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Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with

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to make the raw consolidated data admission to an intensive-care unit or Neurology, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam,
from this web-based case report form intubation) might be difficult. Amsterdam, Netherlands (MdV); Department of
Neurology, Spitalul Clinic Judetean Cluj, Cluj Napoca,
open access. The European Academy of Neurology Romania (DM); Department of Neuro-Oncology,
MPS reports personal fees from Biogen, Merck, Teva, (EAN) aims to gather evidence about University and City of Health and Science Hospital,
Novartis, Sanofi Genzyme, Roche, GeNeuro, and the neurological impact of COVID-19. Torino, Italy (RS); Unit of Neuroscience Research,
Medday, outside the submitted work. The Italian Department of Neurological Science, University of
Study Group on COVID-19 infection in multiple
Encompassing 45  000 European Liverpool, Liverpool, UK (AM); Fédération de
sclerosis thanks Roche for donating the web-based neurologists, 47 European National Neurologie, Groupe Hospitalier de la Pitié Salpêtrière,
platform for data collection. The study was approved Neurological Societies, and ten associate Service de Neurologie, Paris, France (MV); Division of
by the Regional Ethics Committee of Liguria Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana,
National Societies from Africa and Asia, Ljubljana, Slovenia (DBV); and Department of
(n 130/2020 – DB id 10433). There is no prominent
authorship and MPS is acting as the corresponding the EAN has created a multidisciplinary Neurology, University of Bern, Inselspital, Bern,
author on behalf of the Italian Study Group on task force, the EANcore COVID-19, to Switzerland (CLAB).
COVID-19 infection in multiple sclerosis. develop: diagnostic and treatment 1 Mao L, Lin H, Wang M, et al. Neurologic
manifestation of hospitalized patients with
Maria Pia Sormani, on behalf of the recommendations for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China.
Italian Study Group on COVID-19 COVID-19 with all subgroups of JAMA Neurol 2020; published online April 10.
infection in multiple sclerosis neurological condition; an online Neuro DOI:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.1127.
2 Toscano G, Palmerini F, Ravaglia S, et al.
For EAN survey on neurological COVID-19 survey on neurological Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with
symptoms in patients
Department of Health Sciences, University of Genoa, complications of COVID-19 (for which SARS-CoV-2. N Engl J Med 2020; published
with COVID-19 see online April 17. DOI:10.1056/NEJMc2009191.
Genova 16132, Italy; and IRCCS Policlinico San more than 4200 responses have been
Martino Hospital, Genoa, Italy 3 Gutierrez-Ortiz C, Mendez A, Rodrigo-Rey S,
com/r/eansurvey_lancet already received as of April 30, 2020); et al. Miller-Fisher syndrome and polyneuritis
1 Li C, Romagnani P, von Brunn A,
Hans-Joachim A. SARS-CoV-2 and Europe:
and the EAN Neuro COVID-19 registry, cranialis in COVID-19. Neurology 2020;
published online April 17. DOI:10.1212/
timing of containment measures for outbreak which arises from a collaboration with WNL.0000000000009619.
control. Infection 2020; published online the Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese 4 Helms J, Kremer S, Merdji H, et al. Neurologic
April 9. DOI:10.1007/s15010-020-01420-9. features in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.
2 Chinese Center for Disease Control and neuro­logical societies and aims to
N Engl J Med 2020; published online April 15.
Prevention. The epidemiological collect stand­ardised information about DOI:10.1056/NEJMc2008597.
characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel
coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China.
demographics, comorbidities, general 5 Li YC, Bai WZ, Hashikawa T. The neuroinvasive
potential of SARS-CoV2 may play a role in the
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 2020; and neurological manifestations, and respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients.
41: 145–51. course and outcome of COVID-19. This J Med Virol 2020; published online Feb 27.
3 Multiple Sclerosis International Federation. DOI:10.1002/jmv.25728.
Global COVID-19 advice for people with MS. registry, launched on April 29, 2020, will
For more information on how to March, 2020. be offered by the EAN to all interested
express interest in the registry
neurologists, neurology departments,
xBbrwcjRTxvQnuzj7 docx-1.pdf (accessed April 23, 2020). and National Societies, together with A call for a global
the necessary ethical, methodological,
For the EANcore COVID-19 and technical support. EAN will also
COVID-19 Neuro
website see https://www.ean.
A call from the European provide a platform for rapid COVID-19- Research Coalition
related literature alerts and information.
This online publication has
Academy of Neurology Difficult times ask for innovative and Reports are emerging at a rapid pace
been corrected. The corrected
version first appeared at
on COVID-19 courageous solutions. Neurologists that the severe acute respiratory on are called on to play their part. The syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
July 20, 2020 The frequency, determinants, and EAN is ready to support and join affects the nervous system in various
evolution of neurological manifesta­ inter­na­tional efforts to alleviate the ways. Preliminary data from Wuhan,
tions associated with coronavirus medi­cal consequences and also the China, suggest that neurological
disease 2019 (COVID-19) remain burden associated with the COVID-19 mani­festa­tions are present in more
unknown, because of few available data pandemic. than 30% of patients presenting with
and the retrospective nature of most All authors declare no competing interests. coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).1
reports.1–4 Furthermore, the possible Neurological features range from
Elena Moro, Gunther Deuschl,
neuro­tropic nature of the virus (leading Marianne de Visser, Dafin Muresanu, quite diffuse neurological signs and
to dyspnoea and respiratory failure) is Riccardo Soffietti, Anthony Marson, symptoms like headache, dizziness,
yet to be confirmed.5 Marie Vidailhet, David B Vodusek, reduced level of consciousness, con­
Neurologists are facing many other *Claudio L A Bassetti fusion, diffuse corticospinal tract signs,
challenges in the current pandemic, and paraesthesia, to more specific
including the management of older Division of Neurology, CHU de Grenoble, Grenoble
mani­festations, such as seizures, stroke,
patients and those with pre-existing Alpes University, Grenoble, France (EM); Klinik für encephalitis, or meningoencephalitis,
neurological disorders for whom ethical Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, and myopathy.1,2 To date, SARS-CoV-2
Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany (GD); Department of
decisions about escalation of care (eg, has not been detected in the neural

482 Vol 19 June 2020

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