, data obviously made public by the subject etc.
A data controller must carry out legitimate processing the personal data with regard to
conditions in the DPA. The following may be determined legitimate processing
 Processing of personal data that is provided in consent by the person
 Processing that is necessary for contract performance
 Processing for administration of justice
 Processing for a function of the government or minister of government
 Processing that is necessary for the legitimate interest of data controller
Once a data controller is legitimate for processing personal data, he must make sure that the
processing is in accord with the principles of Data Protection. For instance, the processing must
be for an exact and legitimate purpose that is described clearly, it must be stored for that
purpose only, it must be relevant not excessive, it must be secure and must not be longer than
that it is required for the purpose.
Finally, the roles of a data controller in NightWatch Company are –
 Notify people what will be done with their personal data.
 Get consent of the people for the data that will be processed for the purpose
 Make sure that collected data is accurate and up to date.
 Remove the personal data that is no longer necessary for processing
 Protect unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure of the data
 Perform processing of personal data in accordance with principles of DPA

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C1 (b) Legal, social, ethical and professional issues

For a big organization, there are many issues that are inevitable:- legal, social, ethical and
professional issues that will be faced.

Legal issues are problems occurred when actions of member in the organization violate the law
such as Copyright, discrimination case, customer dissatisfaction etc. legal issues of NightWatch
may be –
 The designs of watch straps of the company may be similar to that of other company
violating copyright.
 Customer may take an legal action for those product that are not qualified as it should

Social issues may be problems that affect and influence significant number of employee in an
organization, problem between members of the organization, relating to customer or client and
staff of the company. Social issues of NightWatch may be
 There may be discrimination on sex, race of employee of NightWatch, some employee
are rude and offensive to other member.
 Some employee are removed for using drug, or drink in work, some for bad relationship
with customers.
Ethical issues include the misuse of authority, technology, information by staff of the company.
Ethical issues of NightWatch may include –
 Some staff of the NightWatch may modify or alter data of the customer, products or any
other contents used in business.
 Information about the products of the company may be sold to other competitor for
personal profit by member of NightWatch.

Professional issues may be problem relating to actions of the professionals in the organization.
Professional issues for our company may be
 Developers of the new system may fail to fix errors and bugs that are vulnerable to
 Staff of the company may compromise the new system by disclosure of private
information of WatchThis, and lack of skill and knowledge of the professional in their
specific field.

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NightWatch Case Study

C2: The purpose of BCS (British Computer Society) code of conduct

British Computer Society (BCS) is a professional body for its member. BCS defines professional
standards and rules for the members to act member’s behaviors professionally. Those
standards and rules may be higher than that are set up by the general law. As son as a member
of BCS breach any of BCS Code, another member or other who are not BCS member can be
aware to notify BCS immediately. Then the member will be deal with the Institute’s Displinary
The purpose of BSC Code of Conduct is to define professional standards for a member of
British Computer Society. This code is applied to members of BCS and manages the manner of
individual no matter what the business nature.
BCS Code of Conduct has four sections –
Public interest – this section contains codes that encourage the members to be aware for
public safety and to treat with respect and dignity to everyone.
Professional Competence and Integrity- codes in this section direct the members to act in an
ethical manner. Member must also make sure to always improve their skill and update the
knowledge of legislation in their field.
Duty to Relevant Authority- this section expresses that to take responsibilities carefully
according to Relevant Authority’s requirements and not to disclose or misuse of confidential
information without permission.
Duty to the Profession- codes of this section state that to support other member of lower
grade and encourage them.

Practical example for ‘Public interest’ section

For a system developer of the NightWatch, he will need to manage personal data of the
customers carefully, including privacy and security of the data. He will also need to perform
professional activities with discrimination on other people such as give favor for lady. He will
also need to consider safety of the people of NightWatch during development of new system.

Practical example for ‘Professional Competence and Integrity’ section

The system develop of the NightWatch should consider to accept job that is only with his
professional competence rather than accepting all work. He should not also pretend to have a
competence level that he do not have for development of NightWatch new system. According to
the development of the new technologies, he will need to build up his professional skills,
knowledge and competence regularly and also always up to date with new standards and
procedure of his profession. He should consider to avoid to offend other professionals in the
company during development to reputation by wrong action.

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NightWatch Case Study

Practical example for ‘Duty to Relevant Authority’ section

During the development of the new system, being a System developer who have contracted to
NightWatch, the developer ought to consider the act of disclosing the data belonging to the
NIghtWatch. Giving authorization to a system developer should not be done. Utilizing
information with the purpose of gaining personal benefits or third parties’ benefits (For example
the act of disclosing the information which are confidential to other organization) should not be
done. The system developer should only be allowed to disclose the information only when the
permission is granted by the relevant authorized person or with the sake of court of law.

Practical example for ‘Duty to the Profession’ section

As Being a System developer who have contracted to NightWatch, the developer ought
to consider integrity acting in dealing with other professional members to whom the system
developer have to face within the range of profession. There will be a number of professions
operating in the organization and to find an answer to an issue, approaching the issue form all
existing professions should be done. If there is no integrity in relationships, the anticipation for a
plan might not be as expected. In WatchThis system construction, the system should be
developed in accordance with professional integrity not in accordance with what the system
developer wish. The system developer should think of what could be more relevant to the

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NightWatch Case Study

The DSDM Atern Student Workbook – a guide to the definitive Agile framework

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