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Nature and Scope of our Project

It is believed, that the human brain is a computational system.Through cognitive psychology, we 
would like to develop a prototype, that can be used to evaluate the stress levels in students, 
fundamentally through cognitive inputs, and evaluate how different events in a week like projects, 
assignments and quizzes.Furthermore, how these affect the way they use their mobile applications, 
and how well they score during different weeks with varying schedules. The purpose of this project 
is to find out how a student scores in different tests, essentially determining the stress levels in their 
life. The information processing approach to psychometry are implemented and the nature of 
machine learning and its relationship to psychoanalysis is explored. 
Though our model, our objective is to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of a student’s 
life, and the effect of various external factors ( Workload and personal inclination) have on the 
student's mental health. Through machine learning algorithms, we aim to determine weights to 
different aspects of a students life, to establish their importance with the student’s psyche.These 
aspects may include academic workload, like quizzes, tests, classes which may have a negative 
effect on a student, to positive aspects like lesser number of working hours in the week. These 
attributes can further be manipulated to help students to cope with different situations.  
Supporting Theory  

Computational cognition, also referred to as computational psychology, contributes to the learning of

human psychology through mathematical modeling, computer simulations, and behavioral
experiments. By understanding the basis behind the human method of processing of information.
The two main components of computational cognition are Artificial intelligence and Cognitive
● Artificial Intelligence
● Cognitive Modeling
A model can be used to simulate or predict human behavior, these predictions can be further
used to better human life. ​Psychometrics is a branch of psychology, which employs
statistical methods used for measurement of behavioral traits, knowledge, abilities,and
attitude. This is done through the development of formalised models that bridge
observable phenomenons to theoretical traits, like emotional or intelligence quotient.
These models may include responses for an IQ test, numerical reasoning tests, inductive
reasoning tests or an error checking test. These tests have a wide presence in the fields
of education, industry hiring through organisational psychology, clinical psychology,
genealogy etc. Through the combination of past history of the subject, and measured
experimentation, visualization of statistical outcomes becomes more and more accurate.

The results achieved so far are:

● Feedback forms
● Login
● Report

Discussion :

Through this prototype we aim to help students well being in an academic institution.
The information processing approach to psychometry are implemented and the nature
of machine learning and its relationship to psychoanalysis is explored.

The analysis of academic workload and students' activities to predict the psychometric
well being of students in academic institutions.

The system provides an intensive,inclusive and comprehensive feedback mechanism,

which also includes the psychological well being of students and by extension, the
college faculty.

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